By Sally Moe, Times Total Media Correspondentf you love decorating, you know this you
I(B , that’s part of the fun.) You can declare a particular room or your entire home finished and mean it but sooner or later that itch to change things up will return.
When it comes to decorating, what are the finishing touches? Window treatments Area rugs Lamps Wallpaper Tchotchkes you’ve picked up on vacation, beloved objects (pillows, books, mugs, artwork, photos), potted plants, accents, any and all of the sorts of things that tell a story about your life and what you love Finishing touches can change with your mood, the seasons, or with your lifestyle or circumstances, i.e moving, getting married (or
unmarried), going freelance, etc. Some will follow you throughout your life
Do you love the color teal? Paint an accent wall. Carry the color throughout your space with vases, pillows, books and area rugs. Are you mad for boho? Add such items as textured pillows, a vintage turntable, macrame hangings, string lights, a hanging chair or a richly embroidered pouf Paint a design or press a message over an archway. You are telling your story: your friends
and family, hobbies, sports, talents, favorite places, love of movies or books, even your love of a certain quality of light. Do you feel best in soft, filtered light or prefer your rooms flooded with sunlight? Do you love art nouveau, minimalism or mid-century modern? The answers to these questions will point you to the finishing touches that will make your space feel like a place of refuge A place where you can be you, unedited, accepted and loved for exactly who you are.
Home improvement: Upgrade your home with these do-it-yourself ideas
By Erin Feitsma, Times Total Media CorrespondentSo, your home needs some improvement While there are some projects that you should always hire a team of skilled professionals for (think plumbing or foundation repairs), there are other, smaller home improvement tasks, often aesthetic in nature, that you may be able to accomplish on your own. Here are some of the simplest do-it-yourself solutions to help get you started.
Grab a can of paint: Let’s start with the obvious: paint. When I moved into my good 50% of the walls were a dark, inescapable blue It wasn’t exactly the clean, neutral color palette I would have opted for. Some people may love bold colors for their walls, but chances are, if you’re moving into a new space, you’ll want to make some tweaks. This can even be true of a home you’ve lived in for a while. Maybe you’re no longer feeling the plain white walls and want to change up the hue to give your home a refreshed look. Luckily, painting is something you can usually do yourself, and it’s not limited to the walls: Kitchen cabinets can also benefit from a fresh coat of paint, as can doors Plus, don’t forget about wallpaper, paint’s quirkier cousin, which you can use to upgrade anything from an accent wall to a child’s bedroom. Add a tile backsplash: Your kitchen does the most for you,
so why not do the most for your kitchen? Installing your own tile backsplash is a way customize your space while also keeping your kitchen walls from looking like a museum of food particles
Once you’ve es, measure the space and mark your starting point, writes Lori Lovely for You’ll need to apply tile mastic to adhere the bottom row to the wall and insert spacers; the next day, you’ll need to grout the tile using a rubber float, being sure to wipe away any excess after the grout has set, writes Lovely. Then, voila! Hello, backsplash.
Give your home some curb appeal: Sure, when you move in, the former owner of your lovely home had left behind an assortment of half-dead potted plants in the bedraggled side yard, but there’s still hope for your landscape yet. Make the most of what you’ve already
got, starting with any trees or plants already present. Research online how to care for them (The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is always a great resource) and add in new flourishes, like window boxes with colorful flowers or a vegetable garden in the backyard. Pressurewashing your home can also give it a fresh look. These little changes will add to your curb appeal and your joy as a homeowner.
Take your doorstep to the next level: Your landscape and doorstep are the first things your visitors will see It doesn’t have to be difficult to make this area beautiful: Give your door a fresh coat of paint, add house numbers in a style you prefer, purchase some
potted plants and a snazzy new doormat, and upgrade the porch lights. Do you need a of gargoyle statues to your doorway? It’s entirely you!
