East Valley Business - 03.20.2022

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east valley

Volume 4 Issue 36 Mesa, AZ

March 20, 2021

Gender wage gap has not narrowed – may widen BY EMILY SACIA Cronkite News



ASHINGTON – The wage gap that had been narrowing between men and women stalled in 2019, according to new numbers from the Census Bureau, and advocates fear the situation will only get worse when pandemic-era data is released. The gap improved in both Arizona and the U.S. as a whole over the last five years, but the pace of change has been slow and is getting slower. “The most recent research has shown This chart shows how the wage gap between women and men differs among the states. (U.S. Census Bureau) that women in the la$50,069 in 2019, compared to $41,617 The gap is wider and the pace of gains bor force are at a 33-year low following for women that year, according to the is slower for women of color, disabled the pandemic,” said Elizabeth Barajasbureau, or 83 cents of income for a or LGBTQ women who experience pay Román, president and CEO of the Womman’s dollar. While Arizona women did disparities disproportionately to nonen’s Funding Network. “At this pace, we better than the nation as a whole, their Hispanic white women. won’t close that wage gap until 2157.” gain since 2015 was only 0.4% – and the “Women earn 83 cents on the dollar, On average, women who worked full state’s wage gap actually widened by 2 but really that breaks down when we time and year-round in the United States cents since 2017. happen to look at race,” said Christian F. earned 81 cents in 2019 for every dol“On a national scale and in Arizona, Nunes, president at the National Orgalar their male counterparts made. That it hasn’t really been closing that much nization for Women. “It’s really a white was down from 81.1 cents in 2018, but and it’s been a fairly slow process,” said woman earning 83 cents on the white still represented a better than 1-cent inHayley Brown, a research associate at man’s dollar.” crease since 2015. the Center for Economic and Policy ReNationally, there’s no industry where In Arizona, men’s wages averaged search. women’s earnings exceeded men’s, rePublic Notices ............... page 2 © Copyright, 2022 East Valley Tribune

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gardless of the worker’s educational background and prior experience. In Arizona, women did make more than men in 2019 in one field: installation, maintenance and repair occupations, where they earned $1.07 for every dollar a man made. But in every other industry, women fell short. But the wage gap varied widely by industry in Arizona. Women in farming, fishing and forestry occupations earned 44% of what their male counterparts earned in 2019, for example, while women in health diagnosing earned 59% and women in construction and extraction jobs earned 66%. The most-popular occupations for women in Arizona were customer service representatives, nurses and elementary and middle school teachers. But even those predominantly women-led industries experienced pay inequity. “There’s definitely no guarantee that just because an industry or an occupation is women-dominated, that there’s

going to be more pay parity there,” Brown said. “There’s definitely a gap for example, in health care and social assistance and in education, where you would theoretically expect that gap to be small to nonexistent.” The Census Bureau data showed that women educators made 87 cents to male educators’ dollar, and female customer service representatives made 89 cents per dollar. But experts pointed out that those numbers were from before the pandemic, which hit women workers harder than men. “Women were impacted, both at the beginning of the pandemic, and now two years in, we’re seeing women at a whole different kind of range also being impacted by the pandemic,” BarajasRomán said. “We know that’s going to have a deep impact on wage equality in the future.” Experts agree that the pandemic had a negative effect on women workers

Public Notice

Public Notice

Advertisement of Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the under-signed intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property pursuant to the Arizona Self-Service Storage Act, Arizona Statutes 33-1704, Section H, Enforcement of Lien. The Undersigned will sell at public sale by competitive bidding on or after March 25, 2022 at 9:00am using an online auction at www. storagetreasures.com, said property has been stored and located at US60 Self Storage, 1661 S Alma School Rd, Ste 105, Mesa, AZ 85210. Property to be sold as follows: Misc. household goods, personal items, furniture, clothing, toys and/or business fixtures and items belonging to the following: Tenant Name Unit # Sapphyre Pearson 914 Charles Sluder 321 Sarah Westover 210 Ronald Robins 226 Ronald Robins 332 Christian Alcivar 507 Christian Alcivar 528 Nadia Banashley - 656 Telesia Foleti 742 Sale subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. Items sold “as is”, CASH ONLY, and Buyer must pay a security deposit and broom sweep/clean the unit. Go to www.storagetreasures.com to bid on unit(s). Published: East Valley Tribune Mar 13, 20, 2021 / 44745

OUT WITH THE OLD, CHIP RETURN RETURN YOUR TABLE GAMES CASINO CHIPS AT HARRAH’S AKCHIN BEFORE THEY EXPIRE! If you have Table Games Casino chips received be-fore July 7, 2021, please redeem them at the Harrah’s Ak-Chin Casino cashier cage no later than March 31, 2022 for a full refund. Disclaimer: Any discontinued Table Games chips not returned by March 31, 2022 will be void and hold no cash value. Redemption must take place at the Harrah’s Ak-Chin Casino cashier cage in per-son. Harrah’s Ak-Chin Casino is not responsible for any unreturned Table Games chips.

