Senior Times (November 2017)

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SENIOR TIMES November 2017

Malta’s monthly newspaper for the elderly

the beauty of reminiscing Memories are precious, says Charlotte Stafrace. SEE PAGE 6

neglect of the elderly Society needs to maintain vigilance on the issue of elderly abuse, says Maria Aurora Fenech. SEE PAGE 8

Maltese migrants in Australia

lest we forget SEE PAGE 16






Memories of life


arlier this year, George Poinar, emeritus professor of entomology at Oregon State University, and his team found an unusual insect trapped in a chunk of golden amber, collected from mines in the Hukawng Valley of Myanmar. The tiny insect, just 0.2 inches long, was a flicker of life some 100 million years ago. It is dead – but then it isn’t because the ancient amber had preserved the insect’s miniscule form perfectly, giving researchers precious indications of how the insect lived in the days when dinosaurs still roamed the earth. We also have precious life trapped behind frames and glass. Old black and white photos of great-grandparents long gone. Grandparents in their Sunday best, posing against the backdrop of a Malta long defunct. Parents, in surprising hairstyles and clothes which they buttoned up with anxiety, smiling with that kind of heart-wrenching hope which all their innocent youth afforded. Brothers and sisters sitting in the backseat on the way to the beach – the memory is so clear that you can almost smell the heat inside the car. The month of November leaves clues of death lying around: the crumbling petals of flowers on graves; the cracking of twigs crumbling under the weight of autumn; days fading into night earlier and earlier; memories of our dear departed, catching us unawares and forcing us to sigh heavily, sit down and cry. For no reason at all. And for all the reasons in the world. Yet thoughts of death shouldn’t be the barrier that stops us from celebrating life. Death defines life. But life gives meaning to death. We live on borrowed time, and for that, we should rejoice every hour, every minute, every second, just how precious life is.



3. Kontinent ieħor


6. The beauty of memories and reminiscing

EXECUTIVE EDITOR Stanley Borg E-mail: seniortimes CONTRIBUTORS Carmel Baldacchino Tonio Bonello Angela Busuttil Joseph Busuttil Tony C. Cutajar Dun Jonathan Farrugia Maria Aurora Fenech Christine Galea Charlotte Stafrace

Angela Busuttil tirrakkonta lil bintha Fiona Vella meta marret l-Awstralja.

Why do we hold on to our memories? And, as we age, why is it important, asks Charlotte Stafrace.

7. Għadam tal-mejtin Tjubija ta’ lewż u ġelu jagħtu togħma ħelwa lix-xahar ta’ Novembru.

8. Abuse and neglect of the elderly It is crucial for all of society to maintain vigilance on the issue of abuse and neglect of the elderly, says Maria Aurora Fenech.

PUBLISHERS Allied Newspapers Limited Triq L-Intornjatur, Mrieħel BKR 3000 DESIGN Christian Busuttil SALES Marion Muscat Tel: 2276 4331 E-mail: marion.muscat

9. Bejn mejjet u ieħor

© 2017. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publishers is prohibited.

10. L-Antikrist Mattew

Min jinsab bla sabar, jeħtieġ jikkalma. U min hu ‘mejjet’ – iżda li t-tifkira tiegħu ma tiġix iċċelebrata f ’Novembru – aħjar iqum mir-raqda, jgħid Tonio Bonello.

Silta mir-rumanz ġdid ta’ Tony C. Cutajar.

14. Gone but not forgotten Malta in black and white still has a beauty that’s full of colour and a kind of innocence that the island has lost over the years. Senior Times and Bay Retro celebrate a pretty past.

16. Lest we forget The past is a wise teacher, says Christine Galea from the Cana Movement.

17. It-tajjeb kif nagħrfuh? Waqt li naħsbu fuq il-mewt, ejjew niftakru l-ħajja kemm hi sabiħa, jgħid Dun Jonathan Farrugia.

18. The golden boys The 1955-56 season was a glittering one for Sliema Wanderers, says Carmel Baldacchino.

20. Like father, like son The vintage cars in Alfred and Simon Castaldi’s garage have plenty of stories to tell, Joe Busuttil from the Old Motors Club says.





Kontinent ieħor Angela Busuttil tirrakkonta lil bintha Fiona Vella meta marret l-Awstralja.


Angela flimkien ma’ ħuha fl-Awstralja.

’żogħżiti lAwstralja kienet meqjusa bħala dinja tal-ħolm, dinja ta’ opportunitajiet li ma kellniex f ’pajjiżna. Ironikament it-tmiem tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija nissel problema ta’ qgħad kbir fil-gżejjer Maltin u speċjalment iżżgħażagħ bdew jaħarquhom saqajhom biex jitilqu minn fuq din l-art ħalli jfittxu xortihom x’imkien ieħor. “Jien kont waħda minn dawk iż-żgħażagħ li flimkien ma’ żewġ ħuti erħejnielha lejn dan il-kontinent b’sens qawwi ta’ avventura. Imma ġaladarba sibt ruħi hemm irrealizzajt x’kont napprezza tassew f ’ħajti u dan kollu kien qiegħed f ’art twelidi.” Trabbejt nisma’ dawn irrakkonti t’ommi Angela

Busuttil peress li spiss kienet issemmi ż-żminijiet li għexet fl-Awstralja. Barra minn hekk, minħabba li wieħed minn ħutha kien għadu jgħix hemmhekk, mhux darba u tnejn li n-nanna Fortunata Abela u z-zija Gracie Cilia talbuni biex niktbilhom xi ittra ħalli jibgħatuhielu. Niftakar li kienu ittri li kollha jibdew l-istess: “Għażiż Ġużeppi, Vera u t-tfal, nispera li tinsabu tajbin bħal kif ninsabu aħna għall-grazzja t’Alla.” Kont tgħallimt nikteb lintroduzzjoni bl-amment u kont nitbissem meta nara li dejjem kienu jiktbulu l-istess ħaġa. Il-bqija tal-ittri kienu jikkonsistu f ’dak li jkunu għaddew minnu matul dawk laħħar ġimgħat jew inkella dwar xi ħaġa li kienu beħsiebhom jagħmlu.

Ta’ tifla li kont, ftit stajt napprezza dawk l-ittri ripetittivi. Kellhom jgħaddu ħafna snin qabel fhimt kemm kienu jfissru għalihom dawk il-karti ċelesti li kont niktbilhom l-ittri fuqhom u għaliex kienu jistennew ir-risposti tagħhom tant b’ħerqa. Ir-raġuni kienet dejjem spjegata ċara fir-rakkonti t’ommi. Imma kultant jekk ma ġġarrabx, għajnejk ma jinfetħux. Illum li jiena sirt omm u li s-snin gerrbu fuq ommi wkoll, kapaċi nixtarr aktar. “Kien ħija l-kbir Ġużeppi li beda jħeġġiġna biex immorru l-Awstralja. Hu kien diġà miżżewweġ u kellu l-familja tiegħu. Jien kien għad kelli 17 il-sena, ommi ma riditnix immur, u missieri ma ried jagħti b’xejn il-kunsens tiegħu biex insiefer.





Angela Busuttil illum.

Angela Busuttil fir-ritratt tal-passaport għall-Awstralja.

“Imma meta għalaqt it-18 ilsena, ħija Ġużeppi rnexxielu jikkonvinċi lil missieri li kien ser jieħu ħsiebi hu. “Wegħdu li ser iġib ruħu daqs li kieku kien it-tieni missier tiegħi u kelmtu żammha għax id-dixxiplina tiegħu kienet iebsa mhux ħażin! “Bilkemm niftakar kif saru l-preparazzjonijiet bil-ġenn li kelli biex nitlaq. Bsart li ser nimmissja lill-ġenituri tiegħi u lil ħuti l-oħra. Imma ta’ żagħżugħa li kont neħħejt dawk il-ħsibijiet minn quddiem għajnejja u minflok intfajt noħlom dwar dik l-opportunità sabiħa li ngħix u naħdem f ’pajjiż ieħor. “Dakinhar li tlaqna biex nibdew dan il-vjaġġ, ommi għafsitni magħha u reġgħet qaltli li ma xtaqitnix immur. Il-ħsieb tal-firda minni kien diġà qed ikiddha iżda meta ratni konvinta biex insiefer, talbitni biex ma ninsihiex u biex ma nibqax hemm. Madanakollu jien moħħi kien biss f ’dak il-vapur sabiħ li kien qed jistenniena biex jeħodna lejn l-Awstralja. “Għal dan il-vjaġġ konna jiena, ħija Indrì u ħija Ġużeppi bil-familja tiegħu. Morna b’vapur lussuż, l-Angelina Lauro. Ilkmamar kienu spazjużi u komdi ħafna. “Ħallasna biss Lm10 kull wieħed biex vjaġġajna għal xahar sħiħ fuqu. Kien hemm ħafna Maltin oħra u kollha konna stmati tajjeb ħafna. “Il-vjaġġ kien interessanti u pjaċevoli sakemm wasalna f ’Port Said fil-Baħar l-Aħmar u nqbadna f ’maltemp kbir. F’daqqa waħda kollox beda jitkaxkar ‘l hawn u ‘l hemm: limwejjed, is-siġġijiet, issodod,” tiftakar ommi fil-waqt li tiftakar f ’dawn il-mumenti tal-biża’. “Ħafna mill-passiġġieri kellhom jingħataw il-mediċini għax ħassewhom ma jifilħux. Lili kieku m’għamilli xejn ilbaħar imma ħassejtni tterrorizzata. Wara dakinhar bosta kienu b’qalbhom imtaqtqa kif ser naslu l-Awstralja għax ilvjaġġ donnu ma ried jispiċċa qatt! Niftakar li l-klieb il-baħar baqgħu jsegwuna matul ilvjaġġ kollu, dejjem jistennew lill-ħaddiema ta’ fuq il-vapur biex jarmu l-fdalijiet tal-ikel fil-baħar.

“Malli wasalna Melbourne laqagħna temp imsaħħab u xejn ma ħadt grazzja mal-post. Xi ħbieb li kienu qed jistennewna ħaduna Adelaide li kien jumejn bogħod bil-karozza. “Hemmhekk għamilna ftit taż-żmien. Kien post kwiet u ma tantx kien hemm xogħol. Tlaqna u morna Sydney, niġru minn xogħol għall-ieħor. Niftakar li l-ewwel darba li mort għax-xogħol, tlajt fi tren u marret għajni bija, u t-tren baqgħet sejra bija f ’post ieħor. Tgħidx kemm bżajt meta stenbaħt u ma kontx naf x’se naqbad nagħmel. Tinkwieta għax la ma tkunx taf il-post, ma tafx ma’ min tista’ tiltaqa’. “Ħdimt f ’żewġ fabbriki imma ma nista’ ninsa qatt kemm laqgħuni b’mod sabiħ fl-ewwel fabbrika li dħalt fiha. Niftakar kont ilni naħdem hemm ftit ġranet biss u hekk kif skoprew li kont għadni kif għalaqt it-18 il-sena għamluli festin u tgħidx kemm tawni rigali! Lanqas wara għaxar snin xogħol ma jagħmlulek hekk f ’Malta! “L-Awstralja kienet tgħaġġibni bil-kobor tagħha. Kienet sabiħa ħafna b’siġar twal u b’għelieqi spazjużi u b’toroq li ma jispiċċaw qatt. Ġieli rajt ukoll xi annimali talpost, l-aktar il-kangaroos kbar li mhux darba u tnejn fettlilhom jintasbu f ’nofs ta’ triq u ma jkunu jridu jwarrbu b’xejn biex ngħaddu bil-karozza. “Aħna konna noqogħdu Greenacre fejn krejna dar pjuttost kbira. “Ma tantx kien hemm Maltin. Kellna familja aboriġina fost ilġirien tagħna u t-tfal tagħhom kienu jiġu jilgħabu magħna. Madwarna kienu joqgħodu nies minn kull pajjiż. “Kien hemm okkażżjonijiet fejn konna noħorġu xi ftit. Niftakar li ġieli morna naraw irwrestling. Kien ikollna l-ġellied favorit tagħna u erħilna ngħajjtu kemm nifilħu meta jibda jaqla’ xi daqqtejn sew mingħand l-ieħor. “Konna nidħlu b’vuċi tajba u noħorġu maħnuqin imma konna nieħdu gost. Dejjem bqajt bil-kurżità jekk kienux ikunu qed jiġġieldu veru jew le. Tant kienu jaqilgħu li ma stajtx nemmen li kienu jagħtu bis-serjetà!

