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Football fans have plenty of options among area bars
BY JORDAN ROGERS Tribune Staff Writer
The 2022 professional football season is filled with eye-grabbing headlines. Tom Brady retired, then unretired this offseason and is back for another Super Bowl run with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. This season could be the last one for the five-time Super Bowl champion and three-time MVP. Many stars were traded this offseason and will certainly impact their new teams. And for the first time in recent memory, there isn’t a clear-cut Super Bowl favorite. A third of the league, give or take, has at least an outsider’s shot to win Super Bowl LVII that will be played at State Farm Stadium in Glendale. All of that to be said, numerous spots around the Valley are ready to host fans of America’s Game to watch the season play out. Depending on who you root for, pay these bars a visit on Sundays to root for your favorite team with like-minded fans. CARDINALS
Bambino’s Sports Grill
Bambino’s offers a game day vibe for Cardinals fans with 13 60-inch flatscreen televisions. In addition to the interior seating, Bambino’s features a patio seating area with a roll-up garage door. Putting an emphasis on supporting local breweries, the beer menu features craft beers on draft and in a can from Four Peaks Brewery and San Tan Brewery.
Info: 3860 W. Happy Valley Road, Glendale, bambinossportsgrill.com
seeBARS page 24

The Time Out Sports Bar & Grill at 1762 S. Greenfield Road in Mesa has multiple TVs for football fans. (Facebook)
Mesa band revisits debut album with Nile show
GetOut Staff Writer
Authority Zero frontman Jason DeVore finds it hard to believe that 20 years ago, his band was roaming Downtown Mesa, envying headlining acts at the Nile Theater. That time inspired Authority Zero’s fulllength debut album, “A Passage in Time” – which creatively meshed punk music with elements of reggae and surf punk. It only made sense to celebrate the emerald anniversary of “A Passage in Time” with a one-off show at the Nile Theater on Friday, Sept. 9. “It’s going to be cool to see a lot of old faces in the audience who we haven’t seen in a long time and a lot of new faces,” he said. “It’s going to be a big celebration.” “A Passage in Time” will also be special for DeVore as he often changes the line “I’m 21 today, how many more? How should I know?” to reflect his actual age. Sept. 9 is his birthday. “Every time I sing that line, it makes me automatically think of how long the Authority Zero: Mesa Punk rockers Authority Zero will play their debut album “A Passage In Time” cover to cover in celebration of its 20th anniversary on Friday, Sept. 9 at the Nile The-

