Times - 19 April 2023

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24 Years Selling East Auckland


More east Auckland retailers are repairing the damage caused to their businesses following the latest ram-raids in east Auckland.

Police say they’re investigating a burglary at Pakuranga Plaza which was reported at about 11.50pm on April 12.

A police spokesperson says it’s understood the offenders used a vehicle to gain entry to the shopping centre and then drove into a business to “gain further entry within the complex”.

“Those involved have taken a number of items from the premises before fleeing on foot, abandoning the vehicle at the scene.

“Police are committed to locating those responsible and holding them to account and our enquiries are well underway.”

Police tape was used to cordon off an entry to the plaza beside the Porterhouse Grill restaurant the next morning.

A police officer and security guard were present as were

several people working to repair the damage caused to the building.

Pakuranga MP Simeon Brown says he’s “appalled” to learn the plaza was ram-raided.

“Under Labour’s soft-oncrime approach to law and order we’re seeing ram-raids take place every 10 hours with businesses bearing the brunt.

“We need clear consequences for the young people committing these crimes which National will deliver so we restore law and order in New Zealand.”

A second local business was targeted by offenders the morning after the plaza was broken into.

Officers are making enquiries following an attempted burglary at a commercial address in Thomas Road, Flat Bush, at about 3.26am on April 13, a police spokesperson says.

“Upon arrival, despite some damage, no entry was gained into the premises.

“Enquiries are ongoing to locate the vehicle believed to be involved.”

The two latest incidents follow numerous ram-raid and

smash-and-grab burglaries at businesses across the country, including in east Auckland, over the past year, many of which were carried out by children and youths.

They come less than a week after the Labour Government said its policies on youth crime are “making a difference”.

The Government says there’s been a 65 per cent reduction in ram-raids in the six months following the announcement of its ‘Better Pathways’ package and 82 per cent of children referred to the ‘Kotahi te Whakaaro’ programme have not reoffended.

“Of the 147 children engaged in the Government’s Kotahi te Whakaaro programme only 27 have reoffended,” Deputy Prime Minister Carmel Sepuloni says.

“The programme has also supported 373 siblings and wider family members, ensuring we’re turning the lives around of some of our most vulnerable young people.

“Alongside these actions we’ve seen a drop in the number of reported ram-raid incidents.”

Wednesday, April 19, 2023 General 09 271 8000  Classi ed 09 271 8055  Delivery Enquiries 09 271 8000  Website www.times.co.nz Vol 52, No 15  Continued on page 2 AWARD-WINNING VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY – NZCNA Est. 1972 Howick & Pakuranga
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Times photo Wayne Martin

Labour makes major reform of Three Waters

The Labour Government’s local water reforms are affordable and they’ll deliver “big cost savings” to ratepayers, Botany-based Labour List MP Naisi Chen says.

The Government recently announced a raft of changes to its contentious Three Waters policy, which initially would have established four publicly-owned water services entities.

The reforms are supported by some mayors and councils but have been criticised by others.

Chen says the revised policy has undergone significant changes which will establish 10 new regional entities including in east Auckland, “which will still deliver big cost savings to local ratepayers”.

The Government has listened to feedback and we’re making major changes to our affordable water reforms, “while still delivering big cost savings to New Zealand households”, she says.

“Feedback from Local Government has been clear that our water infrastructure deficit needs to be addressed now if we’re to save east Auckland households from ballooning bills that will make water unaffordable, and the reform programme must be led at a regional level. We agree.

“With the costs to address New Zealand’s water infrastructure defi-



cit projected to be up to $185 billion over the next 30 years, we cannot leave these costs to ratepayers with rates rises locally of $2,450 up to $14,820 per year in Auckland by 2054 if we do nothing.

“Labour is simply not prepared to put extra costs on New Zealanders during a global cost of living crisis.”

Chen says under the revised proposal to establish 10 entities, east Auckland residents will see big savings, projected at $2,770 in Auckland a year by 2054 on average.

“By extending the number of publicly-owned water entities to 10, every council, and therefore every



6. Is a feeling of service something that’s felt by many? (4,7).

7. “As opposed to an insect,” I added (4).

8. In the document, called “of unsound mind” (8).

9. As I arranged before, came out to commend (6).

10. Resolve to turn the man against diceplaying (6).

12. A slim figure you see outside (6).

15. Suppose it’s when the birds come back (6).

17. On the beach with a girl, holding hands, perhaps (8).

19. Lily is having a drink (4).

20. Pity it is that onions are such a nuisance to peel? (6,5).

1. Aiming to take a jump to catch one (8).

2. Tamper with the said decoration (6).

3. Went off with the money, embarrassed (6).

4. “A beast of a man,” I put in (4).


5. Not without a certificate, of course (6).

6. For a youngster, it’s a slight (5).

11. “Robinson Crusoe” was scrapped (8).

13. Having a meal out, you found (6).

14. The transport to get one across, commandeered (6).

15. Disinclined to have a jingle (6).

16. Ponder about the hole, or what may be in it (5).

18. Comes out with the agreement within seconds (4).

Pakuranga Plaza ram- raided

 From page 1

Sepuloni says there were 116 ram-raids reported in August last year while six months after the expansion of the Kotahi te Whakaaro programme there were 40.

community, will now have a say and have representation over their local water services entities.

“Regional water entities will be owned by local councils on behalf of the public, and entity borders are based on existing regional areas.

“Too many of us have seen firsthand the recent flooding, cyclone, and extreme weather events impacting our community, and communities across the country.

“Our water infrastructure needs to be ready and we are prepared to partner with industry to achieve that.”

 Pakuranga MP comments, p5

Police Minister Ginny Anderson says youth crime has been “trending down for 10 years”.

“We have then seen a spike since the pandemic. That’s why we’ve taken action.

“The drop in ram-raids shows our approach is working.”

People with information on the ram-raid at Pakuranga Plaza or the dairy in Thomas Road, Flat Bush, can phone police on 105 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY 2 — Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 www.times.co.nz JH15974-V4 For a personal, professional service contact us today to discuss your options: 35 Wellington St, Howick | Phone 534 7300 | www.howickfuneralhome.nz Every life is special, we understand that. Let us pay tribute to the life of your loved one and celebrate the unique way they have touched you, your family and those around you. New Zealand owned & operated since 1993 A privilege to care for your family NEWS ROOM Editor Nick Krause 09 271 8040, editor@times.co.nz ADVERTISING Display 09 271 8026 info@times.co.nz Classi eds 09 271 8055 classi eddept@times.co.nz DISTRIBUTION papers@times.co.nz Phone 09 271 8014 Published weekly on Wednesday Printed by Beacon Print Published by Times Newspapers Ltd, PO Box 38232, Howick, Auckland 2145, New Zealand. Ph 09 271 8000 facebook.com/ TimesOnlineNZ Est. 1972 FREE – thanks to our advertisers!
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Solutions under Public Notices in the Classifieds section.
12 34 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
(11) 7.
(4) 8.
(8) 9.
(6) 10.
(6) 12.
(6) 15.
(6) 17. Dog (8) 19.
(4) 20. Vegetable (11)
(8) 2.
(6) 3.
(6) 4. Quantity (4) 5. Indifferent (6) 6. Gap (5) 11. Weapon (8)
13. Address (6) 14. Flower (6) 15. Easy (6)
16. Animal (5) 18. Praise (4)
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Botany-based Labour List MP Naisi Chen. Supplied le photo Criminals used a vehicle to smash their way inside Pakuranga Plaza during a ramraid burglary on April 12. Times photo Wayne Martin

Stewart accepts critical findings of flood review

Howick ward councillor Sharon Stewart says she accepts the findings of a report into the official response to the devastating flooding in Auckland in January which led to the deaths of four people.

Stewart chairs Auckland Council’s Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee (ACDEM).

The independent review was led by former Police Commissioner Mike Bush and a review panel.

It found the council’s emergency management system was unprepared for such an event and the speed with which it happened.

Auckland mayor Wayne Brown was heavily criticised for his initial response to the weather emergency and a lack of communication with residents.

Numerous homes were damaged by floodwaters and landslips across the city due to the torrential downpour that struck on January 27.

Bush’s report says Stewart has served as chair of ACDEM for several terms previously.

“We consider communications between the office of the mayor, elected members, the chair of the ACDEM committee, the executive team and the AEM [Auckland Emergency Management] on the night were disjointed and suboptimal.

“They relied too heavily on individual initiative, such as that shown by the Director Governance, rather than on predesigned

and pretested protocols.”

Stewart says elected members have to take responsibility, but it’s the duty of the council’s chief executive to “carry out our expectations”.

“Elected members are not operational. Our committee provides support to the AEM.

“[They are] two distinct areas [of] setting policy and operational guidelines.

“AEM responsibility is response [which is] what they send out.

“Not our small committee. We only meet every quarter and during Covid it wasn’t even as often as that.

“I am not part of the dayto-day running of Civil Defence operations.”

Stewart says she’s “extremely disappointed” at the lack of communication with herself and the mayor on the night of the flooding.

“They didn’t even ring me. Really at 5.48pm I should have been phoned.

“That was when AEM and many of the senior responders meet.

“Another failure that needs to be addressed into the future is the alert.

“I only found about it by messenger. My daughter lives [in] west [Auckland] and she sent me a photo of a street I know.

“It flooded when we had the New Lynn floods. When I saw that I understood we had a problem.

“I then rang [council governance manager] Phil Wilson at 7.09pm.

“The Mike Bush report said poor communication at the critical early stages [was a problem].

“In fact I had none at all. No phone call, not until I called the chief of staff and the general manager.”

Stewart says she’s never seen such flash flooding in Auckland before.

“This is a big wake up call, unfortunately a tragic one.”

Brown says he accepts the review’s recommendations and he’ll work to ensure the panel’s recommendations are implemented.

“I have acknowledged I dropped the ball that night. The communications weren’t fast enough, and I was too slow to be seen. I stand by my previous apology to Aucklanders.”

