Annual Report 2011

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Contents Our vision …………..……………………………………………………………….………. Message from the President ……………………………….………………………. Message from the CEO ……………………………………………………………….. Time for Kids: At a glance ……………………………………………………………. Our services ……..………………………………………………..………...……………... Mentors Matter …………………………………………………………………………… Audited financial report, profit and loss account …………………………. Audited financial report, balance sheet ………………………………………. Audited financial report, auditor’s statement ……………………………... 2011: the year in review …..…………………………………………………………. Our Board ……………………………………………………………………………………. Our staff …………………………….………………………………………………………... Our office volunteers ………………....…...………………………………………... Our Fundraising Committee …………………………………....…………………... Our volunteers ……………………………...…...………………………………………... Our community network ………………………………………………...……………. Our Ambassadors …….…………………...……………………………...…………….. Our Patron …….…………………...…...……..…………………………...…………….. Our partners ………..…………..…………….……………………………………..……….. Our stories …………………………………..……………………………………………….. Join us …………………………………………………...………………………….…………...

3 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 18 18 19 20 21 21 22 24 25


Our vision It is more than 50 years since William Scales SM (then head of the South Australian Juvenile Court) and his wife, Betty Scales, formed the Society of Sponsors. Now named ‘Time for Kids’, the organisation has assisted more than 4600 children from families experiencing difficulties meeting all their children’s needs. Volunteer cares and mentors working in partnership with Time for Kids staff continue to provide children with respite care and a wide range of other opportunities to experience healthy family relationships and broadened life experiences. This has been accomplished through the support and generosity of those volunteers in partnership with government, business and community organisations, a team of fundraisers and supporters, and the support of a dedicated and professional staff team governed by a volunteer board. In 2010 Time for Kids was presented with a National Crime and Violence Prevention Award by the Federal Government and the Australian Institute of Criminology. Time for Kids is now exploring a range of additional activities and service delivery outlets to make its programs accessible to an increased number of children and young people in need and has established a foundation to attract the funds to boost the required resources that will enable this.

Vision Statement Investing in our children’s future.

Mission Positively impacting on the wellbeing of disadvantaged children and young people by providing resources, opportunities and care that enable them to thrive.

Values and Principles It is important to us that we provide services that will provide positive changes to each child and young person’s life course by assisting them to build: Resilience Self esteem Confidence Resourcefulness A sense of identity Broadened expectations and possibilities Diverse and inspiring exposure to the world 3


Message From the President Philip Scales


2009 Crime and Violence Prevention Award

ur volunteer carers, mentors,

patron, ambassadors and supporters are, more than ever, performing a vital role in society.

presented to us by the Australian Government and the Institute of Criminology. We have also recently been identified by the South Australian Government in its strategic

The children they care for with us have issues which are becoming more extensive and complex, and there are now more children in need in the community.

plan document, as a key organisation involved with addressing the causes of crime. But, as we know, the real benefits are indicated in the way children respond to the care and

While the concept underpinning our programs is simple, the issues involved are not. They

structures provided by a normal family environment.

include domestic violence, poverty, mental

This will be my last

illness and drug, alcohol, physical and mental abuse. In 90 percent of cases the father is absent and the mother, by reason of

‌ the real benefits are indicated by the way children respond to the care and structures provided by a normal

her problems, is unable to cope and invariably has no support. These factors were common in the lives of children who appeared before my father when he was the head of the Juvenile Court. He could see the need for support systems being put in place which led to the establishment of this organisation in 1960. I have mentioned before that one indicator of the success of the program is the fact that to my knowledge, no child we have placed has appeared before the Youth Court while on the program. This was no doubt a factor in us being the South Australian recipient of the

message as President, but I will continue to be involved in the Foundation’s operations and the Mentoring program. I am confident that these and

other initiatives we have planned will further strengthen our operations and result in significant benefits for children who deserve assistance. I cannot see an end to this need and I urge the Government and our supporters to continue their support. We do not wish to exclude any section of the community and are currently involved in discussions with the Aboriginal community to see how we can expand our involvement by agreement with them, and we hope to engage in a similar exercise with refugees.


