IOD autumn covers_Layout 1 26/08/2010 14:11 Page 2
autumn 2010
olympic opportunities !
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IoD suffolk
autumn 2010
autumn 2010
olympic opportunities !
front cover Our front cover features a CGI rendering of London’s 80,000 seat Olympic stadium See pages 26-27
IoD events
Thoughts from the chair
5 - 11
Across the region
Member profile
IoD news
15 - 16
Corporate news
A word from the accountants
19 - 25
Executive motoring
26 - 27
Olympic opportunities
IoD news
implications for businesses under the
new regime.
We also highlight the fact that millions of
36 - 37
pounds worth of opportunities are still up for
Business books
Mind your own business
secured contracts, others are being urged to
IoD committee and
seize the moment in what is described as a
new members
s the coalition government gets into full stride, we bring you timely expert professional
advice on some of the latest financial
grabs at the London 2012 Olympic Games. While some Suffolk companies have already
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Our special report has full details of how local businesses can go about staking their
Publisher Tilston Phillips Magazines Limited Printed by Micropress Printers Ltd Halesworth, Suffolk erratum: In the 2010 summer issue of IoD Suffolk Magazine we erroneously spelt franchisor incorrectly throughout Andrew Flemming’s article on franchises. We would like to make clear that this was a publisher error and apologise for any distress that was caused.
claim for a slice of the action and to ensure they do not miss out on what promises to be a lucrative spending spree. In addition, there is news of how the IoD Suffolk branch is gearing up for the future – investigating ways that it can become even more relevant to business in the 21st century. There are also details of a full programme of exciting events to tempt branch members and their guests in the run-up to Christmas. Plus… hit the road with us as we test-drive a couple of classy additions to the car line-up – take your pick from the new Audi A8, with its “iron-fist performance beneath a kid-glove interior” and the exhilarating experience of the all-new Jaguar XJ.
All rights reserved. Reproduction, in part or in whole, without the prior consent of the publisher is strictly prohibited. The content of this magazine is based on the best knowledge and information available at the time of publication. All times, prices and details of events were correct at time of going to press. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers, proprietors, the Institute of Directors or others associated with this production. © Tilston Phillips Magazines Limited 2010
All in all, with summer holidays rapidly becoming a distant memory, a busy autumn beckons and we wish all our businesses success in these still-difficult times. Jonathan Tilston
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IoD events To help Suffolk Branch members to plan ahead and organise their diaries, this programme summarises the activities we have planned for 2010. We hope the wide variety will give you ample opportunity to entertain partners and guests and to get full benefit from your branch membership. All events are open to IoD members and non-members. For further information regarding our events visit or call Caroline Kearney, Suffolk Branch Administrator on 07917 699498 or alternatively email:
september Tim Mills, our second speaker, trained with the 23.9.10
School of Analytical and Cognitive
Networking for Business
Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy and will
Real Beer Real Food Tasting Evening
Kesgrave Conference Centre
offer a fascinating insight into how our
Greene King Brewery, Bury St Edmunds
8.00 for 8.30am buffet breakfast
subconscious and behaviour can influence the
6.45pm for 7.00pm
(finish 10.30am)
way our personalities are projected in face-to-
(finish 10.30pm)
face situations and how other people interpret
Join the IoD Suffolk branch for an evening tour of
Networking, despite what some people think,
our mannerisms, as well as touching on how
is not about trying to make a quick close on a
to read face and body language and
sale, pressuring a fellow delegate for a
conquering anxieties. Be prepared to witness
meeting, or challenging yourself on how many
intriguing demonstrations of the power of the
business cards you can distribute over coffee.
human psyche.
and enjoy a welcome drink while exploring the brewery museum. The tour will start at 7pm with a visit to the mill room, malt stores, mash-tun floor and the fermenting rooms. You will then enjoy a tutored tasting in the Brewery Tap where
The benefits from effective networking are often long-term. It is about earning trust,
the Greene King Brewery. Guests will arrive in the visitors’ centre at 6.45pm to meet the tour guide
you will be served your meal while continuing to
making a positive impression and forging
sample Greene King’s fine cask ales.
relationships so that when an opportunity arises, you are one of the first to be informed.
14.10.10 Employment and Commercial Law
Our September breakfast event focuses on
Update with Jackaman, Smith &
maximising your ‘in-person’ networking time
Mulley Solicitors
and the new opportunities made available
Isaacs on the Quay
Open Evening
through online social networks. The morning
8.00 for 8.30am breakfast
Saints Winebar, Ipswich
will begin with Dean Wales, director at White
(finish 10.00am)
5.30 – 7.30pm
Space Public Relations, taking you on a
Join us for a pre-Christmas, informal reception
whistle-stop tour of the world of social
Join us for this informal breakfast and
with wine and refreshments. Don’t miss the
networks. Guiding you through some of the
networking event. Partners from Jackaman
opportunity to bring colleagues and guests to
most popular sites, he will cover social
Smith & Mulley Solicitors will provide a
hear more about what the IoD Suffolk branch
networking etiquette, benefits and pitfalls and
business briefing covering topical issues on
can offer its members. There will be a brief
illustrate how to conduct effective virtual
employment and commercial law.
presentation, highlighting some of the exciting events planned for 2011. Events
networking from the comfort of your desk. Stephen Firmin, JSM’s commercial partner, will
planned for 2011.
be joined by partners Mark Rowlands and Priya Nainthy. Mark has acted for a wide range of commercial property clients over several years. Priya, the firm’s employment law partner, has more than 10 years’ experience as an employment law specialist and is also a part-time employment tribunal judge. Tribunal Judge.
2010 programme is kindly sponsored by:
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IoD suffolk
autumn 2010
thoughts from the chair
he general election which, of course, resulted in the first formal coalition Government since the
advantage of the significant spending before, during and after the Games.
Leigh-Ondrea Bendall has recently joined us and we are now looking for someone with PR experience to help the branch get its message
IoD Suffolk has also been supporting co-
across. If you are interested please let me know.
Second World War has already produced
ordinated initiatives to provide high-speed
By the time this issue of the magazine reaches
many proposals for business.
broadband throughout the county.
your desk, summer will be pretty well over and we will all be looking forward to Christmas. I will
Probably the most significant change so far has
In a modern economy an effective broadband
have competed (if that’s the right word) in the
been the idea of replacing the regional
service is essential and Suffolk is very badly
Ipswich half-marathon in aid of EACH. Donations
development agencies with local enterprise
served. Our local MPs are very supportive and I
via justgiving are welcome.
partnerships on which business organisations
hope we can achieve a satisfactory outcome.
would be represented. Naturally, IoD Suffolk
intends to be part of the process of consultation.
The branch programme has continued to be
I hope that all local business organisations can
successful. Elsewhere in the magazine you can
provide real input into local decision-making.
read about our annual conference. This took a very different format from previous years and
Another area where businesses in Suffolk need to
feedback indicates that it was a success. We are
grab every opportunity is around the 2012
now planning the 2011 programme. Ideas from
Olympics. With less than two years until the
members about events are most welcome.
opening ceremony, Suffolk is well-placed to take
We are also looking to add to the committee.
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:28 Page 4
sound advice
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advice you can depend upon
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Jackaman Smith & Mulley
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matters In PR, column inches count. We’ve had no complaints!
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:28 Page 5
IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
across the region staff step out for ‘world’ tour Teams from Grant Thornton’s offices in
around a virtual tour of the world, comparing
Ipswich and Bury St Edmunds have set out on
their performance with more than 10,000
a 16-week ‘virtual’ journey around the world
top college post for ex-labourer
in the Global Corporate Challenge 2010, which aims to improve the fitness of office-
Team member Jo Oakley, said: “This is the
bound workers.
second year we’ve competed and GCC provides a unique way of improving our
The seven members of the team will be
individual fitness. It’s just one of a number of
aiming to walk 10,000 steps a day – roughly
charitable and team-building events we do
five miles. Readings are entered into the GCC
throughout the year.”
website to see how far they have walked
fellowship for director sue
Simon Gee is the new head of the School of Construction and Engineering Management at West Suffolk College in Bury St Edmunds.
The fellowship is given to senior marketing professionals with a track record of expertise,
He has worked in the building industry for
experience and success in marketing
more than 40 years, starting as a labourer
management, marketing education or
before doing an Ordinary National Diploma at
marketing consultancy.
Brighton Technology College. He went on to complete a BSc (Hons) in Building Technology
It recognises Sue’s 25 years’ experience
at UMIST (now Manchester University).
working in-house for Eastern Electricity, the Co-op and the Jackson Group and creating
He joined Costain Construction East Anglia in
Stratton PR, now Trebuchet PR & Marketing,
Chelmsford in 1978 on their fast-track
in 2001.
graduate scheme then worked as a site agent for a local developer before branching out and
It is also testament to her time spent tutoring
running his own building business.
for Cambridge Marketing College, where she delivers the Chartered Institute of Public
His most recent appointment was as course
Relations Diploma.
leader for the higher education programme in construction at Suffolk New College in
Sue, who lives in Ipswich, is a former pupil of Sue Wilcock, a director at Trebuchet, the Ipswich-based marketing agency, has been awarded a fellowship with the Chartered Institute of Marketing.