Council chief executive Jim Stabback says he, the council’s executive leadership, and emergency management staff will consider the report’s findings and recommendations and report back on an implementation plan.

“Recommendations that can and should be easily or immediately implemented will be. In some cases actions are already underway.”

Arrests over robbery of school pupils

Police have arrested two people in relation to the aggravated robbery of several school pupils in rural east Auckland.

One of the people arrested has been referred to an ‘iwi community panel’ over her involvement in the incident in Clevedon on March 16.

The pupils who were robbed had disembarked from their school bus and were waiting on Clevedon Road to be picked up by their families at about 2.37pm.

Police said at the time that two males were reported to have approach several secondary school pupils and demanded money and their mobile phones.

One of the offenders allegedly presented a firearm before fleeing in a white or silver station wagon being driven by a female.

Counties Manukau South Police area commander, Inspector Joe Hunter, says

two search warrants were executed at properties in Manurewa and Takanini in south Auckland on April 14, resulting in the arrest of a 27-year-old female and a 15-year-old male.

Police recovered a BB gun at one of the addresses.

Hunter says he hopes the arrests will provide reassurance to the community that those who offend will be held to account.

“This is a great example of police’s ongoing commitment to ensuring those responsible for these types of crime will be brought to justice.”

A 15-year-old male is due to appear in the Manukau Youth Court this week charged with aggravated robbery while a 27-year-old female has been referred to an iwi community panel.

Hunter says the investigation is ongoing and police can’t rule out further charges or arrests.

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Dr Jim Han, Dr Ahmad Mustafa, Dr Desmond Cheong Howick ward councillor Sharon Stewart chairs the council’s Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee. File photo supplied

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Venerable Master honoured at Buddha’s Birthday celebrations

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand has held a commemoration service for the influential Buddhist monk and teacher Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founding patriarch of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order who died in February, and also marked Buddha’s Birthday.

On April 1, more than 500 people attended the ceremony in Flat Bush singing praise for Venerable Master, along with a hand gesture performance to express their gratitude to the Venerable Master.

The ceremony began with a Scottish pipe band, and representatives of the New Zealand Police carried a statue of Prince Siddhartha – the Buddha – into the main shrine.

The Abbess of FGS NZ, Venerable Manshin, led the blessing ceremony and welcomed guests to bathe the Prince Siddhartha. Representatives from various religions, including Catholic representative Rev Deacon Chris Sullivan, Anglican representative Rev Ivica Gregurec and Maori elder Matua Toi Katipa, also performed their respective religious blessings for world peace.

In her speech, Abbess Manshin said, “As we gather here today for

Buddha’s Birthday, I would also like to use this opportunity to commemorate the passing of our beloved Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the Founder of Fo Guang Shan.

“Throughout his life, Venerable Master has lived by the philosophy of giving. The best way to honour Venerable Master’s legacy and memory is to let the Three Acts of

Goodness which represents truth, kindness and beauty take root in our society and community.”

The President of BLIA [Buddha’s Light International Association] North Island, Yulin Ku, expressed gratitude for Venerable Master’s benevolent wishes in spreading Humanistic Buddhism worldwide. She said the two Temples in Auckland and Christchurch

are the most beautiful gift that the Venerable Master has given to New Zealanders. The best way to commemorate him is to carry the spirit of giving and work together with the temple to serve the community with joy.

The Leader of Opposition NZ and MP of Botany, Christopher Luxon expressed sincere condolences to the Venerable Master. “Since

Venerable Master Hsing Yun founded Fo Guang Shan in 1967, it has become a globally-recognised Buddhist organisation, sowing the energy of harmony, peace and compassion.”

The director general of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Auckland, Kendra Chen, said she is grateful for the compassionate vow of Venerable Master for constructing Fo Guang Shan. “It is a treasure of faith shared by people around the world,” she said.

Acting Area Commander of Manukau West Inspector Ross Ellwood said, “Venerable Master was a great leader, a teacher and a philosopher and we are grateful to the Temple for accepting our heartfelt condolences.”

The celebration also featured a baby and children blessing ceremony, local markets, art exhibitions and more. Under the guidance of the Venerables, BLIA members actively practiced the spirit of giving, to bring joy to the community.

“Through service, BLIA members bring glory to their faith and pride to themselves, allowing message of Three Acts of Goodness to take root in New Zealand,” Abbess Manshin said.

Rebranding the Three Waters reform won’t fix a bad policy

issues. All Labour changed in their reforms was increasing the number of entities that will manage water assets from four to 10.

Last week, the Labour Government announced they were rebranding their Three Waters reforms in an attempt to make it more palatable to New Zealanders.

The problem with this is it’s not the name Kiwis are frustrated with, it’s Labour’s continued attempts to centralise assets that have no business being taken out of local hands.

More importantly, it doesn’t actually solve our water infrastructure

Regional representative groups – which comprise of 50 per cent Māori representation – would then decide who sits on the boards of those entities, with a central Entity Management organisation at the top making all the actual decisions.

These are the same reforms Labour have been trying to push through this whole time, with a new coat of paint and a few more water entities than before.

National agrees we need greater investment into our water assets to ensure they are maintained in a safe and sustainable way for the

future. That’s why we announced our “Local Water Done Well” policy, with real investment into our water infrastructure and stronger central government oversight, but without taking it away from local councils and the communities they represent. We will require councils to ringfence money for water infrastructure investment and maintenance instead of spending it on whatever they want and will ensure water services are both environmentally and financially sustainable for future generations.

One of the major issues Kiwis have expressed with Labour’s reforms is that it has never been explained how co-governance helps deliver better water services.

National is strongly of the belief that all New Zealanders should be treated equally in the delivery of public services and that co-governance fundamentally undermines the democratic accountability of these public services.

Co-governance will also only lead to more bureaucracy, something New Zealand needs far less of, and we are already seeing examples of this with the $1 million a month spent on consultants for the new Māori Health Authority.

National opposes the co-governance of public services. We believe all New Zealanders should be treated equally and that we will repeal Labour’s co-governance proposals.

It’s time for Labour to stop their ideological crusade and make policy decisions based on what will actually deliver results for Kiwis.


The NZ Community Trust has awarded $253,986.86 in grants in the Auckland region recently.

Amongst the recipients was the Pakuranga United Rugby Club which was awarded $5505 for netball dresses and bibs.

THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY www.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 — 5 JH18052
Simeon Brown
MP for Pakuranga
More than 500 people attended a ceremony at the Fo Guang Shan marking Buddha’s Birthday and commemorating the late Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Photo supplied

Fast-track panel approves retirement village

An independent fast-track consenting panel has granted resource consent with conditions for a retirement village in Half Moon Bay.

Summerset Village applied to build and operate a comprehensive care retirement village including around 217 independent living units and 103 care units. The site is adjacent to Pigeon Mountain Primary School and Kaniere Park.

The proposed village will include a range of facilities including a café, restaurant, lounges, games room, theatre, salon, therapy room and gym.

The application was made under the Covid-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020.

The expert consenting panel granted resource consent with conditions.

The decision comes 117 working days after the application was lodged with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). This excludes the days where processing of the application was suspended at the request of the applicant.

Police target retail crime

Police are hailing the success of their new National Retail Investigation Support Unit, which has already led to 1000 retail crime charges being laid against 178 offenders after less than a year of operation.

The unit was formed in May 2022 to address patterns of highpriority repeat retail offending across the country.

It identifies and facilitates the apprehension of the most prolific and harmful retail crime offenders in New Zealand, police say.

Various local businesses have been impacted by retail crime in the past year, including the Ormiston Town Centre, which was ram-raided by groups of youths in two separate high-profile incidents.

The unit’s manager, Matt Tierney, says the charges it’s laid so far is a “significant milestone”.

“Included in this number are the two most prolific retail offenders in the country, who were caught last month and racked up 82 charges between them for the more than $300,000 in theft. We are a small unit with three investigators and one intelligence support officer who focus on the worst recidivist offenders. We then work with districts to hold them to account.”

Tierney says the unit is working with the retail sector and crime-prevention organisations to draw on data, identify patterns, and work with local police staff to address repeat offending, and

it’s getting results.

“Retail crime costs the sector $1 billion a year and this has a huge impact on our retail communities and the staff confronted with crime when they are working.

“It’s a great feeling to know we’ve laid these charges and stopped these people from causing harm in our communities.”

Police say officers in Auckland and elsewhere are running operations focusing on youth offending and retail crime that “dovetail” with the unit’s work.

They say ‘Operation Rhino’ in Auckland has resulted in significant arrests and seen a corresponding decrease in vehicle thefts.

As of March 9, it had contributed toward 607 prosecutions

and 257 youth referrals since January last year.

Meanwhile, the police’s retail crime prevention programme delivers protective equipment, and additional prevention advice for retailers, to reduce the risk of harm.

Police Assistant Commissioner iwi and communities, Chris de Wattignar, says 2352 security interventions have been approved for eligible stores previously ram-raided or the target of an aggravated robbery, and allocated to contractors. Of these 2,352 interventions, 810 have been completed and invoiced by contractors.

That includes 156 fog cannons, 127 security sirens, 133 alarms, 222 CCTV systems or system

upgrades, 65 bollards or similar security measures, 65 roller doors, and 45 other interventions that include improved lighting/ strengthened windows.

“We see the distress that retail crime and ram-raid-style burglaries and robberies cause retailers and communities,” de Wattignar says.

“As well as responding to these incidents with significant investigative action, we work closely with retailers on prevention.

“This is a complex matter and Police cannot solve it alone. We need a coordinated partnership approach with agencies, communities, iwi, and social service providers working together to prevent this offending.”


THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY 6 — Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 www.times.co.nz AUCKLAND TONY CHAN Five AM Realty Limited Licensed (REAA 2008) 0800 TONY CHAN tony.chan@raywhite.com TONY CHAN NO. 1 LISTER YOUR EAST Ray White Howick Team Anton JH18069 RESULTS KEVIN MARGINSON Five AM Realty Limited Licensed (REAA 2008) 021 051 4034 kevin.marginson@raywhite.com KEVIN MARGINSON FOR
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Local businesses are being impacted by the ongoing retail crime epidemic. File photo An artist’s impression of the proposed retirement village in Half Moon Bay.

