School in 2020 - Team Work

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Learning Event Tiina Sarisalmi November 2012

FUTURE SCHOOL - SCHOOL IN 2020 Team Work Results 1. The Future Classroom and Learning Environments 2. Learning and the Learner in 2020 3. Teacher’s Profession in 2020

eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi


Introduction to the team work ………………………………………………………………………………………


Team A



Team B



Team C



Team D



Team E



Team F



Team G



Team H



Team J



Team K



Team L



Team M




eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

INTRODUCTION TO THE TEAM WORK 1. The Future Classroom and Learning Environments In this topic, we're discussing new technologies and equipment. What kind of technologies will we use in the 2020 classroom? What do the classrooms look like? Are there desks any more? Are there separate classrooms or classes any more? How will all the changes affect learning? Recent trends in learning technology: • • • • • •

cloud services mobile technology specialization visualization interactivity socializing (social networks)

Recent trends in learning environments: • • • • • •

independent of place and time learning communities intertwining and integration of formal and informal learning from closed, private environments to open environments and networks from physical space to virtual space out from the school building to the outside world both in reality and virtually

How do these trends affect learning? Which of them will survive? Can you see new trends in technology emerging? What kind of standing would you take for BYOD - bring your own device - at school?

2. Learning and the learner in 2020 In this topic, we think about and discuss the future school from the viewpoint of the learner and learning. We can discern three scenarios which will probably overlap to some degree and be dominant at different age levels. Three scenarios of learning from the learners' point of view: 1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based-learning (the curriculum is based on skills so that the students can choose what and how they learn according to their strengths and interests, joining and leaving groups, studying at home or at school with a teacher as a tutor and a guide) 2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods (this resembles a lot the student-centered flipped classroom model in 2

eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

which students study alone at home and most of the work at school is in collaborative teams and networks) 3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools (this resembles most the current system in which the subject content is defined in the curriculum and modern effective tools and digitalized learning materials are used under teachers' control) List of trends and hot topics in learning • • • • • • •

independent learners and individual learning paths differentiation student-centered learning methods and collaborative learning (project, inquiry or problem based) peer assessment and continuous assessment developing learning materials: digital, visual, interactive, videos games based learning flipped classroom

Key skills and competences in 2020 What are they and where and how they are best learned?

3. Teachers' profession in 2020 • • • •

What's teacher’s role in the future classroom? In addition to those needed today, what new skills and competences will be required from a teacher? How will teaching environment be different? How will teachers' continuous professional development be arranged?

Trends in teaching: • • • • • • •

from teaching alone to teaching together (co-teaching) from teaching each subject separately to holistic teaching in teams teachers as guides and facilitators from teacher's individual autonomy to collective autonomy from teacher-centered to learner-centered from classrooms to virtual environments from hierarchies to networks

Five Scenarios: Teachers’ profession in 2025 Scenario 1 - European Education Network


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

Scenario 2 - MyNetwork Scenario 3 - Intelligent Agents Scenario 4 - Diversified Teaching Careers Scenario 5 - Offline Networking


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi




Students’ age

Fernanda Cristina Gonçalves


3 - 6 years old

Maria da Luz Borges


3-6 years old

Miriam Schembri


3-5 years old

Dana Avram


3-6/7 years old

Susanna Serpe


6 - 10 years old

Alina Dezso


2 - 6 years old

Ana Patrícia Ferreira


6-10 years old

Gazdac Vasilica


3-6 years old

Reneta Raicheva


7 - 11 years old



eTwinning Learning Event

New Technologies

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning?

Mobile learning

The children are digital natives so they use always Mobile phones, so the teachers could make some work using them in a pedagogical way, inside classes not for fun but for learning. Firstly, the new technologies are very handy, offer accurate information in time, when you need it. Secondly, they are attractive - this determines the children to manipulate them so much. It’s a very immediate solution in case a doubt arises, children can access the Internet or contact the teachers when they need to.

elearning platform

All schools in my country have been supplied with an elearning platform. This will definitely have its place in our system as a lot of money has been invested. The benefits for my very young students is the link being created between home and school. Children and parents can see the learning taking place during school hours. Young children can find it difficult to express their experiences but the elearning platform will meet this need. Learning does not take place only at school especially with young children but also at home. Having this link will lead to a continuation of this learning which will be in a full circle. The elearning platform is one of the most intelligent inventions in our time. Active and interactive learning environments which are able to involve participants in collaborative learning, stimulate creativity, develop ICT skills. During the learning process the children practice their critical thinking, share opinions more easily, find out new things, are stimulated in problem solving.- Alina D. I believe that these platforms allow each student to work at his/her own pace and according to his/her available time and they also take the learning experience further when it comes to being able to access it anywhere, not just in a classroom. For me elearning platform is in the beginning but we have a blog (me and my children) that is the connection to the families and they could see the work we’ve done. The elearning platform i think it will replace the first book of reading and numeracy.

Interactive whiteboards

IWBs is a new technology which motivates the children. They pave the way to digital literacy. An interactive whiteboard sustain learning in various ways. We’re really sorry, there are no interactive whiteboards in Romanian schools yet. The interactive whiteboard features capabilities that allow significantly change the nature of information worked, times, spaces and the dynamics of the classroom, that


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

motivate students and help their learning and development.In our Kindergarten classroom we use it a lot and children (3,4 and 5 years old) are so found of it that they use to call it “Our magic board”. I’ve been working with them for three years now and they are a true blessing!You save time and money when preparing your classes, you profit from a more visual and interactive experience that motivates your students and you have all sort of possibilities for each theme you wish to present. We are dreaming of the day in each class from Romania will be a ineractive whiteboard! Educational soft

I use educational software to enhance learning on various topics. Children are attracted to computer games and so while playing you can check acquired knowledge or learning new things. Yes, there is a large range of educational soft for each preschool subject we teach. That part during the activity, in which we use the soft, is the most attractive and active. Children just love all the tasks, games, or the way information is exposed. They appreciate the quick feedback they usually receive and are in a great competition with each other.- Alina D. Is a very good help for the teacher and a very good way for children for their learning and improving their skills. I use it just as much as any other commercially created resource and I don’t think that they are all perfect so it’s important for us to adapt and create our own materials more balanced with our students’ needs and skills. But still, I find educational software a good help, specially if it’s not too expensive anr complicated to use. We use simple and interactive educational software special for math and sciense and for foreign languages.

Computer in the classroom

Even if it sounds obsolete, in my area and in Italy as a whole, there aren’t many classes with a pc in it. I believe that if we don’t help children to find a few different uses of the pc, this will be used at home mainly for the social networks and for digital games. New technologies, in Rome and in the south of Italy, still means getting the teachers to be trained in the various uses of the personal computers. This also means that the majority of the adults around our children still considers the pc as a means of “distracting” children from the real school work. This is a habit that has to be dealt with before anything very good can happen with the new technologies. I would start from the younger teachers and from the old ones who are willing to go on training course in order to renovate their ways of teaching. I am one of the old ones: until twelve years ago I wasn’t even able to switch on a pc. I can now work with it in an interactive way. It is really a matter of goodwill and enthusiasm. As I said above, the new generations of children are born for


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

learning and working on the computer. The computers shouldn’t miss from the classrooms! They are the appropriate learning environments which offer everything the children need in one particular moment. - Alina D. It is our third arm, a very good ally in the class. We had an interesting experiment that costed a lot of money when the government decided to offer free computers to primary school students. Those were small computers, sort of netbooks, and the idea was great and I even managed to teach some very interesting classes when all students had a computer on his/her desk.They were able to work at different paces and do different tasks and it was very good. But as soon as the computers started to malfunction ar the students started to leave them at home because they wouldn’t want to carry them on the schoolbag the whole thing lost steam...So now I use my own computer along with the interactive board and children stand up and work in the interactove board on at a time. I don’t think that the computer will ever replace a teacher in the classroom. For me is a positive experience, they could use it for fun and for learning and for the smaller they start to use all the elements and connect with internet, is the first experience. Is the way to connect with the colleagues from etwinning and others colleagues from other kindergartens. Yes , I use computer in my class and in my activities with children, parents and for me because i think this fact is a new dimension of education. Mind Maps

Mindmapping is an innovative method created by Toni Buzan. It’s suitable for teachers and students in order to learn and teach different languages more effectively. Actually this is a new technology which can change language learning in future school. It’s suitable for young learners, too. Children are so glad when they study through mind maps. This is the way they learn more interesting and useful things.

What will schools and learning environments look like? Large classrooms with lots of space and resources for children, interactive digital boards, laptop computers or tablets to have different experiences and be in touch with other colleagues from other countries all over the world, places outside with lots of materials to play with safety. Have contact with children with different special needs and intercultural diversity. Collaboration with parents in an interactive way. In 2020 and beyond I really hope that the schools’ environment will eventually look like a big factory where children and adults have a common aim: getting on well together while learning from each other. I still very much believe in what Neill swrote on this subject about thirty years ago: unless we share something very important with our children, their interest will never be brightly expressed. This is one of the reasons why in so many school


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

environments children still look so bored and dependant on the teacher’s instructions. I imagine large spaces, where buildings are concentrated in purposes: the eating area, the reading area, the sporting area and so on. There is a great need of important human relationships, which can’t really be pursued if not connected to a common plan, to thoughtful action, to the doing of the everyday school. The future schools will be well prepared referring to teachers and technology. There will be a lot of learning labs (like this one) which will offer ways to discover and develop key competences for each child, valuing every person and helping him/her to achieve the wanted place in society, performing, at a high quality level, his role. A friendly space, with things and activities made at the normal speed, not in a hurry. A place in which the children will be always eager to return.- Alina D. I do not know and I even cannot imagine. But one thing I am sure of different and I sincerely hope that it will meet students’ interests and needs of students. it will be less exposing and more involving. I imagine schools with lots of open spaces and connected to the surrounding community. Actually this year I just started working in a new type of school that politicians are implementing n Portugal, these schools are very big, with lots of students but its their location that determines the architectural structures and even contributes to the learning environment and activities planning. My school is located near a big park with all sorts of trees and flowers and birds and we can go there with our students whenever we like...Is there a better way to teach them something than by letting them contact with nature and touch and smell things? I think technology will play a great part in the future but so will local communities and open air spaces. I imagine kindergarten schools moving away from a primary school building. They will be surrounded by a natural environment. Technology will be available to the children but it will not take priority over other essential skills and natural material which young children need to explore. I imagine a green school with many plants, many trees inside the hall and a green roof covered by grass. This school no grey concrete wall but glass, special glass like interactive tablets. The school is open to all kind of experiment and experience and school is the bridge to social community. We are there to guide children in this amazing world where human respect all around. The school will be more different. Computers, innovative methods, new ICT tools, interactive whiteboards...the future school will change everything. The new technologies will help children to be more creative and creativity will be a main aim.


1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning pros and possibilities Concentration-ability to go deep into reading-personal understanding and reflection-using reading as a means to achieve a personal goal

cons getting into a sort of game-cage, finding out that there is a usual pattern to understand once and for all, isolation from the social contest, addiction to simplicity, addiction to effort/reward/effort/reward pattern


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Continuous challenge, open-ended games which lead to the development of thinking skills, motivated children, total engagement and focus

Tiina Sarisalmi

Playing alone and lack of peer to peer learning

Isn’t appropriate to young children because they like to learn in group. Game is the first interaction between children and environment and society .The game need actors without them we loses value and purpose. Game - based learning is too important for young learners. It makes the learning process interesting for children, especially when they study languages. Word games, chants, crosswords and puzzles can make language learning more successful. Own learning pace and more according to individual skills and interests Broader variety of strategies and materials used in the classroom

Classroom management would be harder for the teachers Social skills wouldn’t be under the limelight as they should

2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods



understanding better one’s own abilities, understanding the importance of collaboration and sharing of ideas, learning to organize one’s own activity with the others’ help, building self-satisfaction, building self-confidence and trust in the others,

putting aside or forgetting about one’s own weak points, losing the general, global perspective, meeting with tasks that are too difficult or too easy, possibly not getting enough expert advise,

Learning is meaningful and child centred. Through discovery children will have ownership over their learning. Through roblem solving children will start thinking. Peer to peer learning.

Implementing a project which interests the whole class can be a problem.

Isn’t appropriate to young children because they don’t study at home, they work together and they have the orientation of the oldest ones. The children understanding all knowledge better if is placed in a problem situation. Children will use intelligent.

People need to go at different speeds. Someone may try to take over the group. Quiet people may not feel comfortable. Sometimes people just don't get along. People may not pull their weight. It is not fair!


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

A concept may not be understood as well if a person doesn't have to figure it out. The time spent talking about irrelevant topics is unbelievable Children learn more effectively when they try to solve the problems through discussions, creative communication and collaborations. You can usually get a lot more done in a shorter amount of time. Each member of the group has something unique that he/she can contribute. I am able to learn more, and truly understand things better. If I am clueless on something a partner may be an expert on it. Students can relate to one another more easily than to a teacher . It makes the assignment or project more fun. I really like working in groups, especially in LAB. Asking children to rationalize and use their intelligence and personal experience from an early stage in their lives

Hard for young children to verbalize and organize their thoughts Different personalities might originate conflicts and the shy students wouldn’t be as heard and taken into consideration as the others

3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools



getting to a very high level of ability in certain tasks, deep knowledge on some issues, enjoying the opportunity to divide tasks in undertasks of minor difficulty in an up going scale, great mastery of some specific tools

losing the overall sense of the activity, losing the various connections between the different issues, concentrating on one’s own specific job without even having a hint of what the others are thinking or doing next to you, conceiving a feeling of uselessness for not having made decisions on the task to be dealt with

More appropriated for young children because they could count with the adult, help when they need. Small children need models well- defined and well- established some categories of activities. Of course, I agree with this statement.


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

Language learning will become more successful when children keep strong rules and the curriculum content is based on new technologies and methods. Learners are exposed to a considerable amount of language through stimulating content. Learners explore interesting content & are engaged in appropriate language-dependant activities. Learning language becomes automatic. Complex information is delivered through real life context for the students to grasp well & leads to intrinsic motivation. Greater flexibility & adaptability in the curriculum can be deployed as per the students interest. More efficient and motivating learning process Language learning gains a new range of interest and becomes a more natural process

Harder to integrate everyone’s pace and skills The adult, the teacher, would assume a determinant position if the students wouldn’t be as autonomous as one might want them to be.

