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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Julie Lee and Her White Rose Band Dance, 7 to 10 p.m., Greeneld Village RV Resort, 111 S. Greeneld Road, Mesa, $8 in advance, $10 at the door, 480-832-3844.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Cannabis for Seniors, 4 p.m., repeats 11 a.m. February 13, 2 p.m. February 17, and 2 p.m. February 26, Sol Flower of Sun City, 13650 N. 99th Avenue, Sun City, free, livewithsol.com. Find out what to expect when you begin your journey with this healing plant.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Duende Class, 11 a.m. to noon Tuesdays, JFCS Center for Senior Enrichment, The Palazzo, 6250 N. 19th Avenue, Phoenix, free, reservations required, 602-943-2198, carol.goldstein@jfcsaz.org. Duende is a creative aging amenco class for older adults.

Drums, Rhythm & Relaxation, 6 to 7 p.m., rst Tuesday of the month, Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers, 685 S. Dobson Road, Chandler, free, 480-314-6660, ironwoodcrc.com.

Tai Chi, 4:30 to 5:15 p.m. Tuesdays, Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers, 685 S. Dobson Road, Chandler, free, 480-314-6660, ironwood crc.com.

Pickleball Club’s Comedy Night with Dan St. Paul, 7 p.m., Sunland Village Auditorium, 4601 E. Dolphin Avenue, Mesa, $12.50, 480-832-9003.

Bingo, 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Greeneld Village RV Resort, 111 S. Greeneld Road, Mesa, price depends on number of cards purchased, 480-832-3844.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 Breast Cancer Support Group, 6 to 8 p.m., the rst Wednesday of the month, Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers, 685 S. Dobson Road, Chandler, free, 480-314-6660, ironwoodcrc.com.

Chair Yoga, 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays, Ironwood Cancer & Re search Centers, 685 S. Dobson Road, Chandler, free, 480-314-6660, ironwoodcrc.com.

Tai Chi, 1 to 2 p.m., repeats February 19, Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers, 5810 W. Beverly Lane, Glendale, free, 480-314-6660, ironwoodcrc.com.

Spirituality Group with Circle of Hope Cancer Ministry, 10 to 11:30 a.m., the rst Friday of the month, Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers, 5810 W. Beverly Lane, Glendale, free, 480- 314-6660, ironwoodcrc.com.

Valley Engineering, Science and Technology Club Meeting, 11:30 a.m., Briarwood Country Club, 20800 N. 135th Avenue, Sun City West, $24, 623-748-8222, engineersaz.com, reservations required at least three days prior to event. The meeting features lunch and a technical presentation on the future of energy pro duction at APS.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Pancake Breakfast, 7 to 9 a.m., Sunland Village Auditorium, 4601 E. Dolphin Avenue, Mesa, $5, 480-832-9003. The public is welcome.

Night Flight Dance, 7 to 10 p.m., Greeneld Village RV Resort, 111 S. Greeneld Road, Mesa, $10 in advance, $12 at the door, 480-832- 3844.

Florence Historic Home Tour, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., throughout Florence, $15 in advance, $20 day of event, 520-868-7589, brownpapertickets.com, orenceaz.gov. The tour features six homes and 13 other historic buildings. The tour begins at Jaques Square, 291 N. Main Street.

Getting Started in Genealogy 101, 1 p.m., Maricopa County Library, 101 W. Wigwam Boulevard, Litcheld Park, free, public itychair@azwvgs.org. This genealogy program is presented by the West Valley Genealogical Society.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 John Denver Tribute Concert, 7 p.m., Greeneld Village RV Resort, 111 S. Greeneld Road, Mesa, $10 in advance, $12 at the door, 480-832-3844.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Prostate Support Group, 7 to 9 p.m., the second Monday of the month, Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers, 700 W. Warner Road, Chandler, free, 480-314-6660, ironwoodcrc.com.

The Songs of Elton John by Showtune Pro ductions, 7 p.m., Sunland Village Auditorium, 4601 E. Dolphin Avenue, Mesa, $12-$18, 480-832-9003.