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Blankets 4 Kids appeal to begin for winter

The annual Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter appeal starts in May.

Winter is on its way and the unfortunate truth is that many families in the community will not have enough blankets to keep their kids warm on winter nights.

To assist the plight of these families, Howick Rotary - with the support of the Howick Village Association - will once again commence the collection of blankets and quilts for its Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter appeal through the month of May.

This follows the successful community effort last year when an estimated 2000 blankets were distributed to families in need through Stand Children Services, All Saints Anglican Church and the Star of the Sea Catholic Church.

All three charities were extremely grateful for the blankets they received last year.

Pene Frost, Regional Manager for Stand, said she “was amazed at the results adding that many grandparents have become caregivers in today’s world and they are ill-equipped to provide winter warmth so the blankets we were able to provide from the appeal were a godsend”. The collection points will again be the Howick Informa-

tion Centre, Howick Village Optometrist, both in Picton Street, and Grasslands in Moore Street. Many schools and community groups are also expected to join in again and special collections can be arranged for these groups as needed through the Rotary contact.

Madeleine East, president of Howick Rotary, said, “Follow-

ing the strong support from the local community last year, the club is hoping for a similar community response this year.” h For more information, contact Bill Charkow 021 663022 or Rob Mouncey 021 413341. Want to know more about the appeal or Rotary? Go to www.howickrotary.org. nz.

THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY 8 — Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 www.times.co.nz We desperately need CLEAN WARM BLANKETS to assist - Stand Children’s Services - All Saints Anglican Church - Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church DROP OFF 1ST TO 31ST MAY TO: • Howick Information Centre • Howick Village Optometrists • Grasslands Moore Street Another Howick Rotary Community Project Supported by Howick Village Association CONTACT: Bill 021 663 022 JH18078 The Rotary Club of Howick WOULD YOU LIKE TO Play a Part in our Community? ... talk to Rob: 021 413 341 howickrotary.org.nz Ask us if Clear Ask us if Clear Aligners are for you... Aligners are for you... Feeling confident in your smile is important for your overall happiness and self-esteem. We are here to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted in a way that works for you. Did you know that straightening your teeth has benefits beyond cosmetic improvement? Misaligned or crowded teeth can make maintaining hygiene difficult, which may lead to oral health problems. Crooked teeth and bite problems can sometimes lead to: Tooth damage and chipping Tooth loss Wearing away of tooth enamel Difficulty speaking or chewing In addition to giving you the beautiful smile that you deserve, straightening your teeth may reduce the risk of cavities and help prevent gum disease. Ready to love your smile? BOOK NOW 09 5343214 - 08002622208 09 5343214 - 08002622208 126 Picton St, Howick 126 Picton St, Howick JH17446-V8 Ph 533 3539 www.fenciblelaw.co.nz Providing All Your Legal Needs Lawyers in the heart of Howick 0800 FENCIBLE JH15989-V2 JH17888-V2 Looking to fix your Watch or Clock? Contact us at: ALPHA TIME 12B Picton Street, Howick (behind Crawford’s Skin Clinic) Ph: (09) 2122 111 Opening Hrs: Tue-Sat (8am to 4pm) Repairs of all kinds of modern & vintage watches & clocks at our workshop Watch Battery change & Pressure Test while you wait ARE YOU HAPPY WITH YOUR SMILE? We can help you achieve a beau�ful, confident smile! Dentists with a caring touch www.aplusdentists.co.nz 09 534 7916 4 Fencible Chambers, Fencible Dr, Howick We now accept Easy-claim available for Southern Cross members JH17666-V6 5% discount for SuperGold card holders 20% OFF ALL DENTAL TREATMENT FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 2023
businessOPEN Be loyal Buy local
locally on 88.1 or 107.1 or anywhere in the universe at eastfm.nz. NOW available on iHeartRadio! JH17345
Howick Rotarians unloading blankets at All Saints Anglican Church in a previous Blankets 4 Kids 4 Winter appeal. Photos supplied

Howick Civic Service: Assemble at 10.30am, Mellons Bay Rd. Service on Stockade Hill, Howick.

Contact: Michael Cole, 021 238 8464, natcole65@gmail.com

THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY A contribution has been made to the Poppy Fund by the above advertisers and Times Media Ltd ANZAC DAY APRIL 25, 2023 Lest We Forget www.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 — 9 2022 ANZAC DAY You take it for granted that you’ll always be able to see the light shining in the eyes of those you love. Imagine if you couldn’t… Your Vision is priceless, that’s why you can’t cut corners with it. At Howick Village Optometrists we leave no stone unturned when examining your family’s eyes. Book an appointment today for your peace of mind. www.howickoptometrists.co.nz 94 Picton St, Howick. Phone 534 8716 JH16693 WE REMEMBER THEM and we respect and admire their families who also made sacrifices. New Zealand owned & operated For personal, professional service to all districts at all hours Robert Johnstone LEST WE FORGET They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them. A Privilege to care for your family 35 Wellington St Howick Phone 534 7300 www.howickfuneralhome.nz JH18016 Proudlysupporting the Howick RSA since 1992 23-PRO-0963_H&PT1 Where Event Start
the big pine
Stockade Hill, Howick.
Parade Service
Howick Dawn
Assemble 5.45am, Mellons Bay
Contact: Michael Cole, 021 238 8464, natcole65@gmail.com
a full list of services, parking and road closure information
visit ourauckland.nz/anzacday or phone 09 301 0101. ANZAC DAY SERVICES KC15794
Service 10.45am 11am
are possible so for

The Howick Village Association sound and light tribute will be projected from Fencible Park onto the Picton Centre wall – between 7pm and 9pm on April 21-23 for the period leading up to Anzac Day.

This 26-minute video pays tribute to the east Auckland war casualties from WWI. Each image will be supported by a short voiced biography, with a montage of images following these.

This video will play continuously throughout the evenings.

Howick RSA, Auckland

War Memorial Museum and the National Library and Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington, have kindly allowed the Howick Village Association to use their files and collections to provide accuracy. The tribute will only proceed each night, weather permitting. Howick Local Board have kindly assisted with funding for this community event.

Howick Village Association will also be installing its annual white crosses and poppy display in Fencible Park, to commemorate Anzac Day.

THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY A contribution has been made to the Poppy Fund by the above advertisers and Times Media Ltd Lest We Forget 10 — Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 www.times.co.nz 2A Udys Road, Pakuranga Ph 09 576 7108 davisfunerals.co.nz Lest We Forget JH18021 WINTER IS COMING New warm and snuggly sleepwear has arrived – buy for yourself or get your Mother’s Day gift early! 113 PICTON ST, HOWICK Ph 537 2806 or 021 034 7625 www.lilywhyte.co.nz JH16694 JH18056 Honouring All Returned Service Men & Women Units 1-3 Fencible Chambers Cnr Fencible Drive & Moore Street,Howick V i llage Phone 535 4190 www.galbraiths.co.nz
ANZAC SOUND AND LIGHT TRIBUTE The kitchen is your heart of the home We will remember Call: 09 533 6956 aucklandce@dreamdoors.co.nz www.DreamDoors.co.nz DE0290
The serene scene at Fencible Park last year. Photo Nick Krause

Anzac Day a time to remember

At dawn on Tuesday, April 25, we will gather on Stockade Hill to commemorate Anzac Day. History defines the events of the First World War. However, we gather not to glorify war, but to remember and acknowledge the courage of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Last week, a small contingent from the Howick RSA laid out the field of crosses on Stockade Hill in remembrance of the battles fought. The people of Howick are invited to adopt a cross and add their own

family memorabilia in remembrance of their loved ones.

The Howick RSA will always remain committed to the commemorations and remembrance of our local heroes, who are recorded on the Cenotaph on Stockade Hill. We are committed to the education and continuance of those commemorations.

On behalf of the Howick RSA and its members, I would like to invite everyone to attend both the Dawn and Civic services on Anzac Day.


THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY A contribution has been made to the Poppy Fund by the above advertisers and Times Media Ltd Lest We Forget www.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 — 11 0800 FENCIBLE | Phone 533 3539 www.fenciblelaw.co.nz Lawyers in the heart of Howick JH16698 Howick | Cnr Picton & Walter MacDonald Street | Ph (09) 533 7493 Manurewa | 88 Great South Road | Ph (09) 267 2530 www.resthavenfunerals.co.nz Honouring and Celebrating Life - LEST WE FORGETWE WILL REMEMBER THEM JH16691
Last week, a small contingent from the Howick RSA laid out the field of crosses on Stockade Hill in remembrance of the battles fought.
DY0610 Lest we forget www.timbertown.co.nz We supply fencing, and retaining timbers 11 Trugood Dr, East Tamaki Ph 09 274 5978 Open Monday-Friday 7.30am-4.30pm  Household Waste  Garden Waste  General Rubbish  Full Tree Work (Qualified Arborist)  Pruning and Full Removal  Stump Grinding DE0287 Onsite Fast Rubbish Removal Rapid Property GroupLtd.  0800 789 248 FOR A QUOTE CONTACT: Ph: 021 939 253 E: keith@keithhunterbuilders.co.nz www.keithhunterbuilders.co.nz Our emphasis is on quality and professionalism • New Builds • Alterations / Extensions • Renovations / Reclads • Decks • Bathrooms • Seismic strengthening • All aspects of property maintenance Certified Builder & Licenced Building Practitioner DE0289 In remembrance –lest we forget JH16675 Picton Street, Howick RICES MALL ANZAC DAY APRIL 25, 2023
Times photo Wayne Martin

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Your opinion matters to us. Email us at editor@times.co.nz; comment on our Facebook page, facebook.com/ timesonlinenz; or write to us at The Editor, Times Newspapers, PO Box 38232, Howick, Auckland 2145. Letters should not exceed 200 words and should carry the name, residential address and contact telephone number of the author.

vehicles at Howick Beach especially as winter approaches.

