East Valley Business - 02.03.19

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east valley

Volume 1 Issue 26 Mesa, AZ

February 3, 2019




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received until Thursday, February 21, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. All sealed bids will be received at Mesa City Plaza Building, Engineering Department at 20 East Main Street, 5th Floor, Mesa, Arizona; except for bids delivered 30 minutes prior to opening which will be received at the information desk, 1st floor, Main Lobby of the Mesa City Plaza Building. Any bid received after the time specified will be returned without any consideration. This contract shall be for furnishing all labor, materials, transportation and services for the construction and/or installation of the following work: Roadway improvements along Southern Avenue from Greenfield Road to Higley Road. Roadway improvements include removing and replacing pavement, installing street lights, removing and re-placing driveways, installing sidewalks, widening the Southern and Higley intersection, upgrading landscaping, installing conduits, street lighting, and fiber, upgrading the traffic signal at Higley Road, installing signage and striping, relocating utility and other improvements as shown on the improvement plans and specs. The Engineer’s Estimate range is $4,300,000.00 - $5,300,000.00. For all technical, contract, bidrelated, or other questions, please contact Maggie Smith at Maggie. Smith@mesaaz.gov. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of dis-qualification, from direct or

indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified above. Contractors desiring to submit proposals may purchase sets of the Bid Documents from ARC Document Solutions, LLC, at https://order.e-arc.com/arcEOC/ PWELL_Main.asp?mem=29. Click on “Go” for the Public Planroom to access plans. NOTE: In order to be placed on the Plan Holders List and to receive notifications and updates regarding this bid (such as addenda) during the bidding period, an order must be placed. The cost of each Bid Set will be no more than $71.00, which is non-refundable regardless of whether the Contractor Documents are returned. Partial bid pack-ages are not sold. You can view documents on-line (at no cost), order Bid Sets, and access the Plan Holders List on the website at the address listed above. Please verify print lead time prior to arriving for pick-up. For a list of locations nearest you, go to www.e-arc.com. One set of the Contract Documents is also available for viewing at the City of Mesa’s Engineering Department at 20 East Main Street, Mesa, AZ. Please call 480-644-2251 prior to arriving to ensure that the documents are available for viewing. In order for the City to consider alternate products in the bidding process, please follow Arizona Revised Statutes §34.104c. If a pre-bid review of the site has been scheduled, details can be referenced in Project Specific Provision Section #3, titled “Pre-Bid Review of Site.” Work shall be completed within 210 consecutive calendar days, beginning with the day following the starting date specified in the Notice to Proceed. Bids must be submitted on the Proposal Form provided and be accompanied by the Bid Bond for not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid, payable to the City of Mesa, Arizona, or a certified or

Public Notices ........... page 2 © Copyright, 2019 East Valley Tribune

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Mailing Address: 1620 W. Fountainhead Pkwy., Suite 219, Tempe, AZ 85282

cashier’s check. PERSONAL OR INDIVIDUAL SURETY BONDS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. The successful bidder will be required to execute the standard form of contract for construction within ten (10) days after formal award of contract. In addition, the successful bidder must be registered in the City of Mesa Vendor SelfService (VSS) System (http:// mesaaz.gov/business/purchasing/ vendor-self-service). The successful bidder, simultaneously with the execution of the Contract, will be required to furnish a Payment Bond in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, a Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, and the most recent ACORD® Certificate of Liability Insurance form with additional insured endorsements. The right is hereby reserved to accept or reject any or all bids or parts thereto, to waive any informalities in any proposal and reject the bids of any persons who have been delinquent or unfaithful to any contract with the City of Mesa. BETH HUNING City Engineer ATTEST: DeeAnn Mickelsen City Clerk Published: East Valley Tribune, Jan. 27, Feb 3, 2019 / 18104