Cannabis for Neurological Conditions, 2 p.m., repeats 2 p.m. February 21, and February 24, Sol Flower of Sun City, 13650 N. 99th Avenue, Sun City, free, livewithsol.com. Find out how cannabis can alleviate symptoms of MS, Parkinson’s and ALS.

Arizona Archaeology Society-Desert Foothills Chapter, 7 p.m., The Good Shepard of the Hills Episcopal Church’s Community Room, 6502 E. Cave Creek Road, Cave Creek, free, azarchsoc.wildapricot.org/desertfoothills. Dr. John Welch will present “Building a Model for Community-Based Archaeological Resource Pro tection: The White Mountain Apache Experiment.”

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Hidden Secrets-An Exploration on Race, 6 p.m. potluck, 7 to 8:30 p.m. program, Apache Welles Community Center, Maricopa Room, 2215 N. 56th Street, Mesa, free, 508-662-6348, mjs. ontheroad@gmail.com. Come to a new understanding about yourself and others during Black History Month to build the “beloved communi ty.” Beverly McCormick will walk the group through interactive exercises to enable self-reection, empathy and connection.

A Gem in the Valley, 1 p.m., Maricopa County Library, 14455 W. Van Buren Street, Goodyear, free, publicitychair@azwvgs.org. This ge nealogy program is hosted by West Valley Genealogical Society.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Broadway Babies, 1 to 2 p.m., JFCS Center for Senior Enrichment, The Palazzo, 6250 N. 19th Avenue, Phoenix, free, reservations required, 602-943-2198, carol.goldstein@jfcsaz.org. Broadway Babies is a group of talented, older adults who sing and dance to Broadway tunes.

Nat King Cole Tribute, 7 p.m., Greeneld Village RV Resort, 111 S. Greeneld Road, Mesa, $15 in advance, $20 at the door, 480-832- 3844.

A Gem in the Valley, 1 p.m., Avondale Public Library, 11350 W. Civic Center Drive, Avondale, free, publicitychair@azwvgs.org. This program is hosted by the West Valley Genealogical Society.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Caregiver Support Group, 10 a.m. to noon, the third Saturday of each month, Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers, 685 S. Dobson Road, Chandler, free, 480-314-6660, ironwoodcrc.com.

Easy Sounds Dance, 7 p.m., Greeneld Village RV Resort, 111 S. Greeneld Road, Mesa, $8 in advance, $10 at the door, 480-832-3844.

CBD and Sound, 2 to 4 p.m., Sol Flower of Sun City, 13650 N. 99th Avenue, Sun City, free, livewithsol.com. Take part in a thesis on sound healing. Participants will be invited to experience CBD, the non psychoactive hemp-derived cannabinoid via sound or sublingual drops while gathered in the classroom.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Cheer someone up! It’s Do a Grouch a Favor Day! Minneapolis Roosevelt High School All-Class Arizona Reunion, 10 a.m. social hour, 11:30 a.m. lunch, Phoenix Shrine Auditorium, 552 N. 40th Street, Phoenix, visit website for charge, rhs-az.com. Reservations required.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Bobby Darin Tribute, 7 p.m., Greeneld Village RV Resort, 111 S. Greeneld Road, Mesa, $15 in advance, $20 at the door, 480- 832-3844.

Painting Cezanne, 4 to 6 p.m., Sol Flower of Sun City, 13650 N. 99th Av enue, Sun City, $35, livewithsol.com. This creative and meditative class includes a brief history of the painting styles, artists and masterpieces from dierent periods and art movements.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 This is a no-brainer. It’s Love Your Pet Day!

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 “The Science of Music, The Music of Science,” 1 to 2 p.m., JFCS Center for Senior Enrichment, The Palazzo, 6250 N. 19th Avenue, Phoenix, free, reservations required, 602-943-2198, carol.gold stein@jfcsaz.org.

M. Zimmerman’s All-Star Band Ballroom Dance, 6 to 9 p.m., Sunland Village Auditorium, 4601 E. Dolphin Avenue, Mesa, $ 7 in advance, $8 at the door, 480-832-9003.