Add personal touches: forget to get personal: DIY projects that add more of your personality to your home are always a good idea. You could install shelves to display your favorite records or a small army of indoor plants. You could hang up paintings in the hallway or add hooks to support your very own indoor hammock. What about hanging up wire baskets on the walls to hold all of your art supplies? Or perhaps installing a pegboard in the garage to hold your tools? Whatever you do, make it your own.
When in doubt, make little swaps: If an assortment of home improvement tasks feels overwhelming, start small. Make a list of everything you’d like to accomplish, from the grandiose to the miniscule, then tackle tasks one at a time Installing new blinds and curtains,
swapping out outdated light fixtures, outfitting your drawers with new liners, changing up old door handles or knobs, swapping out your showerhead and updating your mailbox are all little ways to spruce up your home that can really add up And don’t forget: Getting there is half the fun.
•Bob Vila: https://www.bobvila. com/articles/diy-home-projects/
•Investopedia: https://www. mortgages-real-estate/08/diy-homeprojects.asp
•Better Homes & Gardens: https:// remodeling/budget-remodels/25home-improvement-ideasunder-150/
Have your brew and drink it too, at your own in-home coffee bar
By Erin Feitsma, Times Total Media CorrespondentAcup of Joe. Java. Brew. Whatever you call it, we all crave it: Coffee. According to the Acorns 2017 Money Matters Report™, the average American spends roughly $1,100 a year on coffee. To save both money and time on your morning commute (after all, those early a.m. Starbucks lines are no joke), consider creating your own in-home coffee bar.
Coffee bar basics: First, it’s essential to determine what kind of coffee drinker you are. Do your tastes skew simple? (Think black coffee.) Or does your coffee order contain more than 20 syllables? (Think complex.) Your at-home coffee bar can be as wildly fancy or as refreshingly simplistic as you’d like, but if the machine you’ll need to make your
won’t be saving much money by making your brew at home.
If you’re not ready yet to shell out thousands for a top-rated coffee maker, there are still some great machines out there at more affordable price points Which kind of coffee maker is right for you? It depends on the brew you’re looking to make. Here are some options to consider:
French press: If a rich flavor is what you’re after, you may do well with a French press French presses work by gently steeping coffee grounds in just-boiled water, and the longer you steep the coffee, the stronger the flavor will be.*
Espresso machine: For more caffeine per cup, opt for espresso!
Espresso can be made by using manual, semi-automatic, automatic or super-automatic machines, all of which work by heating water and running it through pressed coffee grounds at
high pressure. Which machine you select depends on how much work you want to do to create your perfect cup.*
Drip coffee maker: Drip coffee makers are an easy, familiar way to make coffee You can brew one morning cup of Joe or up to 14. This popular option may also feature an additional brewing system, such as a hot water dispenser or a single-serve brewer that is compatible with K-cups for more versatility.*
Cold brew coffee maker: For a different take on coffee, try cold brew. Cold brew is made by steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in room-temperature or cold water overnight, with the brewed coffee then dispensed into another container for servings This type of coffee takes more time to brew than your typical cup, so keep that in mind if you want to make your own cold brew from home.*
Finding a home for your coffee bar
Once you’ve selected your
ideal coffee mak next step to consider is location, location, location. Where will your coffee go? You may to add your new coffee machine to a cozy corner of your kitchen countertop, or you could opt to arrange it on a wooden or wire kitchen storage shelf or small cupboard. Think about how much space you’ll need to store your coffee maker and other essentials, then plan accordingly. Add in the necessities (and some fun décor). With your coffee maker all set up, your in-home coffee bar is almost complete But don’t forget to add all of the little odds and ends that make your favorite cup of coffee possible:
Think coffee filters, stirrers and more. What you need will vary based on the type of coffee machine you select as well as how you take your coffee For instance, you may want to stock up on a supply of coffee creamers and sugar elsewhere in your kitchen.
