Arestaurant is the latest local business to be targeted by thieves and the National Party says the incident is an example of the Labour Government’s failure to enforce law and order.
The break-in happened at The Rib House restaurant in Ormiston Road, Flat Bush, at about 5.38am on March 4. Those responsible smashed a window at the front of the restaurant to gain entry. One of them appeared to be young, according to The Rib House’s owners Althea and Kurt Jacks.
The couple were visited by Botany MP and National Party leader Christopher Luxon and National police spokesperson Mark Mitchell on March 12.
Althea Jacks told Luxon what was caught on the business’s security cameras during the break-in.
She said two people, including the youth, tried to smash the window, before a woman got out of their vehicle and began kicking it.
“Then they were in. They jumped over the counter.
“There was a float [cash] in the till and they took all the alcohol.
“They took the top shelf, bottom shelf, all the wine, stuff out of the chiller, beers and things out of the chillers, and they took all the meat out of the fridge.
“They were just loading it into the car. The driver was in the car and he was filming them, watching what they were doing. They were in and then gone.”
Althea Jacks told the Times she estimates the total loss to the business including damage and stolen
goods is about $10,000. With seven months until this year’s general election, Luxon used the break-in at The Rib House to highlight the
impact of crime across the country. He said the restaurant’s owners work hard, have gone through the Covid-19 pandemic and its
impact on business, pay their taxes and have raised three “outstanding” children.
“They do a lot of good stuff in the
community as well,” Luxon said.
“In this block [of businesses] other restaurants have been broken into. There were two big breakins in the space of three months.
“What we’re seeing is a Government that’s soft on crime.
“We’ve seen a 40 per cent increase in retail crime and we have 292 retail crime incidents each and every day in New Zealand. That’s up from 140 [each day] back in 2018.
“We don’t have to accept this as the status quo. We want the Government to consider and implement our plan, which is about backing our police, tackling gangs and dealing with serious youth offenders.”
The police data showing an almost 40 per cent rise in retail crime last year was obtained by Mitchell, who says the figure shows crime is “surging” under Labour.
The Counties Manukau Police district, which includes east Auckland, saw a 63 per cent increase in retail crime last year.
“Labour is utterly asleep at the wheel on crime,” Mitchell says.
“The tsunami of ram-raids, retail crime, youth offending and rampant growth in gang membership are the direct result of Labour’s soft approach to law and order.”
National wants to introduce a new Young Serious Offender category for young repeat criminals, create Young Offender Military Academies and give police more powers to tackle gangs.
A police spokesperson says a youth has been charged in relation to the break-in at The Rib House on March 4.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023 General 09 271 8000 Classi ed 09 271 8055 Delivery Enquiries 09 271 8000 Website Vol 52, No 10 AWARD-WINNING VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY – NZCNA Est. 1972 Howick & Pakuranga • OWNED & O PERATED • JH169090-V4 JH16684-V87
Althea and Kurt Jacks own The Rib House restaurant in Flat Bush, which was broken into on March 4. Times photo Chris Harrowell
Helping families with National’s FamilyBoost MP
Last week, I held my State of the Nation speech in Auckland where I outlined the state and conditions of New Zealand and highlighted what issues National is focused on delivering.
What an extraordinary beginning New Zealand has had to 2023, especially the North Island. I’ve visited places that have been devastated by the floods and by Cyclone Gabrielle and, put plainly, this is a period of great anxiety.
The state of the nation right now doesn’t make for great reading. Interest rates, rents and inflation are damagingly high, and investor, business and consumer confidence are worryingly low. Core public services are dire. Hospital wait times are at record levels. So is retail crime. School absenteeism is shocking. These are not records any government wants to claim, but this is New Zealand under Labour.
Globally, the war in Ukraine, rising geo-political tensions and the impacts of climate change create more volatility and uncertainty.
Added to those global events, many Kiwis up and down the country are understandably feeling frustrated and worried about the direction New Zealand is heading.
The impact of the cost-of-living crisis is being felt in households and is the most important issue facing the country right now. Labour’s mismanagement of the economy means that Kiwis are going backwards. Whether it’s at the supermarket checkout, buying a school uniform, keeping up with the rent or having to re-fix your mortgage, things are getting harder for Kiwi families. I wanted to end my State of the Nation speech on a positive note - by announcing a new policy that will help thousands of families who are struggling with the ever-rising cost of living, should National be fortunate enough to win this year’s election.
National’s new FamilyBoost policy is a childcare tax rebate, which will mean that eligible families will receive a 25 per cent rebate on their early childhood education
expenses, up to a maximum of $75 every week. This will help 130,000 families keep up to $3900 more of what they earn each year.
Families with young children are particularly vulnerable right now. The majority of these families need two incomes to keep the household afloat. But going to work often also means paying for childcare, which in New Zealand is among the most expensive in the developed world.
This is a targeted programme that will be available to families earning up to $180,000, with the full $75 a week rebate available to families earning up to $140,000.
This means that, for example, a teacher and a plumber earning $130,000 between them who are spending $300 a week on childcare would receive a weekly rebate of $75, paid fortnightly by IRD to the parents’ bank account.
This will make a real difference to people’s lives.
FamilyBoost will be fully funded by cutting Labour’s wasteful spending on contractors and consultants
for Botany Christopher Luxon
and redirecting it towards making early childhood education more affordable for lower- and-middleincome families to help make their lives a little easier.
After making this announcement, I was fortunate enough to go to BestStart Botany Road, an early childhood education centre right here in Botany. I spent an hour chatting to the teachers and children, with one of the kids asking me the most important questionwhere has my hair gone!
After making this announcement, I have heard from many families around New Zealand that FamilyBoost is going to help them be able to go back to work, pick up an extra shift, or just help cover the ever-growing everyday cost. It is reasons like this I do what I do.
A National Government I lead will be one with a big heart, a big view and a big determination to ensure that all New Zealanders do better and get ahead.
ChristopherLuxonisNational PartyleaderandMPforBotany
7. Meet when you arrive to fetch the lady (4,8).
8. Head Silver back at a fast pace (6).
9. He’s from somewhere in England, we’re told (6).
10. Propose to, in torn clothes (7).
12. Loose coal (5).
15. Peel off, in the snow (5).
16. Dirty and sullen, the worker emerges (7).
18. Understand the maxim “It has its ups and downs” (6).
20. The dread nipper! (6).
22. Looked at unintelligently and was peeved by (4,1,3,4).
1. A short “Don’t mention it” (3,2,3).
2. Said to ring John (4).
3. Cross one on foot! (7).
4. Meted out, having a lot of time (5).
5. Kettle, the painter? (8).
6. Footloose and it’s spring! (4).
11. Is conducive to, when one heads towards (5,3).
13. Calm, wrote the notes (8).
14. Belong to the painter who’s gone out (7).
17. Promise, when there’s sun, to put it on (5).
19. Sends down (4).
21. Talk wildly about a tailless bird (4).
Former Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters is the guest speaker at an upcoming event for senior citizens in east Auckland.
Grey Power Howick Pakuranga and Districts Association president Peter Bankers says the organisation’s next meeting is being staged in Howick on March 24.
It will get under way at 1pm with a brief extraordinary general meeting, followed by a talk from new Howick ward councillor Maurice Williamson, he says. “Quite a few members were wanting to hear Maurice Williamson in his return to politics.
“So in his new role as councillor he is our first speaker who, among other things, will speak on help-
ing the mayor [Wayne Brown] fill the hole in his budget.
“2pm sees a 15-minute refreshment break after which we experience the political homecoming of Winston Peters, who can speak on whatever he wants.
“We anticipate excitement, entertainment, tension and some enlightenment from both speakers. We finish at 3.15pm.”
Before entering Parliament in 1979, Peters worked as a lawyer in Howick. He’s led the New Zealand First political party since 1993 and served as Deputy Prime Minister in a coalition Government with Labour Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern from 2017-2020.
Peters was not re-elected to Parliament at the 2020 general election when New Zealand First received 2.6 per cent of the party vote nationwide, below the 5 per cent threshold needed. Since leaving Parliament, Peters has been a vocal critic of the current Labour Government. The meeting is at St Andrews Presbyterian Church, 11 Vincent Street, Howick, from 1pm on March 24. All are welcome and entry is free.
THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY 2 — Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 JH15974-V4 For a personal, professional service contact us today to discuss your options: 35 Wellington St, Howick | Phone 534 7300 | Every life is special, we understand that. Let us pay tribute to the life of your loved one and celebrate the unique way they have touched you, your family and those around you. New Zealand owned & operated since 1993 A privilege to care for your family NEWS ROOM Editor Nick Krause 09 271 8040, ADVERTISING Display 09 271 8026 Classi eds 09 271 8055 classi DISTRIBUTION Phone 09 271 8014 Published weekly on Wednesday Printed by Beacon Print Published by Times Newspapers Ltd, PO Box 38232, Howick, Auckland 2145, New Zealand. Ph 09 271 8000 TimesOnlineNZ Est. 1972 FREE – thanks to our advertisers! WE ARE LOCAL locally owned locally based locally operated • OWNED & O PERATED • Read the news online
Solutions under Public Notices in the Classifieds section.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 9
ACROSS 7. Teacher (12) 8. Coin (6) 9. Entertainer (6) 10. Plug (7) 12. Wireless (5) 15. Fruit (5) 16. Language (7) 18. Romp (6) 20. Accident (6) 22. Confection (12)
1. Artist (8) 2. Heath (4) 3. Mistake (7) 4. Reason (5) 5. Criterion (8) 6. Cheese (4) 11. Inhabit (8)
13. Example (8) 14. Sack (7) 17. Twist (5) 19. Gem (4) 21. Groove (4) THE SUN, THE MOON AND THE TIDES SUDOKU
THURSDAY 16 Rise 7:17am Set 7:37pm Rise 12:13am Set 3:57pm 2:21am 2:39pm WEDNESDAY 15 Rise 7:16am Set 7:39pm Set 2:53pm 1:23am 1:42pm FRIDAY 17 Rise 7:18am Set 7:36pm Rise 1:16am Set 4:53pm 3:27am 3:43pm SATURDAY 18 Rise 7:19am Set 7:34pm Rise 2:28am Set 5:41pm 4:35am 4:53pm SUNDAY 19 Rise 7:20am Set 7:33pm Rise 3:44am Set 6:21pm 5:39am 6:01pm MONDAY 20 Rise 7:21am Set 7:31pm Rise 5:00am Set 6:54pm 6:39am 7:04pm TUESDAY 21 Rise 7:22am Set 7:30pm Rise 6:15am Set 7:24pm 7:33am 8:00pm
New Zealand First leader Winston Peters is speaking in Howick on March 24.
Photo supplied
Additional charges laid over homicide
Three people have appeared in court in relation to a fatal assault in east Auckland late last year that led to a man’s death.
The incident happened in a car park in Lady Fisher Place, Highbrook, in the early hours of November 13.
A 26-year-old man, whose name is suppressed, was killed and three others were seriously injured.
Police arrested and charged 17-year-old Soldier Huntley with murder and two counts of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.
A police spokesperson says four people are now before the courts in relation to the homicide investigation.
“Two 25-year-old men and a 26-year-old man are before the court on a variety of charges.
“Those charges include wounding with intent, injuring with intent and doing a dangerous act.”
Three defendants in the case appeared in the Auckland High Court on March 8.
Immediately following the incident last year, Detective Inspector Tofilau Fa’amanuia
Va’aelua of Counties Manukau
Police’s criminal investigation
branch said three people with serious stab wounds and one person with a serious gunshot wound had self-presented at Middlemore Hospital at around 4.30am on November 13.
One of the injured people subsequently died from his injuries.
Police cordoned off the scene near Highbrook Drive and publicly appealed for anyone with information to come forward.
Investigators also wanted to hear from people who had video footage of the assault.
An online portal allowing
people to upload photos and video was set up.
“Police believe there were a large number of people present in the carpark and surrounding area at the time of the altercation,’ Va’aelua said at the time.
“It is likely some of these people had their phones recording their night out and may have captured parts of this tragic incident.”
In December last year the Howick Local Board voted to implement a 24/7 alcohol ban at the Highbrook boat ramp and car park in Lady Fisher
Second person sentenced in SFO’s $8.7m fraud case
Place, which is where the fatal assault took place, and on publicly accessible adjacent grass and coastal areas.
Auckland Council received two requests in September last year for an alcohol ban at the location.
Work by council staff identified moderate to high levels of alcohol-related disorder in the area.
There were 17 incidents of disorder caused or made worse by alcohol there over a period of 10 months.
Examples include four involving intimidation, aggression toward the public or assault with a deadly weapon.
One saw 15 people fighting, two gunshots fired, one person suffering a gunshot wound and bottles thrown at a person on the ground.
In another, a group of eight to 10 people were drinking in the car park, disturbing bystanders by arguing and throwing glass bottles on the ground and in front of businesses.
Another occasion involved 30 youths and 10 vehicles in the car park, drinking and throwing bottles, blocking an entrance to private property, dancing in the road and playing loud music.
A woman who took part in a multi-milliondollar mortgage fraud scheme with her husband and another couple was sentenced on Friday to 12 months’ home detention after pleading guilty to charges brought by the Serious Fraud Office.
Sian Grant, whose address is given as Flat Bush on the Companies Register, pleaded guilty in August 2022 to four charges of obtaining by deception and one charge of attempting to obtain by deception.
Grant’s husband Joshua Grant and his associate Bryan Martin were found guilty in December following a trial for their part in the scheme.
Martin’s former partner, Viki Cotter, pleaded guilty in July 2022 and was sentenced to nine months’ home detention in January.
Both couples sought to invest in the Auckland property market, however did not have the income needed to secure loans.
Martin used a non-trading entity, Momentum Transition Developments, and created fake employment agreements for Cotter and Mrs Grant.
By moving money between their private bank accounts, the group were able to give the impression that they received regular salaries.
Mortgage applications were initially submitted through a brokerage where Cotter was a licensed broker, and later in person.
Fourteen loan applications were made between August 2015 and October 2016 which falsely stated the applicant was employed by Momentum. In total, the four fraudulently obtained $8.7 million in loans. Five of the loan applications were in Mrs Grant’s name.
Sentencing for Martin and Mr Grant has been adjourned to April 6, 2023.
THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 — 3 FREE EVENT HOWICK LOCAL BOARD PRESENTS CELEBRATING t Cu l u res A multicultural festival celebrating our diverse community. Saturday 25 March 2023, 11am-4pm. Barry Curtis Park, Chapel Road, Flat Bush. HowickLB A WORLD OF CULTURES EVENT 23-PRO-0794 KC15753
Four people are facing criminal charges following a fatal altercation in this Highbrook car park. Times photo Wayne Martin
Join our summer high tea tours
Why does summer always go by so fast?
Here at Summerset Heritage Park in Ellerslie we’re busy trying to hang on to summer for as long as possible, so we’re planning a month of summer high teas and you’re invited.
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Whilst you’re here, why not also get a taste of the Summerset life that our residents love so much. We’d love to show you around our village and the brand-new homes available.
Love the life you choose
Summer high tea tours
Every Thursday in March, 10am – 2pm
Summerset Heritage Park
8 Harrison Road, Ellerslie 09 950 7962 |
4 — Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023
*Image is indicative only
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Cracking wordsmith and very proud West Coaster
Agnew’s Angle with Ivan Agnew
When Kiwi runner John Walker became history’s first sub-3:50 miler [recording 3 minutes 49.4 seconds at Gothenburg, Sweden] on August 12, 1975, a tall, wiry sports journalist was right there with him.
Walker, now Sir John Walker, broke the record of 3:51.0 held by his long-time rival, the great Tanzanian Filbert Bayi.
The man near the finish line was Ivan Agnew, who died in Howick on March 6 aged 80.
Sir John told the Times he was “incredibly sad” to hear that his old mate has passed away.
“He was a talented and gifted writer with a wonderful sense of humour,” Sir John said.
“He was the first to greet me with stopwatch in
hand when I broke the mile world record in Gothenburg, Sweden.”
Agnew, in his final column for the Howick and PakurangaTimeson May 18, 2022, wrote: “That race provided the highlight chapter of my second book Kiwis CanFly.”
“We shared many hours together in those years and I valued his advice and opinion,” Sir John said.
“He had an endearing love and devotion to his wife Jill and his two daughters. My love to them. RIP Ivan, you were one of the best.”
Agnew, who won the sports writer of the year award in 1970, wrote two other books, Aim High and The Loner. But it was in newspapers that he spent his working life beginning in 1960. It began at the Grey River Argus then Greymouth Evening Star and Christchurch Star before moving to Auckland
and the SundayNewswhere he worked for nine years and became sports editor.
He was the sports director at Radio Hauraki in the early-to-mid ‘80s and sports editor at the Howick and PakurangaTimes from 19851990, followed by a stint at the Auckland Star and the Sunday Star , plus several years in the ‘90s as the press officer for the Auckland Rugby Union. He returned to the Times a few years later.
Said daughter Leonie, “In total, including the years when Dad worked as a columnist after his retirement, Dad worked for the H&P Times for 33 years.”
Leonie and sister Donna are proud of their father, who was, they reckon, at times a man of contradictions.
“He was a storyteller, both in person and on the page. He was a wordsmith who could even write the odd poem,” they said.
“But, at the same time he
was a typical West Coast, Kiwi bloke – a straight talker with no stomach for nonsense, a guy who loved a cold beer and rugby with an equal passion. Dad enjoyed a good joke and everyone was friends at the bar.