Re-quest for Qualifications (RFQ). The project consists of providing updated Programming Documents & Schematic Drawings (including presentation boards and renderings), Final Construction Drawings, and potential Construction Inspection Services for the renovation of a portion of the Mesa City Plaza building located at 20 East Main Street in Mesa, AZ. The goal of this project is to provide an inviting meeting and gathering space for both the community and Mesa City Council. Assistance with Public, City Council, Citizen Advisory/ Committee, and Design Review Board meetings, as well as other coordination efforts may also be required. The project scope includes: 1. Review and adjustment of the Programming Documents and Schematic Drawings presented at the City Council Strategic Planning Session on March 3, 2022. 2. Demolition of the “Annex” wing of Mesa City Plaza. 3. Construction of a new building having a footprint of 10,000 S.F. 4. Site, Utility, and Landscape improvements for the areas directly adjacent to the new building. 5. The City may include other miscellaneous improvements at the site, as needed. A Pre-Submittal Conference will be held on March 22, 2022 at 9:00am through Microsoft Teams. If you would like to participate, please send an email to Stephanie Gishey at stephanie.gishey@mesaaz.gov to receive the invite. At this meeting, the project team, including City

Public Notice CITY OF MESA, ARIZONA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Mesa is seeking a qualified Consultant for the following: PLAZA DESIGN MCP ANNEX PROJECT NO. LF0497 The City of Mesa is seeking a qualified Consultant to provide design services for the Public Safety Campus Microgrid Project. All qualified firms that are interested in providing these services are invited to submit their Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) in accordance with the requirements detailed in the


across the board, but they say it disproportionately affected working-class women, some of whom were furloughed or reduced to working part time, or who were forced to take on extra responsibilities at home. “The labor force effects were much, much bigger for working-class women than for women with at least a bachelor’s degree,” Brown said. During his State of the Union address this month, President Joe Biden touted several initiatives he said would help get women back in the workforce, including proposals to cut the cost of child care and expand pre-K education. Nunes welcomed those efforts, but said much more needs to be done. And soon. “This is a whole-system issue. There are things that Arizona can do … at the state level to make sure that they’re taking care of their residents,” she said. “You don’t always have to wait for the federal government to do things.”


staff will discuss the scope of work, general contract requirements and respond to questions from the attendees. The video conference PreSubmittal Conference is not mandatory. All interested firms may submit a Statement of Qualifications whether they at-tend the conference or not. All interested firms are encouraged to attend the Pre-Submittal Conference since City staff will not be available for meetings or to respond to individual inquiries regarding the project out-side of this Pre-Submittal conference. In addition, meeting minutes or any other information will not be posted from the PreSubmittal Conference. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified below. RFQ Lists. This RFQ is available on the City’s website at http:// mesaaz.gov/business/engineering/ architectural-engineering-designopportunities. The Statement of Qualifications

MARCH 20, 2022

shall include a one-page cover letter, plus a maximum of 10 pages to address the SOQ evaluation criteria (excluding PPVF’s and resumes but including an organization chart with key personnel and their affiliation). Resumes for each team member shall be limited to a maximum length of two pages and should be attached as an appendix to the SOQ. Minimum font size shall be 10pt. Please provide one (1) electronic copy of the Statement of Qualifications in an unencrypted PDF format to Engineering-RFQ@ mesaaz.gov by March 31, 2022 by 2:00pm. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Statements of Qualifications. The City is an equal opportunity employer. Firms who wish to do business with the City of Mesa must be registered and activated in the City of Mesa Vendor Self Service (VSS) System (http://mesaaz.gov/ business/purchasing/vendor-selfservice). Questions. Questions pertaining to the Consultant selection process or contract issues should be directed to Stephanie Gishey of the Engineering Department at Stephanie.Gishey@ mesaaz.gov. BETH HUNING City Engineer ATTEST: Holly Moseley City Clerk Published in: The Mesa Tribune March 13, 20, 2022 / 45240

