Pasadena Weekly 07.14.22

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STATEMENT FILE NO. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: DTLA NEWS, Pasadena, CA 91101. COUNTY: declare that all information in this trant know to be false is guilty of a 2022125330 doing business as: INDEPENDDOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES Los Angeles. Articles of Incorporastatement is true and correct. (A misdemeanor punishable by a fine The following person(s) is (are) ENT RESEARCH BOOKSHOP. NEWS. 1620 W. Fountainhead tion or Organization Number: registrant who declares as true not to exceed one thousand doldoing business as: KENSHIN 824 Mountain View St Altadena, Parkway Suite 219 Tempe, AZ 202250917207. REGISTERED any material matter pursuant to l a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . MILLER. 4045 E. 3rd Street #205 CA 91001. COUNTY: Los 85282, 1900 W. Broadway Road OWNER(S) Advanced Nutrition Section 17913 of the Business REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: Long Beach, CA 90814. Angeles. REGISTERED Tempe, AZ 85282. COUNTY: and Emotional Wellness, LLC, 790 and Professions Code that the reDiego Diloretto. TITLE: President, COUNTY: Los Angeles. REOWNER(S) Elisabeth N Spilman, Maricopa. REGISTERED OWNE Colorado Blvd Suite 900, Pasgistrant know to be false is guilty Corp or LLC Name: City Ride Car GISTERED OWNER(S) Dr. Lori 824 Mountain View St, Altadena, ER(S) Strickbine Publishing, Inc., adena, CA 91101. State of Incorof a misdemeanor punishable by a Rental. This statement was filed Miller, 4045 E. 3rd Street, #205 CA 91001. THIS BUSINESS IS 1620 W. Fountainhead Parkway, poration or LLC: California. THIS fine not to exceed one thousand with the LA County Clerk on: June Long Beach, CA 90814. THIS CONDUCTED BY an Individual. Tempe, AZ 85282. State of IncorBUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY d o l l a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . 28, 2022. NOTICE – in accordBUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY The date registrant commenced to poration or LLC: AZ. THIS BUSIa Limited Liability Company. The REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: ance with subdivision (a) of Secan Individual. The date registrant transact business under the fictiNESS IS CONDUCTED BY a Cordate registrant commenced to Jonny Ray Johnson II. TITLE: tion 17920, a Fictitious Name commenced to transact business tious business name or names lisporation. The date registrant comtransact business under the fictiOwner. This statement was filed statement generally expires at the under the fictitious business name ted above on: N/A. I declare that menced to transact business untious business name or names liswith the LA County Clerk on: June end of five years from the date on or names listed above on: N/A. I all information in this statement is der the fictitious business name or ted above on: N/A. I declare that 24, 2022. NOTICE – in accordwhich it was filed in the office of declare that all information in this true and correct. (A registrant who names listed above on: N/A. I deall information in this statement is ance with subdivision (a) of Secthe county clerk, except, as statement is true and correct. (A declares as true any material matclare that all information in this true and correct. (A registrant who tion 17920, a Fictitious Name provided in subdivision (b) of Secregistrant who declares as true ter pursuant to Section 17913 of statement is true and correct. (A declares as true any material matstatement generally expires at the tion 17920, where it expires 40 any material matter pursuant to the Business and Professions registrant who declares as true ter pursuant to Section 17913 of end of five years from the date on days after any change in the facts Section 17913 of the Business Code that the registrant know to any material matter pursuant to the Business and Professions which it was filed in the office of set forth in the statement pursuand Professions Code that the rebe false is guilty of a misdemeanSection 17913 of the Business Code that the registrant know to the county clerk, except, as ant to Section 17913 other than a gistrant know to be false is guilty or punishable by a fine not to exand Professions Code that the rebe false is guilty of a misdemeanprovided in subdivision (b) of Secchange in the residence address of a misdemeanor punishable by a ceed one thousand dollars of a registered owner. a new Fictigistrant know to be false is guilty or punishable by a fine not to extion 17920, where it expires 40 fine not to exceed one thousand ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . tious Business Name statement of a misdemeanor punishable by a ceed one thousand dollars days after any change in the facts d o l l a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: must be filed before the expiration. fine not to exceed one thousand ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . set forth in the statement pursuREGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: Elisabeth N Spilman. TITLE: OwnThe filing of this statement does d o l l a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: ant to Section 17913 other than a OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday,not9am-5pm Dr. Lori Miller. TITLE: Owner. This er. This statement was filed with of itself authorize the use in REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: Alberto Tovar. TITLE: Manager, change in the residence address statement was filed with the LA the LA County Clerk on: June 10, of a registered owner. a new Fictithis state of a fictitious business Nadine Johnson. TITLE: TreasCorp or LLC Name: Advanced NuADDRESS: PO Box 1349 County Clerk on: June 09, 2022. 