RIP to such an inspirational character
W Belinda Hargreaves Contents Editor life@timesandecho.co.uk Erin Tuckwell Tracey Redfern Design & Production Thomas Brian General Manager tom@timesandecho.co.uk Mobile: 07855 242693 Jane Walters Advertising Sales jane@timesandecho.co.uk Times, Echo & Life Publications 18 Tape Street, Cheadle, Stoke-on-Trent ST10 1BD Tel: 01538 752214 www.timesechoandlife.co.uk life@timesandecho.co.uk
e, at the Leek Life Magazine, always like to fill our editions packed with all things celebratory and helping to promote our lovely town of Leek. But, on this occasion, I am starting this letter with sorrow, that of the very sad passing of Marcus Birks a friend to many in our town and further afield; a chap who turned his life around to become an international music star alongside his wife Lis. A character so full of life, with such drive and passion for his work, his family, and for helping and inspiring others. My thoughts are with Marcus family at this very sad time, and also with anyone who has lost a loved one due to this awful pandemic. Moving onto a lighter note, as always we have tried our best to fill this edition of the Leek Life Magazine with celebratory and positive stories and features, and, even with a pandemic continuing, there sure is still such stories to tell about in our lovely market town of Leek. We have several features all about local folk who are doing their bit to raise much-needed funds for charity, most who
have taken on an energetic challenge to do so. We also have news of what s coming up for us to enjoy this Autumn, in particular with Centre Stage Theatre Company set to tread the boards once more, and the return of the ever-growing Leek Blues & Americana Festival. We also have our lovely feature of Leek Life Selfies. Thank you to all who have contributed to this feature, which is one of my favourites in the magazine as it s all about you you lovely folk of Leek. And once again, we also have so many wonderful columns written by a variety of folk from within our market town thank you, as always, to you all for taking the time to share your experiences and wisdom in your fields. Happy reading everyone and if you have a story to tell about life in Leek please do get in touch with me at hargreavespr@outlook.com Until next time take care!
Front cover photo by Brett Trafford Photography www.bretttrafford.com
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