East valley Business - 05.08.2022

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east valley

Volume 4 Issue 43 Mesa, AZ

May 8, 2021

What’s Up Buttercup? re�lects mom’s hippy style BY CHRISTINA FUOCO-KARASINSKI Tribune Staff Writer



hen Carina Valenta was young, she and her mother enjoyed teatime at home and restaurants. They discussed their future, which included owning a retail store. Her mom died, but Valenta is keeping her spirit alive with the Northeast Mesa boutique What’s Up Buttercup? At McKellips and Recker roads, What’s Up Buttercup? is a few doors down from Mozzie Fox, the salon owned by her sister, Laurie DeBusk. “My mom (Rosemary Boretsky) would take me out to tea, and it was so much fun,” Valenta said. “I would ask, ‘Do I have to use my pinky now?’ It was really funny. A lot of what I have in here has to do with my mom. I’m honoring her. “Tea is important to me – tea and the fun, bright colors. I have that in here because I know she would really enjoy them.” Valenta described Boretsky as a “hippy gypsy and very free spirited.” Bohemian clothing, along accessories, jewelry, candles, oils and teas, and local artisan items, �ill the cozy store. “We would go around Mill Avenue and have our hair braided, and go to vegan restaurants, which weren’t popular yet, to have hummus and tea,” she recalled about time with her mom. “It was a blast. That’s my memory of the things we used to do back in the ’70s. Having the tea and the scents in the store has a lot to do with Public Notices ............... page 2 © Copyright, 2022 East Valley Tribune

Carina Valenta is keeping her mom’s spirit alive with her Northeast store, What’s Up Buttercup? (David Minton/Tribune Staff Photographer) that.” Opening What’s Up Buttercup? was bittersweet, she said through tears. Boretsky would have loved it. “She would be manning the front and I would be the one in back taking care of all the details,” she said. “I’m more of a detail person. She loved people and merchandise. “People would look for her when she worked in retail. Even when she was semiretired, she was still a hippy gypsy. She always said she had a gypsy spirit.” Even the moniker re�lects Boretsky’s loves. When Valenta was struggling to (USPS 004-616) is published weekly

Mailing Address: 1620 W. Fountainhead Pkwy., Suite 219, Tempe, AZ 85282

(480) 898-6500 Steven Strickbine, publisher Paul Maryniak, executive editor

come up with a name, she turned to DeBusk. “I have a bit of my brother (Kenny Flanagan) with the music I bring in,” she said. “It’s happy, upbeat music. In talking to my sister, she said, ‘You’ll know it when you know it. It’ll come to you.’ “I work at a hospital and when I was walking around the corner to go into the breakroom, I said to one of my coworkers, ‘What’s Up Buttercup?’ She thought it was so sweet. I went to text my sister and she had just texted me, ‘You should name it What’s Up Buttercup?’ I knew that was it. I knew mom was watching Subscriptions are $26 for 2 years, $14 for one year. Periodicals postage paid at Phoenix, AZ 85026.

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over us, seeing what we were doing. When things get tough, she was always the one who lifted us up.” In her own way, Valenta is doing the same. The idea for What’s Up Buttercup? was derived during the pandemic. “It was a very dark time for a lot of people,” she said. “I wanted to bring a sense of community here, to have a happy place to go to and hang out for a little bit. We have something for everyone.”

Public Notice CITY OF MESA MESA, ARIZONA LINDSAY RESERVOIR COVER REPLACEMENT PROJECT PROJECT NO. CP0831RS04 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received until Thursday, May 26, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. All sealed bids will be received electronically at EngineeringBids@ mesaaz.gov Bids must be submitted as an unencrypted PDF attachment with a maximum size limit of 20MB. Any bid received after the time specified will be returned without any consideration. This contract shall be for furnishing all labor, materials, transportation and services for the construction and/or installation of the following work: Removal and Replacement of the Aluminum Cover on the 10 million gallon fresh water tank approximately 77,400 square feet. Removal and replacement of the primary steel structure below the cover. Some existing electrical infrastructure will need to be removed and reinstalled. Concrete walls and liners to be protected in place. The Engineer’s Estimate range is $4,500,000 to $5,000,000. For all technical, contract, bidrelated, or other questions, please contact Stephanie Gishey at stephanie.gishey@mesaaz.gov. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified above. Contractors desiring to submit proposals may purchase sets of the Bid Documents from ARC Document Solutions, LLC, at https://order.e-arc.com/arcEOC/ PWELL_Main.asp?mem=29. Click on “Go” for the Public Planroom to

If You Go...