Mugs are also a must. Consider purchasing a mug tree to display your favorite mugs near your coffee maker, so the next time you go to make a cup, you’ll have the perfect vessel on hand. And, if you’re feeling up to it, add a little flair to your new coffee bar. Coffee signs, artwork or decorative storage containers can go a long way to make your new go-to coffee space feel like a charming nook in your home. Happy brewing!
*Information sourced from Good Housekeeping
•Acorns 2017 Money Matters Report™: MoneyMattersReport.pdf
•Good Housekeeping: https://www coffee-maker-reviews/a29554331/ types-of-coffee-makers/
Coveting a craft room?
By Sally Moe, Times Total Media CorrespondentIf you love to get lost in crafty projects, and have a bonus or undefined room in your home, why not convert it into a crafting space? With some organizing tricks, inspirational decor, labeled containers and repurposed or custom furniture, you can keep projects separate, work areas functional and the vibe serene making it available for double duty as an escape room for those count-to-ten occasions When you think about it, your craft room will be a craft project in itself!
First of all, narrow things down. What crafts do you love the most? Stained glass…origami…sewing… macrame…painting? With some
imagination, prioritizing and junkpurging, you can make space for them all.
Start with the floor LVP, tile, laminate or wood floors are best, enabling you to easily move about in a wheeled office chair or rolling stool (or move heavy, bulky items on a wheeled cart) from space to space Make sure it’s a floor you won’t worry about that can take punishment, like spilled ink or turpentine
What inspires your creativity? Nature? Music? Crafting books? Pinterest? Incorporate them, whether with bird feeders or wind chimes outside your window, a source of music or natural sounds
like songbirds and flowing water, a pile of picture-dense crafting books and/or a laptop A wall-mounted inspiration board is another option, where you can pin up anything you find interesting: wallpaper samples, photos, articles, quotes, drawings. And this old-school version has an advantage over Pinterest: It’s always there in your line of sight, reminding you of ideas and possible projects
If you’re working with an extra room, one possible approach is to paint each wall a different strong color. Let each wall color represent a particular craft, and store the tools of that craft in color-matched containers. Make full use of vertical space by installing wall-mounted bookshelves, magazine racks or tall standing bookcases or storage units. Install gridwork or pegboard on one or more walls. Use clips, clothespins or hooks to attach and hang different items, reminders or projects. Or set up storage cabinets with cubbies and label baskets that fit to hold what you need. A magnetic board is fun to use too, and you can have a lot of creative fun with the magnets.
If your room has a closet, that closet can be organized to hold supplies that you don’t use every day (craft papers, canvas, yarn, spray adhesive, staple gun, light box, projector, etc.). Repurpose a jewelry armoire in the closet to hold and organize beads, chains and other jewelry-making supplies If you have loads of fabric swatches, organize them in stacks by color. Make use of your doors with over-the-door organizers. Labeled shoeboxes, whether repurposed or
the prettified kind sold in craft stores, are great in the closet too and eminently stackable
With any of these ideas, you are on your way to a proper craft room or space. Now put up a calendar where you’ll always see it, and mark the days when there are classes, and art and craft festivals in your area. And voila! You are tuned into the artistic zeitgeist and ready to make your mark.
Fill your kitchen with these fun tools to make mealtime exciting
By Erin Feitsma, Times Total Media CorrespondentLet’s face it, sometimes mealtime can be monotonous. Whether you’re tired of eating the same old dinners on rotation, or caught in the endless cycle of grocery shopping, meal prepping, cooking and cleaning, there are times when we’d all rather have a pizza delivered instead of going through the motions of making something to eat. But what if there was a way to get your mealtime mojo back? Here, we’ve compiled a list of fun items to breathe fresh life back into your kitchen routine. Bon appétit!
Vegetable chopper: Could there be anything more tedious than slicing up veggie after veggie to prep for a delicious dinner? Investing in a quick and easy veggie chopper, like the Fullstar All-in-One Vegetable Chopper available on Amazon, will help you cut down on the time it takes to make meals. This Fullstar device can
slice, grate and chop, and save you a headache after a long day You’re welcome!
