12.12.19 Issue

Page 1


Covering Umatilla, Morrow, & Gilliam Counties

People buy some papers to read... but they read the Nickel to buy! 1055 N. 1st St. Hermiston Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:00

27TH AN­NUAL BUF­ FA­ LO HUNT RAF­ FLE. Troy Li­ ons Club at White­ pine Ranch. Guar­anteed trophy bull pack­ age: hunt, meat, hide, head, horns. $5 tick­et, draw­ing De­cem­ ber 31st, 2019; hunt Janu­ary 2020. Or­der on­line www.Buf­fa­lo­ Raf­fle.com; by mail: Box 11, Troy, Ida­ ho 83871. By tel­e­phone, 208-835-TROY, Visa/ MC WILL PAY CASH FOR COYOTES! 541215-5807

FOR SALE: 1980 Ford Cour­i­er clas­sic pickup, 31,833 origi­ nal miles, au­tomat­ic, nev­er wrecked, $2000 or best off­er; 541-215-7084, call be­fore 9pm, Pen­dle­ton. 2013 GMC Yukon: one owner, 78k miles, $19,995. City Auto Sales, 80857 N. HWY 395, Her­mis­ton, 541561-8314. Vis­ it our col­ or ad on the back page of the De­ cem­ ber 12th is­sue of The Nick­el for a *$500 cou­ pon *re­stric­tions ap­ply. Vins post­ed at deal­er.



1573 S. Main, Milton Freewater OR 97862 metal@northweststeelco.com


10 IR­RI­GA­TION han­ dlines, $60 each; 503206-1496, leave mes­ sage.

LIM­OU­SIN BULLS: Polled, black or red, avail­ able now. Wilde Ranch­es; 541-454-2994.


GERMAN Rottweiler pup! Last female, 9 wks, $700. 509-3790771. TriCities.

Want Ad Newspaper

December 12, 2019 Vol. 42 No. 50

1987 AS­TRO van: air, bed, back stor­ age, see to be­lieve, ask­ing $2500 or best off­ er, 541-938-6510, Mil­tonFree­wa­ter. 4 HAN­KOOK stud­ ded snow tires: P18575-R14 895, treads and studs in great shape, $80 each; 503206-1496, leave mes­ sage.

541-564-1031 • 541-276-3732 AL­FAL­FA HAY: 3x4 bales, $120-$150 per bale. Bar­ley/Al­fal­fa Hay, 3x4 bales, $40 per bale; 541-5671609, Her­mis­ton. GRASS HAY Orchard grass hay big bales, stored in­ side, $140 per bale; Blue grass straw, big bales, stored in­ side $70 per bale; 541-314-0090, Ir­ri­gon.

AUCTION!!! Saturday December 14th. 11:00 am, Preview at 9 am. 80824 Kik rd. Hermiston, Oregon.

1993 Dodge Caravan cargo van, Vulcan anvil, 3 phase converter, Fishing rods, Craftsman tool box, Washer, Dryer, Apartment fridge, Table saw, Band saw, Drill press, Tackle boxes with tackle (salmon, walleye, bass, panfish, trout), Flats full of assorted tackle, Barnett youth bow, Ryobi 18volt cordless set, Power tools, Wrenches, Sockets, Jack stands, Garden tools, Bar on wheels, Rechargable weed eater, Vintage lamp shades, Golf balls, Golf clubs, Desks, Brass portholes, Decoys, Hay knife, Vintage collectables, Binoculars, Disney’s Frozen items, Tumbler, Vintage JOHN WALCHLI potato bag, Air tools, Minn-Kota trolling motor, Outdoor furniture, Tires, Barrels, Spike tooth harrow, Telephone lineman tools, propane cooker, Drill bits, Tap and dies, Crosscut saw, 45 records, Too much to list. More items coming in until auction day.

I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. “In this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; and so you will be my disciples. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• John 15:5 WEIN­ ER PIGS and butcher hogs: for sale please con­ tact Juli; 541-561-9871, in the Board­man area. FOR SALE: 2 large Boer Weath­ ers, mini Nu­bi­an crossed with Dwarf Ni­ger­ian, bucks and doel­ings, 3rd gen­ er­a­tion mini Nu­bi­an, doe and doel­ing, good milk­er, 541-276-0024, Pen­dle­ton.

SHI ZHU PUP­PIES DAD AKC reg­is­tered, 3 males, 1 fe­male, will be 6 weeks old on De­ cem­ ber 19th, $750; 541-377-1912, Pen­ dle­ton. PUPPIES AKC PEMBROKE Welsh Corgi puppies.Health tested.45 years in the breed, pet/show/ breeding.509-5886430,amsburgcorgi@ gmail.com (TriCities). YORKIE Male Yorkie! Ready for his new home now! Current on shots, dewormed, kennel trained, potty trained, born 10/04/19. $800 firm! Call or text, 509-9801206. TriCities.

FOR SALE: 4 16’s stud­ ded snow tires, 215/55R-16XL, ex­cel­ lent con­di­tion, used only 3 months, pur­ chased, No­vem­ber 2018, $450, call if in­ter­est­ed; 541-5671624, Her­mis­ton. 2016 FORD Es­ cape: one own­er 91k miles, clean ti­ tle, $13,890. City Auto Sales, 80857 N. HWY 395, Her­mis­ ton, 541-561-8314. Vis­ it our col­ or ad on the back page of the De­cem­ber 12th is­sue of The Nick­ el for a *$500 cou­pon *re­stric­ tions ap­ply. Vins post­ ed at deal­er. CAB­O­VER Truck Parts- 1974 White Freightlin­ er / 1985 Freightlin­ er – Some cab, some chas­ sis. NO en­gine, Trans­mis­ sion or Dif­fer­en­tials. Call or text 541-3798785.


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This is my attorney, who will help us accurately define “naughty”


See photos on Facebook @ Mikes Auction LLC. • 10% buyers premium. Credit cards accepted. • All items sold: “As Is Where Is”. Call Mike Zook @ 541-5716280 • Ford Bonney: Auctioneer

541-276-6458 410 SE Dorion, Pendleton

C.F. MAR­TIN gui­tar D28 SN 385225, 1976 origi­ nal case; $1500; 541-561-6349, Her­ mis­ton. FREE FIRE­WOOD: down and dead you cut, large var­ ie­ ty; call 541-567-6787, an­y­ time for in­for­ma­tion, Her­mis­ton. LAST STOP FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Mar­ket Place 23 ven­ dors, Re­bel­li­ous Rose, Prem­i­er Jew­el­ ry, Scent­sy, Taste­ful­ ly Sim­ ple and many more, De­cem­ber 15th, 10am-3pm, The Arc, 215 Orchard Ave. Her­ mis­ton, free ad­mis­sion ask­ing for do­na­tions at the door, First 100 peo­ ple in the door ent­er a draw­ing for $100 cash, Come out and sup­port our lo­cal ven­dors, any ques­ tions, call 541571-5691 even­ings. RE­CENT­LY DI­AG­ NOSED with Lung Canc­er: and 60= years old? Call now! You and your fam­il­y may be en­ ti­ tled to a sig­nif­i­cant CASH AWARD. Call 877-628-6308 to­day. Free Con­sul­ta­tion. No Risk. OCEAN CAR­GO stor­ age con­tain­ers: used, new, and of­fic­es. Vari­ ous siz­es, se­cure stor­ age, on ground de­ liv­ ery. “We sell, rent, buy and move con­tain­ers”; In­ sta Stor, Inc; 509765-1376. AT­TEN­TION OX­Y­ GEN THER­A­PY US­ ERS! In­o­gen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. FREE in­ for­ma­tion kit; Call 877929-9587. HER­MIS­TON SIN­ GLES meet­ing: Friday, December 20th at Rae’s Dayz in Umatilla, at 5:30pm. Eve­ry­one wel­come please bring a White Elephant gift for exchange; for in­ for­ma­tion call Mar­ian 541-567-5444 or Ja­ nette 541-701-0167. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. VIAGRA USERS, why pay more? Forty 100 milligram tabs, $169. Call 1-800-607-2519 open every day.

The Nickel -December 12, 2019- Page 2

10”Lx3’9”Wx19”D galvanized Pow­der Riv­er wa­ter trough: 415 gal­ lon, $700 or best off­ er; 503-2061496, Leave mes­sage.

IRRIGATION Hand / Mainline: 4” x 1200’. Ported 1” some with risers/birds, 4 Spigots, 2 Valves $2000. Call or text; 541-379-8785.

GRASS HAY Orchard grass hay big bales, stored in­ side, $140 per bale; Blue grass straw, big bales, stored in­ side $70 per bale; 541-314-0090, Ir­ri­gon.

ALFALFA ORCHARD GRASS/OAT HAY Mix $10 per bale, aver­age 90-95 pounds, no rain, load­ er on site; 541561-7265, Her­mis­ton.

WEIN­ ER PIGS: born Oc­tob­er 25th; 541571-8973. TWO 10 inch galvanized bunk cat­tle feed­ers, $40 each; one 5 inch galvanized bunk cat­ tle feed­ er, $40; 503-2061496, leave mes­sage. PLAN AHEAD Pas­ ture calves for March de­liv­ery, su­pe­ri­ or qual­i­ty, pick now, for more in­for­ma­tion; 541567-6787, Her­mis­ton.