Brandeis National Committee, Phoenix Chapter’s Book and Author Luncheon, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Westin Kierland Resort and Spa, 6902 E. Greenway Parkway, Scottsdale, $135, 480-382-4494, bncphxba2019pr@gmail.com. The authors are Jamie Bernstein, Gabriel Bump, Jeanine Cummins, Tim Ma son and Brad Taylor. AZ Family’s Stanley Roberts will be the moderator. Proceeds benet the Sustaining the Mind Fund to advance neuroscience research at Brandeis University in Massachusetts.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Take stock. It’s Be Humble Day.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 The Next Chapter, 1 to 4:30 p.m., Temple Chai, 4645 E. Marilyn Road, Phoenix, free, reservations required, 602-271-1234, mbeliak@ templechai.com. The program is designed to answer questions and oer suggestions on how to make the later years meaningful and how to share your legacy with generations to come.

DeWitt Clinton High School (The Bronx) Alumni Brunch/Reunion, Chompie’s New York Deli, 3481 W. Frye Road, Chandler, call for time and cost, 310-497-5478, lewaaron son@ca.rr.com. Open to all Arizona alumni.

18 | FEBRUARY 2020 www.LovinLife.com The West Valley Genealogical Society & Li brary Meeting, 1 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 12225 N. 103rd Avenue, Sun City, free, 623-933-4945, azwvgs.org. Kathleen Ackerman will be the featured speaker and her topic will be “The Mysterious Love Letter.” Sun Lakes Democratic Club Meeting, 7 p.m., Sun Lakes Country Club’s Navajo Room, 25601 E. Sun Lakes Boulevard North, Sun Lakes, free, craftidoll1@gmail.com. The speakers are Tamika Wood, Democratic candidate for Maricopa County attorney; Christine Ellis, who’s running for Chandler City Council; and Rep. Jennifer Pawlik, LD-17. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 League of Women Voters-Northwest Maricopa County Meeting, noon, Unitarian Universalist Church, 17540 N. Avenue of the Arts, Surprise, free, 623-875-8406. The program is “Women’s Surage: The West Led the Way,” following a noon brown bag lunch and social period. Sun Lakes Republican Club Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Sun Lakes Country Club’s Arizona Room, 26501 S. Sun Lakes Boulevard, Sun Lakes, free, 480-802-0178, slgop.org. The topic is Election Integrity Project with guest speakers Executive Director of Election Integrity Proj ect Arizona Vera Anderson, Ocer Lynn Breyer and State Sen. Michele Ugenti-Rita. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Celebrate 100: Women’s Right to Vote Dinner, 5 to 8 p.m., Cottonwood Country Club’s San Tan Ballroom, 25630 S. Brentwood Drive, Sun Lakes, $45, celebratevote@gmail.com, southeastvalley-az.aauw.net. This college scholarship fundraising dinner will celebrate the 100th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote in the United States, and will feature Dr. Melanie Sturgeon, president of the Arizona Women’s History Alliance, sharing the stories of the Arizona women who helped make it happen. The event also supports fund raising for college scholarship awards for high school senior girls in the Chandler Unied School District. Since 2010, the Southeast Valley Branch of AAUW has funded annual scholarships based on need, leadership and extracurricular activities. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 General Cancer Support Group, 5 to 6:30 p.m., third Wednesday of the month, Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers, 6111 E. Arbor Avenue, Mesa, free, 480-316-6660, ironwoodcrc.com. Cervical, Ovarian and Breast Cancer Support Group, 5 to 7 p.m., the third Tuesday of the month, Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers, 5810 W. Beverly Lane, Glendale, free, 480-314- 6660, ironwoodcrc.com. Scottsdale Civil War Roundtable, 5:30 p.m., the third Tuesday of each month, Scottsdale Civic Center Library Auditori um, 3839 N. Drinkwater Boulevard, Scottsdale, free, 480-699-5844, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Cancer Survivors Support Group, 6 to 7:30 p.m., the fourth Monday of the month, Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers, 685 S. Dobson Road, Chandler, free, 480-314-6660, ironwoodcrc.com. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Masquerade Ball, 7 p.m., Sunland Auditorium, 4601 E. Dolphin Avenue, Mesa, $15 reserved, includes free dance lessons, 480-832- 9003. The Utah Ballroom Dance Company is hosting the event. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Metastatic Support Group, 3 to 4:30 p.m., fourth Wednesday of the month, Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers, 685 S. Dobson Road, Chandler, free, 480-314-6660, ironwoodcrc.com. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27 It’s still a little chilly, so this is perfect. It’s National Chili Day! FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Chinese Lunar New Year, 1 to 2 p.m., JFCS Center for Senior Enrichment, The Palazzo, 6250 N. 19th Avenue, Phoenix, free, reservations required, 602-943-2198, carol.goldstein@jfcsaz.org. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29 Celebrate Leap Year with your favorite Leap Day baby! Barefoot Becky Dance, 7 to 10 p.m., Sunland Village Auditorium, 4601 E. Dolphin Avenue, Mesa, $10, 480-832-9003. Painting Van Gogh, 4 to 6 p.m., Sol Flower of Sun City, 13650 N. 99th Avenue, Sun City, $35, livewithsol.com. This creative and meditative class includes a brief history of the painting styles, artists and masterpieces from dierent periods and art movements. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Heartfulness Meditation, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Thursdays, Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers, 685 S. Dobson Road, Chandler, free, 480-314-6660, ironwoodcrc.com. Bingo, 7 p.m. Thursdays, Sunland Village Auditorium, 4601 E. Dol phin Avenue, Mesa, charge depends on number of cards purchased, 480-832-9003. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group (Spanish), 9 to 11 a.m., the rst Thursday of the month, Pendergast Head Start Campus, 3802 N. 91st Avenue, Phoenix, free, 602-274-5022, reservations required. A Gem in the Valley Program, 1 p.m., Maricopa County Library, 101 W. Wigwam Boulevard, Litcheld Park, free, publicitychair@ azwvgs.org. This genealogy program is presented by the West Valley Genealogical Society.