Do-it-yourself sushi kit: Hands down, one of the most unique items that has found its way to my kitchen is a DIY sushi kit. My husband and I randomly acquired it during a
Christmas gift exchange one year Have you ever made your own sushi at home? Up until then, we hadn’t, but making our own sushi rolls together in our apartment’s tiny kitchen was a simple way to make dinner fun. It can also be kind of hilarious, namely if your sushi roll turns out lopsided and pathetic-
looking like mine did. But still tasty! DIY sushi kits are pretty inexpensive, and usually come with the works (think mini bamboo mats, chopsticks and more). You’ll have fun making the meal and get to enjoy yummy sushi, which is always a win in my book.
Pizza stone: If you love pizza and have always wanted to make cheesy slices of your own, a pizza stone is a perfect addition to your kitchen. Here’s what to know: A pizza stone is a flat slab of ceramic or stone that you place directly on the rack of your oven, with thicker pizza stones typically working better than thin ones, according to Pequod’s Pizza. You cook the pizza right on top of the stone, and the results are heavenly –though it may take a bit of trial and error before you make the homemade pizza of your dreams. To get started, the New York Times recommends the FibraMent-D Home Oven Baking Stone, with cheaper pizza stones available on Amazon.
Charcuterie set: Who said charcuterie boards had to be reserved for fancy restaurants, bridal showers and housewarming parties? Take a break from ordinary dinners and create a work of art with a charcuterie set. Most sets come with a wooden charcuterie board, cutlery and built-in drawers The base is simple enough, and the rest is up to you: Fill your charcuterie board with salami, brie, grapes, crackers, nuts and anything else you fancy. It’s a perfect meal for a date night in or simply to make a bland Tuesday evening a little bit more exciting. You can also add wine to take the meal to the next level.
Indoor s’mores maker: Save room for dessert! Whether you have kids, grandkids or you’re a kid at heart, there is much joy to be had with
your very own indoor s’mores maker. The Kusini s’mores maker available on Amazon includes a flameless heater, a set of skewers and removable compartments that you can fill with as many chocolates, marshmallows and graham crackers as you’d like. You can make your s’mores indoors or prepare them outside on your patio under the stars. Now that’s dessert done right!
Dishwashing tools: After dinner and dessert, it’s time to face the inevitable: doing the dishes. Cleanup can be a pain, but there are tools that can help Revamp your dishwashing routine with fun scented soaps. Sure, lemon-scented dish soaps are ubiquitous for a reason, but you may just get a kick out of switching up your tried-and-true soap every now and then. Might I suggest the French lavender dish soap from Williams Sonoma, or the company’s pumpkin spice-scented dish soap as we approach fall? When you’re done with the cleaning, it’s time to put the sponge down and your feet up. Give it an actual resting place with Ototo’s tiny bed-shaped sponge holder, complete with miniature pillows. Find it on Amazon, and then take a breather It’s been an enjoyable evening in the kitchen.
• Amazon: OTOTO-Clean-Dreams-KitchenSponge/dp/B01IREJMQ8/
• Pequod’s Pizza: https://
•New York Times: https://www.
•Amazon: Fullstar-Mandoline-Slicer-SpiralizerVegetable/dp/B07VG4S38C/
•Amazon: com/Kusini-Smores-Maker-TabletopIndoor/dp/B0BT5WK9ZJ/
•Williams Sonoma: https://www. html?words=dish%20soap
How much do you love pickleball?
By Sally Moe, Times Total Media CorrespondentEnough to install a court in your backyard? Lots of folks are doing that, but there are some things to be aware of first. Keep in mind the basics like cost, the space you’ll need, the length of time it will take, lighting, storage, maintenance and choosing the right installer
Alex Wadsworth, of, loves pickleball that much. He had a court installed on his property at 5322 Lake Le Clare Road in Lutz and he plays on it almost every night. But the install wasn’t all smooth sailing. He learned the hard way when it comes to choosing who will do the work, Wadsworth stressed, “Do your due diligence Find someone who’s installed one of these courts at least 10 times.”
