East Valley Business - 03.06.2022

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east valley

Volume 4 Issue 34 Mesa, AZ

March 6, 2021

Mesa woman’s new business delivers food to pets TRIBUNE NEWS STAFF



rom a 25-year career as a 911 operator for the Arizona Department of Public Safety, Anna Baum has started a new career as a small-business operator that’s a kind of UberEats for pets. The Mesa woman owns a franchise for Pet Wants Gilbert North, a mobile pet-food delivery that specializes in small-batchproduced healthy food and treats for dogs and cats. Her new gig – serving virtually the entire Valley – is giving her a chance to exercise what she learned in her pre-DPS career as a food-service manager as well as an opportunity to own her own pet again without feeling guilty about leaving it alone while she works. “I grew up with dogs, cats, horses, cows, chickens and goats,” Baum explained. “I was never without a faithful dog until my last two died a little over two years ago. Due to my long hours as a 911 communication manager with DPS, I did not get another dog. I felt it was better to wait until I retired.” Now the owner of cat – which she said “acts as close to a dog as a cat can get” – Baum delivers food ordered online from a 7-year-old Cincinnati, Ohio, company started by two women who began making food for their dog after discovering large producers’ food actually made their pet sick. Besides selling multiple blends of dog and cat food that the company says contains high-quality proteins and never Public Notices ............... page 2 © Copyright, 2022 East Valley Tribune

uses added sugar, fillers, animal by-products, corn, wheat, soy or dyes, Pet Wants also sells healing salve, calming balm, antiitch spray and paw wax. Along with having a job that doesn’t require the long hours of 911 operator, Baum said her fooddelivery service fulfills another post-retirement goal. ”I wanted something that was interactive with the community doing something I loved,” she said. “I found Pet Wants and it was exactly what I was looking for. I could interact with the community in a capacity I had a passion for – animals and health and wellness.” She undertook training last month “on the various kinds of pet food, ingredients and how supplements can be helpful, the various kinds of afflic- Anna Baum, pictured here with her cat Lucy, operates a mobile tions pets can have and pet food delivery service. (Special to Tribune) how food can make such a tomers make the right choices when they big difference in how pets behave and how peruse the various kinds of food offered on long they live. Pet Wants’ website. “I practice preventive care for myself so “I can work with them and share inforit was a natural fit to extend that to talking mation with them that will help them make about good food for your pets,” she added. informed decisions about what kind of That training enables her to help cus(USPS 004-616) is published weekly

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food to feed their pets,” Baum said. “They can order online but that’s only one part of the relationship. The other part is getting to know their pets and helping them learn how to address issues as they arise.” “Pet Wants is different because we provide fresh, holistic products in a way that’s convenient and personal. We have the knowledge and training to help our customers find the best solutions for their individual pets and the resources to help pets live long, healthy lives,” Baum said. “We want to support you and your pets as they grow and age and their needs change over time.” As she planned for retiring and going out into the marketplace as a solo business owner, Baum had anticipated her father would be working with her. But he passed

away in December. Recovering from her loss was the biggest challenge she faced as she launched her business but she finds some comfort in the fact that her delivery vehicle had been her father’s and “while he is not here to help me, he will be with me always.” And there’s another part of her new career that’s especially appealing. “My kids and their families, my mom and aunt and my sister are all excited about being a part of this new adventure so it will be very family-centric, with something fun for everyone to do,” Baum said. “After all the missed holidays over the years working as a 911 dispatcher and manager, I am looking forward to the time spent with my family, serving the community in a different way.”

Public Notice

Public Notice

INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS FOR DESIGN BUILD SERVICES: West Valley Housing Support Center, 12785 W. GRAND AVENUE, Surprise, ARIZONA 85374. A New Leaf, Inc. will receive proposals for the design build renovation of a 5,640 square foot apartment building. This project is federally funded through Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds through the State of Arizona Department of Housing and the City of Surprise. Federal labor standards, Dav-is-Bacon prevailing wages, and Equal Employment Opportunity regulations of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 for Employment and Contracting Opportunities will apply to the project. Small, minority and/ or women owned businesses are encouraged to submit proposals. Sealed Proposals will be received until 1:00PM Arizona Time, on Thursday, April 14, 2022 at A New Leaf, 868 E University Drive, Mesa, Arizona 85203. Proposal documents, including previous building plans for the proposed work and the Request for Proposals may be obtained electronically. Contact Keon Montgomery, D i r e c t o r o f R e a l E s t a t e a t : kmontgomery@turnanewleaf.org, Tel 480-733- 3063, ext. 4311. All proposals must be a fixed firm price. A New Leaf, Inc., reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. An optional Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10:00 AM Wednesday, March 23, 2022, at the project site, 12785 W. GRAND AVENUE, Surprise, ARIZONA 85374, at which time the Client will be available to answer questions. Unless provided in writing, verbal authorizations or acknowledgments by anyone present will not be binding. Published in : The East Valley Tribume, March 6, 13, 2022/ 45080

