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Customer solves Mesa restaurant’s labor woes
Tribune Contributor
Like many restaurants, Il Vinaio in downtown Mesa was struggling to �ind and keep workers during an unprecedented labor shortage. But it didn’t have to look too far to �ind help. Owners Cindy and Cameron Selogie hired a longtime customer to be a waitress. The new hire, Sally Kellett has been an Il Vinaio patron since she joined its wine club nine years ago. “I happened to be at the restaurant doing my wine tasting and Cindy was saying how it’s impossible to get help with the unemployment bene�its being so high,” said Kellett. “They just can’t seem to get anybody. I almost jokingly said, ‘I could probably help you a couple of days a week.’ I now have been there a little over a month.” Kellett is no stranger to waiting on customers. Il Vinaio owners Cindy and Cameron Selogie fl ank their latest hire – longtime customer Sally Kellett, who now works as a waitress. (Pablo Robles/Tribune Sta Photographer) For years, she owned a Tempe bar, Mustang Sally’s, that she eventually sold when she decided to become a �light attendant at the age of 47 with America West Airlines. She retired last year after 21 years with the airline. For the Selogies, it’s a win-win. They’ve been short-handed, not only needing more wait staff but a prep cook and a dishwasher. Cameron has been doing those jobs for over a year while Cindy has been the bartender and running the front of the restaurant.
“Adding Sally to the team has been invaluable,” said Cameron. “Our customers love her. The best thing for us is that she comes to work as scheduled, on time, and ready to work with a smile on her face. She’s de�initely a joy to work with and a great addition to the team.” The challenging part for Kellett is that il Vinaio is a �ine-dining restaurant.
She said the restaurant industry has “changed tremendously” since she last took customer orders for a living. “When I owned my bar, it was a big bar,” ���WAITRESS ���� 24
Critters for sale abound in East Mesa pet store
Tribune Contributor
Vanessa Schmidt likes to say her Mesa store offers “a little bit of everything.”
And by that she means lizards, snakes, tortoises, monitors, frogs, geckos, birds, �ish, guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, gerbils and pet rats – as well as some places they can live in people’s homes.
She estimates she has 5,000 varieties of critters, including �ish, at her 4,000-square-foot The Pet Shop near Power and Baseline, which she has owned for nine years. “We have 130 individual freshwater �ish tanks, making up 4,000 gallons and we also have 4,000 gallons worth of saltwater �ish and corals,” Schmidt said. “Freshwater �ish alone we have 130 tanks with at least three species per tank so that’s 360 different freshwater �ish there alone.” The cost of owning an aquarium varies, she added, so “we’ll walk you through the process.” “If there’s a �ish you want or if it’s a certain size tank you want, we’ll gear you towards that and if you have a budget in mind.” “The way we have our rows set up, it shows you which �ish will get along with each other,” Schmidt said. “But if you tell us what you already have in your tank, we’re also happy to tell you what �ish get along, how many more �ish you can com���PETS ���� 25

New Mesa complex promises affordable rent
AScottsdale developer is promising “attainably priced” apartments with a new complex it is building in east Mesa. Greenlight Communities will build the 250-unit Cabana Southern just west of the southwest corner of Crismon and Southern avenues in Mesa after buying the property last month for $3.8 million. The company said it plans to start construction on the $42 million project soon so it can start renting out the units by fall of next year. It said the complex should be an attractive destination for renters since it “is in the middle of a signi�icant cluster of nearby attractions, including medical of�ice, retail, mixed-use, hotels, restaurants and other features being built within a onemile radius.” Cabana properties feature contemporary appliances and kitchen �inishes, luxury vinyl tile, a co-working lounge and state-of-the-art �itness center all accessed via smart home technology. The 250-unit Cabana Southern complex near Crismon and Southern avenues in Mesa could be available for tenants by fall of next year. (Courtesy of Greenlight Communities)

Greenlight Communities claims it is at the forefront of “building attainable housing to �ill the void between affordable and luxury apartments, using their leading-edge business and development model to create a one-of-a-kind housing alternative for middle-class residents” working in education, healthcare and public safety. “The east Mesa market is a perfect location for the Cabana brand and we are excited to begin work on Cabana Southern in the coming weeks,” said Patricia Watts, principal of Greenlight Communities. “This is a rapidly growing area of the community with new healthcare facilities, schools and retail features, all providing more jobs. “This Cabana community will provide attainable housing for workers to be able

