STORAGE PASADENA, 234 N. ALLEN AVE PASADENA CA 91106, County Of Los Angeles, State Of California, Above Address Will Sell, To Satisfy Lien Of The Owner, At Public Sale. Auction to Be Conducted Through Online Auction Services of WWW.LOCKERFOX.COM, with bids opening on Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 @ 12:00 pm ending on Thursday, December 9th, 2021 at 12:00 p.m.
(are) doing business as: ALL STAR SERVICES. 8902 Bachry Pl. Sunland, CA 91040. COUNTY: Los Angeles. REGISTERED OWNER(S) Robert Messersmith, Maria FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Messersmith, 8902 Bachry NAME STATEMENT FILE Pl. Sunland, CA 91040. State NO. 2021240308 of Incorporation or LLC: CaliThe following person(s) is fornia. THIS BUSINESS IS (are) doing business as: ADCONDUCTED BY a Married VANCED RESTORATION & Couple. The date registrant CONSTRUCTION. 1530 commenced to transact busiPoinsettia Pl., #345 Los ness under the fictitious busiAngeles, CA 90046. ness name or names listed COUNTY: Los Angeles. REabove on: 10/2021. I declare The Personal Goods Stored GISTERED OWNER(S) TS that all information in this FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Therein by the Following May Home Development, 1530 statement is true and correct. STATEMENT FILE NO. Include, but are not limited to: Poinsettia Pl., #345 Los (A registrant who declares as 2021246883 MISC. HOUSEHOLD Angeles, CA 90046. State of true any material matter purThe following person(s) is (are) GOODS, PERSONAL Incorporation or LLC: Califorsuant to Section 17913 of the doing business as: BURGER KING NO. 16563. 9909 Topanga ITEMS, FURNITURE, nia. THIS BUSINESS IS Business and Professions Blvd., Unit 188 Chatsworth, CA OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday,CLOTHING 9am-5pm AND/OR BUSI- CONDUCTED BY a CorporaFICTITIOUS BUSINESS Code that the registrant know 91311. COUNTY: Los Angeles. NESS ITEMS ETC… NAME STATEMENT FILE tion. The date registrant comto be false is guilty of a misADDRESS: PO Box 1349 REGISTERED OWNER(S) AV NO. 2021236716 menced to transact business demeanor punishable by a Management L Inc., 9909 | Classifieds/Legals: Contact Ann 626-584-8747 or | 10th Deadline: Monday 11am for Thursday South Pasadena, CA 91031 List Customer names below: The following person(s) is under the fictitious business fine not to exceed one thoupanga Blvd., Unit 188 Chatsworth, (are) doing business as: name or names listed above sand dollars ($1,000)). RECA 91311. State of Incorporation or LLC: California. THIS BUSIBecerra, Roy CALL ME PRETTY. 8834 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS on: 10/2021. I declare that all GISTRANT/CORP/LLC NESS IS CONDUCTED BY a CorGarcia, Danise R e s e d a B l v d . , U n i t 2 31 NAME STATEMENT FILE information in this statement NAME: Robert Messersmith. poration. The date registrant comLien Sales Myles, Nicole Northridge, CA 91324. NO. 2021229343 is true and correct. (A regisTITLE: Owner. This statemenced to transact business unParadise, Lee COUNTY: Los Angeles. REThe following person(s) is trant who declares as true ment was filed with the LA der the fictitious business name or GISTERED OWNER(S) (are) doing business as: any material matter pursuant County Clerk on: October 22, names listed above on: N/A. I deNOTICE OF SALE OF The following customers Sarah Sutakajana, SyuzALKALINE COFFEE SHOP. to Section 17913 of the Busi2021. NOTICE – in accordclare that all information in this ABANDONED PROPERTY statement is true and correct. (A could be in the December anna Rashoyan, Sebo Bag22220 James Alan Circle #6 ness and Professions Code ance with subdivision (a) of registrant who declares as true 2021 Auction as of this Nohoomian, 8834 Reseda Blvd., Chatsworth, CA 91311. that the registrant know to be Section 17920, a Fictitious Notice Is Hereby Given That any material matter pursuant to tice of Sale 231 Northridge, CA Unit COUNTY: Los Angeles. REfalse is guilty of a misdeName statement generally Pursuant To Sections 21700Section 17913 of the Business 91324. State of IncorporaGISTERED OWNER(S) meanor punishable by a fine expires at the end of five and Professions Code that the re21716 Of The Business And Purchases Must Be Made in tion or LLC: California. THIS Steven Ariel Guzman, 22220 not to exceed one thousand