IRRIGATION Coupler: 4” Wade-Rain, Double Female, Knob/loop style. +2 loop latches $50. Call or text; 541379-8785. STEVE’S PIPE STRAIGHT­EN­ING and RE­PAIR 2” and 3” alu­ mi­ num pipe straight­ ened to lay flat, eas­i­er to move. 2” to 6” pipe press re­ pair. Re­ bates avail­ able, for straight­en­ing and re­ pair; Call 541786-1128 or 541-9635494, La­Grande. 9-N FORD trac­tor: runs good, looks good, with rear blade for snow or dirt, $1750; 541-5713845, no texts, Her­ mis­ton. HAY BARN Qual­i­ty 2-tie grass hay, also 2-tie Al­fal­fa hay and other hay available; 541-571-5775. BACk­HOE at­tach­ment for Skid Steer load­ er: has 1’ and 2’ buck­et, $1200; 541-571-2467. ALFALFA SEED Fine stemmed. $2.00/ pound. Phil, Touchet, WA. 509-301-6699.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

GET THE RESULTS YOU’RE LOOKING FOR! Boost Metabolism* Curb Appetite* Maintain Healthy Blood-Sugar Levels* If maintaining optimal body weight were easy, we wouldn’t have needed to create V-Slim: Weight Management. This comprehensive formula boasts multiple ingredients to reduce cravings, boost metabolism, slow cortisol production, and maintain healthy blood-sugar levels. * All this while providing a delicious and hydrating taste experience!* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure. Visit Jvirgil. vasayo.com for more information FIREARMS WANTED Collector buying rifles, pistols & shotguns. Single pieces or complete collections. Legal WA & OR transfers. Free experienced appraisals. 360-7916133. Middleton,ID. GUNSMITHING/ GUN MAKING Complete gunsmithing services (general repairs, restoration, maintenance) for any brand available on the market. Custom builds (high end classic sporting rifles & shotguns). Website: www.brubakerarms.com, phone: 912-659-4505.

$1,749.00 • Thermostat-controlled auto-ignition


IN $1,599.00 STOCK

• 18” max logs • Heats 700-1400 sqft • 55,600 BTU/hour


$50 OFF

Service Over $250



• 18” max logs • 55,000 BTU

1997 FORD F250: 4 wheel drive, ex­tend­ed cab, long box, gold in col­ or, 167,279 miles, 7.5L, V8 gas, $3500 or best off­ er; please leave mes­ sage, 541701-1852, Her­mis­ton. 2017 Chevrolet Equinox: clean title, 88k miles, $14,622. City Auto Sales, 80857 N. HWY 395, Her­mis­ ton, 541-561-8314. Vis­ it our col­ or ad on the back page of the De­cem­ber 12th is­sue of The Nick­ el for a *$500 cou­pon *re­stric­ tions ap­ply. Vins post­ ed at deal­er.

HOMES NEED­ED Pur­ebred Lab pups, 2 black males, 1 black fe­male, weaned, wormed, 2nd Par­ vo, de­clawed, 10 weeks, par­ ents on site, ex­ cel­lent hunt­ers, $585; 541-567-7185 or 541-571-8713, Her­ mis­ton. 3/4 PA­PIL­LON 1/4 Shih Tzu: male, tri­ col­ or 8 weeks, $375; pur­ebred Pa­pil­lons, tri­col­or, black and white, 5 males, ready De­cem­ber 6th, $600, all dew­claws re­moved; 541-962-5484, La­ Grande. PUR­EBRED PO­MER­ A­NIAN pup­pies: 2 fe­ males, 1 male, all white, $700 each; call/ text for more in­for­ma­ tion 509-778-2016, Uma­til­la,

1988 ISU­ZU box truck: 3.9L die­sel with work­ ing lift gate, needs brake work, runs great; 503-206-1496, Leave mes­sage.

COWBOY CORGIS 2 male puppies looking for their forever home! Tails docked, will be ready the 3rd wk in January. Will have 1st shots & deworming. Extreme cuteness. $500 apiece. 541-9695824. Pendleton.

2014 Jeep Wran­ gler: Clean ti­ tle, one own­ er, 85k miles, $26,538. City Auto Sales, 80857 N. HWY 395, Her­ mis­ ton, 541-561-8314. Vis­it our col­or ad on the back page of the De­cem­ber 12th is­sue of The Nick­ el for a *$500 cou­ pon *re­stric­tions ap­ply. Vins post­ed at deal­er.

AKC REG. A U S T R A L I A N S H E P H E R D PUPPIES: raised on working cattle ranch, parents available for viewing, ready on Christmas, tails docked, dewclaws removed, will have 1st shots & wormed. Call/ text 208-777-5152

MUST SELL: 1993 Ca­ dil­lac Fleet­wood, has a re­cent mo­tor and new trans­mis­sion, $2500; 541-571-2467, Her­ mis­ton. 2006 NISSAN Sentra: $3,999; 541-567-5657 or 541-571-8616, Lor­ e­na’s Auto Sales, Her­ mis­ton. Stock & vin post­ed at deal­er. 1993 FORD Crown Vic­tor­ia: great con­ di­ tion, runs good, 105,000 miles, 2 stud­ ded snow tired, $900; 541-276-2416, Pen­ dle­ton. DONATE YOUR car to Ve­ter­ans To­day! Help and sup­ port our Ve­ter­ans. Fast-FREE pick-up. 100% tax de­ duct­ ible. Call 1-800245-0398. 1988 Chevrolet Corvette: clean title, 95k miles, $8,995. City Auto Sales, 80857 N. HWY 395, Her­mis­ton, 541-561-8314. Vis­ it our col­or ad on the back page of the De­ cem­ ber 12th is­ sue of The Nick­el for a *$500 cou­pon *re­stric­tions ap­ ply. Vins post­ ed at deal­er. 2002 Honda Accord: clean title, $2,900. City Auto Sales, 80857 N. HWY 395, Her­mis­ton, 541-561-8314. Vins post­ed at deal­er. 2004 Toyota Corolla: $3,999; 541-567-5657 or 541-571-8616, Lor­ e­na’s Auto Sales, Her­ mis­ton. Stock & vin post­ed at deal­er. 2011 TOYOTA Camry: $8,999; 541-567-5657 or 541-571-8616, Lor­ e­na’s Auto Sales, Her­ mis­ton. Stock & vin post­ed at deal­er.


Service Over $500


2004 DODGE 350 Cum­mins Lar­a­mie: crew cab, 4 wheel drive, du­al­ly, nice shape, very clean, $14,000; 541-7011569, Her­mis­ton.

FOR SALE: 2 large Boer Weath­ ers, mini Nu­bi­an crossed with Dwarf Ni­ger­ian, bucks and doel­ings, 3rd gen­ er­a­tion mini Nu­bi­an, doe and doel­ing, good milk­er, 541-276-0024, Pen­dle­ton.




2013 Toyota Highlander: clean title, all wheel drive, $14495. City Auto Sales, 80857 N. HWY 395, Her­mis­ton, 541561-8314. Vis­ it our col­ or ad on the back page of the De­ cem­ ber 12th is­sue of The Nick­el for a *$500 cou­ pon *re­stric­tions ap­ply. Vins post­ed at deal­er.

harleyswainsubaru.com 1-800-307-9696 • (541)-567-9696 1915 N First St. (Hwy 395 N), Hermiston Bottom of the hill



CHEAPIE TRADE-IN! Great Van. 35th Anniversary. Strong Runner. Nice Inside/Out. Runs Great. 3rd Row. Only $1595 Cash! Only $995 Cash! ‘03 Ford F150 XL 4WD

‘95 Ford Ranger Supercab XLT

5 Spd Manual. Only 178K. 2WD. So Nice Inside & Out. Excellent Runner. Tight. Total Must-See! Tight Driver. Only $4495! Easy Financing Available! Only $3995! Easy Financing Available!

Family Owned!

Monday - Saturday 9am - 7pm 80513 N. Hwy 395 Hermiston, OR 97838 Call Now!! (541) 567-2210

BATH­ROOM REN­O­ VA­TIONS: Easy, one day up­dates! We spe­ cial­ ize in safe bath­ ing. Grab bars, no slip floor­ing & seat­ed show­ers; Call for a free in home con­sul­ta­tion 888-912-4745. GUI­TARS for sale: mint con­di­tion, Fender, Mar­tin, Hag­stram, Man­do­lin; 458-2191870. Ir­ri­gon. DISH TV $59.99 for 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free installation, Smart DVR included, FREE Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply; 1-833-872-2545.

The Clean Spot is the best Laundromat in Umatilla. The cleanest, brightest with the most machines for your convenience. 7th and Switzer, Umatilla. SAD­DLE SIM­CO 3632, $125: Stet­ son hats in box, tack an­ tiques, oil lamps, wag­ on wheels, sew­ing ma­ chines, gold scales, text for pho­ tos; 360609-7421, Uma­til­la. Trade for fire­wood. HELP! HELP! HELP! I’m try­ing to clear the store out and I need your help! Stop by for a price re­ duc­ tion and SAVE on eve­ry­thing! we NEED it gone! And yes, still pay­ ing cash for GOLD jew­ el­ry, sil­ver dol­lars, sil­ ver watch­es, bul­lion, coins. CASH at KC Art & Col­lect­i­bles; 167 E. Main, Hermiston. Tues­daySat­ur­day; 541-289-1800. KIDS CHAR­ACHT­ ERS over 16,000 li­ censed char­at­er pro­ ducts. Avoid pay­ing re­ tail, go to kidschar­act­ ers.org use dis­ count dode: CP53319 4 WILD Coun­ try Rad­i­cal mount­ ed, stud­ ded snow tires:LT245/75R16, 6 lug, $300 for the set; 541-567-4695, Her­ mis­ton. AT­TEN­TION DI­A­BET­ ICS! Save mon­ ey on your di­a­be­tic sup­plies! Con­veni­ent home ship­ ping for moni­tors, test strips, in­su­lin pumps, cathet­ers and more! To learn more, call now! 844-698-4858. OR­LAN­DO + Day­to­ na Beach Flor­ i­ da Va­ ca­ tion! En­ joy 7 days and 6 Nights with Hertz, En­ter­prise or Ala­ mo Car rental in­ clud­ed - Only $289.00. 12 months to use 855403-8409 (24/7)

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

2013 Lexus GS: 99k miles, all wheel drive, $17,566. City Auto Sales, 80857 N. HWY 395, Her­mis­ton, 541561-8314. Vis­ it our col­ or ad on the back page of the De­ cem­ ber 12th is­sue of The Nick­ el for a *$500 cou­pon *re­stric­tions ap­ ply. Vins post­ ed at deal­er.

