Best Advice For Baby Born Time|Tilly & Jasper

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Best Advice I Had Before My First Baby Exciting times! You’ve told everyone you’re pregnant. Now everywhere you go, some wellmeaning soul or other will be giving you nuggets of advice. Buy organic baby clothes. Use a bamboo swaddle. Breast is best. Don’t buy a dummy…. Etc. Etc. Ignore the lot of them, I say! One of the best pieces of advice I was given before I had my first baby was to relax and enjoy the baby and not to worry about stupid things like housework. The house will be there in 3 months’ time but you can never get back the time spent with a newborn baby. They grow so quickly. Before you know it, it’ll be their first birthday!

Best Pregnancy Advice Here’s some of the best and most useful advice I was given before and after the birth. 

I think one of my best pieces of advice was to sleep when baby sleeps. So if during the day your baby has a nap, you should have a nap too. The first few months can be tiring for a new mum. Another useful suggestion was to accept help after the baby was born. I think pride gets in the way sometimes but you really do need all the help you can get in those first few weeks, whilst you are getting used to being a Mum. Also, always go with your instincts. No one knows a child better than their mother.

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Take everything other mums say with a pinch of salt! When another mum goes on about their baby (who’s the same age as yours sleeping through) – just ignore them as its normally a lie. All babies are different too so don’t compare your baby with others! Invest in a good buggy! Definitely do your food shopping online! Wandering around supermarkets with a baby whilst “tender” is not a good idea! Do a lot of cooking and freeze in batches before the birth. Then you’ve always got a meal ready for the first few weeks after the baby arrives. Don’t be afraid to say no. People obviously want to visit, but if you’re too tired to see them then just tell them no! Don’t try to be Supermum or Superhuman. Your body cannot take it: like it or not it’ll take a while for your body to get back to normal… Don’t try and get back in your pre-pregnancy clothes straight away and give your body chance to get over the birth. Pack a dark coloured towel for the shower/ bath after the birth and buy some comfy baby pyjamas because you probably won’t be wearing anything else for the first couple of weeks Use cheap sanitary towels after the birth, the ‘Always’ and ‘Ultra’ type draw moisture away and make any stitches pull – the cheaper the better, even if they do feel like bricks in your knickers

This is one of the best times of your life so don’t stress the small stuff! Enjoy! Source:

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