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Alice Charity
Charity ‘jail’ event raises more than £3,500
Volunteers have been getting ‘banged up’ in jail – all in aid of a Newcastle charity.
The recent ‘Jail and Bail’ event hosted by Staffordshire Police took place to raise funds for the Alice Charity.
A spokesman for Staffordshire Police said: “We have helped raise more than £3,500 for a good cause by ‘locking up’ a number of charity volunteers as part of a fundraising initiative for a local charity.
“Officers from Stoke-on-Trent North Local Policing Team (LPT) recently ‘arrested’ a number of volunteers from Newcastle-based organisation Alice Charity, with the aim of raising funds for its ‘People’s Pantry’ to help support vulnerable families.
“A total of ten volunteers were jailed in the mock holding cell at Burslem Police Station on October 4.”
The ‘Jail and Bail’ fundraiser proved to be so popular that the charity smashed its £1,000 target, with £3520 raised to date, though people can continue to make a donation until the end of November –www.alicecharity.com/donate now.
PC Ed Clarke, of Stoke North Local Policing Team and one of the ‘arresting’ officers, said: “Jail and Bail was a fantastic way to raise money for the charity which does so much to help support vulnerable families in Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke-on-Trent.
“Though it was an unusual fundraising activity, it was all in good fun and the volunteers took the experience in their stride.
“They’ve already raised such an impressive amount and I am pleased we were able to help.”
Stephanie Bradbury, Fundraising Manager at Alice Charity, said: “The day was a huge success with lots of raised eyebrows and even more laughs. Everyone who took part thoroughly enjoyed themselves and the money raised will go towards helping local families.
“None of this would have been possible without the incredible support of the officers who took part on the day and we are incredibly grateful to them for donating their time.”
To find out more about the charity, go online to www.alicecharity.com.