Northgate Grammar School.
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:28 Page 6
Think about it
Focusing locally, growing internationally.
Business travel: Over three million passengers a year travel through London Stansted on business. Connecting business: We offer over 144 destinations to 30 countries with 20 airlines. European destinations: London Stansted provides more scheduled routes to Europe than any other airport in the world.
London Stansted, right for business
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IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
across the region building for the future…
promotion for solictor sue
birthday boost for plescon
Construction work is under way at a pioneering
Sue Wardropper of Suffolk-based legal firm
An award-winning Suffolk company has
development of affordable, sustainable
Gotelee & Goldsmith has been promoted to
celebrated its 30th anniversary by creating a
new website for customers.
Sue has more than 15 years’ experience in Crossover C-Zero has contracted Ipswich-based
family law – focusing on the breakdown of
Plescon Security Products – Ipswich-based
Barnes Construction to undertake the building
library security experts – have created the 3D
of its flagship development, Long Meadow in
site, inspired by the blockbuster film Avatar.
Diss. The project will provide affordable
Thanks to support from Business Link East,
housing for more than 100 local families.
Plescon realised it was eligible for a new funding scheme called takeITon.
The development received a £3 million grant from the Department of Energy and Climate
Plescon then engaged with Henley-based
Change’s Low Carbon Investment Fund, an
Elemental Photography to update
initiative aimed at stimulating the building of
photographs before taking the project
low-carbon, affordable homes using innovative,
forward with IT experts Rubious, in Ipswich,
highly-insulating, renewable materials.
and NBS Studio, at Great Cornard.
The scheme will consist of 114 units, with 87
marriages or co-habiting relationships, with
available at substantially-discounted prices and
particular emphasis on the financial aspects of
12 on the open market. The other 15 will be let
divorce. She also advises on areas such as
to local tenants.
pre-nuptial, co-habitation and post-nuptial agreements.
Nick Hunt, Plescon MD, said: “Every business is looking for an edge, and we are no different. We are an innovative company and we wanted to up the ante when it came to our website and we are delighted with the work achieved by everyone involved.”
Sue, who joined the firm in 2006, qualified in 1994 and has worked locally and in London, Bedford and Sydney in Australia. She is accredited by Resolution as a specialist family solicitor and is trained in collaborative law.
prettys pledge olympic support Swimmer Lewis Coleman has the support of
Great Britain in both the 100-metre and 200-
legal firm Prettys as he bids for the chance to
metre individual medley. He represented Great
represent Great Britain in the 2012 Olympics.
Britain at the European Junior Championships
Prettys has adopted 18-year-old Lewis and
in 2009 and 2010.
pledged to raise money to support his efforts Paul Dickie, Prettys CEO, said: “The firm is
over the next two years.
dedicated to its involvement in the local A member of the Great Britain World-Class
community and is always keen to lend its
Development programme and 2012 Target
support to enable the personal growth of
squad, Lewis is ranked No 1 in England and
talented individuals.”
autumn 2010 /suffolk
To view a digital version of this magazine, visit: ortunities ! olympic opp
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:28 Page 8
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IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
across the region
it’s show time for companies
new man for taxing times
Woolpit-based company Falcon Promotions
Business and financial adviser Grant Thornton
will stage its annual exhibition at the
has welcomed a new senior tax manager to its
Newmarket Rowley Mile racecourse on
expanding rural business team in East Anglia.
Thursday, September 23. Stuart Maggs joined from Spofforths, the This will be the event’s 11th year and a record
largest independent accountancy firm in
33 suppliers will be exhibiting their products.
Sussex, where he was a tax partner.
Organiser and director Paul Peachey said that
Stuart, who originally qualified as a barrister,
many customers look forward to the event –
has also held positions at KPMG and BDO Stoy
when they can speak directly to suppliers and
Hayward and has more than a decade of
look at new ideas for the 12 months ahead.
experience in providing innovative and creative
He said: “With most companies talking about
tax solutions.
the recession Falcon seem to have bucked the
service we offer as a company with over 23
trend and have customers regularly coming
years experience behind us.”
He will work with clients across the region. As
back. We believe this is due to the excellent
England from 2011.
well as providing tax expertise, Stuart also specialises in trusts and estates. He said: “I am delighted to have an opportunity to help guide our clients, old and new, through the jungle of modern tax
putting the accent on french deals
new role and a new recruit
Ashton Graham Solicitors has been recognised
Solicitor Georgina Rayment has been
for marketing excellence – for its campaign to
promoted to associate at Prettys. She joined
launch a French legal services department.
the firm in 1999, qualifying in 2006.
The 2010 Anglian Business Awards were organised by the East Anglian Daily Times and hosted by author, TV presenter and former MP Gyles Brandreth.
Georgina is part of the family law department and also a member of Resolution, which promotes a non-confrontational approach to resolving legal matters in a practical way.
Ashton Graham, also highly commended in the Business of the Year category, launched its French legal service in May 2009 – offering
Meanwhile, Louise Ramsden has joined Prettys to develop her practice in the commercial
advice and assistance to English-speaking
property department. She will be based in the
clients on the implications of buying and
Chelmsford office.
selling property in France, and French inheritance law and tax.
Louise, who previously worked in London and
Partner Alan Brown said: “This award reflects
landlords and tenants, developers,
for a leading commercial Essex firm, acts for the great effort by our marketing and French
landowners, investors and receivers.
legal service teams to create a well-thought-
Away from the office, she enjoys running and
out and focused marketing campaign.”
mountain biking (competing in both).
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IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:28 Page 11
IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
across the region aiming for big awards event
support for the apprentices
Kim Brown, of Boleyn Events, and Stephanie
A bid to increase the number of
Mackentyre, of In View Publicity, have been
apprenticeships is being backed by Suffolk
chosen to organise and promote the Haverhill
Chamber of Commerce.
Chamber of Commerce Awards for 2011. IDEA, a public-private sector partnerships Kim said: “We aim to make these next awards
involving BT, Cisco, Suffolk New College,
the biggest and most remarkable. We will be
University College London, University of East
arranging and collating all the entries from
Anglia, University of Essex and University
businesses in Haverhill in the run-up to the
Campus Suffolk, is developing the scheme.
event next May, culminating in a glittering,
Suffolk Chamber chief executive John
black-tie gala dinner for the winners and
Dugmore said: "The national drive to expand
finalists to celebrate their achievements.
apprenticeship opportunities is strongly
“There’s a real sense of community in
supported by Suffolk Chamber. IDEA is
Haverhill, with some excellent local businesses,
working with major companies and national
so the competition will be an exciting one. “
agencies such as e-skills (the IT sector skills
Businesses can enter online via the awards
council) to address this need and we are
pleased to contribute and support this activity which benefits both our local economy and
To find out more call Boleyn Events on
opens up life-changing opportunities to
01473 722723/4 or
a day of sophistication and 80’s nostalgia for IoD suffolk and essex members The Suffolk and Essex branches of the IoD
Government on the condition that they
made their way to the stage where they were
headed to Newmarket in a joint event to have a
purchased his breeding business, based
entertained for the remainder of the evening
behind-the-scenes glimpse of what has earned
then in Ireland.
by 80s legends Spandau Ballet.
Since 1997 the Stud has strengthened its
Suffolk Branch Administrator, Caroline Kearney
Members were treated to a tour of the national
international connections and regularly leases its
said: “We try to arrange a broad selection of
stud, now owned by the Jockey Club which
top performing bloodstock to countries as far
events throughout the programme from
included a visit to the Stallion Unit and mare and
reaching as Australia, Brazil and South Africa.
informational seminars to less formal social
horseracing the title of ‘The Sport of Kings’.
foal paddocks.
functions and the Newmarket event was a great In keeping with the overall sophistication of the
ice-breaker and opportunity for the 60 guests
Known internationally as a showcase of British
event, the IoD members ended their tour with
who attended to enjoy quality networking”.
thoroughbred breeding, the stud was originally
high tea at the stud and later to go on to enjoy
founded in 1916 by Colonel Hall Walker, later to
a champagne reception before moving on to
For details of forthcoming events and
become Lord Wavertree who handed his
Newmarket’s racecourse for race night.
membership of the IoD contact
impressive bloodstock over to the British
Following a flutter on the horses, members
Caroline Kearney on 07917 699498
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member profile
Leigh-Ondrea Bendall Managing Director of Herbert Industrial
feeling’, that I use and trust in making decisions. I am not sure if you are born with it or you develop it. Q: What are the most important qualities that you look for in the people you work with? A: ‘Can do’ attitude, talented, imaginative and loyalty Q: Why did you base your career in Suffolk? A: I have had fantastic opportunities in progressive businesses in Suffolk that have rewarded me with career progression, I feel lucky to live and work in such a fabulous area. Q: If there was one big change you could make in the business environment what would that be? A: Improved ethics, recent events in the
banking sector and political arena have shown
riving Herbert Industrial Limited forward through tough times, Managing
us that good ethics have sometimes been
Director Leigh-Ondrea Bendall is a proven force to be reckoned with in the
absent. Business in The Community is an international network of responsible
technical engineering industry.
businesses’ that are committed to building a
Challenging the direction and structure of the business, Leigh-Ondrea was recognised for her prowess when she was awarded East Anglian Businesswoman of the year in 2008, an award that she has used to continue to promote the business and inspire her colleagues and peers alike. Leigh-Ondrea believes that you have to always look to the future to ensure a company remains at the forefront in its chosen field. Having recently steered Herbert Industrial through a successful acquisition, she again looks forward, with the new owner, to the next chapter in the history of the company, and now as Managing Director of Herbert Partnering Solutions Ltd will continue to steer the company and develop its future.
sustainable future for people and the planet and I hope organisations like this grow and develop further good practices for businesses . Q: And in the world in general? A: Consideration for each other Q: What lead you to become a soroptimist? A: Soroptimist International is a worldwide organisation for women in management and professions, working through service projects
Q: Describe yourself in three words?
to ensure success is both gained and
A: Resourceful, Determined, Happy
to advance human rights and the status of women. I particularly like the fact that projects and work are based locally and internationally.
