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Husband Honours Victor ia Ho spitals in Memor y of Lov ing Wife
When Ernie Smyth remembers his wife Peggy, his face lights up at the thought of her smile and her big hear t. “She was a wonderful person. Not at all selfish,” he says. “She suppor ted me in ever ything. Peggy was just happy.”
Married for an extraordinar y 62 years, Victoria Hospital Foundation donors, Ernie and Peggy, met when they were just 19 and later immigrated to Canada from Ireland. They raised two sons and spent the last 30 years together on Vancouver Island. What is the key to a long and happy marriage such as theirs? “Respect for each other,” Ernie says, “and to enjoy each other ’s company.”
Sadly, Peggy passed away at Royal Jubilee Hospital in 2017. Thanks to the understanding and compassionate care of the hospital staff, Ernie made a generous gift to Roy al Jubilee Hospital in her memory. Today, a painting and a plaque hangs in a sunroom of the hospital’s Patient Care Centre in her honour.
Peggy and Ernie
More recently, Ernie decided to give another significant gift in suppor t of the brilliant work of our hospitals’ care teams.
“We should all give back,” shares Ernie. “I have a wonderful life, and it makes me feel good to give, and it makes my family feel good. That’s what my wife would have wanted to do. When you talk about life, it’s nice to give it back.”
I have the privledge of working with donors like Ernie ever y day. And each day I continue to be amazed by the generosity of our community and the touching stories of compassion and dedication that emerge from our hospitals. It’s a ver y moving experience to help steward gifts of all sizes to ever y area of care within Royal Jubilee, Victoria General and Gorge Road hospitals
If you have a desire to leave a lasting impact on local healthcare by including the Victoria Hospitals Foundation in your will, or want to donate in tribute of a loved one, please reach out and let’s go for coffee. I’d love to hear your stor y.”
—Beth Cairns
Leadership & Legacy Giving Manager, Victoria Hospitals Foundation