4 minute read
Six summer safety tips for seniors
from 55+ July 2023
Summer is almost here and you might be excited to head outside and enjoy the sun and warm weather. If you’re ready to enjoy your time outdoors, it’s important to take steps to keep yourself safe.
Here are six summer safety tips for seniors living on Vancouver Island:

Stay Hydrated
The most important thing to do during summer is to make sure you are drinking enough fluids and eating fruits and vegetables to stay hydrated, even if you are not feeling thirsty. Remember that caffeinated and alcoholic beverages should also be minimized as they dehydrate your body.
Protect Your Skin And Eyes From The Sun
Wearing sunscreen should already be part of your daily routine, but if it’s not, it’s recommended that sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher is worn every time you are outside. It is also recommended that seniors wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun’s UV rays so that they don’t get irritated or damaged.
Avoid The Outdoors During Peak Time
During summer, there are certain times throughout the day that are considered ‘peak times,’ where the sun is at its strongest and can cause greater fatigue for longer periods of time. If it’s possible, try to avoid or limit your time outdoors between 10 am to 4 pm.
Wear Lighter Clothes
By wearing loose-fitting clothing that isn’t too thick or bulky, you can stay comfortable for a longer period of time in the Summer. If you avoid tight, constricting pieces of clothing, you will avoid constricting your joints and overproducing sweat. Natural fabrics such as cotton are the best to keep you cool.
Reduce Strenuous Activities
Although the nice weather may have you excited to do a bunch of activities outside, strenuous activities should not be done for longer periods of time as you will feel more exhausted and are at a greater risk of dehydration.
Watch For Signs Of A Heat Stroke
Knowing the early signs of a heat stroke can help save your life and lives of those around you. Signs of a heat stroke are disorientation, confusion, headache, nausea, dry skin, and a rapid pulse.
If you’re looking for a senior’s retirement community, check out Ross Place or Lakeside Gardens on Vancouver Island. With a warm and friendly environment, experience what a independent seniors community has to offer. Book your tour today!
250-381-8666 | rossplace.ca
Silver Threads Ser vice
Celebrating 65 years of community ser vice to seniors!
Offering great programs &two locations to ser ve you.
Saanich Centre 286 Hampton Rd. 250 382-3151

Victoria Centre 1911 Quadra St. 250 388-4268
Visit www.silver threads.ca formoreinformation

stay active *stay healthy *stay connected
Silver Threads Service

Are you an older adult 55+ experiencing commitment issues? Do you look around and see others engaged and active, enjoying hobbies, playing sports, keeping busy and feel like you are missing out? Have you been unable to find “the one”? The one special activity that will bring you a happily ever after? At Silver Threads Service we urge you to not give up hope. We are here to help you dip a toe into the dating…I mean activity pool.

This summer Silver Threads has a wide variety of activities available for drop in. No need to commit to months at a time, no need to take an annual membership, you can try one activity one time. If you like it come again, if you don’t move on to the next!
Memory PLUS is a Silver Threads Service program for those 55+ who would like to enhance their memory skills in an active and social group setting.

The PLUS stands for Practice, Laughter, Useful Strategies. We encourage you to exercise your brain by solving a word scramble about the one-time drop in activities at Silver Threads this Summer.
Lily Pad Lingerie at quaint Mattick's Farm provides a warm, welcoming, boutique shopping experience where mothers, daughters and partners all feel comfortable shopping. At Lily Pad you will find beautiful, unique collections of lingerie, sleepwear, loungewear and activewear. We are proud to offer many of the finest lingerie brands in a full range of cup sizes ranging from AA-K and bands from 30-50. Our sleep, lounge and activewear collections feature sizes ranging from XS –XXL. We look forward to helping you find the perfect fit!

There are two locations. Our Saanich Centre is located near Tillicum Mall at 286 Hampton Road. With a full-sized auditorium, drop-in sports include table tennis, Carpet Bowling and the everpopular Pickleball and are offered at a reasonable non-member fee between $5 and $7.
At the Victoria Centre, located near the Victoria Police Station at 1911 Quadra Street, once a month programs include Trivia Quiz, Music
H i g h - q u a l i t y c o t t o n m o d a l t h a t f e e l s s o f t o n t h e s k i n a n d i s e a s y t o c a r e f o r .
Bingo, while games of Mah Jong and Euchre include instruction. The cost is $5 for non-members. Both Centres have a Monthly Social, where you can enjoy refreshments and conversation facilitated by our Leaders. Held from 1:30 to 2:30pm, the dates are July 4th at the Victoria Centre and July 25th at the Saanich Centre. The fee is $2. It will help you hear what others are doing and you can pick up a schedule while you visit. As well, there is a choice of 8 different fitness classes with seated and standing options. Or for walkers, Indoor and Outdoor Walking Groups that accommodate a variety of fitness levels. Be sure to check out the complete Summer Program Guide on our website Programs & Events | Silver Threads
SILVER THREADS SERVICE HAS BEEN SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR 65 YEARS. Our Saanich Centre can be reached at 250 382-3151 . Our Victoria Centre can be reached at 250 388-4268. To book a spot in any of our activities or for more information on any other program call our Centres or visit www.silverthreads.ca
The next session of Memory PLUS will be in the Fall. Classes are at the Saanich Centre, located at 286 Hampton Road. Call 250 382-3151 or visit www.silverthreads.ca for more information.
Yoga Drop In
At the Victoria Centre you can drop-in to our evening gentle yoga class. If you have never tried Yoga or have been away for awhile this is an excellent class to try. Hatha Yoga is the perfect way to still your mind and move your body at the end of your day.
This class considers our levels and physical limits, with variations offered.
Mats and props are available. Call 250 388-4268 for more information and to book your spot.
Dates: Every Tuesday, July 11th to August 15th
Time: 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Cost: $15 non-members
Leader: Paige Driedger