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CASA of Santa Cruz County Turns 30, By June Smith • Sean & Grace
CASA of Santa Cruz County Turns 30
By June Smith
Aspecial celebration to honor Court Appointed Special Advocates is planned for Saturday, June 18, from noon to 4 p.m. at Aptos Village Park, featuring food, drinks, music, dancing, and games. For 30 years, the staff and volunteers have worked tirelessly to insure that children and youth who have been abused or neglected can have a voice in Dependency Court.
CASA Executive Director Lynne Petrovic says that plans are underway to expand their work to youth on probation. “Currently, we serve those newly placed through our Juvenile Justice Pilot Project, a research project we are undertaking with California CASA to study the effects of pairing court-appointed Advocates with this vulnerable population. Starting in July, the Juvenile Court Judge will be able to assign Advocates to youth outside of the pilot project. We are eager to work with these partners in probation so that these youth can be offered an Advocate, and we can serve more youth in our community. We continue to improve services by signing an agreement with Encompass Community Services’ Head Start Program to ensure that children in foster care receive free early education services. These services are essential to supporting the children to overcome any negative effects of the trauma they have experienced and to thrive in school.”
The CASA House continues to be full of activity.
Petrovic says, “It’s a privilege to
The CASA house serves as a meeting place for families and Advocates.
offer families a safe space. In addition to our youth playing, reading, and baking cookies, their parents and resource families also use the house. For example, parents have connected with their child’s Advocate for the first time to learn about CASA. A resource family has come with an infant’s Advocate to attend court over Zoom from their library. It’s a privilege to offer families a safe space at the CASA House.”
In an ongoing commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and to include diverse perspectives in decisionmaking they have brought on two new staff who are committed to these DEI values. Karen Silva, the new program assistant, joined CASA because as she states, “CASA gave me a voice as a youth when I didn’t have one and I want to do the same for others.” Judy Russell, a part-time events coordinator, was also welcomed. Due to the Omicron coronavirus variant, the annual “For the Love of Children” luncheon was canceled, but supporters stepped up to replenish the Children’s Fund, which includes the scholarship and independent fund for older youth.
Santa Cruz resident and former Advocate Charmaine Kelly is especially looking forward to the celebration party. As a child in the foster care system, she spent 16 years in two different homes and has intimate knowledge of what it means to be separated from her birth family.
“As an adult, I wanted to join an organization where I could volunteer my time to children and youth who were going through an experience not so dissimilar to mine,” she said. “I outreached to Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Santa Cruz County, went through the training with an inspirational group of people, and was sworn in as a CASA in 2009. I became a CASA to a 13-year-old girl and for the four years that followed I stood by her side through many changes in her life. I spoke on her behalf in court, assisted in the multiple moves to different foster homes, while it was not the norm, I was able to hold her educational rights, though not all Advocates are required to do so, and helped navigate what was new at the time, such as the AB 12 (Extended Foster Care Program and Benefits,) to continue with a supportive structure until she turned 21. The experience left me forever changed in a positive way, one that I will always cherish.” n •••
CASA of Santa Cruz County, 813 Freedom Boulevard, Watsonville, CA 95076. 831-761-2956. https://casaofsantacruz.org
Sean & Grace Venus: New Owners at Café Rio
Jeanne Harrison, longtime owner of
Café Rio & Flats Bistro, is selling her operation at 131 Esplanade, Aptos, to Sean & Grace Venus, who own Venus Spirits Cocktails + Kitchen on the Santa Cruz Westside. Venus Spirits hopes to open the Aptos location mid-June, after a brief closure for some cosmetic touch-ups. Here’s Jeanne’s s good-bye post: “After decades of fun and good times
Jeanne Harrison with Cafe Rio and Flats Bistro, the time has come for me to retire! My long-time friends, Sean and Grace Venus, of Venus Spirits and Kitchen will be the new owners. Its difficult to leave the businesses that I love however, the time is right, the buyers are local, and their vision for the future is bright.
I am grateful to the many people who were instrumental in building the businesses alongside me-to ourstaff and suppliers- you were the anchors that got us through the pandemic. Your support and willingness to always go the extra mile will never be forgotten.
To the customers who have supported Cafe Rio and Flats Bistro for the past decades- THANK YOU! Your loyalty is extraordinary. During the good times and the tough times, you were always there. It has been an honor to watch your families grow and celebrate your special occasions.
It is my hope that you welcome my friends with the same enthusiasm you have shown me.
To Sean and Grace, Best wishes for a thriving future in the Rio Del Mar Flats.” n