East Valley Business - 09.20.20

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east valley

Volume 3 Issue 10 Mesa, AZ

September 20, 2020

Public Notice


CITY OF MESA MESA, ARIZONA LEHI SRP SERVICE LINE RELOCATION LEHI ROAD AND MESA DRIVE PROJECT NO. CP0875 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received until Thursday, October 15, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. All sealed bids will be received electronically at EngineeringBids@ mesaaz.gov . Bids must be submitted as an unencrypted PDF attachment with a maximum size limit of 20MB. Any bid received after the time specified will be returned without any consideration. This contract shall be for furnishing all labor, materials, transportation and services for the construction and/or installation of the following work: The scope of services for this project includes final engineering plans for gas and water service relocations along Lehi Road and Mesa Drive. The project consists of relocating services for approximately 45 water services and 29 gas services, along the south side of Lehi Road and east side of Mesa Drive. Salt River Project (SRP) will be constructing a new pipeline at Lehi Road and Mesa Drive. The proposed pipe-line alignment is parallel to existing SRP facilities. The facilities include an unlined irrigation ditch along the south side of Lehi Road, east of Mesa Drive. The proposed pipeline inverts are in conflict with the existing water and gas services. The Engineer’s Estimate range is $930,000 to $1,140,000. For all technical, contract, bidrelated, or other questions, please contact Donna Horn at donna. horn@mesaaz.gov. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with

any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified above. Contractors desiring to submit proposals may purchase sets of the Bid Documents from ARC Document Solutions, LLC, at https://order.e-arc.com/arcEOC/ PWELL_Main.as-p?mem=29. Click on “Go” for the Public Plan-room to access plans. NOTE: In order to be placed on the Plan Holders List and to receive notifications and updates regarding this bid (such as addenda) during the bidding period, an order must be placed. The cost of each Bid Set will be no more than $25 which is non-refund-able. Partial bid packages are not sold. You can view documents on-line (at no cost), order Bid Sets, and access the Plan Holders List on the website at the address listed above. Please verify print lead time prior to arriving for pick-up. For a list of locations nearest you, go to ww-w.e-arc.com. One set of the Contract Documents is also avail-able for viewing at the City of Mesa’s Engineering Department at 20 East Main Street, Mesa, AZ. Please call 480-644-2251 prior to arriving to ensure that the documents are available for viewing. In order for the City to consider alternate products in the bidding process, please follow Arizona Revised Statutes §34.104c. If a pre-bid review of the site has been scheduled, details can be referenced in Project Specific Provision Section #3, titled “Pre-Bid Review of Site.” Work shall be completed within 120 consecutive calendar days, beginning with the day fol-lowing the starting date specified in the Notice to Proceed. Bids must be submitted on the Proposal Form provided and be accompanied by the Bid Bond for not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid, payable to the City of Mesa, Arizona, or a certified or

Public Notices ............... page 1 © Copyright, 2020 East Valley Tribune

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Mailing Address: 1620 W. Fountainhead Pkwy., Suite 219, Tempe, AZ 85282

cashier’s check. PERSONAL OR INDIVIDUAL SURETY BONDS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. The successful bidder will be required to execute the standard form of contract for construction within ten (10) days after formal award of contract. In addition, the successful bidder must be registered in the City of Mesa Vendor SelfService (VSS) System (http:// mesaaz.gov/business/purchasing/ vendor-self-service). The successful bidder, simultaneously with the execution of the Contract, will be required to furnish a Payment Bond in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, a Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, and the most recent ACORD® Certificate of Liability Insurance form with additional in-sured endorsements. The right is hereby reserved to accept or reject any or all bids or parts thereto, to waive any informalities in any proposal and reject the bids of any persons who have been delinquent or unfaithful to any contract with the City of Mesa. BETH HUNING City Engineer ATTEST: DeeAnn Mickelsen City Clerk Published: East Valley Tribune, Sept 13, 20 2020 / 33127

Public Notice CITY OF MESA, ARIZONA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Mesa is seeking a qualified firm or team to act as the Construction Manager at Risk for the following: NORTHWEST WATER RECLAMATION PLANT (NWWRP) FOOD TO ENERGY PHASE 1: FLARE TO FUEL PROJECT NO. CP0870 The City of Mesa is seeking a

