2 minute read
What’s on
from Times - 24 May 2023
by Times Media
breaking further.
An officer from Howick Police visited the Times office at about 11am to take photos of the rock and inspect the damage.
The Howick Village Association (HVA) was also informed.
It’s believed the rock, which appeared to have white paint on it, was brought to the scene by whoever threw it through the window, as there are no rocks of its kind in the immediate area.
Anyone who saw suspicious behaviour near the Times Newspapers’ office in Central Terrace overnight on May 17, or who has information on the act of vandalism, can phone Howick Police on 105.
Zonta Club Of East
Our guess speaker for our June 6 dinner meeting is Meg Parsons, Associate Professor, Faculty of Science – Environment. Her focus will be on the impact of climate change on women. This topic aligns with Zonta International’s focus of the Zonta Says Now campaign of gender-equal climate action. We look forward to hearing from Meg and invite you to join us. We meet at the Howick Club, Botany Road at 6:30pm. For details email Gay Gallagher eastauckland@zonta.org.nz.
Three Shows
most accomplished student in each New Zealand Scholarship subject, as determined by the New Zealand Scholarship examinations. With a total of 36 Top Subject Scholar Awards, this recognition is a testament to McKinlay’s exceptional abilities in Calculus. He undertook the exam as a Year 11 student.
Macleans Student Makes Programme
Four talented secondary school students have been awarded mentorships with professional writers as part of NZ Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc) Youth Mentorship Programme. These young writers – including Yiyang Cao from Macleans College – will hone their writing skills and develop their craft through the year as part of this programme.
Howick Children’s & Youth Theatre have three fantastic shows running between May 25 – May 28 at Harlequin Theatre in Howick. Snow White – suitable for ages 4+, Oliver Twist – for ages 9+, and On The Razzle for ages 12+. For more info, or to book email hcyt@xtra.co.nz or phone 537 4943.
Pakuranga Citizens Advice Bureau hosts a free + 65 Age Concern counselling clinic for older people weekly on Tuesdays. Counselling is provided free for people over 65 who may struggle with issues that arise due to age related issues, such as health, living situations, finances, mobility and relationships with family. To book, phone CAB Pakuranga 576 8331/Botany 271 5382, email enquiries.pakuranga@cab.org.nz.
Family Counselling Mediation Clinic
Pakuranga Citizens Advice Bureau hosts a free fortnightly counselling service and provides mediation for couples experiencing relationship, custody and divorce issues. To book, phone CAB Pakuranga 576 8331/Botany 271 5382 Email enquiries. pakuranga@cab.org.nz.
General Counselling Online Clinic
Do you need some extra support? We offer a free confidential, compassionate and nonjudgemental counselling service to help you deal with life’s challenges including anxiety, depression, grief and loss, relationships, stress, sexuality and more. All adults (16+) of all genders, cultures and abilities are welcome. Individuals only, sorry no couples. Online sessions available Tue, Wed & Thu. To book, phone CAB Pakuranga 576 8331/Botany 271 5382 Email enquiries. pakuranga@cab.org.nz.
Eastern District Country Music Club
Wednesday, May 31, 7pm. Everyone is welcome to listen to our live music or come and sing or play an instrument. Bucklands and Eastern Beaches War Memorial Hall, Wharf Road, Bucklands Beach. Non-members $5. For more info phone Bev 021 11 56 866.
Local seniors are invited to ‘Introduction to Mindfulness, a free, 4-week programme with mindfulness expert, Parvin Kapila, who will share simple strategies to help manage stress and anxiety, feel clearer and calmer, and sleep better. Runs Wednesday, June 7 – June 28 from 10am to 12noon at HBH Howick Views. All seniors welcome. RSVP to Ninwa by email co-ordinator@virtual-village-east.org.nz.
New Horizons Singles Social and Friendship Club for 50s-up, seeking new members. We generate our own fun and entertainment. If you are looking for company to enjoy outings, dining out, walks, movies, BBQs etc, contact Rachel 02102691679 or Mike 021840141 or www.auckland-singles-social-club.org.nz.