AWESOME GENTLE GIANTS, CKC Harlequin 1 1/2 year old GREAT DANES, Call 208-553-3088, NO TEXTS.

4 WILD Coun­ try Rad­i­cal mount­ ed, stud­ ded snow tires:LT245/75R16, 6 lug, $300 for the set; 541-567-4695, Her­ mis­ton. CASH FOR CARS: We buy any con­di­tion ve­ hi­cle, 2002 and new­er. Na­tion­wide Free Pick Up! Call Now: 1-800864-5960. 2003 HONDA Civic: $2,999; 541-567-5657 or 541-571-8616, Lor­ e­na’s Auto Sales, Her­ mis­ton. Stock & vin post­ed at deal­er. JAIME’S RE­BUILD­ ERS: en­gines, tran­ ny’s heads, grind­ing, al­ter­na­tors, start­ers, elec­tri­cal jobs, die­sels wel­come, weld­ing and cut­ ting, we also carry engine blocks; 541571-0354, Uma­til­la. EQUIP­MENT rental store. Build­ing, acreage, equip­ment and U-Haul deal­er­ship in scenic north cen­tral Ida­ ho. Hwy. 95 fron­ tage. Own­ers want to re­tire. $700,000. 208983-1300, Grange­ ville.

YORKIE PUPPY: 3 months old, up to date on shots, friendly, ready for new home, $600; 541-564-8964 or 541-371-3347, Hermiston. BEAUTIFUL TOY Australian shepherds: 3 red merels, 1 Tri, males, call to reserve your now; 541-5615116. STANDARD POODLE PUPS AKC, DNA health tested parents, OFA hips/ elbows. Christmas puppies! Tails docked, dewclaws removed, 2 yr health guarantee. Taking deposits now! Ginny, 801-368-3553. Kooskia,ID. AKC REG female yellow Lab, started on waterfowl, all shots current, great family dog. 509-831-6852. Prosser,WA.

TWO 3 draw­er wick­ er dress­ ers; new 36” door with frame; new Ama­ na 2 burn­ er gas cook top, 7 small elec­ tric heat­ ers; 541-5678532, Her­mis­ton. LARGE ESTATE TAG SALE FOR LILLIAN L. SMITH December 14th and 15th from 9am to 4pm both days;  at 1255 SW 16th Place, in Hermiston, Oregon. Lots of old and newer collectibles and many unused items. Bottles, lots of Christmas decor and scenes, jewelry of all kinds, silver platters, dishes & mugs etc., knick-knacks, formal China sets, antique jars, pottery, furniture, kitchen supplies and much more. Indoors and covered carport set-up, street parking; CASH AND PERSONAL CHECK ONLY. EX­PERI­ENCED CAR­ PENT­ER: Her­mis­ton area, have equip­ment, small jobs pre­ ferred, sheds, decks, doors, done right, very very rea­son­able, many ref­er­enc­es; 541-3142411.

The Nickel -December 12, 2019- Page 3

1941 GMC CCKW military transport. Vehicle has been parked, but engine RUNS and is winterized (Nov 2019). A good restoration prospect. Own a Piece of History! $1500. Call or text; 541-379-8785.

SE VENDE equi­po de co­ci­na char­o­las, pla­tos es­tu­fa, plancha stim­er y me­sas de tra­ba­jo; 509-342-4594.

2005 FORD F150 XLT: auto, 4x4, loaded! $10,999; 541-5675657 or 541-571-8616, Lor­e­na’s Auto Sales, Her­mis­ton. Stock & vin post­ed at deal­er.

BEAU­TI­FUL CHER­RY wood TV cab­i­net with doors and side glass shelves, $200 or best off­er; 541-720-3362, Her­mis­ton.

LIFT RE­CLIN­ER Elec­tric lift re­clin­er, brown leath­er, $1000 firm; 541626-1289, Ir­ri­gon.

FOR SALE: 5-6 month old An­gus Heif­ ers: $850 each, have been bangs vac­ci­nat­ed and wormed; 7 bred An­ gus cows, $1400 each; 541-571-2467, Her­mis­ton. TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-985-6262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock.

2008 MAZDA Tribute: All wheel drive, leather, $5,999; 541-567-5657 or 541-571-8616, Lor­ e­na’s Auto Sales, Her­ mis­ton. Stock & vin post­ed at deal­er.

PRE­MI­UM QUAL­I­TY AL­FAL­FA GRASS MIX big bales, $125 per bale; 541-571-1369, Her­mis­ton. MY GOATS want your wee­dy bales of hay for win­ter, Her­mis­ton or Pen­dle­ton area; 541379-1380.


1960 FORD pick­ up: step­ side, 4x4, 4 speed, 6 cylinder, 8ft box, runs, needs to be re­stored, $6000 or best off­ er; 541-3794111, Stan­field. 2010 FORD E-350 pas­seng­er van: only 96k miles, re­ duced price to $9,800, ex­ cel­lent con­di­tion; 541720-3895, Her­mis­ton.

3x4 BALES grass hay, Ti­mothy, $200 per ton; 541-571-7601, Her­ mis­ton.




Rental Mailboxes Secure Package Receiving Notary Service • Fax • Copies Computer Printing 242 E. Main Street • Hermiston OR 541-567-6351 • Mon-Fri 9-6 • Sat 10 - 3:00

GUIDED FISH­ING O’Do­her­ty Out­fit­ ters now book­ ing Fall Chinook & Coho Salmon. 8 hour trips, ful­ ly li­ censed and in­ sured. Call; 541-5713933 for avail­abil­i­ty. MIXED FIRE­WOOD: $175 per cord, de­ liv­ ery avail­able; 541-5717086.

AUCTION NOTICE!!!! SUNDAY December 15, 2019 • Bidding starts at 12 p.m SHARP! LAST AUCTION OF 2019!!! Columbia River Auction, LLC. 80571 N. Hwy 395 Hermiston, Oregon 97838 U.S Army 1918 Dagger, U.S Army Bayonet, Small assorted collection of pocket knives, Vintage Saws, Metal Rolling Shelves, Very Nice Wooden China Hutch, Outdoor Furniture, Yard tools, Five NICE display cases. 1 from early 1900’s, Large vintage Gas Safe, Indian Lifestyle/History books, Indian prints, Indian Saddle Blanket, Man and woman mannequin displays, Awesome Barnwood display unit, Single blade Bottom Plow , OxyAcetylene cart 3 vacuum cleaners, Scooter Chair, Electric recliner, Several pieces of Vintage furniture, Two Vintage floor lamps, Five fish tanks, Antique Treadle Sewing Machine, Antique Spoke Wheel Fire Extinguisher, Draw 80 Poker Machine. , 2 Large file cabinets, Large NRA Belt Buckle Collection, Large Glass paperweight Collection, Collectors Editiin Barbie Dolls , Antique kitchen utensils, Vintage milk can , Fishing poles, camping gear, duck decoys, etc. Wooden picture frames, Golf clubs , Solid doors , Gun Rack , Loads of handtools, Worm Drive Skilsaw , Homelite Chainsaw , Vintage tire pump, DeWalt cordless drill , Large side grinder, Stainless steel sink, Timberline Bike, Two wheelbarrows, Furniture clamps Too many items to list!!!

Beat the snow flurries and spend the afternoon enjoying the indoor heater and a cup of hot cocoa at Columbia River Auction, LLC.!!!

10% Buyers Premium has been implemented, more information and pictures on Facebook at: Columbia River Auction, LLC. • 80571 N. Hwy 395 • Hermiston, Oregon 97838 • Auctioneer: Paul Kramer • 541-3714619 • 541-571-5771





STARTING AT $ 160mo.





81600 HWY 395 N. • HERMISTON, OR 97838

The Nickel -December 12, 2019- Page 4

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

MAKE A Con­nec­tion. Real Peo­ ple, Flir­ ty Chat. Meet sin­ gles right now! Call Live­ Links. Try it FREE. Call NOW: Call 1-877-7379447.18+ FRESH GROUND/ frozen 9010 black An­gus ham­burg­er, 1.5lbs pack­ag­es, $3 per pound, de­pos­it re­ quired; 541-567-8179. GRASS FED/ GRAIN BEEF Grass fed or grain finished beef for sale. Grass fed is all natural beef, no antibiotics/ hormones, off of grass to slaughter, $4/lb. Grain finished beef $4.25/ lb, has been grain finished for 140 days on non GMO grain. No additional fees, price includes all fees. Ready for pick up. Full, half, or 1/4. Delivery available. Frank, 509-492-0149. Hermiston. VIAGRA USERS, why pay more? Forty 100 milligram tabs, $169. Call 1-800-607-2519 open every day. TRAIL­ER FOR golf cart, 4-wheel­ er, gar­ den trac­ tor, metal tiltbed, $450; good used 4-wheel­ er tires, $20 each; 10’ square dog ken­nel, cy­clone, 6’x3’ gate $205; 541571-3845, no texts, Her­mis­ton. S A­L A N­T I ACCORDION with case, $200; 541-5616349, Hermiston. ELIM­INATE GUT­TER clean­ing for­ev­er! Leaf­ Filt­ er, the most ad­ vanced de­bris-block­ ing gut­ter pro­tec­tion. Sched­ ule a FREE es­timate to­day. 15% off and 0% fi­nanc­ing for those who qual­ if­y. PLUS Sen­ior & Mili­tary dis­ counts; call 855995-2490. DIS­NEY VHS tapes: hun­dreds of oth­ers, 25 for $5; 541-567-6787, Her­mis­ton. DEN­TAL IN­ SURANCE: Call Phy­ si­cians Mu­tual In­ surance Com­pa­ny for de­ tails. NOT just a dis­ count plan, REAL cov­er­age for 350 pro­ cedures. 888-6233036 or http:/www. den­t al50­p lus.com/58 Ad#6118

2013 Dodge Avenger: 84k miles, $8,295. City Auto Sales, 80857 N. HWY 395, Her­mis­ton, 541-561-8314. Vis­it our col­ or ad on the back page of the De­cem­ber 12th is­sue of The Nick­ el for a *$500 cou­pon *re­stric­tions ap­ply. Vins post­ed at deal­er. 1952 GMC M211 military 6X6. Frame and bed stretched 5 feet (17’ bed). 500cid Cadillac engine and automatic transmission. Body intact except for canvas cab top. No body rot. Has troop seats, RUNS and winterized, but not road legal $2250 Call or text; 541-379-8785. 2004 Honda Civic: clean title, super clean inside and out, $3,995. City Auto Sales, 80857 N. HWY 395, Her­mis­ ton, 541-561-8314. Vins post­ed at deal­er. 1996 BUICK Cen­tury: starts and runs but cuts out when shift­ing into drive or re­ verse, also needs new as­ sem­ bly that rolls up driv­er wind­ow, en­gine runs strong, in­teri­or is clean and body is straight, tags are good through 2021, $1500 or best off­er; 503-2061496, Leave mes­sage.

