East Valley Business - 04.18.21

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east valley

Volume 3 Issue 40 Mesa, AZ

April 18, 2021

OverEasy Restaurant in Mesa has found its traffic increasing since it reopened after the first month or so of the pandemic, as customers are lured by tasty breakfast items like this French toast. (Special to the Tribune)

Mesa breakfast joint says it's busier than ever OLIVIA TRENTADUE Tribune Contributor



f you’re looking for a quality scratchmade brunch with a touch of the Midwest then OverEasy, may be the breakfast joint for you. Public Notices ............... page 2 © Copyright, 2021 East Valley Tribune

Owner and general manager Chris Terpay claimed that once the restaurant at 6451 E. Southern Ave. in Mesa reopened for dining in after last spring’s pandemic-driven shutdown, his numbers were even better than they before the coronavirus struck. (USPS 004-616) is published weekly

Mailing Address: 1620 W. Fountainhead Pkwy., Suite 219, Tempe, AZ 85282

(480) 898-6500 Steven Strickbine, publisher Paul Maryniak, executive editor

“During the shutdown numbers dropped by approximately 60 percent, but once we reopened inside dining, numbers increased by approximately 20 percent more than they were before COVID-19 happened,” said Terpay. Only a few employees were working Subscriptions are $26 for 2 years, $14 for one year. Periodicals postage paid at Phoenix, AZ 85026.

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when the restaurant resorted to takeoutonly while others had to wait until indoor service could resume. Terpay said he brought back the rest of his staff as soon as that happened. “I think we handled the COVID-19 shutdown amazingly and super efficiently. We got to-go’s immediately on the website, upgraded our platforms, sanitized immediately, limited capacity after reopening and I believe we did everything we could have to recover smoothly,” said manager Paige Ruth. The restaurant lost some regulars because a majority are older and at higher risk. But they remained loyal customers by ordering their favorites online. “Regulars are very important to Over-

Easy, they are the glue to the brand, here four or five days a week, creating a constant flow of traffic coming in for us,” said Terpay. Terpay said OverEasy prides itself on hospitality and one of his main goals is to ensure that every guest is treated equally and provided with the best service possible to make customers feel at home. “The service you get here is very personal. It’s close to where I live and everybody is so friendly, so it is just a great place to be and have my breakfast,” said Mesa local and regular customer Dennis Tucker. The restaurant has not had much difficulty with their mask policy. OverEasy does encourage masks, and the staff said

Public Notice

Public Notice

NOTICE OF 30-DAY PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD FORMER DEL REY CLEANERS VOLUNTARY REMEDIATION PROGRAM SITE REQUEST FOR NO FURTHER ACTION DETERMINATION Business Properties Partnership #41 has submitted a request for a No Further Action (NFA) determination to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP) for the Del Rey Cleaners VRP site (VRP Site Code: 51360000). The NFA requests closure for soil and was submitted in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes § 49-181. The Del Rey Cleaners VRP site consists of a former dry cleaner suite at the address of 1729 East Broadway Road located in Tempe, Arizona. Contaminants of concern at the site are confined within the site soils and are volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE). The NFA Report is available online at: http://azdeq.gov/notices, and at the ADEQ Records Center, 1110 W. Washing-ton St., Phoenix, (602) 771-4380, or (800) 234-5677, please call for hours of operation and to schedule an appointment. PARTIES WISHING TO SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS regarding the NFA request for the Del Rey Clean-ers VRP site may do so to ADEQ, Attention: Brian Stone-brink, Voluntary Remediation Program, 1110 W. Washing-ton St., Phoenix, AZ 85007 or stonebrink.brian@ azdeq.gov; or Christian Lewallen, Ninyo & Moore, 3202 E. Harbour Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85034 or clewallen@ninyoandmoore. com and reference this listing. Comments must be postmarked or received by ADEQ or Ninyo & Moore by Tuesday, May 11, 2021. Published: East Valley Tribune, Apr 11, 18, 2021 / 37665

NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE WESTGATE GV AT PAINTED MOUNTAIN 12044.0025-0028;0030-0035 The following legally described trust property will be sold pursuant to the power of sale at public auction to the highest bidder in the Lobby of Suite 700, 8585 E Hartford Dr, Scottsdale, Maricopa County, AZ 85255, at 1:00 p.m. on THURSDAY, MAY 13, 2021 - NOTICE! IF YOU BELIEVE THERE IS A DEFENSE TO THE TRUSTEE SALE OR IF YOU HAVE AN OBJECTION TO THE TRUSTEE SALE YOU MUST FILE AN ACTION AND OBTAIN A COURT ORDER PURSUANT TO RULE 65, ARIZONA RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, STOPPING THE SALE NO LATER THAN 5:00 PM MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME OF THE LAST BUSINESS DAY BEFORE THE SCHEDULED DATE OF THE SALE, OR YOU MAY HAVE WAIVED ANY DEFENSE OR OBJECTION TO THE SALE. UNLESS YOU OBTAIN A COURT ORDER, THE SALE WILL BE FINAL AND WILL OCCUR. - under that certain Deed of Trust, in which a breach has occurred for failure to pay monthly installments due under said Deed of Trust. Said Deed of Trust was recorded on (See Exhibit “A”), in Instrument No. (See Exhibit “A”) in the Office of the County Recorder of Maricopa County, Arizona: Interval No. (See Exhibit “A”), Painted Mountain Golf Villas, a (See Exhibit “A”) Interval and Interest, consisting of: (i) an undividedth [52 for Annual/104 for Biennial] fee interest in Unit No. (See Exhibit “A”), PAINTED MOUNTAIN GOLF VILLAS CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condominium recorded in instrument no. 97-9704664, and plat recorded in Book 451 of Maps, Page 11, records of Maricopa County, Arizona, by which an Owner is entitled to occupy a Unit for one (1) Interval on an annual or biennial