From the President Philip Scales Continued

Jo Wickes, our Chief Executive Officer,

I would like to express my appreciation to my

continues to produce excellent results and

wife Bibby and our sons Peter and Ben for their

initiatives. However, both she and the Board

ongoing support.

are most conscious of the need to focus on our core business of assisting as many children as

Peter became an Ambassador and Ben a

possible. There are so many activities in which

member of the Board sometime ago. I am

we could engage, but there is a limit to our

delighted that the Board has decided Ben is

resources and the balancing act imposes

well suited to take over as President and that

restrictions in order to maintain that balance.

he has agreed to accept the position.

I am leaving the Board confident in the

I have been extremely fortunate to be

knowledge that we will continue to succeed by

associated with this organisation and know that

reason of the expertise we have and the

it will continue to play an essential part in

assistance that is being received from the

meeting the needs of children and their

community and the Government.

families living in difficult circumstances.

They all recognise the relevance of our

Once again, on behalf of our wonderful board

involvement and, from a business perspective,

and staff, I thank our carers and all our

the value of investment in it. It has been

supporters for their magnificent contributions.

independently assessed that for every dollar invested a return of $17.00 is received.


Time for Kids outgoing President, Philip Scales AM with his son and incoming President, Ben Scales

Message From the CEO Jo Wickes


carers, independent living skills and mentoring

ur 50th anniversary celebrations in

from positive role models. It is estimated that

2010 greatly increased our public profile

for every dollar spent on early intervention, the

and strengthened our key relationships

community saves between $17 —$25 in the

and partnerships across all sectors of the community.

support we receive from government,

Our focus has now turned to the next 50 years but in practical terms we are taking it one year at a time, providing critical services for children

It is now widely recognised that Time for Kids is a highly successful South Australian early

disadvantaged children and families under stress. Targeted early intervention to children and families has been provided to more than

businesses and other organisations. I encourage you to read through the list of organisations who work in partnership with us on page xx of this report. They are a truly

in need.

intervention service for

long term. We are able to do this thanks to the

visionary and inspiring group of South Australians. Financing an organisation

Here we create opportunities for children through support and education for them and their families ...

4600 children over the past 51 years, preventing or resolving complex issues such as anti-social and criminal behaviour, family breakdown and homelessness.

Here we create opportunities for children through support and education for them and their families, regular respite care with trained

that has such an escalating demand for its services is always a challenge. We are fortunate to have a talented and passionate volunteer Fundraising

Committee led by Georgina Hardy. This year I am truly grateful to the Committee for creating highly enjoyable and profitable events such as Drinks at Hyde Park and Lionhearts Luncheon.

The Lionhearts Luncheon is one of the outstanding initiatives of the Fundraising Committee. Hosted and named for our generous supporters, Tim Gregg and Andrew


From the CEO Jo Wickes Continued

Svensis at The Lion Hotel, this network of well over

William’s son Philip became President and under his

200 South Australian business leaders from all

exceptional leadership the organisation has grown

facets of business are generous and passionate

to become the Time for Kids of 2011.

supporters, committed to investing in their state through investing in South Australian children.

For more than 35 years Philip has been working to improve the lives of children in need in South

We have also strengthened our new team of

Australia, a drive he has inherited from his parents

Ambassadors consisting of influential people who

and passed onto his children and grandchildren.

represent us across the community, helping build new relationships with key people, businesses and

Philip saw Time for Kids through many challenging

organisations. You can meet this inspiring group of

and exciting times, including; the threat of

people on page 21 of our Annual Report.

extinction at a time when large organisations were being encouraged to take over the child care

For the second year we are absolutely delighted to

operations of smaller voluntary organisations,

have as our Patron His Excellency Rear Admiral

winning a 2009 Australian Crime and violence

Kevin Scarce AC CSC RANR and wish to thank both

Prevention Award and seeing the number of

the Governor and Mrs Scarce for their support and

children assisted in South Australia pass the 4000


mark. I am grateful that Philip remains involved with Time for Kids continuing to inspire everyone

Thanks to the overwhelming support and

involved and laying the foundations for the next 50

commitment from South Australians such as these,


Time for Kids will continue to make a difference to the lives of young South Australians and their

Fortunately for us, Phillip’s son Ben continues the

families who are doing it tough in our community.

strong family tradition of service to this state and takes on the role of President of the Board.