Important Skills and Competences in 2020 Collaboration, thinking, reflection, participation, creativity. Critical thinking, creativity, innovation, communication, digital literacy, social skills Communication,involvement, volunteer, digital competences,creativity. The ability to look ahead of times, in a shared way together with a real ability to listen to the children. Creativity, multiple intelligences, ICT skills, collaborative learning, social networks Multiple interests, ICT skills, interpersonal skills, pro activity, autonomy Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1. Thinking 2. Creativity 3. Communication 4. Collaboration 5. ICT skills



eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

Scenario 1 - European Education Network



- Official languages - Safety and security - Share and access high quality resources for free - Connection with others - Participation of the parents ● ● ● ● ●

● ●

the readiness of a lot of educational support material; the feeling of being part of something very well organized; the opportunity to link to many other similar social and educational settings; the possible positive outcome of a well recorded teacher’s career ; the inter-connection between the different actors in the educational process: students, teacher, families, society; the students’ eagerness in the leading and the controlling their own study career;

At the moment there are various changes taking place in early childhood education all over Europe. ● Networking will lead to the sharing of ideas and different teaching approaches being implemented. The best approaches will be adapted to the different cultures. ● The different curricula will be discussed. ● Teachers will ask themselves for the kind of training they need to enhance their professional development. ● Being part of a European community where teachers feel motivated and suported. ● ● ●

integrated activity implication of local community and parents. projects focused on children’s needs





● ●

● ●

the possible ill functionment of the whole system (depending on the different national characterisics, such as loss of documents, bribery and so forth); the possible use of the networks for control on the part of the parents, of the heads of education rather than for sharing and growing of consciences; the possible lowering of the importance of the vis a vis human relationships with the consequent growth in alienation and negative social behaviour; the possible constant divide between very technological countries and specific school and other countries or specific areas with just a little technology teachers and students can become a statistical number. the pressure to invest in technology and the money needed.

limited financial resourced.


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

It will be a community of teachers, pupils and parents. They will be motivated to work together and successfully.

Conclusion Probably will come true: I suppose that the creation of the CAREER RECOGNITION SYSTEM together with the Personal Teaching Record will be the first steps the various Education Ministries will manage to achieve. In my opinion this could be a positive start, as long as it doesn’t stand out as the only action taken. Professional training will be ongoing with training provided by experts from the different countries.

Hope will come true: The move to quality education will be uniform over Europe following the best examples.

Education in Europe will become more cooperative and interactive among students and teachers from all the countries Equal learning and teaching opportunities for all

For me in first scenario the part will most probably come true is look for jobs, search and apply for training and be active in suggesting changes in the curricula. And the part I hope will come true is the career recognition. Career recognition system will come true.Something similar has been tried in Portugal but people were accused of making it too easy for workers to validate their competences and achieve academic goals. A possible scenario would consist of theoretical and practical training of teachers by European specialist, implementing pilot projects for a period that will follow weaknesses and strengths. Perhaps teachers will be creative persons like scientists who will inspire pupils to study hard, and parents to help them. They will be creators of ideas, programmes, new technologies, not only performers.


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi



Students’ age

Paraskevas Pinelis


9-12 years old

Cornelia Melcu


10 yrs old

Ivana Križanac


6-10 years old

Tanc Mirela


10-14 years old

Evangelia Kalogirou


9-12 yrs old

Fabrizio Ferrari


8-9 years old

Melita Mesarić


10-14 years old

Corina Mitrulescu


9-14 years old



eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

New Technologies

How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning?

-digital assistant view.asp?id=41222

-sending information to their students. This would require that each student in the class have their own PDA and the information would be sent by an infrared beam from the teacher’s PDA. This way at the end of the year instead of throwing away millions of papers you need only to wipe the hardrive clean. It would also help to cut down costs for copies and paper for copiers, thus giving schools more room in their budget. Yet another advantage of having a paperless classroom is the reduction in time spent at the copy machine.

-knowledge webs view.asp?id=41222

-knowledge webs are ways of communicating information using “conferences that provide an instant network of contacts with useful skills, a personal brain trust scattered geographically” An example could be visiting a ZOO that the students could explore and learn about without actually having to go anywhere.

-virtual communities view.asp?id=41222

-By using virtual communities we “satisfy these needs at any time, in any place” (Dede.) Some believe that virtual communities can help” bring about close cooperation and shared responsibility” (Dede) between parents, students and teachers.

- personal teachers pod casts

- easy way to make your teaching available without limits of space and time

- smartphone

- make the most of it for learning,

Online collaborative platforms

How they can be integrated in learning? They can be the medium for projects involving students of the same school, of the same country or of different countries! Thus, students will be motivated because they will have learning and project progress on their hands and will be working in real time situations. Furthermore, they will enhance their collaborative skills and acquire knowledge on each topic that will be chosen.

Smartphones (internet capable phones)

How they can be integrated in learning? I believe that in the future much software will be developed for the use of such devices in learning. For example smartphones could be used as quiz tools that wil be working in real time.The teacher will ask a multiple question on his PC and they will answer through their smartphones. Such processes will provide easy and quick feedback for the teacher. Also students will feel more relaxed as smartphones are part of their everyday life.


eTwinning Learning Event

Cloud Technology

Collaborative, communitybased online tools AND tools for making world experience with sense flipped classroom


Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

How it can be integrated in learning? As a facilitator in sharing, exchanging and editing archives. Students will easily communicate with their teacher or with each other, when for example they have a project to work on. Cloud technology saves money (photocopies) and time. Classroom/Laboratory with many and diverse digital equipment: place to make experience and then share it, rate it, comment it, think about it. Learn and share, share and learn. the flipped classroom model encompasses any use of Internet technology to leverage the learning in the classroom so that the teacher spend more time interacting with students instead of lecturing.This is common being done using teaching created videos that students view outside the classroom. the technology would benefit student learning


we can make games as we want and we see answers of our students. It’s interesting and usefull in the same time

Netbooks and laptops

They feature tools like a camera, writing stylus and audio recording capabilities help to encourage a multimodal approach to learning. Rethinking mental health Mental health is how we think, feel and behave as we face the daily ups and downs of our lives. Mental health problems such as depression are the leading cause of disability for young people worldwide. Prevention, early detection and treatment are key issues. But stigma continues to surround mental health and it is often difficult for people to get the help they need

What will schools and learning environments look like?

Learning will be more active and connected to real life, technologies will be an integral part of learning and life and teachers will become lifelong learners themselves. All the learning objectives and competences are already needed now, not only in 2020. Conclusion: we should adapt school to the learners and first step is to adapt ourselves.. School will be open places where students could have real experience and can discuss about it with teachers and online communities. Every students will have real and virtual world in the same time and teachers have to drive students experience and use of technology for best and useful learning. What is the best learning: the learning that can be break down and then reassemble in a new way many and many times. The whole learning experience will be based upon new learning interfaces and novel enabling communication technologies. Using new technology students will learn the things needed for everyday life. Learning will be more active because students like to explore things using new technology


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

Technology opens up opportunities for kids to really take ownership of their own educations and to be a part of the process. Games, videos and virtual experiments will help you discover the different advances that biotechnologies have brought us, and the techniques that are being used in current health research, from stem cells and the use of plants to farm drugs. Get informed and have your say about the ethical, legal and social implications that surround biotechnology!


1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning



-We have personalised learning which allows learners to follow their rhythm in studying, be actively engaged in their learning process by making choices on the way they want to learn. -Creative, positive learning environment(e.g. games). -Interactive learning experience. -We foster initiative taking. -Imagination and passion for learning can really find space here!!

-Lack of collaboration -Competition could bring negative emotions and feelings

- we have to prepare our students to be able to make a choice and how to find the best way for learning

- lack of good resources - game-based learning is often just learning without fun - children need to have different learning experience before making choices

- It also allows students to learn at their own pace, which can help keep them interested and excited about the material.

- It reduces the social interaction between children and their peers.

- developing creativity in students - creative, interesting learning - interaktive learning, developing cooperation

- because of the great intellectual abilities of children there will be a wide variation in the use of technology and some maybe will lose confidence and willingness for further work

2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods

pros -collaboration creates a learning environment safe and friendly for the students. Even the weaker ones can contribute and feel part of the process. -Students are motivated as they deal with

cons - spending a lot of time to find the best resources and methods for implementing the project


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

problems ,projects,inquiries that are meaningful and connected to real life or topics of interest for them. - students love this

- sometimes gives up easily when they have to deal with some difficulties

- students learn how to work in groups and how to interact with others in order to solve a task;

- shy students tend to leave the more extrovert ones to be in charge of everything;

- students love to work that way - students develop friendships and learn how to help those who need help which make the pride

- it’s difficult for me sometimes because I have childrens with special offers in my classes and I spend lots of time to find methods and resourses for them

3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools



-Digitalised material is captivating the learners’ attention. -The learning process is facilitated for the teacher and learner as well.

-There is little room for creativity,initiative and imagination.

- Using web 2.o tools could motivate students because they are spectacular and could bring fun in the classes

- Creativity is poor reflected and the students do not explore...they just take a given content

- for teacher easiest way but not creative

- for students and creative teacher very linear

- Developing autonomy, awareness

- isolation and health problems (many hours in front of the computer)

- it is easier for the teacher to manage the whole educational process;

- it can become boring at some points;

- that way of learning is easiest for teacher, it’s not creative and it hasn’t got big effect on students

- it’s boring for students - students can’t show their creativity and they can’t explore - students are with automatism writhing down without thinking to content

Important Skills and Competences in 2020 We will have to adapt our way of teaching to the students' needs. We will teach young people to value self-directed learning,will teach them how to learn on their own terms, and how to create an individual time schedule. We will combine face time with learning online.Teachers will be guides in the student's learning journey, will coach and moderate their learning. They will motivate, give options and lead students' learning in directions that are most beneficial for their development. The highly integrated use of technologies in our future's life requires that teachers have a high level of digital competence. They need to be able to design and prepare ICT-based


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

learning objects and models.Teacher training should be a lifelong learning task and supported by school organisations. Teachers need to enhance their knowledge of students’ learning needs and also develop their teaching methods through networking, observing and peer learning from other teachers. Future learning will require learners to improve their transversely skills, like the ability to think laterally, creativity and adaptability. Also learning to learn and initiative taking will make them self aware of the learning process and enhance it. Students can independently explore, discover, and make learning more exciting for themselves. First we must teach our students how to learn and explore them self because today with that curriculum that we have most of things we give them. They must be able to use ICT this is future of learning. Teachers also need to develop their teaching methods and cooperating with teachers from other countries. Schools should support a lifelong training for teachers and then teachers would be able to make learning process more interesting and creative for students.

The Most Important Key Skills and Competences adaptation ability to design and prepare ICT-based learning objects and models learning to learn, critical and creative thinking, collaborating and networking and knowledge search, processing and construction initiative taking,imagination,innovation. reasoning, cultural awareness negotiating through learning, flexibility, discussion, cooperative learning; creativity, learning how to learn, cooperative learning Flexibility and adaptability(Adapting to varied roles and responsibilities) Initiative and autonomy Productivity and accountability

Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1. learning to learn 2.collaborating and networking and knowledge search 3. critical and creative thinking 4. initiative taking,imagination (2),innovation(2). 5.processing and construction 6. cooperative learning, creative thinking

PART 3 phase 1 Scenario 2 - MyNetwork pros teacher will create multiple profiles through

cons the problem is how to share some strong


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

a single log on

emotions using only this My Network. You cannot touch the other....

teacher will be able to link to different applications without loosing so much time.

- the problem is the teacher’s skills- the teachers should be trained how to use different applications

there will be a secure environment that will be compliant with the school;s policy

- costs

teachers will be able to connect with the teachers outside the Europe and share ideas

- teachers should be trained in using foreign languages

teachers will be able to observe how active the student would be

- the problem is the face-to-face contact is...missing

-A personalised approach to networks will highly facilitate the teacher in order to organise, choose, check and make the most of his resources .

- linear way of working- Internet and computer resources only

-Also the teacher can have access to the students’ work quickly and give feedback quickly as well.

-The lack of face to face contact may result in negative emotions from the part of the weaker students.

-The teacher will spend very little time -Less authority from the teacher; designing lessons and more time assisting - Personalised learning might be confused students in meeting their own learning with individualised learning; goals.

conclusion Phase 1: I This scenario could be possible in the future if the educational politics would be adapted too to the 21st Century needs and the economy would be capable to sustain all the costs (human resources and material costs). My Network scenario, in my opinion, is only a step away from becoming reality. All that is missing is that application that will enable us to deal with our profiles and resources more easily. I really hope it will come true as I find no drawbacks in it. Teachers’ job will be highly facilitated, more organised and controllable. If we take into account this approach, what the teacher will do less of is - teach. Teachers may not actually be physically present in some classrooms, instead, taking on a virtual presence, particularly in places difficult to reach.There will probably be less

- We should pay attention to the human relation: if we are implementing this scenario there it will be lack of face to face relationship and communication : "I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots." Albert Einstein

While technology can be a great addition to the classroom, it may also imply lots of problems, such as: schools will have to hire technology experts who have to deal with the troubleshoot problems; costs of upkeep and maintenance; the incompatibility of


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'front of the classroom' activities and more small group activities, problem based learning and technology enhanced processes. Finally, teachers will need to work more in partnership with their students.

Tiina Sarisalmi

some systems;

Phase 2: The European Education Network and The Offline Networking are those scenarios that seem to me quite possible to happen in the future. I wish for it because I believe both of them will involve teachers in collaborative tasks.Therefore exchange of opinions, sharing of ideas and successful pedagogical strategies will occur, which, nowadays lack from the typical teacher interaction at schools. Changes in education will come from teachers adopting new practices.

Lack of face-to-face interaction - weI think we should keep the balance between technology and traditional way of teaching. Without a doubt, the traditional school and teaching methods will change, and we need to wait and see what these changes are, but we also need to make the right changes. I think it would be better that the future of education and learning to beg to shaped by teachers and their students in partnership, rather than by governments.


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi



Students’ age

Elizabeta Filipova

Macedonia (FYROM)


Costantino Soudaz



Georgia Maneta



Agnieszka Strózik



Olga Antonioli



Tatiana Rębas



Magdalena Goc




New Technologies

How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning?

mobile phones, iPods

making short movies, recording voice, taking pictures...- as a background for lesson, practice foreign languages

sharing programmes such

creating common projects (in time suitable for participants,


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

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as You Tube, wiki, blogs, popplet...

they don’t have to be together), a tool for doing homework online

Working in connected way

Pupils and teacher can collaborate trought many tools giving them possibilities of relathionchip and collaboration all around day and weeks.

online global events

students and teachers collaborate with a lot of schools from different countries and learn about the global issues that concern all the children globally

alice software (a pilot project in a few European countries) is available in English and in Spanish language

Alice is a freely available teaching tool designed to be a student’s first exposure to object-oriented computer programming. Students can tell a story, create animations and games, solve problems and enjoy learning different topics. Every teacher can use it even if his/her country is not included in the project.

is a software robot hosting service. From any browser, you can create and publish your own robots to anyone via the web. Also, there are 400 Self-Paced interactive courses for free. It is used in education. (I do not know much about this software)


projects, school visits, professional development for teachers

online dictionaries, encyclopedias, ebooks

Practice and production stages of a lesson: access to information, pronunciation learning (using for reference in the classroom and at home)

Virtual learning environment (learning platforms/sites)

Can be used for presentation, practice, production: to design a certain type of learning environment for students (provision of resources, organizing - mobile learning device: smartphones, iBook, iPad, Tablet

Social learning sites

to let the students to socialize (and learn) in their free time

all kind of presentation tools (including those allowing for collaboration)


mobile learning devices, interactive whiteboard

Blended learning

Presentation of what have been learned using a certain tool (chosen either by the teacher or by a student) reinforcement of students’ attention and creativity through their active involvement in projects which foster communication, research, production, sharing of own works by using web tools Include project such as eTwining into the school curricula.