These people keep to themselves and tidy up after themselves. They are not a problem and I am hoping that they find somewhere warm soon.

Photo supplied


I have taken some photos of the mess that no one can fix, on Pakuranga Road.

And these photos don’t show the full extent of the mess and the water running down the road.

This disgusting mess (which has been like this for months) is outside number 215 and 187 Pakuranga Road. It’s impossible to walk on these areas as they are just a slimy mess (like walking on ice).


Ian [George, Times April 5, Let’s talk about oxygen content] will be pleased to know that by reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, the percentage of oxygen (and everything else that remains) will increase.

Cockle Bay


I am saddened by the number of homeless people sleeping in their


Howick/Botany Neighbourhood

Support Group is holding its AGM in Willowbank School staff room at 7.30pm on April 27 in Middlefield Drive, Dannemora. Come along and join us. Our current committee will be offering to continue in their positions but more people and helpful ideas are always welcome. For more information email howickbotanynhs@gmail.com.


We offer a free confidential, compassionate and non-judgemental counselling service to help you deal with life’s challenges including anxiety, depression, grief and loss, relationships, stress, sexuality and more. All adults (16+) of all genders, cultures and abilities are welcome. Individuals only, sorry no couples. In-person and online sessions available. To make a booking phone Citizens Advice Bureau Pakuranga 576 8331/ Botany 271 5382 or email enquiries.pakuranga@cab.org.nz.


Come and join us and learn an old craft. We are an enthusiastic group, who meet on the 2nd

I regularly go to Howick Beach to pick up glass fragments and general litter and usually there is enough rubbish to fill a bread bag. What I have noticed is there is a lot of large family-sized take away packaging that overflows from the bins. Some litter doesn’t even get anywhere near the bin. Please take your rubbish a few steps further along the grass and use the other bins about 4 metres up the carpark to another bin. If there are no bins empty enough, please take your rubbish home.

One thing I saw just [a few] days ago which concerned me was the blatant dumping of pruning waste. It could only have come from one of the properties on Marine Parade. I took photos with my phone of the prunings and where it appeared to come from.

When I went down to the beach yesterday [April 8], there were two ladies and a man raking up some of the garden waste. I passed a comment about the seaweed that often gets washed up on the beach, but this was obviously deliberate. I thanked them and went on my way. When they thought they were out of earshot, one of the women said, “That was the lady who was taking the photos.”

Interesting comment. Makes you think what made her say that.

On a completely different note, I was pleased to see the road repairs on Marine Parade, where there was some serious erosion and the road has been resurfaced.

Now what about the entrance to the beach form the actual

entrance to the coastguard building. Temporary repairs were done in time for the picnic, but it still needs a complete resurface, not the patchwork that is there now.



An opportunity still exists for a not-for-profit charitable trust to step up and leverage a deal to save the Howick RSA for future generations.

A 50 per cent shareholding, with joint management, could refurbish and save this property for future generations. A ramped-up hospitality hub in the heart of Howick would be a winner for the Howick RSA and the community.



In the Times (April 5), [Pakuranga MP] Simeon Brown states that National “will improve teacher training to ensure that new teachers have the skills to teach the basics and provide them with more tools in the classroom to help”.

What are these tools Simeon? How will they help?


Utterly appalling announcement from PM [Chris] Hipkins that the North Shore is to again be favoured, this time with a tunnel, completely ignoring the vastly more urgent needs of the Pakuranga, Howick, Half Moon Bay and Bucklands Beach areas and access to same from the already under-equipped Southern Motorway.


A High Court case tried to ban Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull from entering New Zealand.

According to New Zealand Law, the Bill of Rights NZ is an essential pillar of our democracy and the New Zealand Bill of Rights 1990 Letter 14 states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinion of any kind in any form.”

Immigration Minister Michael Wood indicated that her visit didn’t reach the threshold required to justify a ‘ministerial intervention.’

In 2015, Kellie-Jay discovered that she was no longer allowed to talk about women anymore. She did not want to use the terms birthing persons, menstruators or cervix-havers and so on, but rather ‘women’ the plural of woman – described by the dictionary as adult, human, female. She is pro-women and girls and wanted to talk about women’s rights and women’s spaces; things she believes women are desperate to talk about.

Before her arrival, our prime minister cast aspersions on her. She was interrogated at customs for two hours. The Green Party introduced her to New Zealand, casting her in the role of an antitrans activist.

The NZ Police, who are called to protect and serve us, did not meet with her or ‘Let Women Speak’ or the LGBTQ+ community to work out a plan for the day of the rally.

While waiting to speak, a woman approached the stage and threw what appeared to be siracha sauce all over her. Why would another woman assault her, a pro-women’s speaker?

The majority of attendees were clearly at the rally not to hear about women’s spaces or rights or respect any freedom of speech but to incite violence against women – one in particular.

The mob did indeed become very enraged and the chants and mood went from anger and hate, to violent and murderous very quickly. Had not security read the signs, Kellie-Jay may have been stomped to her last breath, all before she had an opportunity to speak.

Freedom of speech was not permitted at this event it seems.

There is no balance of views here – yet tolerance was called for by the militant attendees on the day. Come Monday however, they will call themselves the minority again. Men dressed as women on Saturday will choose to be men again on Monday. Terrorism will reign within the mob on Saturday and on Monday the same people will demand kindness and respect. Words and nuances are twisted depending on ideas of the day. Principles and even the law of physics – (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction) are denied in favour of contrariness.

Even more alarming is the Minister of Social Development’s biased attitude. Carmel Sepuloni is not neutral when it comes to caring for the social fabric of our nation and nor are other Ministers of Parliament who peddle their own causes by adhering to unbalanced interpretations of what freedom of speech is.

What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light, and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.

and 4th Tuesdays of each month. We meet at the Guide Rooms, 52 Vincent Street, Howick from 10am to 12 noon. Free tuition. Phone Maureen 273 9777 or Jenny 535 4990 or 021 127 5544.


April 22-May 6, Harlequin Musical Theatre. The ticket desk will be open at Harlequin Musical Theatre on April 16, 12pm-2pm (no booking fees) for their next show School of Rock, 563 Pakuranga Rd, Howick (behind the Howick Leisure Centre). Based on the famous movie starring Jack Black, you won’t want to miss this entertaining show, with its sensational live kids’ rock band and loving testimony to the transforming power of music. You can also book online at iTICKET.co.nz.


A club for retired and semi-retired citizens, offering the opportunity to learn and to socialise. General meeting, Thursday, April 27, Flat Bush Old School Hall, cnr Murphys Rd/Flat Bush School Rd, Flat Bush, 10am-12 noon. Guest speaker Peter Webster of Hollywood and Howick Little Theatre. Visitors welcome (no charge). Morning tea provided. Contact Dave 022 6449650.


Our AGM is on Thursday, May 4 at 7.30pm, in the Haseler Hall, below All Saints Church in Selwyn Road Howick. Sally Barclay is the guest speaker and will speak her recent Sub Antarctic trip. The formalities will be followed by a light supper and they welcome any new members who would like to help them to continue preserving the beautiful community Mangemangeroa Reserve. For more information, email thefriendsofmangemangeroa@gmail.com.


Come along to Howick Library on Friday, May 5 at 10.30am and hear our guest speakers Dr Ian Alexander and Jennifer Gosse, who are volunteer guides at Tiritiri Matangi, talk about conservation and saving endangered NZ native species. Refreshments available. Free.


Discover Polish archaeologists’ work from the Iron Age, Katyn Forest and Warsaw to Egypt and South America. Unearth links between WWII, Resistance and Polish New Zealanders. Part of NZ Archaeology Week. Museum

entry by donation. Groups by prior arrangement, April 27, 10.30am11.30am at Polish Museum, 125 Elliot St, Howick. Phone 533 3530.


Seniors Friendship Club meets at the Bucklands Beach Bowling Club, Devon Road, on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month. 12.45pm3pm, for entertainment, music and bingo. Tea and biscuits. Come along and make friends. $5. Phone Owen 5334390.


We are woman who enjoy having fun, forming friendships while making a difference in our local community. We meet every 4th Wednesday of the month at the Highland Park Community Centre at 7.30pm. For more information visit www.innerwheel.org.nz or contact Huibrie at huibriek66@ icloud.com or email howick@ iwnz.org.nz.


Passionately interested in mental wellbeing, meditation, and happiness, Nalin Wijetillek will provide some insight on how you can be your own driver of happiness and

not the outside world!. Botany Library, Sunday, April 23. Email botany.library@aucklandcouncil. govt.nz.


The Devonport Mystery. Martin Butler was a pilot for many years flying jets with Air NZ but his interest in recovering old jets took him to Devonport’s North Head which has long been the subject of rumours and urban myths. At our meeting on Monday, May 8 at the Howick Bowling Club in Selwyn Road, Martyn will enlighten us about the “sealed tunnels and hidden rooms” in this special part of Auckland’s history. The meeting starts at 9.30am and visitors are welcome. U3A promotes learning for retired and semi-retired people. Phone Jan 027 220 3777.


Discover an Iron Age lake fort, Vikings and hidden jewels of an emperor in Poland. Construct your own craft work treasures to take home. Part of NZ Archaeology Week. Ages 5-adult. Cost $8 per person. On April 30 from 2pm-4pm at Polish Museum, 125 Elliot St, Howick. To book phone 533 3530.

THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY www.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 — 13
This spot outside 215 Pakuranga Road has been like this for months it seems.
What’s On is a free community notice-board for non-profit groups. Send notices to whatson@times.co.nz or drop into our office at 10 Central Terrace, Howick. Notices must be received by the Wednesday before publication. While every effort is made to run the notices, space restrictions may mean notices may not run. Keep notices to less than 50 words. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE YOUR NOTICE WILL RUN. Where publication of a notice is time-critical, groups should consider placing a classified advertisement to ensure placement. What’s on
Name withheld Howick

Musical stars in School of Rock

The talented performers starring in Harlequin Musical Theatre’s high-energy stage production of School of Rock are ready to raise the roof.