comment concerning its proposed site and any impacts it may have upon environment. Requests for Further Environmental Review should be submitted online. Instructions can be found at www. fcc.gov/asr/environmentalrequest. Pa-per copies may be sent to FCC Requests for Environ-mental Review, Attn: Ramon Williams, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554. Requests should also be sent to: Tower Asset Group, LLC, ATTEN-TION: FCC Regulatory Compliance Contact, An-drew Messing, 1501 S. Euclid Avenue, Tucson, Arizona 85713. In order for your comments to receive full and timely consideration, they should be received at the addresses above within 30 days of the date of this notice and reference FCC ASR file# A1209164. 3/11/22 CNS-3564123# MESA TRIBUNE

four major components, each component being a stand-alone, comprehensive master plan. The four components are: • Water Resources Masterplan • Water Master plan. • Wastewater Master Plan. • Reclaimed Water Master Plan The purpose of the integrated master plan is to integrate the four components and optimize the overall solution and infrastructure planning. The City seeks to consider issues like water rights, resource availability, contingency plans, emergency planning, and water right enhancement opportunities with the Integrated Water Master Plan. This project will also seek to identify elements of demand and flow analysis, flow projections, model up-dates and calibration, treatment plant capacities, feasibility studies, and recommended infrastructure improvements. The project may include other elements of planning and modeling for the City, as needed. A Pre-Submittal Conference will be held on March 30, 2022, at 8 am through Microsoft Teams. At this meeting, City staff will discuss the scope of work and general contract issues and respond to questions from the attendees. Attendance at the pre-submittal conference is not mandatory and all interested firms may submit a Statement of Qualifications whether or not they attend the conference. All interested firms are encouraged to attend the Pre-Submittal Conference since City staff will not be available for meetings or to respond to individual inquiries regarding the project scope outside of this conference. In addition, there will not be meeting minutes or any other information published from the Pre-Submittal Conference. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of

Public Notice CITY OF MESA, ARIZONA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Mesa is seeking a qualified Consultant for the following: City of Mesa Integrated Water Infrastructure Improvement Study PROJECT NO. CP0988 The City of Mesa is seeking a qualified consulting firm or team to develop an integrated water master plan. The proposed integrated masterplan will update the City’s 2010 Water Masterplan including any subsequent in-house updates, and City’s 2009 Wastewater Masterplan and any subsequent inhouse updates. All qualified firms that are interested in providing these services are invited to submit their Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The proposed integrated water masterplan includes

Public Notice Tower Asset Group, LLC proposes the installation of a new telecommunications tower (Monopole) (77’ AGL), with no lighting system, at APN: 303-34977H, (PHO ACERO), Mesa, Arizona 33-20-18.37N, 111-3604.79W, FCC ASR file# A1209164. Interested persons may review the application by go-ing to www.fcc. gov/asr/applications and entering the FCC ASR file# listed above. In accordance with the FCC’s rule 47 CFR §14.4(c), Tower Asset Group, LLC hereby solicits public


WA L K I N G & H I K I N G


influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified below. RFQ Lists. This RFQ is available on the City’s website at http:// mesaaz.gov/business/engineering/ architectural-engineering-designopportunities. The Statement of Qualifications shall include a one-page cover letter, plus a maximum of 10 pages to ad-dress the SOQ evaluation criteria (excluding resumes but including an organization chart with key personnel and their affiliation). Resumes for each team member shall be limited to a maximum length of two pages and should be attached as an appendix to the SOQ. Minimum font size shall be 10pt. Please provide one (1) electronic copy in an unencrypted PDF format to Engineering-RFQ@ mesaaz.gov of the Statement of Qualifications by 2 pm on April 21, 2022. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Statements of Qualifications. The City is an equal opportunity employer. Firms who wish to do business with the City of Mesa must be registered and activated in the City of Mesa Vendor Self Service (VSS) System (http://mesaaz.gov/ business/purchasing/vendor-selfservice). Questions. Questions pertaining to the Consultant selection process or contract issues should be directed to Donna Horn of the Engineering Department at donna. horn@mesaaz.gov. BETH HUNING City Engineer ATTEST: Holly Moseley City Clerk Published East Valley Tribune, Mar 20, 27, 2022 / 45340


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MARCH 20, 2022

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