WAITRESS ���� ���� 23
she said. “It held over 200 people but I didn’t have table numbers or seat numbers. I �lung hamburgers and wings and that kind of stuff.” Kellett works three days a week, usually going in at 4 pm. “Customers seem to love me,” said Kellett, who runs into many people who frequented her bar. “I’m meeting incredible people.” However, it has been a physical challenge. “The �irst couple of weeks were really tough on my body,” said Kellett. “My back and my legs hurt so badly, but I made this commitment to them. So here I am still going in.” She admits the money has helped with her retirement and she likes getting out of the house. “I think it’s a great time to get out, stay in shape, do a little part-time work,” said Kellett. “Our age group has a really good to move nearby and �ill these jobs. We feel very positive about this.”
Greenlight is building more than 3,000 apartment units in Arizona. The east Mesa project is its ninth new-build and its second complex in Mesa. Mesa was ranked 26th in the country for the fastest rental rate increases in 2020, according to a recent study by AdvisorSmith.
“With rental rates increasing across the market, it’s important for residents to have attainable rental options that provide a quality living environment,” said Dan Richards, another principal at Greenlight Communities.
Greenlight Communities says its business model “eliminates many of the cost and time constraints other building projects and apartment communities around the country experience and uses innovative designs and economies of scale to create a quality living experience at attainable rental rates.” In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, residents can take virtual tours and talk to leasing representatives online and in virtual leasing portals.
Information: livegreenlight.com or
480-609-6779. ■
work ethic. I am always on time. I give it my best shot.” Besides, she added, it has been great exercise and she has even lost a few pounds. “I really wish more seniors would get out and do a little bit,” Kellett said. “I worked hard all of my life. I raised three children by myself. When I decided to retire, at �irst I was so happy. And then I was sitting at home, and I was like, ‘This is crazy.’ I think it’s a great opportunity for a lot of senior people. I really believe that.” Kellett is glad the owners were able to survive the pandemic. “It’s truly a great restaurant. Their menu is very unique. Their food is amazing. Their clientele is amazing. They really have some wonderful people who go in there. I just love the restaurant and I love Cindy and Cameron,” said Kellett, “They’re just the greatest.”
fortably �it in that size tank, etc.” For newbies, she advises that freshwater �ish are less expensive than the saltwater ones. “With saltwater �ish, the requirements on the linings are a little bit different when you start growing the corals and frags into the tanks.” Birds include cockatiels, leopards, parakeets and �inches. “We stay with the smaller breed birds,” explained Schmidt. “They make better pets for most people.” Since last year’s breeding season wasn’t that great, according to Schmidt, she only has parakeets right now. The shop doesn’t sell dogs or cats but carries supplies such as leashes, harnesses, dog food, litter, toys and beds. All the rabbits at Schmidt’s store come from a rabbit rescue organization. “With gerbils, hamsters, and pet rats we breed those all in-house so they’re all social, they’re all friendly, they all want to be handled,” explained Schmidt.
The store carries over 500 varieties of reptiles. “The biggest thing with reptiles is I want to make sure it’s the kid’s �irst pet so we try not to carry snakes that are too big,” said Schmidt. “We carry pets that aren’t going to get aggressive. So, these are pets you’re going to keep for a very long time.”
Pet stores cannot sell any native Arizona venomous reptiles. “Most of my reptiles are captive-bred so between me and my friend, we breed these all within our houses and then they come here,” added Schmidt. “So, I know they’re happy, they’re healthy and they’re ready for their new home.” The shop even carries scorpions, including ones without a stinger. “Scorpions are really cool pets,” said Schmidt. “Some of them you can handle. Emperor scorpions you can handle more. They’re more of a calm scorpion. The same thing with tarantulas. We have some species that are really easy to handle vs. ones that aren’t easy to handle.” She recommends having a new pet set up in their habitat before taking it home. “I want to show customers what decorations, water, food and lighting to have,” Schmidt explained. “It makes it a lot easier so you know exactly what you’re getting into when you go home…During the summertime, we highly recommend it because that way the animal is not sitting in a box being hotter longer than it needs to be so it can go straight to its habitat.” Schmidt said she’s priced competitively and is even cheaper than other places that sell pet food. “We’ve been told we have better pricing. We also have the experts in our shop so we’re able to walk you through everything. Most of my employees are all hobbyists, as well. So, we’ve been in this for a long time.” If a customer can’t �ind what they’re looking for in Schmidt’s store, she said, “We try to work with our customers and send them to another shop here locally because we want to keep the money as local as possible. As a woman business owner, Schmidt has faced many challenges. “When I �irst came into the industry, it was de�initely a male-dominated industry. It took everybody here a little longer to get used to me but now I’m one of the better-known shop owners here in the valley. And I’m sought out to talk to. I do all kinds of non-pro�it events and I’m a director for a non-pro�it.”
Information: 2235 S. Power Road, Mesa; thepetshopaz.com, 480-807-
7840. ■