2022. NOTICE – in accordance tious Business Name statement name in violation of the rights of urer, Corp or LLC Name: Stricktrition and Emotional Wellness, | Classifieds/Legals: Contact Ann was 626-584-8747 or | Deadline: Monday for Thursday South Pasadena, CA 91031 NOTICE – in accordance with with subdivision (a) of Section must be filed before the expiration. another federal, state, or bine11am Publishing, Inc. This stateLLC. This statement filed with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a 17920, a Fictitious Name stateThe filing of this statement does common law (see Section 14411 ment was filed with the LA County the LA County Clerk on: June 16, Fictitious Name statement generment generally expires at the end not of itself authorize the use in et seq., Business and Professions Clerk on: June 22, 2022. NOTICE 2022. NOTICE – in accordance ally expires at the end of five of five years from the date on this state of a fictitious business code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. – in accordance with subdivision with subdivision (a) of Section Fic. Business Name which it was filed in the office of years from the date on which it name in violation of the rights of Dates: 07/07/22, 07/14/22, (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious 17920, a Fictitious Name statewas filed in the office of the county the county clerk, except, as another under federal, state, or 07/21/22, 07/28/22 Name statement generally exment generally expires at the end FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME clerk, except, as provided in subprovided in subdivision (b) of Seccommon law (see Section 14411 of five years from the date on pires at the end of five years from STATEMENT FILE NO. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME division (b) of Section 17920, tion 17920, where it expires 40 et seq., Business and Professions which it was filed in the office of the date on which it was filed in 2022142122 STATEMENT FILE NO. where it expires 40 days after any days after any change in the facts code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. the county clerk, except, as the office of the county clerk, exThe following person(s) is (are) 2022146704 change in the facts set forth in the set forth in the statement pursuDates: 07/07/22, 07/14/22, provided in subdivision (b) of Seccept, as provided in subdivision doing business as: CENTRAL ENThe following person(s) is (are) ant to Section 17913 other than a statement pursuant to Section tion 17920, where it expires 40 07/21/22, 07/28/22 (b) of Section 17920, where it exTREPRENEURS. 10009 Gaviota doing business as: DIVINE change in the residence address 17913 other than a change in the days after any change in the facts pires 40 days after any change in Avenue North Hills, CA 91343. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME BEAUTY TOUCH. 4931 Paraof a registered owner. a new Fictiresidence address of a registered set forth in the statement pursuthe facts set forth in the statement COUNTY: Los Angeles. RESTATEMENT FILE NO. mount Blvd Lakewood, CA 90712. tious Business Name statement owner. a new Fictitious Business pursuant to Section 17913 other ant to Section 17913 other than a GISTERED OWNER(S) Veronica COUNTY: Los Angeles. Articles of 2022133527 must be filed before the expiration. Name statement must be filed bechange in the residence address than a change in the residence Bazan, 10009 Gaviota Ave, North The following person(s) is (are) Incorporation or Organization The filing of this statement does fore the expiration. The filing of of a registered owner. a new Fictiaddress of a registered owner. a Hills, CA 91343. THIS BUSINESS Number: 5045608. REGISTERED doing business as: LOS this statement does not of itself not of itself authorize the use in tious Business Name statement new Fictitious Business Name IS CONDUCTED BY an IndividuOWNER(S) Empress Vibes Inc, ANGELES DOWNTOWN NEWS, authorize the use in this state of a this state of a fictitious business must be filed before the expiration. statement must be filed before the al. The date registrant com608 W Caldwell St, Compton, CA DOWNTOWN LA NEWS, LA name in violation of the rights of fictitious business name in violaThe filing of this statement does expiration. The filing of this statemenced to transact business unDOWNTOWN NEWS, PAS90220. State of Incorporation or another under