8 minute read
lection. The 2023 One Page
Competition will begin. Swap boxes will be available. Contact David 534 5656 or 027 277 5969.
Migrant Connect
Citizens Advice Bureau
House Captains Polish Speaking Skills
Speaking to an audience can be quite daunting for many people. The house captains of Macleans College know the importance of having this skill as they take on their roles as leaders of their school in 2023.
On January 27, as the students prepared themselves for their leadership roles, they took part in a special speaking skills course run by iSpeak Trust. This course is designed to help senior secondary students gain speaking skills and grow their confidence in public speaking. They learn to manage nerves and any fears they may have when speaking to a group of students or adults. They are supported to find their own voice.
The house captains met in Te Kanawa House and quickly found out how easy it was to speak in public if equipped with speaking skills and strategies. Led by Gaye Stratton, the group listened and participated in speech making for the morning. They were given feedback by their peers and facilitators. They all made vis- ible improvements as the course progressed. iSpeak Trust is a charity. The course was funded by The ANZ New Zealand Staff Foundation. Feedback from students who completed a questionnaire after the course showed they all would recommend this course to fellow students.
From impromptu speeches about unusual animals and interesting homes to live in, to presenting and polishing a prepared speech, the students all remarked on how their speaking confidence grew when they were well prepared.
There is no cost to the school for this course, it is available for all senior high school students.
For further information about iSpeak Trust and how it can help your senior students you can contact Gaye Stratton on 021 778810 or check out the website on ispeaktrust.com.
Gaye Stratton iSpeak Trust
Thanks For Caring
Recently when shopping at Countdown Howick, I had to cross
District Country Music
Next on Wednesday, February 22 – 7pm. Everyone is welcome to listen to our live music or come and sing or play an instrument. Bucklands and Eastern Beaches War Memorial Hall, Wharf Road, Bucklands Beach. Non-members $5. For more information, phone Bev 021 11 56 866.
The Stamp Club is holding its next meeting, February 16 in St Andrew’s Church Hall starting at 6.45pm. Members will present a brief talk on a favourite stamp or set from their col-
Pakuranga is hosting a free Teen Positive Parenting Programme facilitated by Oneness Tang, counsellor. The topics covered are Getting Teenagers to cooperate – Tuesday, February 14 from 10am-12 noon; Reducing family conflict – Tuesday, February 21, 10am-12 noon; Coping with teenagers’ emotions – February 28, 10am-12 noon; Developing survival skills – March 7, 10am-12 noon. Manaia Room, opposite Pakuranga Library, Pakuranga Library Building, Pakuranga.
Registration: text 021 459 520/ 021 027 44220 or email settlement.pakuranga@cab.org.nz.
Spotting Scams
All Welcome to come along and hear our guest speaker Alana Marck (Age Concern) at Howick Library, Friday, March 3 at 10.30am talking about different scams that are operating now and how to avoid them. Refreshments provided. Free.
Ryan Price believes this is due to the weight of the atmosphere (99 per cent oxygen and nitrogen) in “Maxwell’s gravito-thermal 1872 theory”.
In those days, scientists like Lord Kelvin were trying to explain the Sun’s heat by “gravitational contraction” having realised if it was burning coal it wouldn’t last long. Then Becquerel discovered radioactivity and science moved on.
Facts – 1. Thousands of thermometers show the surface and oceans are heating up – but there is no more oxygen or nitrogen, so why?
Scottish Interest Group, Research Day, Sunday, February 26, Auckland Public Library, 2nd Floor, Lorne Street, City. Open 10am-5pm with the Scottish Interest Group Meeting 12 noon-1pm. Speaker: Gail Wilson-Waring, Researcher for the programme “David Lomas Investigates”. Bring own lunch, tea/coffee provided. All welcome Phone Barbara 5757968.
General meeting – Thursday, February 23, Flat Bush Old School Hall, cnr Murphys Rd/ Flat Bush School Rd, Flat Bush, 10am-12 noon, main speaker: Warren Taylor – ‘My Time at Skellerup Industries’, mini speaker, Val Lott – ‘Our Trip to Japan’, visitors welcome (no charge). Morning tea provided. Contact Dave 022 6449650.
What’s On is a free community noticeboard for non-profit groups. Send notices to whatson@times.co.nz or drop into our office at 10 Central Terrace, Howick. Notices must be received by the Thursday before publication. While every effort is made to run the notices, space restrictions may mean notices may not run. Keep notices to less than 50 words. There is no guarantee your notice will run.
Everyone is free to refute the science – win a Nobel prize and the everlasting gratitude of every politician and oil billionaire on the planet.
Ryan Price believes textbook science explaining why Earth is warming and why we need to reduce emissions is of no practical use to mankind. It would seem so. Faced with bonkers beliefs and timid politicians what our children need now is a miracle.
Dennis Horne Howick
Stimulating The Economy
the drive which runs from Cook Street to the parking lot.
What is no problem for most people, using a walker like I do, combined with the roughness of the drive and the slope, is a scary experience.
A kind Chinese lady tried to pull me across, almost had me down, with me screaming, “no, no, no”! I could not explain my hysterics as she had little English and took off in fright.
If anyone should know who she is, please apologise on my behalf.
Anyone else, please ask first before you help. We are just very uncertain of our feet when we use a walking stick or a walker. But thanks for caring.
Maryke Pose Cockle Bay
Our Children Need A Miracle
Re: Speaking for the dead, Ryan Price, Feb 8.
Nobel physicist Wolfgang Pauli once described a student’s work as “not even wrong” and Ryan Price deserves the same accolade. Earth is not -18°C as expected by its distance from the Sun, but +15°C.
2. Satellites show the warming is due to less heat being radiated to space by CO2 – because we have added CO2.
3. The level of oxygen in the air is actually decreasing as more fossilfuel carbon is burned to CO2.
As Ryan Price said, Richard Feynman once explained your favourite theory is wrong if contradicted by just one fact – and I’ve given three.
Then of course Mr Price must explain why adding more CO2 to the atmosphere would not cause warming. Eunice Foote showed in 1856 that CO2 “traps” heat, and John Tyndall demonstrated increasing CO2 in the atmosphere would warm Earth – in 1861. How many centuries do deniers need to adjust to facts?
Mr Price doesn’t understand the nature of science. Scientists make a name for themselves by showing other scientists wrong, not by agreeing with them. That is precisely why the scientific consensus on global warming is so powerful. The American Physical Society describes the evidence as “incontrovertible”; the IPCC “unequivocal”.
Economic studies show that the best way to boost economic growth is to give more money to those on low incomes as they are more likely to spend it.
This stimulates the economy by putting cash into local businesses rather than leaving it tied up in banks or other funds. National’s tax cuts for those reasons would do just the opposite.
Gary Hollis Mellons Bay
Use Of Rates Money
Being involved in a project funded by Auckland Council through the Howick Local Board grants scheme, I think Mr Moore needs to look at the recipients of this funding before making his comments.
In our project we have saved Auckland Council a considerable amount of money in providing free labour in making our community a better place to live. The results we are achieving will not only benefit the environment but the community as a whole.
Barry Wood Cockle Bay