1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning




eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

self-education, students take responsibility for their learning, students develop their strengths and interests, studying at home

little collaboration

Students can learn whenever they want to and at pace that is good for them.

little communication with other students may mean that the content of learning is limited (lack of information from other students/peer to peer learning). Lack of collaboration usually result in lower motivation. Creativity (seeing the problem from different viewpoints) can suffer as well.

students might be: - more confident in the solution of tasks involving problem solving in an individual,challenging and funny way - more motivated to learn by having the possibility to try and complete different levels and to interact according to their own needs.

students might: - be addicted - play games inappropriate to their age - find only entertainment - feel ‘alone’ and uncomfortable during their learning process.

children do what they enjoy the most, play games, and acquire knowledge without realizing that they are actually studying

learning can be fun, why not

in self - education, encourages human creativity, lets expand individual interests and talents

only for gifted, conscious and mature students, individualists.

2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods



group work, students together search and solve problems

hard to identify individual skills

engaging, helping to develop interpersonal skills, it’s an easy and natural way of learning

it’s probable that individual students will be mainly using the skills that are already well developed as students will be doing tasks that are more suitable for them. It’s difficult (although to some degree possible)to assess the contribution of individual students

students are not the passive but the active creators of their knowledge by: - studying at their own pace at home - sharing information in groups which also strengthen cooperation and support

- the possibility that a group may not work properly for different personalities - the frustration which may arise if in the group there’s a ‘know-it-all’

team work, collaboration, sharing, critical thinking, creativity, evaluation

there will be problems if there is a lack of good coordination

building social skills, learning collaborative and cooperative competences.

one has to build groups very attentive :not only strong Ss, the weak ones should get an adequate task concerning their limited


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

skills, there should be a leader. 3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools



Clarity as for what and how something should be learned, systematicity, clear feedback on the work done. Good if a learner need the basics, lack time, lack learning skills.

Lack of motivation/interest, not effective in the long run (retaintion suffer when motivation is low)

Learning process is under control. Students know what they should achieve.

Lack time for self-expression.

For teachers this is the easiest way to control and evaluate students’ learning

Students have different learning styles and different times to learn; this may cause in them unsuccess and demotivation because they are offered limited occasions to overcome their difficulties in an individual way

This is good if the children are very young or the students are very weak (do not know the basic things they should know)

students who already have a background knowledge are bored, naughty and usually do not study at home because they think they already know everything and this sometimes proves to be wrong because they get lower grades on the tests (they do not pay enough attention during the lessons)

Good for young and analytical types of learners.

Bad for creative, quick-thinking students, they can be easily bored.

Important Skills and Competences in 2020 self-expression, lifelong learning, open and flexible learning, personalized learning both in class and in virtual classes, diversified and more active learning by doing Teachers know the asincrounos way of teaching in splitting classroom acknowledge of the learning/ teaching technique trend and finally ICT Competences Learning to learn, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, reflection, evaluation learner’s autonomy, social skills, planning, organising, coordinating, presenting, negotiation; literacy, media literacy,

Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1 Relationship competences with pupils and collegues. Learning to learn 2. Communications skills 3. Concentrate actions on pupils needs 4. CDP Good attitude towards all life around 5 ICT competences


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

PART 3 phase 1 Scenario 3 - Intelligent Agents pros


Teachers attend continuous professional development, prepare lessons, maintain contacts with other teachers teaching the same subjects in other schools, an avatar assists them in their work and does the work the teachers usually do outside school hours like identifying resources, presenting draft plans, suggesting buddies

Teachers are connected 24/7 through mobile devices, the avatar is paid by the school

CPD is easier to improve due to presence of IA and it become a normal situation in 2020 school

I do not see any cons in IA

LLLP will be fully achieved by teachers. IA will enable the teacher to devote more time to its real task: preparing the lesson; teachers will attend CPD easier and be in touch with “buddies” from the same teaching area.

There can be problems with paying for the avatar, some school cannot afford it.

Teachers are connected with other teachers who teach the same subjects in the same area and in national and international schools. They are given the opportunity to share lessons and materials and to gain plenty of time to spend freely and to attend CDPs. These prepare teachers not only to be innovative and creative in the classroom but also to be better at teaching.

This scenario makes me think of a loss of teachers’ humanity as everything seems so ‘artificially’ well planned to prevent teachers and students from making mistakes which usually help in personal growth.

Teachers have a tool for searching new methods of teaching and different materials. They gain more time for themselves.

IA can be expensive for a school.

- collaboration - unlimited possibility for professional and personal development - a great base of teaching resources - individualization of teaching/learning process

- If teachers rely completely on the IA in its searching function and it doesn’t work properly, certain materials can be overlooked - Perhaps, it would be better to employ some people to do the same job (especially if there is a high unemployment level in the region) instead of paying a private company. Another idea would be for teachers to put their heads together and create such a


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

divice without asking for help from the outside

conclusion Phase 1: Teachers will use online draft plans and resources prepared by other teachers and experts, attend professional development, maintain contacts with other teachers teaching the same subjects in other schools and connect on social networks I hope there will be a social network used by all the teachers and students where they will collaborate and share experience It is highly probable that teachers will more often attend CPD, connect on social networks and use more online resources for lessons. To my mind teachers will use more than now Internet in their work Which parts will probably come true? - there will exist efficient engines for looking for lesson plans - there will be virtually unlimited possibilities for professional development - it will be extremely easy for teachers to identify their colleagues teaching the same subjects - teaching will become more creative and efficient - some private entrepreneurs will be trying to make fortune on proposing new technical solutions to school

I believe teachers will not have avatars because they should be paid by the schools and I assume avatars will be extremely expensive

It seems to me that most schools won’t be able to afford for the avatars. I’m afraid that teachers can loose their „teacher’s sense”. You know when you have two or more classes at the same level you teach them in different way, because children are different and what is suitable for one class, not always is usable in another one. So, IA doesn’t know children and it isn’t sure that its learning materials are proper for everyone.

Which parts of the scenario I hope to come true? Everything I wrote in the left column with the exception of the last statement.

Phase 2: Once a month, teachers and students do collaborative projects with other teachers and students face-to-face.Teachers look for each other on a simple networking system prior to their collaboration. Networking and collaboration will involve students and teachers in more active and openminded learning. In my point of view, it’s really possibile a creation of teachers’ social network ( online training courses, teachers meetings), virtual learning and rotating teachers.


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi



Students’ age

Gabriela Ileana Crisan



Yıldız Erdoğmuş



Narcisa Serfezeu



Constantina Voitsiou



Jelena Horvat



Tatjana Gulič




New Technologies

How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning?


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi


● ● ●

a better structuring and synthesis of lessons increasing interest in projects support interactivity

Cloud - Dropbox, Wearable mousse

● ● ●

efficiency and rapidity in work control over the learning environment safety

all web 2.0 tools

● ● ●

innovation-based reflects on differentiated learning styles easy access

Interactive whiteboard

● ●

interactive material multi-modular material responds to all learning types and styles of pupils more attractive more practical

● ● video conference equipment

● ● ●

used to overcome the problem of different space enhances communication from distance the image of the communicators creates realistic and lively interaction

mobile phones

- easier access to materials - teachers can inform students about their grades - everyone owns one, so there are no disadvantaged children

e-readers (eg Kindle)

- easier access to required reading - cheaper in the long run (you buy the reader only once, and many books can be downloaded for free because the copyright is no longer valid)

responding systems

easier controlling of knowledge and marking

What will schools and learning environments look like?

● Digital textbooks will "replace" the existing school manuals ● ICT will remove the traditional classroom: the schools will rethink their classrooms to turn them into multifunctional spaces

● the teachers give up their central role and assume the position of mentors,coaches, partners - more freedom in choosing which fields to work in (education “a la carte”)- inverted classrooms - students learn at home and do their “homework” or exercises in school They will look more like labs where pupils will be working in groups, searching for information, discussing, collaborating The teacher will help when needed and will be giving feedback_ e-classroom and maybe work also from homes and connecting via web cams, also virtual teacher :-) No wonder in the future classrooms will be spaceship.All teaching will be individual and more technological than beyond imagination.There will be no teachers but will be some facilliators.


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

PART 2 1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning



pupils are more motivated and longer last longer when pupils are actively involved

Not everything can take the form of a game

The game, the natural way to learn of the child, is a conclusive example of integrated, interdisciplinary activity for the full development of the child

They learn without really understanding it!

students take pleasure of learning

Pupils may get more concentrated on the game itself than on the content. Not really a real-life experience.

2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods

pros Pupils work together, they develop team spirit.

cons Pupils can deviate in their research.

Experiential learning takes place; they reach the knowledge themselves. They become autonomous learners. Learning through peers takes place. positive interdependence: students realize that they need each other to to accomplish the task group

some students may not work, disagreement for the role of the team leader

students develop interpersonal skills and in the small group

some students may not communicate

Some students are likely to take their peers’ advice than the teachers’.

This type of learning may not suit all students (those with disabilities).

3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools

pros Both sides (teachers and pupils) feel safe: they know the exact steps and stages of the learning process

cons Very controlled learning. Pupils feel restricted.


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Very organised and methodical

Tiina Sarisalmi

is based on objectives and not competences

Important Skills and Competences in 2020 The ability to search for information and use technology tools. The ability to keep up with technological advances and be able to adapt and learn quickly. “Critical thinking” in order to accept or reject the information that is accessed. Creativity and intellectual curiosity Communication skills Collaborative and interpersonal skills Skills to differentiate important from irrelevant information. Marketing skills - the ability to “sell” yourself, work on your skills throughout life.

Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1.Critical thinking 2. Communication skills 3. Collaboration 4. Problem solving skills 5. Active learning

PART 3 phase 1 Scenario 4 - Diversified Teaching Careers



- teachers will choose a career according to their aptitudes and skills

-not all school can afford such technology

- they will specialise and be prepared to teach in a particular way and environment

- teacher training and programme development require a lot money - we may encounter in a day with situation of few teachers in the classroom, or digital mentors or virtual teachers -at primary school virtual teacher and digital mentor teacher are unsuitable -technology is relative (it can happen malfunction, interruption of electricity, connection problems)

conclusion Phase 1: - teachers will choose a career according to

- we may encounter in a day with situation of few teachers in the classroom, or digital


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

their aptitudes and skills

mentors or virtual teachers

Phase 2: - teachers will specialise and be prepared to teach in a particular way and environment

-technology is relative (it can happen malfunction, interruption of electricity, connection problems) -at primary school virtual teacher and digital mentor teacher are unsuitable


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi



Students’ age























New Technologies ● online resources / encyclopedias / search engines ● videoconferencing tools ● interactive digital devices (smartboards, tablets, …)

How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning? Students could find answers to their questions by searching on the recommended resources, at anytime and from everywhere Collaboration and communication with the teachers and with the peers from home, while doing their research Stimulate students’ creativity and enhance their learning desire


eTwinning Learning Event

interactive spaces to post their creation and to collaborate with their colleagues ● ● ●

free access to data sources the possibility of using modern IC technology ergonomic furniture

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

The students could learn everywhere they have internet access, and it would develop their collaboration skills and stimulate their creativity personalized learning, stimulating working environment more encouraging results...

Smartphones, Tablets, Handhelds, Laptops

In the future, classrooms could became multifunctional spaces, offering new ways of learning. Also, students must be educated of appropriate use of these devices as a learning aids.

Interactive whiteboard

Teachers or students can use multimedia projected on the board, draw or write on it, to use it for homework, etc. The board can also be connected to the Internet, thus allowing guided web research

Tablet PCs for each pupil and teacher and smart boards for each classroom

In my opinion,8 years later, mostly the content of the school education will get a new appearance.The way of teaching and learning will change.Book centered teaching will replace with multiple e-devices.

Internet and computer access in class for all students and teachers Professional sites to post pupils’ work

Access to a lot of resources, developing creativity, different learning styles, attraction towards learning

A collaborative and multilingual open learning infrastructure will be in use to boost demand for Europe-wide eLearning Resources The teachers and the students will have access to this environment.

Have access to a lot of resources. Collaborate not only with the colleagues of your class but with colleagues from all over Europe, exchanging ideas, tools and knowledge and be a lot more creative, Learn to collaborate and be creative in a multilingual and multi-ethnic environment.

Visibility for parents, students’ progress, less paper used

What will schools and learning environments look like? I think in 2020, pupils will still go to schools, will still gather in classrooms and will still have teachers. Of course they will use more technology (cell phones, graphing calculators, tablets, computers) I don’t think that every student will have access to a computer in each class (at least not in my country), but they will use computers for learning purpose in school and at home. There will be other learning environments, as well. Teachers or parents will first introduce them to the youngsters, but, since they will be very attractive and interesting, pupils will access them over and over. I think, there will be smaller groups, individualized work, more collaborative and research work, problem-based learning, developing individual strengths...


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

Technology will always be a positive thing, but school still needs to be a place to learn social skills, because education does not mean only professional briefing for the future, but a complete human been. Teachers can`t be replaced by machines, and children still need their guidance. Learning should be meaningful for students. They should learn what they are interested in and what they need for their future. Students will work in schools and in their homes using Internet a lot, collaborating and working with projects.


1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning



Students are fully engaged in their learning and actively participate in the construction of their own curriculum.

Student is too devoting to himself, collaborative skills are less present.

Students proceed with their learning in their own pace, adapting the curriculum and the learning methods to better suit their own needs.

This method does not develop students’ communication and collaboration and social skills

Student will actively participate, surpassing himself.

no opportunities for cooperative skills

more attractive to the student

In excess, it may induce to the student the idea that he only needs to play and he will grow

Students can study and work in their own pace. They will learn to be responsible for their learning development.

A student who will stay behind in his knowledge may feel disappointed and stop caring.

2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods



Students in the group feel safe, contribute their best, find their strengths and develop them. Learners build social, communication and technological skills.

Students need to go at different speeds, someone may try to take over the group, quiet pupils may not feel comfortable, sometimes children just don't get along,...

Develops students’ collaboration and communication skills, and enhances their social and cultural expression.

Sometimes, in a team, the whole work is done by the same members, while the others are “not enough organized, not enough trustworthy, etc...” It is very hard to evaluate the individuals


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

inside a team. Students can develop essential cognitive skills.

It depends on every pupil, because not everyone has the same rhythm.