federal, state, or tion of the rights of another under ment does not of itself authorize not of itself authorize the use in der the fictitious business name or ADENA WEEKLY, ARROYO LLC: California. THIS BUSINESS common law (see Section 14411 federal, state, or common law (see the use in this state of a fictitious this state of a fictitious business names listed above on: 06/2022. I MONTHLY, THE ARGONAUT, IS CONDUCTED BY a Corporaet seq., Business and Professions Section 14411 et seq., Business business name in violation of the name in violation of the rights of declare that all information in this PLAYA VISTA DIRECT, LIFE tion. The date registrant comand Professions code). Publish: code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. another under federal, state, or rights of another under federal, statement is true and correct. (A AFTER 50. 1620 W. Fountainmenced to transact business unPasadena Weekly. Dates: Dates: 06/23/22, 06/30/22, common law (see Section 14411 state, or common law (see Secregistrant who declares as true head Parkway Suite 219 Tempe, der the fictitious business name or 06/23/22, 06/30/22, 07/07/22, 07/07/22, 07/14/22 et seq., Business and Professions tion 14411 et seq., Business and any material matter pursuant to AZ 85282, 1900 W. Broadway names listed above on: N/A. I de07/14/22 code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. Professions code). Publish: PasSection 17913 of the Business FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME clare that all information in this Road Tempe, AZ 85282. Dates: 06/23/22, 06/30/22, adena Weekly. Dates: 06/23/22, and Professions Code that the reSTATEMENT FILE NO. statement is true and correct. (A COUNTY: Maricopa. REFICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 07/07/22, 07/14/22 06/30/22, 07/07/22, 07/14/22 gistrant know to be false is guilty 2022131383 GISTERED OWNER(S) Strickregistrant who declares as true STATEMENT FILE NO. of a misdemeanor punishable by a The following person(s) is (are) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME any material matter pursuant to bine Publishing, Inc., 1620 W. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 2022129521 fine not to exceed one thousand doing business as: AURORA STATEMENT FILE NO. Section 17913 of the Business Fountainhead Parkway Suite 219, STATEMENT FILE NO. The following person(s) is (are) ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . d o l l a r s ELECTROLYSIS. 1041 E Green 2022130340 and Professions Code that the reTempe, AZ 85282. State of Incor2022128793 doing business as: UNIVERSAL REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: St Ste 207 Pasadena, CA 91106. The following person(s) is (are) gistrant know to be false is guilty poration or LLC: AZ. THIS BUSIThe following person(s) is (are) COIN GALLERIES. 1190 E. WalLaura Bazan. TITLE: Owner. This COUNTY: Los Angeles. REdoing business as: JIU JITSU ISNESS IS CONDUCTED BY a Corof a misdemeanor punishable by a doing business as: TERRACINA nut Street Pasadena, CA 91106. statement was filed with the LA GISTERED OWNER(S) Mason M LAND COMPANY. 2852 El Camporation. The date registrant comfine not to exceed one thousand AT LANCASTER. 1752 East AvCOUNTY: Los Angeles. RECounty Clerk on: June 27, 2022. Lai, 1041 E Green St Ste 207 inito St La Crescenta, CA 91214. menced to transact business und o l l a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . enue J-4 Lancaster, CA 93535, GISTERED OWNER(S) Robert E. NOTICE – in accordance with Pasadena, CA 91106. THIS BUSICOUNTY: Los Angeles. REder the fictitious business name or REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: 3200 Douglas Blvd. Suite 200 RoDague, 1190 E. Walnut Street subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a NESS IS CONDUCTED BY an InGISTERED OWNER(S) Matthew names listed above on: N/A. I deChristina Irene Loza. TITLE: Presseville, CA 95661. COUNTY: Los Pasadena, CA 91106. THIS BUSIFictitious Name statement generdividual. The date registrant comEmery, 2852 El Caminito St, La ident, Corp or LLC Name: clare that all information in this Angeles. REGISTERED NESS IS CONDUCTED BY an Inally expires at the end of five menced to transact business unCrescenta, CA 91214. THIS BUSIstatement is true and correct. (A Empress Vibes Inc. This stateOWNER(S) USA Lancaster 690, dividual. The date registrant comyears from the date on which it der the fictitious business name or NESS IS CONDUCTED BY an Inment was filed with the LA County registrant who declares as true Inc., GP of Lancaster 690, LP, menced to transact business unwas filed in the office of the county names listed above on: 02/2021. I dividual. The date registrant comClerk on: July 01, 2022. NOTICE any material matter pursuant to 3200 Douglas Blvd., Suite200 Roder the fictitious business name or clerk, except, as provided in subdeclare that all information in this menced to transact business unSection 17913 of the Business – in accordance with subdivision seville, CA 95661, RIVERSIDE names listed above on: 04/1992. I division (b) of Section 17920, statement