years from the date on which gistrant know to be false is guilty Professions Code, Section Cash and Paid at the time of James Alan Circle #6 Chatsdollars ($1,000)). REGISBUSINESS IS CONDUCit was filed in the office of the of a misdemeanor punishable by a 2328 Of The UCC, Section fine not to exceed one thousand Sale. All Goods are Sold as worth, CA 91311. State of InTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: TED BY a General Partnercounty clerk, except, as 535 Of The Penal Code And d o l l a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . is and must be Removed corporation or LLC: CaliforTal Shitrit. TITLE: President, ship The date registrant comprovided in subdivision (b) of Provisions Of The Civil Code, NAME: REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC within 72 Hours of the time of nia. THIS BUSINESS IS C o r p o r L L C N a m e : TS menced to transact business Section 17920, where it exPSA SELF STORAGE 600 Jay Shin. TITLE: President, Corp Purchase. Allen Ave Self CONDUCTED BY an IndiHome Development. This under the fictitious business pires 40 days after any or LLC Name: AV Management SOUTH GARFIELD AVE. Storage-Pasadena Reserves statement was filed with the name or names listed above vidual. The date registrant change in the facts set forth 10th L Inc.. This statement was ALHAMBRA 91801 County the Right to Retract Bids. LA County Clerk on: Novemon: 10/2021. I declare that all commenced to transact busiin the statement pursuant to filed with the LA County Clerk on: Of Los Angeles, State Of November 09, 2021. NOTICE – in is Subject to AdjournSale ber 02, 2021. NOTICE – in information in this statement ness under the fictitious busiSection 17913 other than a California Will Sell By Comaccordance with subdivision (a) of ment. accordance with subdivision is true and correct. (A regisness name or names listed change in the residence adpetitive Bidding The Follow17920, a Fictitious Name Section (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitrant who declares as true above on: 10/2021. I declare dress of a registered owner. ing Units at the two sites lisstatement generally expires at the PUBLISHED: Pasadena tious Name statement generany material matter pursuant that all information in this a new Fictitious Business end of five years from the date on ted below: Auction to Be Weekly 11/25/21, 12/02/21 ally expires at the end of five to Section 17913 of the Busistatement is true and correct. Name statement must be which it was filed in the office of Conducted through Online years from the date on which ness and Professions Code (A registrant who declares as filed before the expiration. the county clerk, except, as Auction Services of provided in subdivision (b) of Secit was filed in the office of the that the registrant know to be true any material matter purThe filing of this statement WWW.LOCKERFOX.COM, tion 17920, where it expires 40 clerk, except, as false is guilty of a misdesuant to Section 17913 of the does not of itself authorize with bids opening on or after Fic. Business Name county days after any change in the facts provided in subdivision (b) of meanor punishable by a fine Business and Professions the use in this state of a ficti12:00 pm on, November set forth in the statement pursuSection 17920, where it exnot to exceed one thousand Code that the registrant know tious business name in violaant to Section 17913 other than a 25th, 2021 and closing on or FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME pires 40 days after any dollars ($1,000)). REGISto be false is guilty of a mistion of the rights of another change in the residence address after 12:00pm, December STATEMENT FILE NO. change in the facts set forth TRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: demeanor punishable by a under federal, state, or comof a registered owner. a new Ficti2nd, 2020 2021248430 tious Business Name statement in the statement pursuant to Sebo Baghoomian TITLE: fine not to exceed one thoumon law (see Section 14411 The following person(s) is (are) must be filed before the expiration. Section 17913 other than a General Partner This statesand dollars ($1,000)). REet seq., Business and Profesdoing business as: 3RMA4DDD The Personal Goods Stored The filing of this statement does change in the residence adment was filed with the LA GISTRANT/CORP/LLC sions code). Publish: PasTV. 