Q: What is the top piece of advice you’d
Q: Who inspires you?
give for business success?
A: Anyone who achieves against the odds.
In Ipswich we support the Women’s Refuge and internationally the project is to provide support to the women and children in Sierra
A: Ensure you deliver your strategy and vision through your people. Your people are one of
Q: What do you feel is your key strength
the most important assets and they need to
in business and how did you acquire it?
understand and support the business’s goals
A: My key strength is my ‘inner instinct/gut
Leone by providing business loans and raising funds for children’s homes.
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IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
IoD news
Interactivity gives conference a creative edge
acilitated and hosted by Tim Ryan, of the Ryan Insurance Group, the IoD Suffolk annual conference had
an interactive aspect to it this year. With a focus on trading out of recession through creativity, the organisation announced that it would be making use of hitech interactive handsets throughout the morning to gauge instant feedback on various points and issues. As well as being encouraged to cast electronic votes, delegates were also persuaded to carry on the interactive theme by engaging with the speakers as much as possible during their talks. worked on YouTube, he stressed the
creativity was very important or vital to
Keynote speaker Dr David Hall, managing
importance of interactive marketing and the
forming a new organisation.
director of HFL Sports Science, kicked off the
merits of social networking as a central tool in
conference by speaking about how he turned
achieving it.
his company’s fortunes round by using a
The messages from the morning’s conference were clear: Be different; create new products
creative approach. He explained how, when he
Andrew Nelstrop, from the English Whisky
customers really want; challenge your business
first joined the firm, marketing never featured
Company, then conveyed how he took the
culture and always put yourself in the position
as a business function and that he needed to
concept to a successful business in a relatively
of your customers.
introduce a complete culture change around
short period of time. Touching on how one
creative thinking.
call from the local media and the resultant
The IoD Suffolk programme is kindly
exposure developed into a national media
sponsored by Jackaman Smith and Mulley
Explaining various obstacles to creativity, such
frenzy he also explained how their perceptions
Solicitors, London Stansted, Ensors Chartered
as the brain’s patterning systems and indeed
of consumers have changed and how that has
Accountants, Leema Risk Management and
the concept of creativity itself, he also
reflected in their product’s branding.
White Space Public Relations.
along with listing an assortment of creative
Herbert Industrial’s managing director Leigh-
For details of forthcoming events and
techniques that can be used to develop
Ondrea Bendall was the final speaker and she
membership of the IoD contact Caroline
solutions to business issues.
talked about her journey in transforming the
Kearney on 07917 699498
suggested various ways to overcome this
business from a company without direction to The first speaker of the morning was Jerome
a lucrative manufacturer. Explaining how
Mayhew, managing director, or ‘Top Banana’
innovation fails without customer focus, she
at GoApe. After explaining how the GoApe
described how, through marketing, she turned
concept was conceived, he spoke about how
the firm around by gaining knowledge and
creating a brand around the business and
insight into how the business could become
adhering to its values and principles has been
valuable to its customers again.
key to the firm’s success. There were opportunities throughout the He expressed the importance of positive word
event for delegates to vote on key subjects
of mouth and how GoApe has generated
from the speakers’ presentations with almost
that, not just through excellent customer
60 per cent agreeing that building your brand
experience but also through creative
was vital to the success of your business and
marketing. Describing how the GoApe Oscars
an overwhelming majority agreeing that
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:55 Page 14
debt recovery in Scotland by Sarah Lock | Debt Recovery
s a business it may be
Some important changes to the court rules
arrangements between the countries of the
necessary from time to time
came into place in September 2008 and go
United Kingdom. Enforcement proceedings
to issue court proceedings to
some way into simplifying this procedure for
can then be issued, which may include:
recover an unpaid invoice. This can be done by instructing a solicitor,
issuing straightforward, undisputed debt proceedings against debtors residing in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Arrestment – any assets, usually money, belonging to the debtor owed or belonging to
using a debt collection agency or issuing proceedings directly with the
Claim forms can now be sent or “served” in
county court.
accordance with the usual court rules of
the debtor and in the hands of a third party, are frozen in the hands of that third party.
England and Wales. A special form is attached In England and Wales, the county court system
to the claim form, containing a statement of
Arrestment of Earning – where a fixed
is used to issue court proceedings. If you have
the grounds on which the creditor is entitled
proportion of the debtor’s pay is deducted by
an outstanding invoice and your debtor
to serve the claim form out of jurisdiction
their employers and sent to the creditor direct.
(customer) lives or is based in Scotland, different
without permission. This form must be filed at
rules will apply to issuing proceedings.
court and sent to the debtor with the claim form. In addition, the debtor has an extra
This often raises practical difficulties for a
seven days to respond to the claim from.
business, as in order to protect your company’s
Attachment – the inventorying of the assets of a debtor with a view to these goods being sold in satisfaction of the debt. Money, including cash, foreign currency, cheques, can also be attached.
cash flow, it is vital that you recover your
If no response is received to the claim form
invoices. It can be frustrating to incur further
within the time limit specified, an application
time and expense to recover a debt across the
can be made to the court for judgment. Once
As with any debt recovery action it is vital to
border in Scotland, yet there are various options
a County Court judgment has been obtained, it
ensure that the action remains cost-effective
available to you. Each case must be considered
is then possible to consider issuing enforcement
and that the debtor has the means to pay
on its own facts and any terms and conditions
proceedings if no payment is made.
before commencing legal action.
which apply to the contract. Consideration must also be given to whether the invoice is likely to
If your debtor is a resident in Scotland, it is
The whereabouts of the debtor’s assets may
be disputed and if so, where any trial may
possible to register the English judgment in
also be a major deciding factor when
ultimately take place.
the Scottish courts under the reciprocal
considering where to issue proceedings. Sarah Lock | Debt Recovery T: 01284 762331 | E: This article is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice. You should not act or rely upon this information. Ashton Graham is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Ashton Graham Solicitors is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority No. 50075.
Ipswich: Waterfront House, Wherry Quay, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 1AS | T: 01473 232425 Bury St Edmunds: 81 Guildhall Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 1PZ| T: 01284 762331 Felixstowe: Anglia House, 22/24 Hamilton Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk IP11 7AN| T: 01394 277188
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IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
corporate news
down with capital by Andrew Fleming, Partner, Blocks Solicitors
ne of the less noticed changes in the Companies Act 2006 has been the creation of easier ways to reduce share capital in a private limited company. This liberalisation may allow shareholders to withdraw capital reserves that may not be needed by the company itself.
Andrew Fleming
In the past, limited companies wishing to reduce
statutory accounts, management accounts,
share capital required court approval. Although
cash flow forecasts and other risk indicators.
this system remains in place, private limited
The statement needs to be accompanied by a
companies may now use a simplified non court-
special resolution by the members of the
based procedure. This involves the production of
company and there are filing requirements at
a solvency statement under section 642 of the
Companies House.
Act in which each of the directors state their belief that there are no grounds on which the
The procedure is easier, quicker and cheaper
company would be unable to pay or discharge
than applying to court and provided the
Reasons to reduce share capital include:
its debts in the next 12 months, taking into
solvency statement is given, creditors may not
• when a company's capital exceeds its needs.
account the liabilities of the company. The
object to the reduction in capital. Those
• to eliminate a deficit on the profit and loss
statement must be unqualified.
directors with complex trading companies may, however, baulk at the risks of getting it wrong.
account. • to create distributable reserves in order to
Great care needs to be taken in giving such a
be able to transfer assets or cash to
statement, since if the opinions contained in it
For more detailed information or for advice
are not reasonable, directors may face criminal
tel: 01473 230033
• to create a fund to allow the company to
sanctions. Directors should take informed
redeem shares.
accountancy advice and look carefully at
disputes - do they have to end up in court Dilys Lloyd
by Dilys Lloyd, Consultant, Blocks Solicitors
agree to keep confidential all information which is
that dispute which has been taking up too much
disclosed in the mediation;
of your time, money and energy – think
flexible - it takes place at a time and location
mediation.Dilys Lloyd is an experienced
agreed by the parties, and can provide solutions
employment lawyer working as a Consultant
not available through the courts;
with Blocks and is a CEDR accredited mediator.
quick to arrange - rather than waiting months
flow forecasts and other risk indicators.
for a formal court hearing, a mediation can be
The statement needs to be accompanied by a
arranged as soon as the availability of the parties is
special resolution by the members of the
With the aid of a trained mediator, people who
company and there are filing requirements at
are in conflict can explore ways of a mutually
usually successful – research shows a steady 75
Companies House.
acceptable way forward. The mediator remains
– 80 % success rate across a broad spectrum of
neutral and does not impose a decision, but
ontrary to popular belief, most lawyers do not encourage their clients to get involved in lengthy and expensive litigation. In some cases, it may be the only way of resolving a dispute, but there are alternatives - and one of these is mediation.