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received until February 25, 2019 at 1:00p.m. All sealed bids will be received at Mesa City Plaza Building, Engineering Department at 20 East Main Street, 5th Floor, Mesa, Arizona. Please mark the outside of the bid envelope with the name of this bid document. Any bid received after the time specified will be returned without any consideration, except for bids delivered 30 minutes prior to opening which will be (480) 898-6500 Steven Strickbine, publisher Paul Maryniak, executive editor

received at the information desk, 1st floor, Main Lobby of the Mesa City Plaza Building. No bid shall be altered, amended or withdrawn after the specified bid due date and time. A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Monday, February 11, 2019 at 1:00p.m. in the up-per level Council Chambers at 57 E. First Street, Mesa, Arizona. There will not be a pre-bid review of the site. Cadence School Offsite Infrastructure Improvements CA160 This contract shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials and equipment required to construct the facilities and features called for by the plans and specifications for the following work: The installation of sewer, water, storm drain, concrete, paving, adjustments, signage, striping, street lights and landscape for Cadence Parkway and Toledo Road as outlined by the Improvement Plans for Cadence School Offsite Infrastructure Plans. Excludes rough grading (by others) and dry utility mainline trench and conduit. The ENGINEER’S ESTIMATED RANGE IS $750,000 – $1,250,000. For information contact: Stephanie Gishey, City of Mesa, Stephanie.Gishey@mesaaz.gov. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of dis-qualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified above. Contractors desiring to submit proposals may purchase sets of the Bid Documents from ARC Document Solutions, LLC, at https://order.e-arc.com/arcEOC/ PWELL_Main.asp?mem=29. Click on “Go” for the Public Planroom to access plans. NOTE: In order to be placed on the Plan Holders List and to receive notifications and updates regarding this bid (such

Subscriptions are $26 for 2 years, $14 for one year. Periodicals postage paid at Phoenix, AZ 85026.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: East Valley Tribune, 1620 W. Fountainhead Pkwy., Suite 291, Tempe, AZ 85282

as addenda) during the bidding period, an order must be placed. The cost of each Bid Set will be no more than $20.00, which is nonrefundable regardless of whether the Contractor Documents are returned. Partial bid pack-ages are not sold. You can view documents on-line (at no cost), order Bid Sets, and access the Plan Holders List on the website at the address listed above. Please verify print lead time prior to arriving for pick-up. For a list of locations nearest you, go to www.e-arc.com One set of the Contract Documents is also available for viewing at the City of Mesa’s Engineering Department at 20 East Main Street, Mesa, AZ. Please call (480) 644-2251 prior to arriving to en-sure that the documents are available for viewing. Work shall be completed within one hundred twenty (120) consecutive calendar days, beginning with the day following the starting date specified in the Notice to Proceed. Bids must be submitted on the Proposal and Schedule Form provided and be accompanied by a Bid Bond, certified check, or cashier’s check (PERSONAL OR INDIVIDUAL BID BONDS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE) for ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the Bid, payable to Otago Development, Inc., as a guarantee that the contractor will enter into a contract to perform the proposal in accordance with the plans and specifications. The successful bidder will be required to execute the Otago Development, Inc. Contract and respective Addenda for construction within five (5) days after formal Notice of Contact Award. Failure by bidder to properly execute the Contract and provide the required certification as specified shall be considered a breach of Contract by bidder. Otago Development, Inc. shall be free to terminate the Contract or, at option, release the successful bidder. Payment and Performance Bonds will be required for this Work. The successful bidder, simultaneously with the execution of the Contract, shall be required to furnish a Payment Bond in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, and a Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price. The successful bidder shall name Otago Development, Inc. as obligee on both the Payment and Performance Bonds and name the City of Mesa as an additional obligee on the Performance Bond using a Dual Obligee Rider form. An approved Dual Obligee Rider Form is included in Chapter 2. The right is hereby reserved to accept or reject any or all bids or parts thereto, to waive any informalities in any proposal and reject the bids of any persons who have been delinquent or unfaithful to any contract with Otago Development, Inc., the City of Mesa or Cadence Community Facilities District. BETH HUNING District Engineer ATTEST: Dee Ann Mickelsen District Clerk Published: East Valley Tribune, Feb 3, 10, 2019 / 18338