they’ve had more compliance than resistance from their customers. Terpay said the staff will continue to wear masks, and the restaurant will encourage customers to wear masks but if a guest chooses not to wear a mask, they will not be denied service. Many employees have been at the location for several years. “It is very much like a family relationship with all of the coworkers, everyone gets along, and all the clientele seem to really care about the servers as well,” said server Mckenzie Wessing. OverEasy is currently hiring and Terpay is looking for “someone with good ethics who is motivated, reliable and hard-working.”

(whichever is indicated above) and recurring basis, the exact Interval to be established every year (or, for biennial, every other year) by reservation, all as defined and governed by the Declaration of Dedication, Interval Ownership Plan, and Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements for Painted Mountain Golf Villas, dated September 18, 1997, and recorded October 8, 1997, in instrument no. 97-0704665, records of Maricopa County, Arizona, as amended by First Amendment to Declaration of Dedication, Interval Ownership Plan, and Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements for Painted Mountain Golf Villas, recorded January 15, 1998 in instrument no. 98-0031469, records of Maricopa County, Arizona (collectively, the “Declaration”); and (ii) the non-exclusive right to use and enjoy the Common Area, and to use and enjoy the Common Furnishings contained in such Unit, during such Owner’s Use Period, as provided in the Declaration. For convenience in inventory control, conveyancing, and titling, an Interval Interest is granted in a specific Unit; however, this interest does NOT carry with it the right to use that specific Unit. Tax parcel number: 20-1008093 Purported property address: 6302 East McKellips Road Mesa, Arizona 85215 Original trustor(s): (See Exhibit “A”) Original principal balance: (See Exhibit “A”) Balance as shown on the Notice of Delinquency: (See Exhibit “A”) Substitute Trustee: SHARON A. URIAS 8585 E Hartford Dr, Ste 700, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 (480) 306-5458 Beneficiary: WESTGATE GV AT PAINTED MOUNTAIN, LLC 6302 East McKellips Road Mesa, AZ 85215 This is a non-judicial foreclosure proceeding to permit WESTGATE GV AT PAINTED MOUNTAIN LLC to pursue its thin rem remedies under Arizona law. Dated this 10 day of February, 2021. Sharon A. Urias, Substitute Trustee MANNER OF TRUSTEE


QUALIFICATION: Member, State Bar of Arizona NAME OF TRUSTEE’S REGULATOR: State Bar of Arizona EXHIBIT “A” - NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE 12044.0025 (THOMAS) ACCOUNT NO./GRANTOR(S), UNIDIVIDED INTEREST, BLDG/ UNIT NO., INTERVAL NO./ ASSIGNED YEAR, RECORDING DATE OF DOT, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL BALANCE, BOOK/ INST. NO. FOR DEED OF TRUST, BALANCE AS SHOWN ON NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY; Jonathan P Thomas, Deidre M Floyd 6185 Shetland St Sumter, SC 29154, 1/104 Biennial, 9-237M, 24 EVEN, 11/02/2016, $5,813.91, 20160807315, $3,480.62; Ray Sinanan, Riza Sinanan 372 Rossland Road West Oshawa, ON L1J3G5 CANADA, 1/104 Biennial, 8-134M, 30 EVEN, 06/30/2016, $6,426.00, 2016-0457920, $3,656.52; Carol D Outlaw 2006 Liberty Ave Hopewell, VA 23860, 1/104 Biennial, 10-139, 23 EVEN, 11/15/2016, $4,625.80, 2016-840373, $2,216.40; Rose C Abadilla 1014 Mao Ln Honolulu, HI 96817, 1/104 Biennial, 6-122M, 33 EVEN, 12/22/2015,$6,414.99, 2015-0900245, $6,859.64; Roy S Robinson, Rebecca J Robinson 115 West Northside Dr Lake Wales, FL 33853, 1/104 Biennial, 8-134P, 34 ODD, 05/01/2017, $4,803.61, 2017-0313877,$2,305.76; Danisha Robinson, Kenneth Robinson 2729 Caribou Court Morrow, GA 30260, 1/104 Biennial, 8-132M, 35 ODD, 03/22/2016, $5,400.00, 2016-0182292, $3,812.21; Montina S Newkirk P.O. Box 56 Willard, NC 28478, 1/104 Biennial, 6-123P, 44 ODD, 08/25/2016, $5,214.96, 2016-0611056, $2,291.10; April L Smith, Rodrick J Smith 2581 Ringgold Rd Somerset, KY 42503, 1/104 Biennial, 6-124M, 45 EVEN, 03/22/2016, $5,813.91, 2016-0182296, $4,616.86; Regina A Metcalf, Leon Sims 147 South Gosnell Blytheville, AR 72315, 1/104 Biennial, 9-135, 8 ODD, 02/22/2017, $8,139.47, 2017-