This year has given us time to pause and reflect on the enormous contribution to this organisation and

Lastly and by no means least I want to acknowledge

to the welfare of children in our state by our retiring the tremendous volunteer carers and mentors at President Philip Scales AM. Since William Scales and Time for Kids. They all willingly and generously his wife Betty formed the organisation then known

make the most important investment of all for a

as Society of Sponsors, in 1960, the contribution of

child – they offer them their time.

the Scales family to the organisation and the life of South Australia has been immense. In 1977 8

Time for Kids at a glance 

Time for Kids is a highly successful early intervention program assisting disadvantaged children who are at elevated risk of delinquency, truancy, homelessness and criminal behaviour.

We match children from birth to 17 years with volunteer carers and mentors on a regular part time basis, usually for one day or weekend a month or during school holidays.

Time for Kids was founded in 1960 (then called the Society of Sponsors) by William Scales SM, who was then head of the South Australian Juvenile Court. It was led by his son, Philip Scales AM for the next 35 years and is now led by his grandson, Ben Scales.

In the past 51 years, we have assisted more than 4600 South Australian children and their families by matching them with volunteer caring families.

One notable statistic is that none of these children have appeared in the State’s Youth Court while involved in our program.

Time for Kids was a 2009 National Crime and Violence Prevention Award winner.

Each year we support around 150 children and their families, although the demand for placements far exceeds our current capacity for support.

One third of children currently assisted are under the Guardianship of the Minister.

Children are referred to us by social workers, school counsellors and health care professionals from a wide range of agencies, and by Families SA workers.

The children we support often live with isolated sole parents, grandparents or families in crisis.

Mostly the parent/s are struggling with overwhelming social, health and economic difficulties, which leave children with limited stable support in their lives.

The children referred to our program have an elevated chance of delinquency and contact with the youth justice system. Our aim is to give them experiences and mentoring that will help them to make positive life choices and enable them to grow into self reliant and responsible adults.

We are a registered charity and licensed foster care agency administered by a volunteer Board of Management.

We receive funding from a diverse range of sources including funding bodies, government agencies, private donors, philanthropic organisations and fundraising activities.

We are an Alliance Program Partner to the South Australian Strategic Plan.


Our services Family respite and support service We provide regular respite care to children living with one or both parents, who are struggling with multiple issues in their household. We match each child with a supportive individual or family for respite care, usually for one day or weekend each month. Our staff, our carers, the child and their family work as a team to best strengthen and support children. This connection with a carer’s family is often sustained for the whole of the child’s life.

Mentoring program Positive role models come in all ages, shapes and sizes. Although overnight respite care may not be appropriate for you or your family, you can still make a world of difference to the life of a child by sharing regular mentor’s days. These take place once a week, fortnightly or monthly, and can be for a morning, afternoon or for a full day. Shared activities can include playing or watching sport, bike riding, bushwalking, cooking, going to the movies or providing a child with the opportunity to explore South Australia at places like the museum, art gallery, parks or beaches. Time for Kids staff will help you with ideas and activities.

Grandparents respite and support service Many grandparents have full time care responsibilities for their grandchildren. Time for Kids can arrange regular respite care with a volunteer family and provide support to grandparents. Each year, we provide outings and activities for grandparents and grandchildren to enjoy together.

Relative and Kinship respite and support service We provide regular respite care for children in the State Care system, who are living with relatives or kinship carers. We match children with supportive families for respite care, usually for one day or weekend each month. Our staff, our carers, the child and their family work as a team to best strengthen and support children. The connection with a carer family is often sustained for the whole of the child’s adult life.

School holiday program Each school holidays we provide week-long placements for children. City children can go to a regional South Australian location and children from regional areas can come to the city. Children stay with a volunteer carer family and return to the same holiday destination in subsequent holidays, forging strong links.