(480) 898-6500 Steven Strickbine, publisher Paul Maryniak, executive editor

qualified Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) to provide PreConstruction Services assistance and complete Construction Services as the CMAR for the Northwest Water Reclamation Plant (NW-WRP) Food To Energy Phase 1: Flare To Fuel Project. All qualified firms that are interested in providing these services are invited to submit their Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The following is a summary of the project. The required tasks will be reviewed with the selected CMAR and defined to meet the needs of the project as part of the contract scoping. This project includes the installation of a 200 scfm max. capacity Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) System at Northwest Water Reclamation Plant (NWWRP) to convert the plant’s digester biogas stream to pipeline quality Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) and connect the RNG product gas to the City’s natural gas distribution network. The system will have a turndown capacity of 60 scfm. Appurtenances to the PSA system will include a thermal oxidizer to treat the tail gas and a gas monitoring station to track the quality of the product RNG entering the City’s distribution network. An initial GMP is anticipated to cover the purchase of long-lead equipment items and second GMP to cover the balance of the work and system implementation. The estimated construction cost is 3,000,000.00. A Pre-Submittal Conference will be held on September 16, 2020, 2020 at 8 am through Microsoft Teams. Parties interested in attending should request an invitation from Stephanie Gishey at stephanie.gishey@mesaaz.gov. At this meeting, the project team, including City staff will discuss the scope of work, general contract requirements and respond to questions from the attendees. Attendance at the Pre-Submittal Conference is not mandatory. All interested firms may submit a Statement of Qualifications whether they attend the conference or not.

Subscriptions are $26 for 2 years, $14 for one year. Periodicals postage paid at Phoenix, AZ 85026.

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All interested firms are encouraged to attend the Pre-Submittal Conference since City staff will not be available for meetings or to respond to individual inquiries regarding the project scope outside of this conference. In addition, there will not be meeting minutes or any other information published from the Pre-Submittal Conference. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified below. RFQ Lists. The RFQ is available on the City’s website at http:// mesaaz.gov/business/engineering/ construction-manager-at-risk-andjob-order-contracting-opportunities. The Statement of Qualifications shall include a one-page cover letter that contains current company/firm contact information including a valid phone number and email address, plus a maximum of 10 pages to address the SOQ evaluation criteria (excluding PPVF’s and resumes but including an organization chart with key personnel and their affiliation). Resumes for each team member shall be limited to a maximum length of two pages and should be attached as an appendix to the SOQ. Minimum font size shall be 10pt. Please provide one (1) electronic copy in an unencrypted PDF format to EngineeringRFQ@mesaaz.gov by 2:00PM on Thursday, September 24, 2020. Maximum file size shall not exceed 20MB. SOQ’s that are unable to be opened by City staff will not be considered for award. Submitters may request a single opportunity to verify that a test email and attachment are received and can be opened by City staff. Test emails must be sent to Engineering-RFQ@ mesaaz.gov. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Statements of Qualifications. The City is an equal opportunity employer. Firms who wish to do business with the City of Mesa must be registered in the City of Mesa Vendor Self Service (VSS) System ( h tt p : / / m e s a a z . g ov / bu s i n e s s / purchasing/vendor-self-service). Questions. Questions pertaining to the Construction Manager at Risk selection process or contract issues should be directed to Stephanie Gishey of the Engineering Department at stephanie.gishey@ mesaaz.gov. BETH HUNING City Engineer ATTEST: DeeAnn Mickelsen City Clerk Published: East Valley Tribune, Sept. 13, 20, 2020 / 33132


