9 minute read



Upcoming Events


Wednesday, Feb. 1 • 10:30 a.m.

Capitola Book Discussion Group (Z) led by Dian Duchin Reed

Wednesday, Feb. 1 • 7 p.m.

A Talk with the Author (H)

From her home in Los Angeles, Mary Coin author Marisa Silver talks about creating the fictional world of an iconic image.

Watch online at home or join us in the Ow Family Community Room of Capitola Library, 2005 Wharf Road, Capitola, with moderator Geneffa Jonker, Cabrillo College English professor.

Sponsored by Friends of the Capitola Library.

Sunday, Feb. 5 • 3 p.m.

Concert: Songs We Sang in the Great Depression

“Going Down the Road Feeling Bad,” “Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime,” “If You Ain’t Got the Do Re Mi” (In-person only)

Join local singers Aileen Vance, Bob Reid & Judi Jaeger, Jack Bowers & Vicki Coffis at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, 2402 Cabrillo College Drive, Soquel, for a live concert of songs that deepen our understanding of the world of Mary Coin and millions of other Dust Bowl migrants.

Host Julie Olsen Edwards

Tuesday, Feb. 7 • 5:30 p.m

Workshop: “Our Community Writes” (H)

Here’s your chance to create flash fiction, miniessays, or poetry based on the world of Mary Coin. Using evocative prompts and plenty of encouragement, writer June Langhoff and members of the Monterey/Santa Cruz chapter of Shut Up & Write will focus on the joy of the creative process at Fireside Room, Scotts Valley Library, 251 Kings Village Road, Scotts Valley.

Writer fuel will be provided.

Sponsored by the Friends of the Scotts Valley Library.

Thursday, Feb. 9 • 6:30 p.m.

Panel: “The Photographer’s Eye” (H) Fireside Room, Scotts Valley Library, 251 Kings Village Road, Scotts Valley.

Local photographers Shmuel Thaler, Kevin Painchaud, and Mary Altier will talk about their work, show examples, and contrast their experience with that of earlier photographers like Dorothea Lange. Moderated by Jim Bourne, whose photographs are on exhibit in the library through March 2023. Refreshments served.

Sponsored by the Friends of the Scotts Valley Library.

Saturday, Feb. 11 • 1 p.m.

Hands-on Art Event

In-person only at Live Oak Grange, 1900 17th Ave, Santa Cruz

Using the medium of collage, participants will create an “extended” pencil drawing using a photo of the Dust Bowl era to which a six-word memoir is added for deeper meaning.

Presenters Jo-Neal Graves and Sharon Ferguson, Open Studios artists and art educators, will provide background information, drawing pointers, memoir development, and lots of encouragement.

No prior skills necessary to be successful.

Thursday, Feb. 16 • 6:30 p.m.

Panel: “Farm to Table: Smooth Road or Bumps Along the Way?” (H)

Temple Beth El Social Hall, 3055 Porter Gulch Road, Aptos.

Panelists will compare the working conditions of today’s farmworkers to the conditions of the Depression era, look at labor issues from a historical perspective, and show how best practices are being applied in today’s farming.

Dr. Ann López, Executive Director of the Center for Farmworker Families, Dick Peixoto, owner of Lakeside Organic Gardens, Peter Shapiro, author of Song of the Stubborn One Thousand: The Watsonville Canning Strike, 1985-87.

Alicia Bencomo Garcia (Professor of Ethnic Studies, Cabrillo College), is the moderator.

Sponsored by Friends of the Aptos Library.

Sunday, Feb. 19 • 1 p.m. Film: “The Grapes of Wrath”

In-person only, La Selva Beach Library, 316 Estrella Ave. Topsy Smalley, Librarian with a special interest in Steinbeck, introduces John Ford’s classic adaptation of the immortal Steinbeck novel.

Sponsored by Friends of La Selva Beach Library. •••

To register: Go to www.SantaCruzPL.org and click on Calendar at the top of the home page. Scroll the Calendar page to the event you want to attend and click the link for the name of the event. You will find registration instructions.

NOTE: This calendar is as accurate as was possible at the time of printing. For the most up-to-date Our Community Reads info, go to www.FriendsofAptosLibrary.org

Watsonville Seat Open On Cabrillo Board

Due to the resignation of Felipe Hernandez, a vacancy exists in the seat representing Area V (Watsonville) of the Board of Trustees of the Cabrillo Community College District.

Anyone interested in serving can submit a brief statement of interest and qualifications by noon Friday, Feb. 10.