is true and correct. (A der the fictitious business name or (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious and Professions Code that the reCHARITABLE CORPORATION, declare that all information in this where it expires 40 days after any registrant who declares as true names listed above on: 06/2022. I Name statement generally exgistrant know to be false is guilty GP of Lancaster 690, LP, 14131 statement is true and correct. (A change in the facts set forth in the any material matter pursuant to declare that all information in this of a misdemeanor punishable by a pires at the end of five years from Yorba Street, Ste 200 Tustin, CA registrant who declares as true statement pursuant to Section Section 17913 of the Business statement is true and correct. (A fine not to exceed one thousand the date on which it was filed in 92780. State of Incorporation or any material matter pursuant to 17913 other than a change in the and Professions Code that the reregistrant who declares as true d o l l a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . the office of the county clerk, exLLC: California. THIS BUSINESS Section 17913 of the Business residence address of a registered know to be false is guilty gistrant any material matter pursuant to REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: cept, as provided in subdivision IS CONDUCTED BY a Limited and Professions Code that the reowner. a new Fictitious Business of a misdemeanor punishable by a Section 17913 of the Business Nadine Johnson. TITLE: Treas(b) of Section 17920, where it exPartnership. The date registrant gistrant know to be false is guilty Name statement must be filed befine not to exceed one thousand and Professions Code that the repires 40 days after any change in urer, Corp or LLC Name: Strickcommenced to transact business of a misdemeanor punishable by a fore the expiration. The filing of ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . d o l l a r s gistrant know to be false is guilty the facts set forth in the statement bine Publishing, Inc. This stateunder the fictitious business name fine not to exceed one thousand this statement does not of itself REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: of a misdemeanor punishable by a ment was filed with the LA County pursuant to Section 17913 other or names listed above on: ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . d o l l a r s authorize the use in this state of a Mason M Lai. TITLE: Owner. This fine not to exceed one thousand than a change in the residence Clerk on: June 17, 2022. NOTICE 10/2019. I declare that all informaREGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: fictitious business name in violastatement was filed with the LA d o l l a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . address of a registered owner. a – in accordance with subdivision tion in this statement is true and Robert E. Dague. TITLE: Owner. tion of the rights of another under County Clerk on: June 16, 2022. REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: new Fictitious Business Name (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious correct. (A registrant who deThis statement was filed with the federal, state, or common law (see NOTICE – in accordance with Matthew Emery. TITLE: Owner. statement must be filed before the Name statement generally exclares as true any material matter LA County Clerk on: June 14, Section 14411 et seq., Business subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a This statement was filed with the expiration. The filing of this statepires at the end of five years from pursuant to Section 17913 of the 2022. NOTICE – in accordance and Professions code). Publish: Fictitious Name statement generLA County Clerk on: June 15, ment does not of itself authorize the date on which it was filed in Business and Professions Code with subdivision (a) of Section Pasadena Weekly. Dates: ally expires at the end of five 2022. NOTICE – in accordance the use in this state of a fictitious the office of the county clerk, exthat the registrant know to be false 17920, a Fictitious Name state07/07/22, 07/14/22, 07/21/22, years from the date on which it with subdivision (a) of Section business name in violation of the cept, as provided in subdivision is guilty of a misdemeanor punishment generally expires at the end 07/28/22 filed in the office of the county was 17920, a Fictitious Name state(b) of Section 17920, where it exrights of another under federal, able by a fine not to exceed one of five years from the date on clerk, except, as provided in subment generally expires at the end pires 40 days after any change in state, or common law (see Secthousand dollars ($1,000)). REwhich it was filed in the office of division (b) of Section 17920, of five years from the date on the facts set forth in the statement tion 14411 et seq., Business and GISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: the county clerk, except, as FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME where it expires 40 days after any which it was filed in