9 minute read
Sahuarita Park Murals

BY ANNIKA TOMLIN on the boathouse storage door at Sahua
Sahuarita and Southern Arizona Arts rita Lake Park (15466 S. Rancho Sahuarita and Cultural Alliance are continuing their Boulevard); Alonso Delgadillo, who paintefforts to brighten the town—especially ed migratory birds also at Sahuarita Lake in light of the pandemic. Park on the amphitheater seat wall; Ig
Last year, SAACA helped the town nacio Garcia, who painted hummingbird place five murals around parks within the and peacock flowers on a MUSCO eleccity. This year they decided to add anothtrical cabinet at Anza Trail Park (15490 S. er five to the mix. Rancho Sahuarita Boulevard); and Alex
“Adding art gives something that peoJimenez, who painted Gila monsters on ple will seek out and try to find all the a MUSCO electrical cabinet at Wrightson different murals,” says Nanette Smejkal, Ridge Park (16325 S. Rancho Sahuarita Sahuarita Parks and Recreation director. Boulevard). “That has been my favorite aspect; add“I think adding vibrancy to our parks ing that special something that only art and trying to add amenities, add culture can really bring to public space. It adds so much.” and kind of creating a vibe on public spaces, that’s kind of the place making Born in Mexico, Tucson resident Alejandra Trujillo painted a mural on the boathouse storage door at Sahuarita Lake Park. (Photo courtesy Matt Rolland)
The artists were chosen by a commitaspect of it,” Smejkal says. saguaro blossoms because ‘Sahuarita’ public art plays a really important role tee of folks from SAACA and the town, afBorn and raised in Phoenix, Caruso has means ‘little saguaro.’ I thought it was giving people something pretty to look ter the creatives shared what they would several of his murals around the Valley fitting.” at without having to go into populated like to paint. and in Southern Arizona. He was more Caruso enjoys getting out of the areas like the art museum,” Caruso says.
The finalists included Isaac Caruso, than happy to share his vision with Sahouse and making art accessible to ev“They can just drive by in their car, walk who painted a desert horned lizard on a huarita. His sketch is based on the natural eryone during this pandemic. It took the dog by it and stay 6 feet away from roll-up storage door at Quail Creek Veterlandscape around town. him about a day and a half to complete everyone.” ans Municipal Park (1905 N. Old Nogales “I thought of something that might rethe mural. Born in Mexico and residing in Tucson, Highway); Alejandra Trujillo, who painted late to the town, so I went for horny toads “You can only really look at the paintmom of three Trujillo was excited to lend a selfie spot including butterflies, desert because it’s a very Southern Arizona anings that are in your home or at your her skills to this project. She found out tortoises, pecan groves and a quail family imal,” Caruso says. “I also threw in some friend’s house so many times before the about the project from the SAACA mailing list. She quickly applied when she saw the opportunity.
“When I received my award letter, they sent a picture attached of what I was going to be painting,” Trujillo says. “It is a really prominent spot for people to park and dock their kayaks or boats.”
Trujillo wanted to create a selfie spot.
“I really wanted to make it something that kept going, because it’s beautiful down there,” Trujillo adds. “I really wanted to make it something that blends in with the space so that it wouldn’t be too distracting from the natural beauty that there is there.
“I took a lot of the elements of Sahuarita, like its pecan orchard and the saguaros. The monarchs and quail I always really loved. And box turtles, of course, are very prominent here, so I wanted to include a lot of fun local beauties like the local chapters basically from the area and put them all into something that you could just take one picture with all of them.”
Trujillo included the quail in her mural because her father used to raise them. Alonso Delgadillo works on his mural of migratory birds on the amphitheater seat wall at Sahuarita Lake Park. (Photo courtesy Matt Rolland) She says several people thanked her as 4 | JUNE 2020 www.LovinLife.com
“Te-Gila Sunrise” was painted by Alex Jimenez on a MUSCO electrical cabinet at Wrightson Ridge Park. (Photo courtesy Matt Rolland)

Phoenix native Isaac Caruso painted a desert horned lizard on a roll-up storage door at Quail Creek Veterans Municipal Park. (Photo courtesy Matt Rolland)
she was painting the mural.
“A lot of the people have found certain connections like I do with the animals or the nature that I paint,” Trujillo says.
“I know one woman specifi cally told
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me she used to walk the loop with her husband every day before he passed. He really loved turtles, which is something that I included in there. She told me that (my mural) was really inspiring for her to get back out and walk and get back into her normal routine.”
Trujillo, Caruso and the other muralists hope their art brings people out of their homes to enjoy nature and art during the pandemic.
“Even though it’s not back to normal, we’re still trying to create and be active,” Trujillo says.
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Certain restrictions apply
Sun...continued from page 3 guest leaves the area. • Restaurants: Restaurants will have distanced seating and limited occupancy. For restaurants with table service, plate covers will be utilized when delivering meals from the kitchen to the guest’s table. • Hotels: Hotels will continue to utilize hospital-grade disinfectant in public areas, elevators and guest rooms. Nonessential, decorative fabric items such as throws and throw pillows have been removed from the guest rooms. Hotel elevators will be limited to two guests per cab unless the guests are members of the same household. • Fitness Centers: At Estrella, the workout room will be limited to one guest at a time. At Casino Del Sol, the workout room will be limited to two guests at a time, with social distancing. Hotel staff will disinfect the machines in the workout rooms every two hours. • Property amenities that will not reopen temporarily: Festa International Buff et, Wildcat Grille at Sewailo Golf Club, Paradiso Lounge, Tropico Lounge, Zebo’z, Hiapsi Spa, the arcade at Estrella, valet parking and the hotel pools.
“We’ve put a great deal of thought and a lot of work into our reopening plan and feel confi dent in the measures we’ve implemented across our properties to keep our guests and employees safe,” says Robert Valencia, chairman of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe.
The Pascua Yaqui Tribe and Casino Del Sol will continue to adhere to guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Con
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trol and Prevention, the Arizona Department of Health Services and the Pascua Yaqui Tribe’s Health Department and will not hesitate to modify this plan if necessary.
Sewailo Golf Club reopened on April 20 with strict precautionary measures in place to ensure staff and golfers remain safe. To

view the list of precautions at Sewailo, visit casinodelsol.com/sewailo-golf-club.
Concerts at AVA Amphitheater are canceled through July.
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