Kartolina tal-Achille Lauro li ntbagħtet minn Angela lill-familja waqt il-vjaġġ lura lejn Malta.

“Il-kobor tal-post kien jaqtgħalna qalbna biex nimirħu ‘l bogħod. U l-biċċa l-kbira minn ħajjitna kienet iddedikata biss għax-xogħol. Agħar minn hekk, ommna spiss kienet tibgħatilna l-ittri jew xi cassette irrekordjat bil-vuċi tagħha fejn kienet twissina biex noqogħdu attenti ħalli ma nweġġgħux u b’mod speċjali, biex ma niżżewġux hemmhekk. “Fittxu ejjew ‘l hawn, ejjew lura,” kienet dejjem tirrepeti. Kemm tiflaħ tisma’ kliem bħal dan? “Ma domniex ma bdejna niddejqu u nixxenqu biex nirritornaw lejn pajjiżna fejn fiċċokon tiegħu kellna dak kollu li ridna. Il-problema kienet li għalkemm biex morna lAwstralja kellna nħallsu biss Lm10 kull wieħed, biex naqbdu vapur lura lejn Malta l-prezz kien ta’ Lm250 kull ras. “Għamilna sentejn u nofs ngħixu u naħdmu hemm sakemm irnexxielna nfaddlu biżżejjed flus għalina kollha. Ġejna lura Malta bil-vapur Achille Lauro u mill-ġdid domna xahar nivvjaġġaw. “Kont kuntenta li rajt pajjiż ieħor imma ddispjaċini ħafna li tlaqt il-familja tiegħi. Ħadt irruħ hekk kif wasalna lura Malta u rajthom kollha qawwijin u sħaħ. Tgħidx kemm

Dakinhar li tlaqna biex nibdew dan il-vjaġġ, ommi għafsitni magħha u reġgħet qaltli li ma xtaqitnix immur





Spending a day in a caring environment

għannaqthom u kien f ’dak ilħin li rrealizzajt kemm kont immissjajthom. “Ma nerġax nitla’ ma. Ma nerġax nitilqek,” wegħedt lil ommi hekk kif għafastha miegħi. U kelmti żammejtha.” Wara xi snin, ħuha Ġużeppi reġa’ tela’ l-Awstralja bil-

familja tiegħu fejn dam għal żmien twil sakemm eventwalment, ta’ età kbira, iddeċieda li jirritorna Malta. Illum m’għadnix nikteb littri fuq il-karti ċelesti. Innanna, iz-zija u z-ziju ħallewna u issa fadal biss il-memorja tagħhom.

Angela ma’ ħuha Ġużeppi u l-familja tiegħu.

Mix-xellug: Fiona Vella, Angela Busuttil u Fortunata Abela.

As we get older and the house gets emptier, there are times in the day when we may wish we had someone around to talk to. We think of going to places but wish them to be safe and secure. Places where we can make friends or meet old ones and enjoy ourselves. The reality is that the older we get, the more we may find ourselves changing from being very busy and having tight schedules to having plenty of time on our hands. We may feel we have nothing to look forward to or struggle to fill our days. Children and relatives may be busy with their own lives and families, having little time to visit or provide us with their company. On the other hand, we may still feel the need and long to somehow keep active and involved, meet people our own age and share our experiences with them. To wake up in the morning having something to get dressed up for and look forward to. Simblija Care Home acknowledges that there are elderly people who have nostalgia for such interaction and involvement. It recognises that some may not be ready to move into a care home as yet, however need ways to fill up their time during the day away from staying at home, where they may feel solitude and loneliness. There may also be families or spouses who may struggle to support their loved ones dur-

ing the day and are worried for their wellbeing and feel guilty for not being able to provide them with the company they need. The new day care packages at Simblija Care Home have been designed with all this in mind, tailored specifically to have our loved ones involved in a community of active ageing. With an already well-established reputation for good quality care and services, Simblija has the right mix to provide such packages within the right safe, secure and beautiful environments. Bringing loved ones to Simblija for the day could help support families and put their mind at rest knowing that their loved one is in a safe, comfortable environment, being cared for with the right services, and enjoying themselves while they are here through a myriad of activities. The day care centre at Simblija offers half day or day packages which include food and refreshments and also activities to fill the day which are diverse and planned to cater for mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. The packages are coordinated by an experienced activity and events team and aim to offer a great all round experience to anyone attending. Simblija Care Home – care, compassion, competence. For more information contact Simblija on 2235 1000 or visit





The beauty of memories and reminiscing Why do we hold on to our memories? And, as we age, why is it important, asks Charlotte Stafrace.


hroughout our lives, we are making memories. And some of those memories are to be cherished. You don’t have to be an older adult to realise that you want to look back at your life, or possibly connect with particular moments from the past, and possibly reminisce on life’s passage. We do it continually, sometimes without even acknowledging it. I remember my daughter telling me she wants to write down all the travels we have done, dates and all, as she would like to remember them in the future. I too remember, that in the early days when I became a mum, I found myself thinking back, very often, to my own childhood. The science behind why we do this is best left to the scientists. An easy explanation of how we unearth those memories and their details is often done, knowingly or unknowingly, through the senses. All the senses – touch, sight, hearing, taste and smell are effective in retrieving memories. These will affect people differently of course. I personally cannot walk past the confectionery shop Albion on Merchants Street in Valletta, take in a whiff, and not think of my mother, and the childhood trips looking for essences and marzipan to make cakes.

From the work I am doing with older adults, I can certainly vouch for the importance of how a large part of older adults want to rekindle some of their memories and also really enjoy sharing them. There is a lot of creative arts work being done at the moment which focuses primarily on drawing out these memories from this age group, through a series of prompts and tools, and turning them into art. These prompts can include photographs, old items and props as well as crafts, music and dance, all targeting reminiscence. However, almost any object, sound or smell that activates the senses can be a way in to access our memories. Throughout our lives, we are faced with questions like “What did I achieve?”, “What has it meant?” Being older perhaps means that you have more time to think about answers for these and other questions. So, seeking ways of reconnecting with your own past can, in fact, provide a form of comfort, reassurance and sometimes even closure. As American anthropologist Barbara Myerhoff says: “In any particular society, we may or may not be given natural occasions to present our stories to others, but we are, I think, on the alert for every chance we get to do so.”

We often hear the term ‘reminiscence’ being applied in sessions when working with older adults. So what is reminiscence? It is simply recalling and sharing one’s memories. During our lives, we build plenty of memories, often in conjunction with other people. But when there is bereavement or other separation, we can then find ourselves left alone with our memories. It can be therefore reassuring to join in structured reminiscence sessions with people of a similar age to share memories, in a bid to feel connected and valued. But that is not the complete scope for reminiscence. Having your story heard can help maintain self-esteem and reinforce a sense of collective identity. It can also help stimulate the memory function. Gene Cohen, an American psychiatrist who pioneered research into geriatric mental

Having your story heard can help maintain self-esteem and reinforce a sense of collective identity

health states that: “The desire to explore and express one’s personal story is driven in part by neurological changes.” He suggests that as we grow older, we become better at using our right and left brain hemispheres simultaneously. So we can actually become more fluent at how we relate our stories. At this age, we can also find it easier to recognise things or explain things to ourselves and to others. So this could also explain why at this age, it is the ideal time to document life’s journey – through memories, oral stories, poetry, a book, memory boxes (boxes which help to document your life through photos and/or souvenirs) or whatever form you choose to take. Remembering, and documenting one’s story, could also have an impact on others. It can create an opportunity where historical and cultural identity can be cherished and shared with one’s family or even future generations. Some even go on to say that writing your own life story could even result in improved health. Reminiscence is also fun and a form of socialisation. Remember those seniors on their little chairs outside their front doors on hot balmy summer nights. What would the discussion be about? I’m sure that a lot of reminiscing takes place in such settings. It is a way, after all, of connecting with your neighbour and beyond, of getting advice but also an opportunity for sharing treasured experiences.

During the sessions I run, doing memory work, there have been teary moments too. When someone is brave enough to reminisce and share painful experiences, it can be very emotional. Through the process, however, it can also feel cathartic – a way of lessening the emotional weight of the past, seeking comfort and understanding from others. And a hug is always available! I feel truly blessed to have shared many stories – looking through beautiful photos and personal mementoes has made me realise that memory work is both necessary and inspirational. After all, the growing ease with self-expression as we age, can mean that older adults benefit not only themselves, but also people from the community at large. It has made me explore local pioneer photographers, look up my grandmother’s wedding photos, and ask relatives for details about ‘those days’. So next time you hear your parents or grandparents relate the same story, or look at the same old image, patiently reassure yourself that this is a needed process; one that we might all want to explore or resort to, at some point in our lives. Charlotte Stafrace runs ActiveAge Malta, and is currently involved in a project called Making Memories, with persons with memory loss, funded by the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.





Għadam tal-mejtin Tjubija ta’ lewż u ġelu jagħtu togħma ħelwa lix-xahar ta’ Novembru. Għandek bżonn: Għall-għaġina 240g dqiq plain Nofs kuċċarina trab talħami 60g zokkor tal-ġelu 115g butir bla melħ 1 isfar ta’ bajda 1 kuċċarina essenza talvanilla Il-meraq u l-qoxra maħkuka ta’ larinġa Għall-mili tal-lewż 125g lewż pur mitħun 100g zokkor tal-ġelu Qoxra ta’ lumija maħkuka fin Nofs kuċċarina essenza tal-vanilla Abjad ta’ bajda Ftit ġelu biex tiksi u lewż inkaljat biex iżżejjen

Kif issajjar: Saħħan il-forn 200°C jew gass numru ħamsa. L-ewwel lesti l-għaġina. Fi skutella kbira għarbel id-dqiq, it-trab tal-ħami u z-zokkor flimkien. Żid il-butir u ħaddmu b’subgħajk sakemm ittaħlita tiġi qisha frak tal-ħobż. Żid il-qoxra maħkuka ta’ larinġa u l-isfra tal-bajd u ħawwad sakemm tifforma għaġina ratba. Geżwirha fil-cling film u ħalliha tiksaħ fil-friġġ għal millinqas 30 minuta. Sakemm tiksaħ l-għaġina, lesti l-mili. Poġġi l-ingredjenti kollha fi skutella kbira u ħaddimhom b’idejk biex tifforma pastarjali. Ara li t-taħlita ma tkunx twaħħal iżżejjed. Meta l-għaġina tiksaħ u tkun lestejt it-taħlita tal-mili, tista’ tibda tifforma l-għadam.

