STATEMENT FILE NO. 2022063396 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ALL TIME HIGH. 6141 Vineland Ave. North Hollywood, CA 91606 COUNTY: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Los Angeles. REGISTERED STATEMENT FILE NO. OWNER(S) Wise Path Inc., A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 2022067060 California Corporation, 10750 NAME STATEMENT FILE The following person(s) is (are) Glenoaks Blvd. Ste. 3 Pacoima, NO. 2022076851 doing business as: A SURE HARCA 91331. State of Incorporation VEST. 20006 Lanark St. Winor LLC: California. THIS BUSIThe following person(s) is netka, CA 91306. COUNTY: Los NESS IS CONDUCTED BY a Cor(are) doing business as: The Personal Goods Stored Angeles. REGISTERED poration. The date registrant comAGELESS LOVE II. 1025 Therein by the Following May OWNER(S) Gerald Babanezhad, menced to transact business unCynthia Ave. Pasadena, CA Include, but are not limited to: 20006 Lanark St. Winnetka, CA der the fictitious business name or 91107, 15921 Sunburst St. MISC. HOUSEHOLD 91306. THIS BUSINESS IS CONnames listed above on: 02/2022. I North Hills, CA 91343. GOODS, PERSONAL DUCTED BY an Individual. The declare that all information in this date registrant commenced to statement is true and correct. (A COUNTY: Los Angeles. REITEMS, FURNITURE, transact business under the fictiregistrant who declares as true GISTERED OWNER(S) AgeCLOTHING AND/OR BUSItious business name or names lisany material matter pursuant to less Love LLC, 15921 SunNESS ITEMS/FIXTURES. ted above on: 03/2022. I declare Section 17913 of the Business burst St. North Hills, CA that all information in this stateand Professions Code that the re91343. State of IncorporaPSA ALHAMBRA, 600 ment is true and correct. (A regisgistrant know to be false is guilty tion or LLC: California. THIS SOUTH GARFIELD AVE. trant who declares as true any of a misdemeanor punishable by a material matter pursuant to Secfine not to exceed one thousand BUSINESS IS CONDUCALHAMBRA, CA 91801 tion 17913 of the Business and d o l l a r s ( $ 1, 0 0 0 ) ) . OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm TED BY a Limited Liability Professions Code that the regisREGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: Company. The date regisList customer names below. ADDRESS: PO Box 1349 trant know to be false is guilty of a Oganes Tebelekyan. TITLE: CEO, trant to transact misdemeanor by a fine Corp or |LLC Name: Wise Path Classifieds/Legals: Contact punishable Ann 626-584-8747 orcommenced | Deadline: Monday 11am for Thursday South Pasadena, CA 91031 Hua Ji business under the fictitious not to exceed one thousand dolInc., A California Corporation. This business name or names lisl a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . statement was filed with the LA FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: County Clerk on: March 22, 2022. Sumiye Takeuchi ted above on: 04/2022. I deSTATEMENT FILE NO. STATEMENT FILE NO. NOTICE – in accordance with Gerald Babanezhad. TITLE: Ownclare that all information in Lien Sales 0 2 2 0 7 1 6 4 9 2022062561 2 er. This statement was filed with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Charlie Tran this statement is true and The following person(s) is (are) The following person(s) is (are) the LA County Clerk on: March 29, Fictitious Name statement genercorrect. (A registrant who deNOTICE OF SALE OF doing business as: AKE SPEdoing business as: AMERICAN 2022. NOTICE – in accordance ally expires at the end of five Purchases Must Be Made in clares as true any material ABANDONED PROPERTY CIALTY SERVICE. 10147 Gothic PRESSURE CLEANING. 5535 with subdivision (a) of Section years from the date on which it Cash and Paid at the time of matter pursuant to Section Ave. North Hills, CA 91343. Canoga Ave., Unit #304 Wood17920, a Fictitious Name statewas filed in the office of the county COUNTY: Los Angeles. REland Hills, CA 91367. COUNTY: ment generally expires at the end clerk, except, as provided in subSale. All Goods are Sold as 17913 of the Business and Notice Is Hereby Given That GISTERED OWNER(S) Kathy Los Angeles. REGISTERED of five years from the date on division (b) of Section 17920, is and must be Removed Professions Code that the rePursuant To Sections 21700Ake, 10147 Gothic Ave. North OWNER(S) Wendy A. Arroyave which it was filed in the office of where it expires 40 days after any within 24 Hours of the time of gistrant know to be false is 21716 Of The Business And Hills, CA 91343. THIS BUSINESS Gonzalez, 21201 Kittridge St. the county clerk, except, as change in the facts set forth in the Purchase. PSA Self Storageguilty of a misdemeanor punProfessions Code, Section 8408 Canoga Park, CA 91303. IS CONDUCTED BY an Individuprovided in subdivision (b) of Secstatement pursuant to Section Alhambra Reserves the Right ishable by a fine not to ex2328 Of The UCC, Section al. The date registrant comTHIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCtion 17920, where it expires 40 17913 other than a change in the to Retract Bids. Sale is Subceed one thousand dollars 535 Of The Penal Code And residence address of a registered menced to transact business unTED BY an Individual. The date days after any change in the facts owner. a new Fictitious Business der the fictitious business name or registrant commenced to transact set forth in the statement pursuject to Adjournment. ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . Provisions Of The Civil Code, Name statement must be filed benames listed above on: 03/2022. I business under the fictitious busiant to Section 17913 other than a PUBLISHED: Pasadena REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC PSA SELF STORAGE 600 fore the expiration. The filing of ness name or names listed above declare that all information in this change in the residence address Weekly 04/21/22, 04/28/22 NAME: Mariya Lim. TITLE: SOUTH GARFIELD AVE. this statement does not of itself statement is true and correct. (A on: 10/2021. I declare that all inof a registered owner. a new FictiCEO, Corp or LLC Name: ALHAMBRA 91801 County authorize the use in this state of a formation in this statement is true registrant who declares as true tious Business Name statement Ageless Love LLC. This Of Los Angeles, State Of fictitious business name in violaany material matter pursuant to and correct. (A registrant who demust be filed before the expiration. Fic. Business Name statement was filed with the California Will Sell By ComThe filing of this statement does tion of the rights of another under Section 17913 of the Business clares as true any material matter not of itself authorize the use in federal, state, or common law (see and Professions Code that the repursuant to Section 17913 of the LA County Clerk on: April 08, petitive Bidding The FollowFICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME this state of a fictitious business Section 14411 et seq., Business gistrant know to be false is guilty Business and Professions Code 2022. NOTICE – in according Units at the two sites lisSTATEMENT FILE NO. name in violation of the rights of and Professions code). Publish: of a misdemeanor punishable by a that the registrant know to be false ance with subdivision (a) of ted below: Auction to Be 2022063396 another under federal, state, or Pasadena Weekly. Dates: fine not to exceed one thousand is guilty of a misdemeanor punishThe following person(s) is (are) Section 17920, a Fictitious Conducted through Online common law (see Section 14411 03/31/22, 04/07/22, 04/14/22, d o l l a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . able by a fine not to exceed one doing business as: ALL TIME Name statement generally Auction Services of et seq., Business and Professions 04/21/22 REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: thousand dollars ($1,000)). REHIGH. 6141 Vineland Ave. North expires at the end of five WWW.LOCKERFOX.COM, code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. GISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: Kathy Ake. TITLE: Owner. This Hollywood, CA 91606 COUNTY: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Dates: 03/31/22, 04/07/22, statement was filed with the LA Wendy A. Arroyave Gonzalez. years from the date on which with bids opening on or after Los Angeles. REGISTERED STATEMENT FILE NO. 04/14/22, 04/21/22 TITLE: Owner. This statement County Clerk on: April 04, 2022. it was filed in the office of the 12:00 pm on April 21st, 2022 OWNER(S) Wise Path Inc., A 2022067060 – in accordance with was filed with the LA County Clerk NOTICE county clerk, except, as a n d c l o s i n g o n o r a f t er California Corporation, 10750 The following person(s) is (are) subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a on: March 21, 2022. NOTICE – in FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Glenoaks Blvd. Ste. 3 Pacoima, provided in subdivision (b) of 12:00pm, May 5th, 2022. doing business as: A SURE HARFictitious Name statement generaccordance with subdivision (a) of STATEMENT FILE NO. CA 91331. State of Incorporation Section 17920, where it exVEST. 