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0127279, $3.689.69; Hairo Perez 9625 Mount Pisgah Rd Silver Spring, MD 20903, 1/104 Biennial, 6-123M, 30 ODD, 01/26/2017, $6,426.00, 2017-0059993, $3,134.16; Valerie D Wilson 7635 Brentwood Rd Philadelphia, PA 19151, 1/104 Biennial, 8-132M, 33 EVEN, 01/05/2017, $3,559.56, 20170007478, $1,619.82; Charlie W Sellers, Lois E Sellers 108 Lake Dr Trinity, NC 27370, 1/104 Biennial, 7-130, 21 EVEN, 10/08/2015, $7,427.25, 2015-0724419,$5,719.74; Steve D Broadnax, April M Broadnax 515 Piney Fork Church Rd Eden, NC 27288, 1/104 Biennial, 6-121, 28 ODD, 03/22/2016, $8,081.33, 2016-0182232, $4,475.00; Gordon L Thompson Jr, Paula F Thompson 161 Anglin Valley Ln Stoneville, NC 27048, 1/104 Biennial, 6-224M, 33 ODD, 11/15/2016, $5,813.91, 2016-0840390, $3,394.00; Carolyn Jones, Christopher L Ford 219 East Hughes Circle Florence, SC 29506, 1/104 Biennial, 9-138P, 31 ODD, 08/25/2016, $4,500.00, 20160610686, $3,211.17; EXHIBIT “A” - NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE 12044.0026 (MUHAMMED) ACCOUNT NO./GRANTOR(S), UNIDIVIDED INTEREST, BLDG/ UNIT NO., INTERVAL NO./ ASSIGNED YEAR, RECORDING DATE OF DOT, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL BALANCE, BOOK/ INST. NO. FOR DEED OF TRUST, BALANCE AS SHOWN ON NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY; Sayyid Muhammed, Fatou Jallow Muhammed 1617 Horner Rd Woodbridge, VA 22191, 1/104 Biennial, 8-233M, 20 ODD, 10/20/2015, $6,103.41, 20150752433, $4,600.50; Raymundo Sanchez, Joyce A Sanchez PO Box 822 Harrisonburg, VA 22803, 1/104 Biennial, 8-132M, 2 EVEN, 06/29/2016, $5,813.91, 20160454924, $3,777.12; Carlos D Mc Arthur, April K Mc Arthur 141 NE 15th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73104, 1/104 Biennial, 7-228, 16 EVEN, 10/08/2015,$6,760.14, 20150724351, $3,120.88; Charles O Mc Daniel III, Quiana D Mc Daniel 728 Meandering Drive Cedar Hill, TX 75104, 1/104 Biennial, 9-138P, 39 EVEN, 10/08/2015, $4,410.64, 2015-0724270, $3,348.76; Sophia A Green Cmr 427 Box 3610 Apo, AE 09630, 1/104 Biennial, 10-139, 30 EVEN, 05/20/2010, $11,618.28, 2010-0427680, $19,359.81; Steven B Mitchell, Teffany Mitchell 1173 Thompson Hill Rd Awendaw, SC 29429, 1/104 Biennial, 9-138M, 6 EVEN, 03/22/2016, $7,120.65, 2016-0182293, $5,413.80; Geffrey M Mendoza, Arceli G Mendoza 12014 Harness Ct Jacksonville, FL 32246, 1/104 Biennial, 9-138M, 46 ODD, 10/08/2015, $5,289.11, 2015-0724409, $1,780.64; Latrena S Ratliff 16163 Princeton Detroit, MI 48221, 1/104 Biennial, 6-121, 21 EVEN, 12/22/2015, $6,024.29, 20150900260, $4,222.00; Jemmayen T Macaraeg, Clifford S Cruz 8006 Matilija Ave Panorama City, CA 91402, 1/104 Biennial, 6-125, 39 EVEN, 07/23/2015, $4,840.95, 2015-0528981, $4,294.46; Thomas M Woods, Tiffany R Woods 910863 S Donna Jean Ln Wellston, OK 74881, 1/104 Biennial, 7-130, 41 EVEN, 10/08/2015, $7,346.70, 2015-0724350, $4,097.30; Rubin A Lloyd, Raina I Lloyd 7700 West Airport Blvd., Apt 508 Houston, TX 77071, 1/104 Biennial, 9-138P, 33 EVEN, 10/13/2015, $4,464.43, 2015-0733645, $3,188.10; Ronald Laleau, Jhoane E Laleau 107 Coffee St Palm Bay, FL 32909, 1/104 Biennial, 8-234, 38 ODD,

