CONCENTRATIONCAMPS The term concentration camp refers to a camp in which people are detained or confined, usually under harsh conditions and without regard to legal norms of arrest and imprisonment that are acceptable in a constitutional democracy. Were built with the cheapest material possible. Such as wooden or concrete slabs. Along with young children, the Nazis usually killed the mothers, and older sisters. For the children at Nazis were showed no mercy. Auschwitz III– Monowitz, also known as Buna– Monowitz (a labor camp); and 45 satellite camps. Auschwitz had for a long time been a German name for Oświęcim, the town by and around which the camps were located; the name "Auschwitz" was made the official name again by the Germans after they invaded Poland in September 1939. Birkenau, the German translation of Brzezinka. referred originally to a small Polish village that was destroyed by the Germans to make way for the camp. Auschwitz was the largest concentration camp established by the Germans Auschwitz II, (also named Birkenau). Auschwitz III.Auschwitz I was the main part and
concentration part of the camp, Auschwitz II was the extermination (or killing) part, and Auschwitz III was the labor part. The prisoners of Auschwitz III worked for the I.G. Farben works, an SSwar plant, and many other nearby factories. In Auschwitz II, trains arrived almost daily, conveying hundreds of Jewsfrom practically every Jewish-populated country in all of Europe. In the end, at least 1.1 million Jewswere killed in Auschwitz. 75,000Poles, 21,000Roma, and approximately 15,000 Soviet prisoners of war were killed, bringing the total number of deaths at Auschwitz to a minimum of 1,211,000people! Auschwitz was a bad place. The prisoners were starved to death. They would lock a massive amount of people in a room and leave them there without food. After a few days, they would place some soup or bread just outside the door and let the people out. They would laugh at the Jewstrampling each other to death to get at the food.The gas chambers and crematorium were kept going every day, and the smell of burning flesh filled the air constantly. Dr. Mengele, the physician at Auschwitz had a passion for twins. But after a while, the "fun" began. He would draw blood from the twins' arms and necks, sometimes daily. And if he had finished his "experiments" with one pair of twins, he would either have them gassedor injected with a lethal poison.