610 S. Coronado St., Apt. 304 Therein by the Following May not of itself authorize the use in Los Angeles, CA 90057. dress of a registered owner. County Clerk on: October 29, NAME: Steven Ariel Guzadena Weekly. Dates: this state of a fictitious business Include, but are not limited to: COUNTY: Los Angeles. REa new Fictitious Business 2021. NOTICE – in accordman. TITLE: Owner. This 11/04/21, 11/11/21, 11/18/21, name in violation of the rights of MISC. HOUSEHOLD GISTERED OWNER(S) Edgar Name statement must be ance with subdivision (a) of statement was filed with the 11/25/21 another under federal, state, or GOODS, PERSONAL Roberto Marroquin Aguilar, 610 S. common law (see Section 14411 filed before the expiration. Section 17920, a Fictitious LA County Clerk on: October ITEMS, FURNITURE, Coronado St., Apt. 304 Los FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME et seq., Business and Professions Name statement generally 20, 2021. NOTICE – in acThe filing of this statement Angeles, CA 90057. State of InCLOTHING AND/OR BUSIS T A T E M E N T F I L E N O . code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. expires at the end of five cordance with subdivision (a) does not of itself authorize corporation or LLC: California. NESS ITEMS/FIXTURES. 2021238926 Dates: 11/18/21, 11/25/21, THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCyears from the date on which of Section 17920, a Fictitious the use in this state of a fictiThe following person(s) is (are) 12/02/21, 12/09/21 TED BY an Individual. The date it was filed in the office of the Name statement generally tious business name in violadoing business as: AMERICAN PSA ALHAMBRA, 600 registrant commenced to transact county clerk, except, as expires at the end of five tion of the rights of another FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME PRESSURE CLEANING. 5535 SOUTH GARFIELD AVE. business under the fictitious busiSTATEMENT FILE NO. Canoga Ave., Unit #304 Woodin subdivision (b) of provided years from the date on which under federal, state, or comALHAMBRA, CA 91801 ness name or names listed above 0 2 1 2 3 8 2 6 8 2 land Hills, CA 91367. COUNTY: Section 17920, where it exit was filed in the office of the mon law (see Section 14411 on: 07/2021. I declare that all inThe following person(s) is (are) L o s A n g e l e s . R E G I S T E R E D pires 40 days after any county clerk, except, as et seq., Business and Profesformation in this statement is true Hossein Aghaei doing business as: C&C OWNER(S) Yizhak Sharon, 21201 and correct. (A registrant who dechange in the facts set forth provided in subdivision (b) of sions code). Publish: PasMARBLE, GRANITE AND TILE. Kittridge St. Woodland Hills, CA clares as true any material matter the statement pursuant to in Section 17920, where it exa d e n a W e e k l y . D a t e s : 1012 W. Beverly Blvd., Unit 869 91303, Cristian Josue Revolorio Ubpathum Wongchana pursuant to Section 17913 of the Section 17913 other than a pires 40 days after any 11/11/21, 11/18/21 11/25/21, Montebello, CA 90640. COUNTY: Recinos, 5535 Canoga Ave., Unit Business and Professions Code Los Angeles. REGISTERED #304 Woodland Hills, CA 91367. change in the residence adchange in the facts set forth 12/02/21 Purchases Must Be Made in that the registrant know to be false OWNER(S) Castles & Cottages THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCdress of a registered owner. in the statement pursuant to is guilty of a misdemeanor punishCash and Paid at the time of Construction and Remodeling Inc., TED BY a General Partnership. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME a new Fictitious Business Section 17913 other than a able by a fine not to exceed one Sale. All Goods are Sold as 1012 W. Beverly Blvd., Unit 869 The date registrant commenced to STATEMENT FILE NO. thousand dollars ($1,000)). REName statement must be change in the residence adMontebello, CA 90640. State of Intransact business under the ficti2021245511 is and must be Removed GISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: filed before the expiration. dress of a registered owner. corporation or LLC: California. tious business name or names lisThe following person(s) is (are) within 