The Nickel -December 12, 2019- Page 5

F1B Goldendoodles, will be ready for their new homes January 8th. $1000- $1600. 509-405-8588. TriCities.

2009 CHEVY Traverse LT: all wheel drive, loaded! $8,999; 541-567-5657 or 541-571-8616, Lor­e­na’s Auto Sales, Her­mis­ton. Stock & vin post­ed at deal­er.

SILVER/ CHARCOAL LABS AKC registered silver & charcoal lab pups for sale, born Nov 14th, we have 7 silvers & 5 charcoals. Mom is a very sweet 70 lb silver, & dad is a very cuddly & lovable 104 lb charcoal. Both parents on site. Pups are ready Jan 9th. $400 non refundable deposit, picks are first come, first serve basis. Males are $1000 & females are $1200, both come with full breeding rights. Looking for good, loving homes for our pups. Please contact Jeff, 541-861-1174. MltnFrwtr.

2008 KIA Sedona LX: power windows, power locks, dual slider doors, $5,499; 541-567-5657 or 541-571-8616, Lor­ e­na’s Auto Sales, Her­ mis­ton. Stock & vin post­ed at deal­er.

PUREBRED BLUE Heeler puppies, 2 females & 2 males, $300 ea, born 10/13/19, ready for their forever homes, vaccinated, dewormed. Please text or call, 509-831-6651. Prosser.

2007 NISSAN Quest S: power slider door, DVD rear entertainment, $5,999; 541-567-5657 or 541-571-8616, Lor­ e­na’s Auto Sales, Her­ mis­ton. Stock & vin post­ed at deal­er.

SHIH TZU PUPPIES 2 males, ready Dec 23rd. parents on site, average 13 lbs, $700. 253-509-8203. Prosser.

2014 Dodge Challenger:  66k miles, $14,775. City Auto Sales, 80857 N. HWY 395, Her­mis­ton, 541561-8314. Vis­ it our col­ or ad on the back page of the De­ cem­ ber 12th is­sue of The Nick­el for a *$500 cou­ pon *re­stric­tions ap­ply. Vins post­ed at deal­er.

MINI Australian Shepherd puppies, 6 months old. 3 left: 1 girl, 2 boys, girl is sable color, 1 boy is black tri, & the other is sable, $200 ea. For more info, please text or call, 509-438-6740. Kennewick.

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TOO MANY VE­HI­ CLES 1993 Dodge Da­ko­ta pickup, V-8, au­tomat­ic over­ drive, good win­ ter pro­ ject, $250; 2005 Grand Car­a­van, $400; 541-5712981, Her­mis­ton. 2005 NISSAN Frontier SE: crew cab, v6, auto, 4x4, $9,998; 541-5675657 or 541-571-8616, Lor­e­na’s Auto Sales, Her­mis­ton. Stock & vin post­ed at deal­er.

2015 RAM 1500: 4x4, xtra cab, hemi, au­ tomat­ic, cruise, 73,000 high­way miles, $21,000 or best off­er; 509-5204486, Wal­la Wal­la. 2014 Chev­ro­let Sil­ver­a­do: one own­er, 91k miles, clean ti­ tle, $24,399. City Auto Sales, 80857 N. HWY 395, Her­mis­ton, 541-561-8314. Vis­ it our col­ or ad on the back page of the De­cem­ber 12th is­sue of The Nick­el for a *$500 cou­pon *re­stric­tions ap­ply. Vins post­ed at deal­er.


boulevard $ .00 5 Minimo la Entrada

edad toda la familia, Diversión para con el padre o el tutor minima 10 años

NEED FER­TIL­IZ­ER FOR PLANTS Pre­fer sheep fer­til­iz­er, ap­pre­ci­ate a call; 541567-8179.

1995 BROWN­ING 9mm high pow­ er, ad­ just­able sighs, hol­ster, 2 clips, $1200; 541561-6349, Her­mis­ton.

JOHN DEERE front blade, hy­drau­lic, 2 cy­lin­ders, $350; 541571-3845, no texts, Her­mis­ton.

GUIDED FISH­ING O’Do­her­ty Out­fit­ ters now book­ ing Fall Chinook & Coho Salmon. 8 hour trips, ful­ ly li­ censed and in­ sured. Call; 541-5713933 for avail­abil­i­ty.

LE­FORE AP­PLES ARE READY Several var­ie­ties to choose from. .25/lb. by the box, for sec­ onds. We are lo­cat­ed 1 mile past the Drive-In in Mil­ ton-Free­wa­ter. 54195 Sun­ny­side Rd. watch for signs, 541-938-7349. Closed for Christmas Decemcer 18th.

16ft. PRO-Alas­kan Boat: with trail­ er and 15 horse out­ board, $1000 or best off­ er; call 541-276-1386, Pen­dle­ton. GO GREEN! Get rid of those un­want­ed items, sell them in The Nick­el in­stead of throw­ing them out! Call us to­day and place that ad! 541-5672230 or 541-276-7039.

WINCHESTER mod­el 70- 264 mag, pre 64, DI­ A­ VARI- C - 3x9x36 T scope- Ger­ma­ny, $2200; 541-561-6349, Her­mis­ton. WINCHESTER MODEL 94 Golden Spike edition, great condition, minimal rounds put through it. .30-30 cal. $1100 obo. Call or text, 509-4309986. Tri-Cities.

SNOW BLOW­ER for gar­den trac­tor: new, nev­ er used, $350; 541-571-3845, no texts, Her­mis­ton. GRASS FED/ GRAIN BEEF Grass fed or grain finished beef for sale. Grass fed is all natural beef, no antibiotics/ hormones, off of grass to slaughter, $4/ lb. Grain finished beef $4.25/ lb, has been grain finished for 140 days on non GMO grain. No additional fees, price includes all fees. Ready for pick up. Full, half, or 1/4. Delivery available. Frank, 509492-0149. Hermiston.

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VIN #’s Posted At Dealership. Vehicles Subject To Prior Sale. Prices Good Thru 12/18/19

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

The Nickel -December 12, 2019- Page 6

Employment Section

AIR­LINES ARE HIR­ ING: Get FAA ap­ proved hands on Avia­tion train­ing. Fi­ nan­ cial Aid for quali­ fied stud­ents - Ca­reer place­ment as­sis­tance; CALL Avia­tion In­sti­tute of Main­ tenance 888686-1704. HOUSE­KEEP­ER NEED­ED at Uma­til­la Inn: $11.00/hour, parttime, ap­ ply at, 1370 6th Street, Uma­til­la; 541-922-3271.

COMPUTER & IT TRAINING PROGRAM! Train at home to become a Computer & Help Desk Professional now! Call CTI for details! 888449-1713 (M-F 8am6pm ET) THE SAD­DEST words we can say are, “sor­ ry, you’re too late, the dead­l ine was yes­t er­ day.” So, get your ad in ear­ly! Dead­line is Tues. by 5pm.

MID COLUMBIA BUS IS NOW HIRING FOR MULTIPLE POSITIONS! $500 SIGN ON BONUS SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS AVAILABLE BENEFITS • Part Time (full-time available) • Accident Insurance • Paid Training • Critical Care Insurance • Flexible Scheduling • Dental • No CDL Required to Apply • Medical Plan DIESEL MECHANICS • Vision • $18-$26 an hour DOE • 401K • Diesel Mechanic Exp. (Required)


MID COLUMBIA BUS COMPANY Hermiston • LaGrande • Morrow County Sherman County • Pendleton 541-303-5093 • www.MidCoBus.com

JM EA­GLE Com­pa­ny is looking for a Class A CDL truck driv­ er with cur­rent med­i­cal card and clean driv­ing record. Lo­ cal hauls, home each night, hours nor­mal­ly 7am to 3:30pm, Mon­ day thru Fri­day. Ex­cel­lent ben­e­fits: No de­duct­ ible Med­i­cal, Den­tal, Vision, paid life and ac­cid­ent in­surance, too many ben­e­fits to list, wage DOE. To ap­ ply, come to the plant lo­cat­ed at: 31240 Rox­ bury Rd., Uma­til­la, OR 97882. Hwy 730 West­ bound to Bud Drap­ er Rd. (Port of Uma­ til­ la) go left to the “T” and go right, plant will be on your left. GOOD FOOD! Good for­tune! Good buys! All can be found Nickel clas­si­fieds. AIR­LINES ARE HIR­ ING: Get FAA ap­ proved hands on Avia­tion train­ing. Fi­ nan­ cial Aid for quali­ fied stud­ents - Ca­reer place­ment as­sis­tance; CALL Avia­tion In­sti­tute of Main­ tenance 888686-1704.