The procedure is easier, quicker and cheaper than applying to court and provided the solvency
assists the parties in finding a solution. The mediator will assist in recording the outcome
statement is given, creditors may not object to
Mediation is used in a wide range of commercial
of the mediation. This may be a document that
the reduction in capital. Those directors with
and employment disputes and the key
simply sets out the agreement reached in plain
complex trading companies may, however, baulk
advantages are that it is:
language or may be a more complex document
at the risks of getting it wrong.
voluntary – all parties enter into the mediation
which includes a commitment to obtain an agreed
process by agreement and can choose to bring it
court order.
to an end if they wish; confidential - the mediator and the parties
tel: 01473 230033
So, next time you are wondering how to deal with
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corporate news
renumeration planning: bonus or dividend? Nick Banks
frequent question presented by clients is whether to take a bonus or dividend. There are
a number of issues to be considered before giving the answer but often tax effect is the primary concern. In the emergency budget, the Chancellor, by increasing national insurance and reducing corporation tax, has swung the balance in favour of dividend.
to income tax in the hands of the shareholder,
Should you choose to re-structure your
treated as the top slice of income subject to the
remuneration following the budget then it is
rate applicable to dividends.
worth reviewing any permanent health insurance policies or similar since they may well pay out on
In recent years, owner-managers have
current remuneration but exclude dividends. Any
restructured their remuneration to comprise a
benefit may then be substantially less than
nominal wage up to the earnings threshold and
the remainder is drawn as dividend. If, as a director, you have a contract of employment then
Finally, do not forget that dividends do not
national minimum wage can apply.
comprise net relevant earnings for pension purposes and therefore if pension planning is
It is important that each interim dividend is seen to
part of your financial strategy an integrated
be paid correctly with the appropriate board
approach to remuneration planning is essential.
The drivers of the tax effect on bonus or
minute and dividend voucher produced. In making
dividend are national insurance and corporation
a payment, and especially in the current climate,
For further information please contact
tax. A bonus is a pre-tax deduction, securing
management information should be available to
Nick Banks
corporation tax relief but is subject to PAYE. A
demonstrate that there are sufficient distributable
tel: 01473 259201
dividend is a post-tax distribution and is subject
reserves from which a distribution can be made.
employment law advice for people who hate surprises Simon Quantrill
s a busy people manager you
Many people managers also want complete
These are just some of the reasons why we are
want timely and expert
peace of mind and opt for our
the employment law firm of choice for many
hrlegalindemnity option. As an employment
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To find out more, or for a free quotation for
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hrlegalindemnity cover, contact us on
Quantrills’ team of specialist employment
ÂŁ25,000 to ÂŁ150,000. There are no call
01473 688100 or enquire via our website at
lawyers will work with you to assess the merits
centres to navigate for a claim to be accepted.
of your case from the outset, discuss your
Just call us directly.
options, tactics and risks. With an agreed case
Also, sign up for our free hrlegalnews email
plan, kept under review as your case unfolds,
Combined with our hrlegal helpdesk service,
update bulletin at
there should be no surprises.
you can obtain immediate telephone, fax and
email advice and guidance with reassurance Your case can be won or lost on the quality of
guaranteed. We can provide assistance with
the case preparation. Quantrills ensure that
all types of employment disputes, including
all necessary steps are taken and at the
tribunal claims, High Court or County Court
appropriate time to progress your claim
claims, and conduct appeals to the
successfully and proactively.
Employment Appeal Tribunal and beyond.
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:28 Page 17
IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
a word from the accountants
behind the headlines of the emergency budget By Malcolm McGready, partner – Ensors Chartered Accountants
s we have all read, the headline for companies was a reduction in the rate of
The increase in employer national insurance
tax planning could save companies
announced by Labour will come into effect,
considerable amounts of money.
but its impact is being offset by an increase in the threshold at which it becomes payable.
We must also remember that tax was only one
corporation tax, costing the Government
Interestingly, this reduces the cost of lower-
side of the budget. A rebalancing of the
ÂŁ6.4 billion over five years.
paid employees, but increases the cost of
economy was inevitable at some point and the
higher-paid employees.
efforts to reduce the size of the public sector
It will leave the UK with one of the lowest tax
will have a knock-on effect for many
rates of a developed economy. The
One thing that particularly struck me was the
individuals and businesses. To many, it will be
Government hope that this will make the UK a
amount of work still to be done by the
a bitter pill to swallow. Only time will tell what
more attractive place to do business. However,
Government on the corporate side. Reviews
the longer-term impact of this budget on the
behind this headline sits considerable cost
concerning IR35, controlled foreign companies,
economy is.
implications for some companies, coupled
simplification of tax in groups and R&D tax
with uncertainty over future policy.
policy are all on the cards. The precise rules on the national insurance break for start-ups are
Capital allowances are being cut to pay for a
yet to be announced.
large part of the reduction in the corporation tax rates. For capital intensive businesses, this
The budget also saw mention of a
can have serious implications. For example, it
consultation on a general anti-avoidance rule,
will take 28 years to recover 90 per cent of
something other administrations have shied
the cost of an asset in the special rate pool.
away from in the past.
Generous deductions continue, however, for Finance directors and their accountants must
green investments. With this in mind, the timing and nature of company expenditure
keep their eyes and ears open as reviews and
should be at the forefront of directors’ minds
legislation develop over the coming months.
in the coming months to maximise available
Notwithstanding this, the changes already
tax deductions before the rules change.
announced mean that some straightforward
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IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:28 Page 18
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IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:28 Page 19
IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
21 st century executive motoring
ith the assured move towards more fuel-efficient and lower emission vehicles,
many may be wondering what place leading top of the range car models will take in the future. However, as is explored across the following pages, ground- breaking engineering and technological developments mean that premium cars will not stand neglected. Established car manufacturers such as Audi, The soon to be launched Range Rover Evoque, that will emit under 130g/km of CO2, and deliver over 50mpg
Jaguar, Mercedes and BMW, have cemented their place in the transport industry mainly as a result of their top of the range models. These maintain an important part of the manufactures brand development and have established the companies as leading in their field. Such image conscious models have worked not only to boost the manufacturers’ image but also transfer a sense of style to their owners. Companies wishing to emit a professional, sleek and high class image therefore, will often have no problem forking out high prices for top of
the car’s alternator so it can be used to drive
invest in this sort of technology may see this as
the alternator at other times), smooth
an encouraging moment to do so – showcasing
aerodynamic shapes, the use of direct fuel
the best of our talent, both on the sports fields
injection and engine start stop technology
and off, could be a defining moment for UK
(whereby the car ‘shuts down’ the internal
combustion engine to reduce the time the car spends idling and restarts when is needed) have all contributed to this.
the range cars for their employees. Indeed,
Research has found that the emissions from company cars have fallen six percent in the last seven years and is now generally lower than those of normal cars. Coupled with the fact that
executive motoring is a term that has long been
Publicising these aspects, it seems, has been key.
the average emissions of a standard car have
recognised by those understanding the
Looking to the future, it is thought that the
also dropped dramatically in the last few years it
importance of a business’s brand.
2012 Olympics will play an essential role in promoting the UK as leading nation in fuel
The industry is ever changing though, and with the government urging many to start thinking more seriously about fuel efficiency and carbon emissions, many may question the future place of models such as the Audi A8, the BMW 5 series and the Jaguar XF. Manufacturers however, have committed themselves to the project of fuel efficiency and lower emission rates wholeheartedly. With technology such as BMW’s ‘EfficientDynamics’ and Mercedes Benz’ blueEFFICIENCY, it seems that we are now able to buy into high-quality brands and benefit from top of the range engineering that delivers VED tax band savings, an impressive performance, longer service intervals and fuel savings. Aspects such as lightweight designs, recuperation (storing the electricity generated by
seems that together manufacturers and individuals are addressing the issue.
efficiency and low-emission vehicles. BMW is set to provide a fleet of 4,000 low emission vehicles
For more information about the new vehicle tax
to be used for this event and it is thought the
which comes into force next year and is based
emissions for this fleet will be, on average, less
on emissions rather than engine size, visit
than 120 g/km – significantly lower than the
average 149.5 g/km. Companies wishing to What Car? recommends the BMW 318d ES as one of the greenest executive cars around
the coventry cat - redefined!
obody can fail to have noticed
V6 diesel version, models start at a business-like
the stylish new TV advertising
£56,900 and are available in four trim levels.
running for the Jaguar brand
As for the interior, despite the coupe styling, there is plenty of headroom in the rear of the cabin, which easily seats three adults in comfort.