What: What’s Up Buttercup Where: 6008 E. McKellips Road, Suite 4, Mesa Hours: Hours: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday Info: 480-743-5781 • hibuttercup.com Instagram: whatsupbuttercupaz info@hibuttercup.com

access plans. NOTE: In order to be placed on the Plan Holders List and to receive notifications and updates regarding this bid (such as addenda) during the bidding period, an order must be placed. The cost of each Bid Set will be no more than $27.00, which is non-refundable. Partial bid packages are not sold. You can view documents on-line (at no cost), order Bid Sets, and access the Plan Holders List on the website at the address listed above. Please verify print lead time prior to arriving for pick-up. For a list of locations nearest you, go to www.e-arc.com. One set of the Contract Documents is also available for viewing at the City of Mesa’s Engineering Department at 20 East Main Street, Mesa, AZ. Please call 480-644-2251 prior to arriving to ensure that the documents are available for viewing. In order for the City to consider alternate products in the bidding process, please follow Arizona Revised Statutes §34.104c. If a pre-bid review of the site has been scheduled, details can be referenced in Project Specific Provision Section #3, titled “Pre-Bid Review of Site.” Work shall be completed within 300 consecutive calendar days, beginning with the day following the starting date specified in the Notice to Proceed. Bids must be submitted on the Proposal Form provided and be accompanied by the Bid Bond for not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid, payable to the City of Mesa, Arizona, or a certified or cashier’s check. PERSONAL OR INDIVIDUAL SURETY BONDS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. The successful bidder will be required to execute the standard form of contract for construction within ten (10) days after formal award of contract. In addition, the successful bidder must be registered in the City of Mesa Vendor Self-Service (VSS) System ( h tt p : / / m e s a a z . g ov / bu s i n e s s / purchasing/vendor-self-service). The successful bidder, simultaneously with the execution of the Contract, will be required to furnish a Payment Bond in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, a Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, and the most recent ACORD® Certificate of Liability Insurance


form with additional insured endorsements. The right is hereby reserved to accept or reject any or all bids or parts thereto, to waive any informalities in any proposal and reject the bids of any persons who have been delinquent or unfaithful to any contract with the City of Mesa. BETH HUNING City Engineer ATTEST: Holly Moseley City Clerk Published East Valley Tribune, May 1, 8, 2022 / 46374

Public Notice CITY OF MESA, ARIZONA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Mesa is seeking qualified Consultants for the following: WELL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. CP0642WE01 / CP-0642WI03 / CP0836WE09 through CP-0836WE12 / CP0642WE02 and WE04 / CP0648CL01 through CP0648CL05 The City of Mesa is seeking qualified consulting firms or teams to provide complete design services for several Well Improvements projects. All qualified firms that are interested in providing these services are invited to submit their Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The City may select more than one firm or team for these projects. Projects CP0642WE01 and CP0642WI03 are schedule to begin first and Statements of Qualifications should be based on these projects. The proposed improvements are as follows: • CP0642WE01: This project will include the design of four wells with separate drawings for each site. Design may include pump selection, motor sizing, chlorine disinfection systems, acoustic enclosures, site grading, process controls, associated piping, grading, electrical work, site fencing, and demo of existing well site. These well sites include City Well 9, Desert Well 7, Desert Well 18, and Falcon Field 2.


• CP0642WI03: This project will include chlorine and electrical system improvements to seven existing wells in the Desert Well (DW) service zone (Desert Well 3, Desert Well 9, Desert Well 12, Desert Well 13, Desert Well 14, Desert Well 15 and Desert Well 16) that may include the following: • Existing motor to be upgraded from 480V to 4160V. Electrical upgrade may require new motors and trans-formers. • Horizontal design of fiber optic conduit and duct bank may be required. If fiber optic is available, the existing ethernet switch, Remote Telemetry Units, and Programmable Logic Controllers shall be designed to be replaced. • Evaluate each site whether a chorine scrubber or Chlortanier would be best suited at each site and design the appropriate upgrades. • Security cameras and intrusion alarms shall be designed to be installed at each site. • Other miscellaneous upgrades such as design of pumps and design of Re-mote Telemetry Unit. Additional planned projects include the fol-lowing: • CP0648CL01 through CP0648CL05: Well collection lines and related improvements for Desert Wells 24 through 27. Design of well collection lines that may include associated piping, connections, valves, and cathodic protection. • CP0836WE09 through CP0836WE12: Well equipping design for Desert Well 24 through 27 and City Well 13 and 16. Design may include pump and motor, chlorination treatment, acoustic enclosures, site grading, process controls, associated piping, grading, electrical work, site fencing, and demo of existing well site. • City may add additional scope as needed. The scope could include the design of well equipping and well collection mains with separate drawings for each site. Design may include pump and motor, chlorination treatment, acoustic enclosures, site grading, process controls, associated piping, grading, electrical work, site fencing, and demo of existing well site. Design of well collection lines that may include associated piping, connections, valves, and cathodic protection. • The Well Improvements projects have been grouped and described as several packages of