Iftaħ l-għaġina fi strixxa wiesgħa daqs erba’ pulzieri. Idlikha bi ftit ilma u rembel ilmili tal-lewż f ’zalzetta tal-istess wisa’ tal-għaġina u poġġiha fuqha. Geżwer il-mili fl-għaġina u ssiġilla t-trufijiet tajjeb. Rembilha ftit biex l-għaġina u lmili jagħqdu tajjeb flimkien. Qattagħha f ’biċċiet u erġa’

ssiġilla t-trufijiet tal-għaġina sewwa flimkien ħalli l-mili jibqa’ ġewwa. Rembel kull biċċa f ’għamla ta’ zalzetta żgħira u b’subgħajk niżżel it-trufijiet ftit ’l isfel biex tifforma l-għadma. Poġġi l-għadam fuq tilari miksija b’karta tal-ħami u spazjahom sew minn ma’ xulxin għax waqt il-ħami jinfetħu.

Aħmihom f ’temperatura ta’ 200°C għal madwar 25 sa 30 minuta, jew sakemm jieħdu kulur dehbi ċar. Oħroġhom mill-forn u poġġihom fuq gradilja biex jiksħu sew. Meta jkunu lesti, idlek il-wiċċ ta’ kull għadma bil-ġelu jew biċ-ċikkulata mdewba u fil-pront ferrex ftit lewż inkaljat imfarrak.





Abuse and

neglect of the elderly

Psychological abuse leaves no visible scars but inflicts emotional pain and distress.

It is crucial for all of society to maintain vigilance on the issue of abuse and neglect of the elderly, says Maria Aurora Fenech.


he terms ‘abuse’ and ‘neglect’ create a multitude of opinions, some acknowledging their existence and others insisting that abuse and neglect lie entirely in the eyes of the beholder. this opinion piece will focus on the older person as the victim. It is not about the doom and gloom of abuse and neglect, but about finding the root of all that constitutes and contributes to abuse and abusive behaviour. It is important to know and understand the intricacies surrounding abuse and neglect. We need to believe that abuse and neglect exist. and we need to realise that someday it could be us, as either the victim or the perpetrator. It is the scope of this article to present, as much as space allows, a general and expedient picture of this often unspoken of, and unexplored, experience for older persons. abuse and neglect constitute single or repeated acts or lack of appropriate actions occurring within a relationship where there is an expectation of trust which, as a result, causes harm or distress to an older person, and thus, violating this person’s human or civil rights. these acts could be deliberate or accidental, though it is noteworthy that it is only in a minority of cases where abuse

or neglect is a deliberate act. abuse and neglect occurs for many reasons and can be caused by anybody. the actual causes that lead carers (both informal and formal) astray and ‘treat badly’ fellow human beings are not fully understood. formal and informal carers who are unsuitable for a caring role, or who lack understanding of the needs of the older person, or who are experiencing personal stress, are more susceptible to abuse or neglect an older person. Similarly, older persons with communication problems or exhibiting unpredictable behaviours and major changes in personality which result in repetitive behaviour wandering or aggression or the older person who either demands or needs more care than the carers can actually provide, may also result in abuse. research tends to highlight five prevalent types of elder mistreatment. first is physical abuse or the injury or mistreatment of the older person, which occurs through the use of physical force. It can also include overmedication or the withholding of medication, forced feeding and the inappropriate use of physical restraints. Second is psychological or emotional abuse. this is often

difficult to recognise, as there are no recognisable visible scars, yet it has the potential to inflict emotional pain and distress. It can take the form of threatening, bullying, isolating, shouting, blaming, blackmailing, making jokes about or teasing the older person, deliberate exclusion or ignoring and depriving the older person of basic needs, pleasures or activities.

Most older person abuse and neglect occurs in the home setting financial abuse is the more common type of abuse. financial abuse does not have to mean large sums of money. a small amount of money taken regularly can add up to a large sum over a period of time. on occasions, persons in a position of power may invent stories to coax money from the older person. abusers or perpetrators often justify financial abuse by thinking they deserve the money because they are carers,

and have earned this, it is their rightful inheritance or by thinking that the older person does not need it. Sexual abuse is perhaps the most distasteful type of abuse for practitioners, informal or formal carers to acknowledge, and professionals to address. It involves engaging in sexual activities without the older person’s consent, or where the person has insufficient mental capability to have full understanding of the activity. neglect refers the inappropriate care of the older person. the cause of neglect is hard to diagnose because it often is a combination of factors. Moreover, many of the symptoms may appear to be thought of as a natural part of the aging process, such as weight loss, when in effect, the symptoms could be treated with proper nutrition and fluid intake. neglect may arise out of a number of situations. for instance, it may be the result of alcoholism, bereavement, loss of self-care skills and capacities due to some form of mental impairment, adverse drug reactions, isolation or a lifelong pattern of chaos on the part of the older person, formal or informal carer or both. abuse or neglect are certainly uncomfortable terms in today’s modern existence.

Some experts in the field are suggesting that this terminology defames and judges unnecessarily the alleged ‘perpetrator’. and so they suggest that abuse and neglect are referred to ‘not meeting the physical, emotional or financial needs of the older person’ rather than provoking, blaming or threatening the alleged perpetrator. Most older person abuse and neglect occurs in the home setting – however, a significant number of cases occurs in care homes, out of sight of the general public. the majority of the latter cases are generally not deliberate but are a result of poor work practices, lack of proper training, thoughtlessness and impatience, ignorance or time pressure, inappropriate care planning, and visual patience. Caring for older persons is a rewarding but sometimes challenging experience. and the older person deserves to be treated with the respect that their life and achievements warrant. for those reasons it is crucial for all of society to maintain vigilance on the issue of abuse and neglect. Should one wish to report suspected elder abuse or neglect one may contact the 179 helpline which is available 24 hours a day. Dr Maria Aurora Fenech is lecturer and coordinator of the Master of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Department of Gerontology, University of Malta.





Bejn mejjet u ieħor Min jinsab bla sabar, jeħtieġ jikkalma. U min hu “mejjet” – iżda li t-tifkira tiegħu ma tiġix iċċelebrata f’Novembru – aħjar iqum mirraqda, jgħid Tonio Bonello.


l-għajnuna t’Alla qed nibdew xahar ġdid. Hekk kif Diċembru hu assoċjat mal-festa sabiħa tal-Milied u tmiem lewwel tas-sena, Novembru magħruf bl-istess qies, iżda bħala x-xahar tal-mejtin. Qed ngħid dan għall-ġenerazzjonijiet tiegħi. Dawk illum tfal u żgħażagħ aktarx jirriferu għal Novembru għattifkira li qed dejjem tikber filpopolarita’, dik tal-Halloween. Mhux biss hawn Malta, iżda madwar id-dinja. Nistqarr ma nara l-ebda sens ta’ ċelebrazzjoni ta’ festa li pjuttost tiffoka madwar element ta’ nagattivita’. Minkejja dan, illum din saret kważi tradizzjoni. Jekk hemm element ħelu fiha, dan hu dak li tfal żgħar iduru bieb bieb ħerqana jitolbu jingħataw ftit ħelu. Min intiż fil-lingwistika jaf tajjeb li bħala prassi, kelma f ’lingwa (u fil-Malti mhux b’anqas) aktarx ikollha aktar minn tifsira waħda. Hekk insibu li l-kelma “mejjet” fillingwa ta’ kuljum tan-nies fittriq għandha wkoll żewġ tifsiriet. Ħasra li t-tnejn ma jiddeskrivux xi aspett feliċi. Il-mejjet proprja hu dak li jkun ħalla dan il-wied ta’ dmugħ wara snin jissielet malkurrenti tal-ħajja, jew iġiegħel lill-ħaddieħor jagħmel dan minħabba f ’xi karattru diffiċli jew ivvizzjat li jkollu. Ħafna drabi fit-terminoloġija popolari Maltija spiss nisimgħu, “Għamilli ħajti nfern!” Hu stat fil-ħajja tagħna, filfatt l-aħħar stadju fejn aħna nħallu kollox u lil kulħadd f ’din id-dinja bit-tama li nsibu ħajja aħjar. Hu f ’dan l-ambjent li kif nagħmlu jum tifkira għal kull ħaġa, hekk dawk qabilna ħasbu biex jum l-ewwel ta’ Novembru jkun dedikat għal dawk l-aktar għeżież tagħna. Kemm hu sabiħ li din ittradizzjoni, jew, ngħid jien, obbligu li aħna għandna, nibqgħu inżommuha u ngħożżuha. Il-ħasil tal-irħam tal-oqbra, il-bukketti tal-fjuri, ix-xama, xi biljett b’messaġġ, dan kollu mhux possibbli li kieku m’hemmx il-presenza

tal-bniedem f ’dawn l-ambjenti forsi xejn frekwentati, iżda daqstant ieħor popolari matul dan iż-żmien tas-sena. Ħasra biss li kif nagħmlu aħna lkoll, bnedmin vulnerabbli, fraġili u segwaċi talmerħla, nagħmlu dan kollu biss – jew kważi biss – matul ix-xahar ta’ Novembru. Dawk taħt l-irħama kieku jistgħu jitkellmu aktarx ilissnu: “Blabbundanza f ’Novembru u xejn matul is-sena kollha!” Ma nsejtx kif inhi definita’ ttifsira l-oħra. Tali konotazzjoni meta hi ndirizzata lejn min jissejjaħ “mejjet”, fil-verita’ jkun qed jiġi mfisser, aktarx bħala persuna bla ħila, li trid tmexxih biex jimxi, mingħajr ħeġġa, bla inizjattiva. Forsi wkoll, mhux kapaċi li jasal jieħu deċiżjonijiet. “Qisek mejjet” hi l-frażi popolari. Kelmtejn kollox li, iżda għal min huma ndirizzati jistgħu faċilment joħolqu fihom sens ta’ rabja, insult li fil-parti kbira ta’ ċirkostanzi tali, din toħloq provokazzjoni li twassal għal argumenti, tgħajjir, batibekki u saħansitra ġlied. Bħal donnu, fid-dinja li ninsabu fiha llum, m’għadux aktar tollerabbli li bniedem jieħu laffarijiet b’ċerta kalma, riflessjoni jew b’kawtela. Sar kollox mgħaġġel, ejja ħa mmorru, issa u mhux għada. Pero’ iva, jeżistu wkoll individwi li bogħod minn dan largument, jaġixxu fil-veru sens tal-kelma hekk, minħabba fil-mod kif jagħmlu jew ma jagħmlux ċerti affarijiet. Fil-mod kif jieħdu jew ma jieħdux azzjoni, inizjattiva jew deċiżjonijiet. Forsi wkoll b’ċertu sens ta’ biża, insigurta’ li jistgħu jkunu kawża anke ta’ dawk madwarhom stess. Li forsi qatt ma tawhom possibbiltà jew opportunità li jmexxu biċċa xogħol kompletament waħedhom. Illum forsi, flok “mejjet”, aktar nisimgħu il-frażi, “bla demm”. Din iżda tista’ tfisser ħafna aktar minn mejjet. Bniedem bla demm jista’ jkun per-

suna li f ’ħajjitha turi nuqqas kostanti ta’ sensittività. Persuna li tajba hi u allura tajjeb kulħadd. Persuna li se tieħu kollox minn dimensjoni eżatta u pura ta’ egoiżmu sfrenat. Hawn ħafna tbatija fostna ġejja kawżata minn persuni “mejtin” jew “bla demm” jgħixu madwarna. Fatturi ewlenin ta’ dawk magħrufa bħala sinjali ta’ ansjetà, dipressjoni, eċitament, konsegwenzi oħra aktarx huma riżultati ta’ mġieba tali fil-konfront tagħna. Illum, veru, forsi qed ngħixu f ’ħajja fejn fil-parti kbira minnha jista’ hemm element qawwi ta’ nuqqas ta’ sabar. Jista’ għandna għaġġla sfrenata biex inlaħħqu ma’ kollox u ma’ kulħadd. Anke l-għeżież teżori tagħna wliedna sa minn età żgħira qed jiffaċjaw tali tip ta’ ħajja. Dan m’hu xejn ambjent sahan. Fl-istess ħin, żgur ukoll li ma jistax ikun li jibqa’ jkollna ċerti individwi fil-ħajja tagħna li

