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Ballet Dancers
Prestigious show for ballerinas
Three budding ballerinas who train at Stone’s Rooftop Studios have successfully auditioned for the English Youth Ballet.
Molly Philpott, aged 11, Isabella Buckley, aged 10 and nine-year-old Maria Kelly impressed judges in a competitive audition process and will now join a cast of professional dancers in a fulllength production of Swan Lake at the Regent Theatre in September.
Studio director, Laura Keeling, said: “The process will provide the girls with a unique insight into life at a professional ballet company; an exciting opportunity to navigate the journey from journey from acceptance at the audition, to classes, challenging choreography, tough rehearsals and enjoyable performances in the theatre; mirroring exactly what a dancer in a professional company experiences.
“These girls all work exceptionally hard each week and show amazing dedication and passion in all their classes. Congratulations girls that hard work has paid off. We are all very proud of you and cannot wait to see you perform on that big stage.”
Laura added: “We would also like to say a huge thank to ballet teacher Miss Verity for preparing the girls so well for ahead of their audition and for the ongoing support and inspiration she gives to all of our students.”
For more information about Rooftop Studios go online to www.rooftopstudios.co.uk.
To book tickets to see Swan Lake at the Regent Theatre, go online to: www.atgtickets.com/show s/english-youth-balletswan-lake/regent-theatre.
Pictured are Rooftop Studios ballet students Molly Philpott, aged 11, Isabella Buckley, aged 10 and nine-yearold Maria Kelly, who have all successfully auditioned for the English Youth Ballet. A JCB apprentice is flying the flag for Great British design after winning a competition to create a stunning new canoe livery for Olympian Adam Burgess.
Stone’s champion canoeist Adam, who has his sights set on the Paris 2024 Olympics, challenged JCB apprentices and graduates to come up with a new eyecatching look for his boat.
And an impressive design by engineering degree apprentice Nihal Dhillon, aged 21, came out as clear favourite - skilfully incorporating the famous JCB yellow and the company’s proud British heritage with the Union Jack.
Nihal, who works at JCB’s World HQ in Rocester, joined the JCB degree apprenticeship scheme in 2019. He said: “I am delighted that my design has been chosen.
“It will be amazing to see it in major competitions across the world and maybe even at the Olympics.