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BJK TRUCK PARTS Local company now hiring! Front counter/ parts person, full time, Mon- Fri, & every other Saturday. 1 year experience with computer skills preferred, but will train the right person. Wage DOE. We offer competitive wages & benefit package, including health, 401k, paid vacation, life insurance, & holiday pay. BJK Truck Parts, LLC, EOE. Apply in person, 80862 Hwy 395 N, Hermiston, OR 97838. Or Contact Kelly, 541-571-0938. COMPUTER & IT TRAINING PROGRAM! Train at home to become a Computer & Help Desk Professional now! Call CTI for details! 888-449-1713 (M-F 8am-6pm ET)

AKC GERMAN Shorthair female pup, mostly white, 9 weeks old, fantastic pedigree. Days 509-967-4778; 509-967-1446 eves. Tri-Cities. AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS Purebred Australian Shepherds, all colors, merles & tri, ready to go Dec 1, can hold until Christmas, $500, boys. Tails docked & dewclaws removed, shots, dewormed. 509-540-5628. Prescott,WA.

PUREBRD PAPILLON pups, black and white and tri-color, all dewclaws removed, $500; 541-962-5484. PUR­EBRED GER­ MAN Shepherd pup­ pies: 6 males, 3 females, 9 weeks old, born Sep­tem­ber 24th, 1st shots and wormed, par­ ents on site; 541303-5496, Her­mis­ton. LABRADOR PUPPIES Purebred Black, Yellow. Parents AKC, current on shots, 10 wks, $400. 209-4803366. Boardman Oregon. 5 MALE Pa­pil­lon pups: black and white and tri-col­ors, all dew­claws re­ moved, $500; 541962-5484, Cove.

STAY IN your home long­er: with an Amer­i­ can Stan­ dard Walk-In Bath­tub. Re­ceive up to $1,500 off, in­clud­ing a free toi­let, and a Life­ time war­ ran­ ty on the tub and in­stalla­tion; Call us at 1-855-5346198. TIMBER WANTED Professional, affordable logging & land clearing. Log prices are high, call us today for a free estimate on your timber. 253-310-5923 1 PLOT: Near mau­so­ leum in only ce­metery in Pen­dle­ton, pri­vate par­ ty sell­ ing for $450 plus $25 for half of the ti­tle fee, $475 and sav­ing $205; 541-3794118. DID YOU know that if we don’t ad­ver­tise in The Nick­el, you don’t know we ex­ist? So we want you to know that we have a huge sale go­ing on now through De­cem­ber 21st!!! We will dis­ count like cra­ zy, pric­es will be tak­ en to rock bot­tom! Our goal is to do a par­tial liq­ui­da­tion as we ent­er into 2020! Come vis­it us at KC Art & Col­ lect­i­bles, 167 E. Main St., Her­mis­ton, OR. 541-289-1800, Tues­ day thru Sat­ur­day, 10:30am-6:00pm. And yes, we still buy cash for gold, coins, jewelry, sil­ver, sil­ver­ ware, CASH! BLAZE KING WOOD STOVES Blaze King pel­let stove, many Blaze King parts for old­er stoves, some pipe, 8” to 6”, gone out of busi­ness. Call John; 541-969-3307. Eve­ry­ thing must go!

AUCTION! Saturday December 14th. 11:00 am, Preview at 9 am. 80824 Kik rd. Hermiston, Oregon.1993 Dodge Caravan cargo van, Vulcan anvil, 3 phase converter, Fishing rods, Craftsman tool box, Washer, Dryer, Apartment fridge, Table saw, Band saw, Drill press, Tackle boxes with tackle (salmon, walleye, bass, panfish, trout), Flats full of assorted tackle, Barnett youth bow, Ryobi 18volt cordless set, Power tools, Wrenches, Sockets, Jack stands, Garden tools, Bar on wheels, Rechargable weed eater, Vintage lamp shades, Golf balls, Golf clubs, Desks, Brass portholes, Decoys, Hay knife, Vintage collectables, Binoculars, Disney’s Frozen items, Tumbler, Vintage JOHN WALCHLI potato bag, Air tools, Minn-Kota trolling motor, Outdoor furniture, Tires, Barrels, Spike tooth harrow, Telephone lineman tools, propane cooker, Drill bits, Tap and dies, Crosscut saw, 45 records, Too much to list. More items coming in until auction day. See photos on Facebook @ Mikes Auction LLC. 10% buyers premium. Credit cards accepted. All items sold: “As Is Where Is”. Call Mike Zook @ 541-5716280 Ford Bonney: Auctioneer.

Cargo Containers Cargo for Sale Containers for Sale

BODY/ PAINT TECH We are looking for a qualified body & paint person for a growing restoration company in Yakima. You must have 3 years experience, & have a love for classic cars. Someone who wants to build something great, & not your everyday restoration. We do not do collision work, so you must have the knowledge of how to do complete paint jobs, be able to do pristine body work, set panel gaps & paint. If this sounds like you, give us a call for an interview, 509-9021016.

EASTERN WA CAVALIERS 1 ruby male & 1 Blenheim female need their forever homes. AKC registered Cavalier puppies, with European as well as US champion bloodlines, both sides. 509-2229232. TriCities.

ADOR­ABLE TINY POM/CHI pups: 8 weeks old, can be reg­is­tered, have first shots and wormed, 2 males $500 each, 1 fe­ male, $600. fuzzy like the price; 541-7865677. Cove

LARGE Precious Moments collection, with boxes, 766 pieces; 81 Hallmark Keepsake miniature Christmas ornaments. 509-5822771. Tri-Cities.

GENER­IC VIA­ GRA 100mg Gener­ ic CIALIS 20mg. 60 pills- Only $55. 100% mon­ ey back GUAR­ AN­ TEE! CALL: 888669-9343

& Cargo NUEW SED Containers for Sale 503-420-3940

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LARGE ESTATE TAG SALE FOR LILLIAN L. SMITH December 14th and 15th from 9am to 4pm both days;  at 1255 SW 16th Place, in Hermiston, Oregon. Lots of old and newer collectibles and many unused items. Bottles, lots of Christmas decor and scenes, jewelry of all kinds, silver platters, dishes & mugs etc., knick-knacks, formal China sets, antique jars, pottery, furniture, kitchen supplies and much more. Indoors and covered carport set-up, street parking; CASH AND PERSONAL CHECK ONLY.


www.DryBoxUsa.com 503-420-3940


The Nickel -December 12, 2019- Page 7

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039




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HORSE TRAINING & SALES CONSTRUCTION Townsend Construction LLC Jim Townsend

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Call today get your business noticed in The Nickel Business and Service Directory! (541) 567-2230

The Nickel -December 12, 2019- Page 8

LAST STOP FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Mar­ ket Place 23 ven­dors, Re­bel­li­ous Rose, Prem­i­er Jew­ el­ry, Scent­sy, Taste­ ful­ly Sim­ple and many more, De­ cem­ ber 15th, 10am-3pm, The Arc, 215 Orchard Ave. Her­mis­ton, free ad­mis­sion ask­ing for do­ na­ tions at the door, First 100 peo­ ple in the door ent­er a draw­ ing for $100 cash, Come out and sup­port our lo­cal ven­ dors, any ques­ tions, call 541-571-5691 even­ings.

NICKEL HOURS: 8:30am-5pm, Mon.-Fri. GRASS FED/ GRAIN BEEF Grass fed or grain finished beef for sale. Grass fed is all natural beef, no antibiotics/ hormones, off of grass to slaughter, $4/lb. Grain finished beef $4.25/ lb, has been grain finished for 140 days on non GMO grain. No additional fees, price includes all fees. Ready for pick up. Full, half, or 1/4. Delivery available. Frank, 509-492-0149. Hermiston.

WINTER BUILD SALE Custom Designed & Built to Last!

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Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

MAS­SEY FER­GU­SON 570: 4 bot­tom roll over plow, very good con­di­ tion, $4500, 509-5221480 or 509-520-0380, Wal­la Wal­la.

2000 TOYO­TA Sien­ na, new brakes, new shocks, key stem, 212,000 miles on it, runs real good $2200; 541567-8179, Her­mis­ton.

CORN FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Ground & sold in tote bags, approximately 2000# bag. One bag minimum. Price of $300/ ton. 509-5391333. TriCities.

Fuel Tanks – 28” Diameter: 75 gallon Steel (32”long). Aluminum 100 gal (42”long). $150ea. Also, some mounting brackets/straps. Call or text; 541-379-8785.

550ft. long wheel line, $2000; 503-807-5361, Her­mis­ton.

2007 HONDA Civic: $5,999; 541-567-5657 or 541-571-8616, Lor­ e­na’s Auto Sales, Her­ mis­ton. Stock & vin post­ed at deal­er.

WOOD FOR SALE Red Fir, Ta­mar­ack mix, $220 per cord, free de­ liv­ery avail­able for Her­ mis­ton, Stan­field and sur­round­ing ar­eas; 503-348-4177. 10 IR­RI­GA­TION han­ dlines, $60 each; 503206-1496, leave mes­ sage. AL­FAL­FA HAY: 3x4 bales, $120-$150 per bale. Bar­ ley/Al­fal­fa Hay, 3x4 bales, $40 per bale; 541-5671609, Her­mis­ton.

Welcome to Lexington Pump LLC

Sales Service Installation Trenching Available & Solar Pumping Systems

RE­BUILT START­ERS and Al­ter­na­tors do­mes­tic & Im­ports avail­able. Pric­es starting at $15.00 to $135.00, we carry engine blocks; Call Jaime at 541-5710354, Uma­til­la. NEW 16” tires: 225/50R 16 stud­ ded; P205/70R 15 stud­ ded; P185/70R 14 stud­ded;541-5678532, Her­mis­ton. 2002 BUICK Re­ gal: Grand Sport, su­ per charged, 1 own­ er, leath­ er, sun-roof, heat­ed seats, 170,000 miles, $2500; 509-5200689, Col­lege Place.