The production hits the Howick community theatre’s stage from April 22 to May 6.

It’s directed by Robin Lane and is based on the 2003 film of the same name starring actor Jack Black as wannabe rock star Dewey Finn, who decides to earn some extra money by posing as a substitute teacher at a prestigious prep school in the US.

The theatre says Finn, played in Harlequin’s production by Josh Pinho, is disinterested in academic work and creates his own curriculum for his students, turning his class into a “guitar-shredding, bass-slapping, mind-blowing rock band”.

Lane says he’s thrilled to be back at the community theatre after directing its successful season of Annie in 2020.

“This time around, however, we’re taking things to a whole new level.

“The kids in our cast are not only acting, singing and dancing, but they’re also playing all the instruments live.

“And not only is the music awesome and the show hilarious, the story holds a really important message, that the arts are for everyone, especially for our tamariki (children) to express themselves,

build confidence and find their own unique voices.”

The theatre says alongside a large double cast of talented young actors, many of whom live in east Auckland, the production’s adult cast features familiar faces playing the leads including Finn, Rosalie, and in the supporting ensemble.

“They’re ready to raise the roof of Harlequin Musical Theatre in true

Not sure why


“You won’t want to miss this show, with its fantastic live kids’ rock band and loving testimony to the transforming power of music.”

School of Rock plays at Harlequin Musical Theatre, 563 Pakuranga Road, Howick, from April 22 to May 6. h To book, go online to www. iticket.co.nz.

U3A celebrate 30th

Brenda Loader, who will be 100 this year, was one of three people who cut the cake at the Howick U3A 30th birthday celebration held recently. The other two were foundation members Gill Muggleston and Betty Gate.

Speakers covered 25 topics from anthropology to history involving power point presentations to a humorous skit about ageing covering the last 30 years.

Former president and former opera singer, Geraldine Rose, sang unaccompanied about

aging. This, and all events, were well received. The occasion concluded with a light lunch. A commemorative magazine was produced by Judy Wilson covering 2013 to the present. Judy Wilson had also produced an earlier magazine from 1993 to 2013.

U3A was formerly known as University of the Third Age and involves life-long learning. It meets at the Howick Bowling Club on the second Monday of the month at 9.30am. A tertiary education is not required to join.

THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY 14 — Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 www.times.co.nz Advertise today and let your business be in sight and in the minds of your customers. is not just a saying in business.
BUSINESS IS SLOW? Phone 09 271 8000 Publishers of The Times, East Life, Settling In, Rural Living, Design and Build
The cast of Harlequin Musical Theatre’s production of School of Rock is ready to roll. Photo supplied Jarrod Brown Brenda Loader (left), Gill Muggleston and Betty Gate. Photo supplied
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No charges laid by police yet over drive-by shooting, armed robbery

Two serious crimes committed using firearms in east Auckland last year have so far gone unsolved.

The first incident saw a house in Flat Bush damaged by multiple gunshots fired during an alleged drive-by shooting at about 9.25pm on July 8.

Three large holes were visible in the upstairs and downstairs windows at the two-storey Timmer Road property the following day.

Police at the time said no one was injured during the incident, which happened during a spate of drive-by shootings across Auckland caused by tensions and a turf war between two gangs.

The gang violence also saw homes in Glen Osborne Terrace, Flat Bush, and Bleakhouse Road, Mellons Bay, damaged.

Following the shooting in Timmer Road, Flat Bush Ratepayers and Residents Association president Lloyd Ratnaraja said residents were concerned for their safety.

“We need interventions to prevent safety incidents in our community and this needs to be implemented with urgency.”

The association’s vice president, Yuva Adhikary, said it was “sad”

for another shooting to have taken place in Flat Bush.

“It has scared the local community. No place seems to be safe.

“The Flat Bush Ratepayers and Residents Association team is involved in the community patrol working with the police, but incidents such as this are beyond our control.”

Police publicly appealed for any-

one with information on the shooting to come forward, but eight months later no arrests have been made or charges laid in the case. A police spokesperson says enquiries were made into the incident.

“Despite efforts to identify those responsible, police have exhausted all lines of enquiry and the matter has been filed. Police have spoken to all those involved

regarding this decision, however, should new information come to light, police are open to reassessing the matter.”

Unsolved also is an alleged armed robbery carried out at 123 Palm Bar in Highland Park on November 21 last year.

Police said at the time that two offenders entered the bar on Pakuranga Road at about 2.21am

while other people were present.

“It’s understood two offenders entered the premises and presented what appeared to be a firearm, before stealing cash from the till and fleeing.

“While there are no serious injuries to report, those involved are understandably shaken. Police continue to follow positive lines of enquiry.”

Four months later the offenders are yet to be held to account.

A police spokesperson now says enquiries into the robbery “remain ongoing”.

“No arrests have been made at this stage, and we continue to encourage anyone who has information which may assist police to contact us via 105.”

h People with information on the drive-by shooting at the house in Timmer Road, Flat Bush, on July 8 last year can phone police on 105, quoting file number 220709/4279. Alternatively, phone the free and anonymous Crimestoppers tipoff line on 0800 555 111.

h Anyone with information on the robbery of 123 Palm Bar in Highland Park on November 21 and who has not yet spoken to police can phone 105, quoting file number 221121/1779, or phone Crimestoppers.

THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY www.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 — 15 50% off. Chiropractic HDX Queen Ensemble $55 per week with 500 days interest free** $3999 500 days interest free* On purchases $999 & over ‘til 2.5.23. Mattress + Base 20% off. Serenity Peace Queen Ensemble $26 per week with 500 days interest free** $1879 From Mattress + Base 2050% off Sleepyhead. 20% off. Made with eco-friendly Dreamfoam® The experts in sleep. bedsrus.co.nz Mt Wellington 48 Mt Wellington Highway Botany Town Centre *Offer valid to 02.05.23 or while stocks last. Discount offers apply to selected beds and bedding only, prices as marked. Offers exclude Everyday Dream prices, run outs, clearance stock (unless otherwise stated) and not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. See in- store for details. We reserve the right to correct errors and misprints and to change product specifications. All products are advertised in good faith and will be available, except in circumstances beyond our control. Product ranges vary between stores and some products are available in selected stores only. *500 days interest free is available on in-store and online Q Card and Q Mastercard Long Term Finance (LTF) purchases $999 & over until 02.05.23. Lending criteria, $50 annual Account Fee, fees, Ts&Cs apply. $55 Establishment Fee applies to your first LTF transaction, $35 Advance Fee applies to subsequent LTF transactions. At end of interest free period, Q Mastercard Expired Promotional Rate or Q Card Standard Interest Rate of 27.99% p.a. applies. Minimum payments of 3% of the monthly closing balance or $10 (whichever is greater) are required throughout interest free period. Paying only the minimum monthly payments will not fully repay the loan before the end of the interest free period. Standard Interest Rate applies to Standard Purchases after 3 months (Q Mastercard 26.69% p.a. and Q Card 27.99% p.a). Rates and fees correct as at date of publication, subject to change. Columbus Financial Services Limited and Consumer Finance Limited reserve the right to amend, suspend or terminate the offer and these Ts&Cs at any time without notice. Mastercard and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated. See counter for full details. **Indicative Weekly Repayments: ^Approved applicants only. The indicative monthly repayment is the purchase amount and establishment fee divided by the number of weeks in the start-up interest period. The indicative repayments assume there are no additional purchases, cash withdrawals, fees or charges. The indicative repayments are only an estimate and figures should be used as an indication only. They do not represent either a quote or pre-qualification or approval. To repay the purchase amount by the expiry of the start-up interest free period, the indicative monthly repayments stated would need to be made by the due date for each statement period. KC15817
The person or people who shot at this Flat Bush home last in July last year have not yet been identified. Times file photo

Howick Guitar School

It’s never too late to start playing guitar

Howick Guitar School can help you reach the musical goals you always dreamed of...Whether you want to be in a band, record and write you own music or just have fun with friends we have the experience and know how.

One-on-one tui�on is by far the best way to learn guitar, you have the tutor’s full a�en�on the en�re �me. No wasted �me which you can get in group se�ngs.

Learning and playing guitar is fun and easy.

If you have always wanted to play, then don’t delay, try One-on-One lessons and get started today. Call or email for your free assessment lesson. Beginners Welcome!

“All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself” Johan Sebastian Bach

Email: howickguitarschool@gmail.com

Phone 021 267 5702 DE286960


• Fun, nurturing, Montessori inspired learning environment

• NZ qualified and experienced Teachers

"Children are confident, explore freely and are trusting of adults and helpful towards other children. They play and learn at a relaxed pace in a calm, supportive environment. The centre is well resourced with Montessori activities. Teachers interact with children with respect and courtesy valuing children’s cultural backgrounds, are inclusive, and prepare the environment to meet children's learning needs..."