150 consecutive calendar days, beginning with the day following the starting date specified in the Notice to Proceed. Bids must be submitted on the Proposal Form provided and be accompanied by the Bid Bond for not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid, payable to the City of Mesa, Arizona, or a certified or cashier’s check. PERSONAL OR INDIVIDUAL SURETY BONDS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. The successful bidder will be required to execute the standard form of contract for construction within ten (10) days after formal award of contract. In addition, the successful bidder must be registered in the City of Mesa Vendor Self-Service (VSS) System ( h tt p : / / m e s a a z . g ov / bu s i n e s s / purchasing/vendor-self-service). The successful bidder, simultaneously with the execution of the Contract, will be required to furnish a Payment Bond in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, a Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, and the most recent ACORD® Certificate of Liability Insurance form with additional insured endorsements. The right is hereby reserved to accept or reject any or all bids or parts thereto, to waive any informalities in any proposal and reject the bids of any persons who have been delinquent or unfaithful to any contract with the City of Mesa. BETH HUNING District Engineer ATTEST: Dee Ann Mickelsen District Clerk Published: East Valley Tribune, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 2019 / 18317

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received until Thursday, March 7, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. All sealed bids will be received at Mesa City Plaza Building, Engineering Department at 20 East Main Street, 5th Floor, Mesa, Arizona; except for bids delivered 30 minutes prior to opening which will be received at the information desk, 1st floor, Main Lobby of the Mesa City Plaza Building. Any bid received after the time specified will be returned without any consideration. This contract shall be for furnishing all labor, materials, transportation and services for the construction and/or installation of the following work: Project will include installation of 54” and 36” RGRCP storm drain along Broadway Road between Greenfield Road and Higley Road. In addition, the existing catch basins will be disconnected from RWCD and tied into the new storm drain line. A series of new catch basins will be installed along the corridor and extending into 48th Street. The Engineer’s Estimate range is $900,000 - $1,100,000. For all technical, contract, bidrelated, or other questions, please contact Donna Horn at donna. horn@mesaaz.gov. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of dis-qualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified above. Contractors desiring to submit proposals may purchase sets of the Bid Documents from ARC Document Solutions, LLC, at https://order.e-arc.com/arcEOC/ PWell_Main.asp?mem=152. Click on “Go” for the Public Planroom to access plans. NOTE: In order to be placed on the Plan Holders List and to receive notifications and updates regarding this bid (such as addenda) during the bid-ding period, an order must be placed. The cost of each Bid Set will be no more than $14, which is nonrefundable. Partial bid packages are not sold. You can view documents on-line (at no cost), order Bid Sets, and access the Plan Holders List on the website at the address listed above. Please verify print lead time prior to arriving for pick-up. For a list of locations nearest you, go to www.e-arc.com. One set of the Contract Documents is also available for viewing at the City of Mesa’s Engineering Department at 20 East Main Street, Mesa, AZ. Please call 480-644-2251 prior to arriving to en-sure that the documents are available for viewing. In order for the City to consider alternate products in the bidding process, please follow Arizona Revised Statutes §34.104c. If a pre-bid review of the site has been scheduled, details can be referenced in Project Specific Provision Section #3, titled “Pre-Bid Review of Site.” Work shall be completed within