qualified Consultants for the following: ON-CALL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GENERAL DESIGN SERVICES The City of Mesa is seeking qualified Consultants to provide design services and/or construction administration services on an oncall basis in the following area/ category: Electrical Engineering General Design Services. All qualified firms that are interested in providing these services are invited to submit their Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). From this solicitation, the Engineering Department will establish a list of on-call consultants for Electrical Engineering General Design Services. This category is further defined below: Electrical Engineering General Design projects might involve studies, new construction, upgrades, rehabilitation, or other modifications. Typical projects include, but are not limited to, lighting, building power supply, pedestrian lighting, instrumentation and controls, and general site and facility electrical improvements. A Pre-Submittal Conference will not be held. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this RFQ (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This pol-icy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, assure that contract decisions are made in public and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified below. RFQ Lists. This RFQ is available on the City’s website at http:// mesaaz.gov/business/engineering/ architectural-engineering-designopportunities. The Statement of Qualifications shall include a one-page cover letter that contains current company/firm contact information including a valid phone number and email address, plus a maximum of 10 pages to address the SOQ evaluation criteria (excluding PPVF’s and resumes but including an organization chart with key personnel and their affiliation). Resumes for each team member shall be limited to a maximum length of two pages and should be attached as an appendix to the SOQ. Minimum font size shall be 10pt. Please provide one (1) electronic copy in an unencrypted PDF format to Engineering-RFQ@ mesaaz.gov by 2:00PM on Thursday, October 1, 2020. Maximum file size shall not exceed 20MB. SOQ’s that are unable to be opened by City staff will not be considered for award. Submitters may request a single opportunity to verify that a test email and attachment are received and can be opened by City staff. Test emails must be sent to Engineering-RFQ@mesaaz. gov. The City re-serves the right to accept or reject any and all Statements of Qualifications. The City is an equal opportunity employer. Firms who wish to do business with the City of Mesa must be


registered and activated in the City of Mesa Vendor Self Service (VSS) System (http://mesaaz.gov/ business/purchasing/vendor-selfservice). Questions. Questions pertaining to the Consultant selection process or contract issues should be directed to Michele Davila of the Engineering Department at Michele.Davila@mesaaz.gov BETH HUNING City Engineer ATTEST: DeeAnn Mickelsen, City Clerk Published: East Valley Tribune, Sept. 13, 20, 2020 / 331

Public Notice CITY OF MESA, ARIZONA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Mesa is seeking a qualified Consultant for the following: SIGNAL BUTTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION 10950 E. Elliot Road PROJECT NO. CP0372 The City of Mesa is seeking a qualified Consultant to provide design services for the Signal Butte Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project. All qualified firms that are interested in providing these services are invited to submit their Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The following is a summary of the project. The required tasks will be reviewed with the selected Design Consultant and defined to meet the needs of the project as part of the contract scoping. • The Signal Butte Water Treatment Plant (SB-WTP) site is located at the northeast corner of Signal Butte and Elliot Roads in the City of Mesa. The City constructed a 24 Million Gallons per Day (MGD) plant, which was commissioned in 2018. With the rapid growth in southeast Mesa, the City plans to expand the plant from 24 MGD to 48 MGD. The project scope will include the addition of a new 8 MG buried concrete reservoir and expansion of the processes in the existing plant to meet the new capacity. • The original Basis of Design Report (BDR) that covered all phases of the water treatment plant at this site was prepared in 2004 and was supplemented in 2010 and updated post construction in 2019. The supplemented and updated BDR will be made available with the RFQ. All other records related to the SBWTP, including record drawings, design studies, etc., are considered sensitive and protected information will not be available to proposers. • The project scope covered by this RFQ will consist of a Preliminary Design Report (PDR) which will build on the BDR to evaluate the current processes, look for opportunities to improve plant efficiencies, evaluate the regional growth impacts on the water demand, review new treatment technologies, and evaluate construction sequencing. This PDR will be used to optimize the scope of the Design to expand facilities at the site to the max design capacity of 48 MGD. • Following completion of the PDR, the design team will complete a detailed design. Design shall include 30%, 60%, 90% and 100% submittals, and be done