Although the XJ is a four-door saloon, it has
The seats are leather-clad and, where the XJ is
more in common with a coupe. Forget the
the all-new Jaguar XJ, but nothing
fitted with the heated/cooling facility, the seat
traditional layout of bonnet, cabin, and boot; the
covers are perforated.
prepares you for the ‘wow’ factor of
car is sleek and streamlined. The angled, almost
and the fact that critics are raving about
seeing the car up close.
chamfered shape of the front end has more than
The screen dials behind the steering wheel are
a hint of Maserati Quattroporte. The sporty,
virtual and the rendering is exquisite. It has the
The current range of Jaguar cars replace the
chromed, mesh grille dominates yet the bonnet
added benefit of interacting with driver input to
somewhat staid models of a few years back in
contours are pure Jaguar and will make the
display the most important information.
revolutionary fashion, the company has clearly
traditionalists feel at home.
decided that it was time to return the marque’s core values and emphasise sporty over sedate.
The interior is very discrete and stylish, but when The side view is where the coupe effect is most
Stephen was ready to drive off in he can’t locate
visible. The shallow windows are surrounded by
a gear selector or parking brake! A press of the
aluminium brightwork and taper to form small,
‘start’ button makes everything clear - an
With that in mind we asked Stephen Bournes,
rounded quarter-lights at the rear. It’s the most
aluminium dial rises out of the central control
the owner of Southwold Pier, to see whether the
aerodynamic Jaguar built so far.
car lived up to the hype. We were driving the 3.0
panel, ahead of the electronic parking brake, presenting itself as the Jaguar Drive Selector.
IoD suffolk
spring 2010 Autumn 2010
Through coastal country lanes the active
Where's the argument against buying British?”
suspension system allows for a huge amount of
Marshall of Ipswich West End Road
feedback, while showing off the car’s agility,
Jaguar XJ Portfolio 3.0 V6 Diesel
Ipswich, IP1 2DZ
dynamics and handling, with a good bit of help
OTR £67,400
0844 243 5643
from the underlying ultra-stiff body. The use of the dynamic mode made an impressive difference. The instrument display goes red, while your seat belt stiffens and the six-speed auto transmission swiftly drops a couple of cogs. As Stephen exclaimed, “Dynamic mode brings it all together, the car feels like it tightens and the whole experience is exhilarating – it certainly is a beautifully serious piece of kit. The car has been great to drive and I’m sure Jaguar are right in their thinking that it would be impossible to get a young man in an old man’s car, and this car definitely feels it’s no longer the last refuge of the cravat-wearing, moustache-sporting, serial golfer.
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tomorrow’s technology today…
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:29 Page 23
IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
s manager of the Thorpeness
latest technology. There’s pre-sense basic, which
From the back seat, where Michael was being
and Aldeburgh Hotel Group’s
provides you with a comprehensive preventive
chauffeured, little of this was concerning him as
most iconic hotel, The Swan at
Lavenham, Michael Burn is well used to meticulous details. Who better to test
protection safety system that can detect an close the sunroof and windows, and activate the hazard warning lights to alert other drivers.
drive the new Audi A8, a car that is only replaced every eight years, so when the
links to the Satellite Navigation system to
has to make sure it's got everything
identify bends, junctions and motorway
Although potentially a car that you’d be more likely find yourself sitting in the back of, driving to the hotel from The Audi Showroom in Ipswich to Lavenham gave me ample opportunity to enjoy the refinement from a driver’s perspective. As you might expect at the top of the Audi range, the new A8 combines classic elegance with the latest innovations. It has a new level of luxury, thanks to exquisite attention to detail and an extensive level of standard specification: adaptive air suspension, luxurious leather seats, Audi Music Interface and HDD-based navigation including MMI Touch. I was driving the A8 4.2 TDI quattro SE, admired both for its meticulous interior and its all-weather traction, although the most popular A8 in Britain will be the 3.0 TDI Parking up outside the hotel, gave us both the opportunity to admire the car’s Teutonic lines as, from the outside the Audi impresses straightaway with its understated elegance. Described by Top Gear as a ‘modern classic’, it’s a car that gets you noticed for all the right reasons. As Michael noted, once inside its immaculate interior, with exquisitely stitched leather upholstery and myriad of brilliant surfaces it’s easy to forget that the car is bristling with the
As he commented, ‘There’s a great deal of leg room and head room, the centre arm rest has individual heater controls, and the option to
There’s predictive route data as standard, which
time comes for a new one, the company just right...
he was relaxing in the sumptuous seating.
imminent collision and tighten the seat belts,
stretches. The system then adjusts the transmission, lights and even the adaptive cruise control to provide optimum safety and comfort. The car is built on an aluminium Audi Space Frame, and along with new, high-performance engines such as the 4.2 TDI, it’s helped to reduce CO2 emissions across the new Audi A8 range by approximately 20%. And, of course,
scroll through the downloaded CDs . The comfort of the ride is fabulous and there is no discernible wind noise. The whole experience is a class act. It’s a car of substance, concealing iron-fist performance beneath a kid-glove interior.”
Audi A8 4.2 TDI quattro SE Model price £62,840 Options £23,970 Total OTR £86,810
you benefit from even more miles per gallon. Ipswich Audi With its refined comfort and sophisticated
2 Bath Street
technologies like optional night vision, the new
Ipswich IP2 8SG
Audi A8 is how Audi sees twenty-first century
O800 135 7228
luxury car travel.
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:29 Page 24
jumping on the ‘green’ bandwagon
s businesses and individuals are urged to cut their carbon footprint, how can your
company lessen theirs? For those companies thinking about investing in a new fleet of cars, a soon to be launched government initiative may help… With budget cuts rippling through our economy, it makes a refreshing change to hear that at least some of the government’s
The Audi A1, with carbon dioxide emissions of 105g, put this A1 SE model into band B where road tax is £20
promised initiatives will be going ahead. One that may be of particular note for businesses, especially those wishing to jump on the ‘green’
friendly cars. For instance, car tax rates have
but also a way to improve your company’s
bandwagon, is that recently announced by
changed to take into account CO2 emissions
image, prepare for future developments and
Transport Secretary, Philip Hammond. Assuring
rather than engine size, any cars with low CO2
benefit the environment.
the public that a grant of 5,000 will still be
emissions (accounting for 110g/km or less) can
available for those wanting to purchase a low-
qualify for a 100 per cent capital allowance
Weighing up the pros and cons of greener
emission vehicle from January 2011, Philip
and road pricing concessions for low-emission
transport is something many companies and
Hammond claims that the UK can be a “world
vehicles are also in place in some areas.
private fleet buyers may be doing a lot of soon and it will be interesting to see how the
leader” in green transport. Hailed as ‘the future of driving’, a ‘milestone’
market is transformed over the coming years.
The grant will be available to those wanting to
in vehicle production and ‘the way forward’,
buy private or business fleet cars and will
the electric car has been at the centre of much
For more information about the cars that are
discount 25% of the overall cost of a low-
media attention lately. Indeed, the ‘plugged in
eligible for the grant, please visit
emission vehicle, with a maximum of £5,000
places’ initiative, allowing cities to bid for
available. Cars eligible must have met safety,
funding for the installation of the electric car
reliability, performance and warranty criteria
charging points, is also ongoing at the
and vehicles concerned include electric, plug in
moment. The government envisions that
hybrid and hydrogen fuel cars.
electric cars and low-carbon vehicles will soon be an everyday sight in the UK.
According to the details, there has been £43 million earmarked for the initiative, and
While the government is urging the country to
assuming the money doesn’t run out, the
invest in these vehicles, one point for
project will stay in place until March 2012. A
companies to bear in mind is that these cars
review will take place in January 2012 at which
are very expensive. Coupled with the increase
point the government will set the level for
of VAT due to come in at the same time as the
subsequent years.
grant, the savings can seem somewhat limited. Nevertheless, there is much to be gained from
Companies may be pleased to hear that there
a comprehensive review of your business’s
are also many other benefits coming into place
transport system. Greener ways of travelling
for those wishing to use environmentally
can not only work out to be a financial saving
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:29 Page 25
IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
buying a new car made easy
indacre Vehicle Sourcing does
retail outlet based at the Lindacre Land Rover
For more details please contact sales director
exactly what it says on the tin. So
Service Centre in Ipswich. Alternatively you can
David Chenery
visit their virtual showroom at
01473 461751 or 07885 277 400
if you are looking for a new or
used car they will do all the leg-work for All their preowned vehicles are prepared to the highest
Lindacre Ipswich Ltd
you, leaving you more time to
standards. They are only offered for sale when
2 Farthing Road,
concentrate on your main activities.
they are confident that they meet the exact
Sproughton Ind Est,
criteria set in their pre-owned vehicle policy.
Through their extensive contacts in the Land
Likewise, if you do not see what you are
Rover dealer network they are able to source
looking for they will, through Lindacre Vehicle
both new and pre-owned models at very
Sourcing, find the exact car to match your
competitive prices. You will find their
knowledge and experience of the Land Rover marque second to none. Lindacre Vehicle
Lindacre are also able to offer fully-accredited
Sourcing is not restricted to Land Rover, they
finance packages covering: hire purchase;
can also obtain all other major brands of
personal contract purchase; contract hire and
vehicle to meet your individual requirements.
lease hire. Lindacre Ipswich Limited is an
What is more they will also be pleased to take
appointed representative of ITC Compliance
your vehicle in part exchange.