ater. (Courtesy of Ryan Clyde)
road we’ve been on has been and what a crazy, cool one it has been on top of that,” DeVore said. Although the past 20 years have flown by and DeVore admits that the anniversary snuck up on him, he sees this show as a tribute to the legacy of one of Arizona’s pioneering punk acts. “It has been quite a victory for us to be around as long as we have,” he said. “This show is kind of a tribute to that and the legacy of it all.” That legacy shares DeVore’s penchant for angsty lyrics and fun stories. “A lot of the songs I wrote were with the buddies back in the day when we were all just starting and it was when this band was at its purest form,” DeVore said. “(The album) is full of life, full of curiosity and full of excitement and all of these songs hit hard in that memory bank.” They recall the shenanigans that he and his pals indulged in back in their late teens/early 20s along with the heartache he experienced in his youth. “It has a very special place in our hearts because of how organic the music was at that time,” he said. “Some of the crap I talked about was a girlfriend hurt my feelings or I was getting drunk with my buddies in the park. “It’s honest childhood, teenage heartbreak and also the genuinely good times of being a youth, ditching school, smoking cigarettes and being a bunch of young seeAUTHORITY ZERO page 24
BARS from page 23 CHIEFS
Pub Rock Live
Pub Rock Live, which typically welcomes live music, transforms into a massive fanbase for the Chiefs and their fans. Dubbed “Arrowhead West,” Pub Rock brings in food trucks on game day. It also offers discounted beer prices and a $6 “Kingdom Shot” whenever the Chiefs score a touchdown.
Info: 8005 E. Roosevelt St., Scottsdale, pubrocklive.com
Social Tap Scottsdale
Social Tap Scottsdale is the official home of the local Giants fan club, “Big Blue of Arizona.” When Big Blue of Arizona is in to watch Giants games, Social Tap offers Jell-O shots whenever the team scores a touchdown. In addition, raffles take place throughout the game.
Info: 4312 N. Brown Ave., Scottsdale, socialtapscottsdaleaz.com
Detroit Coney Grill
Detroit Coney Grill pairs comfort food with a great environment with ample televisions and a full bar featuring some of Michigan’s beers. The bar runs a daily special that features two coney dogs, a side order of French fries and a fountain drink for $13.85. On game days, Detroit Coney Grill has beer specials on its rotating Michigan-based beers.
Info: 6953 N. Hayden Road, Scottsdale, detroitconeygrill.com
Casey Jones Grill
Casey Jones Grill opened back in 1993 and has been loyal to the Green Bay Packers from the start. On game days, Casey
AUTHORITY ZERO from page 23
punks enjoying friendships.” The album also reminds the Westwood High School alumnus of the early days of the Mesa punk scene and the venue where he and his band once dreamed of playing the big stage. “The Nile Theater is where our stomping grounds originated. It’s right there in the heart of (Downtown) Mesa where we all grew up and formed,” DeVore said. “The Nile Theater was cool in that (it) had five bands for $5 that would play the underground stage and we’d always go down there to support bands and we were a part of that whole camaraderie. From there, we started growing more.” DeVore recalls eventually being called to the Nile Theater’s main stage to open for acts like Less Than Jake and The Vandals. “The show is a fun way for us to pay homage to our hometown, the roots of where we grew up and the roots of where a lot of those songs were written,” he said. Because of this, DeVore expects the show to feel nostalgic not only for himself but for fans. Some of the songs that DeVore is excited to revisit are the titular track off of “A Passage In Time” and a ditty about the town the band got its start in. “I’m excited to play ‘Mesa Town,’ because it’s a hometown song about all the debauchery we used to get into and it explains where our band was founded,” DeVore said. “’A Passage in Time,’ is the one that I have carried with me throughout the years because of the electricity it holds to kick off events, as old as it is.”
Jones offers a “Green Bay Burrito,” priced at $13.99.
Info: 2848 E. Bell Road, Phoenix, caseyjonesgrill.com
Clancy’s Pub Pizza & Grill
An official watch site for the Packers, Clancy’s advertises a big screen from every angle inside the pub. The menu is geared to a more Midwestern vibe with cheese curds and a dish featuring walleye on game days. The pub also runs giveaways at halftime.
Info: 4432 N. Miller Road, Scottsdale, clancyspubscottsdale.com
Bevvy OldTown
Bevvy welcomes Patriots fans to its pubstyle hangout with an expansive drink menu and bar fare-style food.
Info: 4420 N. Saddlebag Trail, Scottsdale, bevvyaz.com
Max’s Sports Bar
Established in 1979, Max’s features more than 100 flat-screen televisions and a recently redeveloped smoking patio. For the Rams, the sports bar houses a massive room decked out in Rams gear and sits 80 people.
Info: 6727 N. 47th Ave., Glendale, americangreyhoundracing.com
Harold’s Cave Creek Corral
Harold’s Cave Creek Corral is one of the most well-known Steelers bars in the Steeler Nation. Harold’s seats a whopping 600 potential Steelers fans inside, and another 200 in its outside seating. Harold’s is partnered up with UNIBET, allowing its guests to experience a Vegas-like betting experience where games can be bet on live, or upcoming sporting events and in-game betting can be bet on as well. A specific game-day food and drink menu is available as well.
Info: 6895 E. Cave Creek Road, Cave Creek, haroldscorral.com
Wicked Rain
Wicked Rain opened its doors back on March 23, and ever since has been showing love toward its roots in the Pacific Northwest (PNW), and now Arizona. With 40 beers on tap and another 70-plus in bottles and cans, Wicked Rain offers beers from the PNW area, Arizona, Oregon and Idaho. This Seahawks – and Cardinals – hangout spot features nine televisions and a 100-plus-inch big screen for viewership pleasure. They also do “Blue/Red Fridays” where guests wearing either a Seahawks or Cardinals jersey can receive $1 off their draft beer. For game days, they offer $4 pub beer and $16 pitchers.
Info: 1817 E. Baseline Road, Gilbert, wickedrain.com.
Just gimme football
No favorite team? No worries. Sports bars abound in the East Valley and here are just a couple where fans of football generally can find like-minded people to enjoy a game on any given day. Here are just a few:
Lucky Lou’s American Grill
With locations at 3245 West Ray Road, Chandler; 1929 N Power Road, Mesa; and 23706 South Power Road in Queen Creek, East Valley fans won’t have to drive too far for good drinks, good food and good games at Lucky Lou’s. luckylousaz.com
Blue 32 Sports Grill
Blue 32 Sports Grill also has multiple locations – at 4845 S. Arizona Ave, Chandler;
THE MESA TRIBUNE | SEPTEMBER 4, 2022 1524 E. Williams Field Road and 6348 South Higley Road, Gilbert; and 2028 N Gilbert Road, Mesa –and offers a e. blue32sportsgrill.com.
Zipps Sports Grill
Zipps is another sports bar with multiple TVs and multiple locations to satisfy any football fan: 4710 E. Warner Road, Ahwatukee; 690 S. Mill Ave. and 1860 E. Warner Road in Tempe; 4060 S. Arizona Ave. in Chandler’s Ocotillo neighborhood; and 211 E. Warner Road, Gilbert. zippssportsgrills.com.
Cold Beers & Cheeseburgers
All Cold Beers and Cheeseburgers have with more than 30 high-definition flat screen TVs, booming sound systems and a mouth-watering menu. Locations include 5005 E. Chandler Blvd., Ahwatukee; 1980 W Germann Road, Chandler; 4604 S. Higley Road, Gilbert; and four Scottsdale locations at 18529 N. Scottsdale Road, 4222 N. Scottsdale Road, E. Shea Blvd. and 10767 N. 116th St.
Time Out Sports Bar and Grill
Located at 1762 S. Greenfield Road, the Time Out Sports Bar and Grill gives pro and college football fans a chance to get an early start on game days by opening at 9 a.m.