L-għaġġla sfrenata mhi tajba għal ħadd.

bħal donnhom għadhom kemm illandjaw fuq il-qamar u bdew jagħmlu l-ewwel passi! Li wieħed jorqod bil-lejl, b’xi mod jew ieħor nifhimha. Li iżda fil-ħajja jkollna niffaċċjaw, naħdmu u ngħixu ma’ bnedmin li huma “reqdin” ukoll matul il-ġurnata, din m’hi tollerabbli xejn. Sigriet dan kollu hu l-bilanċ. Li nippruvaw nifhmu lil xulxin u l-karattri ta’ xulxin. Jeħtieġ li min jinsab bla sabar, insibu mezzi kif nikkalmawh ftit. Blistess qies iżda jeħtieġ li min hu “mejjet” iżda li t-tifkira tiegħu ma tiġix iċċelebrata f ’Novembru, dan iqum mir-raqda li jinsab fiha, jerfa’ salibu u jkompli miexi fit-triq magħna li, irridu jew ma rridux jinħtieġ li nkomplu fiha flimkien.

Din hi l-ħajja tal-bniedem f ’din id-dinja. Sakemm rimedju ġust u bilanċjat ma jidħolx fis-seħħ, il-konflitti tagħna ta’ kuljum, il-ġlied, is-suppervja, il-piki jibqgħu jiddomminaw ma’ kull nifs li nieħdu. Meta nsibu dak li jgħaqqadna, it-tajjeb f ’kull wieħed u waħda minnha, ħajjitna tinbidel. U nkunu aħjar. Nawguralek dan għallkumplament ta’ ħajtek. Is-sliem. Tonio Bonello huwa l-editur ta’ Veterani, pubblikazzjoni ta’ kull xahar maħruġa mitTaqsima Informazzjoni u Komunikazzjoni tad-Direttorat għall-Anzjanità Attiva u Kura fil-Komunità.





L-Antikrist Mattew I Silta mir-rumanz ġdid ta’ Tony C. Cutajar.

l-folkor tas-Slavi flEwropa tal-Lvant u filPunent tar-Russja isemmi saħħara, mara xiħa rqiqa ħafna jisimha Baba Yaga, li l-laqam tagħha jfisser saqajn mgħaddma. Baba Yaga toqgħod f ’gorboġ fil-foresta. Dan il-gorboġ huwa wieqaf fuq is-saqajn ta’ tiġieġa u mdawwar b’fens imżejjen bi rjus tal-mejtin. Dawk li jiġu jżuruha jridu jgħidu l-formola maġika. Għalkemm Baba Yaga kultant tgħin l-eroj tal-istorja, spiss tkun perikoluża biex wieħed jirnexxilu jerbħilha. Fid-dramm traġiku Macbeth, William Shakespeare jagħmel użu mit-tradizzjonijiet popolari ta’ żmienu in konnessjoni mat-twemmin fis-sħaħar u lmaġija. Dak iż-żmien ix-xogħol tas-sħaħar kien suġġett ta’ interess kbir, tant hu hekk li rre l-ġdid tal-Ingilterra kien kiteb ktieb bl-isem ta’ Demonolgy. Sakemm laħqet irReġina Eliżabbetta I, ħadd ma seta’ jiġi arrestat u maqtul għax kien jaħdem bħala saħħar. Iżda fis-sena 1604, ilmaġija saret offiża kapitali. Meta tinstab evidenza ta’ relazzjonijiet mal-ispirti ħżiena, il-ħati kien jiġi kkundannat għall-mewt bit-tgħallieq jew billi jiġi maħruq jew mgħarraq fil-baħar. Ma nafux jekk Shakespeare kienx jemmen fis-sħaħar jew le, iżda żgur li jdaħħalhom fiddrammi tiegħu u l-biċċa lkbira tal-udjenzi kienu jemmnuhom. Bħal-lum, in-nies ta’ żmien id-drammaturgu kienu jemmnu li x-xitan jeżisti u li jqatta’ ħinu jipprova jwaqqa’ lbniedem taħt idejh. Fil-bidu nett ta’ Macbeth, ilĠeneral Banquo tal-armata tar-Re Duncan jammetti dan kollu. It-tliet sħaħar fiddramm setgħu jagħmlu dak kollu li kienu jagħmlu ssħaħar. Huma kienu jafu lġejjieni, setgħu jqajmu t-tempesti, il-beraq u s-sajjetti, jgħarrqu l-bastimenti, inixxfu l-għadajjar, isejħu l-mejtin u anke jbiddlu l-jum fil-lejl. Setgħu anke jikkawżaw il-mewt tal-għedewwa tagħhom u jagħmlu lilhom infushom inviżibbli. Biex jirnexxilhom, kienu jiftħu l-oqbra u jieħdu partijiet tal-ġisem biex jagħmlu t-taħlita maġika tagħhom. L-iġsma tat-trabi mhux mgħammda kienu l-

Fid-dramm traġiku Macbeth, William Shakespeare jagħmel użu mit-tradizzjonijiet popolari ta’ żmienu in konnessjoni mat-twemmin fis-sħaħar u l-maġija.

iktar imfittxija minnhom. Shakespeare ipinġi t-tliet sħaħar bħala nisa xjuħ, koroh għall-aħħar u tal-biża’ li xogħolhom fl-istorja kien sempliċiment li jidħqu bir-Re Macbeth billi jġagħluh jaħseb li ħadd ma seta’ jegħlbu. Is-sħaħar għadhom jiġu prattikati f ’ċerti kulturi tallum, speċjalment f ’dawk ilpajjiżi li għadhom lura u baqgħu jgħixu fl-antik. Skont it-tagħlim Nisrani, kemm Kattoliku kif ukoll Protestant, u anke dak tal-Islam, l-arti tassaħħar għandha x’taqsam mal-ereżija u hija meqjusa bħala xi ħaġa ħażina li fiha hemm imdaħħal ix-xitan. Iżda dan mhux bilfors. Mhux ilmaġija kollha twassal għattpattija jew li ssir ħsara lil xi persuna oħra. Ħafna millakkużi ta’ seħer fl-imgħoddi kien riżultat ta’ suspett, biża’ jew ansjetà soċjali. F’ħafna leġġendi s-sħaħar huma nies diżonesti, kattivi jew perikolużi. Ċerti kulturi lanqas biss iqisuhom bħala bnedmin għax jaħsbu li huma spirti ħżiena lesti biex jagħmlu biss l-ħsara lil bniedem u biex jaqdu lix-xitan. Anke llum, f ’ċerti pajjiżi għadhom isiru

Is-superstizzjonijiet tal-Maltin kienu fl-aqwa tagħhom f’dawk iż-żminijiet akkużi kontra xi ħadd li hu maħsub li hu saħħar u dan ġieli jwassal għall-vjolenza. Hemm il-maġija l-bajda u ssħaħar bojod li kienu meqjusa bħala tajba għax ma jaħdmux kontra r-rieda tal-persuni involuti. Sa l-aħħar tas-seklu 19, dawn is-sħaħar bojod flIngilterra kienu rispettati u aċċettati bħala parti importanti tas-soċjetà. Fost isservizzi li kienu jagħtu, dawn kienu jipproteġu kontra maġija li twassal għal mard u seħer li jagħmel id-deni. Jingħad li kienu jaqraw ilġejjieni, isibu teżori maħbija u jgħinu fejn jistgħu b’mod speċjali lill-maħbubin. F’Malta wkoll għad hawn min jemmen fil-kapaċitajiet ta’ ċerti nies u hawn min ifittex lis-sħaħar biex jaqrawlhom xortihom. Iżda fl-antik iktar kellna każi anke estremi u ħafna iktar spissi mil-lum. Illum in-nies m’għadhomx injoranti, bla skola u jaċċettaw kollox bl-amment. Saru jafu jaħsbu b’moħħhom u mhux jagħtuha għas-superstizzjoni,

għalkemm għadek tiltaqa’ ma’ xi wħud li, bħal imzazen, jibilgħu kollox sa ġriżmejhom. Fi żmien l-Ordni ta’ San Ġwann, l-affarijiet kienu ħafna differenti u kien hawn ħafna taħwid. Inħass il-bżonn li f ’Malta wkoll titwaqqaf linkiżizzjoni bħal f ’pajjiżi Kattoliċi oħra. Xogħol l-inkiżizzjoni kien li tipproteġi t-tagħlim tal-Knisja u tikkontrolla l-idejat ġodda, perikolużi jew li jmorru kontra r-reliġjon Nisranija. Immexxija minn Isqof maħtur mill-Vatikan, linkiżizzjoni kellha d-dritt twiddeb u anke tikkastiga fejn ikun hemm bżonn lil kull min jaqa’ fl-ereżiji. Il-kastigi qatt ma kienu ħorox bħalma kienu fi Spanja u fi Franza u ftit ħafna kienu dawk li ħadu lmewt bħala kastig. In-nies li dehru quddiem l-inkiżitur mhux dejjem kienu kavallieri, li suppost kienu jafu ħafna aħjar bil-voti reliġjużi li kienu jieħdu u bl-isfond serju talfamilji tagħhom. Fl-injoranza u s-sempliċità tagħhom, il-Maltin kienu

