10 minute read
I Am a COVID-19 Survivor, By Joyce Vissell
IN-CLUB AT-HOME NO MORE EXCUSES!After being so careful for nine months, my husband Barry mysteriously contacted the COVID-19 pray for me as I knew that this is a regular part of their lives. I asked everyone I could think of for help. This was both humbling vulnerability. But we sent it out and there was such a beautiful outpouring of love and prayers, and that energy helped me so ear, a prayer said for another, or the smallest act of caring all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” — Leo Buscaglia n By Joyce Vissell I Am a COVID-19 Survivor virus. Within days, he tested positive and and at the same time very empowering. It much. ••• within a few days after that, I tested pos- was humbling as I felt so vulnerable and Everything people did for me helped Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/therapist and itive as well. We never were in a gathering weak, and knew I sincerely needed help. It enormously. This was a time to not be alone psychiatrist couple since 1964, are counselors near of people of any size. We always wore our was empowering because I was reaching but to receive the love from others. This Santa Cruz who are passionate about conscious masks, washed our out and doing some- single step in reaching out and asking for relationship and personal-spiritual growth. They hands, used hand thing for myself. help was so vitally important in my sur- are the authors of 9 books. Call 831-684-2299 for sanitizer, and kept Barry then viving the virus. information on counseling sessions by phone, the required distance. asked me to do Another important thing I did was on-line, or in person, their books, recordings or And yet the virus something that to focus on what I have and what was their schedule of talks and workshops. Visit their found its way into our seemed absolutely working, instead of only dwelling upon lives. Barry had a mild case, but I got really impossible. Each week since the pan- the virus that was causing me to feel worse sick for more than four weeks. How did I survive this potentially deadly virus? There is much information on the internet on ways to take care of yourself medically if you test positive. These tips are extremely useful, like never lying on IN-CLUB AT-HOME In-club with a Coach At-home with a Coach IN-CLUB AT-HOME NO MORE EXCUSES! 6 WEEK CHALLENGE Strength Training / Run / Walk NO LONG-TERM COMMITMENT Risk-Free To Try! demic has started, we have been posting weekly short videos of inspiration and music on YouTube. We do not have a large following, maybe 150 people, but those people tell us that they look forward to the videos than I ever have before. In ten days, I lost 12 pounds and I felt like my body was starving. I could not eat anything, though I never lost my sense of smell and all foods smelled delicious. Then I discovered that I could eat a your back, and getting up and walking each Sunday. Barry asked me to do a certain kind of white rice called Congee. My FINISH THE YEAR STRONGER THAN EVER often. But in this article, I am giving ways video with him, and asked me to ask blessed neighbor Donna made it for me. I to help your spirit, for keeping your spirit for help on the video. At first, I said a could eat it and it made all of the difference. vital and alive is an important ingredient definite “No!” It felt too scary to actually I could not eat anything else but I could for healing. make a video with me feeling so sick and eat this very plain almost tasteless rice. I In-club with a Coach At-home with a Coach One important thing I did was to reach out and ask for help. I texted and emailed Take control of your health and fitness with In-club with a Coachwith a fever. Barry has gently pushed me into other focused on gratitude for the rice and tried to not focus on the many things I truly enjoy At-home with a Coach people I knew who believed in prayer, Curves in-club or at-home! Get up and get moving!things in my life that I had not wanted like salads. and I asked them to pray for me. In the to do out of fear, and I have felt grateful Even though my whole body felt horbeginning of my illness, I was so sick with fevers and a bad cough. I knew this virus can spread to the lungs so severely that within a matter of hours a person can die even before they make it to the hospital for help. It was a scary time for me. More than ever before in my life I knew that I needed the prayers and love from others. I texted my brother in Minnesota and asked him and his four children to COACHING in-club or virtual WORKOUT access to MyCurves On Demand and Curves Club EQUIPMENT included for home workouts EXERCISE SCIENCE Franchise opportunities available. For more information: Curves.com/BuyCurves © 2021 Curves. All Rights Reserved *Enrollment fee due up front and varies by location. O er based on first visit enrollment for a 12-month recurring billing fitness membership. Resistance band included with first month charge. Sales tax will be added and varies by location. Open to new and existing customers. Valid at participating locations only. Cannot be combined with any other o er or discount. No cash value. O er expires 12/31/21. Club instructions: Select 2021Hybrid Real Strength for Real Women FREE RESISTANCE BAND When you sign up for an In-Club & At-Home Membership! Call Us Today! Real Strength for Real Women * Combining an in-club Curves membership and MyCurves On Demand means you’ll get: ✓ COACHING in-club or virtual ✓ WORKOUT access to MyCurves On Demand and Curves Club ✓ EQUIPMENT included for home workouts ✓ EXERCISE SCIENCE with 28 years of research ✓ FUN, FAST, SAFE 30min total body workout FREE RESISTANCE BAND When you sign up for an In-Club & At-Home Membership! Call Us Today! 