COIN AUCTION Sunday, Dec 15th, 2019. Preview 9am, auction 10am, 340 W Hwy 203, Union, OR. Clark & Daughter Auction Barn. Over 325 lots, 68 plus silver dollars, key date coins, silver coins, & a whole lot more. View at www.clarkauctions.com, 10% buyer premium, cash, check, or credit card. Clark & Daughter Auctions, Roger Clark, auctioneer. 541-910-0189. Union,OR. SMALL FARM ES­TATE / MOV­ING SALE Saturday, De­cem­ber 14th, 9am-3pm, in­ side shop, mans par­ a­ dise, 40 years of accumulation! Tools, tools, tools! Drill press, table saw, ir­ri­ga­tion pumps and parts, wheel line mover, spray­ er, disk, hot walk­ er, horse equip­ ment, chain saws, hunt­ing and fishing stuff, couch and love seat, table lamps and end ta­bles, 1993 camp trail­er, like new in­side, 1997 Dodge Da­ko­ta pick-up, too much to list, offers ac­cept­ed everything must go, 34466 Kos­ mos Rd., Stan­field.

P U R E B R E D Newfoundland puppies, 7 wks old, males, $1000, females, $800. 541-963-0893. LaGrande,OR.

THANKS TO Auto Cli­ nic, The Shop, G&R, and Lo­pez Trans­mis­ sion for qual­ i­ ty, fair, hon­est auto re­pairs. Steve Hale.

CHRISTMAS LABRADOODLES C h r i s t m a s Labradoodle puppies, 2 males left, black, & apricot, dewormed, shots. $1000. $500 to hold, & then $500 when you pick up. Contact 509-9457500. Yakima.

CATHET­ER SUP­ PLIES. We off­ er a com­plete line f popular and less­er known pro­ duct to fit your needs, Even the dis­ creet “pock­et cathet­er.” To learn more or to get free sam­ ples, Call 844-540-2092

AKC GOLDEN Retriever, female, 7.5 years old, medium golden, current on vaccinations, good with kids & other dogs. In the house for an hour or two at a time, but mostly an outdoor dog. Asking $180. 509-643-1437. Mattawa,WA. SHIMA PUPPIES 5- 10 LBS Shima puppies, 5- 10 lbs grown, beautiful balls of fluff. Hypoallergenic, non shedding, non yappy, non aggressive. All shots but rabies given. Happy, socialized. 9 puppies avail. All colors, some blue eyes. $650- $750, 2 rescues also available. 509-999-9799.

ROARING ’20s Grab your flapper dress, pinstripe suit, & fedora, & help support our local community by ringing in the next era of ’20s. Dance, drink, & be merry all while supporting children in our Washington State foster care system. https://eventbrite. com/e/ringinginthe-roaring-20stickets-76850121783 AT­TEN­TION: Have you or a loved one used Juul or anoth­ er e-ci­ gar­ette vap­ing de­vice & de­vel­oped a seri­ous health con­di­tion suchas stroke, sei­zure, con­vul­ sions, lung dam­ age, pul­mo­nary is­sue­sin­ clud­ing heart at­tacks? You may be en­ ti­ tled to com­pen­sa­tion! Call now: 844-392-9703. GSP/LAB PUP­PIES: 6 fe­males, 3 males, ex­ cel­lent hunt­ers, ready on De­cem­ber 16th, $400; 541-371-4200, Hermiston.

Who we are: • Full Service pump installation and repair from well to pressure tank or both agriculture and domestic applications. • A local dealer and installer of the best solar pump package in the market today. • Installation of pipe lines, cisterns and complete water systems for most applications. • Full line of excavation equipment for your excavation needs. • We do well rehabilitation for increased water supply and bacterial growth problems.

C.F. MAR­TIN gui­tar D28 SN 385225, 1976 origi­ nal case; $1500; 541561-6349, Her­mis­ton. GUI­TARS for sale: mint con­di­tion, Fender, Mar­tin, Hag­stram, Man­do­lin; 458-2191870. Ir­ri­gon.

www.lexingtonpump.com • 541-989-8448 Cell-Sam: 541-561-8881 • Cell-John: 541-561-3519 Fax: 541-989-8567 • CCB# 199519 P.O. Box 626 • Lexington, OR 97839

FREE FIRE­WOOD: down and dead you cut, large var­ie­ty; call 541567-6787, an­y­time for in­for­ma­tion, Her­mis­ton.

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The Nickel -December 12, 2019- Page 9

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

Fair Housing Laws

under oregon Law 659.033 and under Federal Law 42 usC & 3601 et seq. Which makes it “unlawful... to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation FAIR HOUSING LAWS to make any Under Oregon Law 659.033, and under Federal Law, 42 USC & 3601 et seq. preference, Which makes it “unlawful...to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement,such or advertisement, or diswith respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race,limitation color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or the limitation to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” crimination.”

Real estate Guide Real estate Guide

SEEK AND ye shall find! I shot an ar­row in the air, lost for­ev­ er to my des­pair, my bow was use­less, oh how I cried, till I found anoth­er in the clas­si­fied. Call us today! 541-5672230 or 541-2767039. EX­CEL­LENT 3 bed­ room home for sale: ask­ing $305,000, see at 3 SE Crest­line Pl. in Her­mis­ton, Or­e­ gon. I WILL BUY YOUR BAD REAL ESTATE Land, homes, notes, heir share. I will buy in any condition. Cash ASAP! I am a retired teacher, & am super easy to work with. Don’t fix it, sell it to me. Have a heir share in real estate? Sell it to me. Call Walt, 253-370-5454. Call anytime. 3 BEDROOM 2 bath house for­sale: in Her­mis­ton, call Frost Prop­er­ties; Bob, 541561-5515 or Al, 541561-5310, Her­mis­ ton.

AF­FORD­ABLE LIV­ING! Ya­ki­ma, WA. Down­ town, stu­ dios, rent $450+. All util­i­ties in­ clud­ed, re­frig­era­tor, mi­crowave, bus­line, se­cure. Ask about the Sa­voy Ho­tel also. (509)248-2146 FOR SALE or Rent: $1,100 month, plus $1,100 deposit. Newly remodeled, 3 bed­room, 2 bath­ room, $45,000, lo­cat­ed in all fam­i­ly park, please call; 541276-7632, to set an ap­ point­ment, Pendleton.

RV & PERSONAL storage: security on site and 24 hour security cameras, locked gates, unit sizes: 4’x8’ up to 10’x40’, RV parking up to 48’; call 541-567-3667, Hermiston. 541-567-3981 or find us on the web at; www.her­m is­t on­r en­ tals.info, Pre­ferred Prop­er­ty Man­age­ment Inc.

LARGE SHOP and office, 3600 sq.ft., 1 acre, cyclone fenced, gas heat, 12ft electric roll up door, plus 2 bedroom manufactured home, 795 W. Hansel Rd., $1750 per month, in Hermiston; 360921-9928.

ROOMS FOR RENT Week­ly or night­ly. Please leave a mes­ sage, we will an­ swer when we are in; 509529-0560, A&H Mo­tel, Pen­dle­ton.

NICE 3 bed­room 1 bath house for rent in Board­man with riv­er view, $1100 per month­ ly, in­come needs to be 3x month­ ly rent, 541561-1783.


PreferredProperty inc.

FUR­NISHED STU­ DIOS/Sleep­ ers: all util­i­ties/ca­ble, start­ing at $308 and up per week, plus first, last, and de­pos­it, call Til­li­ cum Inn Annex, Uma­ til­la; 541-922-3236.

FOR RENT: 2 bed­ room 1 bath apart­ment in Uma­til­la, 3 car shop, no yard, no pets, no smok­ing, $750 mont­ly and $750 de­pos­it; call Sam 541-571-3628. MINI STOR­AGE FOR RENT 10’x12’, $45 per month, 8’x20’ gated, light­ed, se­cure; 541567-6065, Her­mis­ ton.

MINI STOR­AGE FOR RENT 8’x20’, $65 per month, gated, light­ed, se­cure; 541-567-6065, Her­ mis­ton.

GREEN ACR­ES RV PARK 3 miles west of Ir­ ri­ gon, on Pa­ter­son Fer­ry Road. $365 per month, $125 week­ly, $25 night­ ly. In­cludes Wi-fi, wa­ter, sew­er, ca­ble, gar­bage and elec­tric. Large re­ crea­tion room with full laun­ dry mat, 6 re­ mo­ deled bath­ rooms and show­ers, hand­i­cap ac­ ces­si­ble, clean, quiet, safe; 541-481-2205.

Metal Roofing & Siding Manufacturer -545-017 09




TWO MAN­U­FAC­ TURED homes lo­ cat­ed in adult park in Pen­ dle­ ton, for rent at $700 per month plus de­pos­it, wa­ter, sew­ er and gar­ bage paid; 541-379-0851.

1 BED­ROOM Mo­bile Home: lo­ cat­ ed in a com­mun­i­ty for adults over 55 years. $525 month which in­ cludes wa­ter, sew­er,gar­bage and space rent. Cov­ ered car­port with stor­ age and also has laun­ dry facil­ i­ ties on site. Great lo­ca­tion, close to shop­ping, city park, and down­town Her­mis­ ton. 541- 561-5657.


RE-HABBED 3 bedroom 2 bath mobile home, in Pendleton Mobile home park, must see, very nice, $48,000 willing to finance with your good credit; for appoint please call office for showing; 541-2767632.

HOUSE FOR RENT 1.5 bed­room, 1.5 bath, dogs wel­ come, avail­ able now, lo­ cat­ ed in Mil­ton-Free­wa­ter; 541314-5651.