In collaboration, pupils will teach to each other the new skills, by using appropriate (understandable for them) language

The responsibility is not the same for all the team members

In our days it is a society demand to be able to work in collaborating teams with projects.

Some students may feel unable to follow the project and stop working while others might feel that it is their responsibility to do all the work.

3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools



Student’s progress is measurable, standardized tests can be applied

It does not meet all students’ needs, it does not develop their creativity

Students can feel confident on what they have to do.

Creativity skills could be restricted.

Tradition is always valuable This type of learning made us what we are now

Education should prepare the future generations for the changing modern society

The students will learn the basic knowledge and then they can discover new one based on their good knowledge on a subject.

Collaboration is very important in our days. Very few projects can be done without collaboration.

Important Skills and Competences in 2020 Learning to learn, social and civic competence, initiative taking and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression, skill how to valuate information Communication skills, social competencies, learning to learn, basic competences in science and technology, cultural awareness Networking, multitasking, appropriation, play and negotiation. Initiative, creativity, science and technology competences. Learning to learn, multitasking, social and civic competencies, basic in science and technology Basic knowledge in science,literature, history, technology, Maths,Web 2.0 or Web 3.0, communicative skills, reading comprehension, knowledge evaluation, team spirit.

Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1. Learning to learn 2. science and technology competencies 3. communication skills 4. Skill how to valuate information 5. Multitasking


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

PART 3 phase 1 Scenario 5 - Offline Networking pros


more cooperation and collaboration among teachers

less lasting rapports between teachers and students because of the rotation

recognition of professional development organised by a European body and supported by national ministries

financial support - difficult to do in terms of how much, for whom, how often, difficult to assess its efficiency

I see these monthly networking events similar to this learning event. Teachers will have a lot to learn from each other. A good idea is to involve students too.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to have a different teacher / class of students every other month.

More exchange between teachers, meaning a useful way to improve one`s knowledge in his area.

Changing to often the teachers could damage the education process.

The rotating teachers have the opportunity to see different schools, to meet different colleagues.

Students will lose valuable time trying to “adapt” to changing teaching styles.

Teachers will learn a lot from each other and improve their teaching methods through the diffenent scenarios that they will attend.

Students may gain from various teaching methods but nothing is guaranteed.

Interacting and collaborating with students from other schools increases student motivation for learning new things.

I would have difficulties if every month had to work in another school

conclusion Phase 1: Teachers would have many opportunities for professional development.

Pupils would have to adapt to various teaching styles during a school year.

Phase 2: I find scenario no. 4 more pupil - oriented. As a teacher, I personally like scenario no. 3, but it looks very utopian to me. I also find scenario no. 1 very flattering for eTwinners.


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi



Students’ age

Loredana Popa



Cristina Nicolaita



Seçim Atagün



Maria Panou



Nicoleta Gavrila


13 - 15

Rui Esteves


13 - 15

Jana Pemlova

the Czech Republic




eTwinning Learning Event

New Technologies

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning?

Virtual reality (virtual learning environments)

VLE can be means of enhancing, motivating and stimulating learners’ understanding of certain events, especially those for which the traditional notion of instructional learning have proven inappropriate or difficult. Furthermore, the users can learn in a quick and happy mode by playing in the virtual environments.

Mobile learning

The mobile revolution is finally here. Wherever one looks, the evidence of mobile penetration and adoption is irrefutable: cell phones, PDAs (personal digital assistants), MP3 players, portable game devices, handhelds, tablets, and laptops abound. Children are developing new skills and literacies enabled by mobile devices, such as SMS texting, moblogging (writing diaries and weblogs on mobile devices) and mobile video creation. A new generation of locationaware mobile phones will offer further possibilities, of education services and educational media matched to the learner's context and interests.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a promising infrastructure which provides computation and storage resources as services.Cloud computing infrastructure and related mechanisms allow for the stability, equilibrium, efficient resource use, and sustainability of an e-learning ecosystem.

Future learning - future class

My idea has to show how important is first to be a really able educated and economical plan supporting future learning. We need a class rich to material of education, a teacher want, to give children the chance to learn how to learn. Teachers must educate themselves to know how to teach children this so difficult and so important knowledge. Most important of all is national service of education must decide to activate an educated plan will be familiar to the way its people can understand and support to their children. In a crisis hitting country must be find the educated economical way to make own and possible for each school have the opportunity and material for a future class and staff to support it and the plan be able being proceeding at any case. Future tools will be skype, videos, on line chats, discussions by internet, forums, etwinning port and projects with similar issues, laptops, e-journals or e-magazines provide these works.

virtual laboratories

programs like LabView (from National Instruments) will help pupils to understand easier physics phenomena, visual memory being preponderent for human beings

e-Books, e-Manuals, eworkbook, wiki-s

instead of libraries in the near future will be widely use eLibraries. Free open courses (like MIT’s) will allow people to learn in their own rhythm (like wiki)


wide areas may find useful e-Tools: mathematics, physics, chemistry, music, design


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

The web tools

for more attractive and easier way of learning and teaching


Multiple Communities, such as groups, classes, courses can learn, share the knowledge and materials

virtual reality games

virtual reality games, such as Second Life will promote creativity, communication, interaction


following the example of around the world in 80 classes using videoconferences, they will be used to learn about different subjects, topics and to increase fluency in native language and other languages

Mobile Applications

More than ever, mobile devices are on top. Everybody uses a mobile device: mobile phone, tablet, smartphone, laptop. To enrich and personalize our devices we can install many type of software. And more specifically apps (mini software with specific functions for a website, game or service) that we use for many things. For education resources we can also download and install apps to improve and share resources with students, school community and to public in general. It’s a fantastic world that is sure can help teachers and pupils to reach the future school soon as ever.

What will schools and learning environments look like? Classes which will respect children at any age. Books, laptops, boards supported internet use, power point programmes,, skype, chats, forums, contact with educational support and programmes like etwinning port. e-Books, smart interactive boards, social networks, involvement into trans-national intercultural projects, learning by doing, learning by teaching others. More intercultural projects, involving schools from all over the world, using platforms similar to iEarn, epals so on. Students will teach other students via videoconferences. More ‘tech’ in every school. Most schools will be hybrids: bringing students together (at least for part of the day) for face-to-face interactions with one another and their teachers, yet also very much organized around computers, software-driven course work, Internet-based research, and distance learning for many courses that are specialized or costly for individual schools to provide on their own. I think will be a different classrooms. But what classrooms? something like the minority report? Web applications with mobile devices where everybody is all time connected, online, to communicate to be able to answer or send works and other stuffs by a computer network, this is sure. I think,the students will be able to find , distinguish and evaluate their own resources using internet based search. Flipped classroom will be important. Reflections and collaboration will also be important and easy by means of tools.


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi


1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning



Each child is taught at their own pace; they aren't exposed to the possible ridicule they may receive from their peers if they can't do something that the other kids can do. It may be a good idea for a very shy child, a very aggressive one or for a child that is easily overstimulated.

The children lose the opportunity to improve their social skills. They haven't learned group rules, manners, sharing and how to get along with others.

To come against these cons I wrote, I suggest we must learn our students: a) own their learning b) need to be able to find and critically evaluate their own resourses.

I want tell you about my fears if technology be not a tool for education but the main purpose. A friend of mine send me this and I want to share it with you: Albert EINSTEIN WAS RIGHT! A generation who look but do not see, having ears but not hear. . . . . . . . when drinking coffee. . . . . . . when they are with friends at a restaurant. .. . . when enjoying the beauty of a museum. . . . . In a friendly company in a cafe. . . . . . . . enjoying a day at sea. . . . . the court supporting their team. . . . fun with their girlfriend. . . . enjoying the city from a convertible .. Einstein was right: "I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots."

Can result for a self mental exercise. Can help develop the students reasoning. This can be productive with a blend learning, where if needed the student can contact personally the teacher or the trainer.

Alone, just self learning will not be a good option, because, many times the students (and the younger more) need some personally explanation to better understand or learning some contents/subjects.

Individual learning paths, using each self velocity of knowledge accumulations, important being only to achieve the goals. Each pupil will be able to find his/her means to get the expected results. In this kind of process of learning the questions seeded are important, answers will come if pupils are searching for. So they will learn how to

Sometimes solutions are searched for in a wrong direction, guidance of a real teacher may put on a right track the seek.


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Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

learn. It is useful for intrapersonal learners

Need a good guidance

2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods



Done correctly, collaborative learning can help learners develop competencies in: ● Collaboration / teamwork ● Communication / listening ● Conflict management ● Leadership / project management ● Articulating and defending a position ● Negotiating ability ● Problem-solving

Problems and challenges:o ● Logistical challenges: coordinating a time when learners with varying schedules can collaborate on projects ● Lack of time to form strong group bonds ● Personality conflicts among group members ● “Hitchhikers” in the group who are along for the ride and are happy to leave the work to others ● “Hijackers” in the group who want to take over the project themselves

A good teacher have passion for teaching, pedagogic love, humor, imagination, braveness to go on against those they fight modern ways to learning. He teaches child to create knowledge, gives it thinking skills, connects it to social networking and web.2, web.3 with safety.

We have an ego-educated system yet. School environment, parents, economical poorness fight a good modern teacher who wants to build personalities good to win and own the new 21st century.

Collaborative learning, using any method is always productive and can improve high results in education when very applied with experts and specialists in workgroups.

If there are groups, people, that resist or/and don’t want collaborate in work progress the results cannot be good ad the other people connected can be injured by others.

Mosaic method used in collaborative learning may accelerate this process. Each one can have the role of teacher or pupil.

Sometimes a brilliant idea may be overlooked if the brainstorming stage is not part of the process of collaborative learning.

If it is applied correctly, it helps students gaining responsibility and self confidence

Some students may not get involved actively.

3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools

pros -teacher and student actively engaged in meeting interests and learning need -student choice and direction innately stirs

cons -not always easy to find teachers dedicated to organizing, preparing content, establishing goals, and managing the


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

interest -feasibility to spark positive climate, expectation, and value greater yielding motivation

environment efficiently -some need intrinsic drive from traditional “grades”

Learning is based to personalisation of learning, collaboration, meeting with social media lanscape, architectures participation, uses blogging (moblogging, microblogging), shares media, uses connectivism. Learning to learn, reflection, evaluation are the tools of teaching/learning nowadays.

Unfortunately, though many teachers comes to surve the new learning way, the educated system is belong to 19th century yet. We need a smarter educated system but it’s too hard to make it new, that’s very strange, now we have such technology to help.

Given content helps a lot the learning of students. The interaction between teacher and students, by the contents, can make the difference in the last results adding of the use of correct tools.

I don’t see any.

Easy to learn, easy to measure, having the objectives and the means well defined.

It shouldn’t be a strict content. Each item interacts with something else. And the use of certain tools specialize pupils to use those tools, not to explore the new ones.

For the teachers and also the students ,an easy and safe way.

The students may feel restricted

Important Skills and Competences in 2020 Link to team poll

Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

1. Critical thinking and problem solving 2. Creativity and innovation 3. ICT Literacy 4. Information literacy 5. Initiative and self-direction

PART 3 phase 1 Scenario 1 - European Education Network



It’s an opportunity to exist one security, safe Sometimes new teachers in etwinning have and strong network to centralise and control no experience to choose their twin in the works of all teachers and students collaboration creating a new project can be alone to this project and then it’s too difficult, as I am now. I try hard to me proceeding my project with out my twin, and my other teacher members give me help but they haven’t experience too. I think must be a responsible and experienced Etwinning manager to help new teachers to choose the right twin founder. The helper must have


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Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

experience too being a right collaboration. The new wave of exciting online learning programs and educational games has brought teaching into children’s own territory like never before. Rather than associating school with boring essays and dusty blackboards, pupils are finding ways to learn whilst having fun, in the online world with which they are already familiar. For teachers and educators, the introduction of personal learning networks and sites enabled the beginning of an exciting worldwide network. Education resources, tools and ideas can be shared and spread at the click of a button.

Lack of experience with computers may leave some teachers out in the cold and facing criticism for their ‘old-fashioned’ teaching methods. It is important to consider the dangers of excluding schools in more disadvantaged areas, where tight budgets and over-full classrooms make it impossible for pupils to benefit from access to the same kind of modern technology. With a lack of face-to-face contact may come a severing of the bond between teacher and pupil and the human connection that is so important to successful learning. Also, tight control of electronic parameters by teachers and parents is important, but can be difficult to enforce, and internet safety must always be a top priority.

It is safe,enjoyable, enables the teachers and the students to develop collaborations,easy to share and to get the resources

Lack of the equipment

Seems me a very interactive and useful application that will available for every school agents (with parents included). We know that the the permanent online access to information and the cloud computing is increasing, so it’s normal that in few years more contents can be share immediately by a big network dedicated to Education. And we can take many advantages from there: access many contents, talk (communicate) with people (experts, parents, teachers, students) in online, resolve doubts, practice exercises, see examples of many subjects.

Of course, as other online applications, we must take care about fake people, who want access these frameworks just to do bad things or access private information. But many of security skills will be more developed in 2025.

virtual laboratories in grid/cloud computing, delays in transmission information, eterogenous applications, cross-cultural weakness dependencies, bureaucracy at an transnational inter-domain barriers increased level, linguistic specificities overpassing, self-motivating projects will get better results, multiple involvements and rapid growing portfolios

conclusion Phase 1: It’s really done the exist of a strong etwinning door, safety and it has really chances to unite teachers and students of all Europe’s schools.

Parents in Greece have no idea what their children do in etwinning project in my school. They think their teachers play to classroom being the lesson easier to them


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I hope parents be in this place and take a more serious chance to participate to their children work and help it better. But I believe it would fascinatind for parents to participate in parents projects and with etwinning methods have lessons to be helpers of their children teachers and their efforts. The new opportunities and resources presented by education technology are enormously exciting, but it would be a great shame if our excitement about them caused us to lose the valuable personal educational techniques built up by teachers in classrooms over the past decades. Not all education takes place online, and it is important that we also continue to value and develop our offline teaching practice, to support those educators working in a more traditional environment.

Tiina Sarisalmi

(teachers). When I tried to explain them and ask them allow me take a comenious project without money, they denied. So their children have to wait for a couple of years for this. Pity! That’s why it would be very nice to create parents’ projects! Think about it! The dangers of some pupils slipping off the radar or going unnoticed by a teacher in elearning have been well documented and it is vital that face-to-face engagement and traditional teaching methods continue alongside new technologies.