“He loved people and they often opened up to him, told him their stories. I suspect this made him a good journalist. That and a genuine love of sport – he was a true fan and respected the grit and mentality of athletes. “He didn’t just follow sport, he dissected it, examined every angle and honoured every person who gave their all to the sport. I think that’s why athletes liked him so much.
“For us, he was just Dad. A passionate supporter of our Saturday netball (whether we liked it or not), supportive and proud of all our endeavours, loving grandfather to Quinn and Emmie.
“However, his greatest
achievement was marrying Mum [Jill], one of the finest ladies anyone could ever meet (she also worked for several years at the Howick andPakurangaTimes as the distribution manager. It’s a family tradition)!
“Over the last 10 years, Dad proved his mettle with his devotion to Mum over a long illness and was, hands
down, the most regular visitor on the dementia ward. This was not an easy task and broke his heart every day.
“Fortunately, West Coasters have hearts of gold, built to last, and his stoicism in the face of both loss and his own illness was an example to us all. We love you Dad. Thank you for everything.”
THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 — 5 IS BUYING YOUR FIRST HOME PUZZLING? Call us at Galbraiths Lawyers. We have been putting all the pieces together for over 40 years. 09 535 4190 UNITS 1-3 FENCIBLE CHAMBERS, FENCIBLE DRIVE, HOWICK LIMs&Building Reports Sale&Purchase Agreements Home start Grants KiwiSaver Entitlements And lots more JH16512-V3 Massive ON NOW Massive ON NOW Sale ends 31 March 2023. Fine Wine Delivery support the sensible service & consumption of alcohol. It is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to, or to obtain on behalf of a person under 18 years of age. KC15802
Young Ivan Agnew in the late ‘60s or ‘70s phoning in news copy; all who read Ivan Agnew’s sports columns would be familiar with this graphic (up in the heading) Photo supplied
6 — Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 TEAM MICHAEL ELLSE Five AM Realty Limited Licensed (REAA 2008) 021 978 344 31 Millen Avenue, Pakuranga Built in 1956 and owned by one family! Auction 3 1 3 KEVIN MARGINSON Five AM Realty Limited Licensed (REAA 2008) 021 951 071 1/21 Eastern Beach Road, Eastern Beach Beach Lifestyle In A Prime Neighbourhood Auction 6:00pm, Tuesday 28 March Bucklands Beach Yacht Club Auction View Saturday and Sunday | 1:00pm - 1:30pm VISH ARORA Five AM Realty Limited Licensed (REAA 2008) 021 051 4034 HARA JENG Five AM Realty Limited Licensed (REAA 2008) 021 0235 6335 16 Jan Higgins Place,Golflands You will be sorry if you let this one go! This is a one-of-a-kind home that showcases how a unique design and an elevated position can come together to create an exceptional outlook with radiant living spaces. Price By Negotiation 9B Janome Place, Bucklands Beach This immaculate brand-new home is a MUST-SELL Asking Price $1,479,000 Sale By Price View Request a viewing View Appoinment only - request a viewing 5 2 2 4 2 2 3 2 Zoned for Macleans 10 year Masterbuild Warrenty 200m Floor Area 2 View Saturday and Sunday | 12:00pm - 12:30pm Auction 6:00pm, Tuesday 28 March Bucklands Beach Yacht Club
Ray White Eastern Group Seven Offices, One Family JH17946-V2
Your Local Property In Your Local Paper
THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 — 7 EAST AUCKLAND’S BEST LOCAL RADIO STATION Listen locally on 88.1 or 107.1 or anywhere in the universe at NOW available on iHeartRadio! JH17345 IN AND AROUND HOWICK VILLAGE for businessOPEN Be loyal Buy local ARE YOU HAPPY WITH YOUR SMILE? We can help you achieve a beau�ful, confident smile! Dentists with a caring touch 09 534 7916 4 Fencible Chambers, Fencible Dr, Howick We now accept Easy-claim available for Southern Cross members JH17666-V5 5% discount for SuperGold card holders 20% OFF ALL DENTAL TREATMENT FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 2023 Ph 533 3539 Providing All Your Legal Needs Lawyers in the heart of Howick 0800 FENCIBLE JH15989-V2 h o w i c kf unwalkrun . co. nz THE ROTARY C L U B OF HOWICK Suppo r ting a heal t h y H o w ic k JH17993 Three Exciting Routes Register online or enter on the day 9am Sun 26th March Stockade Hill Adults $10 – Primary & Intermediate Children $5 Would you like to play a part in our community? Rob: 021 413 341 Sponsors 12B Picton St, Howick Ph 09 212 2111 info@alpha� Open Tues-Sat 8am-4pm www.alpha� JH17888 Visit Alpha Time for your watch & clock repair needs. All repair work done in-house. Watch ba�ery & pressure test while you wait. ALPHA TIME Photos Howick Village Association JH18022 Phone Leeyan today 271 0692 or 027 471 4752 Email: Suite 3, Level 1, Civic House, Upstairs in Rices Mall • Bookkeeping and GST • Accounts processing • Payroll and PAYE • Company administration A compilation of stories documenting the history of Howick and districts from Howick Historian Alan La Roche, celebrating the region’s 175th anniversary OWAIROA < HOWICK In celebration of Howick’s 175th Anniversary, Times Media has published a compilation of stories from Howick Historian Alan La Roche, mbe, documenting the history of our region. Available from Times Media, 10 Central Tce, Howick. Also available from Poppies Books Howick, Paper Plus Howick and the Howick Historical Village Available Now Food Festival a hit!
Art exhibition will explore the mind
Anew art exhibition in east Auckland explores questions relating to the inner workings of the human mind.
For whom the bell(s) toll – is it you?
Rainbow Ringers are one of the best-kept secrets in Howick/ Pakuranga.
This is a group of hand bell ringers. They have been playing their music for more than 30 years. They have 48 handbells with up to 15 ringers. Practice times is at Pakuranga Park Village each Tuesday afternoon.
Over the years they have played to many audiences at retirement homes, clubs, international groups and even performed as part of a TV programme with the late broadcaster Paul Holmes many years ago.
Brian Gauld, at present the only male in the group, said, “I joined 15 years ago. While I have had no musical training, I can count quite well and that is half way there.
“The music is marked for the bells we each play but modest
musical knowledge is required.
“I have loved the challenge of playing as part of the bells choir. We play a variety of music ranging from Beethoven to the Beatles.
“We have open days soon so this is a good chance to give bell ringing a go.
“It would be great if we could have a few more men to become part of this special group.
“It is an excellent way to keep the brain cells active. Our group will particularly suit those newlyretired or people free on Tuesday afternoons for a couple of hours.”
Open days for both men and women interested in having a go at this activity will be on March 14 and March 21 at Pakuranga Park Village at 1pm.
h Contact Rainbow Ringers president Ann Day on 021 434 758 or email
The showcase, entitled Who canthink,whatcanthink , is on at the Te Tuhi gallery in Pakuranga until May 7.
Te Tuhi communications and programme co-ordinator Sophie Elborough describes it as a “ground-breaking exhibition”.
It “addresses our understanding and experiences of both biodiversity and neurodiversity by challenging definitions of ‘intelligence’ in relation to human and non-human cognition”, she says.
“Engaging with the work of 13 artists and collectives from Aotearoa and overseas, the exhibition has been curated by Bruce E. Phillips, a New Zealander currently based in Edinburgh, Scotland.
“While conducting research for his PhD at Massey University, Bruce realised questions around neurodiversity and inclusion have never been addressed in the 50-year curating history of the major public galleries in Aotearoa.
“Moreover, it is not standard practice for exhibitions in this country to facilitate the inclusion
of many neurodiverse people.”
Elborough says the exhibition seeks to being to readdress such silences through its subject matter and accompanying public event programme. It also tries to ensure that accessibility is at the heart of the exhibition and as a result information on it is provided in a dyslexic-friendly format as well as audio, braille, easy-read, sign language and te reo.
And for visitors who want them it offers reading aids, accessibil-
ity and sensory maps, a quiet space and relaxed events.
The artists and collectives involved in the exhibition hail from around the world.
They include US artists Devin Ronneberg and Kite, Australians Laresa Kosloff and Prue Stevenson, Scots Neuk Collective and Simon Yuill, and Kiwis Bailee Lobb and Martin Awa Clarke Langdon, among others.
Elborough says works that value the minds and neural-networks of plants and non-human animals form the “spine” of the exhibition. “Alongside these, and concerning the subject of human cognition, a number of works address how certain classifications of intelligence are linked to the control of information, language and social behaviour, with dehumanising results.
“Other works confront current discriminatory systems and propose ways that individuals and society can include a diversity of minds.”
The exhibition includes a programme of live events and will contribute to the collaborative project.
Whocanthink,whatcanthink is at Te Tuhi, 13 Reeves Road, Pakuranga, until May 7.
Turns out you can live on the golf course!
THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY 8 — Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Welcome home to Fairway Gardens –a stunning five-star retirement village set alongside Pakuranga golf course. With a mix of high-end facilities and activities coming very soon, it will suit you to a tee. Ready to move? Don’t miss out on our best deal yet!* For the life you want to live call Jo Ashby on 0800 600 701 197 Botany Road, Golflands NEW FACILITIES JUST WEEKS AWAY A spectacular Wellness Centre including swimming pool, spa, gym and hair salon Enjoy catching up with friends and family in the café, bar or dining area Take time out to read a book in the library or unwind in the lounge and activities room 6450c_MLC_FAI_TNZ Beautiful two and three-bedroom homes offering a range of outlooks and layouts from $749,000^. Price is for an Occupation Right Agreement secured by a first ranking mortgage in favour of the statutory supervisor on behalf of the residents. Price valid for 30 days from time of printing. Stock availability subject to change. Car park not included in apartment pricing. * Offer available on Stage 1 apartments. Terms and conditions apply. Contact us now for more information. Note: Visitors must be feeling well to enter a Metlifecare site. Mask-wearing within a village is optional. For full Metlifecare COVID-19 guidelines, please refer to our website
Rainbow Ringers practising at Pakuranga Park Village last month. Photo supplied
This piece by artist Simon Yuill is among the works in an exhibition at Te Tuhi art gallery in Pakuranga.
Photo by Tom Nolan
The story of the Eastgate Op Shop is one of foresight and faith. It was an idea planted in the heart of Eastgate Christian Centre’s senior pastor Allan Taylor, one evening in 1987. Some 14 years later, the vision for the shop continued to stir in his heart. When the old warehouse next door to his new office came up for sale the church purchased it and opened it as a second-hand shop to the community for the first time in 2002. Eastgate’s Op Shop is now a big part of the east Auckland community. They offer a huge range of new and second-hand furniture including antiques, linen, bric-a-brac and clothing. Great deals. Delivery service available. WINZ, Afterpay, Layby available.
9 Ben Lomond Cres, Pakuranga | Ph 09 576 1507 |
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Ph Tim 0800 789 248 |
Howick Guitar School was established 1999, teaching guitar in the Howick/Bucklands Beach area for over 20 years. We can help you reach the musical goals you always dreamed of...whether you want to be in a band, record and write you own music or just have fun with friends we have the experience and know how. Teaching songs and all styles of music for over two decades. Beginners welcome! Book a free playing assessment today. If you have always wanted to play, then don’t delay!
Ph Andrew 021 267 5702 | |
Dream Doors first opened in the UK over 20 years ago and now many branches across the UK. In 2007 this was duplicated here in NZ. By choosing us, at Dream Doors Central and East, you will benefit from the quality and reassurance of a national brand along with the personal approach of a local business owner. With thousands of satisfied customers from being supplied with quality kitchens throughout the UK, Australia, USA and NZ, Dream Doors have the experience to help you make the right decision for your home.
Ph 09 533 6956 | |
Keith Hunter has been in the business for 35 years. He has a great team of builders and apprentices who love the challenge of building quality projects, from the beginning to the end. Quality, communication and performing under pressure are paramount, so give us a call to discuss your project and let us make your dream come true. New builds, alterations/extensions, renovations/reclads, decks, bathroom, all aspects of property maintenance and seismic strengthening – we do it all.
Ph Keith 021 939 253 | |
About Kindcare: We are a home care team that specialises in care for the elderly so that they can maintain their independence. Kindcare was established by Judi Prins who is truly a caring and kind person with a strong affinity for older and vulnerable people. Judi has over 15 years’ experience in home aged care. Judi wanted to be involved with an organisation that cared and really made a difference for older people. She also wanted to ensure that quality services were available to support and maintain independence in the elderly. It is important to Judi to have a strong relationship with her clients providing the highest quality of care by getting to know your needs and requirements. Our home care team are fully mobile and service East Auckland.
Our Services:
Judi Prins
When you choose Kindcare, you will benefit from the compassionate support of a Home Care Worker who genuinely cares and really gets to know you and your loved one. Perhaps you need a few hours of help around the house each week. Or you may be caring for a loved one who needs in-home care support. We will personalise the assistance provided by our team to suit your goals and requirements. We offer support that can be short term based or on ongoing Our team are kind, knowledgeable and highly skilled. We ensure our team are providing the highest quality of care by getting to know your needs and requirements. You can trust that all our team are thoroughly reference and police checked.
Ph Judi Prins 0800 4 KINDCARE | |
THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 — 9
A fresh coat of paint: call the experts
There is no time like now to touch up the interior and the exterior of your home.
Now is the perfect time to get your interior painting booked in before the winter sets in. As the to-do list around the home builds up, refreshing the interior and exterior becomes a top priority and adds appeal and value to your property.
Naturally, a fresh coat of paint is often the way to go. Homeowners who prefer to enjoy their spare time relaxing, may be better off leaving their painting jobs to the experts from East Auckland Painting Ltd.
Debbie and Greg Mustill employ an experienced team whose skill and knowledge are second to none. They offer a diverse painting service ranging from simple repaints of single rooms through to full interior or exterior work including doors, windowsills, surfeits and roofs.
“In today’s working family scenario it so easy to let maintenance slide,” says Greg.
“Unfortunately, when paintwork deteriorates it can downgrade the value of a home, and if you’re thinking of selling it’s a turn-off to buyers. Peeling or grubby paint can make people wonder if there are bigger maintenance issues at stake. Also it is much more effective to keep on top of small jobs than put off maintenance until suddenly one is confronted by a big and costly bill to put things right.”
Debbie says now is the ideal time for painting houses, fences, garages and other buildings.
“We tackle every job, no matter how big or small, with the same thorough professionalism, starting with proper surface preparation and undercoating then carrying through to the final
topcoat and finish. Importantly, we don’t keep our customers waiting,” she says.
As an added bonus for customers, East Auckland Painting Ltd has a great all-year round special and is offering FREE pre-paint washing with all exterior repaints (conditions apply).
“In fact, now’s a good time to plan ahead and take advantage of this special,” says Debbie.
As always before painting, Debbie and Greg consult thoroughly with clients as to colour, the type of paint most suited to the job and the number of coats required.
“We use all major paint brands, such as Wattyl, Dulux and Resene, and work with oil and water-based paints. We also advise on the correct sheen to use as this can make a big difference in high traffic areas, wet rooms, or where exterior walls are exposed to the worst of the elements.”
All East Auckland Painting Ltd., clients’ receive an on-site consultation and FREE, written, no-obligation quote so there are no surprises.
“Whether we are painting a ceiling, refreshing interior rooms or tackling a full exterior repaint, we take pride in our workmanship,” they say. To give your house a face-lift with a fresh coat of paint, call East Auckland Painting Ltd Phone Greg 027 619 2619 Email
Pakuranga College alumna honoured for impressive design portfolio
Aformer Pakuranga College Student has been honoured for her design portfolio which was recognised as being one of the top 10 in New Zealand.
Amy Yang completed her final year at the college in 2022.
Her portfolio was selected as one of the top 10 design external portfolios in the 2022 NCEA exams, meaning that her work will be part of an exhibition of the Year 13 visual art disciplines that tours the country in 2023.
“I felt shocked when I heard my work had been selected but I think the originality of the concept was part of the appeal,” she says.
The brief was for students to explore a social issue and, after first dabbling with the topic of depression, Amy was inspired to create a design that promoted giving blood.
Her logo depicts a strawberry plant bearing bloodbag fruit.
Amy says she wished to convey the message that blood reserves replenish every day, just as a strawberry grows, and therefore people can donate multiple times.
“I wanted to target youth blood donations and came up with the concept of a blood berry. The idea was that strawberries grow until they are red and ripe and then we pick them and each plant can grow many strawberries to pick.
“I wasn’t that confident when my work was sub-
mitted, but this recognition has given me a lot of assurance in my abilities,” she says.
Amy’s teacher and head of the art department at Pakuranga College, Sylvie Huang, says she is thrilled to see her student achieve at this level.
“The art department staff work very hard to create a supportive and challenging learning environment that allows students to excel and we are very proud of what Amy has accomplished,” she says.
Huang says Amy was a cheerful student who showed a strong commitment to her work and was actively involved in supporting others.
“The recognition is a testament to Amy’s hard work, dedication and the support she has received from her family and the college community,” she says.
Amy will continue her studies at the University of Melbourne in 2023, pursuing a Bachelor of Design with her major being graphic design.
She will also be taking architecture and animation as her minors.
“I hope through my studies I can explore designs that resonate with me and that I find satisfying to work on,” Amy says.
Amy says she has almost always enjoyed design and her dream job is to become a graphic designer.
“Amy is not afraid to put in time and effort to succeed and her positive attitude towards learning has allowed her to achieve,” Huang says.
The Top Art Exhibition travels the country until October as three different tours named Pohutukawa, Pīwakawaka and Kauri.