Limited which is authorised and regulated by
In addition, Lindacre have their own used car
the Financial Services Authority.
LET US SOURCE YOUR NEXT VEHICLE Through our extensive contacts in the Land Rover dealer network we are able to source both new and pre-owned models at very competitive prices. You will Þnd our knowledge and experience of the Land Rover marque second to none. Likewise we can also source all other major brands of vehicles to meet your individual requirements. We will also be pleased to take your vehicle in part exchange.
LINDACRE USED CARS Visit our virtual showroom at or call into the service centre for our latest stock of pre-owned cars. If you do not see what you are looking for we can through Lindacre Vehicle Sourcing Þnd the exact car to match your requirements. All our pre-owned vehicles are prepared to the highest standards. They are only offered for sale when we are conÞdent that they meet the exact criteria set in our pre-owned vehicle policy.
Lindacre Cars 2 Farthing Road, Sproughton Ind Est, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 5AP Tel: 01473 461751 Mob: David Chenery 07885 277 400
Opening Hours Monday Ð Friday 08:00 - 18:00 Saturday 08.30 Ð 12.30
We are able to offer fully accredited Þnance packages covering: ¥ Hire Purchase ¥ Personal Contract Purchase ¥ Contract Hire ¥ Lease Hire
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:29 Page 26
millions of pounds-worth of london 201 2 contracts are still up for grabs!
he London 2012 Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) is
urging small businesses from across the
UK to compete for millions of poundsworth of untapped Olympic opportunities. With a mind boggling array of goods and services required, LOCOG has begun procuring £700 million worth of opportunities, with £500 million of contracts expected to be awarded in the next year. The available contracts – which include sporting equipment, temporary buildings and licensing opportunities to produce, distribute and market London 2012 branded merchandise – are more likely to be suitable for small companies than the large construction projects that were tendered through the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA).
A quick look at some of the figures shows that the Games will require 70,000 uniforms for volunteers, 900,000 pieces of sports equipment, 100 tonnes of meat for the athletes, 200,000 seats, 380,000m² of temporary buildings and tents, 15,000km of toilet paper and 300 gold medals. Contracts awarded to date range from the supply of abseiling services for the installation of bird netting, to air quality monitoring, to the provision of portable toilets and the supply of wristbands.
ODA Chairman John Armitt said: 'Businesses of all types and sizes are helping to deliver the London 2012 Games. Companies should "seize the moment" and sign up to
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:29 Page 27
IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
CompeteFor, the online business dating agency, to be part of this once in a lifetime opportunity.'
CompeteFor ( is the chosen website of London 2012 for the publication of Games-related contract opportunities. Once registered with CompeteFor businesses will automatically receive news of future tender opportunities.
Bruce Provan, Suffolk County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Skills and Economic Development, is keen to encourage Suffolk businesses to bid for work. He said 'There are still plenty of contracts relating to the Games that businesses in Suffolk can get involved
The company has been awarded two contracts
“The two contracts achieved to date have
with. Since Suffolk County Council began
by the Olympic Delivery Authority to provide
been of a reasonable size and have
promoting CompeteFor, over 1,400 Suffolk
training to long-term unemployed residents
successfully delivered training and
businesses have registered on the website and
within the 5 host London boroughs. The training
employment opportunities to local residents.
are now well placed to bid for work.
focussed on specialist communication skills.
Being published on CompeteFor has not only
'It's amazing how diverse the range of
Andrew Stevens, Managing Director for CNet
we would not have known about otherwise,
contracts is, and I would urge all businesses in
Training said: “Following news of the
but we now feel we are well placed to benefit
Suffolk to take a look at the CompeteFor
successful bid for London 2012 we
from similar opportunities as and when they
website to see whether there are opportunities
investigated what Games-related opportunities
arise in future.’
that they can bid for.'
would be available for businesses such as
meant that we have secured contracts which
A number of Games related contracts have
ourselves, and subsequently discovered
To date 76 percent of Games contracts have
been won by small and medium-sized businesses with around half won by firms
already been won by Suffolk companies, including one by Sound Research Laboratories
“We found the CompeteFor website very
from outside London. Currently between 10
from Sudbury who won a contract relating to
accessible and easy to use and found
and 20 new opportunities are being posted
the acoustics in the aquatics centre and two
publishing our details on the system very
on CompeteFor each week.
by Cnet Training a technical training specialist
straight forward. We published on
located in Bury St Edmunds.
CompeteFor in November 2008 and have
CNet Training designs and delivers technical
three relevant contracts – two of which we
training programmes. With 16-20 employees
have been successful in winning.’
already had the opportunity to respond to
it achieves an annual turnover of £1.8 million.
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:29 Page 28
Services to Business at West Suffolk College W est Suf ffolk folk C Providing training to meet business needs… wit employers to provide quality We est Sufffolk folk College works with training that makes a positive diffference ference to their business.
0845 603 1585
The Specialists in office interiors Based in Ipswich with branches in Cambridge - Letchworth - Newmarket
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:29 Page 29
IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
business apps
Phones, iPod Touch and iPads are
Currency Converter Convert exchange rates
Intuit GoPayment accept credit cards
now synonymous with business
for over 180 currencies and 4 metals. Type
anytime, anywhere. Use your iPhone to easily
efficiency and this is due in no
conversion amounts using a custom big-
and securely accept credit card payments
button keypad.
wherever your business takes you. No more
small part to the diverse and
waiting for checks to clear, chasing invoice
increasingly sophisticated apps that
OANDA Rates® are used by corporations, tax
are available to download. In this
authorities, auditing firms, and financial
article we look at some of the best
institutions. They are daily filtered rates based
FileApp easily copy files on your device for a
free apps on the market.
on information supplied by leading market
quick look on the road. Powerful and yet still
data contributors.
very user friendly, FileApp will let you find the
If there’s not one here that does exactly what you want have you thought about getting your own custom app for your company? Or do you have the next great idea for an app or
payments, or missing sales.
document you're looking for within seconds. Remote Desktop lite enables you to have
Copying files over to your iPhone or iPod Touch
full, secure access to your work computer
takes place wirelessly (by FTP) or via USB
through wifi or the phones network (EDGE).
(cable) using DiskAid or iTunes File Sharing.
Using your iPhone, you can connect to your
a business plan to make money from custom
Windows Computer and see the files,
Quick Voice Recorder. QuickVoice is the
applications? If so then you’ll simply need to
programs, and resources exactly as you would
most popular, full-featured iPhone/iPad voice
enrol as an iPhone App Developer.
if you were sitting at your desk, just on a
recorder available. Record ideas, voice memos,
smaller screen.
voice email, dictation, lists, meetings, classes, or entire lectures! For professional,
See more at Mocha Remote Desktop (RDP) provides
educational, and personal use...
Dragon Dictation is an easy-to-use voice
access to a PC running Windows XP
recognition application powered by Dragon®
Professional or Vista/Windows 7. HOME edition
Concur Mobile, travelers seem to always
NaturallySpeaking® that allows you to easily
or Windows 200x Servers cannot be used.
need access to adjust their travel plans when it isn’t easy to use a laptop that’s connected
speak and instantly see your text or email messages. In fact, it’s up to five (5) times
Call Recordings this record a call application,
to the Internet, such as in an airport terminal,
faster than typing on the keyboard.
allows any iPhone telephone call to be
in the back of cab, or in a hotel lobby. With
recorded.There are three ways to activate the
Concur Mobile, travelers can manage their
Genius Scan turns your iPhone into a pocket
recording feature and six ways to listen to the
travel itineraries and also keep track of out-of-
scanner. Fast and streamlined, Genius Scan
recordings. Recordings are archived for future
pocket expenses and receipts in a timely
enables you to quickly scan documents on-
retrieval. Calls can be downloaded at any
manner and within their company’s policies.
the-go, send the scans by email or whole
time. Where, the iPhone’s built in Google Maps
documents as PDF. Unlike other scanner applications, Genius Scan is lightning fast and
Documents Free iPhone's only light weight
app will find addresses, and most locations if
user input is kept to a minimum.
mobile office suite. This essential application
you know the name or address, but Where
It features smart page detection, perspective
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lets you pin down restaurants and attractions
correction, grayscale detection and image
text files on your iPhone. Works both online
without needing to know their name, or even
and offline. You can also synchronize files to
whether they’re classified as a pub, bar or
your Google Documents account and open
restaurant. If you use the Zipcar car sharing
files on your PC or Mac.
service, it can also help you book a set of
Line 2- Ideal if you have poor cell reception at
wheels and drive away, all using nothing but
your home or office or just want to reduce your cell bill. Your phone will automatically
WiFi HD Free Turn your iPhone into a wireless,
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mobile external hard drive! Works over any WiFi
don't have to think about it, by adding a
connection. You can now share, copy, and
Further details:
second number to your iPhone that works
backup your files to and from your PC / Mac / or itunes 9 for
over 3G, WiFi or Cellular networks with full
Linux / or another phone! Very easy to use.
free download of applications
iOS4 backgrounding support.