Carer support services Time for Kids recruits, assesses, trains and manages the approval process for our volunteer carers. All Time for Kids carers are registered foster carers in South Australia. We offer a peer support network, social functions and a resource library, as well as ongoing training.

Parenting support program Time for Kids offers the families of referred children access to a support team for referral, advocacy and counselling. Families have access to our financial management program which includes emergency relief funds and resources, ongoing assistance from financial counsellors and parenting and household skill development. Every child and their family is supported by a dedicated and highly qualified team.


Mentors Matter


fter 51 years of providing a unique

model of volunteer respite care to children in South Australia, Time for Kids has now introduced the ‘Mentors Matter’ to increase the options available to young people. Designed by and for children aged 10-17 years, Mentors Matter combines all of the great qualities of Time for Kids respite care — reliable and regular, positive and interesting activities with trained, screened and supported volunteers. Activities and relationships are built around the things young people are passionate about, such as music, food or football. Mentors and participants meet regularly, usually once a week or fortnight, for planned activities that they both enjoy.

‘This sponsorship is one of several crime prevention initiatives the Board has adopted this year to complement our long-running commitment to crime reduction,’ Mr Prince said. ‘By assisting 20 vulnerable children through a credible and authorised mentoring program over the next 12 months, BankSA Crime Stoppers is making a tangible contribution to keeping young atrisk people out of the criminal justice system.’ Mentoring revolves around the shared interests and passions of the participants. For some the relationship develops around a shared love of football or a football team, for others around other sporting or personal interests such as woodworking, building a go-kart or cooking.

One of the new mentoring projects is the Time for Kids ‘masterchefs’. This group of mentors and their We have been able to develop a robust and dynamic young charges meet in a fully equipped commercial size kitchen, cook up a storm and share a great mentoring service thanks to invaluable assistance meal. from the State Government Attorney General’s Department Crime and Violence Prevention funding, Young participants form strong relationships with the Wood Foundation, Morialta Trust, the Liquor their mentors who can offer time, undivided Industry Charity Golf Day and the Minter Ellison attention, good advice and role models. Together Foundation. The in-kind, financial support and they share their stories and we are often told that it foresight of these organisations has been is as valuable for mentors as it is for participants. instrumental in getting Mentors Matter going. Into the future we are delighted to be working in partnership with the Australian Hotels Association SA, and are very pleased to announce our Mentors Matter partner, BankSA Crimestoppers. The Crime Stoppers SA Inc Deputy Chairman, Mr David Prince, said BankSA Crime Stoppers is sponsoring the Time for Kids mentoring program as part of its crime prevention strategy.

One mentor recently said, ‘As I didn’t have children of my own I wondered what I had to offer, but it turns out a lot! ‘I’m not sure who looks forward to our gettogethers most, me or (my mentee). I always leave feeling on top of the world.’

Time for Kids mentees shopping at the Central Market for ingredients for the meal they later prepared with their mentors.


Audited financial report


Audited financial report


Auditor’s statement


2011: The year in review 2010—2011 was an exciting year for Time for Kids. We continued to celebrate our 50th Anniversary and to create new ways of working and new partnerships to enhance the way we work with children, families and carers. Time for Kids is first and foremost a business about people, and our highlights for the year focus on how we have improved, expanded and enhanced the way we work with people. Rosanna Mangiarelli and Erik Thomson at the Edge Recruitment lunch 

Respite care was provided for 165 children, by 156 carers and mentors.

Seventy two children were referred to us.

Eighty six children remain on the waiting list seeking carers and mentors.

Provided emergency assistance to children and their families on 127 occasions.

Seventeen grandparents and 27 grandchildren attended the annual overnight grandparents camp.

More than 540 tickets and entries were distributed to

Enjoying face painting at a Time for Kids family picnic

children for special events, such as movie days, magic shows, family fun days, charity days, zoo visits, Christmas parties and Easter picnics. 

Ten young people were involved with mentoring over the year.

Forty two children under the Guardianship of the Minister were involved with Time for Kids over the past 12 months. Currently, 21 of these children are being actively cared for.