10/08/2015, $5,000.00, 20150724407, $1,753.95; Cleo D Shelton 2 B Nascar Lane Magnolia, DE 19962, 1/104 Biennial, 6-126, 28 EVEN, 03/22/2016,$7,725.87, 2016-0182238, $5,123.28; Wovoka V Jack, Nynesha L Jack 15011 Lance Circle Houston, TX 77053, 1/104 Biennial, 6-222P, 43 ODD, 10/20/2015,$4,860.00, 20150752421, $2,252.36; Van A Ellis 3690 S Tower Ave Chandler, AZ 85286, 1/104 Biennial, 6-125, 42 EVEN, 01/21/2015, $7,422.79, 2015-0039310,$5,529.50; EXHIBIT “A” - NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE 12044.0027 (JONES) ACCOUNT NO./GRANTOR(S), UNIDIVIDED INTEREST, BLDG/ UNIT NO., INTERVAL NO./ ASSIGNED YEAR, RECORDING DATE OF DOT, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL BALANCE, BOOK/ INST. NO. FOR DEED OF TRUST, BALANCE AS SHOWN ON NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY; Chamika V Jones 413 37th Pl SE Apt 202 Washington, DC 20019, 1/104 Biennial, 8-232, 20 ODD, 02/23/2017, $4,625.80, 2017-129526, $2,408.56; Victoria Hamrick, John S Walls 1001 South Leadville Apt 302 Boise, ID 83706, 1/104 Biennial, 9-138M, 6 ODD, 06/30/2016, $5,400.00, 2016-0457913, $2,934.48; Loretta K Warfield 6605 Alter St Baltimore, MD 21207, 1/104 Biennial, 9-135, 32 EVEN, 12/04/2015, $6,223.62, 2015-0859971, $3,455.92; Joseph R Peace, Cheryl S Peace 3126 Henry Wilson Road Oxford, NC 27565, 1/104 Biennial, 9-138P, 22 ODD, 11/15/2016, $4,500.00, 2016-0840376, $2,542.50; Quantas S Calbert, Victoria Y Calbert 739 Boxwood Dr Pensacola, FL 32503, 1/104 Biennial, 9-238, 30 EVEN, 10/15/2015, $7,089.65, 20150740586, $3,446.50; Kenneth E Alfaro, Fatima R Alfaro 40027 N Hidden Bunker Court Antoch, IL 60002, 1/104 Biennial, 8-233M, 34 EVEN, 12/19/2016,$5,400.00, 2016-0932181, $2,686.11; Kandace L Collins, Ronald S Lamar 209 Scammel St Marietta, OH 45750, 1/104 Biennial, 9-138M, 34 EVEN, 06/30/2016,$5,813.91, 2016-0457898, $2,269.33; Cotina S Hemphill, Lydell E Hill 2344 Ridgerock Lane Apt 202 Rock Hill, SC 29732, 1/104 Biennial, 6-126, 42 ODD, 12/22/2015, $7,560.00, 2015-0900255,$4,395.56; Lois M Lambert PO Box 1953 The Dalles, OR 97058, 1/104 Biennial, 6-225, 20 ODD, 10/08/2015, $6,760.14, 2015-0724334, $2,923.44; La Ronda R White 27692 Devonshire St Southfield, MI 48076, 1/104 Biennial, 6-223, 13 EVEN, 12/22/2015, $9,792.81, 20150900262,$5,939.78; Lenaka R Givens, Antonio M Givens 421 Felder St Bishopville, SC 29010, 1/104 Biennial, 8-233M, 18 ODD, 02/22/2017, $5,813.91, 20170127277,$2,715.80; Brian Perry, Sr, Kristal Perry 2128 Dembrigh Lane Charlotte, NC 28262, 1/104 Biennial, 6-222M, 10 EVEN, 12/04/2015, $5,813.91, 20150859969,$3,989.60; Gerona Neubia, Philip Neubia 3005 Kathleen Way Williamsburg, VA 23188, 1/104 Biennial, 9-237M, 42 EVEN, 11/03/2016, $5,813.91, 2016-0811876, $2,644.80; EXHIBIT “A” - NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE 12044.0028 (TENHET) ACCOUNT NO./GRANTOR(S), UNIDIVIDED INTEREST, BLDG/ UNIT NO., INTERVAL NO./ ASSIGNED YEAR, RECORDING DATE OF DOT, ORIGINAL