INVITATION TO BID: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley is seeking general contract services for its Phase I A Safe Roof and Phase II Improving Safety & Air Quality at its Mesa Grant Woods Branch located at 221 W. 6th Ave, Mesa AZ 85210. The owner will receive Bids for Boys & Girls Clubs Phase I A Safe Roof and Phase II Improving Safety & Air Quality at Mesa Grant Woods. This project is federally funded through Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. Federal labor standards, Dav-is-Bacon prevailing wages, and Equal Employment Opportunity regulations apply of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 for Employment and Contracting Opportunities. Small, minority and/or women owned businesses are encouraged to submit bids. A Pre-Bid Conference (highly encouraged) will be held at 10:00 AM, Wednesday, March 23, 2022, at the project site: Boys & Girls Clubs Mesa Grant Woods Branch 221 W. 6th Ave, Mesa AZ 85210, at which time the Owner will be available to answer questions. Bidders are encouraged to attend. Unless provided in writing, verbal authorizations or acknowledgments by anyone present will not be binding. Sealed Bids will be received until 12:00 PM Arizona Time, on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley, 4309 East Belleview St., Bldg. 14, Phoenix, Arizona 85008. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 12:30 PM Arizona Time, on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley (RESERVED CONFERENCE ROOM), 4309 East Belleview St., Bldg. 14, Phoenix, Arizona 85008. Bidding documents, including specifications to the proposed work and instructions to Bidders may be obtained (via email). Contact Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley, Chilo


It also gives her time to continue volunteering in the community, serving homemade dinners to homeless women in Mesa. “Pet Wants is going to be the hub of our family – I’m looking forward to spending time working together and having the kind of flexibility you can’t have working for a 911 communications center,” Baum said. “After serving my community for 25 years, coupled with my holistic way of living, I felt strongly that Pet Wants was aligned with my values and would be a good way to continue to give back to the community in a positive, uplifting way.” Information: abaum@petwants.com, petwants.com, 480-867-3922.

Figueroa, Director of Facilities & Safety at: chilo.figueroa@bgcaz. org, Tel 602- 343-1256. All bids must be on a lump-sum basis. A schedule of values will be provided by the Contractor at the time of contract. Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley re-serves the right to reject any and all bids.

Public Notice OUT WITH THE OLD, CHIP RETURN RETURN YOUR TABLE GAMES CASINO CHIPS AT HARRAH’S AKCHIN BEFORE THEY EXPIRE! If you have Table Games Casino chips received be-fore July 7, 2021, please redeem them at the Harrah’s Ak-Chin Casino cashier cage no later than March 31, 2022 for a full refund. Disclaimer: Any discontinued Table Games chips not returned by March 31, 2022 will be void and hold no cash value. Redemption must take place at the Harrah’s Ak-Chin Casino cashier cage in per-son. Harrah’s Ak-Chin Casino is not responsible for any unreturned Table Games chips.

Public Notice EASTMARK COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 AND EASTMARK COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 2 MESA, ARIZONA PHASE XIX ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (DU1) PROJECT NOS: S889 AND S904 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received until Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. All sealed bids will be received electronically at EngineeringBids@mesaaz.gov . Bids must be sub-mitted as an unencrypted PDF attachment with a maximum size limit of 20MB.