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:29 Page 30
Seckford Hall 9/3/10
Stimulate your senses
Dine in our boutique restaurant where Simon Barker and his team prepare modern British food sourced locally.
Wherever you sit you can enjoy the hotel’s collection of contemporary paintings, sculptures and interesting nic-nacs. In summer, dine alfresco and watch the harbour from our courtyard. Book a table now and enjoy. Reserve by telephone 01473 226789.
Hotel & Restaurant
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:29 Page 31
IoD news
driving the IoD suffolk into the future
een to establish the role that the IoD Suffolk plays in the business community and how we might adapt for the future, branch chairman Paul Winter recently organised a workshop for committee members.
century and, after a SWOT analysis, it was
Caroline Kearney on 07917 699498 or by
decided that a period of investigation will
email at with
precede work on a detailed strategy for change.
your views.
Neil Prentice, public relations, marketing and magazine liaison officer, said: “It is imperative that we provide a modern and relevant
Paul said: “Since becoming chairman I have
approach in everything we do, so it was a
been eager to find out exactly what our
good idea to get the committee together for
members want from IoD Suffolk. The
this workshop. We are all very keen to get
workshop has helped make a start on our
moving, but gaining insight will play a vital
journey into the future.”
role in formulating our plans.”
He continued: “Now I am really looking forward
The committee will be carrying out telephone,
to receiving the thoughts of people who
email and post-event surveys to gauge opinion
currently interact with us and to keeping the
and gather feedback on what you are looking
channels open for feedback from both existing
for from IoD Suffolk, including the structure
and new members in the years to come.”
of the events programme.
Committee members came away from the workshop with a determination to make the
Alternatively, we would welcome your
IoD Suffolk relevant to business in the 21st
feedback now, so please do contact:
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:29 Page 32
A.P Laflin are the quality builder of Felixstowe, Suffolk. We pride ourselves on the quality of both service and workmanship. From small renovation work to large scale building projects, we have the expertise and experience to complete the work on time and to the highest standards.
t: 01394 270573
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Uncover the finest new homes in the East of England
by Hopkins Homes
Desirable locations throughout Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Essex For further information please visit: 24hr enquiry line: 01394 446860 Photograph of a previous Hopkins Homes development.
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:29 Page 33
IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
hopkins homes – east anglia’s premier award winning developer
opkins Homes is a privately owned company at the very forefront of residential
development in East Anglia. From the outset, James Hopkins’ vision was to create beautifully designed homes of
James Hopkins Executive Chairman, Hopkins Homes
character, style and substance. As James says "There's something about the look of older buildings that appeals to all of us. The design, the scale, and the feel - it's something many architects have forgotten. But not at Hopkins. Our approach is to take all the qualities which have stood the test of time to build homes that are easy on the eye and that blend seamlessly with their surroundings. We use the traditional approach as our platform and onto this build all the convenience, practicality and energy efficiency demanded by today's modern lifestyle. The result is a home that we and many of our
due to commence are projects in Felixstowe,
significant builder of quality homes, frequently
purchasers believe is a joy to own and to live in."
Framlingham, Kilverstone, Little Plumstead,
recognised by the NHBC in their Quality Award
Saxmundham and the refurbishment of the
Scheme which is the industry's benchmark for
Just as important to what Hopkins Homes
listed, former St Michael’s hospital building in
quality of a development in terms of build
build, is where the company build, and with
Aylsham, an exciting opportunity for the
standard and overall site management. Hopkins
strong East Anglian roots and traditional
company to demonstrate its extensive
Homes has also appeared twice in the Sunday
values, the company has expanded its portfolio
experience and expertise in sympathetic
Times Fast Track 100 list of the UK's top 100
of developments across East Anglia.
restoration and respect for sensitive renovation.
fastest growing companies. Furthermore, the company’s commitment to style and quality has
Not one to rest on its laurels, Hopkins Homes
been recognised both locally and nationally by
Homes developments including Halesworth,
remains very ambitious for the future and has
many within the housebuilding industry and is
Ipswich, Lawford, Southwold, Walsham Le
embarked on a programme of significant land
ably demonstrated by some of the accolades
Willows and Woodbridge in Suffolk, Aylsham,
acquisition, carefully selecting locations that will
and awards the company has received
Costessey, Harleston and Mulbarton in Norfolk
allow the company to further enhance its
including regularly appearing in the What
and Soham in Cambridgeshire. Three new
outstanding reputation for providing well
House? Awards list of winners, the NHBC Seal
developments are due to be live by the end of
planned homes and creating desirable
of Excellence Award and the highly coveted
the year; Scholar’s Quarter in the heart of
communities whilst at the same time
Housing Design Awards.
Norwich, Bell’s Grange in the Essex market
continuing to expand its horizons, moving
town of Bocking and The Stables, a niche
further into Essex, Cambridgeshire and
For further press information please contact
Hopkins & Moore development, in the
Hertfordshire; cementing the company’s
Jill Bryce on 01394 446921
picturesque coastal town of Southwold.
position as an un-rivalled regional developer.
or email:
Moving forward, there are over 30 further
From a start in 1992 Hopkins Homes, together
developments that Hopkins Homes are seeking
with the niche Hopkins & Moore brand, has
sales enquiry tel: 01394 446860
to bring forward, amongst those imminently
grown from a small local company into a
Currently, there are eleven active Hopkins
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:29 Page 34
87 bedroom hotel 2 storey driving range Health Club & Luxury Spa 18 Hole, Par 71 golf course Team building available
Air conditioned banqueting & conference rooms (2-300) Tailored corporate golf & conference packages available Restaurant & Bar
For more information call 0844 477 1832 or visit Yarmouth Road, Melton, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 1QW
Gateway to Suffolk’ Suffolk’s Heritage Coast...
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:48 Page 35
IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
plan your work and work your plan!
he recent victory by the relatively
In a similar way, the successful business
unknown Louis Oostheizen in The
operator will look into all the outside factors
Open Golf Championship,
that may affect the business, but will maintain
highlighted for me the importance of
the systems that have proven to be successful
having a game plan and seeing it
– from continuing regular communication
through. This resulted in a very
with its client base to development of new
comfortable victory over the best
products to suit the current market trends.
opposition in the world. It is no surprise that many successful business There is a lot we can all learn by adapting his
owners become successful golfers – with
approach within our own businesses.
many wishing that they could create more
Although we need to be aware of all
time for their chosen pastime! I have also seen
opportunities, how often are we sidetracked
that there are many successful golfers that
into moving down a different path to that which we started on? It is wise to look into new ways of operating; reducing costs;
become successful business owners in their own right by “planning their work and working their plan!”
maximising profit; training staff, as long as it does not take you away from your businesses core beliefs.
Stuart Robertson Head PGA Golf Professional The Doctorgolf Academy Best Western Ufford Park
The golfer has to be aware of wind strength
Hotel Golf & Spa
and direction, firmness of the ground
conditions to determine how far the ball will
IP12 1QW
run, whether the shot is up or downhill, the
01394 383480
proximity and severity of any hazards and the
likelihood of achieving a successful outcome -
Stuart Robertson
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:29 Page 36
special day for army families
he owners of Southwold pier have treated 16 families from Colchester Garrison to a special day out.
the armed forces often jeopardise not only their own lives but the stability of their beloved families as well. They had great fun and it was an absolute
Stephen and Antonia Bournes were keen to
pleasure entertaining them all. “We hope
show their support for the troops for their
other businesses in the county will follow our
commitment, particularly while on tour in
lead. It is a small thing to give, when they
give so much.”
Antonia said: “Many of them have young
Skipper Marcus Gladwell from the town’s
families so it occurred to us that they would
lifeboat station helped to make the day
enjoy a day out on the pier. It seemed a small
special, offering free rides on the Coastal
thing to give when these men and women of
Voyager rigid inflatable boat.
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IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
glasswells focus turns to 201 1
urniture specialists Glasswells are
photographer James Fletcher will be coaching
Andrea Johnston, manager of Glasswells in
again providing support for the St
the students.
Ipswich, said: “We are keen to work with local businesses to encourage sales of the calendar
Elizabeth Hospice to create a
2011 Suffolk Calendar to raise money for the charity.
“I have been truly impressed with the ideas
from their premises.”
and creativity that the students have on tap. This is a tremendously-fulfilling project and I’m looking forward to seeing the end product
Using the opportunity to champion young
on sale,” said James
people, Glasswells commissioned three A-level photography students from Kesgrave High School to take a fresh view of Suffolk landmarks.
Glasswells will also be covering the cost of managing the production of the calendar, and they hope that businesses featured will sponsor a month, with all proceeds going to
And, offering his time free of charge,
the hospice.
At their 2009 Motor Show IOD Suffolk raised £1 500 in support of the East Anglian Air Ambulance. The cheque was recently handed over to the Nicola Whymark of East Anglian Air Ambulance
he East Anglian Air Ambulance charity was established in 2000 and runs two life saving helicopters 365 days a year.
Our service has developed at a rapid rate, so to reflect the changing environment and continue to provide the highest standards in medical provision our clinical crew are more highly skilled in order to be part of the
The service is vital in East Anglia as the region
ambulance team. This enables treatment to be
covers a vast area, much of it rural. With
given at the scene so patients’ benefit from
more than 5,000 sq miles, or 11% of the total
on-scene stabilisation that saves more lives
area of England, it contains some of its most
and spares thousands from serious long-term
isolated terrain making it sometimes difficult
for land ambulances to reach the scene of accidents and emergencies quickly.
