quiz corner
Let’s get quizzical 1 Cigar, Rebut and Sissy were the
11 Who was announced as the
first three answers on which internet
representative of the United
word game bought in January 2022
Kingdom at Eurovision earlier this
for a seven figure sum?
2 Which toy company was founded
12 What amp fuse would you typically
by the Hassenfeld siblings?
find in the plug of a kettle?
3 Kristen Stewart, Emma Corrin and
13 Who got a haircut in Judges
Naomi Watts have all played which
royal on screen?
14 How many basic positions of the
4 Which ceramicist produced Bizarre
feet are there in classic ballet?
15 Which horse, ridden by Rachael
5 How many pawns are on a chess
Blackmore, retained the Champion
board at the start of a game?
Hurdle at this years Cheltenham
6 Which 2022 ITV thriller tells the
story of Fi Lawson, who arrives home
16 In the weekday TV schedule at what
one day to find a family of strangers
time does This Morning usually start?
moving into her house and her
17 Eating which meat is avoided by
husband, Bram, has disappeared?
superstitious cricketers?
7 What does a barium meal precede?
18 Who is Lewis Hamilton’s teammate
8 What began as the Pilton pop,
this season at Mercedes?
blues & folk festival?
19 Edward Woodward, Denzel
9 Which TV show took its title from a
Washington and Queen Latifah all
Whiskas advert?
played which character on film or TV?
10 In which decade was the first
20 Which continent lies in all four
Magnum ice cream sold?
1. Wordle – Tip May 1st’s word will begin with the letter ‘A’ 2. Hasbro 3. Princess Diana 4. Clarice Cliff 5. Sixteen 6. Our House 7. X-ray examination 8. Glastonbury festival 9. 8 Out of 10 Cats 10. 1980s (1988) 11. Sam Ryder 12. Thirteen 13. Samson 14. Five 15. Honeysuckle 16. 10am 17. Duck 18. George Russell 19. The Equalizer 20. Africa
32 Newcastle Life Issue 34
Quizzes compiled by Paul Steele - email: pnsteele@aol.com - Paul's 'Which One?' quiz game is available on Amazon.