MAY 8, 2022

multiple sites, including collection lines. The City may pursue them as such or change the grouping of sites. Additional sites may be added. • City may include other miscellaneous improvements, as needed. A Pre-Submittal Conference will be held on May 17, 2022, at 8 am through Microsoft Teams. At this meeting, City staff will discuss the scope of work and general contract issues and respond to questions from the attendees. Attendance at the pre-submittal conference is not mandatory and all interested firms may submit a Statement of Qualifications whether or not they attend the conference. An invitation can be requested from Donna Horn (donna.horn@mesaaz.gov). All interested firms are encouraged to attend the Pre-Submittal Conference since City staff will not be available for meetings or to respond to individual inquiries regarding the project scope outside of this conference. In addition, there will not be meeting minutes or any other information published from the Pre-Submittal Conference. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This pol-icy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified below. RFQ Lists. This RFQ is available on the City’s website at http:// mesaaz.gov/business/engineering/ architectural-engineering-designopportunities. The Statement of Qualifications shall include a one-page cover letter, plus a maximum of 10 pages to address the SOQ evaluation criteria (excluding resumes but including an organization chart with key personnel and their affiliation). Resumes for each team member shall be limited to a maximum length of two pages and should be attached as an appendix to the SOQ. Minimum font size shall be 10pt. Please provide one (1) electronic copy in an unencrypted PDF format to Engineer-ing-RFQ@ mesaaz.gov of the Statement of Qualifications by 2 pm on June 2, 2022. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Statements of Qualifications. The City is an equal opportunity employer. Firms who wish to do business with the City of Mesa must be registered and activated in the City of Mesa Vendor Self Service (VSS) System (http://mesaaz.gov/ business/purchasing/vendor-selfservice). Questions. Questions pertaining to the Consultant selection process or contract issues should be directed to Donna Horn of the Engineering Department at donna. horn@ mesaaz.gov. BETH HUNING City Engineer ATTEST: Holly Moseley City Clerk Published: East Valley Tribune, May 1, 8, 2022 / 46271

Public Notice

shall include a one-page cover letter, plus a maximum of 10 pages to address the SOQ evaluation criteria (excluding resumes but including an organization chart with key personnel and their affiliation). Resumes for each team member shall be limited to a maximum length of two pages and should be attached as an appendix to the SOQ. Minimum font size shall be 10pt. Please provide one (1) electronic copy in an unencrypted PDF format to Engineering-RFQ@ mesaaz.gov of the Statement of Qualifications by 2 pm on June 9, 2022. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Statements of Qualifications. The City is an equal opportunity employer. Firms who wish to do business with the City of Mesa must be registered and activated in the City of Mesa Vendor Self Service (VSS) System (http:// mesaaz.gov/business/purchasing/ vendor-self-service). Questions. Questions pertaining to the Consultant selection process or contract issues should be directed to Donna Horn of the Engineering Department at donna. horn@mesaaz.gov. BETH HUNING City Engineer ATTEST: Holly Moseley City Clerk Published: East Valley Tribune, May 8, 15, 2022 / 46509

CITY OF MESA, ARIZONA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Mesa is seeking a qualified Consultant for the following: SIGNAL BUTTE PARK PHASE 2 PROJECT NO. CP0707 The City of Mesa is seeking a qualified consulting firm or team to provide complete design services for the Signal Butte Park Phase 2 project. All qualified firms that are interested in providing these services are invited to submit their Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The proposed improvements are as follows: This project will consist of the design and construction of new park site amenities at Signal Butte Park as proposed in the 2018 General Obligation Bond Program. Phase II is approximately 46 acres. The improvements will occur primarily at the north side of Siphon Draw Wash. The park improvements will include a parking lot, ramadas, restroom, trail system, bmx bike trails, and a bridge constructed over Siphon Draw Wash to connect Phase II to Phase I. The City of Mesa may include other miscellaneous improvements at the Site, as needed. The consulting firm or team may also assist with public meetings, City Council meetings, Citizen Advisory/Committee meetings, Design Review Board meetings, and other coordination efforts. A Pre-Submittal Conference will be held on May 25, 2022, at 2 pm through Microsoft Teams. At this meeting, City staff will discuss the scope of work and general contract is-sues and respond to questions from the attendees. Attendance at the pre-submittal conference is not mandatory and all interested firms may submit a Statement of Qualifications whether or not they attend the conference. An invitation can be requested from Donna Horn (donna.horn@mesaaz.gov). All interested firms are encouraged to attend the Pre-Submittal Conference since City staff will not be available for meetings or to respond to individual inquiries regarding the project scope outside of this conference. In addition, there will not be meeting minutes or any other information published from the Pre-Submittal Conference. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified below. RFQ Lists. This RFQ is available on the City’s website at http:// mesaaz.gov/business/engineering/ architectural-engineering-designopportunities. The Statement of Qualifications