Any bid received after the time specified will be returned without any consideration. A non-mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held via a Microsoft Teams meeting on Monday, March 14, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. Please call into Microsoft Teams Meeting at 1-213-279-1007 with Phone Conference ID: 289 786 175#. Bidders may also attend in person, the Pre-Bid Conference at the Eastmark Visitor and Community Center located at 10100 E. Ray Road, Mesa (Classroom). A pre-bid review of the site has been scheduled for Monday, March 14, 2022 11:00 a.m. The site visit is recommended but not mandatory. This contract shall be for furnishing all labor, materials, transportation, and services for the construction and/or installation of all improvements shown on the Plans, including, but not limited to the following: PHASE XIX ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (DU1): Offsite Improvements E. Warner Road Phase 2 (S889) - The Project consists of approximately 3,700 linear feet of roadway improvements of the north half of E. Warner Road between Ellsworth Road and East-mark Parkway. Improvements consist of curb and gutter, sidewalk, asphalt pavement, landscape, streetlights, and dry utility extensions. Portions of the existing median will need to be modified per Plan Revision #2. Offsite Improvements Ellsworth Road (S904) – The Project consists of approximately 5,200 linear feet of roadway widening improvements of Ellsworth Road between Warner Road and Elliot Road. Improvements consist of catch basins, storm drain, curb and gutter, sidewalk, asphalt pavement, landscape, streetlights, and dry utility extensions. Portions of the existing median will need to be modified to accommodate for the access improvements required near the Mesquite Road alignment.

MARCH 6, 2022

Six-inch (6”) and twelve-inch (12”) water services will be connected to the existing 16” water main and stubbed to the development to the east of Ellsworth Road. Approximately 3,100 linear feet of sewer pipe ranging between 8”- 42” will be installed. Bypass pumping of the existing 24” sewer main in Elliott Road will be required to install the proposed sewer main at the intersection of Ellsworth and Elliot. See Exhibit J2 for Technical Specifications on Diversion of Sewage Flow and Dewatering. This Project consists of two (2) new Traffic Signal installations; (1) Ellsworth Road and Mesquite Road, 2) Ellsworth Road and Elliot Road and adding a pedestrian push button at the existing Traffic Signal at Ellsworth Road and Warner Road For information contact: Stephanie Gishey, City of Mesa, Stephanie.Gishey@MesaAZ.gov. Engineer’s Estimate Range is $4,800,000 to $5,500,000 All project questions must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday March 24, 2022. See Section 11 of the Project Special Provisions for more information. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified above. Contractors desiring to submit proposals may purchase sets of the Bid Documents from ARC Document Solutions, LLC, at https://order.e-arc.com/arcEOC/ PWELL_Main.asp?mem=29. Click on “Go” for the Public Planroom to access plans. NOTE: In order to be placed on the Plan Holders List and to receive notifications and updates regarding this bid (such as addenda) during the bidding period, an order must be placed. The cost of each Bid Set will be no more than $89.00 which is non-refundable. Partial bid packages are not sold. You can view documents on-line (at no cost), order Bid Sets, and access the Plan Holders List on the website at the address listed above. Please verify print lead time prior to arriving for pick-up. For a list of locations nearest you, go to www.e-arc.com. One set of the Contract Documents is also available for viewing at the City of Mesa’s Engineering Department at 20 East Main Street, Mesa, AZ. Please call (480) 644-2251 prior to arriving to ensure that the documents are available for viewing. Work shall be completed within 373 (three hundred and seventythree) consecutive calendar days, beginning with the day following the starting date specified in the Notice to Proceed. Bids must be submitted on the Proposal Form provided and be accompanied by the Bid Bond for not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid, payable to DMB MESA PROVING GROUNDS LLC, or a certified or cashier’s check. PERSONAL OR INDIVIDUAL SURETY BONDS ARE NOT

ACCEPTABLE. The successful bidder will be required to execute the DMB Mesa Proving Grounds LLC Contract and respective Addenda for construction within five (5) days after formal Notice of Contact Award. Failure by bid-der to properly execute the Contract and provide the required certification as specified shall be considered a breach of Contract by bidder. DMB Mesa Proving Grounds LLC shall be free to terminate the Contract or, at option, release the successful bidder. Payment and Performance Bonds will be required for this Work. The successful bidder, simultaneously with the execution of the Contract, shall be required to furnish a Payment Bond in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, and a Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price. Successful Bidder shall name DMB Mesa Proving Grounds LLC as obligee on both the Payment and Performance Bonds and name the City of Mesa as an additional obligee on the Performance Bond using a Dual Obligee Rider form. An approved Dual Obligee Rider Form is included herein as Exhibit E in the Contract Documents. The right is hereby reserved to accept or reject any or all bids or parts thereto, to waive any informalities in any proposal and reject the bids of any persons who have been delinquent or unfaithful to any contract with the DMB Mesa Proving Grounds LLC; City of Mesa or Eastmark Community Facilities District No. 1 and District No. 2. BETH HUNING District Engineer ATTEST: Holly Moseley District Clerk Published in: The Mesa Tribune March 6, 13, 2022 / 45104