PRINCIPAL BALANCE, BOOK/ INST. NO. FOR DEED OF TRUST, BALANCE AS SHOWN ON NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY; Valerie M Tenhet, Michael S Tenhet 587 County Road 2215 Decatur, TX 76234, 1/104 Biennial, 6-224P, 36 ODD, 12/03/2014, $6,195.00, 2014-0795291, $1,848.65; Luz E Sanchez 17547 Amantha Ave Carson, CA 90746, 1/104 Biennial, 6-222P, 27 ODD, 11/03/2016, $4,372.26, 20150810943, $1,253.30; Miranda L Browne, Trevor E Browne 335 Roberts Rd Athens, GA 30606, 1/104 Biennial, 6-126, 10 EVEN, 10/08/2015, $7,600.00, 20150724297, $2,393.89; Amanda L Crosby, Roger L Crosby PO Box 884 Steinhatchee, FL 32359, 1/104 Biennial, 6-223, 43 EVEN, 02/18/2016, $10,043.63, 20160101461, $3,206.36; Gloria D Lowe, John Lowe 7359 Van Grayson Loop Fayetteville, NC 28314, 1/104 Biennial, 6-124M, 34 ODD, 04/09/2015, $5,400.00, 2015-0241237, $1,790.04; Anthony D Coghill, A’Dan N Coghill 1721 Hudgins Farm Circle Fredericksburg, VA 22408, 1/104 Biennial, 9-138P, 5 ODD, 02/29/2016, $4,806.00, 2016-0124816, $1,300.15; Mike Visockis, Angela Visockis 1051 S Dobson #174 Mesa, AZ 85202, 1 Annual, 6-123P, 35 WHOLE, 04/08/2009, $6,399.43, 20090310183, $2,692.29; Johnnie C Evans, Felicia W Evans 1117 Raven Perch Drive Wendell, NC 27591, 1/104 Biennial, 8-233P, 21 ODD, 02/25/2016, $5,400.00, 2016-0118243, $1,592.92; Joshua A Williams, Twanna R Williams 2358 Saintsville Rd Greenville, NC 27834, 1/104 Biennial, 6-224M, 32 EVEN, 10/08/2015, $6,895.34, 2015-0724341, $1,775.02; Gregory J Evans, Jr, Tawny Evans 24673 Watson Ranch Rd Montgomery, TX 77356, 1 Annual, 6-225, 33 WHOLE, 02/25/2016, $15,451.74, 2016-0118270, $3,887.20; EXHIBIT “A” - NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE 12044.0030 (TODD) ACCOUNT NO./GRANTOR(S), UNIDIVIDED INTEREST, BLDG/ UNIT NO., INTERVAL NO./ ASSIGNED YEAR, RECORDING DATE OF DOT, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL BALANCE, BOOK/ INST. NO. FOR DEED OF TRUST, BALANCE AS SHOWN ON NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY; Billy J Todd, Michelle J Todd 1235 Derby Dr Cohutta, GA 30710, 1/104 Biennial, 9-237M, 10 EVEN, 07/31/2017, $5,813.91, 2017556575, $3,258.96; Charlayne James, Otis James 511 E. Sanger St Apt 3 Philadelphia, PA 19120, 1/104 Biennial, 8-134M, 31 EVEN, 06/30/2016, $5,400.00, 2016-457907, $3,044.84; Ricky L Winchester, Kathy A Winchester 3937 Parkhaven Drive Corinth, TX 76210, 1/104 Biennial, 8-134M, 32 EVEN, 11/15/2016, $3,303.98, 2016-840375, $2,504.24; La Micha D Williams, Kevin Williams 5442 Pelleur St Lynwood, CA 90262, 1/104 Biennial, 7-227, 46 ODD, 12/19/2016, $6,347.02, 2016-932190, $3,242.08; Thekla Tjazuko, Richard Adriaans 4010 Meadowview Dr Suitland, MD 20746, 1/104 Biennial, 8-233M, 40 EVEN, 11/03/2016, $5,794.40, 2016-811855, $2,392.80; Ina M Walsh, Steven S Walsh 90 Miss Ellie Circle Belton, MO 64012, 1/104 Biennial, 6-123M, 15 EVEN, 04/05/2010, $5,400.00, 2010282761, $14,177.45; Matthew W Bishop, Katherine L Cox 336 Princeton Dr Trenton, OH 45067,