More details can be found here: ncea/subjects/visual-arts/ top-art-exhibition/top-artexhibition-schedule/
THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY 10 — Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 Phone 027 619 2619 or email For all your interior and exterior painting requirements, contact us now. EAST AUCKLAND PAINTING LTD CP1008-V11 Book an exterior house paint and receive the pre-paint wash free. We’ve got all your painting requirements in East Auckland covered.
ADVERTORIAL DY0867A Download the new EAST AUCKLAND APP You will find news, services, events, trades, food and entertainment, amenities, even the closest public toilet! All you need from your community in one place East Auckland Search ‘East Auckland’ in your app store The contents of this document do not form part of any contract. This document has been compiled using information provided by third parties, and Bayleys accepts no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness. In all cases, interested parties should conduct their own verification of the information in this document, as well as their own investigation and analysis of the property described in it. All parties are urged to take legal advice before entering into any contract or agreement in relation to the property described herein. Whitianga 129 Centennial Drive 711sqm 3 2 2 For Sale $990,000 View Sun 12-1pm Linda Bird 0274827273 Marcus Holmes 021 930 819 MH REALTY LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008 Elevated, Contemporary and Priced to Sell Retreat to your lofty residence at the end of a days work or fishing and enjoy a cold beverage on the covered deck and take in the views across the Coromandel range and even a peep of the sea. Comprising three good sized bedrooms, master ensuite, additional bathroom and open plan kitchen/dining and living area that open to the large deck. Hotly priced to sell on today’s market. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Amy (right) with her year 13 teacher and head of the art department at Pakuranga College, Sylvie Huang (left); Amy’s logo depicts a strawberry plant bearing blood-bag fruit- to promote giving blood, especially for youth. Photos supplied
Residents’ group asks for help over security, traffic problems
Members of an east Auckland community have raised concerns about a range of issues in their neighbourhood with the Howick Local Board.
Brian Brown and Alan Davies of the Huntington Park Residents and Ratepayers Association addressed the board at its recent monthly business meeting.
Davies said broken yellow lines the group asked Auckland Transport (AT) to install on Huntington Drive have been installed “to a degree”.
“We’d like to get those lines further up, to track a bit further.
“Judder bars [requested] on Huntington Drive looks like a ‘no’.
“We get a lot of traffic coming through bypassing the bottleneck at the Ti Rakau Drive lights. They do a short circuit through our area.
“It’s creating more traffic and some of them are definitely not doing the required speed limit.”
Davies told the board there are uneven footpaths in the area which had been addressed “to a degree”.
“It’s only a patch-up job with tar seal. At least people won’t trip over them.
“It looks a bit untidy but that’s what we’ve got to put up with.”
He said the group also wants security cameras installed in Huntington Park.
Davies said he’d provided the board chairperson, Damian Light, and deputy chair, Bo Burns, with a letter from Howick Police sergeant Brett Meale, “who is backing what we would like to do and is supporting our application for funding to get these cameras”.
Brown said having number plate recognition [NPR] cameras at the
three entrances to Huntington Park would be helpful.
“There have been a lot of cars being abandoned and broken into and all sorts of things like that.
“The NPR cameras would record all the number plates coming in and out and that would be monitored by the police so they can track the locals from a visitor.
“That’s quite an expensive option as those cameras are around $10,000 each.”
Brown said another option would be to have a network of
cameras on residents’ homes.
“Some people would pay to buy those cameras and some you might want to fund as they’re a prime position to have a camera.
“We and the police would have the technology to log into any of those cameras if needed.”
Davies told the board the group wants to keep Huntington Park as crime-free as possible as lawbreaking affects land and house values.
He and Davies also raised the issue of rubbish being dumped at the back of The Hub business complex on Ti Rakau Drive and broken curbing along Huntington Drive.
“This is halfway around Huntington Park, just on the bend by the park,” Davies said.
“There are two gardens on either side but this sort of curbing is awful.
“I think it’s a simple job for the council to get rid of that concrete. It’s terrible, it’s awful.”
The board’s members asked Davies and Brown questions about the issues they’d raised before voting to ask AT for an update on the group’s service request regarding broken yellow lines on Huntington Drive and speeding vehicles on that road.
Road spikes stop stolen car
Police used road spikes to stop a group of youths travelling through east Auckland in a car that was believed to have been stolen.
A police spokesperson says that at about 1.45am on March 9, officers were alerted to an allegedly stolen vehicle being driven along Highbrook Drive in East Tamaki.
“Police tracked its movements as it travelled toward Howick.
“The vehicle was successfully spiked on Botany Road and eventually came to a stop on Bleakhouse Road, Mellons Bay, where six people were taken into custody.
“One person has appeared in Youth Court and five others have been referred to Youth Aid following the incident.”
A 15-year-old suspect appeared in the Manukau Youth Court on March 9 charged with unlawfully getting into a motor vehicle.
THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 — 11 Chiropractic Prime Queen Ensemble $1999 $13 per week with 3 years interest free** From 50% off. Sanctuary Midnight Queen Ensemble $4999 $32 per week with 3 years interest free** From 50% off. Half Price. Sanctuary Midnight & Royal. 3 years interest free* On purchases $999 & over ‘til 4.4.23. Helps maintain optimal temperature so you can sleep right, all night. The experts in sleep. Mt Wellington 48 Mt Wellington Highway Botany Town Centre *Offer valid to 04.04.23 or while stocks last. Discount offers apply to selected beds and bedding only, prices as marked. Offers exclude Everyday Dream prices, run outs, clearance stock (unless otherwise stated) and not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. See in- store for details. We reserve the right to correct errors and misprints and to change product specifications. All products are advertised in good faith and will be available, except in circumstances beyond our control. Product ranges vary between stores and some products are available in selected stores only. *36 months interest free is available on in-store and online Q Card and Q Mastercard Long Term Finance (LTF) purchases $999 & over until 04.04.23. Lending criteria, $50 annual Account Fee, fees, Ts&Cs apply. $55 Establishment Fee applies to your first LTF transaction, $35 Advance Fee applies to subsequent LTF transactions. At end of interest free period, Q Mastercard Expired Promotional Rate or Q Card Standard Interest Rate of 27.99% p.a. applies. Minimum payments of 3% of the monthly closing balance or $10 (whichever is greater) are required throughout interest free period. Paying only the minimum monthly payments will not fully repay the loan before the end of the interest free period. Standard Interest Rate applies to Standard Purchases after 3 months (Q Mastercard 26.69% p.a. and Q Card 27.99% p.a). Rates and fees correct as at date of publication, subject to change. Columbus Financial Services Limited and Consumer Finance Limited reserve the right to amend, suspend or terminate the offer and these Ts&Cs at any time without notice. Mastercard and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated. See counter for full details. **Indicative Weekly Repayments: ^Approved applicants only. The indicative monthly repayment is the purchase amount and establishment fee divided by the number of weeks in the start-up interest period. The indicative repayments assume there are no additional purchases, cash withdrawals, fees or charges. The indicative repayments are only an estimate and figures should be used as an indication only. They do not represent either a quote or pre-qualification or approval. To repay the purchase amount by the expiry of the start-up interest free period, the indicative monthly repayments stated would need to be made by the due date for each statement period. KC15772
Huntington Park Residents and Ratepayers Association chairperson Brian Brown, left, and member Alan Davies want action taken over numerous issues in their community.
Times photo Wayne Martin
A brand new luxury apartment, or a villa?
Onc e you have made the decision that Pakuranga Park is the right retiremen t v illage for you, the only o ther decision is whether it w ill be one of our surprisingly aff ordable luxury apartments or a villa.
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Here are just a few more reasons why viewing this exciting option of a lifestyle apartment is a must.
Call Sylvie now to arrange a viewing o n 09 576 5990 or 027 314576 7.
Fortunes Road, Pakuranga
Ruru Apartments:
•Favourable price comparison to Villas.
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12 — Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023
“We ended up deciding on a Ruru Apartment as we loved the space, outlook and price.”
New Resident
Named after NZ’s native owl, featured on a 4 storey Flox mural in the atrium.
*License to occupy KC15796
I am the Flat Bush Community Coordinator for the Otara Waterways and Lake Trust.
The Otara Waterways and Lake Trust has a mission to restore the waterways of the Otara Catchment, which runs from the top of Redoubt Rd, through the Flat Bush/Ormiston area (and parts of the East Tamaki area) and finally out to the Tamaki Estuary. The waterways are heavily polluted and modified, and require urgent attention for their restoration.
My role as the Flat Bush Community Coordinator is to create events to enable community members to have a connection with the Otara waterways. Some of my activities are tree planting, walks and stream clean-ups.
Planting trees and making waterways resilient in the advent of climate change is on everyone’s minds at present following the recent flood events in Auckland. We provide the community, including businesses, an opportunity to get involved and do their bit.
Next walk is March 18, Riviera
Your opinion matters to us. Email us at; comment on our Facebook page, timesonlinenz; or write to us at The Editor, Times Newspapers, PO Box 38232, Howick, Auckland 2145. Letters should not exceed 200 words and should carry the name, residential address and contact telephone number of the author.