20006 Lanark St. Winally expires at the end of five Section 17920, a Fictitious Name 2022076856 or LLC: California. THIS BUSInetka, CA 91306. COUNTY: Los pires 40 days after any The Personal Goods Stored years from the date on which it statement generally expires at the The following person(s) is (are) NESS IS CONDUCTED BY a CorAngeles. REGISTERED filed in the office of the county end of five years from the date on was change in the facts set forth Therein by the Following May doing business as: AGELESS poration. The date registrant comOWNER(S) Gerald Babanezhad, clerk, except, as provided in subwhich it was filed in the office of in the statement pursuant to Include, but are not limited to: LOVE I. 20615 Mayall St. Chatsmenced to transact business un20006 Lanark St. Winnetka, CA division (b) of Section 17920, the county clerk, except, as worth, CA 91311, 15921 Sunburst Section 17913 other than a MISC. HOUSEHOLD der the fictitious business name or 91306. THIS BUSINESS IS CONwhere it expires 40 days after any provided in subdivision (b) of SecS t . N o r t h H i l l s , C A 9 1 3 4 3 . names listed above on: 02/2022. I change in the residence adGOODS, PERSONAL DUCTED BY an Individual. The change in the facts set forth in the tion 17920, where it expires 40 COUNTY: Los Angeles. REdeclare that all information in this dress of a registered owner. ITEMS, FURNITURE, date registrant commenced to statement pursuant to Section days after any change in the facts GISTERED OWNER(S) Ageless statement is true and correct. (A transact business under the fictia new Fictitious Business CLOTHING AND/OR BUSI17913 other than a change in the set forth in the statement pursuLove LLC, 15921 Sunburst St. registrant who declares as true tious business name or names lisresidence address of a registered ant to Section 17913 other than a Name statement must be NESS ITEMS/FIXTURES. North Hills, CA 91343. State of Inany material matter pursuant to ted above on: 03/2022. I declare owner. a new Fictitious Business change in the residence address filed before the expiration. corporation or LLC: California. Section 17913 of the Business that all information in this stateName statement must be filed beof a registered owner. a new FictiTHIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCThe filing of this statement PSA ALHAMBRA, 600 and Professions Code that the rement is true and correct. (A regisfore the expiration. The filing of tious Business Name statement TED BY a Corporation. The date gistrant know to be false is guilty does not of itself authorize SOUTH GARFIELD AVE. trant who declares as true any this statement does not of itself must be filed before the expiration. registrant commenced to transact of a misdemeanor punishable by a the use in this state of a fictiALHAMBRA, CA 91801 material matter pursuant to SecThe filing of this statement does authorize the use in this state of a business under the fictitious busifine not to exceed one thousand tion 17913 of the Business and tious business name in violafictitious business name in violanot of itself authorize the use in ness name or names listed above d o l l a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . Professions Code that the registion of the rights of another under this state of a fictitious business tion of the rights of another List customer names below. on: 04/2022. I declare that all inREGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: trant know to be false is guilty of a federal, state, or common law (see name in violation of the rights of under federal, state, or comformation in this statement is true Oganes Tebelekyan. TITLE: CEO, misdemeanor punishable by a fine Section 14411 et seq., Business another under federal, state, or and correct. (A registrant who demon law (see Section 14411 Hua Ji Corp or LLC Name: Wise Path not to exceed one thousand doland Professions code). Publish: common law (see Section 14411 clares as true any material matter Inc., A California Corporation. This et seq., Business and Profesl a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . et seq., Business and Professions Pasadena Weekly. Dates: pursuant to Section 17913 of the statement was filed with the LA sions code). Publish: PasSumiye Takeuchi REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: 04/21/22, 04/28/21, 05/05/22, code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Business and Professions Code County Clerk on: March 22, 2022. Gerald Babanezhad. TITLE: Own: a d e n a W e e k l y . D a t e s 05/12/22 Dates: 03/31/22, 04/07/22, that the registrant know to be false NOTICE – in accordance with er. This statement was filed with 04/14/22, 04/21/22 04/21/22, 04/28/22, 05/05/22, Charlie Tran is guilty of a misdemeanor punishsubdivision (a) of Section 17920, a the LA County Clerk on: March 29, 05/12/22 able by a fine not to exceed one Fictitious Name statement gener2022. NOTICE – in accordance thousand dollars ($1,000)). REPurchases Must Be Made in ally expires at the end of five with subdivision (a) of Section FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME GISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: years from the date on which it Cash and Paid at the time of 17920, a Fictitious Name stateFICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. Mariya Lim. TITLE: CEO, Corp or was filed in the office of the county Sale. All Goods are Sold as ment generally expires at the end S T A T E M E N T F I L E N O . 