Presenting a donation from Freemasons: Mick Micallef, Jo Wickes, James Ehmann & Michael Olive

Nine young people attended Financial Wizard literacy courses.

Provided 40 Easter gifts for children.

Distributed 144 Christmas toys to children.

Time for Kids grandparent, Georgina, with her grandkids at the TFK ‘Grandparents Support Network’ get-together in the park.


2011: The year in review 

Provided 56 Christmas food hampers for

Our Annual Christmas party for families


was attended by 45 children and 35

Fifty five parents or primary carers


attended training offered or arranged by

Funds were received from 55 different

Time for Kids. Topics included: Parenting

sources including private businesses,

by Connection; Senior First Aid; Autism

philanthropic organisations, Federal and

SA; CAFWA Community Conference;

State governments, in addition to funds

Financial Literacy; Managing Loss and

raised from individual donations and

Grief; Anger Management.

fundraising events.

Time for Kids children had the opportunity to enjoy a range of activities over the year, thanks to the generosity of our volunteers and supporters. Volunteers from Minter Ellison packed and delivered Christmas gifts (below), as well as taking a group of kids to the zoo. There were also opportunities to experience horse riding, football and golf (left).


Our Board Time for Kids is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Board meets 10 to 12 times each year to provide advice, guidance and governance to the Chief Executive Officer. At June 30, 2011 our Board members are:

Philip Scales AM President

Philip is a consultant with legal firm, Scales and Partners, co-founder and former Executive Director of both the Law Council of Australia Criminal Law Section and the Criminal Lawyers Association of Australia, and former Deputy Presiding Member of the SA Parole Board. He has contributed to the management of Time for Kids for more than 35 years.

Formerly a chartered accountant and businessman, John continues to consult as a Management and Business Advisor. John also manages his family vineyard in McLaren Vale .

John Younger Treasurer

Frank has worked in Child Protection and Alternative Care for more than 30 years. Since emigrating from the UK in the late 60s, he has devoted his career to championing for abused and neglected children in SA. He has lectured at the University of SA in the social sciences, and has published several journal articles.

Frank Vincent Board Member

Kirsty Davies Board Member A trained economist, Andrew has a Masters Degree in Economics from the London School of Economics. His extensive professional experience includes 22 years working with various brokers and investment banks, and as a consultant for the Productivity Commission and KPMG.

Andrew Bradley Board Member

Ben Scales Board Member

Georgina has been a volunteer carer with Time for Kids for more than six years. She has extensive experience in the community sector, including organising volunteering and fundraising events for the Red Cross, St Peters College Mission Guild and the Magdalene Centre. She is also Chair of Board fundraising subcommittee.

Georgina Hardy Board Member

The Secretary is Joanne Wickes The Auditor is David Lovell

Diarmid Lee Board Member

Kirsty has more than 20 years experience working in public relations, including 14 years in London working for Hill & Knowlton, and as a private consultant. In 2008, in partnership with friend, Philippa Williams, she started her own marketing consulting company, Go Girl Marketing Solutions.

Ben is General Manager and Company Secretary of Jarvis Walker, where he has worked for over 17 years. He has extensive financial management experience, and is the third generation of the Scales family to play an integral role in the management of Time for Kids. Ben continues the philanthropic tradition established by his grandparents and continued by his parents, Philip and Bibby Scales. Diarmid worked as a commercial lawyer in Adelaide for a number of years before moving to London and working as a Management Consultant. In 2010 he returned to Australia and founded Leed Consulting, where he works with clients as an organisation development consultant, facilitator and coach.


