1 minute read
What’s on
from Times - 17 May 2023
by Times Media
A club for retired and semi-retired citizens, offering the opportunity to learn and to socialise. General meeting, Thursday, May 25, Flat Bush Old School Hall, cnr Murphys Rd/Flat Bush School Rd, Flat Bush, 10am-12 noon. First speaker Anny Dentener – Magic of Milk. Guest speaker Chris Cameron – World Travels & Learning Languages. Visitors welcome (no charge). Morning tea provided. Contact Dave 022 6449650.
Wednesday, May 24, 12pm-1pm, the third in our ‘Quartet of Lunchtime Concerts’ series. Local singer/songwriter Sarah Van Zyl will be presenting a fun-filled concert of retro hits and original songs. Enjoy some live music in the middle of the day. All welcome. Pakuranga.library@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz. Phone 377 0209.
Howick Combined Probus
Why not join us on Tuesday, May 23 at the Howick Bowling Club, 10am-12 noon to hear our speaker Carol Herbert from Auckland City Mission. New members and guests are most welcome. Morning tea will be provided. Phone Mary 2738804 to confirm or for more information regarding our speakers, trips and friendship groups.
Pakuranga Choral Society joins with Franklin Community Choir to sing muchloved Handel’s Messiah. Well-known soloists Sarah Court and James Harrison are joined by two singers at the start of their careers, Sophia Yang and Hamish Regan. The performance will be accompanied by Michael Bell on the organ and conducted by David Hamilton. Sunday, May 21, 2.30pm at All Saints, Selwyn Rd, Howick; Saturday, May 20, 2.30pm at St Patrick’s Catholic Church, Pukekohe. Adults $25, seniors $20, students $10. Tickets at the door.
Teach English
Learn to teach English for settlement to a new adult migrant or former refugee. English Language Partners, Ak Sth has a course for six Fridays, 9.30am-2pm, starting June 16 at Botany. Volunteers teach people in their homes once a week for an hour or two. Phone 278 9099 or email aucklandsouth@englishlanguage.org.nz.
Friendship Club
The Howick Friendship Club will meet on Friday, May 26 at 10am at the Howick Bowling Club, Selwyn Road, Howick. Visitors are welcome to come and listen to the speaker, MP Andew Bayly, enjoy morning tea and meet new people. Phone Agnes 940-1532 or Jan 536-6819.
Trap Library East Auckland
Trap handout and return third Saturday of every month. Borrow or return a possum or stoat trap. Join our Mustelid Control Zone project. Register for a free rat trap with Pest Free Howick Ward, May 20, 9amnoon. Underground carpark directly below Pakuranga Library, Reeves Road side. Look for our flags.
Riding For The Disabled
Come along to Howick Library on Friday, June 2 at 10.30am and hear our guest speakers Linley and Megan from Totara Park Riding for the Disabled talk about their wonderful organisation. All Welcome. Refreshments available. Free.
Just a few apartments available now priced from $1,150,000*