the office of pursuant to Section 17913 other Professions code). Publish: PasJonathan Harmer, General Partprovided in subdivision (b) of SecSTATEMENT FILE NO. change in the facts set forth in the the county clerk, except, as than a change in the residence adena Weekly. Dates: 07/14/22, ner. TITLE: General Partner, Corp tion 17920, where it expires 40 2022143168 statement pursuant to Section provided in subdivision (b) of Secaddress of a registered owner. a 07/21/22, 07/28/22, 08/04/22 or LLC Name: USA Lancaster days after any change in the facts The following person(s) is (are) 17913 other than a change in the tion 17920, where it expires 40 new Fictitious Business Name 690, Inc., GP of Lancaster 690, set forth in the statement pursudoing business as: CITY RIDE residence address of a registered days after any change in the facts statement must be filed before the LP,. This statement was filed with ant to Section 17913 other than a FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME CAR RENTAL. 20200 Saticoy St owner. a new Fictitious Business set forth in the statement pursuexpiration. The filing of this statethe LA County Clerk on: June 14, change in the residence address STATEMENT FILE NO. Suite E Winnetka, CA 91306. statement must be filed beName ant to Section 17913 other than a ment does not of itself authorize 2022. NOTICE – in accordance a registered owner. a new Fictiof COUNTY: Los Angeles. RE2022140441 fore the expiration. The filing of change in the residence address the use in this state of a fictitious with subdivision (a) of Section tious Business Name statement GISTERED OWNER(S) City Ride The following person(s) is (are) this statement does not of itself of a registered owner. a new Fictibusiness name in violation of the 17920, a Fictitious Name statemust be filed before the expiration. Car Rental, 20200 Saticoy St, doing business as: DOMINICAN authorize the use in this state of a tious Business Name statement rights of another under federal, ment generally expires at the end The filing of this statement does Suite E Winnetka, CA 91306. BARBERSHOP, BARBERIA fictitious business name in violamust be filed before the expiration. state, or common law (see Secof five years from the date on not of itself authorize the use in State of Incorporation or LLC: DOMINICANA. 201 N Westmoretion of the rights of another under The filing of this statement does tion 14411 et seq., Business and which it was filed in the office of this state of a fictitious business California. THIS BUSINESS IS land Ave #123 Los Angeles, CA federal, state, or common law (see not of itself authorize the use in Professions code). Publish: Pasthe county clerk, except, as name in violation of the rights of CONDUCTED BY a Corporation. 90004, 327 Chester Ave Apt #H Section 14411 et seq., Business this state of a fictitious business adena Weekly. Dates: 06/23/22, provided in subdivision (b) of Secanother under federal, state, or Glendale, CA 91203. COUNTY: The date registrant commenced to and Professions code). Publish: name in violation of the rights of 06/30/22, 07/07/22, 07/14/22 tion 17920, where it expires 40 common law (see Section 14411 Los Angeles. REGISTERED transact business under the fictiPasadena Weekly. Dates: another under federal, state, or days after any change in the facts et seq., Business and Professions OWNER(S) Jonny Ray Johnson II, tious business name or names lis06/23/22, 06/30/22, 07/07/22, common law (see Section 14411 set forth in the statement pursucode). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 327 Chester Ave Apt #H, Glendted above on: 06/2022. I declare 07/14/22 et seq., Business and Professions ant to Section 17913 other than a Dates: 06/23/22, 06/30/22, STATEMENT FILE NO. ale, CA 91203. THIS BUSINESS that all information in this statecode). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. change in the residence address 07/07/22, 07/14/22 2022131728 ment is true and correct. (A regisIS CONDUCTED BY an IndividuD a t e s : 0 6 / 2 3 / 2 2 , 0 6 / 3 0 / 2 2 , of a registered owner. a new FictiFICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME The following person(s) is (are) trant who declares as true any al. The date registrant com07/07/22, 07/14/22 tious Business Name statement FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. doing business as: A.N.E.W. 790 material matter pursuant to Secmenced to transact business unmust be filed before the expiration. STATEMENT FILE NO. E Colorado Blvd, Suite 900 c/o Dr 2022134502 tion 17913 of the Business and der the fictitious business name or The filing of this statement does FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 2022127177 Supatra Tovar and Associates, The following person(s) is (are) Professions Code that the regisnames listed above on: 01/2013. I not of itself authorize the use in STATEMENT FILE NO. The following person(s) is (are) Pasadena, CA 91101. COUNTY: doing business as: DTLA NEWS, trant know to be false is guilty of a declare that all information in this this state of a fictitious business doing business as: INDEPEND2022125330 Los Angeles. Articles of IncorporaDOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES misdemeanor punishable by a fine statement is true and correct. (A name in violation of the rights of The following person(s) is (are) ENT RESEARCH BOOKSHOP. tion or Organization Number: NEWS. 1620 W. Fountainhead registrant who declares as true not to exceed one thousand dolanother under federal, state, or 824 Mountain View St Altadena, doing business as: KENSHIN 202250917207. REGISTERED Parkway Suite 219 Tempe, AZ any material matter pursuant to l a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . common law (see Section 14411 CA 91001. COUNTY: Los MILLER. 