in coordination with the CMAR contractor. Areas of consideration for design include full build out to 48 MGD, sizing of a second reservoir, improvements to existing plant systems, and improvements to plant redundancies, as determined in the PDR. • The City anticipates construction commencing in 2023. An electronic Pre-Submittal Conference will be held on September 30, 2020, at 8 am through Microsoft Teams. At this meeting, City staff will discuss the scope of work and general contract issues and respond to questions from the attendees. Attendance at the pre-submittal conference is not mandatory and all interested firms may submit a Statement of Qualifications whether or not they attend the conference. All interested firms are encouraged to attend the Pre-Submittal Conference since City staff will not be available for meetings or to respond to individual inquiries regarding the project scope outside of this conference. In addition, there will not be meeting minutes or any other in-formation published from the Pre-Submittal Conference. Any parties interested in attending the Pre-Submittal Conference should re-quest a meeting invitation from Donna Horn (donna.horn@mesaaz.gov). Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified below. RFQ Lists. This RFQ is available on the City’s website at http:// mesaaz.gov/business/engineer-ing/ architectural-engineering-designopportunities. The Statement of Qualifications shall include a one-page cover letter, plus a maximum of 10 pages to address the SOQ evaluation criteria (excluding PPVF’s and resumes but including an organization chart with key personnel and their affiliation). Resumes for each team member shall be limited to a maximum length of two pages and should be attached as an appendix to the SOQ. Minimum font size shall be 10pt. Please provide one (1) electronic copy of the Statement of Qualifications in an unencrypted PDF format to Engineering-RFQ@ mesaaz. gov by October 15, 2020, by 2 pm. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Statements of Qualifications. The City is an equal opportunity employer. Firms who wish to do business with the City of Mesa must be registered and activated in the City of Mesa Vendor Self Service (VSS) Sys-tem (http://mesaaz.gov/ business/purchasing/vendor-selfservice). Questions. Questions pertaining to the Consultant selection process or contract issues should be directed to Donna Horn of the Engineering Department at donna. horn@mesaaz.gov. BETH HUNING

SEPTEMBER 20, 2020

City Engineer ATTEST: DeeAnn Mickelsen, City Clerk Published: East Valley Tribune, September 20, 27, 2020/33217

Public Notice CITY OF MESA MESA, ARIZONA PD Main Sanitary Sewer and Landscape Improvements 130 N. Robson PROJECT NO. LF0317PD ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received until Thursday, October 15, 2020, at 1:30 p.m. All sealed bids will be received electronically at EngineeringBids@ me-saaz.gov . Bids must be submitted as an unencrypted PDF attachment with a maximum size limit of 20MB. Any bid received after the time specified will be returned without any consideration. This contract shall be for furnishing all labor, materials, transportation and services for the construction and/or installation of the following work: Replacement of the existing sanitary sewer line in front of PD Main and furnish a new connection to the existing sewer main down Robson. In addition to the sewer line the landscaping is to be revised in front of PD Main. The Engineer’s Estimate range is $115,000 - $135,000. For all technical, contract, bidrelated, or other questions, please contact Stephanie Gishey at stephanie.gishey@mesaaz.gov. Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s employees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified above. Contractors desiring to submit proposals may purchase sets of the Bid Documents from ARC Document Solutions, LLC, at https://order.e-arc.com/arcEOC/ PWELL_Main.as-p?mem=29. Click on “Go” for the Public Plan-room to access plans. NOTE: In order to be placed on the Plan Holders List and to receive notifications and updates regarding this bid (such as addenda) during the bidding period, an order must be placed. The cost of each Bid Set will be no more than $11.00, which is non-refundable. Partial bid packages are not sold. You can view documents on-line (at no cost), order Bid Sets, and access the Plan Holders List on the website at the address listed above. Please verify print lead time prior to arriving for pick-up. For a list of locations nearest you, go to www.e-arc.com. One set of the Contract Documents is also avail-able for viewing at the City of Mesa’s Engineering Department at 20 East Main Street, Mesa, AZ. Please call 480-644-2251 prior to arriving to ensure that the documents are available for viewing. In order for the City to consider alternate products in the bidding

process, please follow Arizona Revised Statutes §34.104c. If a pre-bid review of the site has been scheduled, details can be referenced in Project Specific Provision Section #3, titled “Pre-Bid Review of Site.” Work shall be completed within 90 consecutive calendar days, beginning with the day following the starting date specified in the Notice to Proceed. Bids must be submitted on the Proposal Form provided and be accompanied by the Bid Bond for not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid, payable to the City of Mesa, Arizona, or a certified or cashier’s check. PERSONAL OR INDIVIDUAL SURETY BONDS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. The successful bidder will be required to execute the standard form of contract for construction within ten (10) days after formal award of contract. In addition, the successful bidder must be registered in the City of Mesa Vendor Self-Service (VSS) System ( h tt p : / / m e s a a z . g ov / bu s i n e s s / purchasing/vendor-self-service). The successful bidder, simultaneously with the execution of the Contract, will be required to furnish a Payment Bond in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, a Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, and the most recent ACORD® Certificate of Liability Insurance form with additional insured endorsements. The right is hereby reserved to accept or reject any or all bids or parts thereto, to waive any informalities in any proposal and reject the bids of any persons who have been delinquent or unfaithful to any contract with the City of Mesa. BETH HUNING City Engineer ATTEST: DeeAnn Mickelsen, City Clerk Published: East Valley Tribune, Sept. 13, 20, 2020 / 33136

