Six sigma success - overcoming the common causes of failure

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Some Stats

60% of 6 Sigma initiatives fail to produce desired results

How Software as a Service (SaaS) can address the most common causes for failure in Lean 6 Sigma initiatives • •

Grant Crow – CEO i-nexus Jon Fitzgerald – Solution Consultant

Presentation Agenda

1. Common causes for Failure 2. Results of our own poll 3. Positive impact of relevant software on common causes 4. Benefits of SaaS 5. Summary

The common causes of failure causes of Failure

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Lack of benefit quantification Lack of Leadership buy in Lack of tangible results from a pilot Lack of coaching and skills “This only applies to manufacturing” Statistical “mumbo jumbo” raises barriers

Key Problems Facing Early Scale and Replicate Phase Deployments Root Cause


Project Selection is Not Systematically Driven by PerformanceExpectation Gaps in the Outcomes Managers Are Responsible For

Not Interested Managers Cannot See the Direct Linkage Between Projects and Their Personal Objectives

Managers Have Not Personally Experienced ‘Proof’ of the Power of Formal PI Tools on a Problem They See As Similar

Not Convinced Managers Do Not Believe PI Will Deliver the Result They Need in the Time They Have

The Consequences For Not Delivering Against Business As Usual Targets Are Greater Than The Consequences on Not Delivering Improvement Projects




Not Motivated Managers Choose to Prioritise Business as Usual Delivery Over Driving Improvement Projects


Symptom Managers Don’t Make Time For Project Reviews Managers Don’t Address Project Road-blocks Managers Don’t Provide Enough (or the Right) Resources to Projects

Lack of Management Buy-in to the Performance Improvement Program

Managers Don’t Ultimately Take Actions to Liberate Tangible Benefits Managers Behaviour Does Not Reinforce PI Principles Managers Shortcircuit Formal PI Approach With Unsustainable Actions Managers See the PI Initiative as the Deployment Leaders Program

Pain Projects Take Longer to Do Than They Should

Fewer Projects Are Successful Than They Should Be

Tangible Project Benefits Are Lower Than They Should Be Deployment Leaders Spend Time and Energy Compensating for Unsupportive Management Behaviour Deployment Leaders Spend Time and Energy Pushing PI Up the Management Agenda


Tangible Program Results are Substantially Lower Than They Could Be

PI Program Stalls and Ultimately Fails

Rate of Program Expansion is Eroded As Deployment Leader’s Time and Energy is Sapped Keeping PI on Agenda

Lack of Benefit Quantification

1. There need to be benefits! 2. They need to be quantifiable 3. They need to be quantified

Lack of Leadership Buy In

1. The biggest single cause – see the poll results! 2. Most Executives are not known for patience.

Lack of Results from a Pilot

Pilot Schmilot. If you have to accept a pilot, you already have a problem!

Lack of Coaching and Skill

1. Six Sigma is a specialized area 2. But I can seem complicated and opaque 3. Skilled practitioners deliver better business benefits

Seen as a Manufacturing toolset

It’s a Marketing problem. Six Sigma needs better PR.

i-nexus poll results‌

Proposed Solutions

1. Benefit quantification – – – –

Needs to be systematic Needs to be systematized Hard and soft Mom and pop (assorted spread sheets) is not credible

Another Solution – Great Reporting

• Everyone loves a good report • Good reports change behaviour through focus • Visibility and transparency drive change (but need to be managed)

Solution 3 – Clear Links to Strategy

1. All projects to have a clear link to a current corporate goal 2. Real time progress evaluation through metrics and reporting 3. Join the privileged few by aligning strategy and initiatives through Hoshin Kanri

Some Benefits of Software as a Service

• Lower upfront investment • Much lower Total Cost of Ownership • Relevance – it’s simply more current • Achieve your benefits faster

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