Statements may be submitted via email to Ronnette Smithcamp, executive assistant to the superintendent/ president (rosmithc@cabrillo.edu), or in person at Cabrillo College Student Activities Center, West Room 203, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos.

The provisional appointment will begin immediately following selection by the Board of Trustees at a special meeting at Cabrillo’s Watsonville Center, 6 p.m. on Feb. 27. The appointee will fill the position until the next regular election in November 2024.

Call the Santa Cruz County Office of Elections at 454-2060 to verify whether you reside and are registered to vote in Trustee Area V.

Hearts For The Arts Silent Auction

Spectra and Mariposa Arts, 1368 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz Hearts for the Arts is back!

ARTISANS & agency owner Linnaea Holgers James will, once again, host this popular fundraiser at her shop in downtown Santa Cruz for arts education programs, Spectra and Mariposa Arts

The 2023 Hearts for the Arts silent auction runs from Feb. 1 through 13, when artists’ work will be featured in the shop. The auction of love-themed art will be part of the First Friday Art Tour on Feb. 3, and through an Artists’ Reception from 3-5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 5. Bidding closes at 5 p.m. Feb. 13.

Many items will be priced $150 or less — wonderful gifts for loved ones on Valentine’s Day.


Habitat for Humanity Monterey Bay opens the application window on Friday, Jan. 27 for the final home in the Rodeo Creek Court development located in Live Oak. This unit is

February 1st 2023 / Aptos Times www.tpgonlinedaily.com single-family, 3-bedroom, 2-bath and is ADA compliant.

The application window will close on Mon., Feb. 17. Orientation workshops are scheduled in Feb. 1 and 2 to learn what you need to know.

You may qualify for homeownership if:

• You are a first-time homebuyer

• Your gross annual income is within 50 - 80% of Santa Cruz County AMI Limits. For a 3-person household, this is $70,000 to $112,000; the limit is based on number of people in the household.

• You have a need for an ADA-compliant home

• Your credit score is 620 or higher

• You are willing to partner with Habitat for Humanity through sweat equity. For an application, see https://www.habitatmontereybay.com/ applications

Ag Scholarship Deadline Extended

Due to the extreme weather in our area, the deadline to apply for the five Agri-Culture college scholarships has been extended to Friday, Feb. 3.

The scholarships are for students entering or currently attending college and majoring in agriculture, animal science or culinary arts. They are:

Jimmie Cox Memorial Scholarship • Jeannie Witmer Memorial Scholarship: • J.J. Crosetti, Jr. Memorial Scholarship • Laura Brown Memorial Scholarship • Frank Prevedelli Memorial Scholarship

The eligibility for the scholarships is listed on the application.: http://www.agri-culture.us/scholarships/

To request an application, contact the Financial Aid office at your school or the Agri-Culture office, 141 Monte Vista Ave., Watsonville, (831) 722-6622 or (831) 818-1193 Email: agri-culture@ sbcglobal.net. Applications also are at: www.agri-culture.us


Big Creek Lumber will be offering the McCrary Family Scholarship for the third consecutive year to graduating high school seniors who will be pursuing careers in the skilled trades or forestry.

Past scholarship recipients are invited to apply for a one-time scholarship renewal for continued support of their education.

The 2022 scholarship winners were Kyle Nee and Griffin Spooner, both residents of Santa Cruz County. To apply see: www.bigcreeklumber.com/scholarships


Bay Federal Credit Union’s Education Scholarship is for students pursuing education and career training opportunities after high school. Up to three applicants will receive $1,500 to pay for expenses directly related to their continuing education.

Those who wish to be considered for an award must meet all eligibility requirements. Applicants must submit a completed 2023 Education Scholarship Application and all required documents by 11:59 p.m. Friday, March 17.

Award recipients will be notified via phone call and/or email by April 28.

See the 2023 Student Scholarship Application for complete details and rules. Questions? Email scholarship@bayfed.com.

Ongoing Events

Ongoing thru February 19

ACTORS’ THEATRE: NEW 8 TENS PLAY FESTIVAL 8 p.m., Thursdays thru Saturdays • 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, Santa Cruz Center Street Theatre, 1001 Center St.

After nearly a year without new shows, the Santa Cruz

Actors’ Theatre is kicking off the 2023 season with its popular 8 Tens @ 8 Short Play Festival — 16 new productions Jan. 20 through Feb. 19.