Mostly of the parts of the scenario can be true. And more developed than the presented in the presentation. All technologies are developed in a fast way, so maybe we cannot imagine what kind of technologies, in general, and for education specifically, can we use in 2025. But sure the EUROPEAN EDUCATION NETWORK, can be absolutely possible in few years. reusable modules, customizable modular economic weakness chain dependency, learning kits, enthusiastic self-envolvements, depersonalization of teaching process, european collaboration bureaucracy at an increased level Phase 2: Scenario 3: Intelligent agents provided by private companies?Plenty of time for professional development (attending seminars, courses etc)? Less stress, better classroom climate? I would love the idea of having and intelligent agent helping me throughout my teaching. But I am afraid scenarios 2 and 4 are more likely to happen in the ...not near future :-( I prefer scenario four... But at the near future is most realised to have scenarios 1 and 2. One already exists, two it will be, but four it will be far away. We prefer to dream not to dread. So I like have in mind the day my students will want be autonomous and they will be able to be. But teacher is most important to this last scenario, because technology allow fascility, but teacher gives personality and ethical characteur to educationed learners. I don’t want to give scenario 3 opportunity to be the main scenario. Because I can’t know if agents and companies want to educate or merchandise knowledge. So we will use senarios 1 and 2 and wish and pray for scenario 4. I will propose you to see scenario 4. If we have great expectations we will have more encouraged educated life.


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi



Maria Kapniari

Students’ age



Teodora Cosma


11- 15

Maria Teres Asprella






maria georgiadou


Ingrid De Micoli


12-15 11 - 16


New Technologies Mobile Technology

How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning? The future of computer technology rests in mobile computing with wireless networking. This technology is used for: communication, interactivity in groups, initiatives, collaborations, moderations, creativity, e-learning, centred


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

learning on students, modeling, explorations, socialization etc. Tablet PCs

lost of free educational apps (no www needed etc.), all in one place and in clouds (reading, writing, listening, speaking, presenting, storage, fun - music, videos, e-mail etc.), creating/learning together, not forgetting things reminders all the time, improved communication, tablet PCs will be bought instead of pens/workbooks etc.

Web 2.0 tools:

allow you to work creatively, to collaborate, to use audio, video, images ... for free!


pupils can share, discuss, help each other and teachers can help individually

communication platforms as skype, blackboard elluminate,flashmeeting, adobe connect

for a better communication by seeing and listening to each other, for voting, for having more fun and collaborating at the same time!

Games for Learning

Games for Learning are focused on developing of the innovative curricula across many topics and disciplines in partnership with domain experts.

Robotics in the Science of Education

The robots are implemented in the existing compelling practices of the technology for: demonstrations, experiments, applications, funny moments, support in learning and personal developing etc.

Web Conferincing

Named as Webinars, or online workshops, is reffering to a service online that allows conferincing events to be shared with remote locations. The applications consist of: exposures, meetings, short presentations and seminars, training events, discussions etc. Learners from different places of Europe can participate at expert conferences, for example, on the theme “The Effects Of Pollution On Some Natural Reserves From Europe�, realised by experts from an European Institute of Researches for the Environment, from Brussels.

Tools for the Computational Biology

Those tools are applied for this interdisciplinary field, in which are applied the techniques of the computer science, mathematics and statistics to address biological problems.

Teaching Science With The WorldWide Telescope

With the WorldWide Telescope can make a journey, showing how the dust in the Milky Way Galaxy is condensed into stars and planets.

interactive whiteboard

The interactive whiteboard will help us with differentiated learning. We all know that learners very according to whether they are visual, auditive etc. This tool will help us reach more students simultaneously. Apart from this it saves distribution of loads of handouts + photocopying costs + it could be economical in terms of times. In my case instead of writing the script of a dictation I


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Future School - School in 2020

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just show it on the interactive and students can start correcting. and by highlighting the words I need to work on, I save the time and possible disruption of students taking a long time to find that specific word. school websites

Teaching a foreign language, I am aware that the time allocated to this subject is not enough. On my school website I upload links to youtube clips which I have gone through (to check suitability + correctness in language) and put it in the French section. Students can access it if and when they want. I also give them exam tips, links to online websites where they can revise what we did at school, links to online tests …. This is a continuation of what we do at school. Students are responsible for their own learning in that they decide if to access it. Besides I have a certain control over the material they are using it, since there is a lot of material on the net where I found various grammatical mistakes and erroneous explanations (culture content / grammar / vocabulary). The content is accessible 24/7 so the student can manage his time according to his commitments.

What will schools and learning environments look like? school space will be less rigid and less structured. The spaces will be flexible and students will be encouraged to learn actively and collaboratively. ICT will create personalized learning environments and opportunities for collaboration and interaction. school will be the place for presenting, discussing, but students will work from everywhere, anytime, with deadlines set, without timetables, classrooms will be live-share points, equipped with latest technology, that will be in one piece - just the monitor perhaps or interactive whiteboard - all the “software” will be updated in the background, eg. in a cloud (so no more worries about plug-ins, functioning/not functioning etc.), teacher will be mentors, students will learn to collaborate, problem oriented learning ... The school activities will be more centred on students. Each student will be active involved in his personal developing and will select the training departments considering own capabilities and his expectations. Will be included in groups from the local schools and in virtual groups from different places of the world. Will be more activities based on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary projects, which will be applicative, coordinated by experts who support students to learn to solve major problems of every day life. There will be no desks in the way there is today . There will be tables of 5-6 students to collaborate , share, discuss, help each other. School will be as a community for students to learn according to their needs and interests. No curriculum, no the typical classroom, free schedules adapted to every student, flexibility, receptivity, connected minds,learning and sharing without limits and boundaries..Collaboration and interactivity are the key-words of the future learning. School will not be the unique place for education, as i strongly believe! The fact that elearning education supports the distant learning, it’s normal to have as a consequence the education at home, in the nature or wherever! I also have read that students will learn at


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

home and come to the school,in order to present and compare their assignments, with the contribution of their teacher, who will be a facilitator, a mentor! A school where the teacher facilitates knowledge rather than gives it out immediately. A school which triggers off the need of students to seek answers rather than expect answers from teachers. It will be a school where students will be given the skills to learn (giving autonomy to the child and making him responsible for his learning) thus allowing student centred learning and differentiated teaching in the sense that all students will progress at their own pace using their skills. I hope it will be a school where pedagogical conversations play a vital part in that as educators we have to be given the time to teach skills and strategies to our students rather than merely concentrate on content and tasks. I also think it should be a school where peer learning plays an essential part in that students learn a lot from each other by working together. Schools will give a major focus to tasks rather than content, which means that the student is informed immediately as to why he is learning this or that content. For example if students are being taught the numbers in a foreign language, they are asked to use this knowledge in a real life situation/simulation, for example giving a telephone number. It will also be a school where evaluation is not just summative but also formative and diagnostic. Technology will be important but will not replace the teacher who is the link between knowledge, pedagogy, technology, evaluation and students. Used in the best ways technology will facilitate the task for both students and teachers but at the same time teachers and the other stake holders should bear in mind that it is not a miracle solution to all the problems we are facing; relatively high illiteracy rates, high absenteeism rates, bullying, learning problems etc. They are a tool but they are not a magical solution. And once again schools have to give teachers the time to share resources and ideas and to share their knowledge and training. Without training the investment in new technology will not necessarily lead to the best of implementations.


1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning



exchanging ideas and learning together fully engaged/motivating sharing, worldwide learning their path of learning, confidence control, autonomy competition each student learning at his / her own pace and perhaps feels less pressured due to the fact that it is kind of less formal.

students isolation (impersonal) more typing, less talking expensive, copying playing to much games (health problems)

Develop intuition, logical thinking and the competitive spirit.

Too much captivated and concentrated to be a winner.


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

- pupils are motivated with games ( fit to my own age group) - personalised learning help filling the gaps and prevent from drop -out - independent learners have more selfconfidence - creativity, decision-taking, critical thinking, learning to learn

- pay attention with games( pupils risk to become passives) will they remain a source of motivation if all teachers are using them?, ie when the novelty of it fades? - risk of loosing the path

-more autonomy, awareness -fun

-isolation -incomplete paths, lack of some parts of the knowledge

-Students are very familiarised with games and game -based learning is a very strong educational motive! - More efficient learning and in less time! -A way to the independent learner!

- Ok, but for how long can somebody be in front of the screen? Not healthy! - It’s the best way to start learning, to emphasize on the most important things, but not to develop, not for in-depth study!

2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods



closer attention working together (comparing) joined solutions ownership of tasks creative, active interaction

lost of work for teachers keeping every group focused support from school monitoring shy students relying on A students disagreements

Learning for doing practical applications.

No concrete models for real application. Don’t understand the meaning of application and don’t work actively.

- collaboration skills are developed - problem solving - constructive management of feeling - learning focused on results - outcomes - social and civil competences - peer assessment and continuous assessment - developing learning materials digital, visual, interactive, videos

- lack of equipment (some of my students didn’t have computers at home and others didn’t have Internet, at school there is no time to use computers and Internet at your own) - division of groups may be unsuccessful (disagreements) - risk of loosing time(deadlines not respected) - my students have a small experience in collaboration, it will be difficult to adapt them now, younger pupil at primary school are more flexible.

-critical thinking -peer learning -developing social skills -to learn actively -problem solving

-much more time required


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

- creativity having acquired the skill of thinking, reflecting they can transfer this skill to start learning on their own / finding their own solutions to difficulties -very good way to collaborate and share! -interaction,comparison,mutual help -getting better and learn,without stress -create personal content

-transformation of the curriculum in a way that it can be digitally and worldwide used

3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools



standardized learning - the whole country “learns� together, better comparison better to measure national yearly tests

only memorizing, not much of a problem learning and higher standards lesson plan made in advance (not open)

The students are directed to the theoretical knowledge and to achieve some competencies.

Ensure development only to the students with the best opportunities for studies.

- developing learning materials : digital, visual, interactive, videos ( 12- 15 aged pupils like very much) - more effective way learning things to be memorized - motivation, pupil like digital materials - differentiation - achieving mathematical competence and basic competence in science and technology

- lack of equipment - teachers role very important to control materials - learner don’t feel independent

-less time required

-more rigid curriculum

-An also usefull way to learn,in a more strict way,with concrete content and tools. - motivation accomplished

- not so free personal learning, semidirected,which cannot be negative for sure

Important Skills and Competences in 2020 I think that the important skills and competences in 2020 will be those for the using of the digital technology to create models, simulations, collaborative learning materials, transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary applications in every day life, evaluations. 1. Cross-curricular learning. 2. Languages. 3. Higher-order thinking skills (with use of the ICT). 4. Get/search information, communication (Adobe Connect). 5. Collaboration. - Communication in the mother tongue - Communication in foreign languages


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

- Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology - Digital competence - Learning to learn - Social and civic competences - Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship - Cultural awareness and expression 1. Learning to learn 2. Ability to think critically/strong problem solving skills 3. Practical application of knowledge 4. Able to think creatively/ability to innovate 5. Ability to understand a diversity of cultures/multilingual skills 1- Learning to learn 2- Communication in mother, 2nd + foreign languages + intercultural education 3 - collaboration 4 - Using knowledge in concrete ways not just rote learning but putting the theory learnt into practice so as to find solutions to problems 5 - Researching to find answers to one’s questions

Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1. Ability to work in team. 2. Ability to develop a network in collaboration. 3. Language skills. 4. Business culture and management skills. 5. Awareness of the relevance of the research and its impact on the environment. 1. Digital competence 2. Collaboration 3. Language skills (mother tongue, foreign) 4. Higher-order thinking skills (ability to think critically/problem solving skills 5. Get/search information, communication (learning to learn) 1.Independent learner, knowing how to learn, his needs,his needed time, his aims 2.Digitally competent, even expert, as time goes by! 3.Good at foreign languages! Even with ….google translate, he must be able to communicate in different languages! 4.Always searching for creativity,, innovation, which means “always wanting to do and try more different things”,not το be restricted to the same things, to be anticonventional.

PART 3 phase 1 Scenario 2 - MyNetwork pros I work at an interdisciplinary optional course, applying knowledge of biology and mathematics, named “The Year Tree”, reffering to the ecological problems of the

cons Students will realise the interdependence of man and nature whose equilibrum conditioning the existence and the importance of the quality of the environment


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

trees from the arboretum of our town.

for the life from Terra.

This scenario is very useful because it applies the most important points of the elearning!My network gives the teacher the opportunity to create his virtual class! The multiple profiles are his students ,whose the work he can easily follow, in a safe environment, as often as he wants!Students can interact, exchange ideas, compare their contributions.

“My network”is not enough,unless it is in combination with the classic classroom!

Very interesting scenario, teachers can control their profiles easily without loosing time and use new technologies as easy as he/she picks up phone to make a call! He/she can enter the new age, changing his teaching approach, going to the future, to school 2020, adapted to new needs, new skills and competences as we described all in previous parts. Teacher’s and students’ relationship are changing as they learn from each other. Teachers roles are shifting from owners of information to facilitators and guides to learning. They find different ways of using class time.Different approaches to teaching are being used in the same class. The most important for me is that students will be able to have personalised help from the teacher or other students, and they will learn to learn to prevent early school leavers and prepare pupils for 2020.

All teachers must be educated to “my network”, be persuaded that they have to change ( some of them in Greece don’t know have ICT competences), they have to see that the world changes, teaching changes, see the lack of the current educational system. Rules must be entered for students also, they must be controlled and guided from teachers.

secure environment build a wide community not lose the contacts it runs from the cloud (accessibility, no loss of data) observation of student work interaction fragments become one - all in one place, single place to control everything, secure environment, not just in school - trough Europe also, clouds - safer way & updated, active learning, profile adjustments

lots of training for “older” teachers, too frequent updates - hard to follow or not frequently updated - becomes old fashioned, the first and the biggest step would be to implement this to all European schools - that’s what I call network :)

conclusion Phase 1: Students will develop their communicative culture based on knowledges of biology and applied mathematics, through which will explore aspects of the trees from the arboretum situated in our town and they will develop their ability to express thoughts,


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Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

feelings and actions toward nature and society. It’s possible to happen and I hope it will happen because it will be easier to pass to coteaching, to collective autonomy, to virtual environments, to learner-centered , to have a school that really prepares pupils for their future lives and new jobs. I hope this will happen soon and that learning will independent and in one place, ICT is the future and one network is the key This scenario is very possible to happen! I would say that it happens very often in the case of projects, when the teacher manages pupil’s profiles in the Twinspace for instance!This is an exemple of a teacher’s network! Phase 2: Students will develop their systems of the multiple intelligences through mathematical approach of the specific or of the general characteristics of trees, will develop their ability to analyse and to summarize the themes of social importance, will develop their communication skills within the groups, in the classroom, in the local community, national and internationally via the Internet. Enet: I think it’s possible to happen and it would be very usefull to happen for all the stakeholders. A part of this scenario exists already through etwinning : teachers can share sources, parents can follow students’ progress to the project and students have their own pages (monitored) to maintain a diary and collaborate with other schools (practice of foreign languages) Intelligent Agent: I can’t imagine if it’s possible to happen , it seems too futuristic to me but it would be really useful to teachers, it would be the response to how the teachers will adapt to the whole challlenge of school 2020 make them feel more safe to the new age. Personalised learning: I am a fun of personalised learning, and I really hope this scenario happening. I also think that students can’t be autonomous , if they are every day at school with the presence of teachers. Flexibility with presence at school is necessary for time management and individual paths in learning. Different career paths for teachers will give them the possibility to choose the path that can be adapted to their profile, skills and competences Scenario 5 don’t seem possible to me because I don’t believe in technology’s failure if everything it happens is well designed and adapted to needs, possibilities etc. I do believe that collaboration is the key and in all scenarios must be taken in account to be in the right way. As a conclusion I want to say that learning as it is presented through the scenarios is exiting, it seems to prepare in the best way pupils for 2020, but will every school of European countries be able to follow these challenges????It’s up to many things, policies, investments, educational reforms etc I think that the scenario with the European network will come true Enet: European Education Network, a network of networks where: “Parents are also able to log in specific areas to view their children's progress. Students, on the other hand, have their own pages on this new tool, but their activity can be monitored at any time by their teacher. Students feel it is a fun way of maintaining a form of "diary" of their scholastic work and collaborating with students from other schools. Education researchers have a section where they share articles which could be useful for teachers.”


