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What’s Cooking?
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PAID ADVERTORIAL A New Reverse Mortgage from Sun American Mortgage Company Offers a Brighter Outlook on Retirement!
When Jane and Larry found themselves facing a series of unexpected events that left them with credit card debt and without the money they needed to comfortably retire, they didn’t have a lot of options. Jane could go back to work - but there wasn’t much in the area. Larry tried taking on some consulting work, but it was negatively affecting his health. The only realistic option they could see was to sell their retirement home in PebbleCreek. It felt like an impossible task.
Luckily, a neighbor suggested an alternative: a reverse mortgage. Jane and Larry’s credit card debt was not a part of their retirement plans, but Sun American Mortgage Company stepped in and helped turn a bad situation into an opportunity. With over 30 years of experience assisting Arizona seniors in similar situations, Sun American Mortgage is a leader in the Reverse Mortgage industry. Instead of selling their precious home in PebbleCreek, Jane and Larry were able to turn to the equity in their own home to pay off their credit card debt and get back on track with their retirement plans.
With their reverse mortgage line of credit, they can take money in and out of their home without recourse. They can make payments on their reverse mortgage if they want to, but also feel safe knowing that, in a pinch, no payment is required. They pay their property taxes, homeowners insurance and HOA fees as always. Jane and Larry have options. They can simply pay the interest, make a full payment every other month, make 2 payments every month, or never make a payment again. The reverse mortgage gave them the flexibility to live the future they envisioned even though their retirement plans didn’t go quite as planned.
Live the future you have planned. Call Parker Turk, CPA, CRMP or Rex Duffin, CRMP at Sun American Mortgage Company (480)467-1000 or toll-free at 1(800) 469-7383. 4140 E. Baseline Rd., Ste. 206, Mesa, Arizona 85206
An equal housing opportunity company, member of the Better Business Bureau & the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association • Mortgage Banker License #BK7548 • NMLS #160265 Parker Turk: LO-0912436 • NMLS#267132 Rex Duffin: LO-0911707 • NMLS#169138 This material is not provided by, nor was it approved by the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) or by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA).
What’s Cooking? with Jan Candy charcuterie board
How did charcuterie boards become so popular and an Instagram sensation?
If I had to guess, I’d say they found their groove simply because the pictures of them are highly, well, Instagrammable! These gorgeous oversized platters piled with delectable meats, cheeses, nuts, dried fruits, pickles, olives, pepperoncini and specialty mustards have become a hit for movie watching, game night and, of course, for big sporting events like the Super Bowl or World Series.
Plus, folks just can’t get enough of posting pics and videos of this trending moveable feast. But I have another idea for this treat tray.
It’s a candy charcuterie board, and I’ve incorporated so many fun ideas that my tray has everything from vintage and retro candy favorites and Southwestern sweets to fan favorites and state fair fare.
The idea for the candy charcuterie board follows the same criteria as the meat and cheese boards. First, I think a charcuterie board is a conversation piece. We love to gather and share morsels of gourmet goodness that spark comments as we graze. My candy charcuterie board is no di erent. It’s meant to remind people of their favorite candy growing up, specialty treats from their own regions of the country, some fun novelty candies and, of course, it’s loaded up with everyone’s favorite chocolate bars, hard candies, licorice and even popcorn to balance out the sweet!
So, here’s how I put my candy charcuterie board together! Step 1: Choose a tray or board. Mine was 18 inches by 12 inches. Step 2: Look for fun, colorful containers and scoops. Party City is a great place to start. Step 3: For retro and vintage candy, I included: Necco Wafers, candy necklaces, Sugar Daddys, candy cigarettes, Pixy Stix and Beemans, Clove and Blackjack gum. Step 4: For regional treats, I included Mexican Del La Rosa Marzipan candy and a taco made of gummy candies. Step 5: For novelties, I added SpongeBob SquarePants gummy hamburgers, cotton candy and tins of mint “Impowermints,” “Enlightenmints” and “14th Amendmints”! Step 6: Add a lot of fan favorites: bubble gum, M&M’s, hard candies, old-fashioned candy stick, licorice and Boston baked beans. Step 7: Look for treats that give back. ACE Hardware sells chocolate bars that help raise money for children’s hospitals around the country. Step 8: Incorporating mini boxes of freshly popped popcorn helps balance out the sweet with salty. Step 9: Find sweets and treats with a theme. For instance, for the Super Bowl, include chocolate footballs and mini toothpick pennants.
Where to nd these items
I found all my fun retro, vintage and novelty candies and mints at Old Town Candy and Toys, 4000 N. Scottsdale Road, oldtowncandyandtoys.com.
Scoops, candy containers, mini popcorn boxes, chocolate footballs and pennants, individually wrapped bite-sized candy and Pixy Stix are available at Party City.
Food City has the Del La Rosa Marzipan candy.
Watch Jan D’Atri’s how-to videos at https://bit.ly/JanDAtri.