jaqgħu spiss fl-ereżiji u fiddagħa u sfortunatament xi wħud għadhom sal-lum. Illum jgħadduha lixxa għax għalkemm hija kontra l-liġi li tidgħi b’Alla u l-Madonna, bilkemm qatt jittieħdu passi kontra dawn in-nies laxki. Iżda mhux hekk kien fi żmien linkiżizzjoni. Is-superstizzjonijiet talMaltin kienu fl-aqwa tagħhom f ’dawk iż-żminijiet, forsi wkoll minħabba t-toqol tat-tbatijiet tal-ħajja meta kienu jfittxu sabar jew duwa biex iħossuhom aħjar. Kienu jduru għal mediċini fantastiċi għal kontra l-mard, rimedji kontra l-għajn ħażina, għemejjel ta’ seħer bittama li jqanqlu għall-imħabba jew biex jisfugaw fil-mibegħda. Kienu jilbsu t-talismani, bħal xi nagħla żgħira, bit-tama li dawn l-oġġetti jġibulhom xorti tajba. Kienu jilbsu wkoll amuletti,




bħal xi qarn tad-deheb, biex ibiegħdu minnhom ix-xorti ħażina. Dawn ir-rimedji kienu jixterdu fost il-poplu millilsiera Torok jew minn dawk innisa li jkunu tgħallmu s-sengħa minnhom. Bħala Nsara aħna nġorru salib jew domna imma mhux biex iġibulna x-xorti, kif għadhom jaħsbu ċerti nies. L-istorja turi li s-sħaħar f ’Malta, b’mod speċjali fisseklu 18, kienu pprattikati flirħula u ġeneralment minn nisa u minn skjavi rġiel finnaħat tal-Port il-Kbir. Dawn liskjavi kellhom bżonn il-flus biex jifdu lilhom infushom u jkollhom il-libertà. Il-Maltin donnhom kienu jħennu għalihom għax kienu jemmnuhom u jħallsuhom għas-“servizzi” tagħhom. Dan ma jfissirx li filbliet ma kontx issib min jedha b’dawn il-prattiċi tas-seħer, imma n-nies tal-kampanja ma kinux lesti jirraportaw il-ġirien tagħhom biex jiġu kkastigati. Lispjegazzjoni hija sempliċiment ġeografika u ma kellhiex x’taqsam ma’ mottivi reliġjużi. Infatti, ġie pprovat li n-nies talbliet huma iktar reliġjużi, u ttradizzjonijiet, it-twemmin u lprattika huma iktar sodi minn dawk tan-nies tal-irħula li kont

ssibhom ħafna inqas edukati u tal-iskola. Bejn is-snin 1777 u 1798 hemm 133 skjav u Tork li kienu magħrufa bħala sħaħar, 69 mara u 19 -il raġel, waqt li tmintax oħra kienu priġunieri jaħdmu fuq ix-xwieni. Kien hemm min ħareġ bit-teorija li n-nisa kienu miġbudin lejn din is-sengħa tas-sħaħar minħabba l-fatt illi l-Bibbja twaħħal f ’Eva li waqqgħet lil Adam fid-dnub. Oħrajn isostnu li n-nisa għandhom ċerta qawwa stramba u perikoluża. Dawn l-influwenzi huma partikolarment evidenti u perikolużi fil-perjodu mestruwali meta kienet lużanza stramba li dawn in-nisa ma kinux jitħallew jidħlu lknisja. Kien hemm min wasal biex jgħid li f ’dawk iż-żminijiet l-ikel li kienu jmissu dawn innisa kien jiqras, id-dolliegħ kien isir morr, u jekk ikollhom x’jaqsmu ma’ żwieġhom, ittrabi kienu jitwieldu mostri. Din kollha kienet parti millinjoranza u s-superstizzjoni. Din is-sena huwa l-40 anniversarju minn meta l-awtur Tony C. Cutajar ippublika l-ewwel rumanz tiegħu, Id-Dubbien lAbjad (Klabb Kotba Maltin).

Independence and comfort

The Himolla motorised recliner chairs are the perfect chairs for the older generation and anyone with joint pains. Most chairs having a liftup function, helping users raise themselves up in a standing position, making them feel more independent. In addition, the motorised chairs are available with a choice of one to three motors. The Heart chair in particular is equipped with three motors, and its special feature raises feet higher than other recliners, promoting better blood circulation. Manufactured in Germany, these chairs can take up to 130kg in weight. And, to cater to each individual’s measurements, the chairs are available in different sizes, depending on the width, depth, and seat height that are most suitable for every client.

Some models even come with a manually adjustable headrest. As for one’s aesthetic preferences, they also come in a variety of leather colours, as well as a base finish of one’s choice on some of the brand’s models. For further information visit Boris Arcidiacono showroom in Tower Road, Sliema or call 2133 3638/9.




























DOWN 2. Provides (6) 3. Tallied (6) 4. Layer (3) 5. Inquired (5) 6. Foolish actions (7) 7. Not at home (4) 8. Titled women (6) 12. Gemstone (5) 13. Improper (5) 14. Thick (5) 15. Metal fastener (5) 16. Fruit (5) 18. Postpone (5) 19. Terse (7) 21. Opposed (6) 22. Peril (6) 23. Creepily (6) 25. Lures (5) 26. Half (4) 28. Craft (3)











25 26

26 28


28 29

29 30





25. Scolds (7) 26. Navigation aid (5) 27. Naive (5) 28. Once more (5) 29. Blend (7) 30. Keepsake (5) 31. Carrying salvers (5)















ACROSS 1. Impertinence when out of bread? (5) 6. It’s fun being a rogue! (5) 9. Unimportant figure in legal proceedings (7) 10. Transport by motor and railway (5) 11. Trick a pet companion (5) 12. Like the way of stars (5) 13. Told within the family (7) 15. Succeed in hitting a reduced target (3) 17. First fellow to have a mare (4) 18. She gets the wrong angle on an article (6) 19. Living creature (5) 20. See a complaint as something tasteful (6) 22. Weary of a strange rite (4) 24. Athenian bird? (3) 25. Intermediary, and a little bent, outwardly! (7) 26. Val takes it to be essential (5) 27. Up in the air, slip out of the way (5) 28. Girl from Tangier (5) 29. It provides for the rest of the audience (7) 30. Is cruel to a wild beast (5) 31. End of the ad, perhaps (5) DOWN 2. Raised by the chap at the back (6) 3. Star me as a runner (6) 4. As an essay, a pointless entry (3) 5. Do without an empty space (5) 6. Discharging certain material (7) 7. Perform a dramatic piece musically (4) 8. She conceals her heartache in different ways (6) 12. Man behind me in a race (5) 13. Landed property managed by some charity (5) 14. Language resembling Latvian in parts? (5) 15. Lamp spirit? (5) 16. Accepted with thanks by a boy (5) 18. Flying station in London? (5) 19. In any case, Sid’s in the Brentford team (7) 21. Interrupt the French with an exclamation (6) 22. Pain due to a double portion of porridge (6) 23. Is in repose, but you won’t agree! (6) 25. Hospital traditionally for the hereditarily honoured? (5) 26. Garment from the glove stall (4) 28. Clandestine union? (3) OCTOBER ISSUE SOLUTIONS: ACROSS: 1. Retain 7. Estim-ate 8. Etna 10. G-et o-ut 11. Regent 14. Orb 16. Rides 17. Runs 19. Hum-an 21. Ho-V-el 22. Towel 23. Cert 26. Recap 28. Gum 29. Us-ur-er 30. Hating 31. Yser 32. Gestured 33. Ex-tras. DOWN: 1. Ringer 2. Actors 3. Neat 4. Miner-Al 5. Mated 6. Ge-n-ts 8. Eton 9. Nub 12. Gin 13. Neve-r 15. Du-V-et 18. Urges 19. How 20. Mel 21. Hop-eful 22. Tar 23. Cut-est. 24. Emir 25. Tights 26. Ru-N-gs 27. Curse 28. Gas 30. Hyde.



ACROSS 1. Reject (5) 6. Drops (5) 9. British city (7) 10. Tale (5) 11. Praises (5) 12. Stomach (5) 13. Commanded (7)

15. Agent (3) 17. Second-hand (4) 18. Failure (6) 19. Stringed instruments (5) 20. Scamp (6) 22. Hoofed mammal (4) 24. Previous day (3)

OCTOBER ISSUE SOLUTIONS: ACROSS: 1. Pagans 7. Abundant 8. Elan 10. Spruce 11. Cicada 14. Ore 16. Vowel 17. Erse 19. Renew 21. Robin 22. Local 23. Lead 26. Lapel 28. Rid 29. Exhale 30. Caveat 31. Omen 32. National 33. Drying. DOWN: 1. Pursue 2. Allure 3. Sane 4. Enliven 5. Macaw 6. Steal 8. Eros 9. Ace 12. Cow 13. Delta 15. Kebab 18. Relax 19. Roc 20. Nil 21. Rollmop 22. Lea 23. Livery 24. Eden 25. Dating 26. Leant 27. Photo 28. Ram 30. Cold.


































































































































































































































Adult Aural Blurb Clank Colder Coral Corset Dolls Earthy Engulf

Exuded Feels Foreleg Fowls Hears Humid Ignite Inning Juniper Khaki

Kilos Laced Medicate Meted Mimic Nephew Numbers Oyster Preeminence Quiets

Shire Sobriety Stammer Stems Swampy Swift Takes Uneven Unleash Whiskers



Richard Ellis Archive and Book Distributors Limited (BDL).



Ngħidu kelma QWIEL MALTIN U XI JFISSRU Ġebel ma ġebel ma jiltaqax, iżda wiċċ ma wiċċ jiltaqa’. Mountain does not meet mountain, but a face does meet another face. Min jisma mill-mara, wiċċ Alla qatt ma jara. He who follows his wife’s advice will never see the face of God.

Adelaide (rumanz originali ta’ Paolo Olmi) by Charles B. Spiteri

A Taste of Maltese Folklore by Joseph C Camilleri

Presenting the past This month, we are once again giving away a set of 12 replica prints by Richard Ellis. To win, identify the locations (street and city) of the photograph on this page and send your answers via e-mail to or by post to ‘Senior Times Competition’, Allied Newspapers Limited, Triq L-Intornjatur, Mrieħel BKR 3000. The first correct answer that we receive will win a set of 12 replica prints by Richard Ellis. The second and third runner-up win one of the above-mentioned books, courtesy of Book Distributors Limited (BDL).

The winners of the October Senior Times competition are Emanuel Zahra (who wins a copy of Malta Diary of a War – 1940-1945 by Michael Galea) and Charles Bartolo (who wins a copy of Malta Memories – World War I – 1914-2014 (Limited edition – set of 12 prints) by BDL.

Iż-żwieg lagħqa għasel u bittija mrar. Marriage is a drop of honey and a barrel of bitter. Aħjar issuq erba żwiemel milli ħmar. It’s better to ride four horses than one donkey. Aħjar weġgħa minn demgħa. An ache is better than a tear.


5 8 6 3

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9

2 7 9 4 8 5 1 6 3

5 8 6 9 3 1 7 2 4

4 1 3 7 6 2 8 5 9

1 4 7 3 2 9 5 8 6

6 3 2 8 5 4 9 7 1

8 9 5 6 1 7 3 4 2

3 2 1 5 4 8 6 9 7

7 5 4 1 9 6 2 3 8

9 6 8 2 7 3 4 1 5

1 2 7

8 2 9

2 9 3

Qabbilli waħda

7 5 9 8

7 5

Ajma ma gidimi dudu, fejn gidimni ma ngħidlekx, gidimni banda ħażina, taħt iċ-ċinta tad-dublett.