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi



Students’ age

Tony Mizzi


9 - 13

K.Belgin Saka Üstünel



Dumitra Balan



Violeta Solomon



Ana Antunes



Paraskevi Belogia



Emanuela Leto




New Technologies

How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning?

Online games

Increase interest


Expose students to authentic language

Learning platform

Create a virtual space in which teachers, students and in future, students can interact even from their homes


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Web 2.00 Tools

Learning medialabs

Video Conference

etwinning class to class debates

Tiina Sarisalmi

Skype Google docs

group-task working, interactive learning, team work


- effective assessment, teaching and learning - focussing on process and products


project planning


creating presentation for the classroom and learning collaboratively


To promote e-learning and b-learning, share knowledge and materials and propose different kinds of activities (Forum, Work, Wiki,...).

Interactive board Tablet Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Improve the learning with more interactive classes To promote easily the communication between students and teachers. To enhance learning in all kinds of environments (school, home etc) since they can be available from any location. They provide the school members with a central space to store material that can be easily accessed by all.

What will schools and learning environments look like? The main aim of the school s will be developing key competences for XXI century, more and more integration of technologies in our daily classes, new evaluation approaches, knowledge transferable to everyday life. The students will be creators, problem solvers, users and producers of information, the will be characterized by autonomy. We, as teachers, should prepare our students for their future, not for our past. In the future school, students will be able to learn from each other by participating in collaborative activities. The school and teachers will just provide them with the skills necessary to help them learn on their own and then the students will use these skills to create new material, to solve problems, to exchange information, to interact etc. The school environment should be equipped with the latest technology and the classrooms should be designed in a way that will enhance collaborative, project work. Tomorrow schools would reflect the world we would be living in. Less, if any use of textbook & handouts. The traditional way of teaching would be reduced to negligible levels. Students would have a virtual learning environment with access to school information, school work, teachers & schools emails. Teaching & learning could those take place at any time. Students, through social networks, would have the opportunity to collaborate with students from different parts of the words. No classrooms teachers and students set apart but only labs of people co-working together to acquire competences, to produce learning objects to share !


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi


1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning



develop creativity, independence, autonomy

full integrating learning objectives into the game

every day situation can transform into a challenge

a game too long became boring

learning process became fun

not use a feedback

easy to experiment

danger for students to acquire partial knowledge

can be transferred outside the classroom

teacher should be well-trained to choose the right game for their subject and their students’ level

learning can continue even without the presence of the teacher, since the games give prompts & feedback.

improvement and renovation of school infrastructure is necessary

learners learn at their own pace the personal interests and the individual talents of each child are brought to surface games are an easy approach to learning by doing

sometimes the main learning task cannot be clear

2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods



feedback and understanding of the process using technology for planning, teaching, evaluation and communication

The teachers cannot be experts in technology

the teachers are more facilitators of the learning process

When students study at home, it is difficult to have immediate feedback or help by the teacher.

ownership - the Students feel that they have a say on the teaching & learning process

There is no interaction during the study of the material

teachers can control students progress and participation more easily. Students study at home at their own pace, having plenty of time to review what is taught. This cannot be done in the classroom as the time is limited.


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Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

Students learn by doing, learn by each other and teach others Social collaboration and interchanges are enhanced in this way

Sometimes some students collaborate not as much as it is requested

3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools



adapting the contents to learning competencies

in some situations, barriers to creativity

creating opportunities to exercise in different contexts

Not all students have access to computer & web tools

Students are aware what they are intended to learn & how

Teachers’ limited competence in ICT

Limited learner autonomy and initiative

Material cannot be easily adapted to all students’ levels, interests and abilities

Selective approach enhancing one competence at one time

Important Skills and Competences in 2020 Creativity and innovation; communication and collaborative work; ICT competences; flexibility; autonomy, cultural and social skills; management. The ability to learn how to learn autonomously (life long learning) Sharing information and knowledge, critical evaluation, foreign language skills Cooperative learning -learning by doing using new tools-learning to learn

Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1. Autonomy 2. Critical thinking 3. Creativity 4. ICT 5. Social skills-learning strategies

PART 3 phase 1 Scenario 3 - Intelligent Agents pros


Very limited paperwork

Less autonomy & diversity in lesson plan

More time to reflect creatically on one’s own teaching apporach

Reduces teachers creativity


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Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

Focus solely on interaction student teacher More chances to focus on a good classwork

No challenges to keep everybody focused on the lesson

Saving effective time

Since intelligent agents are provided by private companies it would be difficult for schools to afford money to buy them, especially nowadays that the economical crisis has affected education, as well.

Less stress Better classroom climate Easy way to evaluate resources found online Plenty of time for professional development (attending seminars, courses etc) Diversity and variety in lesson planning

conclusion Phase 1: I think the scenario outlined in scenario 3 could be quite real. A software which makes prepares lessons is something not impossible to imagine. I would love the idea of having and intelligent agent helping me throughout my teaching. I am not sure how many years will be needed for this scenario to be realised but I believe that some of its aspects will be launched soon (filtering resources, maintain contact with peers etc). I hope that helping us with our work outside school will come true soon, because this will certainly improve our teaching. Phase 2: Scenario 1 and 2 are the more likely scenarios. Virtual learning environment is already a reality now (In Malta, training in a MLE has been already introduced.) If this MLE is operate under the patronage on European Commission, more so within the view of a federal Europe. At the same time the school as a physical building would remain only because parents want a childcare while he or she is at work. I loved the ideas that the fourth scenario suggested, regarding diversified teaching careers. I think that letting the students choose the way they want to learn will motivate them and involve them in the learning process. Students will be autonomous learners and teachers will acquire a second role, the role of the mentor, which is something that will for sure change the learning process. Students will be able to get immediate feedback and help for their work, whenever they need it and from wherever they are. Learning will be accessible from everywhere!


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi



Students’ age

Oana Maria Vasilache


6-19 (more 16-19)

Gregor Anželj



Pierrette Leti



Elena Fusar Poli



Helena Lourenço



Anghelina Ciotlos





eTwinning Learning Event

New Technologies

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning?

School Wi-Fi

This is the first prerequisite or condition. Schools will need to have Wi-Fi in order to give students the ability to be connected through all the time they spend inside school.

Smartphones, Tablets, Handhelds, Laptops

The teachers and school management (headmasters, etc.) will need to be educated of the benefits of using these devices as a part of their teaching. Also students will have to be educated of appropriate use of these devices as a learning aids. Only then these devices will become powerful tools for teaching/learning. The teachers and students also need to be educated about Internet safety and on general principles on how to behave on the Internet and how to develop one’s digital identity and keep one’s privacy.

TBI, (interactive whiteboard) learning center

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TBI is a tool a learning center is a place where students learn to use tools to become independant

tablets, laptops

mobile phone, tablets and laptops makes school desks become history. In the future progressive’s school transform their classrooms multifunctional spaces that offer news ways of learning.

digital piano for every student

student can study at home and record song to be lisened by the teacher and to make necessary corrections for deficient study

NetBooks (for every student)

Teachers can upload their lessons (in video format, or with PP presentations etc) so that students can review them as much as they like. This would also help students with learning problems. Students could upload homeworks and individual/group works, they could discuss them and cooperate.

Interactive Whiteboard

Teachers or students can use multimedia projected on the board, draw or write or them, then saving the material after the class, to review it or use it to make short essays, homework etc. Teachers can use the board tot est kids, projecting interactive quizzes, movies or photos to comment etc. Teachers and students can show presentations or short movies, pictures and diagrams or schemes to the classroom The board can also be connected to the Internet, thus allowing guided web searches.


Edmodo it’s a tool which gives the opportunity to communicate with our students, share information, correct homework, give extra explanations

Tablets for each student and teacher

Ministry of education in Romania has decided that the 2014 school year each student to receive its own tablet - is


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

planned as replacement textbooks, learning style based interactive lecture and demonstration of learning, the audiovisual based critical thinking. Will put such emphasis on student-centered learning, the new technology will be web 3, schools will populate with cheap computers. Change is unpredictable and dynamic. Targeting factors are: 1) - Economic 2) - Education Cultural Education personalizing individual communities will require discipline both for co-experience-as well as study 3) evaluation. “Education is a long term process that affects students, our children and people working right now.”

What will schools and learning environments look like? The virtual reality (virtual worlds, social networks, etc.) will blend with real world and the boundaries will be blurred (at least in my oppinion). I think there is also a lot for teachers to be learned from computer gaming industry. The principles used in computer games could be used for “gamification” of learning... I think the hologram image will successfully replace actual boards. I hope the classroom environment won’t change too much, because school still needs to be a place to learn social skills, so I wouldn’t like to see every pupil concentrated on his/her own laptop without any opportunity to talk and discuss. Even so, I guess there will be computers in every classroom (it’s still in the future for us!) and hopefully for every student, with a common interactive board to show the individual work to the group. The virtual reality will be important and useful but our role and skills will be more. We can not be replaced by machines. We can use them but our students and the way they can learn more and more still are the reasons of our work.

I would love such a class in which students learn on an interactive whiteboard to design a bridge (our school has a profile building) to have either a tablet or laptop to the bank each possess the ability to work both individually and the team can effectively combine the virtual world - computer-resistance bridges and their projection to the real world, communicating and changing social impressions. Always students in a classroom real or virtual but with an organisation which gives everybody the possibility of learn at its pace with traditionnal tools (paper, for example) and new technologies. The most important : how to develop the skill ?


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

I would love such a class in which students learn on an interactive whiteboard....


1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning



students will be drawn to the new notions

they will not socialize just as much as now

students will actively participate in the learning project

no opportunities to develop cooperative skills, unless the outcomes of the learning path are shared at the end of process

train in the game, surpassing himself. discovering and applying stuff

does not know when and where to stop

students can work at their pace and create in a pleasant environment

social life is reduced

A possibility to repeat things over and over, that is to learn from mistakes (this is the main concept of games: repeating the tasks until you master them). This opens the path to self paced learning, following your own learning path.

Not a con, but a remark: Social life changes and is not necessarily reduced. It shifts from real life to virtual communities like SecondLife.

Students will discover and learn from their curiosity and researches

Although, they’ll join virtual communities, they can develop an individual way of work

2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods



Students will form new skills

possibility that each of them will not work just as much as other

Students will develop essential cognitive skills (critical thought)

Students with learning problems could feel uneasy or under pressure, unless we settle a safer ‘peer to peer’ educational environment

student-centered: students are involved in learning, are motivated and are considered relevant projects autonomy: The student acquires competent help monitor learning so you do not have to rely on the teacher to direct them. discover, apply presents: the students learn through exploration projects, apply what they learn and demonstrate their knowledge


guidance by the teacher

listen, memorize, repeat


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Skills XXI century: the wagon project activity encourages the development of skills: critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, creativity. long learning students engage :: a study of an open-ended topic. Continuous assessment: assessment takes place at different times during the development of projects and undertaken by teachers, pupils and colleagues. connection with the real world: data loads can be applied in the real world outside the school, classroom and involves collaboration with professionals, Reflection: The student reflects on what is learned during the project.

knowledge of facts, terms, content

students have to make allowance for the others ; they develop this skill.

It’s difficult at the beginning. Students can be discouraged and not collaborate the teacher must know the problems of interactivity in a group

People are social beings, thus this is a good opportunity for students to develop social skills, critical thinking, presentational skills, teamwork, etc.

At first it could be a steep learning or adapting curve for them, if they are not used to this kind of work,

Students can develop their own study groups, they’ll learn from others and with others. They also will be developing their interpersonal skills.

It can be difficult for students with low self esteem and social problems

essons short, isolated, with predetermined answers assessment tests based activities the school

texts and exams

3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools



Students might feel at their ease when they are given clear instructions and definite goals, thus their learning will be encouraged because they feel ‘they know what to do’.

Cognitive skills are not much developed, unless the outcomes of the learning process is shared in group and discussed

Works on: -The observation files -checklists -assessment criteria grids, -journals -reflection Students know what is required and what is expected of them.

Would be inhibited creativity dick.

no trouble (noise, excitement) in the class the teacher is the “king of the class” no questions, no rebellion

boring no acquisition no reflexion


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

Possibly good for students’ self reflection or Today’s students and kids are born to the reflection of their work/learning. world which is full of information. They are used to get information from a lot of sources that surround them, not just one source (teacher), so this may disenage them. It could (and often is) boring to them. Students find it an easy (sometimes boring) way of learning

Students don’t develop enough skills to enter in the professional life

It is a structured environment. Students, and teachers find it easier to follow, safer, no change no challenge

Most digitalized learning materials I’ve come across in my country are just a digital PDF copy of paper material.

Important Skills and Competences in 2020 XXI century skills: -Creativity and Innovation critical-thinking and problem-solving -Communication and Collaboration -skills in information -skills related to mass communication -skills in ICT -Flexibility and adaptability - Initiative and autonomy - Social competence and transcultural - Productivity and liability -leadership and responsibility All combined with modern strategies. initiative autonomy creativity curiosity computational thinking critical thinking creativity curiosity playfulness Flexibility Being able to learn on one’s own Cooperative work Problem solving Interpersonal skills (being able to relate and communicate) I think the most important skills are: reading skills, language skills, social skills, the skill to cooperate, creative skills, information literacy.

Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1. problem-solving 2. critical thinking 3. creativity 4. social competences and skills


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Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

5. curiosity 6. language skills

PART 3 phase 1 Scenario 4 - Diversified Teaching Careers

pros ● ● ●

personalized (student-centred) learning different teaching methods, thus catering the needs of every student from a teacher’s point of view: flexibility, less bureaucracy, less stress (working one-to-one as online is definitely nothing like teaching to a class of 35 kids!), more interaction with colleagues (favoured by the ICT media)

student-centered learning promotes teamwork, develop critical thinking, problem solving is planning concrete project on time, developing creativity, collaboration, cooperation, students learn from each other through tehnologieiTIC-each with his group, he correct each other's weaknesses, and also to highlight those countries, based on a grid evaluation criteria; -Teacher has to work on many levels and will be available after both real as well as virtual student needs., He has to prepare material digitized form, it can show where it is called virtual, provide any stumbling of students and make it so that it can guide to deal only with auxiliary tasks, the teacher can plan some projects with an expert conference on the subject. Also the teacher must work with other teachers to ensure transdisciplinarity specialitatti. Ii-teacher should encourage students to trust and to give mutual respect to have

cons ● ●

fewer socialization opportunities too much stress on the student’s choice (a strong mentoring is needed in order to avoid wrong choices in terms of chosen methods etc) fewer opportunities to actively cooperate with peers, in a ‘real’ environment with all the ‘real’ connected problems to solve from a teacher’s point of view: ‘virtual teachers’ are likely to lose the focus on their social skills too, those needed to interact with many kids at one time, for instance.

Professor observe caliatate although each student can work as objectively assess the contribution each student in the team, as face-to-face hearing .. - Ie can escape some of the key criteria evaluation criteria specific to students - Can not physically have the time necessary to prepare virtual moments; - Conflict situations arise that need to be solved real, not virtual; - Situation can occur when not all teachers collaborate effectively, or are not compatible with each other -should provide strategies for some students to volunteer in the hard - To encourage students to control the relevant vocabulary, to share their newly acquired knowledge and resources, to reach a consensus all - Not all students will want or be able to support the learning contents - a power outage can cause if not in time to save material may be lost


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

individual and group responsibility, to use active ascultatrea to plan the collaboration carefully, be clear communication, to provide feedback; carefully to select appropriate tools work ethic Observe and prepare them for success, must be prepared for all sorts of contingencies. - To define and divide tasks to accomplish and believe schedules and calendars. ● ● ● ● ●

development of the intelligence autonomy of the students development of the skills teacher always working, thinking how to do, how to help, how to... students can analyse their work and say why it’s works or not

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it’s only for good students, who have the tools and the intelligence to analyse it’s only for teacher who accepts to work all the time and who has the tools and the education for using them

With personalization students become more aware of their needs and can articualte their interests. This also means that students becoem more responsible for their work and thus knowledge.

The whole shcool environment is adapting to personalized model too slowly. By school environment i mean especially ministries for education and other similar official bodies.

More exchange between teachers.

It takes time before working as a team, and personal relationship is often the first step.

Use of different and many skills from teachers; personalized work for students; teachers will be able to work in different contexts: both real and virtual scenarios

Students more confident but less involved in teamwork

conclusion Phase 1: personalized learning with personalized results... Personalized learning in real and virtual communities (this is already true, e.g. SecondLife) with teahers/mentors and fellow peers. Education/learning in formal and informal forms... I don’t think any of it will be implemented: our present is moving to a completely different direction Personalized learning is crucial, especially nowadays, and new technologies will concretely help us teachers define personalized paths for our students. teachers collaborative networking events with students Teacher networks are very helpful and meaningful, I hope they can be part of our everyday work in the future Phase 2: European Education Network If i had to choose a scenario for the future school, from the list of the 5 proposed, i would choose the number 4. According to this students go the school every day and two days per week they are autonomous to choose how they want to learn. The most interesting scenario for me is number 1 (ENet-European Education Network): it would solve a lot of problems! A common frame of reference for career recognition and


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

training opportunities, plus a simple way to interact with students and parents. I also think it is the most ‘realizable’ in the near future, because there’s an existing network on which we can build this ENet (ie eTwinning!). European Education Network in conjunction with other approaches I also would choose this scenario, but I think the European Education Network it’s also very important, specially because safety and security in internet it’s very important and very often our student don’t know how to use it properly. I admit the Intelligent Agents is very impressive and I would like to work in such environment.


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi



Students’ age

Robert Conings



Adelina Silva



Efthymia Filippaki



Simona Bernabei



Christian de Thy



Emine Cag



Maria Teresa Rughi



Alexandra Marcu




New Technologies 1)Geogebra files 2) youtube 3) VIDEO- CD PLAYER

How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning? 1)A dynamic, easy and amazing way to increase the interest of students in maths. Specially for the students of A and B class (ages 15-17) of upper secondary education in Greece.It is very interesting to explore geometrical figures and functions with geogebra


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

2)It is usefull for some presentations 3)We use the video for some presentations on the history of maths. 1) free wireless connection for everybody 2) training for teachers/students/families

1) as simple and outdated it may seem, we need to empower the way we connect to the net. Making it simple, and free of charge will make it a daily instrument, even in those school/homes which are now cut off from access. I linked a video shot during a TED session. Very inspiring for me. Hope you find it interesting too. 2) I don’t only mean tech training, as in “I will learn how to use facebook”, but as in “I will understand the incredible cultural turnaround that the internet brought about, and the basic instruments that our teachers/students/families need (even students don’t have that, even though they were born in the digital age)”. I think people need a mindset, a cultural background in a broad sense. Like Prof. Mitra said, key skill will be the ability to retrieve information, that’s more of a life skill, the ability to think transversally. Only by doing this I think people will grasp the enormous potential of new tools.

Simple mobile tools eg: zoom q2 asus transformer TF 300

Audio/video recorders easy to handle even for technophobic teachers, tablets or PCs and a wifi connection is what is needed to make great projects with students. What is important is what we make of them ! Let’s be creative and offer challenges to students like working together for building something : for example, make a windgenerator (see : xNX-VU0) and improve it through collaborative team-work on a European-scale. The mobile tools I propose to use would be the “text” between the partners : recording (audio/video) is common for youngsters, and yet requires skills to be understood, especially by foreigners. Thus, through a collaborative project put into place from points of Europe, with the help of tools, it is possible to give meaning to the students‘ learning, and develop skills useful in their future (not only “how to record” but “how to make myself understood” or “how to express my disagreement without being rude”. by Christian de Thy

and a twinspace

Electronic environment with the basic (Computers, mobile phones, PDAs, Wireless internet connection, Power outlets, Display screens or monitors): * Creative Commons Tools * Collaborative technologies

With Collaborative tools of web 2.0 at our disposal in the internet, we can achieve sharing of planning, making decisions, solving problems, setting goals, assuming responsibility, working together cooperatively, communicating, and coordinating openly: brainstorming tools, mind map tools, research tools, storyboarding tools, role play tools, multimedia tools and so on.

Interactive whiteboards

Interactive whiteboard tools are very great tools for the


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

classrooms and they are quick and easy to implement.The smart board is very useful and also it is very nice to use as an input device for computer and an image can be projected on it and it can be used as an aid to lecturing,presentations,demonstrations and more. Smart boards, tablets,wireless internet

Each student should have a tablet on which they can retrieve information, download files, take notes,exchange documents, make a quick presentation, translate.It’s easy to carry, avoid paying for books.

What will schools and learning environments look like? Hopefully schools will be open learning environments where students focus on building up competences based on problem-solving oriented tasks and activities. Using mobile phones and other devices will be very common, cloud computing will hopefully become the most common way to create/share materials. ebooks won’t substitute books. With an assertive policy of training for teachers, and information to the society at large, it is possible to develop new skills that will be relevant for the future job-seekers ; according to what I have read these last years, teaching will be over in the future ; coaching will it be ! However, what is going to change is not so much the tools but the way - there isn’t such a difference between an interactive whiteboard and the classic blackboard of my grandfather : it is the same way of teaching : frontal : everything for all at the same time in the same way ; whereas, using PCs to make something, to exchange ideas, to think in common is very different! (exactly what we are doing now!). Although i don’t believe that something will change in my country until 2020 because of the crisis, i dare to dream and i would like to work in a school where every student will have a laptop to study maths with the aid of Geogebra or other software programs, but all the same, every student will work with his mind and will solve problems on his notebook under my supervision. I would like to have students who are really interested on Mathematics. I believe that students in the age of 15-18 have to choose the subjects that they would like to be taught. Schools will be open, instead of closed, inside their walls. Knowledge is every. Multimedia platforms will be used. Our students use and produce videos, texts, images using Youtube, Blogs, Flickr, for instance, as they were born in the digital era. Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks can be brought into the classroom. Therefore schools and learning environments will be more open. As knowledge is everywhere, students have an important role in researching, selecting information and learning. The teacher role is a facilitator of learning. Students will be able to choose their own strategies to carry on a task or to solve a problem. The teachers will become mediators, giving suggestions and inputs and tasks. Everyone will find out the proper way to get to the end, according to the personal skills and competences, the ability to use resources , information and applications available. I think schools will be a place where the digital learning platforms are used frequently.The tasks won’t be done on notebooks but on a digital way and we as teachers will be online guides for our students.And the social platforms such as facebook and twitter will be used for educational purposes by all the teachers.Now I have a facebook group with my students and we share the contents for our lesson,some useful and safe links they can get


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

help.Every student will have ipads and they will use them in the lesson and also the lesson resources will be adapted to this digital learning.

PART 2 1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning



Students learn according to their interests and they can increase their skills in a maximum point

Students must have a general education. So, according to this scenario they will not been taught some subjects very important for their life.

Students learn and remember better by doing things, rather than simply listening or reading.

Sometimes the students’ attention and concentration shifts from the general goal of the task towards the activity they are performing.Especially in teaching a foreign language it might be difficult to find a balance.

I believe that students can learn better according to their own interests and I am a teacher of english and I observe that the students who are fond of internet based activities such as games and songs with lyrics are good at my lesson.

If this becomes an addiction it will give harm to the students and they need to have a social educational environment in order not to lose their sociality.

Developing the possibility to compose your curriculum according to own interest

Choosing and being able to choose what is right for us is an excellent opportunity but I need you think you need to have the background to do this

Learning by doing

It implies a change in the attitude: from a passive to a proactive learning. Sometimes change can be painful.

I understand individual learning paths as a way of respecting each person in his/her skills and abilities : we do not learn or behave in the same way. A teacher, a guide, a tutor, whatever the name, should find the right way for making the activity a success by any student, according to the needs and abilities of each of them. To take into account, the person as a whole, is a great change in the perception of school and learning in general ; our educational systems are, for most of them, still orientated towards “mass production�, whereas we know that creativity, adaptation, work-collaboration is what the economy

To be able to adapt the activity to each student requires great skills and experience from the teacher ; however, it should not prevent teachers to try. As usual, teachertraining is required.


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

needs (it is not that I support this point of view, I mean, the adaptation of the school systems to the economy, but that is what is officially said in the documents of the EU! see : and the documents attached) One last word : students may be surprised to be taken into account and this may cause “strange” reactions (like : why do you want to know how I think, perhaps it is to control my thoughts?) 2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods



Communication and collaboration at school among the students Exchange of ideas Search and find answers

The role of the teacher is reducing Too much technology!

Problem-solving or inquiry-based learning methods let the students feel more involved in what they are doing. Moreover they can share ideas and work in a sort of peereducation with teachers.

Very difficult to use these methods with current curricula, where students must take a final exam mainly based on contents.

These learning methods can help them to feel more confident in a learning environment.

If they are only interested in technology based learning ,it will be difficult to make them stay in a class and follow the cirriculum based lesson

Problem solving stimulates creativity and motivations. Learning with a goal is important.

Totally agree with MariaTeresa. No possibility in a system where students’ levels of competence are measured based on the amount of info they own

Autonomy, Responsability, working team

The present curricula are very tight and don’t give much space to these methodology.

There are great advantages in learning through collaborative project : - students are active ; they understand that they need to learn to make or do something (I can’t drive a a car if I don’t learn, though it seems easy especially if you are a video-game player, but the first time you sit behind the wheel in real, you realize how different it is and that you need to learn, as you did in the videogame actually!). - students learn how to work in a team : how to behave socially in a group

We’ve got to change the school systems!!! What to evaluate ? The work of the group ? How to evaluate each student ? What about the final exams ? Collaborative learning is another way of learning with skills and abilities attached to ; changing the way of doing requires the need to evaluate differently, but that does not mean it is better, just different.


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

- leaning makes sense : if you work for a charity and the job of the group is to make woodfloor for a house, you realize that you need maths to calculate the surface area of the room and buy appropriately. - foster creativity : problem solving is challenging for students who like that approach ; it is an ability, a skill that not all students have or like. - etc... 3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools



Learning process is defined.The curriculum is standard. So all the students in my country have the same chance to pass the National exams for the universities,which is the goal of almost all of them

Only some students’ skills can be increased Limited knowledge.

Easier to follow a definite content (often given in national curricula).Strict goals allow to decide times, strategies and activities. Consequently it’s also easier to have in mind the tools necessary for each step and use them effectively

Very often a given content is far from the learners’ interests. Those who are not able to catch up with times and activities might feel depressed and give up.The use of tools is conditioned by the content and the goals,while learners should be free to chose the tools they are able to use better.

It is a structured environment. Students, and Most digitalized learning materials I’ve come teachers find it easier to follow, safer, no across in my country are just a digital PDF change no challenge copy of paper material. Everything is organized

No space for creativity

Equality : everything for all ; the same education for everybody whatever the place or the social class. Easy to implement for teachers ; we just have to stick to the set of rules.

Equality is not justice ; no adaptation to the context ; boring for teachers ;

the content is fixed and standard and it is in this standard content there is no easy to follow for the teachers.In my country possiblity to change sth in the cirricula and it is very useful for the students as they all students cannot use their creativity. have to take a national exam at the end of their education.

Important Skills and Competences in 2020 In my opinion the most important skills are: Critical thought, Math skills, Social skills, languages skills, information literacy I think the most important skills are: reading skills, language skills, social skills, the skill to


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

cooperate, creative skills, information literacy. Critical skill for 2020: ability to think laterally, ability to be critical, reading skill, being able to work in a group, being free to choose, learning your language/foreign languages I think the most importan skills will be foreign language competency,ICT skills,colloboratively study skills Collaboration in the network skills, technological skills, digital literacy, intercultural skills (the school is not the physical house, the school is the world - PLE, MOOC). The most important skills and competences are : - the skill of deciphering information, that is to say to teach information literacy (to understand how programmes are written, because they make you think in a certain way ; we must foster critical thought about them, and encourage creativity to make different programmes so as not be “overwritten” by (private)-companies). - the skill of apprehending the Other - being, thing, art, way of thinking, etc... - that is to say to foster the teaching of the humanities

Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1.Critical thinking 2.language skills 3.information skills 4 5.

PART 3 phase 1 Scenario 5 - Offline Networking pros


Teachers’ collaboration networking events Participation of the students to these events Events are supported by National Ministries

Rotating teacher. (A teacher is not a machine , he also must develop human relationship between himself and his colleagues and also his students. If he works in different schools he could not remember the names of his students and his colleagues)

More exchange between teachers.

It takes time before working as a team, and personal relationship is often the first step .