visualization and public outreach. A Pre-Submittal Conference will not be held. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified below. RFQ Lists. This RFQ is available on the City’s website at http:// mesaaz.gov/business/engineering/ architectural-engineering-designopportunities. The Statement of Qualifications shall include a one-page cover letter, plus a maximum of 10 pages to address the SOQ evaluation criteria (excluding resumes but including an organization chart with key personnel and their affiliation). Resumes for each team member shall be limited to a maximum length of two pages and should be attached as an appendix to the SOQ. Minimum font size shall be 10 point. Please submit one (1) electronic copy in an unencrypted PDF format with a maximum file size limit of 20MB to EngineeringRFQ@mesaaz.gov by 2 pm on March 31, 2022. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Statements of Qualifications. In the subject line and on the submittal pack-age, please display: Firm name and On-Call Category. The City is an equal opportunity employer. Firms who wish to do business with the City of Mesa must be registered and activated in the City of Mesa Vendor Self Service (VSS) System (http://mesaaz.gov/business/ purchasing/vendor-self-service). Questions. Questions pertaining to the Consultant selection process or contract issues should be directed to Donna Horn of the Engineering Department at donna. horn@mesaaz.gov. BETH HUNING City Engineer ATTEST: Holly Moseley City Clerk Published in The Mesa Tribune March 6, 13, 2022 / 45070

Public Notice CITY OF MESA, ARIZONA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Mesa is seeking qualified Consultants for the following: ON-CALL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE The City of Mesa is seeking qualified Consultants to provide professional services on an oncall basis in the following area/ category: Landscape Architecture. All qualified firms that are interested in providing these services are invited to submit their Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). From this solicitation, the Engineering Department will establish a list of on-call consultants for Landscape Architecture Services. This category is further defined below: Landscape Architecture projects will include design and/ or construction administration of projects located within City rightof-way, City-owned buildings and properties, shared-use paths, parks, retention basins, and sporting facilities. Tasks may include design services, cost estimating, value engineering, design concept, site master plan preparation, construction documentation, utility coordination, renderings and graphics to assist in project


Public Notice CITY OF MESA, ARIZONA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Mesa is seeking qualified Consultants for the fol-lowing: ON-CALL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE The City of Mesa is seeking qualified Consultants to provide professional services on an on-call basis in the following area/category: Landscape Architecture. All qualified firms that are inter-ested in providing these services are invited to submit their Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ).


From this solicitation, the Engineering Department will establish a list of on-call consultants for Landscape Architecture Services. This category is further defined below: Landscape Architecture projec ts will include design and/ or construction administration of projects located within City rightof-way, City-owned buildings and properties, shared-use paths, parks, retention basins, and sporting facilities. Tasks may include design services, cost estimating, value engineering, design concept, site master plan preparation, construction documentation, utility coordination, renderings and graphics to assist in project visualization and public outreach. A Pre-Submittal Conference will not be held. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified below. RFQ Lists. This RFQ is available on the City’s website at http:// mesaaz.gov/business/engineering/ architectural-engineering-designopportunities. The Statement of Qualifications shall include a one-page cover letter, plus a maximum of 10 pages to address the SOQ evaluation criteria (excluding resumes but including an organization chart with key personnel and their affiliation). Resumes for each team member shall be limited to a maximum length of two pages and should be attached as an appendix to the SOQ. Minim-um font size shall be 10 point. Please submit one (1) electronic copy in an unencrypted PDF format with a maximum file size limit of 20MB to EngineeringRFQ@mesaaz.gov by 2 pm on March 31, 2022. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Statements of Qualifications. In the subject line and on the submittal package, please display: Firm name and On-Call Category. The City is an equal opportunity employer. Firms who wish to do business with the City of Mesa must be registered and activated in the City of Mesa Vendor Self Service (VSS) System (http://mesaaz.gov/ business/purchasing/vendor-selfservice). Questions. Questions pertaining to the Consultant selection process or contract issues should be directed to Donna Horn of the Engineering Department at donna. horn@mesaaz.gov. BETH HUNING City Engineer ATTEST: Holly Moseley City Clerk Published in : The Mesa Tribune March 6, 13, 2022 / 45029

MARCH 6, 2022

the tickler

east valley 1620 W. Fountainhead Pkwy., Suite 219, Tempe, AZ 85282


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