11 minute read
Inferior interior design?
from South October 2020
by Times Media
When it comes to interior design there is plenty of great advice. However, a little dose of what not to do can go a long way as well. Of course, style is subjective and what we may consider to be a fashion faux pas may be as ‘with it’ as it gets, but to the team at SOUTH here are some of the design nightmares we most love to hate.
Those who love it and those hate it would agree that there is only one thingthat should be done with inflatable furniture –blow it up! But ifyou’re not prepared to fall afoul ofrestrictions on the use ofexplosives, best not bother with such pieces in the first place. That said, a lilo can enhance the experience ofa dip in the pool but plastic is not fantastic indoors. CARPETED BATHROOMS Cold floors are no fun, especially duringour morningablutions. Carpetingin bathrooms can defend our poor tootsies and, so longas we are very careful to mind our pees, all will go swimmingly. But let’s face it, no matter how hard we try, boys will be boys and not even William Tell could score a bull’s-eye every time. So, that’s why under floor heatingwas invented and that’s why we would suggest our readers part with carpet in their smallest rooms. TAXIDERMY We get it. You shot it. It’s dead because you are an alpha predator. In all seriousness, we’re not knockinghunting–it’s a sport enjoyed by many for many reasons. But, unless you intend ensuring visitors get the message that you have a gun and know how to use it –not the most common approach to hospitality –stuffed stuffis best left in pubs and clubs or on the walls ofa mancave rather than anywhere else in the home. Incidentally, the partner ofa certain SOUTHwriter once engaged in a dalliance with a man who had a 12 point staghead above his bed... once. Enough said? TOILET SEAT COVERS Porcelain pans are not the softest lookingbathroom fixtures so we can understand why some people want to jazz them up with warm fuzzies, such as warm fuzzy toilet seat covers. But, as with carpeted floors in bathrooms, they come with the same drawbacks. L ADDERS USED AS SHELVES In an age where endingis not considered better than mending, reclaimed items can prove useful for storage, takingon new life in modern homes. Old ladders can prove functional for storage but it could be argued that they have become a victim oftheir own success. So commonly used in this way, ladders have become rather ‘old hat’, unlike old hats, which never seem to go out offashion. MIRRORED WALLS Thanks to Wren Kitchens for their assistance with this article. Many ofthe items mentioned featured on this UK company’s study into the least popular design trends ofall time –visit www.wrenkitchens.com/blog/ room-101-best-worst-kitchen
trends-revealed/ to read more.
small spaces feel more open and bringin light, and there are some types of‘premises’ where mirrored walls can build on the experiences they deliver –funhouses we mean, ofcourse! However, unless you really are sure you will lookyour best at all times ofday, constantly beingconfronted with one’s own reflection can prove startling. As for visitors, they’re almost certain to believe you may well be the person immortalised in that famous Carly Simon song–and you probably thinkthis article is about you too!
Throwbacks to the 1970s that may yet boomerang, waterbeds and lava lamps may actually make a comebackand, in fact, some interior designers would argue that they already have. Interior designers intent on beingavant-garde might want to include such elements but the rest of us might prefer to wait lest our guests mistake these additions as an invitation to place their keys in a bowl beside the bed!
1970 –The Beatles released their final album Let it Be, Brazil became the first team to win the FIFAWorld Cup three times, pirate radio station Radio Hauraki was finally awarded a licence, AND the New Zealand Government launched Bonus Bonds, through the Post Office Savings Bank.
The scheme (now withdrawn from the market) was the brainchild ofthe Government in the hope that New Zealanders would save more. It proved to be quite a hit, becominga staple ofmany Kiwi households.
The concept was relatively straightforward; every dollar ofBonus Bonds purchased went into a draw for monthly prizes, with major prizes of$1,000,000, $100,000 and $50,000. However, the odds ofwinninga major prize were incredibly low and the vast majority ofinvestors would have received better returns in other investment products.
