2 minute read
You can do this .
Ifyou are reading this then Iamgoing to assume that you are ahuman being. Alittle ball of consciousness that resides in the most remarkable feat of engineering that ever existed, your body.
Did you know that you already possess everything you could possibly needtoburn body fat without slimming aids and super restrictive diets?
Did you know that fat loss is relatively straightforward?
My job as apersonal trainer puts me directly on thefront line in thebattle of the bulge and in my time Ihave identified afew common obstacles that seem to trip alot of people over.
Knowledge /Consistency /Motivation?
Knowledge -More often than not Ifind that people lack the basic fundamental knowledge of Energy Balance and how the body either storescalories (as body fat) or burns calories depending on how much energy you use over aperiod of time.
To burn fat we needtocreate an energy deficit by consuming less calories via food and drink than our bodies require. That way our body will tap into its calorie stores aka body fat to acquire the energy it needs.
There are no particularly good or bad foods and drinks for this. Ialways say the best foods for fat loss are theonesyou can eat in moderation. For example, when did we last over-eat on vegetables?
As arule of thumb, real whole foods are better for fat loss becausethey will leave you feeling fuller for longer and supply your bodies with various vitamins and minerals to promote optimal health.
Chocolate, crisps, cake and alcohol wont automatically make you fat. But the over consumption of them will. Ibet we have all fallenvictim to afast food binge in the past?
Read the labels and check your calories to ensure you are staying in acalorie deficit if fat loss is the goal.
Consistency -Toget fatwehave to overeat consistently for aperiod of time.Ifit took you acouple of months to put on a stone in body fat thenits not unreasonable to expect thesame amount of timetolose it again.
This is amarathon, not asprint. You have to keep going and not get disheartened and go on abinge becauseit hasnt happened straight away. Every time you over-eat youare prolonging your time it will take to reach your goal.
Motivation? -Why thequestion mark? Ive included this because alot of people feel they need more motivation but in actual fact they need discipline.
To quote an inspirational friend of mine: If the world relied solely on motivation then nothing would get done. They are very right.
Motivation is nice to have. Ihope this article motivates you. But thats as far as it goes. What we really need to do is look inward and find the discipline to carry on going despite not always feeling like we want too.
With some knowledge, consistency and discipline youare capableofanything you put yourmindto. If fat loss is your priority put these threethings first and let your body take care of the rest.
JP Body Transformation Coach