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is a good thing and good things never die”
here and the general feeling of optimism of a lot of Leek folk as they tell me that their towns are shrinking and no one has the feeling that we have here in Leek.
One of my sponsors has retired and gone and left his mark here with very satisfied customers and I will miss him. Two new shops to open here soon and a small stall holder moving from the Trestle Market to the Butter Market and sees the greater opportunities that lay ahead. I’ve been asked to give her a special ‘cry’ this month.
I watched (again) the Shawshank Redemption film last night. Great film. The phrase that stuck in my mind was this. Hope is a good thing and good things never die. I walk around Leek centre with that hope everyday and see and hear it everywhere.
Here we are again, at the beginning of another new year.
As your town crier, I have seen many changes here and there around our lovely town over the past year. Old businesses closing only to be replaced by new ones. I have many thoughts on these changes and those thoughts stay hidden in my head.
As Leek Town Crier, I chat to hundreds of local people but also to visitors too. People are very worried about the rising cost of everything, what’s happening around the world that is indirectly affecting us here in Leek.
It’s not my purpose to talk of doom and gloom although I am going through the same as every one else. One of the many remarks that I hear from some visitors is that they admire the self preservation that they see
I have some bookings coming up but just for now, I will be resting and wrapping up well especially after my Santa beard has gone. Thanking all those that have pledged good donations because of it.
I thank all the groups and institutions that fill this town with hope and music and art and all good things that tell me that Leek is different from most other towns. A few town criers from other towns tell me the same thing.
It’s so easy to say we will get through all the bad times together but some won’t. Hope is a good thing and good things never die. If you are in need of help, it’s waiting for you to “ring that bell” and Simone will hear you.
This is the year of our Lord 2023. Happy new year, everyone.