Alex had to deal with asphalt installed so badly that you could “move it around with your feet.” And finding someone to do the repair work was its own challenge. Nobody wanted to touch it! After contacting a number of people 30 by Alex’s estimate he finally found Scorpion Construction, and the asphalt is now in great shape. He used CourtCo, based in Fort Myers, for the paint and net.
First, cost. A basic court will set you back about $25,000 to $30,000. With all the bells and whistles, the price can go up to $50,000 or $60,000 (or more). Will it add value to your home? says maybe, if you’re selling your home to a pickleball fan, but as home modifications go, it’s considered
“niche,” similar to a putting green or a basketball court.
As for space, according to realtor com, you’ll need to allow the minimum for a single 20-by-44-foot court in an area that’s 30 feet by 60 feet. (You’ll need extra square footage if you add a fence and light pole footings.)
Length of time: For Wadsworth, the entire project took about three months. That included the asphalt repair, so your time might be better if it’s done properly from the start.
Lighting is essential for Florida courts, because nighttime is the best time for outdoor exercise most of the year You can spend thousands on aluminum pole lights; Wadsworth used wooden phone poles with LED street lamps at about $200 each.
Storage space is recommended for things like equipment, bug repellent, a court squeegee for getting rid of puddles, a blower (for leaves and debris) and the like. You can use your garage in a pinch, but keeping a small locked storage shed by your court is more accessible and saves time and hassle
Wadsworth is thrilled with his court now, but acknowledges it was a bumpy road. For anyone considering this project, he recommends they join the local Facebook group, BackyardPickleballCourtOwners, for advice and tips from people who’ve been there. Find Wadsworth at
Jazz up your home with music
By Erin Feitsma, Times Total Media CorrespondentLudwig van Beethoven once said, “Music can change the world.” If that’s true, it the question, at least for this writer, can music also change your home? Let’s find With legendary artists’ musical catalogues just a click away on your smart device you don’t have to be an acclaimed 18th-century German composer like our pal Ludwig to bring the power of music to your dwelling. Below you’ll find a bevy of suggestions for making your home a more musical one Play on!
Start your day the music way: What are the first sounds that you greet you at the start of a new day? The city traffic outside your window? The blaring alarm on your phone, warning of another day’s beginning?
No more! Make your morning poetry (or at least a little bit more peaceful) by setting an alarm on your phone that will play a calming song to gently wake you up in the morning. The options are endless: Choose a soft instrumental with classical guitar or piano, or an acoustic version of your favorite radio hit. For the ambitious among us (or
the heavy sleepers who need their morning alarms to pack a punch), consider selecting a more upbeat jam, or any type of metal.
Upgrade your tumbler to one that plays music: Now that you’re awake, you’re probably grasping about for a cup of coffee Make your morning cup of Joe, then tote it around your home in a music-playing tumbler, like the one from Zak Designs, which includes a built-in, removable Bluetooth speaker. If you never knew you needed a cup that could play “I
Wanna Dance with Somebody” at top
volume as you get ready for work, well, you know now.
Invest in a record player or turntable: Whether you work from home and constantly have Spotify playing in the background, or love unwinding at the end of a long day by streaming some tunes, you could benefit from investing in a record player or turntable. Your home only gets cooler with the addition of a record player, trust me: From the warmth and fullness of the music to displaying your favorite albums around your home, records bring a personalized and cultured feel to a house Record players that
have built-in speakers are great for newbies just starting out, while more seasoned record aficionados may opt for a turntable. Keep in mind, turntables will need accessories like an amplifier, cartridge and speakers, and if the turntable doesn’t come with a built-in phono preamp, you’ll need to buy one, writes HiFi Centre Looking for records locally? Try Daddy Kool Records or ARTpool Records in St. Pete for new and used titles, or Bananas Records’ Vinyl Warehouse, home to a massive assortment of albums to comb
Turn your patio or pool deck into a musical oasis: When incorporating music into your home, you don’t have to be limited to upgrading your indoor spaces only Outdoor, waterproof Bluetooth speakers like the charmingly named Turtlebox Gen 2 portable speaker can provide hours of entertainment as you work in the garden, host a dinner party on the patio or lounge poolside.