Public Notice CITY OF MESA PUBLIC NOTICE The Mesa City Council will hold a public hearing concerning the following ordinances at the May 16, 2022, City Council meeting beginning at 5:45 p.m. in the Mesa City Council Chambers, 57 East First Street. 1. ZON21-00940 (District 2) Within the 3100 block of East Southern Avenue (south side) and the 1200 block of South 32nd Street (west side). Located east of Lindsay Road on the south side of Southern Avenue (2.4± acres). Rezone from Single Residence 9 (RS-9) to Multiple Residence 3 with a Planned Area Development overlay (RM-3-PAD) and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for a multiple residence development. 2. ZON21-01126 (District 6) Within the 3200 to 3400 blocks of South Signal Butte Road (west side). Located north of Elliot Road on the west side of Signal Butte Road (65.8± acres). Rezone from Agricultural (AG) to Light Industrial with a Planned Area Development overlay (LI-PAD) and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for an industrial development. Noel Griemsmann, Snell & Wilmer, LLP, applicant; Signal Butte Mesa Holdings, LLC, owner. 3. Amending Article VI, Section 609 of the Mesa City Charter related to certain requirements for City procurements, subject to the approval of the amendment by the qualified electors of the City of Mesa. (Citywide) 4. Amending Article II, Section 205(D) of the Mesa City Charter to allow a meet and confer process and memorandum of understanding with sworn public safety employee organizations on be-half of certain sworn public safety employees concerning wages and other forms of direct monetary compensation, hours, non-health related benefits, and working conditions not covered


under state or federal laws or city personnel rules, subject to the approval of the amendment by the qualified elect-ors of the City of Mesa. (Citywide) Dated at Mesa, Arizona, this 8th day of May 2022. Holly Moseley, City Clerk Published in the East Valley Tribune May 8, 2022 / 46xxx

Public Notice SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA MARICOPA COUNTY Case Number JG512290 ORDER and NOTICE OF HEARING In the Matter of Guardianship of: Rhianna Mahan (07/06/2006), Xavier Trammell (12/22/2012), Amarilon Trammel (11/19/2016) The Court has reviewed the PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN OF A MINOR. Based upon the Court’s review, IT IS ORDERED SETTING A HEARING. NOTIFICATION: You must give a copy of this PETITION AND THIS ORDER to all interested persons. You need to mail or deliver the copies. You do not need to give formal notice by personal service. For information about notice or consent requirements contact Community Services Unit at (602) 506-4308 or seek legal counsel. HEARING DATE AND TIME: May 24, 2022 at 9:15 AM HEARING PLACE: Online via Microsoft Teams at https://tinyurl. com/CommissionerGialketsis (This is the Court’s preferred method of participation) Check your email fro a message sent by the Court that includes a direct link to enter our virtual courtroom, otherwise type the above link in the browser of your computer/device to join. You can also dial in using your phon +1 (917) 781-4590 Access Code: 248-804 623# Please Note: Long distance fees may apply if dialing by phone. For privacy purposes, you can block your phone number by dialing *67. HEARING OFFICER: COMMISIONER GIALKETSIS REPSONSE: You can file a written response to the petition. File your original written response with the court, mail a copy of the original response to the petitioner(s), and provide a copy of your response4 to the Judge/Commissioner named above at least 5 business days before the hearing. Or, you can appear in person at the hearing. You must appear at the hearing only if you wish to object to the petition. [X] IT IS ORDERED Appointing a guardan Ad Litem to investigate and report to the Court. Petitioner(s) must either file the following documents with the Clerk of the Court prior to the hearing or present them to the court at the hearing. [X] Petitioner’s Unite States or State is-sued identification (required for all Petitioners) [X] Birth Certification for each child (required for each child listed on the petition) [X] Publication if Father/Mother whereabouts unknown. Signed this 22nd Day of April, 2022 /s/ Commissioner Cynthia Gialketsis. Published: East Valley Tribune, May 8, Foothills Focus, May 11, 18,2022 / 46580

MAY 8, 2022

the tickler

east valley 1620 W. Fountainhead Pkwy., Suite 219, Tempe, AZ 85282


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