The scheme has now run its course and the owner, ANZ BankNew Zealand Ltd, has announced that it is to be wound-up no later than the end ofOctober 2020. Holders of Bonus Bonds essentially have two options:
Redeem their bonds (at a price of$1.00 per bond) in the coming months before the wind-up (and potentially benefit from any prize draws before they redeem); or
Stay in the scheme and benefit from any remainingprizes and share in the accumulated reserves once the wind-up is complete.
Those who chose to remain during the wind-up phase will have their investments locked-in during this period. It remains to be seen whether they will receive slightly more than $1.00 per unit in the wind-up, or slightly less.
There is currently $3.3 billion in the Bonus Bond pool and therefore a huge number ofKiwis will need to make a decision about how to re-deploy their funds.
Here at Forsyth Barr we have a suite ofinvestment options for all types ofinvestors including, but not limited to, sharebroking, KiwiSaver, portfolio advisory, investment management services, and Investment Funds cateringfor different investment sectors.
For a no obligation discussion, contact David Morgan, Esha Puggal or MarkSteele on (09) 368 0170 or 0800 367 227, or visit their new office at HighbrookBusiness Park, 60 HighbrookDrive, East Tamaki.
This column is general in nature and should not be regarded as personalised investment advice. Disclosure Statements for Forsyth Barr Authorised Financial Advisers are available on request and free ofcharge. Forsyth Barr Investment Management Ltd is a licenced manager of registered schemes and part ofthe Forsyth Barr group ofcompanies. Forsyth Barr Investment Funds and the Summer KiwiSaver scheme are managed by Forsyth Barr Investment Management Ltd. You can obtain the Fund’s product disclosure statement and further information at forsythbarr.co.nz/investmentfunds, from our office, or by calling0800 367 227. You can obtain the Scheme’s product disclosure statement and further information about the Scheme at summer.co.nz, from our office, or by callingSummer on 0800 11 55 66.
Local focus, global view
If you are considering your current investment arrangements and want professional local service, backed by leading international and New Zealand research, market data and investment experience call David Morgan, Mark Steele and Esha Puggal on (09) 368 0170 or visit their office at Highbrook Business Park, 60 Highbrook Drive, East Tamaki.
Disclosure Statements for Forsyth Barr Authorised Financial Advisers are available on request and free of charge.
Smith & Sons Pukekohe owners, Lane and Melissa van den Brink outlines questions they pose to potential renovators.
What a month we have had! Normally I would be writingabout our attendance at the Auckland Home Show which didn’t go ahead this year. It’s a great event and we exhibit annually havingthe chance to talkto a lot ofdifferent people about the potential ofcompletinga renovation.
The main questions we ask potential renovators are:
It could be that the property is an investment which needs tidying up ready for sale or tenants or, perhaps, you love the property but the space is not workingfor your growingfamily. You could even be at the stage ofwanting to create a dream home with a piece ofproperty you absolutely love. Thinkabout what it is you currently love about your house and what you don’t.
Ifit’s your dream home, you might be willingto spend that little bit extra on the key areas whereas an investment may just need a tidy up; this is key information to keep in mind. When clients come to us with plans ready to go, often they don’t fit the budget and we must help them workthrough the process. It’s about makingsure the renovation design will be a budget fit. Ifthe budget is tight you might need to thinkabout those areas or items you do or don’t want to compromise on.
One ofthe biggest comments we hear from clients is that they wish they had come and seen us sooner. Beinga design and build renovation company we can make sure wish lists and budgets worktogether. We workwith our clients throughout the entire process to ensure a pleasing outcome.
For more information feel free to visit us at 19 Manukau Road, Pukekohe.
Let’s start the conversation Call Smith & Sons Franklin on 0800 764 846 or visit smithandsons.co.nz 19 Manukau Road, Pukekohe
Wynyard Wood partner, ARTHUR CHUNG, provides advice on subletting commercial premises.
Does your business have surplus office, retail or warehousingspace? Ifyou want to sublet, here are some key issues to consider before grantingthe sublease.