Our staff Time for Kids is committed to providing a flexible and responsive workplace, with a focus on professional development for our staff. As of June 30, 2011 our staff team are:

Corporate Services Chief Executive Officer Office Manager Book Keeper

Service Delivery Jo Wickes Anne Linke Lynne Kennedy

Consultants Events Coordinator

Georgina Hardy

Manager, Children and Carer Services Family Intake Officer Family & Child Advocate Recruitment & Assessment Officer Mentor Support Worker Carer Support Worker Carer Support Worker

Mia Clifford Kaii Zecchin Lena Malmstedt Karolina Carr Karen Fairbank Jo Hall Lucy Seppelt

Our office volunteers Time for Kids relies on the assistance, skills and generosity of a talented and committed group of volunteers, who work hand-in-hand with our staff. As of June 30, 2011 the members of our volunteer team are: Sue Ward Elle Filosi Lidia Mazzone Deanne Gallasch

Alejandra Arredondo Salas Lauren Knight Andres Vegara Amanda Jane

Rebel Jenkins Anne Vincent Bob Ooi Ros Richardson

Our Fundraising Committee The Time for Kids Fundraising Committee is comprised of extraordinary women, who work hard to raise much-needed funds for our programmes. As of June 30, 2011 the members of our Fundraising Committee are:

Georgina Hardy (Chair) Annabel Hill Smith Col Hamilton Charlotte Moore


Jan Beasley Kirsty Davies Melinda O’Leary Pangie Findlay

Vickianne West Lou Hewitson Kate Hayward

Our volunteers Carers and mentors The children referred to us and our volunteer carers are the heart and soul of Time for Kids. Over the past 51 years, volunteer carers and mentors have cared for and supported more than 4600 children in South Australia. In the past year alone, our volunteers provided more than 60,000 volunteer hours caring for children and young people. One of our favourite things at Time for Kids is hearing stories from the children, families and volunteers involved in our programs. The story below is from a volunteer family who share their time with a 5-year-old girl, ‘R’. Their enjoyment at sharing day-to-day experiences with the child in their care sums up what Time for Kids is all about—whether a volunteer or a child, sharing time can change a life.

Time For Kids has been a life saver for our family.

be good fun. R told us that she had never been to the beach.

We got involved as a means of giving back after a

Our son was amazed and on checking with her mum,

tough couple of years with some sad and difficult

we found out that R had only gone to the beach when

personal stuff. We heard about the organisation

she was a newborn baby.

through the book, ’It’s about time: giving kids a break’, which we picked up from our local library.

After the kids had had a good play and swim and dinner had been eaten, we suggested packing up our

It took us a while to get all the necessary

things and going for a walk on the jetty before the sun

documentation in place, and at times we wondered if


it was ever going to actually become real. But it did! In December 2011 we met our little R who is from a

‘What's a jetty?’ asked little R. We pointed it out to her

large happy family.

and she enjoyed running along the jetty with her 'brother at our place' and then coming back to hold

She is bright, she is funny, she is a ray of sunshine

our hands in turns. As we walked along the most

and is truly just what the doctor ordered for us. R

amazing thing happened. There swimming along next

comes to us once every 3-4 weeks and enjoys having to the jetty at Semaphore was a sea lion. R was so her own room and her own toys that she doesn't have excited, and it was just so, so special. to share with anyone else. Rather a novelty when part of a large family.

People often ask us why we got involved with Time For Kids - there's the answer - it's the simplest of

We don't do lots of activities but rather concentrate on things that make it so fantastic. That look on our little simple pleasures. R & I love to do 'afternoon tea

R's face is just priceless and we played a small part in

parties' and R is becoming very good at setting the

giving her an opportunity that she would not have had

table for this high tea event. It is a part of every

otherwise. That is just the most amazing thing.

weekend when she comes to stay with us. We are so thankful to Time For Kids for all that they Last time R came to visit, we decided to go to the

do. If you want to give something back into this world

beach after picking up our son from his dad's place. It then this is a great place to begin. Not only do you was a really hot night and so we thought a run in the

help others but you will find you get way, way more

ocean along with fish and chips on the beach would



Our community network Time for Kids is proud to be associated with the following organisations: Homelessness SA Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Eastern Anti-Poverty Forum North Eastern Anti-Poverty Forum Inner City Assistance Network Volunteering SA & NT Inc Volunteering Australia Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia (CAFWAA) SA Council of Social Services (SACOSS) Southern Volunteering (SA) Inc Bravehearts Inc Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY)

SA Government Strategic Alliance Partner Office of the Guardian for Children and Young People: Charter of Rights for children and young people in care Eastern Region Youth Network Alliance (ERYNA) Foodbank of South Australia Inc Youth Affairs Council of SA Australian Crime Prevention Council SA Mentoring Network Australian Crime Prevention Council United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child SA Volunteer Managers Network Australian Institute of Project Management