Once the patient has received the essential on-
As with everywhere else, the roads in East
ambulances might then take over and manage
scene medical treatment the crew on the land Anglia are becoming increasingly congested,
the situation that frees up the helicopter and
leading to ever more road traffic collisions -
its clinicians so they can be deployed to
which already make up more than 50% of the
accidents and emergencies where these skills
incidents we attend.
are needed elsewhere.
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business books
business books for autumn...
Employees First Customer Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down by Vineet Nayar
How They Blew it: The CEOs and Entrepreneurs Behind Some of the World's Most Catastrophic Business Failures
blowing sums of money, it looks at the
Harvard Business
characteristics of these leaders and the fine
School Press
line between hero and zero. "How They Blew
Published May 2010
It" is about the people at the heart of these
business catastrophes. It is about what drives
One small idea can ignite a revolution just as a
them to succeed and then to fail. It is a
single matchstick can start a fire. One such idea
compelling examination of the rights and
- putting employees first and customers second
by Jamie Oliver and
wrongs of each case and it seeks to get into
- sparked a revolution at HCL Technologies, the
Tony Goodwin
the minds of the people behind the business
IT services giant. In this candid and personal
Kogan Page
disasters and ask 'why the hell did they do
account, Vineet Nayar - HCLT's celebrated CEO -
Published July 2010
that?' The characteristics of successful
recounts how he defied the conventional
entrepreneurs include resilience and the ability
wisdom that companies must put customers
"How They Blew It" is a series of eye-popping
to learn from failure, and so the aim of "How
first, then turned the hierarchical pyramid
tales of entrepreneurs and business leaders
They Blew It" is ultimately positive. By
upside down by making management
who went from corporate gurus to financial
examining how business ventures can go so
accountable to the employees, and not the
disaster zones in rapid and humiliating
badly wrong, you can learn to avoid those
other way around. By doing so, Nayar fired the
fashion. Full of surprising details and mind-
mistakes in the first place.
imagination of both employees and customers and set HCLT on a journey of transformation that has made it one of the fastest-growing and profitable global IT services companies and according to "BusinessWeek", one of the twenty most influential companies in the world.
Beyond Business An Inspirational Memoir from a Visionary Leader by John Browne Orion Publishing Co Published February 2010 £20
Chapter by chapter, Nayar recounts the exciting transformed a national company, challenged
journey of how he and his team implemented
an entire industry, and prompted political and
the employee first philosophy by: creating a
business leaders to change. He takes us across
sense of urgency by enabling the employees to
the world on adventures that include going
see the truth of the company's current state as
toe-to-toe with both tyrants and elected
well as feel the 'romance' of its possible future
leaders, and involve engineering feats which in
state; creating a culture of trust by pushing the
many ways rival those of going to the moon.
envelope of transparency in communication
And he shares his views on the true purpose
and information sharing; inverting the
Once a lacklustre organisation, BP became one
of business and the leadership needed to
organizational hierarchy by making the
of the world's biggest, most successful, and
tackle the grand challenges of our era. It is
management and the enabling functions
most admired companies in the new
also a story of failure and human frailty as
accountable to the employee in the value zone;
millennium. John Browne, the company's CEO
Browne reveals how his private and public
and unlocking the potential of the employees
for 12 years, invented the oil 'supermajor' and
lives collided at frightening speed in full view
by fostering an entrepreneurial mind-set, decentralizing decision making, and
led the way on issues such as climate change,
of the world, prompting his abrupt
human rights and transparency. In Beyond
resignation as CEO of BP. A rich memoir,
transferring the ownership of 'change' to the
Business, Browne brings to life what he learnt
Beyond Business is a must for anyone
employee in the value zone. This book offers
about leadership in a tough industry. His story
searching for a refreshing, inspirational and
valuable insights for managers seeking to
encompasses the insights gained as he
human view of business and leadership.
realize their aspirations.
Please join us at our
WHOLE SCHOOL OPEN MORNING Saturday 9th October 2010
A co-educational Independent Day School for 2-18 year olds with boarding facilities. Scholarships and bursaries up to 100 per cent of fees available. A Christian School in the Lasallian Tradition. Belstead Road, Ipswich, England, IP2 9DR Tel: 01473 6980281
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:29 Page 39
IoD suffolk
Autumn 2010
mind your own buiness
avoiding own goals in the communications game
ow would you rate your
those around you and yet you may never
but, by then, the damage had been done.
communication skills?
come to realise how corrosive your actions –
For our high-flying friend the project was
or lack of them – can be.
clearly not top of his to-do list. For Mary,
If you are a boss, I am willing to wager you probably think you measure up pretty well. After all, people with the drive, determination and ambition to become captains of industry are unlikely to be backward at coming forward and reluctant to admit weakness in such a key area of the leadership skillset. But how do you know if you are as effective as you think – and hope – you are? Do you ever take the trouble to ask your staff and, even if you do, are they likely to give you an honest answer?
hungry to get her teeth into what had been I came across an example recently where a
sold to her as a key assignment, the response
boss was damned not for something he did
– or lack of – was demoralising and distinctly
but for what he failed to do.
This involved a middle manager, hand-picked
Unfortunately for her, the high flier held all
by her immediate superior to play a key part
the relevant data and without this
in a business review initiative at group level of
information poor Mary was powerless to act.
the organisation. Clearly this was a great
She did try to enlist the help of her immediate
opportunity for the middle manager (let’s call
boss but he was reluctant to rock the boat in
her Mary) to spread her wings in a wider
case it jeopardised his own place in the
environment and to make a significant impact
pecking order.
in what was perceived to be a project with major implications for the future success of
The lesson surely is that small acts of courtesy
the company as a whole.
don’t take much effort but can be crucial in maintaining motivation.
“Actually, we all think your communication skills are pants, boss,” is one of the least likely observations you are likely to hear from your team, unless they are on the fast-track to career self-destruction. England football supremo Fabio Capello’s
Suitably energised for the task by her immediate boss, Mary lost no time in firing
How long would it have taken the high flier
off an email (as instructed) to the project
to acknowledge Mary’s original email,
leader – a high flier by all account who
offering a brief explanation for the delay?
operates in another division of the company. Mary waited for a response, eager to get
Be warned, it is not just football managers
going as soon as possible.
who take their eye off the ball when it comes
clumsy mishandling of the recent decision to
to meaningful communication. And own
dispense with David Beckham’s services was
She waited and waited. A week later she
conducted in the glare of media frenzy – the
finally got a response, along with a few
ensuing brouhaha inevitable considering the
bullet-point headings on how the project
iconic status of the victim.
might develop. She replied immediately, thanking him for the helpful information and
Even allowing for Capello’s much-publicised
suggesting they arrange to meet to discuss
language difficulties, this was a spectacular
how things might best progress. Another two
communications own goal by any standard.
weeks elapsed before she heard any more, by
Fortunately for most bosses, they are not
which time her initial enthusiasm had
required to conduct staff relationships in the
evaporated almost without trace.
goldfish-bowl scrutiny of the world’s media. Nevertheless, poor communication
Obviously she still had to pick up the pieces
performance can send damaging signals to
when the exercise eventually got under way
goals can be expensive in any language. G C Armstrong
IOD autumn - all pages_IOD spring 10 SECT 1 03/09/2010 11:29 Page 40
introducing the IoD committee
Paul Winter
Chris Johnson
01473 278403 tel email
Sponsorship Officer tel 01473 279175 email
Ian Johnson
Graham Reid
Branch Membership Officer
01284 767670 tel email
Branch Treasurer tel 01449 737661 email
Neil Prentice
Dawn Carman-Jones
Public Relations, Marketing and Magazine Liaison Officer
Education Liaison Officer and Regional Professional Development Co-ordinator
01473 228811 tel email
01379 873181
Dean Willingham
Catherine Chambers
Vice Chairman tel 01473 283283 email
Education Liaison Officer and Regional Professional Development Co-ordinator tel 01473 226645 email
Caroline Kearney
Leigh-Ondrea Bendall
Suffolk Branch Administrator mob 07917 699 498 email
tel 01440 711400 email
new members
IoD Pall Mall, London
IoD Suffolk Membership Benefits • IoD Travel Services
BTS Group Ltd
National Apprenticeship Service
Halley McCallum
Teresa Logan
East Anglian Air Ambulance
Southern Water
Richard Robinson
Leslie Dawson
Hydro International
Storm Recruitment Services Ltd
Chris Day
John Reynolds
Inntel Ltd
Suffolk County Council
Douglas O’Neill
Graham Dixon
vrs Vericlaim UK Ltd
David Everett
Stewart Steel
Jonas Consulting
Waters Wye Associates Ltd
Scott Hutchinson
Gareth Evans
Merlin Claims Ltd
Jonathan Townsend
Richard Shanks
Kenneth Dowling
• IoD Car Rental • IoD Director’s Liability Insurance • IoD Professional Indemnity Insurance • IoD Home and Contents Insurance • IoD Health Plans
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