24 Hours of the time of Edgar Roberto Marroquin Aguilar. a new Fictitious Business The filing of this statement THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCted above on: 10/2021. I declare doing business as: AL-X LIMO. Purchase. PSA Self StorageTITLE: Owner. This statement BY a Corporation. The date TED that all information in this state1120 Thompson Ave. #9 GlendName statement must be does not of itself authorize Rosemead Reserves the was filed with the LA County Clerk registrant commenced to transact ment is true and correct. (A regisale, CA 91201. COUNTY: Los filed before the expiration. the use in this state of a fiction: November 12, 2021. NOTICE Right to Retract Bids. Sale is business under the fictitious busitrant who declares as true any Angeles. REGISTERED The filing of this statement business name in violatious – in accordance with subdivision Subject to Adjournment. ness name or names listed above material matter pursuant to SecOWNER(S) Gevorg Arakelyan, (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious does not of itself authorize tion of the rights of another on: 10/2021. I declare that all intion 17913 of the Business and 1120 Thompson Ave. #9 GlendName statement generally exunder federal, state, or comthe use in this state of a fictiformation in this statement is true Professions Code that the regisale, CA 91201. State of IncorporaPUBLISHED: Pasadena pires at the end of five years from mon law (see Section 14411 tious business name in violaand correct. (A registrant who detrant know to be false is guilty of a tion or LLC: California. THIS Weekly 11/18/21, 11/25/21 the date on which it was filed in clares as true any material matter misdemeanor punishable by a fine BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY et seq., Business and Profestion of the rights of another the office of the county clerk, expursuant to Section 17913 of the not to exceed one thousand dolan Individual. The date registrant sions code). Publish: Pasunder federal, state, or comNOTICE OF SALE OF cept, as provided in subdivision Business and Professions Code l a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . commenced to transact business adena Weekly. Dates: mon law (see Section 14411 (b) of Section 17920, where it exABANDONED PROPERTY that the registrant know to be false REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: under the fictitious business name pires 40 days after any change in 11/11/21, 11/18/21, 11/25/21, et seq., Business and Profesis guilty of a misdemeanor punishYizhak Sharon. TITLE: General or names listed above on: the facts set forth in the statement 12/02/21 sions code). Publish: PasNotice Is Hereby Given That able by a fine not to exceed one Partner. This statement was filed 01/2012. I declare that all informapursuant to Section 17913 other a d e n a W e e k l y . D a t e s : dollars ($1,000)). REthousand with the LA County Clerk on: tion in this statement is true and Pursuant To Sections 21700than a change in the residence FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME GISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: November 01, 2021. NOTICE – in correct. (A registrant who de11/04/21, 11/11/21, 11/18/21, 21716 Of The Business And address of a registered owner. a STATEMENT FILE NO. Hugo Castillo. TITLE: President, accordance with subdivision (a) of clares as true any material matter 11/25/21 Professions Code, Section new Fictitious Business Name 2021245509 Corp or LLC Name: Castles & Section 17920, a Fictitious Name pursuant to Section 17913 of the statement must be filed before the 2328 Of The UCC, Section The following person(s) is (are) Cottages Construction and Restatement generally expires at the Business and Professions Code FICTITIOUS BUSINESS expiration. The filing of this statedoing business as: CHEESE535 Of The Penal Code And modeling Inc. This statement was end of five years from the date on that the registrant know to be false NAME STATEMENT FILE ment does not of itself authorize BOAT & COFFEEHOUSE. 