● ●

Technology has failed in many aspects: one risk is to become more of a geek and less of an educator Teachers' collaboration networking events: excellent, useful, not common in my country (especially where students are involved ) Continuous Professional Development: we love Long-life Learning !!

● ●

I don’t think the rotating teachers system will ever be feasable in some of our European countries Simple networking system: networking makes our profession better and richer, but sometimes you need more than a face-to-face network as European teacher.


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Teachers sharing ideas and good practises. Students’ involvement and commitment in their learning process.

Tiina Sarisalmi

Difficulty in arranging times and not possible in a reality where timetables and lessons are very strict in each single school.

conclusion Phase 1: The part of the scenario 5, which will probably come true in my country, due to the difficult economic situation is “the rotating teacher” I don’t think any of it will be implemented: our present is moving to a completely different direction The part of the scenario 5 , which i would like to be true, is the teachers’ collaborative (networking) events with the students’ participation teachers collaborative networking events with students Phase 2: If i had to choose a scenario for the future school, from the list of the 5 proposed, i would choose the number 4. According to this students go the school every day and two days per week they are autonomous to choose how they want to learn. I also would like eNet be a working tool for all teachers in Europe,but it must be available in all languages and not only in the officials.(scenario1) It seems to me that the scenario 4 is the one the most likely to be the closest to future reality. In the other scenarios, I can see an European network, but it is already extremely difficult to have a network working properly in a school, so imagine throughout Europe with all the technical difficulties. Moreover, I am pretty sure that in France, many people would definitely refuse such a network as a breach of their right of freedom. There are plans for building up a teacher network in France and it is not easy to set up, and nobody is sure that it will be the portal where teachers would get access to their personal file, to their resources, scenarios, etc... ● ●

Scenario 3: an avatar programmed to perform searches, identify resources, present draft lesson plans (and I add marking papers), leaving teachers time to prepare lessons and to attend continuous professional development (CDP). Scenario 4: personalised learning, lectures available in three different modes (in class, virtually and then digital mentoring). I think this does not necessarily need to be in the far-off future. Students with different abilities and skills would benefit form it a lot

Scenario 4 is the most feasible. They let students some free time to re-think and choose their ways,which is better than spending the whole afternoon on their strict homework..They are allowed to decide what is closer to their interest, improving their motivation and requesting the teacher’s presence as a real help for their targets. Moreover a net for teachers’ development would be very useful, but it is necessary to encourage teachers to improve their ICT skills before.


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi



Students’ age

Nadina Nicolici


16 - 19+

Catherine Johannes


16 - 19+

Carmen Climescu


16- 21+

Elena Vladescu


16 - 19

Elena Suditu




New Technologies

How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning?

Wikis, blogs, podcasts, mindmaps, videocasts, digital library online, Skype, Facebook, mlearning

Wikis can be created to become a resource with auxiliary materials accompanying the student-books Blogs can be used for homework and collaborative projects Mindmaps can be used for brainstorming or to show plan for a homework, for a paper Podcasts and videocasts to deliver information or to create


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

students’ own materials - used both in class and in collaborative projects (using some videos from role-playing) The digital library to offer students resources and additional information Skype, FB and mlearning used as assignment for instance, but the opportunities are innumerable Videos games

Playing is more ludic and easier to memorize.

Serious games

The students simulate true situations and understand easier, more ludic.


Prezi’s zooming canvas opens up the classroom to active learning and interactivity, making lessons understandable, memorable, and fun. It’s more simple and fun that PowerPoint and online.


Moodle has features that allow it to scale to very large deployments and hundreds of thousands of students, yet it can also be used for a primary school or an education hobbyist. Many institutions use it as their platform to conduct fully online courses, while some use it simply to augment face-to-face courses (known as blended learning). Many of our users love to use the activity modules (such as forums, databases and wikis) to build richly collaborative communities of learning around their subject matter (in the social constructionist tradition), while others prefer to use Moodle as a way to deliver content to students (such as standard SCORM packages) and assess learning using assignments or quizzes.

What will schools and learning environments look like? In my opinion school will not depend on the presence of the teachers, the boards, books and notebooks. They will become an interactive learning environment. The teachers will be there to guide students but everything will take place online - books, boards and notebooks will be replaced by iPads. I think you’re right. My daughter hasn’t any teacher any more in university: only videos and slide show. The students aren’t in the same lecture hall or classrooms. Maybe you are right, but the presence of the teacher is always necessary, because he is only one who can explain something. I think that the teacher will not disappear. In my opinion, the classrooms will be with the students with the same school level, the same difficulties or the same easiness and not the same age. The students won’t be necessarily in classroom: home (if ill, handicap...) I think we need to develop critical thinking and problem solving. If we help students identify and express significant questions that clarify various points of view and lead to


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

better solutions. I agree with you-technique is required in the learning process because they have another way to seek and retain information. I think you are right, critical thinking and problem solving are essential.


1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning

pros Can motivate the students

cons the students, may be, can only play to win without getting knowledges, skills

Very usefull for technological and vocational teaching Create a team spirit Students learn at their own pace

Does not develop collaboration, team-work Promotes competition

Understanding the interconnections among systems

Can not absorb all the information at the same rate and some may lag behind

can make complex theoretical knowledge more approachable

sometime games can become addictive

permanent repetition will lead to a more indepth learning students enjoy this kind of e-learning 2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods



To work with a project means to get definite objective so more motivation for the students

a lot of work for the teacher :)

Promotes collaboration, team work Develops skills (critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, imagination) Promotes the use of web 2.0 tools

Time consuming Too much information may be confusing Difficult to choose the right tools to be used

Practice logical reasoning in understanding They can organize, analyze and synthesize information to solve problems and answer questions Problem solving requires the capability to make non-obvious connections

in same cases, students become frustrated and abandon the project altogether if they can’t solve a problem


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

assure both positive interdependence and individual accountability

Tiina Sarisalmi

sometime, the cooperative element of project-based learning can lead to some heated disagreements and interactions that might not otherwise take place in a traditional classroom setting

student - centred methods 3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools pros


the students must be in classroom so they have true exchanges with other (social relationship) ALL the students have access to the tools (money not need for the students to have these tools) Simulation of real-life situations Clear ideas for teachers and students

Does not promote creativity Quite rigid

They can identification and expression of significant questions that clarify various points of view and lead to better solutions the students can have a face-to-face discussion

Important Skills and Competences in 2020 autonomy Collaboration, communication, IT skills, critical thinking, problem solving, digital competences Using technology as a tool to search, organize, evaluate and communicate information and fundamental understanding of the ethical / legal relating to access to and use of information IT skills, critical thinking, team working skills, independent learning skills, cross-cultural competences

Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1. Digital competences 2. Critical thinking 3. Ability to find the key information and use it 4. Initiative taking and entrepreneurship 5. Cultural awarness and expression

PART 3 phase 1


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

Scenario 1 - European Education Network



Safety Paper saving Having everything with you all the time Develops collaboration May involve parents in school’s life Easy access to needed resources and information

Some teachers may be reluctant to use the platform Lack of necessary equipment in schools for teachers and students to use it

Leads to the accumulation of knowledge in less time and students can associations interdisciplinarity

Some teachers refuse involvement because they say they are paid only to teach content and they are not paid for training and computer use

collaboration for the students and for the teachers too

Even if computers in school we are not allowed in computer labs

international collaboration

What do we do if there are some computer failures. only virtual exchanges the parents’access could be a curb for the students: “we are supervised”

Conclusion Phase 1: For me, eNet would be a dream come true. I’d like to have everything online, not printed on paper and filling innumerable files which I cannot access when I need them, simply because I don’t remember where they are. The most realistic part from the eNet which I consider can be done very easily is the one about sharing and accessing high quality resources for free. In this way teachers could easily prepare classes, document their work, assess their students, connect with other teachers through projects, look for jobs, search and apply for training and be active in suggesting changes in the curricula. I hope this will come true, as we really need it. Phase 2: MyNetwork is an interesting tool, and I think it’s useful, too. It can’t be difficult to create it, as I know there are some tool which already allow you connect to your multiple accounts by simply one click. I’d compare Intelligent Agents to Siri :). It may be useful as long as you know how to use it and what to ask it to do for you. But, on the other hand, as long as it will be paid by schools, I doubt it will become a global tool. The Diversified Teaching Careers has already started to take place in some schools where teachers have to perform different roles, both in front of students and online. It means plenty of time and resources, but it has the advantage of being student-centered. The Offline Networking is useful and interesting, even if sometimes group work may have some disadvantages.


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi



Students’ age

Hermina POPA



Maricela Tuchiac



Maria Rosaria



Effrosyni Pavlogeorgatou



Lavinia Iancu



Sotiria Germanli



Madalena Relvao



Violeta Corbu




New Technologies

How do they benefit or could be integrated into learning?

virtual communities

cooperation a short time efficiency sending fast informations

all Web 2.0 tools

a better structuring of lessons


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

support interactivity virtual learning environment

free online collaboration, creation, storage, access to and use of learning resources, assessment and personalisation of the learning experience, safe and secure environment


students have access to a plenty apps and multimedia, trusted resources and real-time communication tools with classmates and educators


collaboration between students and teachers and among students themselves. students can share the information with the others in the network, can convey material, express their opinions, give parents and students an opportunity to express opinions


allow individuals to work together, to accumulate knowledge and offer opinions on everything, useful for distance education and socia work courses

mobile applications

allow students and teachers to share classroom material, can share thoughts, make recommendations


weblogs, collaboration between students and teachers and among students themselves. students can share the information with the others in the network, can convey material, express their opinions, give parents and students an opportunity to express opinions

social media platform

encourages many more students to offer comments

collaborative learning

In the era of information, learning is no longer an individual task; since there are so many opportunities of sharing what we have learnt, we should learn with and from the other learners

learning outside the classroom

The emphasis should be on learning outside the confined space of the classroom at school; smart phones, tablets and other gadgets that students love offer them this opportunity

Online communication with experts

Schools or pupils away from universities or research labs can profit from the communication with experts living and working in other places far away. cell phones They allow ss to work for instance in webquests, georeference, quizzes, study visits... digital blackboard allows students to watch an online lesson and to hear teacher’s explanations kinect Xbox - ss must moove and with their gestures they do h?v=vwbyam95NMQ all kind of exercises - quizzes, matching, multiple choice, ... Cloud technology Environment saving

What will schools and learning environments look like? schools will have implemented personalised learning plans that take into account individual needs, interests and preferences. Education and training institutions have to implement better monitoring and assessment


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

mechanisms which detect individual learning needs. Curricula need to take into account students’ interests. Learning needs to become competence based, rather than knowledge based. Whatever the configuration of a school of the future might be, technology is a huge part of it. Very technological - laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc instead of books Schools would look like workshops were students and teachers would work f for forging new ideas, methods and strategies. Emphasis on practice, not on theory E-learning courses for students too Two kind of teachers: The ones who can hold on the technological progress and the traditioneal teachers. Schools could offer lessons to pupils from other countries I wonder if schools will exist physically as we see them today - will future parents take kids to «school»? will they stay at home and work collaboratlvely in a virtual environment? Green schools, combining e-learning courses with practical activities, learning to solve practical problems. learning play-yards? Cool!! They will look like workshops of ideas , strategies and methods


1. Individual learning paths using e.g. game-based learning










learning style (Some may prefer to learn by observing, reading, doing)


no confrontation





autonomy in learning

isolation. Lack of feedback


teacher as a path designer: too much work

understanding self interest in the topic efficiency

student as a path designer: lack of standard knowledge non-communication


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

2. Collaborative learning using problem-, project- or inquiry-based learning methods




over-reliance on others

real life implication

allows less theoretical knowledge

life experience

unequal labor

team spirit responsibility communication

more time required to come to a conclusion

social competences Peer learning, sharing the same code. Consolidation of the so called critical thinking

Lack of correction of mistakes. Lack of tools

original ideas

lack of teacher implication

More ideas generated, Greater diversity of ideas, More people to complete the job, Greater variety of skills available

Greater opportunity for conflict among members, More time required in decisionmaking

3. Learning based on given content, strict goals and effective use of tools



organize the content, establish connections between concepts more theoretical information


less time required

less thinking freedom

easier described achieved knowledge

easier to forget what we’ve learned teacher-centered

Easier to manage, evaluate, easier to satisfy the request of a national Curriculum

Lack of equipment in schools less interesting topics confinement of a strict curriculum

Tend to be accessible, thus requiring less additional effort

hard to build motivation, and stimulate real engagement

Important Skills and Competences in 2020 learner’s thinking skills work and interaction skills


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

Tiina Sarisalmi

crafts and expressive skills self-knowledge and responsibility administrative and management skills creative thinking cooperating with others learning to learn critical thinking searching skills real life awareness Reading “the world� thinking without dogma Green skills achieved also through the use of technology individual learning self-education ability to operate in different cultural settings ability to represent and develop tasks and work processes for desired outcomes Strong interpersonal skills necessary for communication and collaboration Creativity and intellectual flexibility Self sufficiency, including the ability to learn new things when necessary The ability solve new problems and think critically

Five Most Important Key Skills and Competences 1. Reading Comprehension (in mother and foreign language) 2. Searching 3. Critical filter of researched material 4 Learning to believe 5. recognizing dangerous situations in too much exposure to the web 6. self-motivation to learn 7.sense -making 8. self-knowledge and responsibility, communication, information technology, working with others; improving own learning and performance;problem solving

PART 3 phase 1 Scenario 2 - MyNetwork pros


active learning

free time demanding

secure environment

more expensive

better management of pupils activities/homework

more demands on ICT specialization


eTwinning Learning Event

Future School - School in 2020

the click of the button for manage the system

Tiina Sarisalmi

difficult to apply in rural and disadvantaged areas

manage personal data manage the list of contacts link to different applications possibility to connect with teachers outside Europe students don’t lose their personal freedom better selection of the material used in teaching single application to manage the network active involvement of the students due to technology Collaborative and exploratory learning Student assessment and feedback is limited environment, Access is controllable, Web browsers and Internet connections are widely available, Extendibility, Accessibility, and Suitability

conclusion Phase 1: -connections with teachers outside Europe will most probably come true -managing the whole system with a click of a button-hope it will come true This is definitely real. I teach DATABASE DESIGN AND PROGRAMMING WITH SQL on the Oracle Academy platform. It is secure environment where students can access online courses and quizzes and run the applications on APEx. As teacher, I can manage accounts, reports about exams, logs...Also, the platform has a forum where teachers from Europe can discuss Phase 2: Scenario 4 (diversified teaching careers) seems to me the most probable feasible scenario for the future because of the diversification, personalization and autonomous learning that offers. Scenario 1 (enet -European education network) offers also many possibilities. I think all scenarios are possible because anything one man can imagine, other men can make real, sooner or later, but this is costly and effective management of time and resources. I think we are leading to the fourth scenario where teaching occurs either in class or virtually and mentoring is also digitalized. What we are just doing at this course seems to be a big step forward to this future context of school in 2025.


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