1 minute read

What happens to your recycling?

Pasco county has eight different, licensed trash haulers who pick up both garbage and recycling. Call your trash hauler to find out your recycling pickup schedule.

The final and most important part of the recycling process is YOU! For recycling to work, products that use recycled materials need to find homes on our shelves, not only in our recycling bin.



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Your recycling is brought by your trash hauler to a County facility in Spring Hill. This facility acts as a halfway point between Pasco County residents and a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF).

The next step separates and collects aluminum using an Eddy Current Separator. This separator creates a magnetic field powerful enough to repel aluminum away from other recyclables.

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Made with recycled content

The sorted recycled materials are then shipped locally and internationally to be remanufactured into new products.

For more information about recycling in Pasco County, email Recycling@MyPasco.net, call 727-856-4539 or visit Facebook.com/PascoCounty SolidWasteAndRecycling.


The next step separates and collects magnetic items such as steel food cans. The cross-belt magnet does this job by attracting all magnetic items while leaving other items on the belt to move onto the next sorting process.

The East Pasco Transfer Station, part of the County’s current integrated waste management system, has been expanded to accommodate Pasco County’s growth for years to come. The transfer station was developed to provide a mechanism for transferring and transporting solid waste generated within the county. The existing transfer station will be refurbished to receive and transfer recyclables.

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