3350 Provisions Of The Civil Code, filed with the LA County Clerk on: which it was filed in the office of is guilty of a misdemeanor punishthe use in this state of a fictitious NO. 2021231632 Keystone Ave., #4 Los Angeles, November 01, 2021. NOTICE – in the county clerk, except, as able by a fine not to exceed one ALLEN AVENUE SELF business name in violation of the C A 90034. COUNTY: Los The following person(s) is accordance with subdivision (a) of provided in subdivision (b) of Secthousand dollars ($1,000)). RESTORAGE PASADENA, 234 rights of another under federal, Angeles. REGISTERED 17920, a Fictitious Name Section tion 17920, where it expires 40 (are) doing business as: ALL NAME: GISTRANT/CORP/LLC N. ALLEN AVE PASADENA state, or common law (see SecOWNER(S) Eka Ninua, Rebecca statement generally expires at the days after any change in the facts Gevorg Arakelyan. TITLE: Owner. STAR SERVICES. 8902 Bation 14411 et seq., Business and CA 91106, County Of Los Sanchez, 3350 Keystone Ave., #4 end of five years from the date on set forth in the statement pursuThis statement was filed with the chry Pl. Sunland, CA 91040. Professions code). Publish: PasLos Angeles, CA 90034. THIS Angeles, State Of California, which it was filed in the office of ant to Section 17913 other than a LA County Clerk on: November COUNTY: Los Angeles. REadena Weekly. Dates: 11/18/21, BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY Above Address Will Sell, To the county clerk, except, as change in the residence address 08, 2021. NOTICE – in accord11/25/21, 12/02/21, 12/09/21 G I S T E R E D O W N E R ( S ) a General Partnership. The date provided in subdivision (b) of Secof a registered owner. a new Fictiance with subdivision (a) of SecSatisfy Lien Of The Owner, registrant commenced to transact Robert Messersmith, Maria tion 17920, where it expires 40 tious Business Name statement tion 17920, a Fictitious Name At Public Sale. Auction to Be FICTITIOUS BUSINESS business under the fictitious busidays after any change in the facts must be filed before the expiration. Messersmith, 8902 Bachry generally expires at the statement Conducted Through Online ness name or names listed above NAME STATEMENT FILE set forth in the statement pursuThe filing of this statement does end of five years from the date on Pl. Sunland, CA 91040. State Auction Services of on: 10/2021. I declare that all inNO. 2021240308 ant to Section 17913 other than a not of itself authorize the use in which it was filed in the office of of Incorporation or LLC: Califormation in this statement is true WWW.LOCKERFOX.COM, change in the residence address this state of a fictitious business the county clerk, except, as The following person(s) is fornia. THIS BUSINESS IS and correct. (A registrant who dewith bids opening on of a registered owner. a new Fictiname in violation of the rights of provided in subdivision (b) of Sec(are) doing business as: ADCONDUCTED BY a Married clares as true any material matter tious Business Name statement another under federal, state, or tion 17920, where it expires 40 Thursday, December 2nd, VANCED RESTORATION & pursuant to Section 17913 of the Couple. The date registrant must be filed before the expiration. common law (see Section 14411 days after any change in the facts 2021 @ 12:00 pm ending on CONSTRUCTION. 1530 Business and Professions Code The filing of this statement does et seq., Business and Professions commenced to transact busiset forth in the statement pursuThursday, December 9th, that the registrant know to be false Poinsettia Pl., #345 Los not of itself authorize the use in code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. ant to Section 17913 other than a ness under the fictitious busi2021 at 12:00 p.m. is guilty of a misdemeanor punishAngeles, CA 90046. this state of a fictitious business Dates: 11/18/21, 11/25/21, change in the residence address ness name or names listed able by a fine not to exceed one name in violation of the rights of 12/02/21, 12/09/21 of a registered owner. a new FictiCOUNTY: Los Angeles. REabove on: 10/2021. I declare thousand dollars ($1,000)). REThe Personal Goods Stored another under federal, state, or tious Business Name statement GISTERED OWNER(S) TS that all information in this GISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME common law (see Section 14411 must be filed before the expiration. Therein by the Following May Home Development, 1530 Eka Ninua. TITLE: General Partstatement is true and correct. STATEMENT FILE NO. et seq., Business and Professions