1. Checkyour lease does not prohibit or restrict subletting. Most leases require the head landlord’s prior consent. 2. Checkthe permitted use in your head lease allows for the subtenant’s proposed use. Ifnot, the head landlord’s will be required to a change ofuse. 3. Assume the mindset ofa landlord when assessingthe suitability ofthe proposed subtenant. Do due diligence and obtain guarantees and/or other forms ofsecurity where appropriate. The information collected may be required to obtain head landlord’s consent. 4. Ensure the sublease term does not extend beyond the expiry date ofyour current head lease term. If you have rights ofrenewal under the head lease, only grant your sub-tenant renewal rights which are exercisable ifyou exercise the correspondingrenewal right in the head lease. 5. Consider whether a gross rent, or a net rent (with proportionate sharingofoperatingcosts based on areas occupied or some other basis) would workbest for you and the sub-tenant. 6. Ifthe rent is subject to review, ensure the sublease records when, and how, those reviews will occur. 7. Consider which facilities and areas will be shared and what will be exclusive to you and to the subtenant. Include clear plans showing exclusive and shared areas and agree on rules to ensure the shared use ofsuch facilities are workable. 8. Checkwhether buildingservices (such as HVAC, lighting, sprinkers, emergency exits) will need altering in the sublease. Ifalterations are required, obtain the head landlord’s consent and ensure sub-tenant is responsible for reinstatement. 9. Are new security or health and safety protocols are needed? Ifso, agree on these upfront. 10. Where possible, ensure your sublease is granted on back-tobackterms as those contained in the head lease insofar as they apply to the sublet premises. Most subleases are deemed to have incorporated the terms ofthe head lease (with certain excepted obligations) and a copy ofthe headlease is attached. 11. Include in your sublease a list oflandlord fixtures and fittings and premises condition report. These will be important when the sublease ends and you assess what make good and reinstatement obligations the sub-tenant must meet.
Talkto Arthur Chungat Wynyard Wood, who is experience in commercial leasing.
(BILL POTTER — Personal Power Coach. Thought Leader. Global Speaker. Bill has already made personal presentations in 57 countries... so far. http://www. speakers.co.nz/our-speakers/all-speakers/bill-potter/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToRhF22nARM
In Part 1 ofmy article, ‘There is Hope!’ which featured in the September issue ofour wonderful SOUTHmagazine, I ‘hope’ I confirmed in summary, that ‘HOPE begins with Me!’ For the ‘unfortunates’ who do not have access to SOUTH, I hope they will find other sources to add HOPE to their daily regime.
Much good research has confirmed that people with high levels ofhope, have better physical and mental health. We don’t need research, to tell us this. We know it already. It’s called Life! So, as from today, let’s use this 3be, when planningour lives. A3be, has 3 components in it (obviously).
Let’s just call them : ‘Now’, ‘Soon’ and ‘Later’. The next 3be, is the principle for each ofthese three components. In order then, the principle for ‘Now’ is... ‘HOPE begins with Me’. For ‘Soon’ it is... ‘I am NOT alone’. And, for ‘Later’, the principle is... ‘I will CREATE a strategy’. Get a notebook. Get started.
Now, for your good self(you are being‘good’ right? Phew!) we offer the term ‘guidingprinciple’. We should have these in our ‘Life Toolbox’ to guide us into a hopeful, positive and authentic future. One ofmy guiding principles, startingfrom when I was 15 years ofage, is... ‘do it differently’.
It is not easy tryingto do things ‘differently’ in an overwhelmingly ‘same old, same old... no change, no change’ world! Especially when you were young, cos the ‘olderers’ kept remindingyou, that you must ‘live like this, period!’. Here’s a little help, OK. https://www.hopereflected. com/uncategorized/20-lifelessons-learned
I have created my new, international ‘after Covid-19’ Course... LeaderSpeak©. It is for achievers who want to become leaders, but are not yet sufficiently confident to lead or to present well. I introduced the ‘2020-2030 : The Tumultuous Decade’ challenge, in early 2019. It’s here now! So... let’s talk. Now is good. Cheers. Bill.
Have recent events resulted in your business having surplus office, retail or warehousing space? If you are thinking of subletting, there are some key things to consider before granting the sublease. Contact Wynyard Wood ifyou’d like to know more.