Play an instrument: If you’re a musician or want to become one, consider investing in an instrument. My dad was a pianist, and I have fond childhood memories of waking up to warm, resonant melodies wafting down the hall and reverberating through the whole house Music can fill a home and add an extra layer of joy to a household, so whether you play the piano, electric guitar, saxophone, flute or the xylophone, make melodies in your home and see how the atmosphere changes. New to playing music? It’s never too late to learn! Find an instrument that resonates (pun intended) with you and see what songs you can learn to play
Add some wind chimes: If you have a sun porch or balcony, hang up some wind chimes or twinkly sun catchers. When the wind blows, the little chorus of sound will add a bit of joy to your day. There are some especially pretty designs on Etsy, but you can also find sun catchers and wind chimes at Lowe’s, Amazon and other big-box retailers
Musical décor: Adding more music to your home doesn’t just have to be about listening to more tunes If you don’t mind items that are a little eccentric, you may enjoy incorporating music-themed décor into your home. There are plenty of ways to do this: Think drink coasters shaped like mini vinyl records, or framing and hanging up some of your favorite album covers. Mounting your stringed instruments, like guitars, banjos or mandolins, to the
See MUSIC on page 15
Welcome to the Magentaverse
By Sally Moe, Times Total Media CorrespondentIt’s a bold choice, no argument – but Viva Magenta is Pantone’s color of the year for 2023. (Interesting how it dovetails with Barbiemania.)
Typically reserved for things like cosmetics, beach gear, undies, T-shirts and the like, magenta can be incorporated into your home’s decor in big and small ways, depending on your personality.
What about a statement wall painted magenta or papered in an eye-popping magenta design? If a statement wall feels like too much, think in terms of accents Magenta
throw pillows will add a glorious pop of excitement to a smokey grey couch. An accent chair could be painted in a high-gloss magenta lacquer, or reupholster the seats of your dining chairs in magenta velvet. Add a pouf in magenta by the coffee table
Few things lift the spirits like a blooming bougainvillea. Plant some flaming magenta bougainvillea in a sunny spot on your property, or
keep a potted one by your door or on your patio. Believable potted faux bougainvillea for interior spaces can be found online or in places like HomeGoods. Outside, hang a summery flag with splashes of magenta. Have a pool? Magenta floats and inflatables add spirit and fun to your pool, along with magenta pool furniture and more potted bougainvilleas, peonies or azaleas
Options abound for the kitchen and bath as well, from pot holders, placemats and wine glasses to towels, bath mats, mirrors and wall art. Transform your entire home, inside and out, or just a favorite room. Incorporating magenta into your space doesn’t have to be a commitment; it can be just for a season. If you decorate a tree during the holidays, how fun would it be to just use magenta ornaments, pearl garland and hot pink lights? Hint: If it’s an artificial tree, leave it up till Valentine’s Day. It’ll fit right in!
The bottom line is this: Magenta is a color that’s bold, fearless, optimistic and fun-loving. It can express those facets of your personality in big ways and small, throughout your home!
