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DUFFY’S OPINION — brianduffycartoons.com
Rebuttal Editor: I do not usually respond to what I believe to be pure fantasy or unsubstantiated opinion. If I wanted to listen to that particular sort of diatribe, I would watch CNN — all puff with no meaningful facts. In the case of Mr. Hayworth, however, I am going to make an exception. First, I would like to make a distinction between liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, respectively. I consider myself to be conservative, which does not mean I think the opposites have nothing to offer. Show me the facts and then I will decide. Mr. Hayworth makes no similar distinction, however, if you are a conservative, you are a liar. I could make no sense of his entire treatise, but I will only pick and choose a few lacking in what most of us like to call the truth, or the facts, if you will. First of all, I was not upset when Obama was elected. Not my choice, but I thought he was in a position to be a great president as the first Black American elected commander-in-chief. In reality, though, he turned out to show his bigotry and socialist tendencies by his actions and legislative agenda. Michael Brown and Freddie Gray were both Black, shot by white policemen during or after a committed crime. Obama immediately called out the guilt of the officers, even before all the facts were in. Heck, the bodies weren’t even cold. This touched off riots all over the country and immediate calls for police reform and justice for the dead men. Also, after the Trayvon Martin verdict, didn’t Obama go on national television and claim he was unhappy with the court and that “Trayvon could have been my son”? Well, couldn’t Aaron Alexis also have been his son? He is the Black man who shot 12 and killed people in the mess hall at the Baltimore Navy yard. I don’t recall
Obama ever saying a word about it. Do you? Ever since Obama, we have been a divided country with an us vs. them attitude, unfortunately, and that is why Obama was the worst president of my lifetime if not all time, until demented Joe that is. “Defund the police.” That’s a great idea; great Democratic battle cry. Sadly, it is actually happening in many Democratic bastions where the crime rate is skyrocketing — fact. His medical plan was only a heartbeat away from a single-payer (federal gov’t control) system, from socialized medicine — fact. Have you read any Marx or Engels philosophy? Because this is how it begins. If popular vote was how we elected our leaders, then we would only need to count the votes in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City, concentrated centers for the gimme, gimme, gimme liberals who love all the freebies the Democrats throw at them to secure their votes. The Electoral College is in place to ensure that does not happen, Mr. Hayworth. Perhaps you should read about the Connecticut Compromise to gain some understanding of how to make majority rule fair to all. Please name for me the wealthy who were going to pull Trump’s strings had he been elected. Even your facts behind this ludicrous statement will do. Democrats were the ones to politicize the pandemic. Read factual literature or listen to some impartial insight into these types of matters and maybe, just maybe, you might see the daylight, assuming, of course, you lay off the Kool-Aid. I have a degree in economics and you are the first person in history, I believe, to call the Great Depression a Republican depression. Once again merely your distorted opinion, not fact. Other observations from your article: Who is trying to push through a $3.2 trillion march toward a social engineering agenda? Everything Trump did was geared toward the middle class (which
includes securing the border, which is actually one of the jobs given to the federal government by the constitution) by charging tariffs to protect American jobs. Reaganomics did not cause the demise of manufacturing jobs in this country. To a large degree, labor unions did. Insisting on paying someone $48 per hour for some unskilled menial tasks is ridiculous. Pushing through financial legislation to allow banks to invest in the market is called capital growth. You are probably guilty of it yourself. I would be willing to bet you have some market investments of your own. Perhaps now, with a conservative majority, the Supreme Court will get back to what it is constitutionally dictated to do: interpret laws written by self-serving politicians of all persuasions instead of legislating from the bench. I was a JFK Democrat at one time, but that party is gone and replaced by a party that caters to its own needs and controls its constituents with more and more and more government giveaways to keep them loyal. If you actually look at the long-term ef-
fects of their policies, you might come to see the forest for the trees. No one is coming with an “Ich bin Berliner” catchphrase to unite us all under the kumbaya umbrella, at least until we can have a balanced budget, term limits and a voter ID card to ensure the integrity of all our institutions. Thomas M. Rico Goodyear
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