ERO Report Oct 2016

• Open Hours: Full year, Monday to Friday 7.30am-5.30pm

• Specially designed programme to cater for varied learning needs

• Full time (2 & over) and sessions (2-3yrs old only) for 2-6yr olds

• Morning tea, afternoon tea and late afternoon snack provided


Conditions apply

71 Udys Road, Pakuranga (behind St Peter’s Anglican Church) Phone: 09 213 1866 - 021 710 065 | Email: pmontessori2014@gmail.com

16 — Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 www.times.co.nz CLASSIFIEDS 2023 EDUCATION 0800 187 878 | att.org.nz Become an apprentice today! Electrical | Plumbing | Gasfitting | Drainlaying DE286892 TM NURTURED a-t, Home Growing NURTURED o Quality o Nurturing o Free Talk to us about the subsidies you may be eligible for. o Talk NURTURED a-t, Home Growing young minds We offer: o Quality childcare and education o Nurturing and fun home environments o Free playgroups and excursions o Great rates Talk ot us bouta eht iesidbssu you aym TM NURTURED a-t, Home Growing young minds We offer: o Quality childcare and education o Nurturing and fun home environments o Free playgroups and excursions o Great rates Talk to us about the subsidies you may be eligible for MP281306 ST ANDREW’S CHILTON KINDERGARTEN QUALITY CHRISTIAN CARE AND EDUCATION 11 Vincent St, Howick | Phone: 09 537 2282. Website: www.chiltonkindy.co.nz | Facebook: StAndrews Chilton Email: kindyhowpres@xtra.co.nz – Qualified teachers – Fun, loving, nurturing environment – Large, welcoming kindergarten – Exciting playground – Open school holidays – 20 hours ECE available for children aged 3-5 CALL US ON 537 2282 OR POP IN FOR A VISIT Target Education aiming for success Call us now to enrol: 0800 224 336 21 Charles St, Papatoetoe 16 Railside Ave, Henderson 5 Domain Rd, Panmure Qualifications: • Enrol today Free Courses For All Ages 1 基础电脑 帮助您了解电脑的基本应用 2 成 人 英语 包括 听 说 读 写 ( 我们 这次 只 有听 力 和 会话 的 课 程 )帮 您能 够听 懂 些 日 常生 活用 语 从而帮 助 你能 说简 单的 会话 课程安排 24 周 每周 4 小时 2 小时英文听说联系 2 小时电脑应用 条件限制 满 15 人报名才可以开课 现在还有名额请从速报名 东区地址: 南区地址: 5D Domain Rd, 21 Charles Street, Panmmure Auckland Papatoetoe Auckland 联系人:Amy 联系人:Amy 电话:021386168 电话:0800 224 336 介绍我们免费的课程 东区地址 南区地址 5D Domain Rd 21 Charles Street Panmmure, Auckland Papatoetoe, Auckland 联系人:Amy 联系人:Amy 电话:021386168 电话:0800 224 336 介绍我们免费的课程 1 基础电脑 帮助您了解电脑的基本应用 2 成 人 英语 包括 听 说 读 写 ( 我们 这次 只 有听 力 和 会话 的 课 程 )帮 您能 够听 懂 些 日 常生 活用 语 从而帮 助 你能 说简 单的 会话 课程安排 24 周 每周 4 小时 2 小时英文听说联系 2 小时电脑应用 条件限制 满 15 人报名才可以开课 现在还有名额请从速报名 5D Domain Rd, 21 Charles Street, Panmmure Auckland Papatoetoe Auckland 联系人:Amy 联系人:Amy 电话:021386168 电话:0800 224 336 介绍我们免费的课程 1 基础电脑 帮助您了解电脑的基本应用 2 成 人 写 ( 我们 这次 只 有听 力 和 会话 的 课 程 )帮 您能 够听 懂 些 日 常生 活用 从而帮 助 你能 说简 单的 会话 课程安排 24 周 每周 4 小时 2 小时英文听说联系 2 小时电脑应用 满 15 人报名才可以开课 现在还有名额请从速报名 东区地址: 南区地址: 5D Domain Rd, 21 Charles Street, Panmmure Auckland Papatoetoe Auckland
16-19 years old – Travel Allowance and Learner Licence Student allowance may apply English Language (ESOL) u Beginners u NZCEL Levels 1, 2, 3 MP3781 • English Language L1-3 • Hospitality L2 • Computing L2 • NCEA L2 • Foundation Skills L1 & L2 Free Courses Enrol today Qualifications: English Language L1-3 Hospitality L2 Computing L2 NCEA L2 Foundation Skills L1 & 2 Student Allowance May Apply English Language (ESOL) Beginners  NZCEL Levels 1, 2,3 Call us now to enrol: 0800 224 336 21 Charles Street, Papatoetoe 16 Railside Avenue, Henderson 5 Domain Road, Panmure For 16-19 years Old Travel Allowance and Learner Licence تماقا اب اهنابز یسراف یارب یناجم یسلگنا یاه سلاک تاعلاطا یارب .تقو مامت ای تقو همین .یگدنهانپ ای یمیاد .دیریگب سامت ریز هرمش اب رتشیب :هیلامج ۴۸۸۰۲۴۴۲۲۰ Free Courses Enrol today Qualifications: English Language L1-3 Hospitality L2 Computing L2 NCEA L2 Foundation Skills L1 & 2 Student Allowance May Apply English Language (ESOL) Beginners to Advanced  NZCEL Levels 1, 2,3 Call us now to enrol: 0800 224 336 21 Charles Street, Papatoetoe 16 Railside Avenue, Henderson 5 Domain Road, Panmure -19 years Old Travel Allowance and Learner Licence .یگدنهانپ ای یمیاد تماقا اب اهنابز یسراف یارب یناجم یسلگنا یاه سلاک .دیریگب سامت ریز هرمش اب رتشیب تاعلاطا یارب .تقو مامت ای تقو همین :هیلامج ۴۸۸۰۲۴۴۲۲۰ 介绍我们免费的课程 1 基础电脑 帮助您了解电脑的基本应用 2 成人英语 包括听 说 读 写 (我们这次只有听力 和会话的课程)帮您能够听懂 些日常生活用语 从而帮助你能说简单的会话 课程安排 24周 每周4小时 2小时英文听说联系 小时电脑应用 条件限制 满 人报名才可以开课 现在还有名额请从速报名 东区地址 南区地址 5D Domain Rd 21 Charles Street Panmmure Auckland Papatoetoe Auckland 联系人:A y 联系人:A y 电话 021386168 电话 0800 224 336
* Pakuranga Montessori Learning Centre reserves the right to clarify the contents of this advertisement
www.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 — 17 CLASSIFIEDS CHILDREN’S MUSICAL THEATRE STUDIO STUDIO –120 Vincent Street, Howick Details and enrolments through www.cmtsnz.com Follow us on Facebook Email us on cmtsnz@gmail.com TWO SHOWS IN TERMS 2&3: PJ285729-V2 The Claw 5 to 12 year olds Weekly After School Musical Theatre Classes. Performance dates 24-25 June Chitty Citty Bang Bang Jr 8 to 14 year olds CASTING AUDITIONS: Wednesday 26 April 2023 Ages 8-9 years 4.00pm-5.00pm Ages 10-14 years 5.15pm-6.45pm Performances: #1 Friday 22 September 6.30pm; #2 Saturday 23 September 2.00pm; #3 Saturday 23 September 6.30pm; #4 Sunday 24 September 2.00pm SIR LLOYD DRIVE, PAKURANGA INFO@HLT.ORG.NZ 1 PHONE 534 1401 HLT.ORG.NZ Fun, Friendly and informative classes for teenagers and adults Beginners welcome ACTING CLASSES JH280875 Phone Ruth 027 208 7395 E: ruthleafberg@gmail.com MP275970 Theory Keyboard Guitar Ukulele One to one, small group & preschool classes CLASSICAL AND MODERN PIANO CONTINUOUS SPOUTING IN 41 COLOURS OR COPPER No joins - No leaks - guaranteed n Enhancing the look and value of your home n Made to measure on-site in Colorcote steel or Copper n All work guaranteed For a free quote contact Drewe Ph: 027 539 9851 or 0800 432 724 drewe@fasciaandspouting.co.nz www.fasciaandspouting.co.nz GA101040 We do WINZ quotes SPOUTING AND ROOFING EXTERIOR CLEANING SERVICES 20 years’ experience Excellence guaranteed House Washing Building Washing Waterblasting of Paths, Decks, Driveways, Patios, Fences etc Gutter Cleaning Pre Paint Cleaning Residential/Commercial Just Clean Me Ltd Email: justcleanme@gmail.com | Ph: 0220892383 MP286990 CLEANING For a quote contact: Ph: 021 939 253 | e: keith@keithhunterbuilders.co.nz www.keithhunterbuilders.co.nz Our emphasis is on quality and professionalism DE266500 • New Builds • Alterations / Extensions • Renovations / Reclads • Decks • Bathrooms • All aspects of property maintenance • Seismic strengthening Certified Builder & Licenced Building Practitioner BUILDERS BOOKKEEPING Service simple solutions. Xero, MYOB, GST, PAYE. Sheryl 0212982786 ACCOUNTING SERVICES CD229665 Aerials & TV INSTALLATION Freeview Installed Same Day Best Prices Guaranteed HORIZON AERIALS LTD Ph: 534 5888 Mob: 027 507 8680 AERIALS TV AERIALS APPROVED TECHNICIAN • Outlets • Home Theatre • Security Cameras • Lighting Phone Jack 532 8723 021 661 469 DY267902-v2 Sales | Installation | Service HEATPUMP SERVICES DE271702-V5 Be Warm this winter, install a heat pump Phone 09 534 1244 or 027 534 1244 E: celsius@outlook.co.nz www.celsiusheating.co.nz AIR CONDITIONING NZ Registered Electrical Service Technician Servicing all major brands of whiteware appliances www.sos-appliance-repairs.co.nz DE283234 APPLIANCE REPAIRS PHONE 021 369 881 576 1515 APPLIANCE REPAIRS BOBCAT/DIGGER HIRE 30 + yrs exp in all aspects of work, incl footings, site clearing etc. Phone Brett 0274 364 740 BOBCAT / Digger Excavations, driveways, landscaping, site clearing, rubbish removal, topsoil & metal supplies, truck hire. Ph Grant 0274 758 468 BOBCATS & TRUCKS CD263641 SIMPLY RENOS • Decks • Bathrooms • Pergolas • Kitchens • Carports • On time Quality work Good price Call Simon 021-0247-4706 BUILDERS ALTERATIONS, bathrooms, decks, etc. all types of work. over 45 yrs exp. Licenced Builder. Phone Ken 534-1214 BUILDER, qual, licensed, available for renovations, bathrooms etc. Phone Gary 021 279 1370 ACTIVE retired carpenter, past master builder, wants small jobs e.g. easing sticky doors, windows, all carpentry jobs. Ph: Bob 534 1355 or 027 4763937 CARPENTERS CARPET CLEANING, free quotes. Call Michelle on 09 537 4320 CARPET CARE CARPET LAYING & REPAIRS Restretching No job too small We do it all!! Phone Terry 021 927 921 CD261603-v3 CARPET LAYING JENNY Cleaning, 20 yrs exp, home, office, reg, one off, Spring, moving, reliable Ph 021 669 908 CLEANING MP268165 COMPUTER REPAIRS  Home / Business  Fix all IT issues  Microsoft Certified  Cloud backup + data recovery, Networking, PC/Mac www.jamesit.co.nz James IT Solutions 0800 266 349 COMPUTERS Local NZ Registered Electrician No job too big or too small! 24 hour Emergency service No call out fee if you mention this advert. 021 130 7217 09 217 2217  CD263192 ELECTRICAL ELECTRICIAN Registered Electrical, Alarms, Ventolation, Hot Water. Ph Mark 027 495 4219 ELECTRICIAN Registered Rewires, Installs, Repairs Lights and Power Points, Extractor Fans, Hot water, Switchboards. Call Mark 021 959 439 or 5344401 CD226123 A.J. & S.J CONTRACTOR All fencing, decks, retaining walls, landscaping & more Competitive pricing Free Quotes 535 6227 021 726697 Sam 027 4981810 Adrian FENCING & TRELLIS NEW decks, fences, timber/pool fencing, all repairs. Free quotes ph/txt John 021 023 69767 DE284798 Hedge Trimming Tree Trimming Property Clean Ups Property Maintenance Ryan 021413587 www.cutback.co.nz GARDEN CARE ALL gardening work undertaken,specialising in one off tidy ups. Call The Gardening Guys phone 021 1845671 TREES, hedges, garden work, w/blasting rubbish removal. Phone Peter on 021 39 33 84 HANDYMAN An experienced gentleman with years of experience in additions, renovations, wallpapering & painting etc. All other work considered also... Flat pack specialists We will assemble for you! Ph 0274 945 447 or 534 8404 CD243734 HANDYMEN HOUSE WASHING, roof treatment, gutter cleaning, pest control (int & ext). Chimney cleaning, shower glass restoration. Phone Tony 021 0863 3386 HOUSE WASH & PEST CONTROL Call: 09 533 6956 aucklandce@dreamdoors.co.nz Is your kitchen looking tired? Replace your doors, drawer fronts & benchtops or have a completely new kitchen, all made to measure. Servicing East & Central Auckland DE268840-V4 Amazing Kitchen Facelifts KITCHENS Terry’s LANDSCAPES Ph: 535 9155 thebehersings@xtra.co.nz DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE Silver Medal Winner Ellerslie Flowershow K58038 LANDSCAPING LOGAN’s Mowing, friendly & professional. Ph Logan 022 0144957 for free quote LAWNCARE PAINTING & DECORATING All int/ext requirements, prompt service, 40 years experience, Registered Master Painter Phone Ross 021 977 542 DE275167 PAINTERS & DECORATORS
CHINESE PAINTERS Interior/Exterior painting, Wallpaper stripping, Plasterboard fixing/stopping, Residential/Commercial High quality workmanship Ph Vincent 5339658 021-135 3388 PAINTER/HANDYMAN, 40+yrs exp. Phone Muzza Ph 027 6770294 PAINTER int/ext roof, free quote, qual work Korean Painters. Phone Charlie 027 245 0807 PAINTER Int/Ext painting, high qual workmanship, plastering. Howick based. Ph Kenny 021 897 445 WALLPAPERING specialist. Strip, hang. Ph Andrew 027 4600048 or 5244 111 ADL PAVING & LANDSCAPING. Phone Adrian 027 603 1919, ah 537 2345 PAVING AFFORDABLE plastering. New work & alterations, skimming, cove & gib fixing. Ph Phil 021 521 403 PLASTERBOARD stopping, old wallpaper walls to paint finish a speciality. Phoneh/txt 021 660774 PLASTERERS BRADSHAW PLUMBING Phone 09 527 3053 or 09 268 1007 Terry 027 2922 708 or Alywn 0274 743 505 DE264603  Specialise in general plumbing/maintenance  Bathroom and kitchen alterations  NO JOB TOO SMALL PLUMBERS n ALL WORK HAS A WATER TIGHT GUARANTEE n WE RESPOND TO ALL CALLS! 24/7. Ph 09 534 5286 Spouting, Hot Water Cylinder Repairs/Replacements, Drainage/Unblocking www.allgoplumbing.co.nz DE276039 Hill Plumbing • Certifying plumbing, gas and drainage • Hot water cylinders • Bathrooms, kitchens • New and repairs All work guaranteed Over 35 years in area Brett 534 3562 027 493 0181 H3X019 DE271314 PLUMBER • Specialises in plumbing maintenance • Hot water cylinders • No job too small Ph 535 9567 John 027 492 0772 DE276820 FOR HOT WATER CYLINDER REPAIRS ADAM OXLEY Certifying Plumber l Hot Water Cylinders l Bathroom/Kitchen Renovations l Roof Leaks l General Maintenance l All Work Guaranteed 535 1111 027 235 2517 1ST ROOFING repair service. 26 yrs exper. All work guaranteed. Ph 536-7173 or 0210-798-166 ROOFING GARDEN Household & General, also garden work & waterblasting. Fast, friendly service. Ph Peter 021 393384 RUBBISH REMOVALS RUBBISH REMOVAL Household, Garden Waste & General Rubbish Ph: 0800 789 248 CD48042 BRANCH MANAGER ALL TREE WORK Stump Grinding Fully Insured Free Mulch Ph Brett 533-0473 or 021-279-9118 K54146 TREE SERVICES DE284798 Hedge Trimming Tree Trimming Property Clean Ups Property Maintenance Ryan 021413587 www.cutback.co.nz DS Trees & Landscapes, all tree work & stumps, hedges, mulching, rubbish removal. Phone Doug on 021 537 171 or 537 8595 GREENMAN Trees, Lawns, Garden. Free quotes. Friendly service Ph/txt 021 570 409 HARRIS Tree Services. Trees, hedges, palms, garden, trim, removal. Fast service. Phone Shane on 021 876 541 Boat Covers Outdoor Blinds Outdoor Furniture All Canvas Repairs 171 Moore St. Howick 0274 760 577 easterncovercentre.co.nz K54154 UPHOLSTERERS Call Nick 5374602 or 029 7700581 CD140634 Call Nick or 029 7700581 3 Specialist waterblasting & housewashing, driveways, paths, decks & windows 3 Domestic & commercial 3 Low pressure bio-wash 3 Professional presentation WATERBLASTING WATER BLASTING House Wash, roof treat or Gutter clean. Free quote call Michelle (09) 537 4320 PROFESSIONAL window cleaning. Kevin Turner ph 535 7321 or 027 496 9784 WINDOW CLEANING Visit our website: www.times.co.nz Updated every issue Browse our digital papers online www.times.co.nz both current and past issues Phone 09 271 8000 www.times.co.nz We will place your public notice in the next available issue of the Times for only $215.90 + GST per insertion Just give us a call on 09 271 8055 or email your form to classifieds@times.co.nz Please include your phone number It’s so easy...