1/104 Biennial, 6-222M, 23 EVEN, 07/11/2017, $5,813.91, 2017-502448, $3,098.17; Jerrick D Whitfield, Janet A Hand 4529 Dalmahoy Court#202 Fort Myers, FL 33916, 1/104 Biennial, 7-128, 11 EVEN, 10/08/2015, $4,840.95, 2015-724335, $1,659.25; Willie B White Jr 2026 Timber Oaks Ln Apt O Charlotte, NC 28212, 1/104 Biennial, 8-134M, 24 EVEN, 10/15/2015, $5,400.00, 2015741603,$3,171.50; Elizabeth Williams, John W Williams 10100 W 136th Pl Apt 1706 Overload Park, KS 66221, 1/104 Biennial, 6-226, 49 EVEN, 01/05/2017, $6,005.67, 2017-007477, $3,065.51; Tchernavia S Howard PO Box 124 2175 Hosea Lane Autaugaville, AL 36003, 1/104 Biennial, 6-123M, 20 ODD, 10/08/2015, $5,365.19, 2015-724289, $2,110.86; Thurmond Johnson 352 Cleveland St Gary, IN 46406, 1/104 Biennial, 6-222M, 14 ODD, 06/29/2016, $5,400.00, 2016-454828,$3,120.24; Angela D Owens, Charles Owens 109 Stone Glen Road Pikeville, NC 27863, 1/104 Biennial, 6-224M, 32 ODD, 11/03/2016, $6,480.00, 2016-810936, $3,655.025; Terry D Crumel, Trina C Crumel PO Box 1004 Fort Mill, SC 29716, 1/104 Biennial, 8-233M, 39 EVEN, 12/19/2016, $5,813.91, 2016932189, $2,604.06; Tamarcus D Cox, Antoinette R Jones 7767 La Riviera Dr. #76 Sacramento, CA 95826, 1/104 Biennial, 7-130, 19 EVEN, 10/08/2015,$7,089.65, 2015-724263, $2,547.54; Keshia M Belton 8100 Bayfield Road Apt 11D Columbia, SC 29223, 1/104 Biennial, 6-224P, 47 ODD, 02/08/2017, $4,860.00, 2017095623, $2,312.60; Darryl D Brown, Felicia A Brown 418 Benning Rd Jackson, MS 39206, 1/104 Biennial, 5-117, 15 EVEN, 08/25/2016, $8,081.33, 2016-610657, $4,194.20; EXHIBIT “A” - NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE 12044.0031 (KELLY) ACCOUNT NO./GRANTOR(S), UNIDIVIDED INTEREST, BLDG/ UNIT NO., INTERVAL NO./ ASSIGNED YEAR, RECORDING DATE OF DOT, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL BALANCE, BOOK/ INST. NO. FOR DEED OF TRUST, BALANCE AS SHOWN ON NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY; KAREN R KELLY, DEBRA N LETT 20885 S Birchwood Loop Rd # 1 Chugiak, AK 99567, 1/104 Biennial, 10-139, 52 ODD, 12/21/2011, $10,128.07, 20111049322, $13,704.48; PAULINE B SHOCKNESS, WILLIAM E SHOCKNESS, ANISA J SHOCKNESS 2301 Dryburgh Ct Orlando, FL 32828, 1/104 Biennial, 9-135, 26 EVEN, 10/20/2015, $9,197.80, 20150752432, $10,635.85; RICHARD PUNTENEY, PAMELA L PUNTENEY 12237 Gail Ave Omaha, NE 68137, 1/104, Biennial, 6-223, 48 EVEN, 08/06/2003, $8,279.10, 20031071236,$4,875.85; ALFRED D OSLEY, LA TONYA M BURKS 388 Saginaw Ave Calumet City, IL 60409, 1/104 Biennial, 6-222M, 8 EVEN, 12/05/2011, $5,040.00, 2011-1001014, $8,571.60; TERRY J BRADLEY, LINNETTE M BRADLEY 3850 N. Park Ave Philadelphia, PA 19140, 1/104 Biennial, 6-123P, 14 ODD, 06/28/2016, $4,500.00, 20160449960,$3,780.23; PAIGE CARRIE HARDER 1701 Pearlie Dr Apt 16D Wichita Falls, TX 76306, 1/52 Annual, 9-138P, 1 WHOLE, 03/28/2002, $6,291.00, 20020319301,$2,811.79; CYNTHIA M ALLARD PO Box 213 Sonoita, AZ 85637, 1/52 Annual, 6-124P, 24

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WHOLE, 06/07/2002,$6,291.00, 2002-0587697, $745.05; KERI A DRAGE, BRET DRAGE 4477 W 8790 S West Jordan, UT 84088, 1/104 Biennial, 8-233M, 52 EVEN, 05/14/2013,$5,591.58, 20130437699, $8,847.70; TIMOTHY M BREEDLOVE, ANDREA M BREEDLOVE 120 Pepperwood Drive Bolingbrook, IL 60440, 1/104 Biennial, 6-123M, 3 ODD, 10/22/2010, $6,562.17, 20100924482, $2,735.12; EXHIBIT “A” - NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE 12044.0032 (SANCHEZ) ACCOUNT NO./GRANTOR(S), UNIDIVIDED INTEREST, BLDG/ UNIT NO., INTERVAL NO./ ASSIGNED YEAR, RECORDING DATE OF DOT, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL BALANCE, BOOK/ INST. NO. FOR DEED OF TRUST, BALANCE AS SHOWN ON NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY; DANIEL I SANCHEZ, FRANCES B SANCHEZ 310 Catawba Ave Rock Hill, SC 29730, 1/104 Biennial, 6-222P, 28 ODD, 06/29/2016, $4,844.92, 20160454856, $3,346.89; CHARLES D RILEY, JR, CHERESE S JENKINS 8958 S Phillips Ave Chicago, IL 60617, 1/104 Biennial, 6-124M, 22 ODD, 12/22/2015, $7,725.87, 20150900261, $4,383.29; JOSEPH R MC LENDON, STACI L MC LENDON 5559 Old Dominion Road Columbus, GA 31909, 1/104 Biennial, 6-122M, 4 ODD, 12/27/2016, $3,303.98, 20160950218, $1,764.16; KELLY L RAQUE, GUSTAVO A CASTILLO 7512 Sunset Lane Crestwood, KY 40014, 1/104 Biennial, 9-237M, 37 ODD, 07/11/2017,$5,400.00, 20170502440, $2,774.72; JOEL C MARTIN, CRYSTAL R MARTIN 357 3rd St. Worthington, KY 41183, 1/104 Biennial, 8-233P, 33 ODD, 02/23/2017,$4,733.37, 20170129527, $3,078.80; EXHIBIT “A” - NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE 12044.0033 (BIRDSONG) ACCOUNT NO./GRANTOR(S), UNIDIVIDED INTEREST, BLDG/ UNIT NO., INTERVAL NO./ ASSIGNED YEAR, RECORDING DATE OF DOT, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL BALANCE, BOOK/INST. NO. FOR DEED OF TRUST, BALANCE AS SHOWN ON NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY; ERIC B BIRDSONG 31 Magnolia Ave Mableton, GA 30126, 1/104 Biennial, 7-128, 23 EVEN, 10/08/2015, $4,840.95, 20150724325, $2,274.20; GOGI D WEST, TYRONE D WEST SR. 3381 Circle Drive Saginaw, MI 48601, 1/104 Biennial, 8-134M, 37 EVEN, 08/25/2016,$5,813.91, 20160610661, $4,048.70; DARRYL K HUMPHREY JR, ANGELA I HUMPHREY 1411 Stevens Ct Rosenberg, TX 77471, 1/104 Biennial, 7-128, 6 EVEN, 01/12/2017, $5,809.14, 2 017 0 0 2 5 2 0 9 , $ 3 , 4 3 3 . 0 8 ; ANTHONY T FREEMAN, INEZ R FREEMAN 100 Trusty Street PO Box 924 Saint Michaels, MD 21663, 1/104 Biennial, 6-221, 14