The new plays, selected from nearly 260 submissions coming from across the country, will alternate Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., with additional Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. The weekend shows will feature one line-up at 2 p.m., and another selection at 8 p.m., allowing theater fans to see all 16 plays on the same day.

All performances will be in the Santa Cruz Center Street Theatre, 1001 Center St.

Playgoers will be required to wear a mask in the theatre and lobby areas, but proof of vaccination is not required. Tickets are $32 general, $29 for students and seniors. Thursday performances offer a discount: Two tickets for the price of one. A package deal for both shows is $58 general, $54 students and seniors. For the play lineup and tickets, see: www.santacruzactorstheatre.org/tickets



10:30 a.m.-Noon, Capitola Branch Library, 2005 Wharf Road

The Capitola Branch Library will host Bridge Club sessions on Mondays (except holidays).

Everyone is welcomed from beginners to social players. Make new friends and sharpen your mind. Bridge Club is a partnership between Santa Cruz County Parks and Santa Cruz Public Libraries. Register at scparks.com or in-person the day of the event.

Second and Fourth Saturday


1-2:30 p.m., La Selva Beach Library, 316 Estrella Ave. and Online

Dr. Robert Strayer, Ph.D of European and African history, presents a series of six illustrated talks dealing with topics in world history and implications for the present. These free events take place in January, February, and March via Zoom and at the La Selva Beach Library.

Jan. 28: Commerce, Culture and Connection: Early Globalization

Feb. 11: The Industrial Revolution: Origins and Outcomes

Feb. 25: Fascism and Communism: Comparing Revolutionary Movements in the 20th Century March 11: Religious Fundamentalism in the 20th century: Christian, Islamic, Jewish, and Hindu March 25: Feminism in the Modern World: Challenges to Patriarchy

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85086826725

See: santacruzpl.org/calendar.

Dated Events

Friday February 3


3:45-4:15, Music Building, VAPA 5000, Cabrillo College, 6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos

(First classes follow audition)

The Cabrillo Youth Strings Music Program’s spring semester begins with auditions for the Festival Strings and Cabrillo Strings classes.

String Orchestra Classes will be held for 9 weeks on consecutive Fridays in the Music Building. An entrylevel class, 4th-6th grade Beginning Strings (for violin/ viola/cello) will also be offered.

Auditions for Festival Strings (beginning note-readers) and Cabrillo Strings (intermediate-advanced) will be followed by a rehearsal. Festival Strings classes will meet 4:15-5:45 p.m. and Cabrillo Strings will meet 4:15-5:55 p.m. Beginning Strings will meet 4-5:15 p.m. Students must provide their own instruments and bring pencils. Covid-19 distancing will be followed. Students and parents must wear masks outside and inside the music building except when alone.

The concluding concert will be Fri., April 14 at 7 p.m.

String players ages 5 to18 are welcome to join the string orchestral and chamber music programs.

To participate or make a contribution, call (831) 4796101, email CabrilloYouthStrings@gmail.com or visit https://www.cabrillo.edu/cabrillo-youth-strings. Register through Cabrillo Extension, 479-6331, or extension. cabrillo.edu before the first class.

Wednesdy February 8


11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Seascape Golf Club, 610 Clubhouse Drive, Aptos

The Friends of CASA invite you to its annual “For the Love of Children” luncheon in the newly renovated events room at Seascape Golf Club.

This luncheon, where the community comes together to learn more about CASA, raises money for the CASA Children’s Fund.

The fund is used by our volunteer Advocates to purchase special and essential items such as bicycles, gymnastic and swimming classes, summer camp, back-to-school clothing, eyeglasses, braces, and strollers.

The fund also helps older youth with critical support such as car repairs, clothes for job interviews and tutoring.

Learn more about CASA of Santa Cruz County and the CASA Children’s Fund while enjoying a plated lunch. Reserve tickets by Jan. 25 at www.casaofsantacruz.org/ fortheloveofchildren or contact Magi Diego at 831-761-2956 x106 or magi@casaofsantacruz.org.

Thursday February 9


7 p.m., Scotts Valley Cultural & Performing Arts Center, 251B Kings Village Road

“Foolish Doom” is a tragic comedy about the climate debate with Peter Sweet & Leonie Baker and directed by Matteo Destro. It will be presented at the Scotts Valley Cultural & Performing Arts Center (next to Scotts Valley Library)

This is a fantastical mix of mask theater, music, and puppetry for children and adults.

Admission: Children, $10; students & seniors $20, adults $30.

For tickets see www.svctheaterguild.org

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