Reserve, Flat Bush, intersection of Clady Dr and Killarney Dr at 10am.
Please have a look at our FB page Email
Pragna Patel
Flat Bush Community Coordinator Otara Waterways
Re: Returned Services Club, Howick. I was absolutely shocked when I attended a recent meeting of members of this organisation that was set up to discuss the future of this club given the current state of the club.
It is to be noted that while a form giving a record of the results of income and expenditure was given, no information was given as to the income source or expenditure destination ‘detail’ as the information had not been independently audited.
Without this information, the members were asked to vote in ignorance for the sale of the RSA property to satisfy the debt (all rushed through I might add).
So no alternative discussion was had to look at other alternatives of raising finance to retire the debt.
What should be done given such bad management, because it now looks as though Howick RSA has finished?
Firstly, every paid up member that does not agree with what happened should seek an alternative to selling the property to raise funds to eliminate the debt or immediately apply for a refund for membership fees paid recently. As a service member, it has been destroying to see what has happened to ‘my club’ as it didn’t need to be this way.
On behalf of our committee of volunteers who organise the Auckland Brit & Euro Classic Car Show, we would like to thank Times Newspapers very much for your excellent support for the recent event held at Lloyd Elsmore Park on Sunday, March 5. The weather cooperated very well. We had a record public
Entries open for environmental art competition
Entries are now open for people wanting to take part in east Auckland’s most prestigious annual art contest.
The Estuary Art and Ecology Award is staged at Uxbridge Arts and Culture in Howick and is the only contemporary art prize in the country with ecology at its core.
Uxbridge visual arts programme co-ordinator
Ashleigh King says artists who enter are invited to “research and respond to the Tamaki Estuary, to underscore the ecological value of this vital waterway and encourage action against its pollution”.
The contest offers a prize pool of $10,000 with the winning artworks needing to be intelligent and innovative responses to ecology in the field of contemporary art.
Entries will be judged by Benjamin Work, an Auckland artist who has Tongan and Scottish heritage.
He lives beside the Tamaki Estuary in Pakuranga where throughout his life he has experienced the changing complexities and pressures upon that unique ecosystem.
Work is the recipient of the 2019 CMBB Para Site International Art Residency in Hong Kong and a 2021 finalist in the Molly Morpeth Canaday Award.
He’s also a published author and exhibits nationally and internationally.
The competition’s partners and sponsors this year include the Howick Local Board, Tamaki Estuary Environmental Forum, Rice Family Partnership, and Gordon Harris Art Supplies.
Entries close at midnight
on May 27.
An exhibition of work by finalists will be staged from July 1 to August 26 at Uxbridge Arts and Culture.
The awards ceremony is at 2.30pm on July 1. The contest costs $25 to enter and forms are available online at the Uxbridge website, www.
attendance estimated at 10,000 to 12,000+ people, and with over 1000 cars on display. We are absolutely delighted with the wide range of photographs in the following two links by Times photographer Wayne Martin: photos-brit-euro-car-show-2023/ photos-2-2-brit-euro-carshow-2023/
A special thank you for the work with local east Auckland stories leading up to the event and the two-page feature published on March 1. I have already thanked [the Times’] Janine Hickmore for her good work. Our committee of volunteers
is committed to organising the Auckland Brit & Euro Classic Car Show annually, now one of the largest classic car shows in New Zealand, and the only one free to the public, and among the most significant free community events in east Auckland.
The event would not be possible without sponsorship support, including from Times Newspapers. We look forward to a continuing mutually beneficial working relationship and for our next event on Sunday, March 3, 2024.
What’s on
Meng Foon, NZ’s Race Relations Commissioner, will be speaking at Pakuranga Library on the need for increased diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace and society. Saturday, March 25, 1.15pm-2pm. All welcome. Pakuranga.library@aucklandcouncil., Phone 377 0209.
Trap handout and return, third Saturday of every month. Borrow or return a possum or stoat trap. Join our Mustelid Control Zone project. Register for a free rat trap with Pest Free Howick Ward. March 18, 9am to noon. Underground carpark directly below Pakuranga Library, Reeves Road side. Look for our flags.
Experience the diversity of our community and promote appreciation for different cultures through tasting and sharing food from around the world. Cook on spot or bring a dish that represents your culture to celebrate Race Relations Day. Botany Library, Tuesday, March 21, 11am. To register, email
Enjoy an interactive and thought-provoking workshop to learn to access your unique intrinsic power, present in all of us and hear about the paradigm shift needed to manifest your desires in life. Workshop run by Saeid Bassam. Botany Library, Sunday, March 19, 11am. To register email
All are welcome to come along and hear our guest speaker Ibrahim from BeezThingz, at Howick Library, Tuesday, April 11 at 10.30am, talking about bees and nature. This is a great opportunity for adults and children to learn more about bees. Free event.
Want to play a fun, social and competitive card game? Lessons begin March 21 at 7.30pm and March 23 at 9.30am. Ten lessons, the first an introductory one, total cost $50. 563 Pakuranga Road. Enquires to cherylhowickbridge@gmail. com or 027 277 7400. All levels of players welcome.
New Horizons Singles Social and Friendship Club for 50s-up seeking new members. We generate our own fun and entertainment. If you’re looking for company to enjoy outings, dining out, walks, movies, summer BBQs etc, contact Rachel 02102691679 or Mike 021840141 or www.auckland-singles-social-club.
A Night in the Gardens of Spain – Miles Jackson classical and flamenco guitar. Virtuosity and sensitivity for both classical and flamenco styles, Miles has lived and worked in Spain. A must for all lovers of Spanish guitar. Thursday, March 16, 7pm-8pm, All Saints Church, Howick. Admission by donation.
Wednesday, March 22, 7pm. Everyone is welcome to listen to our live music or come and sing or play an instrument. Bucklands and Eastern Beaches War Memorial Hall, Wharf Road, Bucklands Beach. Non-members $5. Phone Bev 021 11 56 866.
A club for retired and semi-retired citizens, offering the opportunity to learn and to socialise. General meeting Thursday, March 23, Flat Bush Old School Hall, cnr Murphys Rd/Flat Bush School Rd, Flat Bush, 10am-12noon. Guest speaker Dr Stephen Hoadley will talk about current events in Ukraine, Russia and the United States. Visitors welcome (no charge), morning tea provided. Contact Dave 022 6449650.
THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 — 13
Rev Dr Richard Waugh QSM Chairman, Auckland Brit & Euro Classic Car Show Committee
This work by artist Daisy Nicholas was among the winners at last year’s Estuary Art and Ecology Award. File photo supplied
A great shot taken from the cockpit of a NZ Warbirds Spitfire that did an aerial display over the classic car show.