EVEN, 07/09/2015, $9,657.34, 20150492392,$4,232.25; VALERIE K DILLON, BRANDON L DILLON 4514 Greenfield Dr Cookeville, TN 38501, 1/104 Biennial, 9-237P, 24 EVEN, 02/10/2016, $5,214.96, 20160085633, $2,702.50; JAMIE T PEARSON, MARANDA F CARPENTER PEARSON 356 Dunmeyer Hill Rd Summerville, SC 29485, 1/52 Annual, 9-235, 8 WHOLE, 02/21/2017, $5,658.53, 20170122879, $3,632.92; AMANDA H COYLE 210 Hermey Ave Pensacola, FL 32507, 1/104 Biennial, 6-224M, 27 EVEN, 02/10/2016, $6,895.34, 20160085636,$2,597.67; RALPH A PEARSON, SR, COMFORT T PEARSON 344 Azalea Dr Winston-Salem, NC 27105, 1/104 Biennial, 6-222M, 1 EVEN, 06/29/2016,$6,426.00, 20160454820, $3,632.92; DAVID M ROGERS, CRYSTAL G ROGERS 3903 Archdale Rd Archdale, NC 27263, 1/104 Biennial, 6-123M, 40 EVEN, 07/31/2017, $5,813.91, 20170556572, $3,123.17; CYNTHIA M POWELL, PERRY L POWELL PO Box 427 Dublin, NC 28332, 1/104 Biennial, 6-222M, 12 EVEN, 07/27/2017,$5,813.91, 20170549322, $3,577.80; ANTHONY C SPIKES, LORI A SPIKES 14506 Lakeshore Blvd Cleveland, OH 44110, 1/104 Biennial, 6-224M, 29 EVEN, 03/26/2016, $5,813.91, 2 016 018 2 2 4 2 , $ 3 , 6 6 6 . 3 3 ; SHEILA KELLY 3782 St James Court Ellenwood, GA 30294, 1/104 Biennial, 9-237P, 33 EVEN, 01/25/2017,$4,896.73, 20170057545, $2,029.82; EXHIBIT “A” - NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE 12044.0034 (YBARRA) ACCOUNT NO./GRANTOR(S), UNIDIVIDED INTEREST, BLDG/ UNIT NO., INTERVAL NO./ ASSIGNED YEAR, RECORDING DATE OF DOT, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL BALANCE, BOOK/ INST. NO. FOR DEED OF TRUST, BALANCE AS SHOWN ON NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY; SAMUEL R YBARRA, JULIE A YBARRA 3601 5th St Bay City, TX 77414, 1/104 Biennial, 9-135, 11 ODD, 10/08/2015, $9,574.32, 20150724410, $4,020.80; CHRISTINE BROCKMAN, LEVI TANNIS 1092 Bergen Ave Brooklyn, NY 11234, 1/104 Biennial, 9-137, 24 ODD, 02/21/2017, $8,139.47, 20170122870, $2,881.12; PEDRO HERNANDEZ, ESTELA S GONZALEZ 625 32nd St West Palm Beach, FL 33407, 1/104 Biennial, 8-133, 40 ODD, 10/09/2018, $4,625.80, 20180757378,$1,955.00; DAVID A ROCHOWIAK, KRISTA L ROCHOWIAK 8686 Carson Hwy Tipton, MI 49287, 1/104 Biennial, 6-222M, 5 ODD, 01/21/2015, $6,120.00, 20150039162, $3,290.42; MARK W PETTIE, LATOYA S PETTIE 412 Price Street Eden, NC 27288, 1/104 Biennial, 6-121, 4 ODD, 02/22/2017, $9,000.00, 20170127270, $4,029.20; TINA M WALKINGTON 1775 Goodemoot Rd Portland,