5 6 7 1 2 3

Ċuff ċuff il-baħar, ommi mir-raħal, missieri miż-Żejtun, xtara ħmara w karettun. Il-karettun ma jiswa xejn, Il-ħmara tiswa ħabtejn.


O Ġesu`tini l-paċenzja, U mal-paċenzja tini l-flus. Mal-flus tini d-dota, U mad-dota tini l-għarus.





Gone but not forgotten Malta in black and white still has a beauty that’s full of colour and a kind of innocence that the island has lost over the years. Senior Times and Bay Retro celebrate a pretty past.

An ice cream vendor gets ready for a busy night at the Mosta feast in 1986. PHOTO: TIM MACHIN/BAY RETRO


Photographer Sally Buck shares a photo from her grandfather’s album, showing the railway platform at Notabile Station near Rabat around 100 years ago. PHOTO: BAY RETRO

Children play in the street outside the Barun Bar in Msida in 1960. PHOTO: JOSEPH FORMOSA/BAY RETRO

Gozo’s very own fuel donkey hauling Esso paraffin at Savina Square in Victoria in the 1940s. PHOTO: PATRICK AZZOPARDI/BAY RETRO


oliver Camenzuli’s grandfather against the backdrop of the Pieta seafront more than 75 years ago. Photo: olIVeR CAMenzUlI/BAy RetRo

A barefoot girl walks behind two Australian servicemen strolling along Marsamxett Street in Valletta in 1943. Photo: BAy RetRo

Kalkara six decades ago. Photo: edGAR VellA/BAy RetRo

Girls from Ħamrun Primary School wave Union Flags during a dance routine to celebrate the Coronation of George VI in 1937. Photo: BAy RetRo

Sailors line St Anne Street in Floriana as King edward VII heads towards Valletta during a Royal visit to Malta in 1903. Photo: BAy RetRo

Children smile for the camera as they explore a heavily bombed building in Valletta in 1942. Photo: BAy RetRo







Look back, recognise the moments which brought us joy – and why not, maybe sadness as well – and embrace them once again.


all me a wet blanket, but I shall never quite understand why so many people are always in such a rush to put up Christmas decorations in November. There’s plenty of time left until Christmas, once December appears on the calendar. As far as I’m concerned, November is very firmly planted in my mind as the month during which we remember our loved ones, and others who have moved on to a better life. And before I’m labelled as “the Grinch” or something similar, for spoiling the party by not succumbing to the pleasures of an early Christmas, may I just point out that November too has its ‘pleasures’, even on a culinary level. Speaking for myself, I’m quite happy to spend the entire 30 days munching on għadam tal-mejtin, before the endless rush to bake the mince pies. As I sit at my computer, writing this – and eating one of those delicious confections covered, not in the traditional white icing, but in white chocolate – I recall a poem from my school days: Recessional by Rudyard Kipling. Now Kipling really knew how to spoil a party. Written for the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1897, his poem was

a dire warning to the people of his country of forgetting the responsibilities of the British Empire. “Lest we forget” is the repeated chorus of the poem which comes to mind and which I cannot shake, as I sit here looking out of the window, wondering what to write. There is a quote by Edmund Burke, an Irish statesman, which reads “Those who don’t know history, are doomed to repeat it”. I think this is what “lest we forget” implies. Today, we are wont to forget the past, worry-not about the future and live very firmly in the present. But as we carry on with our daily lives, there’s a sense of unease, a sense of fragility even, and an overwhelming feeling that if we choose to simply wipe out the past, we can miss out on its fullest potential. So, I think that Burke was right in implying that if we forget important moments in history – even in our own personal life story – and the reasons why things happened the way they did, then, we are doomed to having to experience such moments again. Rather than being grounded only in the present moment, it might be a better option to consider how we can learn from our past and acquire some valu-

able lessons from it, with a view of directing our future in a much more thoughtful way. After all, as human beings, we are defined by our past and we would certainly not be the person we are today without those definitive years.

As human beings, we are defined by our past Several years ago, I would be more inclined to say that I wish certain darker chapters of my life had never occurred, but gradually I acknowledged just how important those episodes were. Today, looking back over the course of my life, I am aware that each and every relationship I nurtured – with family, friends, colleagues – have inspired me to become a better version of myself, and for this, and to them, I am truly grateful. We really do learn from our past, but if we don’t remember the lessons – most


The past is a wise teacher, says Christine Galea from the Cana Movement.


Lest we forget TI C HR I S



especially when we have made mistakes – then we cannot benefit from those experiences. Throughout our lives, we employ a variety of disciplines in order to make the most of our years on earth: we strive to bring our plans to fruition, pursue our dreams, are energised by social causes, we experiment with modes of living, some of which fade from our memory, as we discover new pastures. But every now and then it might be a good idea to look back, recognise the moments which brought us joy – and why not, maybe sadness as well – and embrace them once again. The talents and abilities which we used in order to navigate the sea of life at such moments, may serve us once again to recognise new opportunities which the present day may be offering us. The composer of one of the most famous poems in the English language has much to teach us: lest we forget, may we all learn to use our own life story to find our inner voice, re-affirm our values, help others along their own journey, and find a sense of peace and hope. Only by doing so will we be ready to embrace the joyful season which – all in good time – will be upon us soon enough.





It-tajjeb kif nagħrfuh? Waqt li naħsbu fuq il-mewt, ejjew niftakru l-ħajja kemm hi sabiħa, jgħid Dun Jonathan Farrugia.


is-snin li kont ngħix Ruma kien hemm knisja qrib ħafna talkulleġġ fejn kont qed noqgħod li mal-faċċata kellha rħama bi skeletru fuqha, bilkliem “Hodie mihi, cras tibi”, li tfisser “illum żaret lili, għada żżur lilek”... Meta jasal Novembru, ix-xahar ‘talmejtin’, inħobb nitfagħha fuq Facebook... Tema li qatt ma hu faċli nitkellmu fuqha hija t-tema tal-mewt. Imma l-Knisja matul dan ix-xahar tħeġġiġna biex naħsbu ftit fuq dan il-pass li lkoll kemm aħna għad irridu nagħmlu meta jasal żmienna. L-idea li l-mewt hija ħaġa riservata għax-xjuħija mhix vera. Sfortunatament biżżejjed inħarsu ftit madwarna biex naraw kemm żgħażagħ jitilfu ħajjithom f ’inċidenti, b’overdoses ta’ drogi jew minħabba mard. Għalhekk listedina tal-Knisja matul dan ix-xahar tajjeb li japprofitta minnha kulħadd. Ir-riflessjoni fuq it-tmiem tal-ħajja – u għalhekk fl-istess ħin din tiġi riflessjoni fuq ilħajja nnfisha, għax fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, bħalma kienu jgħidu l-filosfi Griegi u Rumani, il-mewt tiddetermina l-ħajja – kienet drawwa talKnisja sa mill-bidu, għax ġa flewwel ftit sekli tal-Kristjaneżmu nsibu omeliji li jitrattaw dan is-suġġett. Għal dan ix-xahar, għalhekk, se nagħtu daqqa t’għajn lejn silta li tiftaħ omelja li saret lejn s-sena 380 w.K. minn San Girgor ta’ Nissa. Fiha dan ilMissier iħeġġeġ lin-nies ma jaqtgħux qalbhom minħabba lħsieb tal-mewt, imma biex jaħsbu aktar fuq it-tajjeb li jagħmel il-ħajja sabiħa. L-okkażjoni għala saret din lomelija mhix magħrufa... jista’ jkun li kienet saret għal xi okkażjoni simili għal dik li nfakkru fit-2 ta’ Novembru kull sena, jew inkella għax kienet seħħet xi diżgrazzja fl-inħawi fejn kien jgħix Girgor. Li hu żgur hu li fiha ħafna x’tomgħod... “Ħuti, nemmen li dawk kollha li jaħsbu li t-tmiem talħajja tagħna f ’dan il-ġisem u l-passaġġ għall-ħajja tal-

ispirtu hu diżgrazzja mhumiex qed japprezzaw blaħjar mod il-valur ta’ din ilħajja minħabba li qed jiġu mgħomija bir-rabta malġmiel li jidher, hu xinhu. Barra minn hekk dawk fostna li jibnu ħajjithom u ħsibijiethom fuq ħsieb żbaljat bħal dan qatt ma se jkunu jistgħu jivvalutaw xinhu verament issabiħ li jiswa; dawn jieqfu fuq dak li jogħġobhom u jintrabtu miegħu, u għalhekk ma jaslu qatt li jilħqu dak li hu verament prezzjuż. Naħseb li l-ewwel ħaġa li għandhom bżonn jagħmlu dawn l-uħud hija li jinqatgħu minn dawn ilġibdiet fiergħa sabiex imbagħad ikunu jistgħu jifhmu aħjar dak li nixtieq ngħidilhom. Meta ssir din ilfirda huma jkunu jistgħu jevitaw imġieba barra minn lokha li tiġi provokata mill-passjonijiet. “Għalhekk biex nibdew ejjew l-ewwel nippruvaw nifhmu xi ftit aħjar xinhu t-tajjeb, għax huwa biss meta nagħrfuh li nkunu nistgħu verament inqabblu l-ħajja fil-ġisem malħajja ta’ dejjem li lkoll qed nistennew. Meta nifhmu dan, aħna stess inkunu nistgħu nwasslu lill-oħrajn biex iwarrbu l-vizzji u jilqgħu ħajja mibnija fuq ħsieb f ’loku. “Kull persuna, min-natura tagħha stess, hija miġbuda lejn dak li huwa tajjeb u tagħmel lgħażliet tagħha skont din ilġibda; għaldaqstant ġudizzju ħażin fuq dak li huwa tajjeb iwassal għal kotra ta’ dnubiet. Meta t-tajjeb veru jidher, żgur li ħadd minna ma hu se jitbiegħed minnu, għaliex huwa tajjeb min-natura tiegħu stess. “Bl-istess raġunament żgur li ħadd minna ma hu se jintrabat mal-ħażin ħlief jekk ikollu idea falza u żbaljata tat-tajjeb. Ejjew inġibu ftit quddiem għajnejna xinhu dak li hu tajjeb tassew sabiex infittxu lilu u mhux dak li hu ħażin, u hekk nevitaw li nitqarrqu. “Allura t-tajjeb kif nagħrfuh? Żgur li t-tajjeb ma jsibx il-valur tiegħu minn kemm huwa utli: ma jistax ikun li xi ħaġa tajba hija utli issa u mbagħad ‘il quddiem ma tkunx, lanqas ma

jista’ jkun ħaġa li issa tidher sabiħa u ‘il quddiem kerha. Għall-kuntrarju: it-tajjeb huwa utli u sabih minnu nnifsu u dejjem. F’għajnejja din hija prova ta’ kemm it-tajjeb huwa awtentiku. “Għaldaqstant dak li jidher bħala tajjeb biss f ’ċerti ċirkustanzi u taħt ċerti forom, ma nistgħux inqisuh bħala tajjeb tassew. “Għalhekk jiswielna jekk nagħżlu dak it-tajjeb li fih dejjem juri t-tajjeb divin u li ma jinbidilx skont iċ-ċirkustanzi esterni, bla ma nagħmlu bħal ħafna illi jfittxu biss it-tajjeb li jiswa għal ġisimhom bħalma huma s-saħħa, il-ġmiel u l-poter.” Bħalma qed naqraw iddiskors, minkejja li jibda fuq ilmewt, idur għal fuq it-tfittxija għat-tajjeb fil-ħajja, u nsibu xi indikazzjonijiet li jgħinuna nagħrfuh u ngħożżuh. Ħaġa li faċli ninnutaw f ’din issilta hija t-ton pożittiv li bih qiegħed jitkellem il-

Irħama bi skeletru fuqha, ġo Ruma.

predikatur. Forsi tidher stramba li waqt diskors fuq il-mewt it-ton ikun pożittiv, imma għaliex le? Wara kollox hija ħaġa f ’postha li waqt li naħsbu fuq il-mewt niftakru l-ħajja kemm hi sabiħa u kemm jiswa li dan iż-żmien li

għandna “misluf ” fuq din iddinja nużawh fl-aktar mod sabiħ u pożittiv, mhux biss biex inkunu kuntenti jew biex in-nies jifrakru fina... imma anke biex il-ħajja tagħna tkun waħda, kif ngħidu, worth it!