The City of Mesa is seeking qualified Consultants to provide design services and/or construction administration services on an oncall basis in the following area/ category: Falcon Field Airport Consulting Services. All qualified firms that are interested in providing these services are invited to submit their Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). From this solicitation, the Engineering Department will select an on-call consultant for Falcon Field Airport On-Call Consulting Services for Airport Projects. This category is further defined below: This solicitation is for oncall consulting services for the design, preparation of bidding and construction documents, and construction administration/ inspection of various airport capital improve-ment projects proposed to be funded through Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Grants, Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Grants, and/ or the City of Mesa Falcon Field Airport Capital Program during the


next one to three (1 – 3) years. Consulting services may include design and/or construction phase support activities for General Aviation (GA) airport capital improvements such as paving, grading and drainage, geotechnical investigations, pavement markings, airfield lighting, development of construction safety and phasing plans, obstruction evaluation submittals to the FAA, Airport Layout Plan (ALP) and Airport Master Guide Sign Plan updates, and similar services as outlined in the RFQ. A Pre-Submittal Conference will not be held. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of dis-qualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified below. RFQ Lists. This RFQ is available on the City’s website at http:// mesaaz.gov/business/engineering/ architectural-engineering-designopportunities. The Statement of Qualifications shall include a one-page cover letter, plus a maximum of 10 pages to address the SOQ evaluation criteria (excluding resumes but including an organization chart with key personnel and their affiliation). Resumes for each team member shall be limited to a maximum length of two pages and should be attached as an appendix to the SOQ. Minimum font size shall be 10 point. Please provide seven (7) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy (CD or USB drive) of the Statement of Qualifications by 2:00pm on February 27, 2019. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Statements of Qualifications. The City is an equal opportunity employer. Delivered or hand-carried submittals must be delivered to the Engineering Department reception area on the fifth floor of Mesa City Plaza Building in a sealed package. On the submittal package, please display: Firm name and Falcon Field Airport On-Call Consulting Services for Airport Projects. Firms who wish to do business with the City of Mesa must be registered and activated in the City of Mesa Vendor Self Service (VSS) System (http://mesaaz.gov/ business/purchasing/vendor-selfservice). Questions. Questions pertaining to the Consultant selection process or contract issues should be directed to Heather Sneddon of the Engineering Department at heather.sneddon@mesaaz.gov. BETH HUNING District Engineer ATTEST: Dee Ann Mickelsen District Clerk Published: East Valley Tribune, Jan. 20, 27, Feb 3, 2019 / 18041


FEBRUARY 3, 2019

QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Mesa is seeking a qualified firm or team to act as the Construction Manager at Risk for the following: GENERAL LANDSCAPING CONSTRUCTION SERVICES JOB ORDER CONTRACT PROJECT NO. JOC-L19

The City of Mesa is seeking a qualified Contractor to provide Job Order Utility Construction Services. All qualified firms that are interested in providing these services are invited to submit their Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Re-quest for Qualifications (RFQ). The following is a summary of the project: The Landscaping Construction Job Order Contract will require a variety of tasks to be completed, including but not limited to maintenance, repair, minor and major new construction services, including minor associated incidental design services, for a broad range of City landscaping renovation and construction projects A Pre-Submittal Conference will be held on February 14, 2019 at 9:00 am, at the Mesa City Plaza Building, 20 E. Main Street, Conference Room 170, Mesa, Arizona 85201. At this meeting, City staff will discuss the scope of work and general contract issues and respond to questions from the attendees. Attendance at the pre-submittal conference is not mandatory and all interested firms may submit a Statement of Qualifications whether or not they attend the conference. All interested firms are encouraged to attend the Pre-Submittal Conference since City staff will not be available for meetings or to respond to individual inquiries regarding the project scope outside of this conference. In addition, there will not be meeting minutes or any other information published from the Pre-Submittal Conference. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified below. RFQ Lists. The RFQ is available on the City’s website at http:// mesaaz.gov/business/engineering/ construction-manager-at-risk-andjob-order-contracting-opportunities. The Statement of Qualifications shall include a one-page cover letter, plus a maximum of 10 pages to address the SOQ evaluation criteria (ex-cluding resumes but including an organization chart with key personnel and their affiliation). Resumes for each team member shall be limited to a maximum length of two pages and should be attached as an appendix to the SOQ. Minimum font size shall be 10pt. Please provide seven (7) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy (CD or USB drive) of the Statement of Qualifications by February 26, 2019 at 2:00 pm. The City re-serves the right to accept or reject any and all Statements of Qualifications.