Remodeling made easy: Choose the right home remodeler with this checklist from CMK Construction
By Erin Feitsma, Times Total Media CorrespondentIt’s time to tackle your next home remodeling project. You’re probably excited (hello, new kitchen!) but before jumping in, it’s important to do your research first. According to local home remodeling company CMK Construction, there are many factors you as a homeowner should consider before choosing the right remodeler to upgrade your home. Here, CMK walks us through some of the key considerations to keep in mind before you hire a contractor
How long have they been in business? According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, construction businesses have the highest failure rate, and up to 96% of them fail before reaching
10 years in business. Look for a company that has had some staying power and is more likely to be reputable. For instance, CMK has operated in the bay area for almost 20 years.
Are they Better Business Bureau A+ rated? Businesses that hold a high rating from the Better Business Bureau, or BBB, may be better potential hires According
to the organization’s website, BBB ratings represent the Better Business Bureau’s opinion of how a business is likely to interact with its customers The highest rating is A+, which CMK holds. If you’re looking to gauge how a potential remodeling company may treat you, be on the lookout for a stellar BBB rating.
Do they have verified reviews?
We’ve all been there: combing through dozens upon dozens of Google reviews for a business or organization we’re interested in. However, did you know there are two types of reviews for Google Business Profiles? There are Google customer reviews and Google verified reviews, writes SEO Chatter, with the main difference being that customer reviews aren’t verified by Google (meaning anyone can leave one), but only those who have purchased a service through Local Services Ads can leave a Google verified review Google verified customer reviews are important because they verify that a service
was purchased and reviewed by real customers, according to SEO Chatter. Keep this in mind when doing your research beforehand
How many remodeling projects have they successfully completed? Five? Or 5,000? More projects completed means more experience in home remodeling, and more experience in home remodeling means the company is more likely to know what they’re doing when it comes time to remodel your house (huzzah!). “Be sure your contractor is licensed and insured,” shared Manny Kavouklis, president of CMK Construction. “Also, listen to the community feedback. CMK has successfully completed over 6,000 projects in the Tampa Bay area. ”
Is the company’s work guaranteed with a warranty?
Want to have a worry-free remodel? Make sure you find a remodeling contractor that offers a warranty
According to Thiel’s Home Solutions, home improvement warranties
protect homeowners from defects in workmanship and materials and serve as a way for homeowners to protect their investment into their homes.
Do they have a local design studio? Before choosing the right home remodeling team for you, it’s important to keep in mind if the company has a local design studio. Having access to a design
studio allows you to see, touch and experiment with a myriad of fixtures, finishes and other design materials, writes Garman Builders Getting that hands-on experience can help you hone your vision for your remodeling project.
Do they have accredited designers? “A professional contractor has a team of people seamlessly working together to
deliver your dream remodel,” said Kavouklis. One part of the team is the design crew, and you’ll want to be sure they’re accredited. Why? Accreditation showcases a designer’s expertise and skill for providing professional interior design advice and services that are backed by knowledge, qualifications and experience, according to the Society of British & International Interior Design.
Other factors to consider include whether your contractor is licensed, bonded and insured; if they provide local customer service; if they’ve won any awards for their work; and if they can provide financing, among other considerations. Take time to do your research first and you’ll have a beautiful home remodeling project underway before you know it!
• CMK Constrcuction: https://www.
•Better Business Bureau: https://
•SEO Chatter: https://seochatter com/google-verified-reviews/
•Thiel’s Home Solutions: https:// what-you-need-to-know-abouthome-improvement-warranties/
•Garman Builders: https:// understanding-the-advantagesof-choosing-a-local-homebuilder#:~:text=Working%20 with%20a%20local%20builder%20 also%20means%20having%20 access%20to,finishes%2C%20 and%20other%20design%20 materials
•The Society of British & International Interior Design: https://
wall gives your home a subtle rock-and-roll feel. What about ordering pop art portrait of your favorite artist to display in the hallway?
Telling time with a record clock? It’s all up to you.
•The New York Times: https:// the-best-record-player-setup-forbeginners/
•HiFi Centre: blogs/news/what-do-i-need-for-aturntable-setup
•Turtlebox: https://turtleboxaudio com/products/turtleboxspeaker- gen2?variant=43620044439808