The filing of this statement does Include, but are not limited to: Poinsettia Pl., #345 Los ner. This statement was filed with 2021246883 code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. (A registrant who declares as not of itself authorize the use in MISC. HOUSEHOLD the LA County Clerk on: NovemAngeles, CA 90046. State of The following person(s) is (are) Dates: 11/18/21, 11/25/21, this state of a fictitious business true any material matter purGOODS, PERSONAL ber 08, 2021. NOTICE – in acbusiness as: BURGER doing Incorporation or LLC: Califor12/02/21, 12/09/21 name in violation of the rights of suant to Section 17913 of the cordance with subdivision (a) of ITEMS, FURNITURE, KING NO. 16563. 9909 Topanga another under federal, state, or nia. THIS BUSINESS IS Business and Professions Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Blvd., Unit 188 Chatsworth, CA CLOTHING AND/OR BUSIcommon law (see Section 14411 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS CONDUCTED BY a CorporaCode that the registrant know statement generally expires at the 91311. COUNTY: Los Angeles. et seq., Business and Professions NESS ITEMS ETC… NAME STATEMENT FILE tion. The date registrant comend of five years from the date on to be false is guilty of a misREGISTERED OWNER(S) AV code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. NO. 2021236716 menced to transact business which it was filed in the office of Management 10th L Inc., 9909 Todemeanor punishable by a Dates: 11/18/21, 11/25/21, List Customer names below: The following person(s) is the county clerk, except, as under the fictitious business panga Blvd., Unit 188 Chatsworth, 12/02/21, 12/09/21 fine not to exceed one thouprovided in subdivision (b) of Sec(are) doing business as: CA 91311. State of Incorporation name or names listed above sand dollars ($1,000)). REtion 17920, where it expires 40 Becerra, Roy or LLC: California. THIS BUSICALL ME PRETTY. 8834 on: 10/2021. I declare that all GISTRANT/CORP/LLC days after any change in the facts NESS IS CONDUCTED BY a CorGarcia, Danise Reseda Blvd., Unit 231 information in this statement NAME: Robert Messersmith. set forth in the statement pursuporation. The date registrant comMyles, Nicole N o r t h r i d g e , C A 9 1 3 2 4 . is true and correct. (A regisant to Section 17913 other than a TITLE: Owner. This statemenced to transact business unLee WEEKLY | 11.25.21 COUNTY: Los Angeles. REtrant who declares as true change in the residence address 18Paradise, PASADENA der the fictitious business name or ment was filed with the LA GISTERED OWNER(S) of a registered owner. a new Fictiany material matter pursuant names listed above on: N/A. I deCounty Clerk on: October 22, The following customers tious Business Name statement Sarah Sutakajana, Syuzclare that all information in this to Section 17913 of the Busi2021. NOTICE – in accordmust be filed before the expiration. could be in the December statement is true and correct. (A anna Rashoyan, Sebo Bagness and Professions Code ance with subdivision (a) of The filing of this statement does registrant who declares as true 2021 Auction as of this Nohoomian, 8834 Reseda Blvd., that the registrant know to be Section 17920, a Fictitious not of itself authorize the use in any material matter pursuant to tice of Sale Unit 231 Northridge, CA false is guilty of a misdethis state of a fictitious business Name statement generally Section 17913 of the Business 91324. State of Incorporameanor punishable by a fine name in violation of the rights of and Professions Code that the reexpires at the end of five Purchases Must Be Made in tion or LLC: California. THIS another under federal, state, or not to exceed one thousand gistrant know to be false is guilty years from the date on which Cash and Paid at the time of common law (see Section 14411 BUSINESS IS CONDUCof a misdemeanor punishable by a dollars ($1,000)). REGISit was filed in the office of the et seq., Business and Professions Sale.18All Goods are Sold as fine not to exceed one thousand TED BY a General PartnerPW-Class.indd 11/22/21 3:07 PM TRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: county clerk, except, as code). Publish: Pasadena Weekly. d o l l a r s ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) ) . is and must be Removed