The City is an equal opportunity employer. Delivered or hand-carried submittals must be delivered to the Engineering Department reception area on the fifth floor of Mesa City Plaza Building in a sealed package. On the submittal pack-age, please display: Firm name, project number, and/or project title. Firms who wish to do business with the City of Mesa must be registered in the City of Mesa Vendor Self Service (VSS) System ( h tt p : / / m e s a a z . g ov / bu s i n e s s / purchasing/vendor-self-service). Questions. Questions pertaining to the Job Order Contractor selection process or contract issues should be directed to Stephanie Gishey of the Engineering Department at stephanie.gishey@ mesaaz.gov. BETH HUNING District Engineer ATTEST: Dee Ann Mickelsen District Clerk Published: East Valley Tribune, Feb. 3, 10, 2019 / 18401

disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified below. RFQ Lists. The RFQ is available on the City’s website at http:// mesaaz.gov/business/engineering/ construction-manager-at-risk-andjob-order-contracting-opportunities. The Statement of Qualifications shall include a one-page cover letter, plus a maximum of 10 pages to address the SOQ evaluation criteria (ex-cluding resumes but including an organization chart with key personnel and their affiliation). Resumes for each team member shall be limited to a maximum length of two pages and should be attached as an appendix to the SOQ. Minimum font size shall be 10pt. Please provide seven (7) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy (CD or USB drive) of the State-ment of Qualifications by February 26, 2019 at 2:00 pm. The City re-serves the right to accept or reject any and all Statements of Qualifications. The City is an equal opportunity employer. Delivered or hand-carried submittals must be delivered to the Engineering Department reception area on the fifth floor of Mesa City Plaza Building in a sealed package. On the submittal package, please display: Firm name, project number, and/or project title. Firms who wish to do business with the City of Mesa must be registered in the City of Mesa Vendor Self Service (VSS) System ( h tt p : / / m e s a a z . g ov / bu s i n e s s / purchasing/vendor-self-service). Questions. Questions pertaining to the Job Order Contractor selection process or contract issues should be directed to Stephanie Gishey of the Engineering Department at stephanie.gishey@ mesaaz.gov. BETH HUNING District Engineer ATTEST: Dee Ann Mickelsen District Clerk Published: East Valley Tribune, Feb. 3, 10, 2019 / 18400

City of Mesa Public Notice CITY OF MESA, ARIZONA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Mesa is seeking a qualified firm or team to act as the Construction Manager at Risk for the following: GENERAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SERVICES JOB ORDER CONTRACT PROJECT NO. JOC-G19

The City of Mesa is seeking a qualified Contractor to provide Job Order Utility Construction Services. All qualified firms that are interested in providing these services are invited to submit their Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Re-quest for Qualifications (RFQ). The following is a summary of the project: The General Construction Job Order Contract will require a variety of tasks to be completed, including but not limited to general building construction services for minor and major construction projects, maintenance, renovations, repairs, additions, demolition, reconstruction and alteration services to City property. A Pre-Submittal Conference will be held on February 14, 2019 at 9:00 am, at the Mesa City Plaza Building, 20 E. Main Street, Conference Room 170, Mesa, Arizona 85201. At this meeting, City staff will discuss the scope of work and general contract issues and respond to questions from the attendees. Attendance at the pre-submittal conference is not mandatory and all interested firms may submit a Statement of Qualifications whether or not they attend the conference. All interested firms are encouraged to attend the Pre-Submittal Conference since City staff will not be available for meetings or to respond to individual inquiries regarding the project scope outside of this conference. In addition, there will not be meeting minutes or any other information published from the Pre-Submittal Conference. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (includ-ing the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of