Contact Paul Maryniak at 480-898-5647 or pmaryniak@ timeslocalmedia.com
If You Go...
Who: Authority Zero w/The Venomous Pinks Where: The Nile Theater, 105 W. Main St., Mesa When: 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 9 Cost: Cost: $20 Info: theniletheater.com, authorityzeromusic.com

1 Beach accessory 6 Altar promise 9 Wd. modifier 12 Blazing 13 At once 14 Singer Rawls 15 Lightweight wood 16 Old Pontiac 18 More tightly packed 20 “Star Wars” royal 21 Photo, for short 23 “Fresh Air” airer 24 Party beverage 25 Unforeseen problem 27 Say 29 Elk’s horn 31 Wheel cover 35 Playful sea critter 37 Only 38 Barber’s tools 41 Aug. and Sept. 43 Knock 44 Region 45 Halloween sprite 47 Young shopping center regular 49 Milk dispenser 52 Paris summe 53 Flamenco cheer 54 Cat calls? 55 Shelter 56 Slugger Williams 57 Actress Debra
1 Bar bill 2 One -- kind 3 Villanova athlete 4 Gaelic 5 “Blue” singer Rimes 6 Loose news-paper ad 7 Gloomy 8 Have 9 Sci-fi visitor 10 Column style 11 A son of Jacob 17 Book jacket promos 19 Sudden gush 21 Unpaid TV ad 22 Hostel 24 Little, in Lille 26 Worldwide 28 Pulsate 30 UFO crew 32 Deep-fried frank 33 Pie -- mode 34 Zing 36 Acted badly? 38 Caravan beast 39 Emulate Lincoln 40 Donnybrook 42 Batter’s dry spell 45 Big wind 46 Notion 48 Decay 50 Ram’s ma’am 51 Trio after Q


GetOut Contributor
This broccoli soufflé recipe is virtually fool-proof – and tasty
Looking back, I feel so guilty. It was the late 60’s. I was in my teens – the years my Mom referred to as “my little hippy daughter’s crazy time.” For some reason I became obsessed with making homemade bread and culturing my own yogurt for the family. I made a loaf of fresh bread every single day and drove my family absolutely nuts in the process.
I was convinced that if someone shut a door too forcefully or raised their voice too loudly while the bread was still in the oven, it could cause the bread to fall. That poor family.
For one hour every single day, they had to tip-toe around and whisper until my loaf came out safe and sound. For some reason, they put up with it, and I don’t think the bread was even that good.
That was just bread. Can you imagine what a mess I would have been had I obsessed over soufflé instead? Ah, soufflé. Whether savory or sweet, it’s one of those things that people tend to fret over. Will it puff up? Will it fall? Where did I go wrong?
So when I came across a very old soufflé recipe in a school fundraising cookbook, I almost passed on it. But that would have been a huge mistake. This recipe for broccoli soufflé is about as delicious and fool-proof as it gets, and is now one of my very favorite veggie dishes. Interestingly, the recipe calls for heating the milk and adding chicken bouillon to it, which I had never heard of before. It added so much flavor to the dish that I wish I would have known about that technique years ago!
Somebody knew what they were doing with this broccoli soufflé and I’ll bet they didn’t even drive their family crazy in the process.

• 2 cups milk • 2 chicken bouillon cubes (or 1 teaspoon bouillon paste) • 3 tablespoons butter • 1 medium sweet yellow onion, chopped fine
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
In the microwave, steam broccoli until tender, about 5 minutes. Set aside. In a small saucepot, heat milk until scalded. Add bouillon, stirring to dissolve.
In a large sauté pan with butter, sauté onion until very soft and slightly golden brown.
Add seasoned milk to onions and stir to combine. Add nutmeg, sugar, salt and pepper, mixing well. Cook until thickened. Remove from heat. • 3 eggs • dash fresh grated nutmeg • 1/2 teaspoon sugar • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/2 teaspoon pepper • 4-5 cups broccoli floweret’s, cooked
In a bowl, whisk eggs. Temper by adding a small amount of cream sauce to eggs and whisking to combine. Add eggs into cream sauce and whisk. Fold in cooked broccoli flowerets. Mix gently until combined. Pour mixture into a casserole dish.
Place dish into a large baking dish with 1-2 inches of water.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes or until knife comes up clean. The egg/milk mixture should be well set like custard. Serve immediately.