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Silverdale Country Park
Conservation volunteers has started an exciting new projectontwo of The Land Trusts sites; Silverdale Country Park in Newcastle, as well as at Hassall Green Nature Reserve in Cheshire.
The project is aTCV Green Gym, anew health projecttoget people out and about in nature for healthand wellbeing.
The project consists of avariety of activities from health walks to conservation tasks, from outdoor cooking to willowweaving.
The first one took place at Silverdale Country Park and began with ahealth walk around the park.
Aspokesman said: Green Gyms are fun and free outdoor sessionswhere youwillbeguided in practical activitiessuchasplanting trees, sowing meadows and establishing wildlifeponds. Unlike otherconservation projects, the emphasis is very much on health and fitness volunteers warm up and cool down in preparation for arange of light to vigorous activities to suit all abilities. In fact, almost athird more calories can be burnt in some Green Gymsessions than in an average aerobics class.
All activities follow Covid-19 safe guidelines and participants are asked to meet at the entrance to Silverdale Country Park by the football club at 10.30am, with each session running until 1.30pm.
The remaining dates which have been scheduledsofar are: July 14 and 28, August 11 and 25, September8 and 22, October6 and 20, November17and 31, and December 15.
Travel to site may be available if required with prior booking at adesignated pick-up point.
Booking is essential to take part in these sessions, contact Neil McMahon (TCV Senior Project Officer) on 07740 899716 or by email at n.mcmahon@tcv.org.uk.