Scottsdale Parada Del Sol Parade and Trail’s End Festival Feb 8 | FREE | Old Town Scottsdale Horses, Kids Area, Food, Dancing, Bands and Entertainment • Free Family Parade (Save The Date) | 10am-Noon • Trail’s End Festival | Noon - 4pm ScottsdaleParade.com


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Western Week Events: ScottsdaleWesternWeek.com

Feb. 1 • 2pm-3pm Maynard Dixon Art & Spirit Museum of the West Feb. 5 • 1pm - 3pm Wyatt Earp: A Life on the Frontier Museum of the West Feb. 6 • 6:30pm to 9pm • FREE Gold Palette ArtWalk: Western Spirit Arts District Feb. 7 • 9:30am - 5pm • FREE Museum of the West Museum of the West Feb. 7 • 11am - 1pm • FREE 62nd Annual Hashknife Pony Express & Food Truck Round-Up Museum of the West/Marshall Way

Feb. 7 • 6pm - 10pm Parada del Sol Rodeo Kick-Off Party Parada del Sol Museum, Brown & 2nd St Feb. 8 • 8am - 1pm Farmers Market Old Town-Brown Avenue Feb. 8 • 9:30am - 5pm • FREE Museum of the West Museum of the West Feb. 8 • 10am - 12pm • FREE 67th Annual Parada del Sol Parade Old Town Scottsdale

Feb. 8 • 12pm - 4pm Parada del Sol Parade Trail’s End Festival Old Town Scottsdale Feb. 8 • 10am - 6pm Arizona Indian Festival Scottsdale Civic Center Mall - West Lawn Feb. 8 • 10am - 10pm Parada del Sol Rodeo Kick-Off Party Parada del Sol Museum, Brown & 2nd St

Feb. 8 • 6pm - 9pm Arizona Native Edible Experience Museum of the West

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