PAID ADVERTISEMENT Men’s Virility Restored in Clinical Trial; 275% More Blood Flow in 5 Minutes
A newly improved version of America’s best-selling male performance enhancer gives 70-year-old men the ability and stamina they enjoyed in their 30’s.
America’s best-selling sexual performance enhancer just got a lot better.
It’s the latest breakthrough for nitric oxide – the molecule that makes E.D. woes fade and restores virility when it counts the most.
Nitric oxide won the Nobel Prize in 1998. It’s why “the little blue pill” works. More than 200,000 studies confirm it’s the key to superior sexual performance.
And this new discovery increases nitric oxide availability resulting in even quicker, stronger and longer-lasting performance.
One double-blind, placebo-controlled study (the “gold-standard” of research) involved a group of 70-yearold-men.
They didn’t exercise. They didn’t eat healthy. And researchers reported their “nitric oxide availability was almost totally compromised,” resulting in blood flow less than HALF of a man in peak sexual health.
But only five minutes after the first dose their blood flow increased 275%, back to levels of a perfectly healthy 31-year-old man! “It’s amazing,” remarks nitric oxide expert Dr. Al Sears. “That’s like giving 70-year-old men the sexual power of 30-year-olds.”
Despite the billions men spend annually on older nitric oxide therapies, there’s one well-known problem with them.
They don’t always work.
A very distinguished and awarded doctor practicing at a prestigious Massachusetts hospital who has studied Nitric Oxide for over 43 years states a “deficiency of bioactive nitric oxide… leads to impaired endotheliumdependent vasorelaxation.”
In plain English, these older products may increase levels of nitric oxide. But that’s only half the battle. If it’s not bioactively available then your body can’t absorb it to produce an erection.
Experts simply call it the nitric oxide “glitch.” And until now, there’s never been a solution.
Upon further research, America’s No. 1 men’s health expert Dr. Al Sears discovered certain nutrients fix this “glitch” resulting in 275% better blood flow.
He’s combined those nutrients with proven nitric oxide boosters in a new formula called Primal Max Red. In clinical trials, 5,000 mg is required for satisfying sexual performance. Primal Max Red contains a bigger, 9,000 mg per serving dose. It’s become so popular, he’s having trouble keeping it in stock.
Dr. Sears is the author of more than 500 scientific papers. Thousands of people listened to him speak at the recent Palm Beach Health & Wellness Festival featuring Dr. Oz. NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Namath recently visited his clinic, the Sears Institute for Anti-
Aging Medicine.
Primal Max Red has only been available for a few months — but everyone who takes it reports a big difference. “I have the energy to have sex three times in one day, WOW! That has not happened in years. Oh, by the way I am 62,” says Jonathan K. from Birmingham, AL.
Loss of erection power starts with your blood vessels. Specifically, the inside layer called the endothelium where nitric oxide is made.
The problem is various factors THICKEN your blood vessels as you age. This blocks availability causing the nitric oxide “glitch.” The result is difficulty in getting and sustaining a healthy erection.
How bad is the problem?
Researcher shows the typical 40-year-old man absorbs 50% less nitric oxide. At 50, that drops to 25%. And once you pass 60 just a measly 15% gets through.
To make matters worse, nitric oxide levels start declining in your 30’s. And by 70, nitric oxide production is down an alarming 75%.
Primal Max Red is the first formula to tackle both problems. Combining powerful nitric oxide boosters and a proven delivery mechanism that defeats the nitric oxide “glitch” resulting in 275% better blood flow. There’s not enough space here to fully explain how it works, so Dr. Sears will send anyone who orders Primal Max Red a free special report that explains everything.
Nutrients in Primal Max Red have logged impressive results.
In a Journal of Applied Physiology study, one resulted in a 30 times MORE nitric oxide. And these increased levels lasted up to 12 hours. “I measured my nitric oxide levels, you can buy a test kit from Amazon,” reports 48-year-old Jeff O. “Monday night I showed depleted.”
Then he used ingredients in Primal Max Red and, “The results were off the charts. I first woke around 3 a.m. on Tuesday very excited. My nitric oxide levels measured at the top end of the range.”

A new discovery that increases nitric oxide availability was recently proven in a clinical trial to boost blood flow 275%
Every order also gets Dr. Sears testosterone boosting formula Primal Max Black for free.
“If you want passionate ‘rip your clothes off’ sex you had in your younger days, you need nitric oxide to get your erection going. And testosterone for energy and drive,” says Dr. Sears. “You get both with Primal Max Red and Primal Max Black.”
To secure free bottles of Primal Max Black and get the hot, new Primal Max Red formula, buyers should contact the Sears Health Hotline at 1-800-292-3158 within the next 48 hours. “It’s not available in drug stores yet,” says Dr. Sears. “The Hotline allows us to ship directly to the customer.”
Dr. Sears feels so strongly about Primal Max, all orders are backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. “Just send me back the bottle and any unused product within 90 days from purchase date, and I’ll send you all your money back,” he says.
The Hotline will be open for the next 48 hours. After that, the phone number will be shut down to allow them to restock. Call 1-800-292-3158 to secure your limited supply of Primal Max Red and free bottles of Primal Max Black. You don’t need a prescription, and those who call in the first 24 hours qualify for a significant discount. Use Promo Code NP821RED182 when you call in. Lines are frequently busy, but all calls will be answered.