As the colder months approach our furry friends, especially those who might have an illness or are older, will benefit from a little extra care to stay warm, safe and healthy during the winter.

Here are some easy to follow steps that you can put in place so you can enjoy the chilly season together.

Create a cosy shelter.

Make sure your pets stay warm by providing them with a warm, dry and draft free space to snuggle. Add some extra blankets or even invest in a heated bed for older pets. After you’ve been enjoying the great outdoors, give them a good rub down with a dry towel to help them stay warm. Keep a check on diet and exercise. When the chilly wind and rain is howling

outside, you might find that your cats are indoors more and your dogs walks are shortened. Keep an eye on your pet’s food intake and adjust their food portions if need be. Try to maintain their regular exercise routines and levels, even if that means more playtime indoors. Increase visibility to motorists. In the darker evenings you can help to

make sure your pets are visible on or near roads by using reflective collars, leads and harnesses or even collars with LED lights on them. Helping to make sure your pets are seen when they are near a road will help avoid any accidents. Keep an eye on general health just like for us humans, the colder weather can sometimes

have us feeling under the weather.

Keep a close watch on any changes in your pet’s health, especially tiredness, coughing or any changes in appetite. If something doesn’t seem

quite right, always seek advice from your vet, and in case in emergency we are here 24 hours in Auckland. Call us on 09 849 2121 or via www.animalemergency.co.nz

• Latest Pet Products & Services. Pet Food to Accessories... Gifts and More...

• Animal Charities, Rescues, Clubs and Breeders: Find the best pet for you!

• Dogs, Cats, Rats, Rabbits, Birds, Dwarf Goats, Fish, Turtles, Ponies, and more...

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• “Dog and Duck Herding Super-Show” with former Dog Blacks Champion Ken White

• A Pet Lovers paradise under one roof!

For supply and/or install of quality cat and dog doors – also spare parts, Auckland-wide, into glass, timber or aluminium. Microchip pet doors available also.