Photo Mike Jones
14 — Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 CLASSIFIEDS TRADIES... Just started out in business? Need a little help getting your name out there? We may be able to help you with print and digital options Phone the Classified Team today for options to suit your needs. 271 8055 - TRADE SERVICES CONTINUOUS SPOUTING IN 41 COLOURS OR COPPER No joins - No leaks - guaranteed n Enhancing the look and value of your home n Made to measure on-site in Colorcote steel or Copper n All work guaranteed For a free quote contact Drewe Ph: 027 539 9851 or 0800 432 724 GA101040 We do WINZ quotes SPOUTING AND ROOFING House Washing Roof treatment • Gutter Cleaning Pest Control (internal & external) Tony 021 0863 3386 DE286683 HOUSE WASHING & PEST CONTROL DE2279774-v2 E: Chats and quotes are FREE Phone 09 537 4320 / 021 366 615 4 Building Wash 4 House Wash 4 Gutter Clean 4 Roof Treatments 4 Carpet Cleaning 4 Water Blasting 4 Interest Free Options BEST FREE exterior maintenance guide | HOUSE WASHING NEW BUILDS, RECLADS, ADDITIONS & RENOVATIONS 09 532 8484 | 020 410 53222 ANOTHER PROJECT BY MP286519 BUILD - RENOVATE - MANAGE BUILDERS BOOKKEEPING Service simple solutions. Xero, MYOB, GST, PAYE. Sheryl 0212982786 ACCOUNTING SERVICES CD229665 Aerials & TV INSTALLATION Freeview Installed Same Day Best Prices Guaranteed HORIZON AERIALS LTD Ph: 534 5888 Mob: 027 507 8680 AERIALS TV AERIALS APPROVED TECHNICIAN • Outlets • Home Theatre • Security Cameras • Lighting Phone Jack 532 8723 021 661 469 DY267902-v2 Sales | Installation | Service HEATPUMP SERVICES DE271702-V4 Be Cool this summer, install a heat pump Phone 09 534 1244 or 027 534 1244 E: AIR CONDITIONING NZ Registered Electrical Service Technician Servicing all major brands of whiteware appliances DE283234 APPLIANCE REPAIRS PHONE 021 369 881 576 1515 APPLIANCE REPAIRS BOBCAT/DIGGER HIRE 30 + yrs exp in all aspects of work, incl footings, site clearing etc. Phone Brett 0274 364 740 BOBCAT / Digger Excavations, driveways, landscaping, site clearing, rubbish removal, topsoil & metal supplies, truck hire. Ph Grant 0274 758 468 BOBCATS & TRUCKS CD263641 SIMPLY RENOS • Decks • Bathrooms • Pergolas • Kitchens • Carports • On time Quality work Good price Call Simon 021-0247-4706 BUILDERS BUILDER, qual, licensed, available for renovations, bathrooms etc. Phone Gary 021 279 1370 ACTIVE retired carpenter, past master builder, wants small jobs e.g. easing sticky doors, windows, all carpentry jobs. Ph: Bob 534 1355 or 027 4763937 CARPENTERS CARPET CLEANING, free quotes. Call Shona on 09 537 4320 CARPET CARE CARPET LAYING & REPAIRS Restretching No job too small We do it all!! Phone Terry 021 927 921 CD261603-v3 CARPET LAYING JENNY Cleaning, 20 yrs exp, home, office, reg, one off, Spring, moving, reliable Ph 021 669 908 CLEANING MP268165 COMPUTER REPAIRS Home / Business Fix all IT issues Microsoft Certified Cloud backup + data recovery, Networking, PC/Mac James IT Solutions 0800 266 349 COMPUTERS Local NZ Registered Electrician No job too big or too small! 24 hour Emergency service No call out fee if you mention this advert. 021 130 7217 09 217 2217 CD263192 ELECTRICAL ELECTRICIAN Registered Electrical, Alarms, Ventolation, Hot Water. Ph Mark 027 495 4219 a/h 534 3227 ELECTRICIAN Registered Rewires, Installs, Repairs Lights and Power Points, Extractor Fans, Hot water, Switchboards. Call Mark 021 959 439 or 5344401 CD226123 A.J. & S.J CONTRACTOR All fencing, decks, retaining walls, landscaping & more Competitive pricing Free Quotes 535 6227 021 726697 Sam 027 4981810 Adrian FENCING & TRELLIS NEW decks, fences, timber/pool fencing, all repairs. free quotes ph/txt John 021 023 69767 DE284798 Hedge Trimming Tree Trimming Property Clean Ups Property Maintenance Ryan 021413587 GARDEN CARE ALL gardening work undertaken,specialising in one off tidy ups. Call The Gardening Guys phone 021 1845671 TREES, hedges, garden work, w/blasting rubbish removal. Ph Peter 021 39 33 84
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& DECORATING All int/ext requirements, prompt service, 40 years experience, Registered Master Painter Phone Ross 021 977 542 DE275167 PAINTERS & DECORATORS A1 CHINESE PAINTERS Interior/Exterior painting, Wallpaper stripping, Plasterboard fixing/stopping, Residential/Commercial High quality workmanship Ph Vincent 5339658 021-135 3388 PAINTER/HANDYMAN, 40+yrs exp. Phone Muzza Ph 027 6770294 PAINTER int/ext roof, free quote, qual work Korean Painters. Phone Charlie 027 245 0807 PAINTER Int/Ext painting, high qual workmanship, plastering. Howick based. Ph Kenny 021 897 445 WALLPAPERING specialist. Strip, hang, Ph Andrew 027 4600048 or 5244 111 ADL PAVING & LANDSCAPING. Phone Adrian 027 603 1919, ah 537 2345 PAVING PLASTERBOARD stopping, old wallpaper walls to paint finish a speciality ph/ txt 021 660774 PLASTERERS BRADSHAW PLUMBING Phone 09 527 3053 or 09 268 1007 Terry 027 2922 708 or Alywn 0274 743 505 DE264603 Specialise in general plumbing/maintenance Bathroom and kitchen alterations NO JOB TOO SMALL PLUMBERS n ALL WORK HAS A WATER TIGHT GUARANTEE n WE RESPOND TO ALL CALLS! 24/7. Ph 09 534 5286 Spouting, Hot Water Cylinder Repairs/Replacements, Drainage/Unblocking DE276039 Hill Plumbing • Certifying plumbing, gas and drainage • Hot water cylinders • Bathrooms, kitchens • New and repairs All work guaranteed Over 35 years in area Brett 534 3562 027 493 0181 H3X019 DE271314 PLUMBER • Specialises in plumbing maintenance • Hot water cylinders • No job too small Ph 535 9567 John 027 492 0772 PLUMBERS DE276820 FOR HOT WATER CYLINDER REPAIRS ADAM OXLEY Certifying Plumber l Hot Water Cylinders l Bathroom/Kitchen Renovations l Roof Leaks l General Maintenance l All Work Guaranteed 535 1111 027 235 2517 1ST ROOFING repair service. 26 yrs exper. All work guaranteed. Ph 536-7173 or 0210-798-166 ROOFING GARDEN Household & General, also garden work & waterblasting. Fast, friendly service. Ph Peter 021 393384 RUBBISH REMOVALS RUBBISH REMOVAL Household, Garden Waste & General Rubbish Ph: 0800 789 248 CD48042 CATKIN TILING l Quality guaranteed l Free Quote l Waterproofing l Best Prices l Wall and floor l Underfloor Heating David Yang 273 6566 or 021 1867 361 DE274460 TILING BRANCH MANAGER ALL TREE WORK Stump Grinding Fully Insured Free Mulch Ph Brett 533-0473 or 021-279-9118 K54146 TREE SERVICES DS Trees & Landscapes, all tree work & stumps, hedges, mulching, rubbish removal. Phone Doug on 021 537 171 or 537 8595 GREENMAN Trees, Lawns, Garden. Free quotes. Friendly service Ph/txt 021 570 409 HARRIS Tree Services. Trees, hedges, palms, garden, trim, removal. Fast service. Phone Shane on 021 876 541 Boat Covers Outdoor Blinds Outdoor Furniture All Canvas Repairs 171 Moore St. Howick 0274 760 577 K54154 UPHOLSTERERS Call Nick 5374602 or 029 7700581 CD140634 Call Nick 5374602 or 029 7700581 3 Specialist waterblasting & housewashing, driveways, paths, decks & windows 3 Domestic & commercial 3 Low pressure bio-wash 3 Professional presentation WATERBLASTING WATER BLASTING, House Wash, roof treat or Gutter clean. Free quote call Shona (09) 537 4320 THE APPLICATORS We spray weeds Driveways, Patios, Fences, Edges & Decks. For a quote Ph Robert 0274990 513 WEED SPRAYING WE NEED YOUR HELP! NOVEMBER 2023 Are you and ex-student from Pakuranga Intermediate? Would you like to help with the organisation of the celebrations? If yes, please contact the school office on 09 576 1860 by 31 March 2023 MP286628 Grey Power Howick Pakuranga & Districts Association Inc PO Box 38-281, Howick, Auckland 2145 Public Meeting & EGM Featuring Maurice Williamson – Auckland Councillor Winston Peters – NZ First Friday, 24 March 2023 Howick Presbyterian Church 11 Vincent Street, Howick 1.00-1.10pm – Welcome & EGM 1.10-2.00pm – Maurice Williamson 2.00-2.15pm – Refreshments 2.15-3.15pm – Winston Peters All Welcome! Bring a friend! DE286632 CD227945 We accept donations of: Furniture • Household Goods Antiques • Quality Used Clothing Good Used Furniture Household Goods • Clothing 9 Ben Lomond Cres Open 6 Days We sell: 0800 677 467 Pick Up Service Available We accept donations of: Furniture • Household Goods Antiques • Quality Used Clothing Good Used Furniture Household Goods • Clothing 9 Ben Lomond Cres Open 6 Days We sell: 0800 677 467 Pick Up Service Available FOR SALE BUYING We purchase good quality house/flat and estate lots. Smaller lots also. Ask about our comprehensive clearout package. 25 years experience. CD262877 Phone 09 532 9204 or 027 479 8942 Transit Traders Ltd WANTED TO BUY DE279274 Browse our digital papers online both current and past issues
Premier Women crowned champions after Pearl Dawson Trophy T20 grand final win
Howick Pakuranga Cricket Club’s (HPCC) premier women have been crowned winners of the Pearl Dawson Trophy T20 competition to cap off a dream weekend of cricket.
The star-studded line-up of women’s domestic players showed their strength, continuing their unbeaten competition run when they faced Cornwall on Sunday.
After losing the toss and being asked to bowl first, HPCC’s premier women’s (Llamas) season standout bowlers Marama Downes (2-20), Josie Penfold (2-18), Ayaan Lambat (2-16), and Amberly Parr (3-16) shared the wickets around.
Cornwall were restricted to 90 runs, leaving a decent chase for the women if they wished to take out the grand final in front of their home crowd at Lloyd Elsmore Park.
Openers Saachi Shahri (21 off 28) and Radhika Patel (19 off 28) all but sealed the deal, putting on a partnership of 50 runs before the first wicket fell.
