1 minute read
High in the hills, this sensational 300year-old cottage looks as good as ever
Home to Mr and Mr s Nor r is for the past 15 year s, the couple were keen to now make some improvements, “the sashes were ver y old, single glazed, difficult to open, cold, damp, rattly and beyond repair, just not ver y nice to live with”
Mr s Nor r is descr ibes
The new slim sash windows are all finished in a colour complementar y to Far row & Ball
‘Hardwick White’
Sl m sash windows finished in a colour complementar y to Far row & Ball
‘Hardwick White’ with decorative sash hor ns and 36mm astragal glazing bar s
Manufactured in Engineered Meranti Hardwood
“All the windows have been replaced on a like-for-like basis except for some improvements made to simplify and unify bar designs , for a better match across the house ”
A self-confessed perfectionist, Mr s Nor r is says, “it makes such a difference to the look and feel of a house to choose the windows cor rectly ”
“We made the changes in phases , and the fitting has always been quick and efficient, but most importantly, done ver y well and ver y impressively ”
Sl m sash windows with trad tional cords & weights fin shed in a colour complementar y to Far row & Bal ‘Hardwick White’ with 36mm astragal glazing bar s and Mottled Antique Brass hook fastener s and sash lifts
French door s finished in a colour comp ementar y to Far row & Ball
‘Hardwick White with a Black Avon handle Manufactured in Engineered Meranti Hardwood