1 minute read
from Times - 03 May 2023
by Times Media

Police are making enquiries after learning of a letter which has purportedly been distributed to local homes and raises concerns about the amount of crime in the community.

The letter states its author is a “licensed firearm holder” who’s “prepared to use whatever force is necessary to protect my family at home or my business”.

Photos of the typed letter were posted on a community Facebook page. The document was said to have been found in a mailbox on April 21.
It’s addressed to residents in three streets in Botany Downs and entitled “We are tired of the crime in our community”.
It states the author was shocked to learn a friend was robbed over the recent long weekend while they were away and goes on to talk about the Labour Government’s law and order policies.

“Our government’s response to crime, of lack thereof, is disgusting and sorrowful.

“It is not just an issue with policing policy. It is also an issue regarding how the government views economic and social policy. This government promotes the idea that no one needs to be responsible for their own actions.”

The letter states its author has seen what it’s like “when crime was rampant” and they “moved to New Zealand because it was safe and beautiful”.

They say their house in their home country was broken into and their sister had a knife held to her throat.