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Election audit raised questions that are ignored
BY JD HAYWORTH Tribune Columnist
If a murder mystery is called a “Whodunit,” what should we call the curious events surrounding Election Day 2020?
The Left has collectively decried any expression of concern as willing participation in spreading “the big lie.”
The Right, gobsmacked by the audacity and perverse ingenuity of the caper’s magnitude, has characteristically split into two major factions.
First, there are the MAGA backers who loudly object that what transpired was the “Crime of the Century.” Then there are the Establishmentarians, who are so dependent on “business as usual” in the D.C. swamp that they meekly agree with their tormentors across the aisle.
It is that second “conservative” faction, racked by the odious combination of self-interest and self-loathing, that predictably earns plaudits from the chattering classes.
While the blow-dried and bubbly infotainers on the alphabet networks and their cable cousins celebrate Republican “statesmen,” a very different assessment comes from Americans who work hard, play by the rules and have been awakened to the absurd scam of “wokeism.”
On the rare occasions when those outside the spotlight are asked about their wayward “brethren,” a one-word description is heard: “Sellouts!”
The Arizona Senate, unlike its federal counterpart, actually took steps to explore possible electoral malfeasance in Arizona’s most populous county.
For its authorization of an election audit in Maricopa County, a cacophony of criticism was unleashed upon our State Senate.
The pro-authoritarian stenographers who self-identify as “journalists” routinely ignore or mischaracterize revelations that raise the specter of a suspect election.
A case in point: the recent Senate Government Committee hearing featuring the testimony of Paul Harris, who voiced his concerns with possible violations of the Uniform Overseas Civilian Absentee Voting Act.
Harris, an audit manager, told the committee that actual ballots had been replaced by sheets of copy paper:
“Did you all know that our ballots came back like this from our overseas people? Did any of you know this? It is such a sham that I had people every day at my table taking pictures of these ‘ballots’ that were scanned down. It took my team three complete days to count all of the UOCAVA ballots.
“You know why? Because in 2016, the numbers were apparently 1,600 UOCAVA ballots that came back in the most significant election in our lifetime. In 2020, the numbers were close to 9,600 ballots that came back. ... And in a state where a candidate won by 10,000 votes, that is 8,000 new votes during an election where people were brought home because there was a pandemic…No chain of custody. There’s nothing to identify where this piece of paper came from.”
No imagination is required to identify where the local daily newspaper is coming from in its coverage, which headlined its coverage thusly: “Arizona Senate panel gives platform to conspiracy theories as it approves election-related bills.”
Objective coverage?
Fuggedaboutit! ■
Moments that define life, matter.
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