Josie Penfold closed the match
Macleans College
Food & Textiles Technician
out with an important innings of 19 not out off 23 balls.
HPCC chased the total down with just less than two overs to spare and five wickets still in hand to crown themselves winners
We will place your public notice in the next available issue of the Times for only $215.90 + GST per insertion
Just give us a call or email your form to
Please include your phone number
Ph 09 271 8000
Are you looking for a part-time job, with flexible hours only during term time? 15 hours per week flexi-time roughly 3 hours per day during the week.
Job Description:
• help with organisation of the textiles & food subjects
• ordering online ingredients for food tech, receiving and storing
• general help in both the textiles and food classes. You will work within a collaborative supportive faculty. If this sounds like you feel free to contact
Application close Wednesday 22 March. MP286620
Permanent Full Time
Sancta Maria College is a coeducational Y7-13 state integrated Catholic college in Flat Bush, East Auckland. We are seeking an enthusiastic, multi-tasker, professional person to provide administrative support to the Principal.
The successful candidate will have a high level of written and oral communication capabilities, be pro-active, flexible and committed to excellence. Position to commence as soon as possible.
Please visit our website for the full role description and application form:
Applications close on 31 March 2023. Apply via email enclosing application form, CV and covering letter to: DE286687
Across - 7, Schoolmaster. 8, Florin. 9, Singer. 10, Stopper. 12, Radio. 15, Grape. 16, Yiddish. 18, Frolic. 20, Mishap. 22, Butterscotch.
Down - 1, Sculptor. 2, Moor. 3, Blunder. 4, Cause. 5, Standard.
Brie. 11, Populate. 13, Instance.
Dismiss. 17, Screw. 19, Ruby. 21, Slot.
Across - 7, Come to-get-her. 8, GA-llop. 9, Lester (Leicester). 10, R-aim-ent. 12, Slack. 15, Flake.
We are seeking an enthusiastic and organised Sports Coordinator to support the College sports programme. The successful candidate will enhance participation in sports within the College. This is a permanent, full time position of 37.5 hours per week, plus weekend hours during the sports seasons.
For more details about the position and how to apply, please refer to our website:
Permanent Part Time
Sancta Maria College is a coeducational Y7–13 state integrated Catholic college in Flat Bush, East Auckland. As a school of excellence, we pride ourselves on providing students with holistic opportunities to grow. It is a school that values inclusion, service and community.
We have an exciting opportunity for someone who is passionate about sports to join our Sports Department in the role of Sports Co-ordinator.
We are seeking applications from individuals with the following attributes:
· High quality communication and rapport with students, parents, coaches & staff
· Willingness to work as part of a team
· Strong administration, ICT, time management and organisational skills
This position is 40 hours/week; term time only. However, some hours will be required out of school time and holiday periods by negotiation.
Position to commence as soon as possible.
Please visit our website for the full role description and application form: Applications close on 31 March 2023. Apply via email enclosing application form, CV and covering letter to:
Whitford Park Golf Club is looking for a reliable, motivated individual to fill a Greenkeepers Assistant role as we look to increase our staff numbers. This role is not an apprenticeship or qualified Greenkeepers position but may suit someone with previous work history in this field. The role will entail some rostered weekend work. Along with the opportunity to be part of a progressive club and team, the role will come with a golf membership.
If you are keen and willing to enthusiastically help maintain our golf course and be a part of the Whitford team, please email your CV to:
Closing date for applications is Friday 30th April 2021.
of the Pearl Dawson Trophy T20 championship.
After making the finals for each of the past four seasons – finishing 2nd once and 3rd three times – the Llamas are finally in the winner’s circle.
The premier women had a dominant weekend all round, also winning their Saturday 50-over match against table-toppers Takapuna.
It was the Neena Woollaston story, taking six wickets for only five runs after Howick Pakuranga was asked to bowl first.
Takapuna were dismissed for just 68, which left an easy chase for HPCC.
Saachi Shahri top scored again with 21, with supporting roles from Auckland Heart’s teammate Skye Bowden (14* off 12 balls) and Northern Braves all-rounder Marama Downes (19 off 23 balls).
The Llamas are on a strong run to make the finals of the Prichard
Cup Limited Over Competition to cap off an outstanding season to date.
HPCC’s premier men had a bittersweet first innings victory against Ellerslie on day two of their Tom Hellaby two-day match.
After being in a strong position after a Liam Winn batting masterclass last week, HP bowled Ellerslie out for 157 to win the first innings. Howick Pakuranga then batted again, and with the end of the day approaching, declared with a lead of 172 runs in hopes of achieving an outright victory.
Ellerslie’s openers, Abrar Alam (85* off 83 balls) and Shannon Wimalaratne (82* off 99 balls) came to play and chased down the target with 10 wickets still in hand.
The premier men face Grafton United at Victoria Park on Saturday in the first day of their final two-day match in the 2022/23 season.
St Columba Church, Botany
St Columba Presbyterian Church at Botany is looking for an organised, outgoing receptionist to manage our welcome desk on a daily basis.
In this position, you will assist with a variety of clerical and administrative duties. You may also assist with invoicing, updating database files, and maintaining office supplies.
Proven work experience and proficiency with Microsoft Office is essential. We are looking for an individual who can represent the face and voice of St Columba Church whilst maintaining a professional appearance and attitude at all times.
This is a permanent part-time position, five days a week from 9am to 12pm. A full job description is available on request. Please apply to before Sunday, 2 April 2023.
THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 — 15 Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 — 15 CLASSIFIEDS church services MP286262 Looking for a church home? One Lord One Faith One People Sunday morning 9.30am (with children’s programme) Youth Group every Friday 7.00pm 17 Wellington St, Howick Phone 534-5142 MP284084 Advertise in our upcoming Easter Church Services feature in the Times on Wednesday March 29 and April 5. Phone Maria 09 271 8055 or email
16, Be-grim-e. 18, See-saw. 20, Terror. 22, Took a dim view. Down - 1, Not a-t all. 2, (John) Peel (peal). 3, Hopping. 4, Deal-t. 5, Whistler. 6, Free. 11, Makes for. 13, Composed. 14, Pertain (anag.). 17, S-wear. 19, Eats. 21, Rave(n).
Extend your reach. GROW YOUR CLIENTELE. 271 8000 Advertising with us will grow your sales!
along to our monthly meeting Wed, 22 March, 7:30pm Highland Park Community Centre Phone 021 533 158
at our Aged Care Rest Homes in Pakuranga, part time hours available. Please email your
BUCKLANDS BCH RD 3 bed unit, 2 levels, gge, fibre, bus route, Pak College zone $650pw. No letting Ph 021 1103433 or 09 2676303 TO LET FOCUS ON FEET Home visits. Professional gentle care. NZ trained nurse Ph Marlena 5331150 or 0211865496
Browse our digital papers online both current and past issues Visit our website: Updated every issue
The HPCC premier women pose with the T20 Pearl Dawson Trophy after a grand final win against Cornwall on Sunday. Photo supplied
16 — Times, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 T&Cs: *Offers available on a select range of current models in stock, reserved either online with deposit paid, or via an Agent Showroom with a contract signed on or before 31 March 2023. Offer excludes build-to-order, Maybach range, pre-owned vehicles, demonstrator vehicles, leasing products, fleet, government and rental buyers. Where a specific discount has been advertised, the value amount is inclusive of GST and is only applied to specific vehicles while stock of that vehicle lasts. Discounts cannot be transferred to another vehicle of the same or different model that is not included in the EOFY campaign. For more information see your local authorised Agent. Clean car fee will apply to certain vehicles and is payable in addition to the advertised price at the time of purchase. ^Terms and conditions apply, please see for more details. *Offer valid for new EQC models contracted, registered and delivered between 13 February – 29 April 2023 unless offer extended by Mercedes-Benz. Offer excludes pre-owned vehicles, demonstrator vehicles, leasing products, fleet, government and rental buyers. Offer available on all 24 month consumer and business loans. Finance offer restricted to approved customers of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services New Zealand Limited. Standard credit assessment, PPSR fee of $10.35, establishment fee of up to $395 and lending criteria apply. Installation of the Wallbox must be done by a registered electrician and these costs are to be borne by the customer. Full details available at your authorised Mercedes-Benz Agent. Overseas model shown. 279 Ti Rakau Drive, Botany, Auckland 2013 09 535 8889 GLC SUV Range Save up to $12,000 EQC SUV Range Save up to $6,000 Free Wallbox Charger GLS SUV Range Save up to $9,000 GLE SUV Range Save up to $9,000 A-250 Hatch Save up to $4,000 C-Class Sedan Save up to $6,000 GLA-250 SUV Save up to $5,000 E-Class Sedan Save up to $12,000 COMPLIMENT ARY CONNECTED SERVICES OFFERS THAT WILL MOVE YOU. Enjoy outstanding end of financial year savings across a select range until March 31st Contact the team at KC15792