LARGE SHOP and office, 3600 square feet, 1 acre, cyclone fenced, gas heat, 12ft electric roll up door, plus 2 bedroom manufactured home, 795 W. Hensel Rd., $1750 per month, in Her­mis­ton; 360-9219928.


AT­TEN­TION DE­VEL­OP­ERS 9 acr­es in Her­mis­ton, zoned Ur­ ban growth res­i­den­tial, and a nice 1600 square foot home plus a 2 car detched garage and RV space rental, and water rights, $395,000; 360-9219928, 2055 NW Geer Rd., Hermiston.

SE RENTA trai­la con dos cuar­tos y un bano en bue­nas con­di­ ciones; 509-342-4594.


10 ACR­ES zoned res­i­den­tial: city util­ i­ties avail­able, also includes a 3600 square foot shop and 3 bedroom home, 2055 NW Geer Rd., Her­mis­ton. Rental in­ come $3000 per month plus farm in­come; 360-9219928.

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The Nickel -December 12, 2019- Page 10

HOUSE FOR rent in Stanfield: 2 bedroom, 1 bath, no pets, $500 deposit, $700 per month; 541-701-4837 or 541-720-8354. OA­SIS RV PARK Spaces for rent, $400 per month. In­ cludes elec­tric, sew­er/wa­ter, ca­ble tel­e­vision, Wi­Fi, laun­dry, free show­ers and rest­ rooms, Short walk to riv­ er, bank, restaurants, etcetera. 170 W. HWY 730, Ir­ ri­gon. 541-922-2699, clean and quiet. HOME FOR rent on Wil­ son Lane in Board­ man, $950 per month, avail­able 2nd week of De­cem­ber, call for de­ tails; 541571-1912.

ROOM FOR rent in Ir­ri­ gon Or­e­gon: $200 de­pos­ it, rent de­pends on your needs; 541-377-5555. DUPLEX FOR RENT very nice 2 bed­room, 1 bath, fresh paint, fresh car­pet, wa­ter sew­er and gar­bage paid, wash­er/ dry­ er hook up, small stor­age area out­side, no pets, no smok­ing in unit; $975 per month $500 de­pos­it; 541-571-9406.

USED HOMES Single, double, & triple wide manufactured homes for sale. Various ages & prices. Delivered & set up. All Star Home Sales, LLC, MSD 581. Milton Freewater. 509-520-7625.


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838


Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

TOP PRICES paid for horses and cattle. Buy, sell or trade. Call Chuck at 509-9856262, Formerly Gary Seal Livestock. BUYING ALL CLASSES OF HORSES J.A. Ben­nett Live­stock; 541-523-6119, 541519-2802.

ONE BIG grown ranch horse: bomb proof, gentle for anybody, $4,000; 541571-6936. OLD PA­RADE sad­dle with breast col­lar, lots of bling, $1000 or best off­er; 541-720-4367, Her­mis­ton.

NO­TICE! IF an er­ror oc­ curs in your clas­si­fied ad, or if your ad is in­ad­ver­ tent­ly left out of the pa­per, please no­ti­fy us im­me­ diate­ly! We are re­spon­si­ ble for only one in­cor­rect in­ser­tion. If it is our er­ror, your ad will be cor­rect­ed and run again in the next pub­li­ca­tion. Dam­ag­es are lim­it­ed to only the cost of the ad­v er­t ise­m ent. We are not re­spon­si­ble if an MANAGEMENT in­cor­rect ad is run in more than one is­sue and we have not been no­ti­fied.

541-567-3981 PreferredProperty inc. 541-567-3981 PreferredProperty RENTAL PROPERTIESinc. 541-567-3981


$725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6 $725 - 80x36 Storage and Office Space, Pendleton 51052 NW B-C #6

$650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage $650 - 82074 N. HWY 395 Commercial Property With HWY 395 Frontage

12x10 - $55; 12x12 - $65; 12x15 - $75;

12x10-12x44 $65, -12x12$70,- $130 12x15- $80, $195; 12x30 12x10 $55; 12x12 $65; 12x15 - $75; 12x30$150.00, Gate Storage Units12x44- 1835 N$210.00 1st Pl. 12x44 - $195; 12x30 - $130 Gate Storage Units - 1835 N 1st Pl.


705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306

705 S. 1st St., HERMISTON • (541) 567-3981 • Fax (541) 567-4306


Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St. Call for Pricing - RV, Boat Trailer Storage - 705 S. 1st St.





MON­GOOSE 90: for­ ward/ re­ verse au­ tomat­ic trans­mis­sion, elec­tric start, front and rear brakes. $2750. Fi­nanc­ing avail­able, $55 per month on approved credit, 541922-1213, Bon­neys Ag, Her­mis­ton. SIDE BY SIDE 2017 CF Moto 500 Trail, 4x4, load­ed, roof, windshield, P.S., low range, lock­ers on front and rear, winch, CB ra­ dio, gun racks, only 520 miles, health forces sale, $7800 or best off­ er; 541-980-4939, NO TEXT­ING, Her­mis­ton. MON­GOOSE 70: elec­ tric start, in­ tend­ ed for ages 6 and up. Fi­nanc­ ing avail­ able, $2199, 2.99%, $0 down, $60 per month on ap­ proved cred­ it, 541922-1213, Bon­neys Ag, Her­m­iston. END YOUR ENERGY WOES WITH HIGH-END ENERGY Enjoy natural, sustained energy* Enhance mood and cognition* Replenish your body* If you’re like most people, you’re looking for an energy boost to take on your daily tasks, improve overall performance, and say goodbye to fatigue. For those reasons, MicroLife V3 has been specifically formulated with naturally derived ingredients that boost energy to help you conquer your day every day! *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Visit Jvirgil.vasayo.com for more information

BATH TUB con­ ver­ sion to walkin show­er, sim­ple fast and eco­nom­i­ cal, call Jeff; 541379-0268 CCB# 190775. THE HANDYMAN CAN do just about an­ y­ thing from win­ter yard clean-up to haul­ ing off scrap metal. Will also shov­ el off your dri­ve­way and side­ walk when that win­ter snow comes in! Call and leave a mes­sage or text: 541-2159899. J MAD­RI­GAL Con­ crete: Dec­o­ra­tive con­crete, foun­da­ tions, stamp­ing, stain­ing, flat work, curbs, re­mov­al & ex­ca­va­tion; call for free es­ timate 970366-9184 or 541626-2030. Li­censed, bond­ed, in­sured. WA# 03372302, OR# 213691. FOR BABYSITTING IN HOUSE CALL VANESSA LINDLY; 541-314-1993. TIMBER WANTED Professional, affordable logging & land clearing. Log prices are high, call us today for a free estimate on your timber. 253-3105923 THE SPI­D ER looks for a mer­chant who doesn’t ad­ver­tise so he can spin a web across his door & lead a life of un­dis­turbed peace. DON’T let this hap­pen to YOU! Place an ad in the Nick­e l to­d ay! 541567-2230, 541-2767039.

OCEAN CAR­GO stor­ age con­tain­ers: used, new, and of­fic­es. Vari­ ous siz­es, se­cure stor­ age, on ground de­ liv­ ery. “We sell, rent, buy and move con­tain­ers”; In­ sta Stor, Inc; 509765-1376. AT­TEN­TION OX­Y­ GEN THER­A­PY US­ ERS! In­o­gen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. FREE in­ for­ma­tion kit; Call 877929-9587. HER­MIS­TON SIN­ GLES meet­ing: Friday, December 20th at Rae’s Dayz in Umatilla, at 5:30pm. Eve­ry­one wel­come please bring a White Elephant gift for exchange; for in­ for­ ma­tion call Mar­ian 541-567-5444 or Ja­ nette 541-701-0167. AN­TLER BUY­ER Rick Hen­drick­son, deer, elk, and moose, all grades; 541-2155807, Pen­dle­ton, OR. SAD­DLE SIM­CO 3632, $125: Stet­ son hats in box, tack an­ tiques, oil lamps, wag­ on wheels, sew­ing ma­ chines, gold scales, text for pho­ tos; 360609-7421, Uma­til­la. Trade for fire­wood. HELP! HELP! HELP! I’m try­ing to clear the store out and I need your help! Stop by for a price re­ duc­ tion and SAVE on eve­ry­thing! we NEED it gone! And yes, still pay­ ing cash for GOLD jew­ el­ry, sil­ver dol­lars, sil­ ver watch­es, bul­lion, coins. CASH at KC Art & Col­lect­i­bles; 167 E. Main, Hermiston. Tues­daySat­ur­day; 541-289-1800.


PreferredProperty inc. 705 S. 1st St. • Hermiston, OR • 97838

View our available rentals on: Zillow & Craigslist 541-567-3981

AKC REG black Lab female puppies, deposit required to hold, just in time for Christmas! Will have age appropriate shots & deworming, dewclaws removed. 509-831-6852. Prosser,WA. AKC LABRADOR RETRIEVERS Both yellow & black Labs, males & females available! Excellent hunting lines, & great all around family dogs. Always loving & loyal! Puppies come with full AKC registration, dews, dewormed, current on shots, microchip, & guaranteed to be free of all breed specific diseases, including EIC. $1200, with $250 deposit. Serious inquiries, call 509386-9637. Waitsburg, WA. PUREBRED German Shepherds, $250. 509628-7536. TriCities. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS Purebred German Shepherds, 7 wks old, both parents on site, $400. 541-720-4404. Hermiston. QUEENSLAND BLUE Heelers, standard & miniature, $150$650. Please call, 541-640-1242 (no texts). Highdesert heelers10@gmail.com SPANISH WATER DOODLES Ready now, 2 boys left. Mom F1b Goldendoodle, dad pure Spanish Waterdog. 509-5818055. Burbank, WA. 5th GEN­ER­A­TION pur­ebred Si­be­rian Husk­ies: 5 males, 1 fe­ male, first shots, come with a pup­py pack! For more in­for­ma­tion, call; 541-371-1918, Stan­ field. 13 WEEK old purebred German Wire Hair pups available in Ellensburg, current on shots, both parents on site, $600 ea. Please call Mark, 509-929-1804 for more info. $300 FOR XL PITBULL PUP Four XL Pitbull puppies left, 1 female, 3 males, parvo protected, dad is 120 lbs. 509-3172270, calls only. Or text, 509-490-4472. Yakima. F1B Goldendoodles & white Standard Poodle males, sire is OFA tested. This offer will only be until 12/15/19: Doodles are $175, & Standard Poodles are $450. 509-405-8588. TriCities.