GENERAL Public Notice

STATE OF INDIANA IN THE KNOX SUPERIOR COURT 1 CAUSE NUMBER: 42D0I1811-JT-000032 COUNTY OF KNOX IN THE MATTER OF THE TERMINATION OF THE PARENTCHILD RELATIONSHIP: RW- DOB 9/26/2016 AND NICOLE WHITE (BIOLOGICAL MOTHER) AND ANY UNKNOWN ALLEGED FATHERS SUMMONS FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION & NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS HEARING TO: Nicole White and Any Unknown Alleged Father Whereabouts unknown NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the above noted parent whose whereabouts are unknown, as well as Any Unknown Alleged Fathers, whose whereabouts are also unknown, that the Indiana Department of Child Services has filed a Petition for Involuntary Termination of your Parental Rights, and that an adjudication hearing has been scheduled with the Court. YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to


appear before the Judge of the Knox Superior Court 1, Ill North Seventh Street, 2nd Floor, Vincennes, IN 47591 - 812-885-2517 for a(n) Permanency Hearing on 4/15/2019 at 9:15AM and to answer the Petition for Termination of your Parental Rights of said child. You are further notified that if the allegations in said petition are true, and/or if you fail to appear at the hearing, the Juvenile Court may terminate your parent-child relationship; and if the Comt tmminates your parent-child relationship you will lose all parental rights, powers, privileges, immunities, duties and obligations including any rights to custody, control, visitation, or support in said child; and if the Court terminates your parent-child relationship, it will be permanently terminated, and thereafter you may not con-test an adoption or other placement of said child. You are entitled to representation by an attorney, provided by the State if applicable, throughout these proceedings to terminate the parentchild relationship. YOU MUST RESPOND by appearing in person or by an attorney within thirty (30) days after the last publication of this notice, and in the event you fail to do so, adjudication on said petition and termination of your parent-al rights may be entered against you, in your absence, without further notice. /s/ David Shelton, Clerk Anastasia M. Weidner, 32192-64 Attorney, Indiana Department of Child Services 1050 Washington Ave Vincennes, IN 47591 Office: 812-882-3920 STATE OF INDIANA IN THE KNOX SUPERIOR COURT 1 CAUSE NUMBER: 42D0I-1811JT-000032 COUNTY OF KNOX IN RE THE TERMINATION OF THE PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP OF: Richard White- DOB 9/26/2016 (CHILD), AND NICOLE WHITE (BIOLOGIC-AL MOTHER) UNKNOWN ALLEGED FATHER PRAECIPE FOR SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION COMES NOW the Indiana Department of Child Services, local office in Knox County, (hereinafter “DCS”), by counsel, Anastasia M. Weidner, and pursuant to I. C. 31-32-9-2 and Indiana Trial Rule 4.13, requests authorization for Summons by Publication on Nicole White (Biological Mother) and on “Alleged Unknown Father” with respect to the Verified Petition for Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights filed herein. In support thereof, DCS shows the Court the Affidavit in Support of Sum-mons by Publication filed contemporaneously herewith. WHEREFORE, DCS requests this Court enter an Order authorizing Summons by Publication on Nicole White (Biological Mother) and on “Alleged Unknown Father” and for any and all relief proper in the premises. Respectfully submitted, DATED: January 25, 2019 /s/ Anastasia M. Weidner Anastasia M. Weidner, 32192-64 Attorney, Indiana Department of Child Services 1050 Washington Ave Vincennes, IN 47591 Email: Anastasia.Weidner@ dcs.in.gov Office: 812-882-3920 Published: East Valley Tribune, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 2019 / 18406

FEBRUARY 3, 2019

the tickler

east valley 1620 W. Fountainhead Pkwy., Suite 219, Tempe, AZ 85282


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