18 — Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 www.times.co.nz CLASSIFIEDS
DE287037 DAILY ENTRY PRICES: (Door Sales, or pre-purchase online via our website) Adult: $18.00 Senior: $15.00 Child (5-16 years): $9.00 Family Pass (2 Adults/2 Children):
Under 5 Years: FREE
Samples - VISITING PUBLICPLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR OWN PETS FOR ALL PET AND ANIMAL LOVERS www.petanimalexpo.co.nz 29 - 30 April 2023 10am - 5pm Daily Auckland Showgrounds Greenlane ALL INDOORS! 24 Hour Animal Emergency
are here when you need us the most Sylvia Park & Auckland West 09 849 2121 www.animalemergency.co.nz DE287077 CD235578-V3
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SPECIAL OFFER! SureFlap microchip pet feeder for cats and small dogs ONLY $245.00 incl GST, batteries & delivery within NZ 0800 88 0800 www.petdoorsrus.co.nz
Are you sick of getting up to let your pet out? It may be time to fit a cat or dog door
supply and install pet doors. Sureflap micro-chip cat and pet doors, standard cat and dog doors, double and single glazing. Free measure and quote provided. 173 Moore St, Howick. Ph 535 4180 E: howick.glass@xtra.co.nz Hours: Mon-Fri 7.30am-5pm www.howickglass.co.nz Sat 8am-12 noon JH266971

Young Flat Bush cricketer meets heroes at the crease

Flat Bush cricketer, 12-yearold Hope Lotu-Iiga, scored a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet the superstars on the pitch at the Blackcaps versus Sri Lanka match at Eden Park on Sunday when she won the chance to be an ANZ Coin Toss Kid.

Elim Christian College student Hope, who plays for Howick Pakuranga Cricket Club, won the opportunity to take part in the ANZ Coin Toss experience where she joined the captains Tom Latham and Dasun Shanaka for the prematch toss to determine who would bat or bowl first.

Hope said her favourite part of the experience was being out on the field with all the players.

“It was amazing getting to meet all the players and getting my bat signed by them. It was pretty cool that I got to see what it was like for the players being out on the field in front of the big crowd.

“And I really enjoyed being part of the match with all the officials during the Coin Toss.”

She was joined by her Mum, Dad, Grandma and little brother, who loved seeing Hope standing alongside her cricketing heroes, and staying to enjoy the game - even though the BlackCaps lost.

“It was a very exciting game, the Super Over was really intense; there were lots of different ways it could go. It’s amazing to be there, there’s such an energy in the crowd.”


Local youngsters perform with NZSO

A selection of New Zealand’s finest young musicians, including two local students – an 11-year-old cellist and a 12-yearold pianist – performed as soloists and alongside the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra in a special concert.

The Young Artists Showcase on April 12 featured six soloists from around the country and 17 young musicians who play side-by-side with the Orchestra during performances of works from Beethoven to Tchaikovsky.

Hope started playing cricket three years ago after enjoying the game during a school competition, and says she hopes to become a White Fern when she’s older. “It would be amazing to represent New Zealand. It’s something very special and something I would really enjoy,” she says.

ANZ Bank New Zealand head of sponsorship Sarah Rogan said ANZ is proud to be able to give

young fans like Hope the chance to stand alongside their heroes and take part in the pre-match custom.

“Sport is such an important part of a child’s wellbeing, both mentally and physically, we hope that by experiencing the magic of standing centre pitch, these kids feel inspired to give it their best at their own training and games.

”ANZ has been a sponsor of New Zealand Cricket for more than two


1. In accepting an advertisement for publication and in publishing it we are doing so in consideration of and relying on the advertisers express warranty, the truth of which is essential. a. That the advertisement complies in all ways with the Advertising Codes of Practice issued by the Advertising Standards Authority inc (ASA) and with every other code or industry standard relating to advertising in New Zealand b. The published advertisement will not give rise to any liability on our part or in a claim being made against us.

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The youngest soloist, 11-yearold Ryan Yeh, who attends Saint Kentigern Boys’ School as a music scholar, performed the first movement of Haydn’s renowned Cellos Concerto.

Pianist Alex Xuyao Bai, a Year 8 student at Elim Christian College, performed the first

decades, and the ANZ Coin Toss experience has been a key part of that.

“We hope this experience inspires the next generation of BlackCaps and White Ferns to fol-


Pint. 5, Blithe. 6, Space. 11, Tomahawk. 13, Speech. 14, Dahlia. 15, Simple. 16, Otter. 18, Laud. CRYPTIC PUZZLE NO. 8106 Across - 6, Mass emotion. 7, Ant-I. 8, De-rang-ed. 9, Prais-e. 10, DE-cide. 12, S-L-ight. 15, As-sume. 17, Su-nshad-e. 19, A-rum. 20, Crying shame. Down - 1, A-sp-I-ring. 2, Meddle (medal). 3, Sou-red. 4, L-I-on. 5, In-deed. 6, Minor. 11, Cast-away. 13, L-a-unch. 14, Tra-I-ns. 15, Averse. 16, M-O-use. 18, S-ay-s.


Our warm, friendly and community-minded school has a vacancy for a Learning Assistant, 14 hours, Monday to Thursday 9.00am-12.30pm. This position is fixed-term, start date ASAP 2023 until 15th December 2023. The successful applicant will preferably have experience working with students in the junior area of the school and students who have high learning needs.

Please email your CV with a cover letter and names of two referees to: larak@mellonsbay.school.nz by 3.00pm Thursday 27th April 2023.

should have NZ Residency or

NZSO principal conductor-inresidence Hamish McKeich led the Orchestra for Young Artists Showcase in Wellington. Photo supplied

movement of Beethoven’s renowned Second Piano Concerto.

low their dreams.”

h Applications for the opportunity to take part in the ANZ Coin Toss experience are still open. Apply via www. anzcricketworld.co.nz.




This is a varied role, one day front desk/reception and one day development administration. We require someone who has initiative, is tech savvy, has good communication skills and a “can do” attitude. Marketing skills / experience would be an advantage. The office is a welcoming environment where a sense of humour is valued.

Job description is available on request. Please email your CV with a cover letter and names of two referees to: admin@mellonsbay.school.nz by 3.00pm on Friday 28th April 2023.

Applicants should have NZ Residency or NZ Work Visa. DE287002


Fixed term : Part time

We require an energetic and self-motivated person to carry out class preparation functions in the technology department. Must enjoy working in a learning environment, be time efficient and supportive.

A current drivers licence is essential. This is a fixed term position for term 2: 26 April-30 June 2023 – 25 hours per week/5 hours per day. Job Description is available on College website: www.sanctamaria.school.nz

Apply in writing to: m.littlejohn@sanctamaria.school.nz

THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY www.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 — 19 19 — Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 www.times.co.nz CLASSIFIEDS MP286262
DE287081 FOCUS ON FEET Home visits. Professional gentle care. NZ trained nurse Ph Marlena 5331150 or 0211865496 HEALTH & BEAUTY LOCAL estate sale, downsizing, all things Vintage. Email/txt/phone John 022 0966 383 upcyclerecycle@gmail.com GARAGE SALES
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ANZ coin toss kid Hope Lotu-Iiga with New Zealand captain Tom Latham and Sri Lankan captain Dasun Shanaka at Eden Park. Photo supplied

PURC Premier Men vs Marist Premier


Half Time: 10-10

Full Time: 34-10 Pakuranga

Tries: Cameron Finefeuiaki, Sione

Fifita, Niukula Osika (2), Marc Holzer, Steph Tabaillou.

Conversions: Pasqualle Dunn, Cameron James

Man of the Match: Moses Hafoka

PURC Premier Reserve Men vs Marist

Premier Reserve Men

Half Time: 12-7 Pakuranga

Full Time: 36-29 Pakuranga

PURC U21 Men vs College Rifles U21


Half Time: 32-7 Pakuranga

Full Time: 51-7 Pakuranga

Other premier men’s results:

Grammar Tec 26-Ponsonby 27

Eden 17-Suburbs 29

Papatoetoe 14-University 41

Waitakere City 3-College Rifles 62

Otahuhu 10-Waitemata 42

Bates unstoppable in the open water


The 15-year-old was recently crowned the top overall female swimmer for the Kohi Beach Swim series after topping the points table.

The series featured 13 races from October 27 to March 23 and is New Zealand’s largest weekly open water swim series.

Olivia’s coach Jana Wilkitzki says the HPK racing club is very proud of her achievements in the series.

On Saturday, March 25, the New Zealand Swimming National Secondary Schools competition brought swimmers from all around the country together at the Blue Lake in Rotorua as part of the Banana Boat Ocean Swim Series.

ere at the Times, we called it last year that Olivia Bates of the Howick Pakuranga Swimming Club (HPK) was an athlete to look out for in the future, and she has continued to prove that theory.Olivia Bates (15) of the HPK swimming club was crowned the top female swimmer at the Kohi Beach Swim series. She has been vigorously preparing for the National age group swimming championships in Hawke’s Bay from April 12-16. Also pictured is Paul Neshausen of Barfoot & Thompson.

Olivia took to the water, representing Epsom Girls Grammar school, in the three distances available – 500m, 1km and 3.5km – in some hard back-toback racing.

She brought her form from the recent National Open Water Champs where she also took the

the 7.5km female title. In the 3.5km race, Olivia secured a third-place finish overall, and finished first for her age group. She quickly followed this up in the 1km race where she secured a hard-fought second place by just two seconds after

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she slipped while exiting the water in the foot race to the finish line. She still finished first in her age group.

In the final race of the day, the 500m, Olivia again placed second and first in her age group.

Olivia will certainly continue to be one swimmer to keep an eye on in the future, especially at the age group nationals which are approaching.

“Olivia is a young swimmer who has trained with us for a few years already,” says Wilkitzki.

“Her main focus is pool swimming and at the moment we are in the last stretch of our preparations for the age group swimming championships.”

The 2023 Apollo Projects New Zealand Age Group Swimming Championships are at the Hawke’s Bay Regional Aquatic Centre from April 12-16.

“Olivia’s open water success is a great example that with dedication, it can be done,” Wilkitzki says.

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THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY 20 — Times, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 www.times.co.nz FOLLOW US ON facebook.com/TimesOnlineNZ
meets her heroes, Page 19
HBH Senior Living is a member of HBH Group FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO ARRANGE A PRIVATE VIEWING: Robyn Greer 538 0800 or 027 494 0344 robyn.greer@hbh.org.nz www.hbh.org.nz
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Photos supplied Pakuranga Rugby results

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