SESSIONS FA L L 2 0 1 6 By Tiffany Sigmon PHOTOGPRAPHY
About Me I have always been the girl who played dress up and dreamt of pink and sparkley things. I was the girl who used to force everyone to model for my moms point and shoot camera from the age of 5. I was even the girl who legitamately enjoyed picture day at school, even though all of my friends hated it. I’ve lived my life following whichever way my creative desires have pulled me. This landed me in a high school photography class, opening my mind to the idea of becoming a photographer. That’s when I let myself dream bigger. After marrying my best friend and high school sweetheart in 2011, he gifted me a camera. I unwrapped the box, but what I didn’t realize then was that I also unwrapped the beginning of my career. With a little experience, some training, and a lot of heart, I set out to become a photographer. And that’s precisely what happened. Since the inception of my business, I’ve found my true passion is still the same; playing dress up, photographing friends, and making them look & feel beautiful. I let my dreams steer me and it resulted in taking a risk I’m proud of. Today I’m a senior portrait photographer living in Virginia with my husband, David. I set out to create a great portrait experience, styled to tell your story, and shoot beautiful & timeless images that you’ll love.
FIND ME ONLINE www.tiffanysigmon.com
G Phi
sister sessions # GPhiSisterSessions
A few years ago I had a mini session day catering to best friends and hilighting their relationships with one another. Ironically, I made a new friend from that shoot, Jordan Simpson! Since then Jordan has become one of my closest friends and has joined the sorority, G Phi. Because we’re so alike, Jordan and I are always looking for any reason to have a photoshoot, and so the G Phi Sister Sessions were born. This day is simply all about your relationship with your family in G Phi. I will be highlighting the special relationship you share with your Big, Little, G. Big, and anyone else you might have in your fam. Of course, this shoot is about getting a new portrait of you, too. This is a special and very important time in your life. You’re making lifelong relationships and it deserves to be documented in a beautiful way!
So grab your sisters and let’s drink hot chocolate!
What to wear If you were apart of the G Phi sessions last semester, you know how frilly we were! We dressed up and a lot of you wore pink. This year, we wanted to embrace the excitement of fall. So you and your sisters should dress in your favorite scarf and winter accessories for a cozy shoot with warm colors.
Let’s get cozy!
Hair & Makeup Come with your hair and makeup done in a way that makes you feel beautiful. Feel free to let your hair down in loose curls or a cute updo that you might not wear every day! In my professional opinion, your hair and makeup being done can really make your images stand out.
Long hair, don’t care. Short hair? Don’t care, either.
We’ll have handmade accessories from Hello Cozy available as props during your session. Find the perfect hat, scarf, or earwarmers to match your outfit and give a cute variation to your portraits. These accessories will also be avaialbe for purchase.
Find Hello Cozy Online: www.etsy.com/shop/HelloCozyHandmade
Mood Board
Details Location Newport News Park S E S S I O N I N F O R M AT I O N -30 min sessions
-Online gallery of -2 5 - 3 0 h i g h r e s o l u t i o n d i g i t a l images of each group with full and unlimited reproduction rights
E A R LY B I R D R AT E book before October 30 $35
Additional Information Fe e l f r e e t o b r i n g y o u r o w n p r o p s s u c h a s s c a r ve s , G -P h i g o o d i e s , b l a n ke t s , h a t s , m i t te n s , o r a ny t h i n g e l s e t h a t yo u ’d l i ke . Regulations -All groups require at least 2 sisters to each slot. -T h e r e a r e n o l i m i t s o n h o w m a n y groups you can be a part of. -T h e r e i s n o m a x l i m i t s o f s i s t e r s p e r group.
Follow Us Follow me and Jordan on Instagram for updates!
Instagram: @tiffanysigmonphotography @jordansimspon71 #TiffanySigmonPhotography #GPhiSisterSessions
What to Expect You can expect the first 10 minutes of your session to be devoted to group/family portraits. The other 20 minutes will be devoted to photographing single portraits of you and your sisters individually.
Booking Please join us for the second G-Phi Sister Sessions on
N o v. 1 9 t h , 2 0 1 6 Sessions times will range from
8:00am-3:00pm To b o o k y o u r s p o t f o r y o u r s i s t e r s , s i m p l y v i s i t
answer the questions on the form, and I’ll be sure to book your slot for you and your sisters within the next 24 hours.
# GPhiSisterSessions
T I F FA N Y@ T I F FA N Y S I G M O N.C O M www.tiffanysigmon.com 804.832.6061