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T & C’s: The ‘Spend & Win’ promotion is to commence 9am, 15th February 2023. Promotion concludes end of business on 15 customer to place their till receipt(s) in the entry boxes in the Village. Businesses participating will clearly display a ‘Spend on the reverse of the receipt. Winners will be selected under Police supervision and in the presence of Reay Neben, managing unsuccessful for any reason, the prize will be awarded to the next selected entry. No voicemail messages will be left – this public photographs and for the Times website. Business owners, Times Media staff

> The Good Home Gastropub Howick – $150 food & beverage voucher

> Howick Monterey Cinema – two complimentary adult theatre passes & a $20 food and drink voucher
> I Furniture – Hanging Egg Chair RRP $300

> Cinnamon Brown Homestore – Gift Basket Value RRP $100
> Botany Hunting & Fishing New Zealand – Traverse Folding Table and Chairs, RRP $250
> 101 – $200 voucher

> Basalt – $150 food & beverage voucher

> David Fels Jeweller – $100 voucher

> Rydges Formosa –Golf for four with two carts RRP $450
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People looking for an experienced and friendly dentist in east Auckland shouldn’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call Dr Elena Artyukh.

The owner of the successful Dentart practice in Howick’s Selwyn Road has more than 30 years’ experience.

She’s worked from her premises in Selwyn House for the past 18 years.
Dr Artyukh’s clients are treated with state-of-theart equipment, including a 3D x-ray machine that allows her to identify problems with pinpoint precision.
It also means her patients can often get all of the required work done at one location.
“It’s so much better in terms of making a correct diagnosis, which means correct treatment,” Dr Artyukh says.

“The 3D x-ray can show us hidden things when dentists used to have to guess what’s going on.
“Offering the correct treatment the first time is vital.”
The high-tech equipment also comes in handy for procedures such as root canal work.
That’s because teeth have complex anatomy and a dentist may miss small canals, resulting in a failed treatment.
“We can now see exactly what’s going on so nothing is missed and there isn’t an extra canal in a strange place,” Dr Artyukh says.
“The 3D x-ray allows us to do fully-guided implant surgery.
“With the x-ray and our other equipment we can make a surgical guide that is precise.
“Before, we had to outsource some work and send it to a lab, which was sometimes overseas, to construct the guide, but now we can do it all here.”
The benefits to having all work done in-house at her practice include time and convenience, in that the patient doesn’t have to go to a second location, as well as reduced cost.
Dr Artyukh says she’s pleased to see more patients taking their dental health seriously and returning for their six-monthly checkups.
“After they were given the appropriate advice and instructions they got so enthusiastic that many of them took it on board and were coming back with a different look in terms of home dental care.
“People understand they should improve that, which is reflected in their oral health and their general health.”
Dentart – The Art of Dentistry Phone 09 534 2614 16 Selwyn Road, Howick www.dentart.co.nz
Wax/thread: Eyebrows $10 | Full face $45 | Brazilian $55 Full legs (both) $45
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