2022061844 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME LLC Name: Ageless Love LLC. clerk, except, as provided in subof five years from the date on is and must be Removed 2 0 2 2 0 8 0 0 8 3 The following person(s) is (are) S T A T E M E N T F I L E N O . This statement was filed with the division (b) of Section 17920, which it was filed in the office of The following person(s) is (are) within 24 Hours of the time of doing business as: ANDERSON 2022077505 LA County Clerk on: April 08, where it expires 40 days after any the county clerk, except, as doing business as: ALPINE LANDSCAPE AND GARDENING The following person(s) is (are) Purchase. PSA Self Storage2022. NOTICE – in accordance change in the facts set forth in the provided in subdivision (b) of SecTRANSMISSION. 9005 SepulSERVICES. 15127 Marlin Place doing business as: AGUILARS with subdivision (a) of Section Alhambra Reserves the Right statement pursuant to Section tion 17920, where it expires 40 veda Blvd., #8 North Hills, CA Van Nuys, CA 91405. COUNTY: MOVING. 12361 Carl St. Pa17920, a Fictitious Name state17913 other than a change in the to Retract Bids. Sale is Subdays after any change in the facts 91343. COUNTY: Los Angeles. Los Angeles. REGISTERED coima, CA 91331. COUNTY: Los ment generally expires at the end residence address of a registered ject to Adjournment. set forth in the statement pursuREGISTERED OWNER(S) Oscar OWNER(S) Yovani R. Lopez, A n g e l e s . R E G I S T E R E D of five years from the date on owner. a new Fictitious Business ant to Section 17913 other than a PUBLISHED: Pasadena Robles, 9005 Sepulveda Blvd., #8 15127 Marlin Place Van Nuys, CA OWNER(S) Sergio Aguilar, 12361 which it was filed in the office of Name statement must be filed bechange in the residence address North Hills, CA 91343. THIS Weekly 04/21/22, 04/28/22 91405. THIS BUSINESS IS CONCarl St. Pacoima, CA 91331. THIS the county clerk, except, as fore the expiration. The filing of of a registered owner. a new FictiBUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY DUCTED BY an Individual. The BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY provided in subdivision (b) of Secthis statement does not of itself tious Business Name statement an Individual. The date registrant date registrant commenced to an Individual. The date registrant tion 17920, where it expires 40 authorize the use in this state of a must be filed before the expiration. commenced to transact business transact business under the ficticommenced to transact business days after any change in the facts fictitious business name in violaThe filing of this statement does under the fictitious business name tious business name or names lisunder the fictitious business name set forth in the statement pursution of the rights of another under not of itself authorize the use in or names listed above on: ted above on: 03/2022. I declare or names listed above on: ant to Section 17913 other than a federal, state, or common law (see this state of a fictitious business 04/2022. I declare that all informathat all information in this state04/2022. I declare that all informachange in the residence address Section 14411 et seq., Business name in violation of the rights of tion in this statement is true and ment is true and correct. (A registion in this statement is true and of a registered owner. a new Fictiand Professions code). Publish: another under federal, state, or correct. (A registrant who detrant who declares as true any correct. (A registrant who detious Business Name statement Pasadena Weekly. Dates: common law (see Section 14411 clares as true any material matter material matter pursuant to Secclares as true any material matter must be filed before the expiration. 