Hermiston (541) 567-2230 • Pendleton (541) 276-7039

RE­CLIN­ER, elliptical step­per; 541-5678532, Her­mis­ton. MY LOSS YOUR GAIN Like new: Whitfield pellet stove, $1100; Italian leather sofa, loveseat, chair, ottoman, $1500; Oak bedroom, $700; Oak bedroom, $800; Electric recliner, $350; Oak bar & 2 chairs, $150; Oak entertainment, $50; Oak chest, $50; 4 tall oak mirrors, $100; Oak coffee table, $50; Oval maple coffee table, $100; 4 stainless roller clothes racks, $100; 2 oak lamps, $100. New: Fireplace with granite mantle, $1100; Christmas village, $5500; Swarovski crystal, $5000; 3 pinecone lamps, $450; FAO Schwartz life size baby panda, $90; Oak 3 way mirror cabinet, $50; Barbwire Suite dishes, $350; Western/ horse decor. Antique: 8’x45“ curved glass curio, $1100; Cherry queen sleigh bed frame, $300; 78”x49” oak mirror hutch, $495; Doll, $100; Teak cargo chest, $400. 509578-1203. TriCities. POW­ER LIFT Re­clin­ er with sin­ gle mo­ tor, high back, over­ stuffed design. Two-but­ton rem­ote con­trol mechan­ ism to ad­just po­si­tions to lay back, re­cline, lift and tilt to stand. Cho­ colate brown plush fab­ ric. Sep­ a­ rate gel seat cush­ion is in­clud­ed. $100 firm. Call 541922-8949, Uma­til­la. KING BEDROOM SET King oak headboard with glass doors & electrical outlets, upright 5 drawer dresser & 5 drawer dresser with mirror, exc cond, no damage, originally purchased at Walkers Furniture, Kennewick. Asking $500 obo. 509727-3579. TriCities.

HUGE ESTATE SALE FRIDAY, SAT, 9AM5PM Huge Estate Sale. 7000 sq.ft of treasures! We buy estates & sell the contents every Fri & Sat, 9am-5pm. ET Estate Sales, LLC. 422 E Columbia Dr, Kennewick. Near the Cable Bridge, next to Zip’s. 509-539-9775. AUCTION! Saturday December 14th. 11:00 am, Preview at 9 am. 80824 Kik rd. Hermiston, Oregon.1993 Dodge Caravan cargo van, Vulcan anvil, 3 phase converter, Fishing rods, Craftsman tool box, Washer, Dryer, Apartment fridge, Table saw, Band saw, Drill press, Tackle boxes with tackle (salmon, walleye, bass, panfish, trout), Flats full of assorted tackle, Barnett youth bow, Ryobi 18volt cordless set, Power tools, Wrenches, Sockets, Jack stands, Garden tools, Bar on wheels, Rechargable weed eater, Vintage lamp shades, Golf balls, Golf clubs, Desks, Brass portholes, Decoys, Hay knife, Vintage collectables, Binoculars, Disney’s Frozen items, Tumbler, Vintage JOHN WALCHLI potato bag, Air tools, Minn-Kota trolling motor, Outdoor furniture, Tires, Barrels, Spike tooth harrow, Telephone lineman tools, propane cooker, Drill bits, Tap and dies, Crosscut saw, 45 records, Too much to list. More items coming in until auction day. See photos on Facebook @ Mikes Auction LLC. 10% buyers premium. Credit cards accepted. All items sold: “As Is Where Is”. Call Mike Zook @ 541-5716280 Ford Bonney: Auctioneer.

1994 FORD F250, long bed, runs great, nice truck back in its day, $3000 obo. 503724-8272. Hermiston. 1986 FORD box van, needs distributor & timed, fix it & save! Box & can in good shape. $2500. Trade for construction service, or container. 509-2228737. Burbank, WA. 1987 AS­TRO van: air, bed, back stor­ age, see to be­lieve, ask­ing $2500 or best off­ er, 541-938-6510, Mil­tonFree­wa­ter. CAB­O­VER Truck Parts- 1974 White Freightlin­ er / 1985 Freightlin­ er – Some cab, some chas­ sis. NO en­gine, Trans­mis­ sion or Dif­fer­en­tials. Call or text 541-3798785. 1993 FORD Crown Vic­tor­ia: great con­ di­ tion, runs good, 105,000 miles, 2 stud­ ded snow tired, $900; 541-276-2416, Pen­ dle­ton. DONATE YOUR car to Ve­ter­ans To­day! Help and sup­ port our Ve­ter­ans. Fast-FREE pick-up. 100% tax de­ duct­ ible. Call 1-800245-0398. 1988 Chevrolet Corvette: clean title, 95k miles, $8,995. City Auto Sales, 80857 N. HWY 395, Her­mis­ton, 541-561-8314. Vis­ it our col­or ad on the back page of the De­ cem­ ber 12th is­ sue of The Nick­el for a *$500 cou­pon *re­stric­tions ap­ ply. Vins post­ ed at deal­er. 2002 Honda Accord: clean title, $2,900. City Auto Sales, 80857 N. HWY 395, Her­mis­ton, 541-561-8314. Vins post­ed at deal­er.

Lube, Oil, & Filter

The Nickel -December 12, 2019- Page 11

BOXER PUPPIES, 1 white female, 10 wks, tails, dewclaws, shots, dewormed. $600. Please call/ text, 509-949-5292. Yakima. COW DOG PUPPIES! These puppies are ready for their new homes! Lighter one is male, & darker one is female. Dad Catahoula/ Heeler, mom is Idaho Shag. First shots given. Please call 541-6769807. Located in Heppner,OR. HUS­KY PU­PPIES: 6 weeks old, 1st shots, wormed, ready to go, $500, call or text; 541-571-4198 or 541-561-7345, Her­ mis­ton. SHI ZHU PUP­PIES DAD AKC reg­is­tered, 3 males, 1 fe­male, will be 6 weeks old on De­ cem­ ber 19th, $750; 541-377-1912, Pen­ dle­ton. GERMAN Rottweiler pup! Last female, 9 wks, $700. 509-3790771. TriCities.


MXU 700: $7500, only $145 per month on ap­ proved cred­it. Armed Forces dis­ counts up to $250 avail­ able on qual­i­fy­ing pur­chas­es. 541-922-1213, Bon­ neys Ag, Her­mis­ton. 2016 CUB CA­DET Chal­leng­er 500: blue in col­or, side by side, lim­it­ed mile­age/hours, call for in­for­ma­tion or to see; $5000; 541571-0702, Her­mis­ton. OUR READERS are the greatest! Thanks for reading The Nickel. MXU 450: 4x4, $4999, only $95 per month on ap­ proved cred­ it. Armed Forces dis­ counts up to $250 avail­able on qual­i­fy­ing pur­chas­es. Frieght and set up not included; 541-922-1213, Bon­ neys Ag, Her­mis­ton. UXV 450i: 4x4, loaded, $10,900, only $209 per month on ap­ proved cred­it. Armed Forces dis­ counts up to $250 avail­able on qual­i­fy­ing pur­chas­es. 541-9221213, Bon­neys Ag, Her­mis­ton.

CRAFTS­MAN 10 inch table saw with pow­er stand and ac­ces­so­ries: stand has ad­just­able casters, 2 ex­tra blades, $225; 541-240-1849. LAWN­MOW­ER PARTS House of Mow­ers own­ er re­tired so the busi­ ness is closed. 100’s of new lawn­mow­er parts are for sale at cost: 541-656-5416, ask for Per­ry. FINALLY GOT him to part with all the stuff he hasn’t used in years? We can get it sold before he changes his mind! The Nickel! We get results! 541-567-2230. NEW 42” bandsaw mill, 13 hp electric start eng, 20’ track, $3700. www. BurgBandsawMills. com, 541-572-2445. Myrtle-Point,OR. STOP PAY­ING more and start pay­ ing less! Our clas­si­fied ad­ver­tis­ing rates are hard to beat! Take a look ar­ound and we think you will agree. Call and place your ad to­day! 541-567-2230 or 541-276-7039.

CARS AND trucks want­ ed: 2002 and new­er, any con­di­tion, run­ ning or not, com­ peti­tive off­er! Free tow­ ing, we’re na­tion­wide! Call now; 1-888-4162330. FOR GREAT re­s ults in your busi­ness, try a dis­play ad! Look to The Nick­el to pro­duce a dis­ play for your busi­ness, large or small. Cir­cu­ la­tion of over 16,000 in Uma­til­la, Mor­row, & Gil­liam coun­ties. For more in­for­ma­tion, con­ tact an sales rep­re­ sen­ta­tive at our of­fice. You will no­tice the dif­ ference im­me­diate­ly! 541-567-2230 or 541276-7039. LOOK­ING FOR 3 bed 2 bath house ap­prox­ imate­ly: mid­dle aged cou­ple, mar­ried 40 plus years, 11 year old 50 pound dog raised from birth, look­ ing for home with­ in 10-15 miles of Wil­dhorse Ca­ si­no for new job. Pos­ si­ bly long term rental or rent to own, can pay $1200-$1500 per month, please call; 541-656-5143.





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