MI 48875, 1/104 Biennial, 8-231, 19 ODD, 03/22/2016, $9,657.34, 20160182246, $3,124.09; ELIJAH S GENTRY, SHANNON M GENTRY 6544 Birch Hollow Dr Memphis, TN 38115, 1/104 Biennial, 8-133, 45 ODD, 07/19/2018, $5,378.83, 20180548055,$2,560.73; EXHIBIT “A” - NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE 12044.0035 (WILLIAMS) ACCOUNT NO./GRANTOR(S), UNIDIVIDED INTEREST, BLDG/ UNIT NO., INTERVAL NO./ ASSIGNED YEAR, RECORDING DATE OF DOT, ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL BALANCE, BOOK/ INST. NO. FOR DEED OF TRUST, BALANCE AS SHOWN ON NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY; REGINALD A WILLIAMS, NICOLE M WILLIAMS 27911 Skyhaven Lane Fulshear, TX 77441, 1/52 Annual, 7-227, 14 WHOLE, 11/15/2016, $8,000.70, 20160840409, $2,511.65; JOSUE A VASQUEZ, YADIRA B VASQUEZ 11719 Green Coral Dr Houston, TX 77044, 1/52 Annual, 6-226, 40 WHOLE, 07/11/2017, $13,734.00, 20170502176, $7,626.42; ANNETTE GONZALEZ, DAVID GONZALEZ 276 Summer St Passaic, NJ 07055, 1/52 Annual, 9-236, 48 WHOLE, 10/09/2018, $7,433.96, 20180757379, $2,768.72; Published: East Valley Tribune, April 4, 11, 18, 28, 2021

Public Notice T-Mobile USA is proposing to modify an existing wireless telecommunications facility on an existing self supporting lattice tower located near 11909 S. 202nd Street, Mesa, Maricopa County, AZ 85212. The modifications will consist of collocating three (3) wireless antennas at a centerline height of 70 feet above ground level on the 120-foot tall self-support tower. T-Mobile USA will also add support equipment at ground level within the existing compound. Any interested party wishing to submit comments regarding the potential effects the proposed facility may have on any historic property may do so by sending such comments to: Project 6121001766 -MW EBI Consulting, 6876 Susquehanna Trail South, York, PA 17403, or via telephone at (678) 481-6555.

Public Notice PUBLICATION SUMMONS Small Claims Case Number 21SC3320 LIBRA F. LINTON 130 W. GUADALUPE ROAD #1104 GILBERT, AZ 85233 You are being sued by AMERICAN FAMILY MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., S.I. in the Small Claims Court of MILWAUKEE County, 901 N. 9th St., Milwaukee, WI 53233. A hearing will be held at 8:30 a.m. on May 13, 2021. If you do not appear, a judgment may be given to the person suing you. (A copy of this claim has been mailed to you at the address above).

Dated this 14th day of April, 2021 Jonathan D. McCollister, State Bar No. 1037740 Attorney for Plaintiff Heuer Law Offices, S.C. 9312 W. National Ave. West Allis, WI 53227 Phone: (414) 224-3500 Published: East Valley Tribune/ Gilbert Sun News, April 18, 2021 / 37768

Public Notice Assignee’s Declaration of Land Grant To all to whom these presents may come: I, We, Michael: Westbrook-El in and for the ONE NATION Irrevocable Trust, do certify and declare that we are assignees to a land patent that is filed and is known as Patent number 696276 a copy of which is a public record at the Maricopa County Recorder of Deeds County Clerk’s Office, or Maricopa County Superior Court, Arizona. We further certify that we are assignees to a portion, and only that portion, of said grant or patent which is located at: 1893 East Gemini Place, Chandler, Arizona and leg-ally described in . the public records for Maricopa County Superior Court, Arizona. Public notice is also give in file number CV202I-090758 date: 2/18/2021 time: 12:31 P.M filed on deposit with the Maricopa County Recorder of Deeds County Clerk’s Office, or Maricopa County Superior Court, Arizona under the seal of Stephen Richer County Recorder Maricopa County Recorder of Deeds Office located in Main Downtown Office 111 S. Third Ave. Phoenix AZ 85003 This declaration of land grant shall serve as public notice to all that the original land grant · has been brought forward and updated in our names, subject to the limitations specified herein. The grant of land is a public law standing on the statute books of the State and is notice to every subsequent purchaser under the conflicting sale made afterward: Wineman v Gastrell; 54 FED 819, 4 CCA 2 US APP 581. Signed on the 26th day of the 3rd month in the year of YHWA-AA-LAH Thy Elohim two thousand twenty one. ONE NATION Irrevocable Trust /s/ Michael Westbrook-El. Subscribed and Affirmed before me in my presence this 26th day of March 2021, A Notary Public in and for the Maricopa County, State of Arizona, /s/ Jordan Mack, Public Notary with seal. Published: East Valley Tribune, Apr 18, 2021 / 37806

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