The golden boys The 1955-56 season was a glittering one for Sliema Wanderers, says Carmel Baldacchino.


n the 1950s, Sliema Wanderers had perhaps the best-ever team in their long and glorious history. This golden period reached its peak in 1955-56 when Sliema made a clean sweep of the season’s honours: the Championship, the FA Trophy, the Cassar Cup, the Scicluna Cup and the Schembri Shield final which was played between the Maltese champions and the Combined Services XI. The Blues simply had no equal in the land and this was amply demonstrated in the way they dominated all the events of the season. The Wanderers started the season on a top note, winning the Cassar Cup off their old rivals Floriana. The first semifinal between Sliema and Hamrun Spartans ended in trouble when three minutes from the end Tony Nicholl was fouled viciously by the Spartans’ goalkeeper Ġużi Bonnici ‘Il-Jumi’. The Blues’ supporters took exception to this foul and bottles began to rain onto the pitch. Bonnici continued to infuriate the crowd by throwing bottles back at them. The situation esca-

lated and the police had to intervene before the game could be continued. Sliema won 3-1 but this incident marred what otherwise had been a keen and interesting encounter. Floriana sailed through to the final with an easy 3-0 victory over Valletta. The final was another tough game typical of matches played by the members of the ‘Old Firm’ in the 1950s. There was very little good football, but a lot of honest endeavour. The final was another tough game, typical of matches played by the members of the Old Firm in the 1950s. There was very little good football, but a lot of honest endeavour. Floriana had a flying start when Charlie Bennetti converted a penalty after only seven minutes. The Greens kept their lead up to half-time but early in the second period, Tony Cauchi was sent-off for kicking Charlie Mattocks. ‘Jockey’ Xuereb equalized and when the game looked as if it would end in a draw in nipped Sammy Nicholl and scored a dramatic winner right on the stroke of full-time.

Sliema Wanderers after beating Floriana 2-1 in the 1955-56 FA Cup final. Alex Gollcher, Ġużi Bonnici, Ninu Calleja, Victor Scerri, Salvu Bonnici, Charlie Mattocks, Lolly Cuschieri, Tony Nicholl, Salvinu Schembri, Joe Xuereb and Sammy Nicholl.

That season Sliema Wanderers practically ran away with the League Championship. No one could dispute the fact that the Wanderers deserved the honours. Enthusiasm, hard training, and a slice of good luck gave the Blues the league pendant. While other clubs were still changing their team around to strike a winning

Sliema Wanderers with the Scicluna Cup, the Schembri Shield, the Johnnie Walker Cup and the Cassar Cup which they won during the 1955-56 season. Later, the Blues added the FA Trophy to their collection. Ninu Calleja, Ġużi Bonnici, Salvu Bonnici, Ray Cosby, Lolly Cuschieri, Alex Gollcher, Tony Nicholl, Salvinu Schembri, Joe Xuereb, Sammy Nicholl and Charlie Mattocks.

streak, Sliema stuck to their best 11 throughout the whole season. Consistency was the mainstay of Sliema’s success. In the early stages of the competition, while the other clubs were dropping precious points, Sliema collected them with such regular monotony that at the end of the first round they had already built up an unassailable lead. Their main opponents that season were as usual, Floriana FC. Valletta, though never challenging for the honours, always managed to keep out of the relegation zone. Hibernians had a disastrous season and at one time they were even fighting for survival. Towards the end of the competition however, they hit a good patch, which lifted them out of the relegation zone. Hamrun Spartans started the competition quite strongly and for a while they ran neck and neck with the Wanderers. The two front-runners however, were separated when Hamrun lost to Floriana. Then Sliema continued to widen the gap by beating the Spartans. Floriana started the season without their star players Pullu Demanuele and Brincat who were having trials with English Second Division club, Fulham. Both players left a good impression in England. Demanuele was even offered a trial with Arsenal and Norwich City. Homesickness however, crept in and both players returned to Malta and Floriana. The Greens lost their opening game against Hibernians and against Rabat in their next game they walked off the field two minutes from time when the score stood at 1-1. Floriana’s chances




Man of the season, Tony Nicholl, cheered by his teammates Salvu Bonnici, Ray Cosby and Joe Xuereb at the end of the 1955-56 FA Trophy final. The Wanderers beat Floriana 1-0 to win their fourth major trophy of the season.

received another blow when wing-half Tony Vella, and his brother Lolly bade their club farewell to seek their fortunes in Australia. One setback followed another, but Floriana staged a comeback in the second round of the competition. They started by beating Hibernians 5-0 and Rabat 6-0 and continued the good work by inflicting the only defeat of the season on the Wanderers. The Greens continued on their winning way and when they achieved a double over Hamrun Spartans they replaced the Reds as the closest challengers to the leaders. With two more games to play, the Wanderers were still not declared champions. Floriana still had an outside chance of forcing a decider with their old rivals. During this crucial period, Sliema received help from unexpected quarters. The Blues needed only one point to assure themselves of the championship when the crown was literally handed to them when Floriana unexpectedly drew with Birkirkara. Sliema continued on the winning trail on December 8 when they beat Floriana 1-0 in the final of the Scicluna Cup with a goal scored five minutes into the second half by wing-half Ninu Calleja. It was another thrilling game but there was very little constructive football. Floriana created enough chances to win a dozen games but although they had most of the play, Ninu Calleja’s goal at the end made all the difference. With the first three major trophies already in their cabinet, Sliema were

At the end of the first round they had already built up an unassailable lead determined to add the trophy to their collection. They had to wait however, until the end of the Leyton Orient Tourney and the hot weather which had already crept in. The FA Trophy was therefore played in the sweltering heat of a Maltese summer. Showing their intentions from the start of the competition, the Blues beat Hamrun Spartans 3-0. Floriana cantered through their quarter-final tie with a 4-2 victory over Rabat while Valletta knocked out an uninspiring Hibs side 2-0. Vittoriosa Stars, although already relegated, beat Birkirkara 3-2. The Stars’ cup adventure however, came to an end in the semi-finals. They were outplayed by Floriana who beat them easily 3-0. Sliema Wanderers found little opposition from Valletta, winning a soft game 4-1. It was therefore another Sliema vs Floriana final, but with a difference. Sliema were determined to complete the elusive quadruple crown while Floriana were dead set to prevent them. The game itself was no classic. It was a game dominated by defences and constructive play was only seen in flashes. The heat of the afternoon and the promise of the summer months ahead made the players drowsy. The play was

poor and without inspiration. At the end, a corner-kick by Sliema’s outsideleft Charlie Mattocks somehow beat the Greens’ defence and floated into the net to give the Blues their fourth honour of the season. During that season, three foreign clubs visited the island. SK Beograd of Yugoslavia and Kinizi of Hungary took part in the Christmas Tourney while Leyton Orient of England toured the island late in the season. Sliema played against Beograd on Boxing day 1955. The Blues continued to enhance their reputation in matches against foreign clubs when they defeated the team from Yugoslavia 1-0. Sliema were not chosen to play against Kinizi but on May 14, 1956 they played against Leyton Orient. The English Third Division champions started their tour with a bang, beating the MFA Under 21 team 7-0. Fast and direct, Orient outplayed the Maltese in every department. It was a tough blow for the Youths who were preparing for the San Remo Youth Tournament. Against Sliema however, it was a different story. The Blues built up a 2-0 lead by half-time. After the interval, Orient pulled a goal back but the Wanderers should have increased

Tony Nicholl, 1955-56 Footballer of the Year.

their lead when they were denied a clear-cut penalty. This let-off put fresh heart into the English team and with only a few minutes to go they snatched a precious equaliser. The honours however, went to the Wanderers who not only swept the board of all the major honours but they remained unbeaten by the foreign clubs who visited Malta that season. To complete a great season for the Wanderers, Sammy Nicholl finished as the league top scorer while his uncle Tony was voted as the Footballer of the Year.





Like FATHER, like SON







wners and their cars frequently share an interesting history. In 1933 Royal Air Force captain H.G. Williams bought a brand new Hillman Minx that was his pride and joy, giving him and his wife immense pleasure as they went for drives through the lush English countryside. The car – AAE 984 – was so beloved that the couple nicknamed it ‘Annie’. A few years later, with Britain drawn into the hostilities of World War II, he garaged the car for the duration of the war as he was called on frequent duty defending his country as well as flying sorties over enemy territory. In 1941, he disappeared without trace while on a mission, and was never heard of again. His wife kept the Hillman in the garage, initially hoping that he would somehow return. When harsh reality set in, she still kept it garaged in memory of her hero. It remained gathering dust until 1989, when the widow passed away and the car was then sold. For many years it was harnessed for special events like weddings, until eventually in 2011 it was sold to a car dealer who advertised it online. At around that time, Alfred Castaldi was browsing online, to enhance his two classic car collection with something having an older pedigree. When he saw the 1933 Hillman Minx, it was love at first sight. He immediately phoned the dealer in Derbyshire, enquired in general about the condition of the car, and told him that he was coming over to inspect it in person. “Along with my son Simon, we took the first available flight to England and headed straight to the dealer. On inspecting the car at close quarters, we confirmed its very good condition, and a deal was struck on the spot. The dealer had all the logs and papers per-



The vintage cars in Alfred and Simon Castaldi’s garage have plenty of stories to tell, Joe Busuttil from the Old Motors Club says.

