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About 15 years ago I visited some friends in Leeds – they had just moved into a three storey ter raced house within walking distance of Headingley cricket ground The area was deeply unpopular in those days, but they could see the potential in both the house and the area

Careful research had unear thed original images of the proper ty – giving them vital infor mation on the design of the original front door and sash windows Once the hor rible plastic versions were replaced, the tr ue appearance of the house was revealed – and after a year or so of hard work they made a tidy but modest profit on their now beautiful home


Like Headingley, many towns and cities in the UK can readily point to a ‘conser vation area’ – one where individual streets and sometimes just small areas are restored to their for mer glories And with soaring proper ty prices, the incentive to improve rather than move, becomes that much stronger.

Today many people visiting our showrooms are looking to replicate the look and feel of the original doors and windows – but with the benefits of moder n timber perfor mance and insulation, combined with high levels of security The expanding network of T imber W indows showrooms can provide professional advice and knowledge - they will be familiar with the histor y of the area and the designs that will work best for your home

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