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World of Wedgewood

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Re-opening in phasesatWedgwood


Apopular tourist destination has Wedgwood are open Wednesday to Sunday, issued an update for its visitors 10am to 5pm, and there is anew suite of about it’s reopening. creative studios which will open as part of a phased programme in the coming weeks.

Most areas at the World of Wedgwood, The spokesman said: “The Clay Studio is which is situated in Barlaston, are now back where visitors will be able to indulgeintheir open following the easing of Government very own pottery throwdown underthe restrictions surrounding Covid-19. guidance of our studio potter. We use jasper

Aspokesman said: “We’ve made afew clay for this one hour, have agoexperience – changes across the site in order to focus on the only place in the world where Josiah’s delivering asafe,enjoyable and comfortable unique creation is used. visit. The wellbeing of ourvisitors and staff “In June we will be introducing weekend remains our highest priority.” Have aGofun sessions in the Clay Studio.

The Wedgwood Store and Factory Outlet These are great for children and adults who are open Wednesday to Sunday, between just want to have agoand experience 10am and 5pm; and the V&A Collection is throwing apot on the potter’s wheel –we open for viewing at the same times. don’t take it too seriously and only fun is

The V&A Collection at World of allowed. Wedgwood (formerly theWedgwood “Also in June, the new Decorating Studio Museum) has been renamed theV&A will be open each weekend for Pottery Wedgwood Collection. Painting. All ages and abilities can decorate

The Wedgwood spokesman said: “The their own piece of Wedgwood to take home spacious galleries are where you can explore as alasting keepsake. This is an ideal creative one of themost important industrial and social activity for younger children, collections in the world. Discover the story of grown-ups and families.” Wedgwood and the many artists, designers, And finally, the venue’s factory tours are patrons and makers whose ceramic creations set to be back ready for the Summer have transformed society and industry. holidays, after the team has carried out “The collection now has its own social development work to enhance the media presence on Instagram, Facebook and Wedgwood factory tour: ‘Welcome to our Twitter. You can follow it on @vawedgwood Factory’. for regular updates and insights.” The spokesman said: “Visitors will be

WedgwoodTea Room is also open welcomed into the factory for abehind-theWednesday to Sunday, 10am to 5pm, scenes experience revealing where although thevenue’s Dining Hall will remain Wedgwood designs, createsand crafts the closed in the short term with furtherupdates eclectic, colourful and unique ceramics that soon. adorn the shelves of stores like Harrods and

The spokesman said: “We have been Selfridges. working hard behind the scenes to refresh “Barlaston is the home of Wedgwood and our beautiful tearoom, both visually and the factory is the place to be inspired by over with some lovely additions to the menu. 260 years of innovation, creation and “Our trademark afternoon tea is back with fantastical design. imaginative children's and vegan options. “We’re currently adding afew final tweaks “We have introduced abistro-style brunch to make sure that we do Josiah proudwhen and lunch menu along with aselection of we open our doors again. drinks including Wedgwood teas, TrueStart “We look forward to welcoming you back coffees, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, and an in time for the summer holidays.” assortment of indulgent cocktails. To find out more, go online to: “We recommend that you reserve atable https://www.worldofwedgwood.com/content in advance of your visit.” /visitor-update.

The Creative Studios at World of

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