taining to its history, and this further endeared the Hillman to me. After a test-drive, we put it on a trailer, and two weeks later it was in Malta”, says Alfred enthusiastically. He adds that the car needed nothing except for a change of battery. Proudly clutching many written documents, he says that ‘Annie’ originally cost £179 when it came out, with a sunroof thrown in for an extra £4. The black vehicle was fitted with a 1185cc side valve engine, while its sales pitch boasted wind-up windows, concealed


direction indicators, triplex toughened safety glass, and a roof lamp. Alfred admits that his interest in old cars stemmed from his frequent visits over many years to the classic car oasis that Joseph Pace nurtures in Kalkara. However a very busy life style and time constraints meant that he had to wait for retirement 13 years ago to get his

hands on his first old timer. His choice fell on a 1968 old English white Triumph Herald 12-50 convertible. The vehicle, manufactured at the former Malta Car Assembly in Marsa, was in a very good condition, and needed very little to return on the road. Eight years ago, seeing that his son Simon was showing greater interest in

old cars, Alfred decided to pass the Triumph over to him. However, he immediately bought another two old vehicles. The first one was a 1964 Mini 850, also in old English white, that after a little adjustment to the brakes, took the place of the Triumph. The second purchase was totally different. Alfred takes up the story. “I went to see an old Volkswagen in Birżebbuġa, liked it and bought it. A problem arose in that it was at the back of a garage with 13 other old timers, some of which did not work. We spent a whole day pushing the other vehicles – many with jammed wheels – out of the garage in order to get the German car out.” The 1970 Volkswagen needed a full nut and bolt restoration project, which is still ongoing. Alfred says that among other things, the mudguards, floorboards and running boards had to be replaced. The task is nearing completion, and he hopes that the maroon and off-white coloured vehicle will be on the road again later this year. Although Simon leads a very busy working life, he was always determined not to follow his father and wait for retirement in order to enjoy old cars. After getting the Triumph from his father, he bought a 1970 Austin Healy Sprite from Joseph Pace. Simon, who is

When he saw the 1933 Hillman Minx, it was love at first sight



technically gifted, dismantled the car and started working in earnest on it. Presently it is back from the panel beater, and awaiting a spray in British racing green. Another car which Simon bought from the same source is a 1968 blue MGC. It also needs a restoration job, which he will begin once the Sprite is completed. A few years ago, Simon decided to go to the Beaulieu car show, together with his father and their friend Joseph Pace. Initially his eyes fell on a Morris 8, but on looking further afield, he espied a quaint 1933 Austin 7. “Once its owner started the engine, I was mesmerised by the sound and smell emanating from the small vehicle, that had stood the test of time in no small way,” he recalls. The battery was weak, but both the body and engine were in perfect order. Once he bought it and shipped it to Malta, the maroon body with black mudguards vehicle needed only a replacement petrol tank in order to get it back on the road. Despite having four old cars in his stable, Simon still harbours a dream – that of adding a TR3 to his collection. On the other hand, Alfred feels satiated with his old timers, and has no further desire other that of enjoying his vehicles, especially outings with Annie. Besides classic cars, both Alfred and Simon share a passion for old motorcycles. In the 1950s Alfred used to ride a BSA which eventually he had to sell. But four years ago he decided to turn back the years and bought a 1963 BSA 2.5 Model C12 – which sits in a showcase on a stand. Simon opts for less powerful two wheelers, and owns three old Lambretta Innocenti.





Żjarat fid-djar tal-anzjani Id-direttur ta’ Missio, Mons Salvinu Micallef


arti mill-ħidma ta’ Missio biex twettaq animazzjoni missjunarja fis-soċjetà Maltija hija li żżur id-djar għall-anzjani. Ngħid għalija, bħala direttur nazzjonali tal-Opri Missjunarji Pontifiċji, jew Missio, f ’dawn laħħar sentejn skoprejt kemm illum f ’Malta għandna djar għall-anzjani. Meta tgħodd innumru konsiderevoli ta’ dawn id-djar – tal-Istat, tal-Knisja u tal-privat – issib li llum għandna eluf ta’ anzjani jgħixu f ’dawn iċ-ċentri għall-anzjani. Normalment, meta membri minn Missio jagħmlu żjara lil dawn id-djar, fejn, wara kollox, qegħdin tgħixu intom li tirċievu din il-gazzetta, jien inkun magħhom, u nibdew din iż-żjara tagħna biċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-quddiesa. Sirt naf ukoll li uħud minn dawn id-djar m’għandhomx isservizz ta’ quddiesa, kif jixtiequ, minħabba in-nuqqas ta’ saċerdoti li għandna fiddjoċesi llum. Forsi, bi ftit iktar ippjanar u tqassim tar-riżorsi li għandna, dan is-servizz jista’ jitjieb. Ħadt gost nara wkoll li f ’dawn iddjar, sew tal-Knisja, kif wieħed jistenna, imma anki tal-Istat u privati, hemm kappella

Waqt żjara f’waħda mid-djar tal-anzjani. Id-direttur ta’ Missio waqt żjara lil diversi anzjani u nies morda fl-Indja.

apposta għas-servizzi reliġjużi. Xi uħud minn dawn il-kappelli huma verament sbieħ. F’dawn iż-żjarat nitkellmu fuq il-ħajja tan-nies fl-artijiet missjunarji u, wieħed jistenna wkoll, li nitkellmu fuq l-anzjani fil-missjoni. Imma, huma ħafna l-anzjani f ’pajjiżi bħall-Afrika u pajjiżi oħra foqra? Żgur li n-nies f ’dawn ilpajjiżi ma jgħixux daqs kemm jgħixu ħafna minna l-Maltin. Ħafna, b’mod speċjali in-nies f ’żoni fqar ħafna, fejn hemm ħafna tbatija u mard, u m’hemmx mezzi ta’ kura, ma jaslux sas-sittin sena. Mhux biss ma jaslux sal-età tal-pen-

sjoni, talli jekk jaslu, ma jkunux jafu x’inhi għajnuna bħala pensjonanti. Djar bħal tagħna, fejn l-anzjan jagħmel użu mill-pensjoni tiegħu u riżorsi oħra li jkun faddal matul ħajtu, jeżistu ftit

li xejn. Grazzi għall-missjunarji, xi anzjani jiġu milqugħin u kkurati f ’xi djar tar-reliġjużi jew ċentri mmexxija mill-parroċċa. Hafna djoċesijiet u parroċċi għandhom l-iskema ta’ home-based care u, permezz ta’

infermieri u ħafna voluntiera, jgħinu anzjani u morda fi djarhom b’servizzi mediċi u mediċini. Din l-iskema tiddependi ħafna mid-donazzjonijiet li jintbagħtu minn pajjiżi bħal Malta u minn għotjiet mill-lokal. Fil-pajjiżi li semmejna, ħafna anzjani, minħabba lfaqar tagħhom, jispiċċaw fittoroq u anki jmutu hemm. U, huma l-missjunarji ukoll, li joffru kenn lil dawn l-anzjani għal matul il-lejl u, permezz tal-iskema ta’ soup feeding, ituhom ikla sħuna almenu darba fil-ġurnata. Aħna napprezzaw u anki nirringrazzjaw lid-direzzjoni ta’ kull dar li nżuru talli jilqgħuna u jħejju għaż-żjara tagħna. Ċerti wkoll li ħafna mill-anzjani residenti japprezzaw u jifirħu b’dan is-servizz żgħir tagħna. Xi wħud minnhom jagħtu xi kontibuzzjoni, millaħjar li jistgħu, b’risq il-ħafna bżonnijiet li Missio huwa impenjat li jgħin fl-artijiet talmissjoni, fosthom bżonnijiet marbutin mal-kura tal-anzjani fil-missjoni. Matul is-sena Missio jkollu mijiet ta’ talbiet biex jgħin saċerdoti u reliġjużi fil-missjoni permezz ta’ intenzjonijiet tal-quddies. Forsi xi anzjani f ’dawn id-djar jistgħu jgħinu lil dawn is-saċerdoti u, fl-istess ħin, jitolbu għallgħeżież tagħhom. Kull kontribuzzjoni tista’ tintbagħat lil Missio fl-uffiċċji tagħna ta’ 7, Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta jew 7, Triq l-Imgħallem, Victoria, Għawdex.

Initiatives for seniors


s part of its social responsibility, Heritage Malta ensures that its museums and sites are accessible to all. To reach this aim Heritage Malta embarks on various initiatives. These vary from open days and schemes to concessions, and events which are available for a variety of audiences. In fact the national agency offers concession rates on tickets for various age categories, including seniors. When visiting a Heritage Malta site or museum, seniors pay a concession rate on the admission fee and even benefit from concession rates when they subscribe to the agency’s membership. The current membership scheme, while it is a more convenient and offers greater value for money, entitles the

cardholder to free unrestricted entry to all Heritage Malta museums and sites except the Hypogeum, for which members are offered a 50 per cent discount. Other benefits include discounts from the museum shops, discounts on activities organised by the agency, and participation in free exclusive events organised specifically for members. Heritage Malta also organises different events, some of which are specifically addressed for seniors, such as visits to heritage sites, museums and events. The agency makes all the necessary arrangements to make the visit a pleasant one such as provide transport, experienced guides or lecturers, and coordinators. On specific tours refreshments are also included. December is synonymous with events for the festive season. Heritage Malta

organises its members’ reunion event for the occasion. The agency is preparing its 2018 calendar of events among which in January are a tour on Roman Malta and another one about Malta at

war, which includes visits to forts and wartime shelters. For more information about Heritage Malta and its activities visit








Starting afresh!


reating patients is a professional affair. However there is a very big personal touch, which is not thought in textbooks. When patients are about to embark on a big dental job they tend to go down one of two roads. One road may lead the patient to the internet forcing them to go on some Google marathon searching every detail available to help the patient make up their mind on how they would like their teeth to be fixed. Then while comparing photos and quoting big treatments plans they agree with the dentist on the plan. This is not the ideal way of doing things but at times ends up in this manner. The second road is all about leaving it entirely in the hands of the professional. In this scenario the patient tells the practitioner what they have in mind and then after having received the best treatment options from the dentist, they confirm which plan they wish to take on. Either road leaves the patient determined, excited, worried, anxious and full of expectations. More often than not the desire to correct ones teeth is associated with a milestone such as their children’s wedding, their anniversary, retirement plan and may often be attached to a financial commitment with the bank. This places the dentist in a position to have to tick all the boxes on the patient’s list delivering them on time and up to the patient’s likings or sometimes more importantly the likings of their better half! It is not easy to please all your clients. There is always someone who isn’t happy with the end result. Your only saving grace would be to redo the teeth until the patient is happy. A costly affair! Certain programs help in visualising the final result. For example, using certain smile design software, a close-up photo of the old teeth is taken and by modifying the colour, shape and character of the teeth, the final result may be visualised by the patient. This image may then be translated into a model producing a temporary plastic mock-up to be fit onto the teeth for a few hours allowing the patients to see the new teeth in situ.

A CASE SCENARIO A young professional man would like to fix his teeth. He takes good care of himself, is always smartly dressed but never took care of his teeth. He now wishes to fix his dentition and have it look as nature intended it to be.

TREATMENT PLAN 1. Lengthy consultation involving photographs, study models, radiography and digital planning 2. Gum treatment establishing healthy gums 3. Conservative tooth preparations taking good care of the teeth 4. Placement of four dental implants 5. Removal of old restorations including heavily filled teeth with amalgam, old crowns/bridges containing dark metal 6. Try-in of new restorations


7. Approval and subsequent cementation of new porcelain inlays/onlays/ veneers/crowns/bridges. 8. Restoration of the new implantretained all-ceramic implant crowns 9. Review and maintenance plan established Once the treatment commences all those emotions are left in the hands of the dentist to address and deal with whilst having the patient in their dental chair. Communication and trust between the dentist and patient build up, and a friendship is established. The relationship doesn’t remain only professional, but also very personal, as the dentist would not want to displease or disappoint their patient. Ask your dentist!

Extra-oral before treatment

Intra-oral after treatment

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