Mesa Gateway Airport spine road between Ellsworth Road and Hawes Road. Future easements will need to be identified as well as utilities, including water and sewer improvements, through the spine road. Preparation of detailed construction plans and specifications for Ellsworth Road and Williams Field Road Intersection, a 6-lane arterial road intersection. Preparation of detailed construction plans and specifications to address drainage on both sides of the intersection and for a structure crossing an existing drainage channel on the west side of the intersection improvements. Preparation of detailed utility construction plans and specifications to comply with the utility study as described above. Roadway easement documents for roadway and utility uses along the spine road. Preparation of detailed construction plans and specifications for a portion of the spine road. Similar improvements along the spine road, Williams Field Road, or Ellsworth Road may be included in future phases. Utility coordination with private utility companies for future service to the area. SECTION II – OVERVIEW OF PROJECT An electronic Pre-Submittal Conference will be held on October 1, 2020 through Microsoft Teams. At this meeting, City staff will discuss the scope of work and general contract issues and respond to questions from the attendees. Attendance at the pre-submittal conference is not mandatory and all interested firms may submit a Statement of Qualifications whether or not they attend the conference. All interested firms are encouraged to attend the Pre-Submittal Conference since City staff will not be available for meetings or to respond to individual inquiries regarding the project scope outside of this conference. In addition, there will not be meeting minutes or any other information published from the Pre-Submittal Conference. Anyone in-teresting in attending the pre-submittal conference should request an invitation from Donna Horn (donna.horn@mesaaz.gov). Contact with City Employees. All firms interested in this project (including the firm’s em-ployees, representatives, agents, lobbyists, attorneys, and subconsultants) will refrain, under penalty of

Public Notice CITY OF MESA, ARIZONA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Mesa is seeking a qualified Consultant for the following: ELLSWORTH ROAD AND WILLIAMS FIELD ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AND SPINE ROAD ELLSWORTH ROAD AND WILLIAMS FIELD ROADS PROJECT NO. CP1015 The City of Mesa is seeking a qualified Consultant to provide design services for the Ellsworth Road and Williams Field Road Intersection Improvements and Spine Road Project. All qualified firms that are interested in providing these services are invited to submit their Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The following is a summary of the project. The required tasks will be reviewed with the selected Design Consultant and defined to meet the needs of the project as part of the contract scoping. Utility and Alignment study (30% design) for the proposed Phoenix-



disqualification, from direct or indirect contact for the purpose of influencing the selection or creating bias in the selection process with any person who may play a part in the selection process. This policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential firms, to assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the selection process. All contact on this selection process should be addressed to the authorized representative identified below. RFQ Lists. This RFQ is available on the City’s website at http:// mesaaz.gov/business/engineer-ing/ architectural-engineering-designopportunities. The Statement of Qualifications shall include a one-page cover letter, plus a maximum of 10 pages to address the SOQ evaluation criteria (excluding resumes but including an organization chart with key personnel and their affiliation). Resumes for each team member shall be limited to a maximum length of two pages and should be attached as an appendix to the SOQ. Minimum font size shall be 10pt. Please provide one (1) electronic copy of the Statement of Qualifications by October 15, 2020, by 2 pm. Directions for submitting electronically can be found at: https://www.mesaaz.gov/ business/engineering/architecturalengineering-design-opportunities. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Statements of Qualifications. The City is an equal opportunity employer. Firms who wish to do business with the City of Mesa must be registered and activated in the City of Mesa Vendor Self Service (VSS) Sys-tem (http://mesaaz.gov/ business/purchasing/vendor-selfservice). Questions. Questions pertaining to the Consultant selection process or contract issues should be directed to Donna Horn of the Engineering Department at donna. horn@mesaaz.gov. BETH HUNING City Engineer ATTEST: DeeAnn Mickelsen, City Clerk Published: East Valley Tribune, Sept. 13, 20, 2020 / 33131

SEPTEMBER 20, 2020

the tickler

east valley 1620 W. Fountainhead Pkwy., Suite 219, Tempe, AZ 85282


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