4045 E. 3rd Street #205 OWNER(S) Advanced Nutrition 85282, 1900 W. Broadway Road Section 17913 of the Business REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: et seq., Business and Professions Angeles. REGISTERED Long Beach, CA 90814. and Emotional Wellness, LLC, 790 Tempe, AZ 85282. COUNTY: and Professions Code that the reDiego Diloretto. TITLE: President, code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. OWNER(S) Elisabeth N Spilman, COUNTY: Los Angeles. REMaricopa. REGISTERED OWNE Colorado Blvd Suite 900, Pasgistrant know to be false is guilty Corp or LLC Name: City Ride Car Dates: 06/23/22, 06/30/22, 824 Mountain View St, Altadena, GISTERED OWNER(S) Dr. Lori ER(S) Strickbine Publishing, Inc., adena, CA 91101. State of Incorof a misdemeanor punishable by a Rental. This statement was filed 07/07/22, 07/14/22 CA 91001. THIS BUSINESS IS Miller, 4045 E. 3rd Street, #205 1620 W. Fountainhead Parkway, poration or LLC: California. THIS with the LA County Clerk on: June fine not to exceed one thousand CONDUCTED BY an Individual. Long Beach, CA 90814. THIS Tempe, AZ 85282. State of IncorBUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY 28, 2022. NOTICE – in accord( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . d o l l a r s BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY The date registrant commenced to FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME a Limited Liability Company. The poration or LLC: AZ. THIS BUSIance with subdivision (a) of SecREGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: an Individual. The date registrant transact business under the fictiSTATEMENT FILE NO. date registrant commenced to NESS IS CONDUCTED BY a Cortion 17920, a Fictitious Name Jonny Ray Johnson II. TITLE: commenced to transact business tious business name or names lis2022121118 transact business under the fictiporation. The date registrant comstatement generally expires at the Owner. This statement was filed ted above on: N/A. I declare that under the fictitious business name The following person(s) is (are) tious business name or names lismenced to transact business unend of five years from the date on with the LA County Clerk on: June all information in this statement is or names listed above on: N/A. I doing business as: LICHIKUSted above on: N/A. I declare that der the fictitious business name or 24, 2022. NOTICE – in accordwhich it was filed in the office of true and correct. (A registrant who declare that all information in this TOMZ. 13551 Gain St Pacoima, all information in this statement is names listed above on: N/A. I deance with subdivision (a) of Secthe county clerk, except, as declares as true any material matstatement is true and correct. (A CA 91331. COUNTY: Los true and correct. (A registrant who clare that all information in this tion 17920, a Fictitious Name provided in subdivision (b) of Secter pursuant to Section 17913 of registrant who declares as true Angeles. REGISTERED declares as true any material matstatement is true and correct. (A statement generally expires at the tion 17920, where it expires 40 the Business and Professions any material matter pursuant to OWNER(S) Luis Avalos, 13551 ter pursuant to Section 17913 of registrant who declares as true end of five years from the date on days after any change in the facts Code that the registrant know to Section 17913 of the Business Gain St, Pacoima, CA 91331, the Business and Professions any material matter pursuant to which it was filed in the office of set forth in the statement pursube false is guilty of a misdemeanand Professions Code that the reCindy Leiva, 5203 Live Oaks St Section 17913 of the Business Code that the registrant know to ant to Section 17913 other than a the county clerk, except, as or punishable by a fine not to exgistrant know to be false is guilty Apt 112, Bell Gardens, CA 90201. and Professions Code that the rebe false is guilty of a misdemeanchange in the residence address provided in subdivision (b) of Secceed one thousand dollars of a misdemeanor punishable by a of a registered owner. a new FictiTHIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCgistrant know to be false is guilty or punishable by a fine not to extion 17920, where it expires 40 fine not to exceed one thousand ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . tious Business Name statement TED BY a General Partnership. ceed