03/31/22, 04/07/22, 04/14/22, et seq., Business and Professions pursuant to Section 17913 of the tion 17913 of the Business and pursuant to Section 17913 of the The filing of this statement does 04/21/22 code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Business and Professions Code Professions Code that the regisBusiness and Professions Code not of itself authorize the use in Dates: 03/31/22, 04/07/22, that the registrant know to be false trant know to be false is guilty of a that the registrant know to be false this state of a fictitious business 04/14/22, 04/21/22 is guilty of a misdemeanor punishmisdemeanor punishable by a fine is guilty of a misdemeanor punishname in violation of the rights of able by a fine not to exceed one not to exceed one thousand dolable by a fine not to exceed one another under federal, state, or thousand dollars ($1,000)). REl a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . thousand dollars ($1,000)). REcommon law (see Section 14411 GISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: GISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: et seq., Business and Professions Oscar Robles. TITLE: Owner. This Yovani R. Lopez. TITLE: Owner. Sergio Aguilar. TITLE: Owner. code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. statement was filed with the LA This statement was filed with the This statement was filed with the Dates: 04/21/22, 04/28/22, County Clerk on: April 12, 2022. LA County Clerk on: March 21, LA County Clerk on: April 11, 05/05/22, 05/12/22 NOTICE – in accordance with 2022. NOTICE – in accordance 2022. NOTICE – in accordance subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a with subdivision (a) of Section with subdivision (a) of Section FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Fictitious Name statement gener17920, a Fictitious Name state17920, a Fictitious Name stateNAME STATEMENT FILE ally expires at the end of five ment generally expires at the end ment generally expires at the end years from the date on which it NO. 2022076851 of five years from the date on of five years from the date on was filed in the office of the county which it was filed in the office of which it was filed in the office of The following person(s) is clerk, except, as provided in subthe county clerk, except, as the county clerk, except, as (are) doing business as: division (b) of Section 17920, provided in subdivision (b) of Secprovided in subdivision (b) of SecAGELESS LOVE II. 1025 where it expires 40 days after any tion 17920, where it expires 40 tion 17920, where it expires 40 Cynthia Ave. Pasadena, CA change in the facts set forth in the days after any change in the facts days after any change in the facts 91107, 15921 Sunburst St. statement pursuant to Section set forth in the statement pursuset forth in the statement pursu17913 other than a change in the North Hills, CA 91343. ant to Section 17913 other than a ant to Section 17913 other than a residence address of a registered change in the residence address change in the residence address COUNTY: Los Angeles. REowner. a new Fictitious Business of a registered owner. a new Fictiof a registered owner. a new FictiGISTERED OWNER(S) AgeName statement must be filed betious Business Name statement tious Business Name statement less Love LLC, 15921 Sunfore the expiration. The filing of must be filed before the expiration. must be filed before the expiration. burst St. North Hills, CA this statement does not of itself The filing of this statement does The filing of this statement does 91343. State of Incorporaauthorize the use in this state of a not of itself authorize the use in not of itself authorize the use in fictitious business name in violation or LLC: California. THIS this state of a fictitious business this state of a fictitious business tion of the rights of another under name in violation of the rights of name in violation of the rights of BUSINESS IS CONDUCfederal, state, or common law (see another under federal, state, or another under federal, state, or TED BY a Limited Liability Section 14411 et seq., Business common law (see Section 14411 common law (see Section 14411 Company. The date regisand Professions code). Publish: et seq., Business and Professions et seq., Business and Professions trant commenced to transact Pasadena Weekly. Dates: code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. business under the fictitious 04/21/22, 04/28/21, 05/05/22, Dates: 03/31/22, 04/07/22, Dates: 04/21/22, 04/28/21, 05/12/22 business name or names lis04/14/22, 04/21/22 05/05/22, 05/12/22
ing Units at the two sites listed below: Auction to Be Conducted through Online Auction Services of WWW.LOCKERFOX.COM, with bids opening on or after 12:00 pm on April 21st, 2022 and closing on or after 12:00pm, May 5th, 2022.
Pasadena Weekly Legal Notices
Legal Notices Deadline: Monday at 11am for Thursday's edition.
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16 PASADENA WEEKLY | 04.21.22
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ted above on: 04/2022. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant know to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars
4/19/22 3:18 PM