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Mitchell v. Kentucky Finance Co.: Overtime Protections for Loan Officers - Timothy Coffield
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Mitchell v. Kentucky Finance Co.: Overtime Protections for Loan Officers Tim Coffield
Legal Insight, Supreme Court Cases
In Mitchell v. Kentucky Finance Co., 359 U.S. 290 (1959) the
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Supreme Court held that the business of making personal loans to individuals does not constitute “sales of . . . services”
Ex Parte
by a “retail or service establishment,” within the meaning of
Young: A
the retail and service establishment exemption to the Fair
Partial Way
Labor Standards Act. This is the case regardless of whether
the company might be thought of in the financial industry as being engaged in “retail financing.” Mitchell is important because it helps ensure that mortgage loan officers and other similar positions are entitled to overtime pay.
Statutory Background – Retail and Service Establishment Exemption The FLSA generally requires employers to pay overtime, i.e. https://coffieldlaw.com/mitchell-v-kentucky-finance-co-overtime-protections-for-loan-officers/
Sovereign Immunity
AUGUST 25, 2021
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