one thousand dollars of a misdemeanor punishable by a days after any change in the facts ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . d o l l a r s REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: must be filed before the expiration. The date registrant commenced to ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . fine not to exceed one thousand set forth in the statement pursuREGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: Elisabeth N Spilman. TITLE: OwnThe filing of this statement does transact business under the ficti( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: d o l l a r s ant to Section 17913 other than a er. This statement was filed with Dr. Lori Miller. TITLE: Owner. This not of itself authorize the use in tious business name or names lisAlberto Tovar. TITLE: Manager, REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: change in the residence address the LA County Clerk on: June 10, statement was filed with the LA of a registered owner. a new Fictithis state of a fictitious business ted above on: 01/2022. I declare Corp or LLC Name: Advanced NuNadine Johnson. TITLE: Treas2022. NOTICE – in accordance County Clerk on: June 09, 2022. name in violation of the rights of tious Business Name statement that all information in this statetrition and Emotional Wellness, urer, Corp or LLC Name: Strickwith subdivision (a) of Section NOTICE – in accordance with another under federal, state, or must be filed before the expiration. ment is true and correct. (A regisLLC. This statement was filed with bine Publishing, Inc. This statesubdivision (a) of Section 17920, a 17920, a Fictitious Name stateThe filing of this statement does common law (see Section 14411 trant who declares as true any the LA County Clerk on: June 16, ment was filed with the LA County Fictitious Name statement generment generally expires at the end not of itself authorize the use in et seq., Business and Professions material matter pursuant to Sec2022. NOTICE – in accordance Clerk on: June 22, 2022. NOTICE ally expires at the end of five of five years from the date on this state of a fictitious business code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. tion 17913 of the Business and with subdivision (a) of Section – in accordance with subdivision years from the date on which it which it was filed in the office of name in violation of the rights of Dates: 07/07/22, 07/14/22, Professions Code that the regis17920, a Fictitious Name state(a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious was filed in the office of the county the county clerk, except, as another under federal, state, or 07/21/22, 07/28/22 trant know to be false is guilty of a ment generally expires at the end Name statement generally exclerk, except, as provided in subprovided in subdivision (b) of Seccommon law (see Section 14411 misdemeanor punishable by a fine of five years from the date on pires at the end of five years from 16 PASADENA WEEKLY | 07.14.22 division (b) of Section 17920, tion 17920, where it expires 40 et seq., Business and Professions not to exceed one thousand dolwhich it was filed in the office of the date on which it was filed in where it expires 40 days after any days after any change in the facts code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. l a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . the county clerk, except, as the office of the county clerk, exchange in the facts set forth in the set forth in the statement pursuDates: 07/07/22, 07/14/22, REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: provided in subdivision (b) of Seccept, as provided in subdivision statement pursuant to Section ant to Section 17913 other than a tion 17920, where it expires 40 07/21/22, 07/28/22 Luis Avalos. TITLE: General Part(b) of Section 17920, where it ex17913 other than a change in the change in the residence address days after any change in the facts ner. This statement was filed with pires 40 days after any change in residence address of a registered of a registered owner. a new Fictiset forth in the statement pursuthe LA County Clerk on: June 03, the facts set forth in the statement owner. a new Fictitious Business tious Business Name statement ant to Section 17913 other than a pursuant to Section 17913 other 2022. NOTICE – in accordance must be filed before the expiration. Name statement must be filed bechange in the residence address than a change in the residence with subdivision (a) of Section The filing of this statement does fore the expiration. The filing of of a registered owner. a new Fictiaddress of a registered owner. a 17920, a Fictitious Name statethis statement does not of itself not of itself authorize the use in tious Business Name statement new Fictitious Business Name ment generally expires at the end PW-Class.indd 16 7/12/22 4:08 PM authorize the use in this state of a this state of a fictitious business must be filed before the expiration. statement must be filed before the of five years from the date on

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