831.688.2348 7000 Soquel Dr. Aptos AptosCurves@gmail.com VALUED AT $30 IN-CLUB AT-HOME NO MORE EXCUSES! Franchise opportunities available. For more information: Curves.com/BuyCurves © 2021 Curves. All Rights Reserved *Enrollment fee due up front and varies by location. Offer based on first visit enrollment for a 12-month recurring billing fitness membership. Resistance band included with first month charge. Sales tax will be added and varies by location. Open to new and existing customers. Valid at participating locations only. Cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. No cash value. Offer expires 12/31/21. Club instructions: Select 2021Hybrid Real Strength for Real Women Combining an in-club Curves membership and MyCurves On Demand means you’ll get: ✓ COACHING in-club or virtual ✓ WORKOUT access to MyCurves On Demand and Curves Club ✓ EQUIPMENT included for home workouts ✓ EXERCISE SCIENCE with 28 years of research ✓ FUN, FAST, SAFE 30min total body workout FREE RESISTANCE BAND When you sign up for an In-Club & At-Home Membership! Call Us Today! Take control of your health and fitness with Curves in-club or at-home! Get up and get moving! * 831.688.2348 7000 Soquel Dr. Aptos AptosCurves@gmail.com VALUED AT $30 ✓ 6 Week Training Plan for All Fitness Levels ✓ Progress Chart for Tracking ✓ Access to MyCurves On Demand or Curves Gym Access ✓ Weekly Coaching ✓ Nutrition Program Optional Add-On LOOKING FOR 30 WOMEN BY WHO WANTTO CHANGE THEIR RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY! afterward. So I trusted him and said I would do it. I spoke about feeling sick with the COVID virus and needing prayers and support. But then Barry put his hand on my heart and asked people to pray for me while they were watching the video. I started to cry and the fullness of my vulnerability was seen right there on the video. When we turned off the camera, I felt embarrassed to have shown so much * rible, I could still breathe on my own and that one fact caused me to feel gratitude almost every hour. In so many ways all of my body was very sick, but I could breathe and that was the one thing that I focused all of my gratitude on. The times that I gave in to just focusing on how really sick and sad I felt, those were very difficult times in the day. But if I could keep up a steady flow of gratitude, my days and my difficulties with the virus were manageable. And then also so important was to receive all of the love and support that was given. I kept up a steady flow of gratitude Franchise opportunities available. For more information: to each person who reached out to me and with 28 years of Curves.com/BuyCurves Locally Owned and Operated research *Enrollment fee due up front and varies by location. Offer based on first visit enrollment for a 12-month recurring billing fitness membership. Resistance band included with 7000 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA ZIP 831.688.2348when I was just too sick, I would lie in bed FUN, FAST, SAFE first month charge. Sales tax will be added and varies by location. Open to new and existing customers. Valid at participating locations only. Cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. No cash value. Offer expires 12/31/21. Club instructions: Select 2021Hybrid In-club with a Coach At-home with a Coachand think of people who I knew loved me © 2021 Curves. All Rights Reserved and were sending me their prayers and love. 30 minutes total body Receiving this love into my heart was such a workout Locally Owned and Operated * 7000 Soquel Dr. Aptos, CA 95003 (831) 688-2348Combining an in-club Curves membership and MyCurves On Demand means you’ll get: ✓ COACHING in-club or virtual ✓ WORKOUT access to MyCurves On Demand and Curves Club FREE RESISTANCE BAND Call Us Today! Take control of your health and fitness with Curves in-club or at-home! Get up and get moving! 831.688.2348 7000 Soquel Dr. Aptos VALUED AT $30 Ask us what’s new at Curves! New Services Now Available! Franchise opportunities available. For more information: Curves.com/BuyCurves *Offer expires 12/31/20. Available to new members, who sign up for a 6-week Curves Fitness membership, payable up front in full at the time of signing. 6-week Curves Fitness membership valid only at the club where the membership is purchased. Offer excludes CurvesSmart® and Curves Nutrition Program. Valid at participating locations only. Cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. No cash value. Always consult your primary care provider before beginning a new exercise plan. © 2020 Curves. All Rights Reserved. aptoscurves@gmail.com blessing. And the most important of all was to focus on God’s love for me and the steady feeling of caring. I thought of other very difficult and challenging times in my life and ✓ EQUIPMENT included for home workouts ✓ EXERCISE SCIENCE with 28 years of research ✓ FUN, FAST, SAFE 30min total body workout When you sign up for an In-Club & At-Home Membership! AptosCurves@gmail.com www.facebook.com/CurvesAptos realized I had received help, and this time I Real Strength for Real Womenwas also. So, to the unseen presence of God Franchise opportunities available. For more information: Curves.com/BuyCurves and to the many who prayed for me and did *Enrollment fee due up front and varies by location. Offer based *Enrollment fee due up front and varies by location. Offer based on first visit enrollment for a 12-month recurring billing fitness membership. Resistance band included with first month charge. Sales tax will be added and varies by location. Open to new and existing customers. Valid at participating locations only. Cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. No cash value. Offer expires 12/31/21. Club instructions: Select 2021Hybrid small acts of kindness, I give you my deepest on fi rst visit enrollment for a 12-month recurring billing fi tness membership. Resistance band included with fi rst month charge. © 2021 Curves. All Rights Reserved gratitude. You made all the difference. Sales tax will be added and varies by location. Open to new and existing customers. Valid at participating locations only. Cannot be “Too often we underestimate the power combined with any other offer or discount. No cash value. Offer expires 12/31/21. Club instructions: Select 2021Hybrid. of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening © 2021 Curves. All Rights Reserved