Mari Yerta Aboriginal Corporation Time for Kids is very proud to work in partnership with Mari Yerta Men’s and Young Men’s Aboriginal Corporation and in particular with the Women’s Action Committee. The importance of this partnership has been underlined by the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two organisations. We are committed to working with these inspiring and hardworking individuals who are determined to build the skills and capacity of each man, woman Signing of the MOU between Time for Kids and Mari Yerta Men’s and child in their community. This and Young Men’s Aboriginal Corporation Women’s Action has taken place in a range of ways Committee. including; the Year 7 and 12 Too Deadly Awards for students and the activities of the Youth Action Committee and Women’s Action Committee. We are fortunate to be able to draw on the expertise and knowledge of senior Kaurna man and community leader, Neville Highfold, who is mentoring our organisation on this journey, and on the skills and knowledge of the Women’s Action Committee to assist us to expand our cultural competence and ability to work with Aboriginal families. 20

Our Ambassadors Time for Kids Ambassadors play a vital role in spreading the message across the community about the work of Time for Kids. Our thanks go to: Erik Thomson Robert Hill Smith Annabel Hill Smith Monsignor David Cappo Michael Keelan John Heard

Josh Simons Liam Gaunt Paul Smith Bronwyn Smith Mike Smithson Amanda Blair

Time for Kids has done so much to touch the lives of so many children. By providing children with a family environment, positive role models and the everyday experiences most of us take for granted, Time for Kids opens children's eyes to a brighter future. I am a Time for Kids Ambassador because of its proven success and improving the lives of children, and the benefits that brings to the community as a whole. Josh Simons

Jan Beasley Kingsley Hall Peter Scales Mark Woodforde Associate Professor Dr Mark Halsey

Despite the emphasis on social inclusion in our modern society, there are few options for children (and parents) who - through no fault of their own - find themselves in need of respite from the pressures defining their lives. Time for Kids provides a rare and invaluable form of respite for such children. I can't speak highly enough of their work.’ Dr Mark Halsey

Our Patron Time for Kids is delighted that His Excellency Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce AC CSC RANR, Governor of South Australia has continued this year as patron of Time for Kids. His Excellency and Mrs Scarce have given outstanding service to Time for Kids and the South Australian community.

His Excellency Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce AC CSC RANR Governor of South Australia, with volunteer carers Brenda and Andy Kovaleff 21

Our partners Time for Kids works in partnership with a wide range of organisations to provide our services. Each year, the Commonwealth and State governments, various organisations, individuals and the corporate sector provide invaluable financial and in-kind support.

Our thanks go to our 2011 partners Adelaide Central Market

Minter Ellison Foundation

Adelaide Football Club

Minter Ellison Lawyers

Argo Investments

Morialta Trust

Australian Hotels Association, South Australia

Munro Property Group

Bank SA Crime Stoppers

Nova Defence

Bridgewater Mill

Office for Youth

Channel Seven

One Rundle Trading

Community Benefit SA

Parenting SA

David Dridan

Fitz Total Events Concepts


Petaluma Wines

Department for Families and Communities

Pindarie Wines


Port Adelaide Football Club

dmg Radio

Pulteney Grammar School

Edge Foundation

Rotary Club of Adelaide


Rotary Club of Adelaide West

Everglades Foundation

Rotary Club of Eastwood

Families SA

SA Attorney Generals Department

Future2 Foundation


Give a Smile

The Lion Hotel

GJ Technology

The Liquor Industry Golf Day Charity Committee

Goldman Sachs JB Were Foundation

The Wood Foundation

Grace Clothing Charity

Variety SA, The Children’s Charity

Hewitsons Wines

Vilis Bakery

Jarvis Walker

Wilderness School

John Hugo Wines

Woods Cannon

Ladies Probus Club of Modbury


Lion Nathan


Liza Emanuele 22

Logic Plus


Our stories It’s about time: giving kids a break by Bunty Parsons and Di Maguire Published in 2010 to celebrate 50 years of service to South Australia.

‘ … if I had never been offered the chance to expand my horizons when I was younger and to experience a different way of life, I wouldn’t have developed into the person I am.’ Matthew ‘Time for Kids’ kid

The family who inspired this statement by ‘Matthew’ was not his birth family, but the people who took him under their wing as volunteers with Time for Kids. It’s About Time is a collection of true stories illustrating the power of ordinary people, who have made a profound difference to the lives and futures of underprivileged children, by simply sharing their time with kids doing it tough — kids who need a break in more ways than one. This is a moving recount of the twists and turns that life can throw in a child’s path. It does not shy away from the grim realities of the lives of children affected by adversity right here in our own backyard. Alongside the tears there are uplifting moments, surprises and unexpected lessons that can brighten up the bleakest of days. Reviews ‘I’ve just read the book all through again: such stories of hope and resilience and practical response to need are hard to put down.’ Katharine England, Book Reviewer, The Advertiser ‘This book is a window into other lives in different worlds. It’s moving, funny, human and real.’ Amanda Blair, Media Personality and Social Justice Advocate It’s about time: giving kids a break retails for $30, and is available from the Time for Kids office or from Etienne Homewares at 136 Unley Rd, Unley. For postal orders, see our website at, contact our office on 8362 6311 or email All proceeds from the sale of It’s about time contribute directly to Time for Kids programs, and to improving the lives of disadvantaged children in South Australia.


Join us Become a volunteer carer


Regularly sharing your time with a child from a struggling family can make a world of difference to a child’s life. Our volunteers are provided with training and ongoing support from the Time for Kids staff and become part of a supportive network of volunteers across South Australia.

As community need for our program increases, so does our need for funds. We strive to match every child referred to Time for Kids with a caring volunteer family, individual or mentor as quickly as possible. To do this, we need the financial support of individuals and organisations as committed as we are to making a lifelong positive difference to children’s lives.

Share some time during school holidays Whether you live in the country or the city, you can make a world of difference to a child by regularly sharing a few days during school holidays.

Assist grandparents raising grandchildren Many grandparents have fulltime care responsibilities for their grandchildren. Sharing your time on a regular basis with a grandchild enables these children to have access to opportunities they might otherwise miss out on, as well as providing the grandparents with a much needed break.

To make a credit card donation, go to the secure GiveNow site at If you would prefer to arrange a direct bank transfer, please call our office on (08) 8362 6311 or email Donations can also be mailed to: Time for Kids PO Box 932 Kent Town 5071


Leaving a bequest ensures your generosity will continue to improve the lives of children in South Become a Time for Kids mentor Positive role models come in all ages, shapes and Australia. For advice about leaving a gift to Time sizes. Although overnight respite care may not be for Kids in your will, please contact our office on (08)8362 6311 or email appropriate for you or your family, you can still make a world of difference by sharing regular Time for Kids staff are also available to visit your mentor’s days. These take place once a week, fortnightly or monthly, and can be for a morning, school or community group to tell them about the work we do, and about how they can become afternoon or for a full day. Shared activities can involved. include playing or watching sport, bike riding, bushwalking, cooking, going to the movies or If you would like us to contact you or to send you exploring SA at places like the museum, art gallery, parks or beaches. Time for Kids staff will more information about any of these or your own ideas, please contact us on (08) 8362 6311 or help you with ideas and activities. email

Volunteer at the Time for Kids office

You’re also welcome to visit the Time for Kids Whatever your area of interest or expertise, office, 72 Fullarton Road Norwood 5067, on any there are a range of ways to contribute at Time weekday between 9:00am – 5:00pm. for Kids. We welcome regular volunteers and people who wish to contribute their skills for oneTime for Kids off projects. If you have a particular skill to share 72 Fullarton Rd please speak to us, we will have a way to put it to Norwood 5067 good use for the kids we care for. P: (08) 8362 6311 F: (08) 8362 6711 Fundraising Events E: If you would like to be involved with our W: fundraising functions or arrange one of your own, our volunteer Fundraising Committee would love to hear from you.


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